General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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But that's not solely based on it being PG. WCW was very good for those few years and was PG. They just go ridiculous with not wanting to push any buttons.
Vince is trying to regain the popularity that WWE had in the 80's with its cartoon character gimmicks. Unfortunately, the wrestling audience has matured since then and wants more realistic characters. Time for Vinnie Mac to step down and let Stephanie take over.
I have no problem with the TV-PG thing because a lot of things can still be done. However, my one main problem with the PG idea is that it stripped away all of the risque storylines that made WWE popular in the Attitude Era and completely exposed the lack of quality in the product. What WWE should have done was transition into the PG system so they could weed out anyone who is of low quality (writers included). What WWE SHOULD do now is stop force feeding who THEY believe is a star down our throats and, instead, let the fans decide who deserves to get pushed to the top.
Vince is trying to regain the popularity that WWE had in the 80's with its cartoon character gimmicks. Unfortunately, the wrestling audience has matured since then and wants more realistic characters. Time for Vinnie Mac to step down and let Stephanie take over.

Hmmm. You mean realistic characters like:

John Cena
Randy Orton
CM Punk
Chris Jericho
The Big Show
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
William Regal
The Miz
John Morrison
Mike Knox
Paul Burchill
The Hart Dynasty

and pretty much the entire roster of people not named Hornswoggle, Undertaker, or perhaps The Hurricane?

The same realistic, watered-down characters that Vince has given the audience for the past several years?

I would have to argue completely the opposite. Vince has given his audience these realistic characters for YEARS, has watered them all down in the process, and that is why the fans are less interested in them. They simply aren't colorful enough because they are too-watered down for the fans to really get motivated and get into them.
Don't come in here to complain often, but the "Raw's Got Talent" segment was just utter garbage. Usually the guest host segments at least lead into some current or new storyline and help talent in some way. However, this didn't serve any purpose at all instead of just wasting precious air time. The Hornswoggle randomly coming out of nowhere at the end thing was one of the dumbest things in recent memory.

Hopefully they will spend less time with segments like this with the hosts in the future. An opening promo and a few backstage segments are plenty, any more than that is just overkill and a waste of time.
The PG rating is good... to an extent. Sure, it appeals more to children, thus bringing in more ratings. But the WWE also have to be realistic as well. Hell in a Cell was a good example of this. Main events held in Hell in a Cell matches, all of which involved bitter rivalries. However, nobody bled. If your going to hold matches that have history of being horrificly brutal, HAVE SOMEONE BLEED!!!
I hate PG. I don't mind the wrestling, but it's that nothing on the mic can be really funny. Like Val Venis back in the attitude era when he said "i came, and then i camed again again". DX isn't even that funny anymore as it once was. When before it'll talk about cocks, women, dirsty stuff, now they can't do anything that once was godly ten years ago. What pisses me off more than PG is the person who changed it to PG, mister superman himself john cena. In a interview he said he was the driving force, and the change to pg was becuase it set a perfect enviorment for the addience, but what made me mad was when he said wrestling was getting STALE, it needed to be changed.
I found this post hilarious, and it wasn't just because of the spelling.

I hate PG.

I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

I don't mind the wrestling, but it's that nothing on the mic can be really funny.

Of course, because the point of PG is to make sure that comedy doesn't exist anymore :rolleyes:

Like Val Venis back in the attitude era when he said "i came, and then i camed again again".

The only thing funny about that is how terrible the grammar is. I hope for Val's sake that you butchered that and it wasn't him that said it.

DX isn't even that funny anymore as it once was. When before it'll talk about cocks, women, dirsty stuff, now they can't do anything that once was godly ten years ago.

I miss that dirsty stuff too. In all honesty, it speaks more to how fucked up you are if you need dick jokes and half-naked women on TV to be entertained. I like the Diva's too, but seriously, it is a wrestling program, not a 3 am HBO movie. They have guys that can actually wrestle now and put on a great show, which I consider much more "Godly" than a show full of sexual stuff of 5 cuss words per minute.

What pisses me off more than PG is the person who changed it to PG, mister superman himself john cena. In a interview he said he was the driving force, and the change to pg was becuase it set a perfect enviorment for the addience, but what made me mad was when he said wrestling was getting STALE, it needed to be changed.

Wrestling during the Attitude Era, from what I've seen, was based solely on shock value. While the Rock and Austin were legit stars, the shows focused on ridiculously over-the-top angles and gimmicks, such as Mae Young's baby hand and Katie Vick. If you want a bad sex and gore movie disguised as a wrestling program, then you can go back and watch the Attitude Era. I, on the other hand, actually enjoy wrestling and will continue to watch what we have now.

I totally forgot to talk about your crying over Cena. He is the best face in the WWE today, bar none. This man has reached a realm of stardom that we haven't seen since the Rock or Stone Cold. You can accuse him of being the entire reason the WWE is now PG, which is crazy, but the fact is that any perceived step down during this era cannot and should not be blamed on John Cena or the show's television rating.
Monday night raw last night was a joke. 44 minutes into the show we had our 1st real match (the first was a Divas match which was garbage) Sheamus defeated some local jobber in a 4 minute squash. We had 37 minutes of wrestling in the whole show. I read these forums often and always see people complain about Raw and the response is always the same "stop watching it". Last night I watched all of RAW and after the show was over I went into scheduled recordings in my DVR and I canceled any future recordings of RAW. I just can't do it anymore. It sucks that a show that I grew up watching has gotten so bad. Vince just doesn't care. Yea PG sucks, but thats just the tip of the iceberg. If TNA had raws storylines they would be bankrupt. WWE has the Fans and the reputation so they can last but thats the only reason and we continue to accept the shit were given. Somethings got to change.

Sorry I needed to Vent a little, just curious how you feel about the current Raw situation, besides the Declining Ratings which speak numbers.(No pun intended)
I heard an overwhelming amount of negative feedback about Monday's Raw. Unfortunately, I missed pretty much all of it, as I was out that night. Most of the complaints were "not enough wrestling". This is a frequent complaint from the ROH bots ... but I'll take more wrestling on Raw compared to the lame segments they've had these past couple weeks, ANYTIME.

Their humor is atrocious and meant for small children. People say that it's for "Everyone", but the humor is almost ALL solely for the small children. I honestly can't remember the last time something on Raw brought a chuckle to me.

I also saw complaints about Chavo being embarrassed again. I did see that match and Chavo took a nasty-looking KO punch from .

Unfortunately, you Brits now see that just because you are in England and Raw is doing an overseas show, you don't get any special treatment anymore.

Unfortunately, our major US market in New York City, who also seems to think that they are going to be getting a first class show ... complete with the red carpet treatment .... are going to find out the very same thing on Raw this Monday. So don't feel left out.

On a side note, I need 1 more person to make us an even 300 votes on the thread poll. Who would the lucky person like to be?
Im not necessarily a fan of the PG rating It its not completely horrible But the TV 14 rating was way better. The segments were actually funny and DX was actually funny im not saying some of the segments arent funny now but they were funnier back then.
I agree 2000%
Vince has lost his passion.

Yeah, that's why he's always yelling his ass off at meetings and embarassing himself on live television in front of the world. No passion at all.

i mean i understand the economy but things are stressfull enough. After a hard days work not many ppl come home to watch crappy tv.

If you don't like the WWE, then don't watch it. Why are you on this section of the forums anyway if you don't like the WWE? At least guys (who don't like the product) like Sidious offer suggestions to the product other than sex, profanity, and blood.

Nobody buys a ppv called HELL in a CELL with no blood. i

Yeah, tell that to everyone who bought the Hell In A Cell PPV.

And how would they know the PPV did not have blood, if they've got to pay for it before it happens?

Your logic is monkeytwat.

Its just gone.

I like macaroni.

WWE is reaching the end.

Yeah, the top wrestling company in the world is reaching the end. Okay. Whatever you say. I guess my brother's cock is small because it was cold in the delivery room.

TNA is getting a begining.

Some weeks TNA is more entertaining than Raw, but they've got to step it up big time if they want to really compete.
I think when you reach out to a younger more impressionable fanbase, you immediately identify yourself in their eyes as the wrestling promotion they grew up with. This makes those same kids more likely to either keep watching or jump right back in when and if they become disinterested in the product. In other words, it makes them less likely to take TNA seriously, if WWE is truly anticipating a competition with TNA. There will be a whole new generation of wrestling fans (no doubt some of these same kids blindly screaming for Triple H will become smart marks themselves), and they will be inclined to favor WWE because of the familiarity of the name.

WWE has said repeated times they don't consider TNA a threat. So saying they are anticipating a competition is ludicrous. I am for the PG era because it is a show for everyone now not just a show for adults. When you try to narrow your show toward one audience you hurt yourself.
WWE has said repeated times they don't consider TNA a threat. So saying they are anticipating a competition is ludicrous. I am for the PG era because it is a show for everyone now not just a show for adults. When you try to narrow your show toward one audience you hurt yourself.

Spoken like a true "WWE Shareholder", Viper Killer. I got to tell you, you made Vince McMahon proud on that one. He appreciates people who show they're undying loyalty to him, without questioning any move he makes.

Now, how exactly does trying to narrow one audience hurt yourself .... IF you essentially keep the same audience you have now BY tailoring each of your shows to the different target audiences? It would seem to me that if Raw was made the Adult/Older teen show ... and Smackdown was made the show for Kids/Families ... you would have greater potential in actually bringing in more viewers because you are actually reaching out to them and giving them what they want -- programming that matches their interests.

That way, adults who ONLY want programming content that is more mature in nature, will be satisfied.

And for those adults who don't care about that stuff, they can watch both Raw and Smackdown.

However, you assume that a watered down product that is basically just thrown out in the trough for everyone .... will actually APPEAL to everyone. And that everyone will still watch it. You assume incorrectly.

Adults are more picky with their programming than Kids. Just because something may be suitable for All ages, does NOT mean that adults are going to like it. I can safely say that there are adults out there that left Vince's show because it became too watered down, that just need to be given a reason to be brought back. They want to see people like The Godfather bringing in the Hoes, and instead get Hornswoggle playing Lucky Charms on Raw.

This tactic can be basically compared to throwing a bunch of slop out to a group of pigs in a trough ... and whoever wants some can come get some. If you take a look at television today, hardly anyway even bothers trying such a technique, because TV Execs know that it is not proven to be a successful formula. That is why an overwhelming majority of Television content out there is targeted to specific demos.

However through Targeted programming, Vince would still get to keep all the viewers he has now ... and has the potential to gain more picky viewers, as well.
PG rating ain't as bad as some people claim it is. If the removal of nightly crimson masks, HLA and the word "ass" ruins the product for ya then you were never a true wrestling fan to begin with.

We have gotten some awesome feuds during this PG era. Punk vs Hardy, Rey vs Jericho, Jericho vs HBK and Cena vs Orton.

Sure we get some crap like Hornswoggle but look at all the nasty shit we had to see during the Attitude Era like Mae Young giving birth to a hand and then showing her 80 year old tits at the Rumble. I'd rather deal with a few childish comedy skits than see things that literially make me puke.

I do think that blood more often is needed. Just for matches like Hell in a Cell. It does add to the overall epicness of those matches. Other than that there's really no big difference between in the PG era that effects how much I like or dislike the product.
I think that alot of the fans who watched in the 90's when it was a more adult product will seek out a more adult oriented product, "Oh look, here's TNA". The Hogan era was obviously a child oriented product, and did very well indeed, but nowhere near as well as the more adult oriented attitude era. This will be the time for TNA, and to a lesser extent ROH and dragon gate, to fill the void left by the adult friendly wwe. I'm sad to say, but Vince has abondoned me, and Dixie was there to pick up the pieces, and she's got better tits!
In the 80's a lot of WWF matches could have been considered PG rated, and those kind of matches launched or cemented the careers of guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Macho Man, Bret Hart, Undertaker, etc.

However, it was the 90's ATTITUDE era which really ramped up the WWF and made it remotely competitive against WCW. ATTITUDE era's problem was the vignettes and too much tits and ass and yes, weird and sick storylines. But at the same time this era made Mick Foley and Terry Funk very popular wrestlers and created one of the most interesting factions in wrestling in my opinion, The Ministry of Darkness.

For kids the PG rating makes sense, and I don't really think 8 year olds should be watching bra and panties matches and things like that. But why not just have separate shows? They already have 3 brands, why not just have a show tailored to kids like what WWF Superstars or WWF Saturday Night used to be, and then have ECW actually go extreme once in a while and have a TV-14 rated RAW and SMACKDOWN and then have some PG matches early on in a pay-per-view and then the later main events could have the odd blood or profanity spot and what have you.

But it is a little ridiculous to have a Steel Cage Match, especially a Hell In A Cell, or an upcoming TLC Themed Main Event and try to not show any blood.
In the 80's a lot of WWF matches could have been considered PG rated, and those kind of matches launched or cemented the careers of guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Macho Man, Bret Hart, Undertaker, etc.

However, it was the 90's ATTITUDE era which really ramped up the WWF and made it remotely competitive against WCW. ATTITUDE era's problem was the vignettes and too much tits and ass and yes, weird and sick storylines. But at the same time this era made Mick Foley and Terry Funk very popular wrestlers and created one of the most interesting factions in wrestling in my opinion, The Ministry of Darkness.

For kids the PG rating makes sense, and I don't really think 8 year olds should be watching bra and panties matches and things like that. But why not just have separate shows? They already have 3 brands, why not just have a show tailored to kids like what WWF Superstars or WWF Saturday Night used to be, and then have ECW actually go extreme once in a while and have a TV-14 rated RAW and SMACKDOWN and then have some PG matches early on in a pay-per-view and then the later main events could have the odd blood or profanity spot and what have you.

But it is a little ridiculous to have a Steel Cage Match, especially a Hell In A Cell, or an upcoming TLC Themed Main Event and try to not show any blood.

They can't do that because that makes way too much sense. Remember this is WWE, we are talking about.

However, that way the Kiddies are covered because they actually would have a PG program all to them, and the adults would at least have one show tailored to adult interests, as well.

The adults who WANT to watch more edgy material, who helped Vince become a Billionaire, are the ones being penalized here.

And yes, Kids were penalized in the Attitude Era (mostly by those parents who may not have allowed them to watch) ... but two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not saying it was right for them either not to have a show for themselves offered by WWE at the time, for business reasons.
I understand why they are doing the whole PG thing but I still cannot stand HIAC matches with no blood, Hornswoggle and all the other kid friendly crap they have been doing lately. As a result I have hardly watched Raw in about 3 months.
Raw has been lacking they have ups and downs. One week they excite me by putting Sheamus in a title match against Cena. Then they have Carlito come out and say what a lot of the fans are thinking they want to see Cena lose the title to anyone don't even matter if it's to hornswaggle the fans want something new with the title. Cena is no Hogan and never willl be the man is a work horse but doesn't have the connection with the crowd at all. For the good points in Raw their are far too many low points on Raw they have for one Hornswaggle on there telling DX he is gonna sell merchandise , then they have some announcers who don't sound like they are into the product at all and are just acting the part of telling something. Shake things up WWE end this PG ratings we want Blood we want to see some anger from Orton and going on a rampage of being a bad ass. A fan of the WWE since 1983 , I watched with my Grandmother, I have never in my life wanted to turn off WWE even when they were "losing" to WCW , WWE always had some interesting story lines going to keep the people interested. They used to say anything can happen in the WWE well we all know now that Cena will win, DX Will get air time and Kofi won't be any closer to a WWE world title championship. Tonight was the first night I have ever turned off Monday night Raw in all the years I have watched it. Rant Rant Rant Rave Rave Rave. Why don't they have a talk show so the Wrestlers can talk and push the story line along instead of wasting our time and bring back some good talking Managers with Stables of Wrestlers going after the title.
I remain pretty neutral on the whole PG-style WWE because there's two sides to the whole thing. I can actually understand it from the WWE's point of the view because think about it, a good chunk of the WWE's former and present fanbase began watching in the Hogan era, and now these people are in their 30s and 40s with kids of their own and plenty of them would want to share the WWE experience to bond with their kids. Plus, this is a good way to replace the older fanbase with younger fans. Now I started watching wrestling around the New Generation/Attitude era, and at that time they started to push the boundaries which in turn got me hooked. Now the thing was I was about 8 or 9 years old at the time, and at that time I was getting pretty exposed to a lot of the edgy stuff at the time, but that didn't stop me from watching. I say the PG thing started because parents were getting concerned, and that the WWE needed to do something to prevent a lawsuit of any kind. Now I'm not a parent, but I can understand where they were coming from. Plus, with the WWE on an International level they need to maintain a somewhat clean image if they want more stockholders and investors to invest in.
I think the only thing I don't like about the PG rating is that we're constantly reminded that it's PG. I mean, watching shows now, I don't see much difference in the content than the years prior to the attitude era when I was a preteen/teenager. I mean, the sudden influx of mature content with the right characters obviously is what helped WWE ratings soar during the Monday Night Wars. When the NWO started, they were edgy, but weren't really much more than PG-13. So WWE upped the ante, and it took off.

But once alot of the fresh ideas wore out, so did the audience, because they'd seen plenty. I mean, there's not much further you can push the envelope on TV than WWE did 10 years ago. And that's when the bad ideas/angles start creeping in. I'll at least say that bad ideas in PG land don't ever come off as bad as R rated bad ideas. What was more painful, the Gobbeldy Gooker, or Katie Vick? Hornswoggle with DX or Mae Young giving birth to a hand?

In the long run, I'm hoping it's just a circular thing. WWE is pulling in a younger audience, but soon that audience is going to get older too, and demand a product that suits their tastes, and hopefully they let some juices flow again.
WWE Sucks, plain and simple. Has sucked since Cena won back the title from Edge after he won it from RVD. TNA > WWE.

I would have no Problem with the 'PG' Rating, only if they actually made it entertaining. I mean look at WCW, it was PG.. Still entertaining as hell. WWE is PG, and is NEVER entertaining. And I mean NEVER. They really take the PG rating so serious, especially with Hornswoggle. This guy is a MAJOR Epic Fail to the Wrestling world. Worst moment in WWE History was him winning the Cruiserweight Championship as a matter of fact.
If all of this MoFo's (John Cena, Morrison, Batista, etc) would've been here during the Golden years (Attitude Era), they'd have been MURDER'D/JOBBERS. Cena would never, ever be in the Main Event. Batista wouldn't even ever win matches. Morrison'd be dead by now. The only one I'd see that would've been awesome to see him there during those days, is CM Punk. This guy is talented, awesome, you name it. Mic skills, ability, High flying, everything. The future of this company. Him and Jericho are the best in WWE altogether.

Vince expect's us to watch all four pointless shows of his all the time, but I'll never even watch 3. I watch 1, sometimes 2 at most. Never 3. SmackDown is the only good brand. RAW's boring as hell.

Just sayin'...
the pg era suxkz its the same old bull shit and they only keep it around because john SUPERMAN cena makes all the money and the little kiddies love him. they should bring back the attitude era with all the sex,violence and blood in tact. they need to bring back the rock and stone cold steve austin,and get rid of superman cena and batista. those two and the little kid fans ruined wwe. they should also go to court with that stupid wildlife organization and become wwf again,then they would have no choice but to bring back the attitude,because that was what the wwf was all about,not this pg bull shit.also, they should make ecw extreme again and bring back the sandman, bWo, the dudleyz, raven, taz, bam bam bigalo, joey styles, paul heyman and WHAT NOT. this new ecw is a disgrace to the old ecw.THEY RUINED IT. cmon everyone, wouldnt it be great if they brought back the REAL ecw AND the attitude era? yeah.....thats what i thought.

if they dont do something quick then one day tna will take over.
the pg era suxkz its the same old bull shit and they only keep it around because john SUPERMAN cena makes all the money and the little kiddies love him. they should bring back the attitude era with all the sex,violence and blood in tact. they need to bring back the rock and stone cold steve austin,and get rid of superman cena and batista. those two and the little kid fans ruined wwe. they should also go to court with that stupid wildlife organization and become wwf again,then they would have no choice but to bring back the attitude,because that was what the wwf was all about,not this pg bull shit.also, they should make ecw extreme again and bring back the sandman, bWo, the dudleyz, raven, taz, bam bam bigalo, joey styles, paul heyman and WHAT NOT. this new ecw is a disgrace to the old ecw.THEY RUINED IT. cmon everyone, wouldnt it be great if they brought back the REAL ecw AND the attitude era? yeah.....thats what i thought.

if they dont do something quick then one day tna will take over.

I find those ideas pretty idiotic. The "Attitude" era will never be re-created, ever. Sure the 90's were a great time for business in the wrestling entertainment industry. But then again, look at what the "hardcore" styles of wrestling did. I could name one after another, of wrestlers who died in the '00's from the lifestyles, etc. that played out in the '90s.

They are trying to clean up the business, making it easier on the performers. It makes sense. Nobody likes changes, thats a given. But, we have to realise that this is better for the business in the long run. Everyone you go its negative, negative, negative when WWE is discussed. Their trying to fix that.

Like with the diva's, used to you could flip on Raw and see their boobs 96% hanging out and them wrestling in a g-string basically. Would you let your kids watch it?

It may not be must see television, but we are right in the middle of a big transition in the WWE, but soon it will be better.

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