HBKs back---The Raw LD

Why do you keep bringing up Kofi? Kofi would've been a poor choice as well. They could've have booked someone who might actually have a good match with Cena.

Then who? We've already seen Cena/Dibiase and Cena/Rhodes 38378937 times. We've seen Cena/Orton 34838738373687358732872682756287562872687 times. MVP has lost all credibility. Cena/R-Truth wasn't going to happen, nor would Cena/Henry (if he was a heel, it would be one thing). Cena/Kofi wasn't going to happen, Kofi still needs his payoff with Orton.

Swagger would have been the correct choice, but he probably pissed in the wrong bowl of Cheerios backstage. This works. TLC is a throwaway PPV, and Sheamus is now emerging as a main event heel, much like Kofi is emerging as a main event face. This is good for everyone and something new.
From Amazon:
Oh my goodness. Me wanty. Me wanty bad.

When the graphic for Cena vs. Punk popped up on my screen, I went into over-dramatic mark-out mode. That was just a taste. I can't wait until we get a real feud with those two.

And now, time to go to the WWE section and run down anyone who wants Kofi to be facing Cena. :)

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