I fucking hate moderators

DirtyJosé;2664320 said:
You are such a fucking loser.

If you really are that stupid to think bringing transparency is going to improve anything, or that making us a part of the decision process will do anything but cause problems no one is interested in dealing with, I'd suggest you go ahead and find that early 90's model Dodge Caravan and start camping out in it, because your future is likely due to take you to living on the street and bathing in public showers. You may as well get used to meth now, too, while you're at it.

Do you believe everything someone tells you online?

Doug and I took turns sodomizing your drugged grandmother watching ROH on four different screens, champ. That doesn't simply "seem serious"; that IS SERIOUS.

I'm surprised you actually thought I was serious with that entire statement, to which I assure you I'm not. The forum is far to jovial to be considered worthy of peoples time in a serious sense.

That's why it was a fucking question you fucking inbred Latin chihuahua pleasuerer. My grandmother was a prostitute during the Soviet occupation after WW2 so you and your disadvantaged friend have fun dealing with Russian herpes. You cunt leech.
I'm surprised you actually thought I was serious with that entire statement, to which I assure you I'm not. The forum is far to jovial to be considered worthy of peoples time in a serious sense.

That's why it was a fucking question you fucking inbred Latin chihuahua pleasuerer. My grandmother was a prostitute during the Soviet occupation after WW2 so you and your disadvantaged friend have fun dealing with Russian herpes. You cunt leech.
This seems to be your calling card. You make a really stupid fuzz and then you say you weren't serious. Sing a new song, parrot.
I do not understand what their objective is. This is a wrestling site and anything wrestling related should be allowed within reason. These people are absurd with their rules and how they act. I'm constantly suspended and they brutalize my rep pts. (they think suspending me bothers me) I'm 21 I could go get drunk and a get a girl drunk enough if you know what I mean instead. And after I get that girl good to go and have fun with her you know what I like to do..... go on wrestlezone and enjoy wrestling. I'll make a post or start a series... but the doctor or klunderbunker will act higher then god and move my remarks or ban me again. My anti moderator feelings were finnaly noticed when I was invited to the cage today, and my wrath begins now. These moderators go to far. Why do they need to be here. If you dont like what you see, scroll down.
As of right now I started two of the most popular threads currently going on wrestlezone, Jeff Jarret , and should kncockouts main event. Getting countless hits and posts, and today I get this message.
klunderbunker rights this to me in a message. awful, insulting....WOW. Go back to school or something but go. for no reason.
Why do they feel the need to be deushes.....
I dont get it.

Down with the moderators.... give wrestlezone back to the fans.

If you like this message give me bad rep... Fuck klunderbunker,the brain, mightynorcal, and Dman.
IDR and the doctor are good guys, Ferbian is alright to.....
Other moderators shove it
Shout out to touch by an angel

I honestly don't know how much longer it can last without the third leg of the tripod. The Warrior of Hype & HIGH IMPACT. You know who, the man deserves a spot in the Prison. I came around. And even you can't doubt the man's tentacity, it's the Internet, it won't keep you up at night. And I sure there's some good medication for KB to get a good night's sleep as well.
Nah, man, that dude was just bringing you down. He was the anchor, your albatross. You're far better off without him.

But, I'll take your recommendation under consideration. I've actually been considering both him and Jenks for a possible trial run in the Prison. I don't know if they could handle it though.

Man, are you seriously that worried about the cretins that roam this site having a mindfart over such a thing?
Nah, I don't really care much what you think about it.

Since just a few posts ago, you were one of those people you now label "cretin".

That reminds me, what were you thinking of making that twat-waffle IC25 an admin as well?
He was admin before me. He's also a far better writer/poster than you are.

There's a reason his shit-house editorials get up on the main site, it's because it's the only site that will take them, that and the fact that bitchmade cunt Nick Paglino makes Will Apter's journalism look like Robocop flew down from Heaven on a unicorn to tell me that Caylen Croft lost his job.

You make me shit carrots sometimes, SlyFox. But I still like you.
Really? Because I was just putting you on last night. Funny how quickly you took to it. All it took was, what...three posts? And you were acting like I was firmly in your corner. How predictable and utterly disappointing. Even I overestimated you, and I didn't think that was possible.

On a side note, in truth, I do enjoy Coco's posting. Perhaps the two of you can go the route of The Rockers. Once split up, one goes on to great things and the other is soon left in his mediocrity.

It was called sleep. I needed at least a few hours of it.
Jesus, is this shit still going?

Mediocare, you're an idiot. Chester, you're an idiot. You are both idiots. That means you're both stupid, or not as smart as everyone else. You're not differently abled, or ******ed, as some would say. Just stupid.

Now go shine some elephant dicks.


Oh, and I can't wait for the Marty Jannetty of our team to come in here and laugh at your failed inception, DiCaprio.
Why? Because even a well oiled machine (compared to others) like this forum can instigate some sort of improvement to poster enjoyment. Someone said that you've become recognized by the government as mentally ******ed and are getting welfare payments. Is this true? Because they seemed pretty serious.

So you bring that into this conversation when I never mentioned it? Wow you're a fucking ******. Go back to debate school.
Enterkey great post made me lol, rapist is mediocare. I'm not anti wrestle zone, wrestle zone is operated so well , and that respect the mods do a great job, I just want them to lighten up. Id give the girl in your tag a special drink btw

Dude you just took back every fucking thing you just said with that statement. :disappointed:
SlyFox696 said:
He was admin before me. He's also a far better writer/poster than you are.

I am deeply offended by this statement.

I demand a full retraction/apology immediately. Such riffraff is damaging to the reputation of WrestlingZone Forums.
My grandmother was a prostitute during the Soviet occupation after WW2

Man one guy, I think Miko, had this sig for a while where this rodendaroh guy admitted that his mom was a ****. Now he admits his grandma is one. For his sake I hope that he is joking.

And Macca you are already the Jannetty of the team you formed with BILL LESNAR! ;)


Oh, and I can't wait for the Marty Jannetty of our team to come in here and laugh at your failed inception, DiCaprio.


You're just embarrassing yourself now. Everyone reading the thread can clearly see how quickly you fell for it. Writing in all caps now isn't going to change that.

I still can't believe there used to be people who actually thought you were a good poster.
Macca said:
Still, I want to hear the lust in the tone of your voice when you say my name.

Yeah, you got me. As illustrated, I fell head over heels for your motley plan.

Can you feel it? Can you feel my dick in your mouth?
Yeah, you got me. As illustrated, I fell head over heels for your motley plan.

Can you feel it? Can you feel my dick in your mouth?

Uh, what? I fail to see which straw you're grasping at here. Because you thought I was being friendly with you, which caused you to post in a manner similar to how you post with other posters you have fun with, this constitutes oral sex? Like I said, just stop, you're embarrassing yourself. You got played, just move on.

I was serious about the Jenks/Bill Lesnar thing though. I've been kicking it around with KB. And I'm being legit on that one.
Everyone diserves some sort of a chance Sly, maybe they could become good posters? Who knows whats locked away in that brain they have.
Sly, you and I both know I was taking the conversation with a grain of salt, as I do with every conversation I have in the Cage, only for you to suddenly turn around and go "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR IT!!". Somewhere between now and "Robocop on a Unicorn", we obviously had a communication breakdown. Who can sort out this major malfunction at the junction?

And on the Bill Lesnar/Jenks situation, I'd definately hit the Go button. You've basically quarantined the two of them, there's no issues of cleaning up their mess. It's a fucking Internet forum, let's spice shit up.
Sly, you and I both know I was taking the conversation with a grain of salt,
I sincerely doubt it.

as I do with every conversation I have in the Cage, only for you to suddenly turn around and go "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR IT!!". Somewhere between now and "Robocop on a Unicorn", we obviously had a communication breakdown. Who can sort out this major malfunction at the junction?
I don't think there was a miscommunication at all. I think you were embarrassed, and so decided to act like you planned it all along. Hardly the first time I've seen such a thing, both on the forums and in real life.

And on the Bill Lesnar/Jenks situation, I'd definately hit the Go button. You've basically quarantined the two of them, there's no issues of cleaning up their mess. It's a fucking Internet forum, let's spice shit up.
Here's my thing, it's obvious they are two guy who want to be here. And if someone wants to be here THAT bad, then it seems silly to deny them access. The problem is that they've made so many alts, I think they'd get the wrong idea on why they're coming back.

Plus, they never contributed anything to the forum. I'm still weighing it.
I take a short hiatus, come back and another unknown poster feels the need to tell the Moderators that they're all hated. Something about this feels familiar...I think it's because of the past 47ish times it's happened. That and a thread like this normally turns into a Sly vs. Macca fight.

Sly always wins.

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