I fucking hate moderators

You don't work and you're not accepted here.

You post on your own pro-wrestling fantasies that make no sense to nobody but you. It's not even the good shit too, like Lita getting tag-teamed by La Resistance or something like that.

Are you making sense now? When have I posted any wrestling fantasy? I haven't even made a post about Lita. Why do you come here when you are drunk?
Another chance for Bill and Jenks? What, were the other 56 and a half chances they got not enough?

No, the thing is they never got a chance past their first one. The fact is a lot of posters are just straight out-right banned when really it would make more sense to put them in Prison and have hem play with the rest of the Kindergardeners.
Are you making sense now? When have I posted any wrestling fantasy? I haven't even made a post about Lita. Why do you come here when you are drunk?

If you're going to imagine wrestling fan-fictions and wish to share them with all of us, at least put in some soft-core porn to warm us up to it.
alt=perma ban

how is this hard to understand. The fact that Sly is even considering bring them back is astonishing
If you're going to imagine wrestling fan-fictions and wish to share them with all of us, at least put in some soft-core porn to warm us up to it.

I cannot remember any fan fictions that I wrote. Have some proof, Mr Douche?

Maybe you should stop having cyber sex with Bill Lesnar when you post here.
Because maybe he realizes it's time to have a little shake-up.

God forbid if someone were to break a rule on the interwebs, Milenko. I thought you juggalos were all anti-establishment?
Or we could just forgo the public opinion half of the process because your opinion isn't worth a quarter of what you think it is.

That's actually a funny comment. Are you the pot and I'm the kettle, or the other way around?

Everyone's opinion would count equally here. That way, my little vote would count for just as much as even your's would. And we would see in post form what I think we'll ultimately see, that there will be a clear consensus about whether people even want them to come back or not. But ultimately, it's the discretion of the admins and mods, that's why they get paid the big bucks :)
From now until Bill Lesnar is reinstated, Coco The Monkey is going to make all his posts speaking in the third person and bringing the hype. You better watch out, because Coco The Monkey is coming in for a landing and PROVING A POINT!
Well, at least you are literate.

Coco The Monkey thinks Killjoy needs to appreciate that they had 56 alts, not 56 chances. Coco The Monkey also think you need to clean the special sauce out of your faded Wolfpac shirt and if you don't clean up your act, he'll do it for you!
Why bring my prized Wolfpac shirt into this? Better yet, why do you even remember these things? Killjoy thinks you should just move on. And I agree with him.
The only way I would ever accept any of the people mentioned here coming back would be if they were placed in Prison for life.

I have to admit, the thought of taunting them to no visible end is very entertaining.
Could any 1 give me a wz history lesson and inform me how sly became so in charge. is he the creator? btw I'm loving how much negative rep i've gotten for this thread
Coco The Monkey says that your real enemey is Chris Cash. Coco The Monkey says Chris Cash is the architect.

This thread is causing brilliance and convulsions all at once, and HOLY CRAP! Macca is serious about something in the f*cking Cage?!?!

Chris Cash didn't create WrestleZone. He's an employee of Crave Media which owns the main site and, by virtue of that fact, the adjoined forums. Some dude named Brian - if I remember correctly - made it and, metaphorically speaking, fucked off and took the keys with him.
Coco The Monkey says Chris Cash is Brian, Sam.

Coco The Monkey is impressed with how many names he got into such a short sentence.
Coco The Monkey says READ THE THREAD, CRETIN! Coco The Monkey says that if you do not cease to ask stupid questions that he will wrap Killjoy's special sauce stained Wolfpac shirt around your throat and hurl you across the arena like he's a Hernandez/T-Rex hybrid while the crowd bellows and roars for him to finish you! CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!!

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