I fucking hate moderators

This would be a lot easier if you weren't a complete tard that is acting out because the world doesn't love him, back your shit up you fucking loser or maybe you simply can't because you're pulling this out of your ass. The great molester has no debating skills whatsoever it would seem and quite a shame too, it would be fun to let him remind everyone of why he is indeed a helmet wearing ******.

I couldn't agree with you anymore than I possibly do now. At this point your sandy vag has turned muddy.

lol A re you that much of a fucking idiot that you can not realise in your own post the hypocrise and mutual truths we share? Do you honestly need me to point out every little fucking about you lazy monkey.

Dude excellent insult right here, changing what I said. You're really intelligent (sarcasm-if you don't notice it). Another hypocritical statement from Enterme. You're embarrassing yourself dude just give up.
lol A re you that much of a fucking idiot that you can not realise in your own post the hypocrise and mutual truths we share? Do you honestly need me to point out every little fucking about you lazy monkey.

How the fuck does one point out every little fucking about someone? Didn't even know fucking could be tiny but you really are just teaching me all sorts of new shit. What you consider hypocritical that I said probably won't seem hypocritical to me so please enlighten me wonder boy, show me the "error of my ways" and then I'll stop bothering you but til then every time you are too lazy or inept to back up your claims I will be here to shoot you down.

Dude excellent insult right here, changing what I said. You're really intelligent (sarcasm-if you don't notice it). Another hypocritical statement from Enterme. You're embarrassing yourself dude just give up.

Alright now you're just giving off more closeted hints, this guy really does want me to enter him forcefully up the butt. What a cock muncher. You really do post just to see the pretty little letters that you can jumble together don't you?

I'm really not the only one when it comes to hurt ********s. Enterkey is just as guilty as me.

I'm not really butthurt, I'm just looking for some fucking debate on a fucking forum and all you're giving me is generalized statements and the same shit over and over again.
How the fuck does one point out every little fucking about someone? Didn't even know fucking could be tiny but you really are just teaching me all sorts of new shit. What you consider hypocritical that I said probably won't seem hypocritical to me so please enlighten me wonder boy, show me the "error of my ways" and then I'll stop bothering you but til then every time you are too lazy or inept to back up your claims I will be here to shoot you down.

Alright now you're just giving off more closeted hints, this guy really does want me to enter him forcefully up the butt. What a cock muncher. You really do post just to see the pretty little letters that you can jumble together don't you?

I'm not really butthurt, I'm just looking for some fucking debate on a fucking forum and all you're giving me is generalized statements and the same shit over and over again.

I don't want you to me enter me forcefully you fucking freak. You fucking ****e.

Oh please motherfucker your ******** is bleeding right now.
I don't want you to me enter me forcefully you fucking freak. You fucking ****e.

Oh please motherfucker your ******** is bleeding right now.

Not really, you don't have the skill to do that as all you do is say the same shit over and over and then hide behind your closet door while you slip more and more subconscious hints. Thought this would nearly be as fun as messing with Jenks but yet again I am disappointed by the lack of ability of the noob mod hating tards. Should have known that you guys have no potential.

You want fucking deabte then go in one of them tournaments you fucking trool ****e

The cage is a perfect place for debate, the elimination of the majority of the rules allows anyone to debate with anyone else topics such as these without regulation but I'm guessing you don't really want to debate me because you have nothing to say other than "it's the fucking facts, all the hypocrisy in your posts are totally hypocritical... it's there and if you don't believe me blindly then you're a big mean dumby, blah blah blah blah blah whine whine whine enterkey is stupid cause he doesn't like me and I'll never have his respect cause I'm a total tool and will never recover from my ginger syndrome." Spare me bitch if you could debate you would have a long time ago instead of dodging the questions. Whenever you want to actually debate something I'll be more than happy to tell you why everyone here thinks you're an idiotic whiny bitch.
LESNAR! I'm calling your bitch ass out! Make a fucking alt during a time period I might actually be on, you fucking pussy! You've had this beatdown coming for a long time, and I'm sick of you dodging me!

I know 1005 fucking holds, and I will use every single one of them once I get my hands on you! I can break your kneecaps just by touching them! I can make your eyes melt just by thinking it! And your arms will be non-existent after the 503 armbars I put on them!

Fuck you. I've always explained my positions and I don't need some fucking wanker riling me up.

Well your positions are shit. Nazi MODS!!!! Yeah, follow the rules, you know, where you post in the correct sections or take a position on a topic and then provide one fucking reason as to why you take that position. That is just way too hard to do. The mods and Admins should be even more lax than they already are because stupid douchenoggers like you can't follow the simplest of rules. It makes so much sense that they should do what you say and not do what they've done for over a year to make this the best wrestling forum on the internet. You're a fucking moron, probably inbred, and need to die so you don't spread your seed of stupidity.
Bill Lesnar is gonna make ZeroVX famous.

Bitch, I don't need Loud-Mouthed Jobber #1364 to make me famous! If he's lucky, and I mean luckier than someone wearing a necklace of four-leaf clovers, a horseshoe on each limb, two bracelets of rabbit's feet, and sipping a Shamrock Shake, then maybe, MAYBE, he'll gain a little bit of notoriety after I make him a goddamn paraplegic!

Do all your talking now Zero, cause when Bill Lesnar finally returns, the Hype will swallow you whole my friend.

Just like when Milenko "experiments" with his other Juggalos in his shed.
You know someone is grasping at straws when they bring your sexuality into the discussion.

Macca give eveyone an early christmas present and tongue kiss a shotgun.
Do all your talking now Zero, cause when Bill Lesnar finally returns, the Hype will swallow you whole my friend.

The only thing the Hype will swallow is your semen, because that can be the only logical reason you would continue to support Lesnar for this long! And I suggest you watch your back, Macca, because destroying Lesnar won't even get me warmed up. Just sayin'.


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