T Tastycles Turn Bayley heel Jan 31, 2010 #177 Christian is a beast at kicking out at the last minute.
L Leeds Guy Retired Former WZCW EurAsian Champ Jan 31, 2010 #179 Leeds Guy's prediction card Winner: HHH Number 1: HBK Number 2: HHH Number 30: Santino Suprise old time entrant/new signing: Jeff Hardy Most eliminations: HHH Lasts longest: HHH
Leeds Guy's prediction card Winner: HHH Number 1: HBK Number 2: HHH Number 30: Santino Suprise old time entrant/new signing: Jeff Hardy Most eliminations: HHH Lasts longest: HHH
I It's...Baylariat! Team Finnley Baylor Jan 31, 2010 #181 Clearly, Jackson didn't scout his opponent.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Jan 31, 2010 #187 Oh well, I really like Christian But...now what?
T Tastycles Turn Bayley heel Jan 31, 2010 #188 How many times is Striker going to say "Killswitch engaged" before he realises that it wasn't that clever in the first place.
How many times is Striker going to say "Killswitch engaged" before he realises that it wasn't that clever in the first place.
T Turd Ferguson DA-DA Da Da Da Bah Da Da DADADA Jan 31, 2010 #193 Killswitch and Midget Cena approves.
P Phoenix WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion Jan 31, 2010 #194 Got predictable from the many pin attempts and counters of the Killswitch, good win for Christian though.
Got predictable from the many pin attempts and counters of the Killswitch, good win for Christian though.
L Leeds Guy Retired Former WZCW EurAsian Champ Jan 31, 2010 #195 wow, loved that counter into the Unprettier
F FromTheSouth You don't want it with me. Jan 31, 2010 #197 OK, well no Edge vs. Christian world title match.
M mceja103 New Member Jan 31, 2010 #198 Christian wins...damn. Oh well, good match nevertheless. At least Christian made Zeke look like a monster.
Christian wins...damn. Oh well, good match nevertheless. At least Christian made Zeke look like a monster.
M Mr. Truth Real American Hero Jan 31, 2010 #199 I like Christian, it's time to move him over to Smackdown.
T Tastycles Turn Bayley heel Jan 31, 2010 #200 Doc DiBiase said: Oh well, I really like Christian But...now what? Click to expand... No Way Out. Or whatever it's called now.
Doc DiBiase said: Oh well, I really like Christian But...now what? Click to expand... No Way Out. Or whatever it's called now.