PG Rating Discussion

It's pointless. If a parent is against their child watching wrestling, they won't let them watch it. You think suddenly a rating change is going to change that? Hardly anyone takes note of them anyway. WWE used to have a 15 rating (I think?) yet my mum allowed me to watch it and I'd only be 5. The point is, people are against their children watching it because it's teaching wrestling moves and fighting, not because of a storyline. They're trying to combat people who really aren't going to change their mind, short of them taking the fighting out of it.
It's a good thing I steal other people's idea, because otherwise I might be put out that I'm being ignored.

It's not about the audience; it's about the revenue that they get from advertisers. Gillette and Doritos don't want to be associated with a show with blood and swearing, apparently. Business types are stuffy like that. Just ask the Bisch.
(I originally posted this as a reply to another thread, but I feel that the subject matter delivered in this post should have a thread of it's own. If I'm right, there should be plenty of responses.)

Lol I think it was my thread XD

Honestly, D-Man, I love how you broke it all down in little pieces that we can all understand in positives and negatives. And frankly, I don't think I could prove you wrong. And I believe that because of this cycle (history repeating itself) is what creates controversy and its own version of fans.

I mean, consider this:

When Vince bought the company from his daddy back in the 1980's, he was working with stars like Hogan. Comparision? The biggest name has to be Cena, obviously. Kids loved Hogan. Kids love Cena. Then the Attitude Era came about, and if you think about it, the old guys who watched Buddy Rogers and Bruno Sammartino most likely got upset because the Attitude era was "way out of line" and too absurd. My uncle was a wrestling fan, and when the Attitude era was alive and well, he even told me that he quit watching because SCSA and HHH were "not of the caliber of the wrestlers of old" and the product wasn't the same. And I sit back and think now, "Wow, what are we complaining about?" But the difference with the Attitude era and today's product is the ratings and the crowd fanbase that developed out of the Golden Age.

And by looking at your pluses and minuses, D-Man, it seems like the cycle is going full speed. Eventually, I'm guessing, that the product will change, and the little kids who are fans of Cena now will develop a liking for the product in about 10-15 years from now, and we'll be old geezers saying something about how "Randy Orton Jr. isn't nothing compared to his father," or how "Aurora Levesque isn't quite as hot as her mom is!" (but the name will work to her advantage when she's a Diva).

It is just another cycle I guess, and we'll have to ride the storm out.
When Vince bought the company from his daddy back in the 1980's, he was working with stars like Hogan. Comparision? The biggest name has to be Cena, obviously. Kids loved Hogan. Kids love Cena. Then the Attitude Era came about, and if you think about it, the old guys who watched Buddy Rogers and Bruno Sammartino most likely got upset because the Attitude era was "way out of line" and too absurd. My uncle was a wrestling fan, and when the Attitude era was alive and well, he even told me that he quit watching because SCSA and HHH were "not of the caliber of the wrestlers of old" and the product wasn't the same. And I sit back and think now, "Wow, what are we complaining about?" But the difference with the Attitude era and today's product is the ratings and the crowd fanbase that developed out of the Golden Age.

And by looking at your pluses and minuses, D-Man, it seems like the cycle is going full speed. Eventually, I'm guessing, that the product will change, and the little kids who are fans of Cena now will develop a liking for the product in about 10-15 years from now, and we'll be old geezers saying something about how "Randy Orton Jr. isn't nothing compared to his father," or how "Aurora Levesque isn't quite as hot as her mom is!" (but the name will work to her advantage when she's a Diva).

It is just another cycle I guess, and we'll have to ride the storm out.

this put it almost perfect. right now i am 30 have been watching wrestling since the late 80s so i kinda remember the time of hogan, and savage, and the million dollar man so on so forth then when the monday night wars started i didn't miss a program of either show.
i hate the product now but in 10 15 year i'm sure i'll still be watching and a new "attitude era" will come back as the younger fans grow up and Vinnie either dies or gives up control to shane, steph and trips
but now onto more of the topic. the pg rating was put into effect to garner more advertisers, sponsors, and to keep the younger fans..the children of the attitude era; mine included. at 8 she's a huge fan of Orton... watching because they can understand the characters now and wouldn't understand the foul mouth beer swilling degenerates of the A.E.
It seems like people are just teed with the fact that there isn't much swearing, blood, sex and violence. I don't think that you need those things to make a good show.

Don't get me wrong, swearing, blood, and violence are my favorite things in the world, but just because WWE is changing their image doesn't mean that it's going to crap. In my opinion, the best kinds of fans to have are children because they can grow up watching it, then when they're 30 or so they can bring their kid to a show and say "This was my childhood, son/daughter/alien/mystical creature." And then the pattern starts over again. That child is now a fan and hopefully will be a fan long enough to take HIS kids to a show.

I don't see what the big deal is, besides RAW being boring as hell, Smackdown and ECW are REALLY good shows even without the blood, sex and swearing. Some people are just upset because something they've been watching for a long time and something they're so use to seeing is changing.
Whisper made some very good points. I mean, I used to not be allowed to watch wrestling, but my mum wasn't afraid of the storylines, (well she wasn't crazy about the language) but she was scared that I would Tombstone my younger brother.
It's the violence that puts parents off, you can have a million "don't try this" warnings but kids will still try it. Think of that kid who died doing a Swanton off a building the other week. Do you think his parents cared if there was swearing on the programme where he learnt it.

Another thing, the game ratings in England have always been 15 or 18, how will WWE be able to market their console games to kids?
Has ANYONE ever looked at WWE PG now as not really just a Kiddie product, but an EVERYBODY product?? Like SERIOUSLY look at it. It's not that it is JUST catering to kids. It might cater MORE to them. But WWE is now an EVERYBODY product. It isn't JUST for kids, it isn't JUST for adults, there's something for everyone.

Yes they are catering more towards a younger audience, but are you guys ignoring the way Orton is attacking women and old men?? It might not be as mature as before, but we are STILL getting adult themes in certain cases.


WWE could put all the blood and curse words in Batista/Orton, but it's still going to be stale. People need to put blame in the right areas.

Cena is stale because of the writing.

WWE is stale because of the writing and booking.

The attitude era was awesome.. But like D-Man said before, WWE DID have a bad image. Kids didn't watch it that often because of its content, and it was more for an older audience.

And if you THINK about it, didn't MOST OF US get into wrestling when it was Hogan or HBK, or Bret Hart?? During that older version of WWE's "Kiddie version?" And WWE evolved into the attitude era. So I TOTALLY agree that WWE is starting over. I've told A LOT of people that WWE is now in their REBUILDING stage. So LET IT BUILD!

I for one, am a fan through and through. WWE is a part of me so i'll stick by it. I PERSONALLY would rather turn away from WWE during the attitude era because of its morbid content instead of turning away from it because it's more for kids. But maybe that's because i've watched WWE for over 22 years and i've MATURED through AND WITH it.

All i'm saying it the PG version isn't what's making WWE wack, it's WWE making it wack.
i just don't see how the rating on top of the screen has anything to do with the ability to enjoy a show. that being said there is a lot of unenjoyable crap on raw right now but it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a pg rated show. the problems are that people are impatient, and no i am not simply refering to us net nerd fans here. what i mean is that creatively and probably due to the lightning fast reactions of who is in charge, there is no time for characters or stories to really "ripen" and become good. just because someone doesn't say "fuck" in a movie is it unwatchable? or is a tv show horrible simply because instead of shit blowing up you see good acting that is "pg"? the problem may also be that people just see pg rating and think, "oh they don't care about what i think anymore and i was such a great fan in '99" well quite frankly they didn't really care then and they won't. all any company cares about is if you're spending money on their product. so watch or don't watch, complain or don't. just remember that if the story/performance is good, it doesn't matter if they bleed, curse or show up half naked.
i have to agree with what most people are saying. the WWE is in their rebuilding stage but also the fact that we watched it, we grew up, then some people stopped watching it. but its passed on to our kids. wrestling has been in my family since my grandpa who was in his 80s. he passed it on to his kids, then to me and my brothers, and from us its going to our kids like my nephew and nieces. its something that is passed on through the generations
I do agree with some of the points behind this but here is the problem with wwe being PG.

Yes a lot of kids are now into the product, but more adult fans will tune out. Considering that kids are more lilkly to be exposed to wrestling by adults, then kids will grow out of their show that they are getting to old for, and therefore there wont be as high of a new generation of wrestling fans. For me, I would never have been a fan of wrestling if it weren't for my brother. He would do wrestling moves on me, played N64 and introduced me to wrestling charactors. Then he let me see the real thing and said, "this is what real entertainment is" and I was captivated by it. So, to me most kids today won't find a wrestling product in the future if it isn't by an adult first. And since the product has been toned down more now, parents take most of their kids to a show, and back in the late 90's you saw very few kids there, and the ones that were there were driven by an older sibling. It may seem alright for a while to some with this rating, but say 5 or 10 years down the road, if they are still in this same catagory of entertainment, then this will come back to bite wwe in the ass.
I have watched WWE since '91-'92 and back then the shows were not rated TV-14, of course they did not have tv ratings back then, but the shows never had crouch chops, strong language, sexually suggesive dialogue and/or content, women half naked, etc. It wasn't until '96-'97 when Austin came around did the language get stronger, and then of course '97 is when DX started and all the smut on the shows got more and more. Remember how the first Hell IN A Cell match was? Michaels entire face covered with blood? The bikini contest between Sable and Jaqueline where Sable only had body paint covering her breasts? The show got more and more raunchy through the late 90's to early 2000s. The only thing I despise about this sudden "PG" thing is no blood in Hell In A Cell matches. WTF? I match called Hell In A Cell anf ZERO blood? A last man standing match and 100% blood free? Extreme rules match and NO blood? Even WM8 Hart V Piper, Bret was busted open, not that much but he was fairly bloody for a regular match. WM13 Bret Vs Stone Cold, the blood on Austin's face in a submission match
The bottom line is I don't mind the PG rating, because if I wanted to watch a smutty show I'll watch Sex and the City, or Nip/Tuck or Desperate Housewives, shows that are 90% sex and 10% drama. I watch wrestling to watch the wrestlers, not to watch silicone bleached blonde jezebels
BigRed Ive been saying the same thing. Ive been watching WWF/E since 1990-1991 and back then it was PG. I have no problem with the PG Rating despite the lack of Blood in Matches but if anyone noticed Randy Orton bled a little in the fight with Flair on RAW this week. I loved the Attitude Era as much as anyone and yes it probably will be the WWE's Best Era but Vince had to move on at some point didn't he?
I prefer my theory (that I stole from someone else, obviously) that it's because it makes the WWE seem more desirable to advertisers. More advertisers - or more major companies - means more money. A PG rating attracts more/bigger companies. You see where I'm going with this.

Quick tip; stealing other people's ideas is much quicker than coming up with your own.
i agree with you, its probably to get more advertising and sponsors, or so parents wont complain. when i was a little kid i loved that violent type stuff, i remember when i first started wacthing, and kane poured a tub of blood all over Mr. Kennedy. But thats what little kids like, violence and fighter, and blood. its just so they can get more sponsors, and be kid friendly, and for the merchandise.
i just don't see how the rating on top of the screen has anything to do with the ability to enjoy a show. that being said there is a lot of unenjoyable crap on raw right now but it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a pg rated show. the problems are that people are impatient, and no i am not simply refering to us net nerd fans here. what i mean is that creatively and probably due to the lightning fast reactions of who is in charge, there is no time for characters or stories to really "ripen" and become good. just because someone doesn't say "fuck" in a movie is it unwatchable? or is a tv show horrible simply because instead of shit blowing up you see good acting that is "pg"? the problem may also be that people just see pg rating and think, "oh they don't care about what i think anymore and i was such a great fan in '99" well quite frankly they didn't really care then and they won't. all any company cares about is if you're spending money on their product. so watch or don't watch, complain or don't. just remember that if the story/performance is good, it doesn't matter if they bleed, curse or show up half naked.

But I enjoy the blood, and the half naked girls...I really do...How could a straight man with a pulse not want to see these sexy women barely clothed and sometimes getting stripped? Bleeding gives a whole different dimension to a match/rivalry. If they get busted open like we've grown accustomed to, you know that it's been a hell of a match. It really sells the match. Same with the rivalry...If another man requires them to get stitches, it adds so much more drama. It's a soap opera for men. Soap opera's for women are definitely not rated PG. I don't like poo poo jokes and little leprachauns dancing with children. I literally gagging when I watch Rey Mysterio's kid friendly promo's. (Not that he's been an ass in the past, but it's so obnoxious.) I'm not a part of the WWE Universe, I'm a wrestling fan. When Flair was calling Orton out last night on Raw to fight him in the parking lot, Jerry Lawler said that he thought they were "just messing around", but apparently "they were getting serious.." Why the fuck would they be messing around? He literally said they were joking...I guess I'm greedy, but I want Vince to continue to write for the people that sparked the wrestling boom.
The PG rating is honestly killing my enjoyment for WWE....

Join the crowd.

But the only thing I will add is that I do think it's possible for them to come up with a PG product that we can enjoy. It's simply that Vince isn't doing so. He is going in another direction.

For example, a lot of people can refer to this product as a Kiddie Product and what not. But the thing is, if you think about it, other than Hornswoggle running around, how is this product really a Kiddie Product?

The Hogan Era and especially The New Generation Eras were far more Kiddie than the product we see today.

So, I think it is something else beyond the rating. And like I posted in another thread, what I see Vince doing is trying to make his product look like a legitimate sport, when it isn't, and nor will it ever be. He is trying to give this product the look and feel of a real sport, and in doing so, is eliminating the intriguing characters, and essentially not doing the storylines he used to do. Rather no, it is simply all about the competition, and thrill of competing for a title ... as opposed to storylines featuring grudges, and that sort of thing. Again, it's like he wants to make it look like it is a real sport.

People will post, "if you don't like it, don't watch it!" That is the dumbest shit i've ever heard...I want to love the WWE...I don't want to stop watching. It's like breaking up with your girlfriend because your relationship is hurts to do it. It's not as simple as, "okay, I'm done!"

When some people say this, they are simply trying to call your bluff. They don't think you will really leave.

Other people, however, really could care less if you watch, and are essentially telling you to "Fuck Off".

And that is what you have to do, sadly. I know it's hard to do so. Hell, I've watched for two decades, but I've essentially called their bluff, and have moved on from watching the shows.

The best way to do this, is to do so gradually. You have to come to terms with the fact that Vince is no longer catering to you, and nor is he really catering to fans, in general. Vince is catering to advertisers. And in doing so, he is really testing his fans' patience and their loyalty to his product. My philosophy, though, is why be loyal to someone who isn't going to be loyal to me?

There was a Raw that took place a few years ago, where Vince came out and told the crowd that "I will tell you what you want to see. And you will like it." I have no idea what prompted him to even make a comment like this, but that was undoubtedly the real Vince McMahon coming out, and not just the Mr. McMahon character.

So, he is testing that theory because he believes its true. He thinks he can put on the screen whatever he wants, and you are going to like it, no matter what. This theory partly goes back to the comments Jonathan Coachman made about wrestling fans not really having many other interests in other sports, besides wrestling ... and obviously Vince feels that way, too. So I suppose he figures, "Why cater to the fans, when they're going to watch whatever I give them, and they'll deal with it. So, I am going to start catering to my advertisers, instead."

And for the people that think the PG rating isn't making the product bad, hear me out.

The only reason the WWE was ever successful is because of the 18-34 year old demographic. Sex sells, violence sells, controversy sells.

Yes, yes, and yes. And ratings have proved all of that time, and time, and time again.

What is going on here, and I even had someone on another forum finally admit as such to me, is that the people who argue that "today's product is essentially the greatest thing since sliced bread" ... these people enjoy today's product. They know that ratings, buyrates, and attendance don't support their enjoyment of the product ... so instead of arguing with factual data, they would simply rather dismiss the data and not discuss it.

They enjoy what they see, and they don't want anything at all to change about it. That is where their motivation comes into play.

People who argue that today's product really hasn't changed all that much since the early to mid 2000's .... I have to question whether or not they are blind? This product may look the same in terms of a similar looking set, some familiar faces, and all .... but this product that we see on the TV today is dramatically different from the product that we were given all the way up until around 2005 or 2006. And I have discussed those differences many times.

So where as people that like today's product don't want it to change, and that is what fuels their motivation .... people like us are in the same boat. We don't like today's product. We like how wrestling used to be. BUT, the key difference is that we can support our arguments by pointing to data. They, can not.

As I've said in another thread, the only way to become a true superstar in this business is to start off heel. Every wrestler to ever become a mega star since the early 90's has been a heel first. Prove me wrong. (Oh and Mysterio may be the only exception.) The heels are so watered down now that A. They don't have their own identity (Miz is doing a great job, although he would have been better suited in the WWE a few years ago.) and B. These stupid kids aren't gonna go to the proverbial darkside. They love to cheer the good guy cause he's "their hero."

The characters are watered down, I believe, because Vince wants gimmicks and actual characters to go away. And instead, he wants personalities to take their places. Very similar to how fighters in the UFC, boxing, etc. are. Same mentality with the announcers. The gimmicks are gone. Only the personalities remain. And today's announcers act like real sports announcers of real sports.

He wants the product presented to the audience as if it is a real product. And in doing so, he has unfortunately removed all the Entertainment.

I'm sick of this crap. I started watching the WWF and WCW in 1997 because I loved the violence and girls on the programming. I loved Austin flipping off his boss, DX's antics, Foley laying in the ring a bloody mess. I loved ECW for the incredible action, the tables, the crazy weapons. I loved wrestling just like I enjoyed watching action and horror movies. It was an escape from reality. It was bad ass. Hornswoggle is not bad ass. Vince is not putting Hornswoggle on TV for guys my age, 22. He's putting Hornswoggle on for 8 year old children. I'm not 8 years old. They aren't writing the show for my age anymore. When I was 13 years old, they were writing the show for 22 year olds. Now that I'm 22, they're writing it for 13 year olds.

Vince isn't targeting anyone, though. I disagree that he is targeting this product to children. But by not targeting anyone, this is essentially why the product is as stale and boring as it is.

He has Hornswoggle for the Kids, but that is the only real character he has that targets little kids. Cena serves as a role model for young and older kids, into their teens. But I don't see WWE aggressively going after Kids, though. Again, I see that you started watching back in 1997, but try to become familiar with The New Generation Era, if you can. If you want to see a product that went after and targeted Kids, that is the Era to watch.

My impression is that today's product:

* Is catered to advertisers, to make them happy, more so than fans, who Vince takes for granted, and assumes is going to watch, no matter what.

* Is then, written for everyone, with no one particular target audience in mind ... hence the PG rating.

* Is trying to make the product resemble a legitimate sport, by watering down all characters and storylines, to make everything seem as realistic as possible. The drawback is that the WW"E" no longer falls back on its characters and storylines for Entertainment.

Rather, he wants all of his audience to be entertained, just by the wrestling action, itself. And I'm sorry, but that isn't good enough for me. I never watched wrestling, just for solely the wrestling, itself. And I'm not about to start doing so, now. That is why Ring of Honor never interested me, either.

The reason is that if I wanted to watch a sport, just for the thrill of the in-ring competition itself, then I am going to watch UFC, which has no Pre-Determined Outcomes, and is not scripted. In other words, IF I want JUST the matches and ONLY the matches, then I am going to watch real fighting, not scripted fighting.

If it's JUST the action that Vince feels should entertain me, then what incentive do I have to watch his product, instead of the real product with no predetermined outcomes?

And when these kids grow up, they are gonna want the same thing from WWE. They'll bail on the product faster then Mr. Kennedy's return.

My theory is that if Vince intends on whatever kids he can bring into his fanbase today, to grow up and still like the same product, I think he is going to fail.

The problem is, like I stated earlier, he isn't really going after and aggressively targeting the Kids, today. So therefore, I don't think he is necessarily going to have a huge bunch of kids today, that will grow up so he can cater to down the road. Which is what he expects.

He just isn't targeting anyone. And that is why the product seems like it is "just there" for anyone.

But he is essentially sending adults away, by no longer offering them programming that matches their interests. And you mention today's fans telling you to "tune out", but that is also what Jim Ross himself said in one of his blogs. He said if you "don't like what you see, but continue to watch anyway, then his best advice is to tune out." And that is what needs to transpire. So yes, they are essentially kicking the adults who where loyal to him through the Attitude Era, to the curb. He doesn't need you anymore, therefore isn't going to cater to you. And according to numerous wrestlers and other office staff that have left the company, that is "vintage McMahon". He uses you up, and then spits you out when he doesn't need you anymore.

There is no such thing as loyalty, with Vince McMahon. Therefore, you need to play by the same rules, and not return that same loyalty he expects from his fanbase.

For the people who say that PG is NOT ruining the programming, I envy you. I really do. I envy that your tastes are synonymous with 8 year old girls. I'm jealous that you think Santino oinking at Vickie is a real knee slapper! I wish I could crack a little smile when that innocent yet rambunctious Hornswoggle dances around the ring with little kids! Oh boy...not again Hornswoggle!

Well, everyone has different tastes. My philosophy is that there are enough people with philosophies like theirs, and enough people with philosophies like yours, that each merits their own product. Vince doesn't want to do that, though. Most likely because he wants all of his shows with the same content ratings.

That way, since it is likely hard enough to attract advertisers to his product, if he gets someone to advertise on Raw, he can go to that exact same advertiser, and try to get them to advertise on Smackdown and ECW, as well. Offer them discounts to do all of his shows, etc. That way, he doesn't have to work quite so hard at reaching out to multiple advertisers, who all have products with different target audiences, in mind. It's easier for Vince, and after all "he thinks you are just going to watch, anyway."

The whole point is the WWE isn't writing for us anymore. It's like listening to your local rock radio station in your car, then all of a sudden the station turns to country music. Do you still listen to the station just because your loyal and you've listen to it for 12 years, or do you tune out and find something that actually strikes your fancy?

I tune out. And I have, as of last week altogether.

If someone has been a fan for a long time, then you have to do a couple things.

First, you have to come to terms that Vince is not writing his shows with you in mind, anymore. He caters to advertisers, first, and expects you to like the product, regardless.

Second, if you are dissatisfied, then you have two choices:

1) Force yourself to watch the product, anyway, and deal with it.


2) Gradually start tuning out.

If you watch multiple shows, start tuning out Superstars and ECW, and just watch Raw and Smackdown. Then, after a couple weeks, tune out of either Raw or Smackdown. And if you still aren't happy, just tune out of the last show remaining, that you do watch.

I never watched Superstars, but once I came to terms that Vince has absolutely no intention of altering his business strategy, I began by turning off ECW. Then, a couple weeks later, I turned off Smackdown, as well, and just watched Raw. Then, a couple weeks later, Raw still bored me to tears, so I finally turned off the last show, as of last week.

So, the only thing I do today, is read the Newsboards. Essentially, I'm not missing too much anyway, by reading the daily updates. But, that way, I can finally say that I broke free of watching his shows. And it feels good, I have to say.

But for those that are dissatisfied, don't allow Vince to keep holding you hostage, or feel like you HAVE to be loyal to the product. Vince isn't loyal to you, so you have no reason to be loyal to him. All the man sees are $$$$.

So, you have to start gradually turning off the shows ... then once you turn off the one show you do watch of his, then you can make a choice to either start following TNA, or simply quit wrestling altogether, and start watching UFC or another sport. But that first step is to accept the fact that Vince has zero, and I do mean zero, intention of changing anything about today's product. So the only thing you can do is play the game, and prove the man wrong, by leaving him.
I read somewhere that the new PG rating is because of Linda's newfound ties to the board of education, and its to avoid giving any potential political opponents ammo to attack her on (ex. the content of a storyline, excessive violence, sexual inuendo,etc)
It seems like people are just teed with the fact that there isn't much swearing, blood, sex and violence. I don't think that you need those things to make a good show.

Don't get me wrong, swearing, blood, and violence are my favorite things in the world, but just because WWE is changing their image doesn't mean that it's going to crap. In my opinion, the best kinds of fans to have are children because they can grow up watching it, then when they're 30 or so they can bring their kid to a show and say "This was my childhood, son/daughter/alien/mystical creature." And then the pattern starts over again. That child is now a fan and hopefully will be a fan long enough to take HIS kids to a show.

The best wrestling ever was EC f'n W. Their guys were not superheros and villians. They were bad asses. Blood, sex, and violence are not required. There is a certain level of each that makes a product for the most people. It just appears that TNA is expanding its audience through violence. WWE is doing the opposite.
It seems like people are just teed with the fact that there isn't much swearing, blood, sex and violence. I don't think that you need those things to make a good show.

Don't get me wrong, swearing, blood, and violence are my favorite things in the world, but just because WWE is changing their image doesn't mean that it's going to crap. In my opinion, the best kinds of fans to have are children because they can grow up watching it, then when they're 30 or so they can bring their kid to a show and say "This was my childhood, son/daughter/alien/mystical creature." And then the pattern starts over again. That child is now a fan and hopefully will be a fan long enough to take HIS kids to a show.

The best wrestling ever was EC f'n W. Their guys were not superheros and villians. They were bad asses. Blood, sex, and violence are not required. There is a certain level of each that makes a product for the most people. It just appears that TNA is expanding its audience through violence. WWE is doing the opposite.

just wait until TNA has to deal with some kid being killed because his best friend tried to do Samoa Joe's muscle buster off the couch
I'm going to take a page out of Uncle Sam's book and take a bunch of theories and make them my own.

Sam pointed out most obviously that the WWE is getting mad sponsors out of this. Gillette, Doritos, Subway, that's putting some serious green in Vince's wallet.

Everything D-Man said was true, and he's also right that it does suck, but I have a lot of hope that in the end everything will be ok.

Y4J, I'm kinda in the same boat as you, maybe at least the same kind of boat. I think the PG rating is going to do more harm than good. I don't enjoy it as much as I did wrestling before the PG rating, but it still has plenty of good stuff. Sure, RAW has been kind of iffy these past few weeks, but Smackdown has been good. Even ECW has been ok! However, I don't blame the weak product the WWE on the writers. Vince approves/disapproves of everything they try to put out, he gets the last say. If nothing good is coming out, it's probably because Vince won't let it, or won't go out and hire any better writers. But then I agree with you again when you say it's time for the WWE to "let it build." It's coming at a tough time, what with two major superstars departing in the coming years, but I'm confident that the current major players will be able to keep the show great and that some of the younger stars will really step up their game (like The Miz, who's doing a fantastic job now).

I think, like D-Man said, the WWE wants to get rid of the attitude era and get some new fans. But, I don't think the WWE wants to get rid of it's old fans at all. I mean, we're still watching, aren't we? I for one don't think the product is so bad that I will quit watching all together, I might miss a week or something, but I'm not going to swear off the WWE anytime soon. I think that this will go on for a few years, and then Vince will see that TNA is catching up in the ratings, and then he'll give us back what we want, what TNA will been giving; blood, sex, violence, threats, everything that PG took away. By this time, some of the younger fans who latched onto the product during the PG times will be hooked, and will keep watching through whatever comes next. There might be some casualties, there may be some kid's who's parents see the new, not so family-friendly product of the WWE and make them go to bed at 10 like they should on Monday nights, and maybe some veteran fans called it quits when they realized the WWE doesn't care about them anymore, but I'm telling you most of those fans will run back to the WWE when they realize the product they love has come back. This is my optimistic belief, and I hope to God that I'm right, and that PG doesn't last too long.
I'm going to take a page out of Uncle Sam's book and take a bunch of theories and make them my own.

Sam pointed out most obviously that the WWE is getting mad sponsors out of this. Gillette, Doritos, Subway, that's putting some serious green in Vince's wallet.

I agree with Uncle Sam in that this is being done to cater to advertisers.

Vince is essentially taking his fans for granted, and is assuming he can put on whatever he wants to put on, and fans are going to watch, regardless. In doing so, Vince is no longer catering to the fans, but rather catering to advertisers.

Put it this way, Vince is really testing the patience of his fans. The problem is that he is really pissing off the older crowd, but at the same time, I don't see him bringing in hordes of children to take their place. So, I really don't know if his strategy is helping him, since I really don't see him aggressively going out and trying to attract kids to the show.

Rather, the product basically comes across as him simply putting it out there on the table, and whoever wants to watch, can do so. I just don't see him specifically targeting any one, single group ... which is pretty much unheard of in the entertainment media.

I think, like D-Man said, the WWE wants to get rid of the attitude era and get some new fans. But, I don't think the WWE wants to get rid of it's old fans at all. I mean, we're still watching, aren't we?

I'm not. Every single WWE program went off two weeks ago, for me. Raw was the last remaining show I watched, and that was off, as of the Monday two weeks ago. I did not watch any show since that Monday, and it remained off from then, and continuing to stay off indefinitely. When I hear the show is going back to some of the things that entertained me, I'll be happy to give it another shot again. Until then, it's officially off in my house.

I will, however, still follow the newsboards on a daily basis. That will be my last way of keeping in touch with a product I followed for 20 years. And as a hobby, I will still track ratings on all shows on a weekly basis.

I for one don't think the product is so bad that I will quit watching all together, I might miss a week or something, but I'm not going to swear off the WWE anytime soon. I think that this will go on for a few years, and then Vince will see that TNA is catching up in the ratings, and then he'll give us back what we want, what TNA will been giving; blood, sex, violence, threats, everything that PG took away. By this time, some of the younger fans who latched onto the product during the PG times will be hooked, and will keep watching through whatever comes next. There might be some casualties, there may be some kid's who's parents see the new, not so family-friendly product of the WWE and make them go to bed at 10 like they should on Monday nights, and maybe some veteran fans called it quits when they realized the WWE doesn't care about them anymore, but I'm telling you most of those fans will run back to the WWE when they realize the product they love has come back.

This is my optimistic belief, and I hope to God that I'm right, and that PG doesn't last too long.

I can guarantee that this product will be around, as long as Linda McMahon sits on the Board of Education. Maybe longer than that.

When we understand and ACCEPT that Vince is catering to advertisers, not his audience, then it will become clear. The only way Vince will change, is logically by abandoning him and hurting him in his wallet.

The fan that doesn't like today's product and complains about it ... but still stays around, watches the shows, attends house shows, buys PPV's ... and simply grumbles about the shows while doing so ... only proves McMahon right. It proves that "Vince can tell you what to watch, and you WILL like it." And yes, that was Vince's own words on Raw a few years ago.
I agree with Uncle Sam in that this is being done to cater to advertisers.

Vince is essentially taking his fans for granted, and is assuming he can put on whatever he wants to put on, and fans are going to watch, regardless. In doing so, Vince is no longer catering to the fans, but rather catering to advertisers.

Put it this way, Vince is really testing the patience of his fans. The problem is that he is really pissing off the older crowd, but at the same time, I don't see him bringing in hordes of children to take their place. So, I really don't know if his strategy his helping him, since I really don't see him aggressively going out and trying to attract kids to the show.

Rather, the product basically comes across as him simply putting it out there on the table, and whoever wants to watch, can do so. I just don't see him specifically targeting any one, single group ... which is pretty much unheard of in the entertainment media.

I think I generally agree with you here. Vince is definitely sacrificing his fan support for advertising bucks. The one thing I'm not so sure about is the part about him not trying to bring in new fans. I think partially, he might be banking on the fact that he basically has a monopoly on the wrestling industry, and that word of mouth on the playground is going to bring in new fans. If that's not the case, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries something new soon. Let's keep in mind that this PG thing is kind of new, and I bet you the WWE is still trying to figure out what this means for them.

I'm not. Every single WWE program went off last week, for me. Raw was the last remaining show I watched, and that is off, as of last week. I did not watch any show since last Monday, and it is off indefinitely. When I hear the show is going back to some of the things that entertained me, I'll be happy to give it another shot again. Until then, it's officially off in my house.

I will, however, still follow the newsboards on a daily basis. That will be my last way of keeping in touch with a product I followed for 20 years. And as a hobby, I will still track ratings on all shows on a weekly basis.

Well then my question for you is, what will it take to get you to tune back in? When will you know it's ok to tune back in?

I can guarantee that this product will be around, as long as Linda McMahon sits on the Board of Education. Maybe longer than that.

When we understand and ACCEPT that Vince is catering to advertisers, not his audience, then it will become clear. The only way Vince will change, is logically by abandoning him and hurting him in his wallet.

The fan that doesn't like today's product and complains about it ... but still stays around, watches the shows, attends house shows, buys PPV's ... and simply grumbles about the shows while doing so ... only proves McMahon right. It proves that "Vince can tell you what to watch, and you WILL like it." And yes, that was Vince's own words on Raw a few years ago.

I've accepted a long time ago that Vince cares more about money than fans, and I don't blame him. He is a business man, a very good business man, and if he sees a way to make more money, I don't blame him for going after it. As for the product staying PG as long as Linda is on the board of education, I disagree. If you believe one of the reasons behind this PG rating is Linda's new political role (and I'm not entirely sold that that is part of it) I guarantee you once Vince feels threatened or notices his pockets aren't as heavy as they used to be, he'll put on the show we know he's capable of putting on again.

I realize that I'm proving Vince right, but I don't really care. I can hate him when he's on TV, but in real life, I can't blame the guy for doing what he's doing, so I will stick around in hopes that WWE will make the PG era barable, and I'll be able see the beginnings of whatever comes next... I hope.
When Vince bought the company from his daddy back in the 1980's, he was working with stars like Hogan. Comparision? The biggest name has to be Cena, obviously. Kids loved Hogan. Kids love Cena.

This comment got me to thinking about that era in the WWF, and it also got me thinking about the parallels today's roster, booking and storylines is beginning to draw to the pre-attitude era. Let me rattles off a list of examples here. First with the characters aside from te already cited Cena.

Randy Orton: Does anybody else notice the attempted resembelance to one of the greatest heels and the most psychological wrestler of all time, Jake "the snake" Roberts? With Cole calling him the Viper and his slither thing that hes adopted, I would say its none too subtle anymore. Even though IMO, it is a poor substitute for the snake.

Batista: Maybe it's limited to the rope shaking crap he does, but the way they book him and the way he behaves very much reminds me of th way they handled the ultimate Warrior. Maybe I'm reaching on that but I though I'd toss it out there.

The Hart Dynasty: Well, this one needs no real elaboration, does it?

John Morrison: What with his flashy attire and daring ringstyle, dare I ask, are they try to create the second coming of Randy Savage?

Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase: See my answer for the Hart Dynasty.

R-truth: REmember when Men on a mission would come to the ring rapping and playing to the crowd? I do unfortunately. Truth seems to be booked souly for crowd involvement, just like they were.

Brian kendrick: While it clearly isn't working, his gimmick feels like the early stages of post rockers HBK, minus Sherri of course.

The Boogey man: We all remember the way the undertaker was built up back before the attitude era with all his supernatural undertones , those of us that were kids when he first came about remember how petrifying his character was. Perhaps thats why Boogey got so many chances, because h got to the kiddies, just liek taker did way back when.

Kofi kingston: I love Kofi, but the whole happy go lucky island guy thing......Ko Ko B. Ware anyone? i know he wasnt an islender but I think you can see the resembelance here.

Umaga: The Scary samoan, just like the Samoan Swat team and the Islanders and The Head Shrinkers. otice the abscence of this character type in the attitude era. and No , Rikishi does not count.

The Big Show: An embodiement of every single "unstoppable" giant that was thrown at Hulk Hogan to get him over. Mainly because thre are no more Earthquakes or Zeus' or Sgt. Slaughters anymore. Heels like that dont exist anymore so the show embodies them all.

okay for now, enough of that. As for the storylines, the first things that pops up right away, is the return of the HOGPEN match. That, to me was the absolute lowpoint o the WWE, that and the diaper match between Razor ramon and the 1-2-3 kid of course. The leprchaun and goldust parading around, the santino/santina thing that continues to insult our intelligence immensely, The Great Khali DANCING and yelling WHATS UP (Oh the horror)!
It all makes sense, and I dont even want to add more to this post in fear of Vince getting what he wants in losing one more twentysomething wrestling fan.
: The D-Man

4. They're creating a whole new breed of wrestling fans.
I think I've made my opinion clear. If you haven't figured it out yet, I think Vince is trying to "start over" again and get his product back to what it was in the 1980's. I also believe that deep down, he doesn't want fans like us watching the product anymore. He's waiting for the fans that loved the Attitude Era to grow up, stop watching, move past wrestling, and forget about the images of all of the dead wrestlers, racy storylines, and smut television that ran in the late 1990's. this leaves no one left in the audience except for little kids (a.k.a. Hannah Montana fans).

It all makes perfect sense. The older fans of pro-wrestling (20 years old +) boo the living crap out of the characters and storylines, complain on the internet, and write letters to WWE Corporate, but they won't listen to a word we have to say. Yet, they seem to do everything to cater to the little kids. This could only mean that Vince does not want to listen to us anymore. He's ignoring us all and he's HOPING that we all turn off out television sets. I think Vince is thinking like this...

Fans of the Attitude Era = Bad Audience
New Blood = Good Audience.

He's trying to erase the past and start fresh... plain and simple. That's why he retired Stone Cold already! He hates the WHAT chants, hates the middle fingers, hates the racy comments of the past, and hates the IWC that will never forget that it all happened. He appreciates the fact that the Attitude Era saved his business, but now that competition is gone, he can sever all ties with the past and move onto a brand new future.

It's sad, but I have a feeling it's the truth. PLEASE someone prove me wrong.

You're almost right here. Let me explain.

We were the kids of the 80's. We grew up thinking that a barber could win against a model, and that these were professions that inspired men to fight. As we got older, the product did as well. The 80's served to purge the fans of the 60's and 70's. The 60's and 70's centered around titles. The 80's centered around characters. Those who got tired of all the character related chatter faded away, and the kids grew up with a very PG product, and Cyndi Lauper. They missed Bruno Sammartino, and Hulk Hogan was too over the top for them.

As the kids of the 80's grew, the product grew with us. I think that the kids born in 1982 (which I am one of) were the target audience of WWE's changes. When I turned 8, Hulk Hogan lost to Warrior, teaching me the lesson that even our heroes have limited time in the spot light. When I was eleven, Bret Hart lost his title to Yokozuna, teaching me that sometimes, you're jsut outflanked, no matter how hard you train and how good you are, someone is either better, or more prepared. These are important lessons. When I turned 15, and got into high school, a more rowdy product emerged. I was learning about rebellion in my own life, and watching Stone Cold live it out. Over the next few years, as I began talking shit in sports, I watched The Rock make it an art. Then, at a time in my life when I presented with opportunities to take shortcuts, or do the right thing to actually get on top, I watch that inner dynamic play out on TV with the contrast of Edge and John Cena.

Now, it is time for another purge. Stone Cold and The Rock are gone. The people who they brought in to the program are either gone, or hanging on by a thread. Now it is time to make new fans. These kids are going to grow up with Cena, and when it is time (five, six, seven years) there will be a resurgence of Attitude, as the new target audience will be old enough to understand and accept a little sex, cursing, and violence.

Wrestling is a very cyclical business, and one thing all viewers know as well as bookers, is that nothing can change overnight. People have accepted who is on top, and how the show works, and you have to make the major changes slowly, until one night, the audience is prepared for something as epic as Stone Cold's King of the Ring promo. Sure, he came out of relative obscurity to win it, but he had to be groomed, and so did the audience. If he makes that promo on SNME in 1987, he gets booed and is a life long heel, however, holding it off until the seven year olds were starting high school is much better timing to capture an audience, and bring people in through word of mouth.

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