General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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"Potenial equals nothing if no work, life equals worthlessness if no risks, no practice. Fact is we are who we determine to be and what we put into, we will get equal out of." me Jordan Myers
The whole thing is going to be a cycle. Right now, Vince had geared his product towards children because in 5-10 years when these kids are in their teens, he can get more risque with his product and have a revamped attitude era. Then it'll start all over again.
My tagline pretty much sums up my views on this

It's big men fighting to settle their differences! In what kind of stupid fucked up logic does this in any way lend itself to anything kids should be watching. It's as pointless and ******ed as a PG horror film.
My tagline pretty much sums up my views on this

It's big men fighting to settle their differences! In what kind of stupid fucked up logic does this in any way lend itself to anything kids should be watching. It's as pointless and ******ed as a PG horror film.

But it sells to kids. Why would you not target this audience?

If looking at the numbers, you noticed a massive majority of people watching your product (WWE in this case) were between the ages of say 6-13, why would you market it towards adults?

You would lose money.

Sure your view, as simple as it is, looks logical, but I remember when I started to watch wrestling I was around 8 or so, so why is it hard to understand that children watch this? It somehow appeals to kids and really, why would this appeal to adults? Wouldn't REAL unscripted fighting (ala UFC) make more sense for an adult to watch? I think so. And that would make scripted fighting a reasonable substitute for children.

Nice comeback Sideous, but I still disagree. And as for codebreaker, was you calling me "Pepper Walden" supposed to be an insult or simply a grammatical error? If it was an insult it was terrible and I'd suggest not letting a debate over the internet get to you so much that you have to insult someone you've never met.

If it was the latter, well than I appreciate your comment and take back what I just said. FTR I did NOT notice that poll on However you KNOW that is incorrect because it's plain to tell that kids are the people who watch WWE the most. Look at the Merch sales. And to explain why the poll says what it says, it could be as simple as kids under the age of 18 didn't vote as much as the kids above the age of 18 did. Simple as that. Do you really expect an 8 year old to go on and vote on a poll? I don't. However a 19 year old with better things to do than work or school work would love to take that poll if they were a WWE fan.

How many times did I scroll through looking for something to do while I worked at a call center when I was fresh out of high school? Too many is the answer.
I agree with him. As much as I don't like the PG era as a fan, I totally agree with it businesswise. It's the definite right move to make. If everyone in the IWC that's bitching about the product stopped watching, I doubt it would make a huge dent in the WWE. It's a hot product right now, it's always going to be. There's definitely a insane amount of kids watching, and you gotta take that into consideration. There's still a little bit in there for everyone, I don't see the PG era lasting forever. Just until this little group of kids matures. Let them have their fun, if you don't like the WWE, it's very simple. Hit off. Watch TNA, ROH, whatever else. Complaining about it constantly won't make it any better, it's not gonna make them change their mind. Do you really think Vince or somebody is sitting there in his office going "Aw man.. They don't like PG. Guess we gotta kill it." It's a fad, it'll pass. Chill.
So I haven't seen this anywhere, but I need to get it out...

Is it just me, or is it infuriating to see some form of Cryme Tyme vs. the Hart Dynasty on every episode of SmackDown? Sometimes they fight on Superstars to make it a double whammy for the week. I know the tag team market in the WWE is as dry as the Mojave, but please... put it on ice every other week. There were some good points, but the feud's now dead. I was excited that Rey and Batista were teaming up again so that maybe we could have some new tag team blood at SmackDown, but that's obviously been thrown out of the window.

This has inspired me to check out the WWE roster and... I'm pretty sure that the tag team division is on the verge of dying out. What do you think?
The reasons for going PG have almost nothing to do with the audience. Vince doesn't care if the kids are watching something unsuitible as they were before, and as far as I'm aware there's no laws prohibiting the network from showing adverts aimed at children during adult programming, there certainly isn't in this country, so I doubt it's network pressure either.

The WWE has gone PG because it can afford to, basically. The PG image helps them to look a little cleaner while the Benoit murder suicides, and the ongoing wellness congress thing seap out of public conciousness. You can bet your bottom dollar if Impact hits significantly higher ratings with their edgier product, that the situation will change.

The idea of having one brand as a more family friendly one is probably the way to go, if he genuinely wants a young audience, and I think it wouldn't be that stupid to do so, but it would require a time slot change to gain maximum benefit. Even so, I'm not sure how well live sales of a show aimed solely at kids would do. After all, how many people watch Spongebob Squarepants? Loads. How many of them go to the stage show? Significantly fewer. Parents don't want to spend big money on one off events, because the ultimate acheivement is low and this isn't unique to wrestling.

I think what I'd actually do, is put ECW on the channel Superstars is on, fuck Syfy off, it's never going to be a big demographic attracter for WWE, and then put Superstars on a kids channel with a load of gimmicky child friendly wrestlers: Hornswoggle, DJ Gabriel, Tyler Reks, Hurricane etc. with a few guest appearances from popular and better guys like Cena, Bourne and Kofi and have it as a kind of sub brand that tours with Raw. That way, you acheive a lot without sacrificing a proper brand.

To sum up the matter at hand, Vince is listening to his lawyers, not his fans, but he'd certainly start listening to his audience if the ratings status quo changed. As it happens, I'm not actually that arsed by the PG thing, but if you are, stop watching Raw and start watching Impact, because that's the only way anything will change.
I really don't like the direction the WWE is taking.

I can't stand most of it in fact.

If kids are the demographic you are targeting, then that is of course who you will target.

But of course in doing that you alienate everyone else.

I think rather than 'listening to our audience', which they never really have, McMahon seems to be 'listening to our audience and how much money their parents will spend.'

Of course, this is a business, and like any business the aim is to make profit.

However, if your product is Wrestling (Which the WWE likes to pretend it isn't), then you really should listen to Wrestling fans, and what they want, from every demographic.

You'll never please everyone (Some hated Hogan, some hated Austin, some hate The Undertaker, others hate Cena, some hate RAW, some hate Smackdown) but you can at least get a balance of what the fans want to see, not just what you force feed them.
I really don't like the direction the WWE is taking.

I can't stand most of it in fact.

If kids are the demographic you are targeting, then that is of course who you will target.

But of course in doing that you alienate everyone else.

I think rather than 'listening to our audience', which they never really have, McMahon seems to be 'listening to our audience and how much money their parents will spend.'

Of course, this is a business, and like any business the aim is to make profit.

However, if your product is Wrestling (Which the WWE likes to pretend it isn't), then you really should listen to Wrestling fans, and what they want, from every demographic.

You'll never please everyone (Some hated Hogan, some hated Austin, some hate The Undertaker, others hate Cena, some hate RAW, some hate Smackdown) but you can at least get a balance of what the fans want to see, not just what you force feed them.

Great post.

And case and point with alienating everyone else .... this was just posted on another news site. Not sure why Wrestlezone hasn't picked up on it yet ....

Despite a minor increase over last week, the news stemming from this week's WWE RAW rating was not all positive.

Monday's telecast posted a 3.4 (via rounding), up slightly from last week's 3.3 household rating. While an increase is always good, especially because this week's show did not benefit post-PPV buzz, there are reasons to keep WWE from getting too excited.

For starters, this week's Monday Night Football game did a significantly lower rating than last week's record-breaking telecast. The minor increase indicates that RAW did not pickup a notable portion of the NFL audience (and thus means WWE cannot fully blame last week's low number on the heavy NFL competition .... which is what they did).

Further, the show lost viewers as it progressed, posting hours of 3.4 and 3.3; such a trend is almost always a sign that viewers were not especially hooked by the broadcast.

And, as focus of a lot of television industry members has shifted to demographic numbers, as opposed to the household rating, there was additional disappointment for WWE. PWTorch notes that the show did a 2.39 rating among males in the 18-49 demographic, which is the lowest demo figure since November of 2008.

So, this is a sign that the company is trading adult fans for children. My questions are

1) "Is there an equal amount or higher ratio of Children Gained as opposed to Adults Lost"?

and ....

2) Are Kids (as a result of parents) spending a higher average check than Adults on merchandise at the shows?

Another question to ponder is this. I've seen a lot of people state that "what Vince is doing is building a new group of fans" and "as they age, Vince will also age the product with them" (meaning, there will be another Adult Era as they Age).

My other question would be that IF Vince determines that

1) He can replace his Adult Fans with Children

2) IF Children result in higher merchandise revenues

3) Having this product is a safer product for the company to have (better PR image)

then what incentive would he have to "age the product" with his new fanbase? Vince is letting Adults go today in favor for kids, because he wants kids. Therefore, if that is his strategy because he thinks kids are more profitable fans that are opt to spend higher revenues (because of parents), then why would he want to age the product with them?

Wouldn't he just be willing to let them go as they age, while constantly bringing in new children?

The PG Era may very well be here to stay, as long as there is no competition to Vince. And a portion of the reason it will stay, in my opinion, is because of the number of Adult fans that may not be thrilled with it, but are willing to put up with it because they refuse to go elsewhere for their wrestling entertainment as a result of their loyalty to Vince.

In this case, yes Vince DOES tell these fans what you will see (ie spoon feeding, as you mentioned). I think the man gets off on knowing he can actually do this and get away with it. That certainly is one key advantage of being in the wrestling business.
for now im done with WWE, Im waiting for something to happen like Vince slaps Linda and says "to hell with the Kids!" or fires all the current writers and hires real ones and even stops hiring roided actors who can't wrestle.....

when the whole PG thing began last year I gave it the benefit of the doubt, but I still watched because Y2J came back and got into a feud with HBK which has been the only good storyline in like the past 13 months, Kane was also getting a push (for once)...WWE was hanging on by a bare thread.....but nope it wasn't Kane's mask afterall and the storyline got canned in like 3 weeks.......then for some reason....some crackpot ****** thought it would be a good idea to change the name of Great American Bash to "The Bash" then all hell broke loose...they were down in ratings (go figure) and they decided

"lets hire celebrity guest hosts every week and put in cheap plugs for music and pop culture!!!".......

"oh guys im not done yet!!!"

"people dont get enough TLC, HIAC, Hornswoggle or Elimination Chambers!!!"

"Lets rename all our PPVs to a gimmick name for a match and make all the matches that exact gimmick!!!"

"aww look boss the kids arnt getting enough Hornswoggle, lets have him against a real wrestler and win every match!!!! in stupid scenarios!!!!"


lets see Vince has already gone so far as to say he doesnt like the word "Wrestler" so now he calls them "Entertainers".......he should have aimed at the word "actors"

its gotten to the point where pretty soon its not even gonna be about wrestling anymore and Wrestlemania will be called "Entertainia"....knowing Vince though they'll desecrate Royal Rumble 1st.....

"who's the 30th entry?"

"Omg its Hornswoggle!!!"

"is standing up to Cena?"

"wait is he pulling out a magic wand?"

"oh my he just teleported Cena outside the ring!!!! Vintage Hornswoggle..."



keep those DVR's set people....its never gonna change....its just gonna get worse.....
A guy in another thread was complaining about how he's so tired of people complaining about the PG version of WWE.

Well doesn't that right there prove something? That if you look at the majority of people that go to wrestling message boards, fan sites, the whole mass of people in the IWC, you'll find that the majority do not want PG WWE. It's a topic that won't go away for a reason.

The ratings also prove it. Just as Sidious said, the 18+ male demographic generally wants something a bit more adult and will change the channel if they don't get what they want. The reason that TNA has been doing better recently, in my opinion, is because they're filling the void that WWE left when they went PG.

Could there be one show for adults and another for children? Absolutely. Give us options Vince. Don't force feed us everything and expect us never to complain about what we're eating.
"who's the 30th entry?"

"Omg its Hornswoggle!!!"

"is standing up to Cena?"

"wait is he pulling out a magic wand?"

"oh my he just teleported Cena outside the ring!!!! Vintage Hornswoggle..."


I laughed. I registered it with a grain of salt because I know I'll lose my sanity when something even more acute than that'll inevitably happen.

When I compare late 90s and early 2000s to now, I seriously wonder if Vince has a hemorrhaging brain he's unaware of.
Wrestling today is GARBAGE!!! Plain and simple. Randy Orton is the BEST thing that business has seen in since Austin/Rock. The only problem is, he has NO ONE to feud with. Cena is the biggest joke of a main eventer I have EVER seen, and Batista is right behind him. They have no tag teams, well, they have no tag teams they USE. DiBiase/Rhodes are great, and some of the gimmick teams are good, but they need to stop putting two random superstars together and have them battle two other random superstars, it's stupid and it doesn't work. The creative team is the worst I have ever seen, period. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, get RID of MICHAEL COLE!!!
ya it is smart business wise in some ways but he is taking away options. Personally what I would do if it were up to me. First of all When he bought out WCW he should have put it on Wednesday nights and told the guys running it to just keep doing what they're doing(WAAAY to late for this though lol). Next for today I would buy out TNA before it gets big keep it on Thursdays and tell them to once again just keep doing what you're doing (don't change the program that people like) Next put all the showy child friendly fan faves like Mysterio Cena, Batista, HHH, Mickie, Morrison, and the like on Raw and make it PG. Put all the technical guys like Jericho, Natalya, Beth, and the like (much like what they do seem to possibly be doing now) on Smackdown and make it the Technica/Submission/Shoot Wrestling Show with slightly more risque content then Raw. And Finally put guys like Edge, and other attitude era survivalists on ECW AND FUCKING BRING BACK SOME OF THE ORIGINALS VINCE!! ahem... and turn it into an all out harcore show with blood and profanity and all that good stuff. There you go Raw for the kids, Smackdown for the Teens and classic wrestling fans, and ECW for the older teens and adults. And possibly TNA if he listens to me, and Hell he could still resurrect WCW it's not too too late is it?
He realized that his audience now is the children of the old Attitude Era and before guys. It is a genius business idea to make it kid friendly so he sells more John Cena products and such. For those of us who grew up in the Attitude Era though, we kind of got shafted. Yeah its not the best product out right now, but we still tune in and watch, and hope it will get better.

thank you for posting that...good point. many fans of the attitude era seem to think that they are still the majority when it comes to wrestling fans...truth be told, most fans from the attitude era abandoned the product, not because vince changed the product on them but rather that they lost interest in wresting. believe it or not but attitude fans are the minority, especially considering that wrestling, being a very cyclical product, is in a down swing at this point.
Where Storylines should have went at Bragging Rights

TO have Cena on Raw I assume makes some sense now if WWE can pull it off right. I'll discuss this further down. What would have been ideal would have been to have Cena lose the ironman, go to Smackdown, and turn heel. He could go after the Undertaker, and having Cena turn heel would have been very interesting.

Having D-X turn on each other would have been nice, within a feud with Orton. Having Triple H or Shawn Michaels join Legacy would have been awesome. Things can still turn like this; I'll explain further down.

Where Storylines should go now

I think Shawn Michaels should turn on Triple H in this Triple Threat Match. It could be a great storyline, Michaels could say he wanted to turn on his partner before HHH does him, as it always was in the past.

I extremely dislike Cena so I would hope HBK won the belt, but that is just my opinion.

Though Orton/Kingston feud would be awesome, it looks as if Survivor Series Match: MVP, Henry, and Kingston vs. Legacy
I think the PG "era" has just sucked the passion and excitement out of WWE. Even when you watch shows from the late 80's, early 90's when WWF was just a big circus, it was still fun to watch. But today's era is just boring, and all WWE is worried about is looking politically correct and trying too hard to fix wrestling's reputation. Fact is, wrestling will never be respected by the media so Vince should just stop trying. I think these little kids/women audiences are just ruining wrestling's image and turning it into garbage, and quite honestly, the crowds piss me off. All they do is cheer for Cena and a couple of faces and that it. When you watch stuff from the Attitude era, those fans were hot for everything and came up with funny signs and chants. Now, the only signs you see are 14 year old girls telling cena how hot he is.
I honestly think that Vince actually prefers the edgy attitude era. It was easier and drew substantially more money. But to his credit, Vince has chose to go with a product that will keep the audience he has for the most part. Trust me when I say that one day WWE will be back to 1998-2002 style again. Vince just needed to change back to PG so he could add an entire new group of fans we they do decide to go back to more adult programming again. It all good for business.
As soon as Cena turns heel and calls someone a son of bitch. We will all be pacified for a few more years.
It's a pretty good plan really.
"A guy in another thread was complaining about how he's so tired of people complaining about the PG version of WWE.

Well doesn't that right there prove something? That if you look at the majority of people that go to wrestling message boards, fan sites, the whole mass of people in the IWC, you'll find that the majority do not want PG WWE. It's a topic that won't go away for a reason."

I think this is a great example of what is wrong with the WWE. They continually have ignored the IWC and stated that it is just a small fraction of their fanbase, but we are the ones with the most sway, and at live shows we are the ones that are explaining things to casual fans.

Remeber when Cena was traded to Raw? The pop was huge he was may more over everything was better. But his character started to change and the IWC definately jumped off that bandwagon. Shortly thereafter half the crowd in every building starts booing the hell out of Cena.

Same year, the year of the metrosexual monster Batista. The IWC put him over the top, when we started liking him everyone else did too.

Goldberg VS Lesnar at WM, the whole crowd was against them both, the WHOLE WM crowd. How's anyone gonna say the IWC has no influence, yet McMahon says he listens to his audience?, please.

Most of the things that the IWC complains about we've been complaining about in some general way for a long time now and Vince has never listened. Look at Hornswoggle, I have no doubt that kids don't mind Hornswoggle, but adults don't wanna see that shit, its stupid and we've been complaining about dumbass storylines forever because they are ALWAYS crap. But they keep shoving it down are throats.

The funny thing is okay kids are okay with Hornswoggle but adults hate it, but I think I can guarantee that if they put as much spotlight on just a good cruiserweight program kids would like that more than Hornswoggle(and hey us adults might actually like that too). Because after all the kids that watch WWE are still WRESTLING fans and not really fans of midgets pulling pranks. I mean if they want to watch something thats funny, why not change the channel to any of the numerous channels that are actually funny? The WWE likes to forget what makes it successful at its core and that is wrestling.
Well, I have tickets to RAW in Hershey the night after Survivor Series, which probably mark the last time I follow WWE programming for a good while.

The last month of episodes have been hideous. I was trying to defend it but i've lost interest in doing so, and I'm sick of watching the same matches every PPV, horrible PPV match build ups, a lack of major attention on the best race (US Title bouts) and an embarrassing use of talent.

I hope TNA goes to Monday nights and has some (short-term at least) success.
PG era = Fail

No original looking or presented characters (except Miz and Morrison), feuds are drawn out too much before the 2nd PPV, Vince stopped caring about the fans that gave WWE an 8.0 during the Attitude Era. Look at the ratings now!

PG era = Fail

No original looking or presented characters (except Miz and Morrison), feuds are drawn out too much before the 2nd PPV, Vince stopped caring about the fans that gave WWE an 8.0 during the Attitude Era. Look at the ratings now!


Well, it's not ALL about it being PG, it's just a factor playing into everything else. You can have a good PG wrestling show. It just seems like this is TV-Y and every new guy brought up is put through a cookie cutter and now we have the same 10 new "stars" who have no chance of standing out.
Personally since tha idiot john cena changed the wwe title into a gangst spinner belt the company has lost a lot of prestige. Raw has always been vince's main focus for some reason he's put so much time into raw that he's not paying attention to Smackdown. Smackdown has always been the A show if you ask me. SD! waists no time they get right to the acton unlike Raw Rawis full of phony gimmicks wit Randy Orton always punting someone upside the head and batista having the title for 1 day then vacating it due to injury from the angle of donald trump owning raw oue week then commercial free then Vince buys it back 1 week later are you kidding me! I'm just so outraged that wwe went pg now there's no blood no foul language. Raw's matches are so much shorter. Smackdown has always been good and always will be at least there not full of phony gimmicks!
Well, it's not ALL about it being PG, it's just a factor playing into everything else. You can have a good PG wrestling show. It just seems like this is TV-Y and every new guy brought up is put through a cookie cutter and now we have the same 10 new "stars" who have no chance of standing out.

And the reason for that as far as I see is that these 10 new cookies are told what to do, what to say and how to say it in accordance to the show's creative direction.
Guys who were successful to the point of megastardom were the ones that were allowed to dictate that direction, not follow it. So yeah, you can feasibly have a good PG rated wrestling show but....nah :blush:
the pg rating is fine but a lot of the people who replied to this post are right, kids have been watching wwe since it started so it's nothing new. but it's not the rating that's bringing them down it's the storylines and the fact that they have too many of the same characters. if they had better storylines and less wrestlers in those storylines than maybe they would get better.

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