Group Chat

I'm on through meebo, because I haven't had a chance to get my laptop out.

I'm over it. He's over it. He made a mistake, and that was my only problem with him. We've both joked about it since then.

I didn't overreact. That's why I said he's lucky it was NorCal. Becca and Will both told me they would've had him perma-banned.

how dare you!! dont go crushing everyones wet dream of me being a conceited power absuing whimsical asshole!!! nooooooooo !!!
He didn't even break a rule. He didn't flame you. He didn't spam. A perma-ban would have been ridiculous.

He was being a dick. And, he did it after NorCal warned him about it.

how dare you!! dont go crushing everyones wet dream of me being a conceited power absuing whimsical asshole!!! nooooooooo !!!


I'm sorry. Please don't show up at my house and break my kneecaps...

Or ban me...
Milk[lw];965859 said:
I got infracted too...=\\ I didn't explain much of anything. I made some lists and stuff. No explinations. That nasty Norcal got me :(

being a power abusing asshole once again.

and did I not explain to you what you did wrong, and how to improve in the PM you got with the infraction, so that you understood better???
My only infraction came from KB, and I'm probably accused of kissin his ass.

My warnings have come from NorCal, CM, and IC. The irony, three are for spamming.
Diar once got me for a sig violation, right after Echelon had warned me, and I was in the midst of changeing it:P
being a power abusing asshole once again.

and did I not explain to you what you did wrong, and how to improve in the PM you got with the infraction, so that you understood better???

Of course you die. Of course you did. Lol. Never said you didn't. I've always pmed about my Infractions, to figure out what I did wrong, and how to correct it. I assume it the only way to go.
Diar once got me for a sig violation, right after Echelon had warned me, and I was in the midst of changeing it:P

I bet he did. You arent the only one to suffer an unjust DIAR infraction, trust me.

You see, his dick is SO SMALL, that he can fuck a cheerio without breaking it, and that makes him very grumpy
IN fairness, I did recieve a horrible warning once from a "nazi mod" for someone else's mistake! The internet people are out to get me I tell ya's! Bastard!

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