PG Rating Discussion

that is funny the PG rating is not what is hurting Raw or WWE for that matter it is lack of the product. creative is worthless. i can hire a bum off the street who can make better storylines then these bums. but i guess i also have to account for Vince shooting down all good ideas that fly over his old ass. even his own daughter and son ideas are turned down. thats why i can not wait till Vince is gone. his kids have a better understanding of what product the fans want now and days.
All I can say is fuck that. I think wrestling fans have seen far too much to simply be satisfied by the thrill of competition. WWE are killing the authenticity of the characters they create, we're supposed to believe these wrestlers are ruthless motherfuckers but they can't threaten anyone or beat anyone to the point of bleeding or swear or make rude gestures or use sexual innuendos. I love wrestling but it has to be the right mix of entertainment in and out of the ring. WWE are doing themselves no favours by simply relying on wrestling because TNA does 'wrestling' a hell of a lot better. How is there any point to a wrestling match if there isn't a storyline to give it excitement and credibility? And how can a storyline be exciting when there's no overt violence, threatening behaviour or sexuality?
I'd like to state at this point that I officially hate children for being such a lucrative target market. Please God let this be some sort of cycle like everybody is saying.
All I can say is fuck that. I think wrestling fans have seen far too much to simply be satisfied by the thrill of competition.

Agreed. But Vince is certainly testing the waters with this theory, that's for sure.

I just think it's amusing when I hear people on here complain about dead crowds in certain cities, and the posters blame the crowds. It isn't the crowd's fault that Vince doesn't give them a product to make them feel enthusiastic anymore. The crowds of the late 90's and early 00's absolutely blow today's crowds out of the water. Because Vince game them a product that motivated them to cheer that much.

Here is a classic example of what the average crowd looked back in that time, and compare that to today. Look at the amount of people who brought signs to the shows. Look at the enthusiasm in the first arena segment between Vince, Ross, and Heyman.

WWE are killing the authenticity of the characters they create, we're supposed to believe these wrestlers are ruthless motherfuckers but they can't threaten anyone or beat anyone to the point of bleeding or swear or make rude gestures or use sexual innuendos. I love wrestling but it has to be the right mix of entertainment in and out of the ring.

As touched based on other threads, I think they days of the gimmick are gone, and we're now living in the days of personalities.

But you are right. You need that perfect blend of quality wrestling, quality characters, and quality storylines. And Vince has removed two of those from the equation.

WWE are doing themselves no favours by simply relying on wrestling because TNA does 'wrestling' a hell of a lot better. How is there any point to a wrestling match if there isn't a storyline to give it excitement and credibility?

I couldn't agree more. However, if you look around on here, evidently some people are happy seeing just wrestling, and nothing else. I don't "get it", either. I never started watching wrestling, and kept watching wrestling, just to watched scripted matches over, and over, and over again. I tuned in to wrestling for the whole product that it once was. The perfect blend of comedy, action, entertainment, gimmicks/personalities, drama, storylines, the crowds, the wrestling ... everything.
And how can a storyline be exciting when there's no overt violence, threatening behaviour or sexuality?

Well, storylines really seem to be going away, too. So one has to ask how the product can be exciting by just relying on scripted competition between two stars.

From the surface, Vince wants his product to exist without them, and is going in the direction of making his product appear like a real sport, from top to bottom. Of course, we know it isn't, but he wants to give the appearance that it comes across like a real sport. It appears his influences with his current product are those of Ring of Honor and UFC.

I'd like to state at this point that I officially hate children for being such a lucrative target market. Please God let this be some sort of cycle like everybody is saying.

I'm not so sure kids are really the Prime Target Market. I don't know IF there is a primary target market anymore, with Vince trying to appeal to Everyone with whatever type of product this is, that he is currently putting out.
I find it entertaining that people are so held up on the PG rating thing. This is not the problem. You don't have to put titties up on the screen to draw numbers, and the Attitude era not only won't be coming back but it wouldn't work again. The attitude era was great, this I concede, but it was the right product at the right time. The backlash that it would garner in today's climate is unfathomable. You don't get a product out of a slump by pulling a "blast from the past" and think its going to be a classic case of "back to the future". That's not the way things work out here in the real world... you don't move forward by always looking backward.

The product does indeed need a change, but Attitude is not the answer. Somebody throw up some original ideas and we might be able to turn this into a constructive forum to propagate change. Until then its nothing but disgruntled wrestling loyalists showing their age by reminiscing on the old days when they were all young and things were so much better... just like grandma and grandpa telling us what's wrong with today's society.
This might be my last year of watching wrestling. Vince and Shane really have lost their touch with the wrestling business. R.I.P WWE
I find it entertaining that people are so held up on the PG rating thing. This is not the problem. You don't have to put titties up on the screen to draw numbers, and the Attitude era not only won't be coming back but it wouldn't work again. The attitude era was great, this I concede, but it was the right product at the right time. The backlash that it would garner in today's climate is unfathomable. You don't get a product out of a slump by pulling a "blast from the past" and think its going to be a classic case of "back to the future". That's not the way things work out here in the real world... you don't move forward by always looking backward.

The product does indeed need a change, but Attitude is not the answer. Somebody throw up some original ideas and we might be able to turn this into a constructive forum to propagate change. Until then its nothing but disgruntled wrestling loyalists showing their age by reminiscing on the old days when they were all young and things were so much better... just like grandma and grandpa telling us what's wrong with today's society.

And fair enough. So let's see a good product without the PG Rating. Right now, I am seeing anything but one.

I think he wanted the PG rating to be more attractive to advertisers, and to help his standing with politicians. He can say he is trying to grow his audience by doing so, but he isn't exactly going out and targeting kids. Rather, I think this is a business decision, as opposed to something more so done "for the fans".

That's exactly why when asked at the Shareholder's meeting if he was concerned about 4 nights of wrestling and putting it on another night, he shrugged off a slight loss of ratings, as not really a big deal. He wants the advertising revenue those shows bring.

So one side is really testing the other side in all of this. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts.

My biggest motivation with this over the years was to try to figure out "What is Vince doing to this product, and Why?"

I think he wanted the PG rating for reasons outlined, and is trying to make that rating appeal to all audiences, without really specifically targeting one in particular (which everyone else in this line of work does). In doing so, he thinks the way to do that, is to make the business look like a real sport.
The PG rating is honestly killing my enjoyment for WWE....

People will post, "if you don't like it, don't watch it!" That is the dumbest shit i've ever heard...I want to love the WWE...I don't want to stop watching. It's like breaking up with your girlfriend because your relationship is hurts to do it. It's not as simple as, "okay, I'm done!"

And for the people that think the PG rating isn't making the product bad, hear me out.

The only reason the WWE was ever successful is because of the 18-34 year old demographic. Sex sells, violence sells, controversy sells. That will never change. Another thing that will never change is parents opinions of professional wrestling. Just because the WWE brands it's programming as PG, doesn't mean parents will approve letting their kids watch Randy Orton punt his opponents in the head, blatantly trying to cause brain damage. These parents will never agree with the WWE. Another thing that won't change is these kids love for wrestling. Whether it's PG or Rated R, kids are naturally drawn to wrestling. Sex and violence are like kid magnets. They haven't experienced it enough to look away from it.

As I've said in another thread, the only way to become a true superstar in this business is to start off heel. Every wrestler to ever become a mega star since the early 90's has been a heel first. Prove me wrong. (Oh and Mysterio may be the only exception.) The heels are so watered down now that A. They don't have their own identity (Miz is doing a great job, although he would have been better suited in the WWE a few years ago.) and B. These stupid kids aren't gonna go to the proverbial darkside. They love to cheer the good guy cause he's "their hero."

I'm sick of this crap. I started watching the WWF and WCW in 1997 because I loved the violence and girls on the programming. I loved Austin flipping off his boss, DX's antics, Foley laying in the ring a bloody mess. I loved ECW for the incredible action, the tables, the crazy weapons. I loved wrestling just like I enjoyed watching action and horror movies. It was an escape from reality. It was bad ass. Hornswoggle is not bad ass. Vince is not putting Hornswoggle on TV for guys my age, 22. He's putting Hornswoggle on for 8 year old children. I'm not 8 years old. They aren't writing the show for my age anymore. When I was 13 years old, they were writing the show for 22 year olds. Now that I'm 22, they're writing it for 13 year olds.

Do you think I honestly give a shit about women's wrestling? Now offense to them...they do a great job...but if they have to be on, I'd rather see them as eye candy. As fucked up as that may's the truth for me. I enjoy sex...just like I enjoy wrestling...It was perfect for me that they mixed the two.

And when these kids grow up, they are gonna want the same thing from WWE. They'll bail on the product faster then Mr. Kennedy's return.

For the people who say that PG is NOT ruining the programming, I envy you. I really do. I envy that your tastes are synonymous with 8 year old girls. I'm jealous that you think Santino oinking at Vickie is a real knee slapper! I wish I could crack a little smile when that innocent yet rambunctious Hornswoggle dances around the ring with little kids! Oh boy...not again Hornswoggle!

The whole point is the WWE isn't writing for us anymore. It's like listening to your local rock radio station in your car, then all of a sudden the station turns to country music. Do you still listen to the station just because your loyal and you've listen to it for 12 years, or do you tune out and find something that actually strikes your fancy?
PG isn't ruining ECW and Smackdown. They are doing great with their programming, and I know my tastes aren't those of a "8 year old girl."

It's Raw. That's really what's bad. This past episode was just painful. It isn't because of the PG though. It's because the players suck balls. Orton as your main event heel? Really? Flair flopping around? Priceless being pushed as main event, when they are nothing more than low-mid card?

Look at Smackdown. Look at ECW. They have their faults, but the overall product is sustainable, and enjoyable. Don't be afraid to mark out, and you will. I'm sure of it. ..Just don't watch Raw. It's getting painful. And i was one of the "I still enjoy it" types. The 1st of June changed my tune.
I'm a mix here, but I'm leaning more towards Razorback. He's right: SD is a great wrestling show that I now go out of my way to watch (it comes on later Saturday nights for me so it's not as easy as it sounds). I look at Raw and I see the main issue: the main feud right now is Orton vs. HHH (when he comes back), Batista and Flair. My goodness Evolution broke up FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO. The matches on Raw have simply been done to death so many tiems now that no one gives a damn about them anymore. Orton, Batista, Cena and HHH have all faced each other so many times now that no one, and I mean no one is interested in them together anymore. That's exactly the problem with it. The show is just flat out stale because it's been the same four guys for years now. It's not the PG rating that's hurting it. However, I'm starting to change a bit too. I've missed 8 Raws since the show debuted and it wasn't until tonight that I thought about just not watching it live. There's no point at the moment because it's just flat out boring.
I think that is my problem. I am only able to catch Raw mainly because I am accustomed to it and I usually ruin ECW and Smackdown by reading spoilers because I always forget they are on or I am busy those nights. Raw in a word isn't "Raw" anymore, it's slowly turning into WCW Thunder in the waning days. I know Vince feels Raw is his "flagship" show but he really needs to take a long and hard look at his Raw roster and push the right guys and fucking get better writers. I can write a better show but I don't have 7 years tv writing experience or whatever shit they need. Yeah, I know "we all can write a better show" but these writers don't know wrestling and they are really confused to this PG rating thing. I dunno, I really haven't paid attention to Raw lately. The only reason I watch it is to go on the live discussion here and make witty comments about Big Show loving ham and such.
ECW and Smackdown are fine, but their standards are nowhere near as high as RAW's. ECW has Tommy Dreamer and a lot of the time Mark Henry in the main event. The whole point is if you get over on Smackdown or ECW, you're most likely gonna be sent to Raw. Common sense.

Oh, and tonight on Raw, how the hell are we suppose to believe that Flair wouldn't be bleeding from the beating he took in the parking lot and the ring? Do they think parents are sitting at home and saying, "Well, he beat the shit out of an old man in the parking lot, had his buddies pummel him too, and eventually kicked his head off to cause permanent damage...but there's no blood...okay little Jimmy! You can watch this!"
I am also gonna have to say the PG rating isn't the sole reason Raw sucks. I protested tonight and didn't watch it. Smackdown is leaps and bounds above Raw right now, in every aspect. If they raised their rating to maybe a tv14 it would give certain people more room to improve,(I for one think John Cena would have been epic in the attitude era) but for the most part, it's the shitty writing and marketing that makes Raw suck.
I am also gonna have to say the PG rating isn't the sole reason Raw sucks. I protested tonight and didn't watch it. Smackdown is leaps and bounds above Raw right now, in every aspect. If they raised their rating to maybe a tv14 it would give certain people more room to improve,(I for one think John Cena would have been epic in the attitude era) but for the most part, it's the shitty writing and marketing that makes Raw suck.

I agree that Cena would have been on par with the Rock and Y2J with verbal exchanges. But they really should give at least ONE show an "older" rating. I know ECW is on at 10 so that should get the nod considering that most shows at that time are TV 14 or TV MA. By the way, for a goof, look up ECW on SCI FI's website, they really need to update the roster list.

Anyway, I think ECW would benefit from a ratings change especially in that time slot. They can at least be somewhat close to the original ECW.
Do you think I honestly give a shit about women's wrestling? Now offense to them...they do a great job...but if they have to be on, I'd rather see them as eye candy. As fucked up as that may's the truth for me. I enjoy sex...just like I enjoy wrestling...It was perfect for me that they mixed the two.

My words exactly thank u!.....but for the most part yes it is the PG rating....everyone blames orton give him TV14 or higher and he may be more vicious....and i dont put sole blame on PG cause yes there are some shitty wrestlers..but most of it lies in the hands of that..i mean i watched raw tonight....only thing good was Kofi Kingston vs. MVP which was a good match...but the rest junk....i mean if stone cold ever came back wat would he do? no middle austin 3:16 said i just whooped ur beer bash...he would be a bald guy in black trunks...and HHH use to be cold just beating the fuck out people wit sledgehammers planning out people to get ran cant have blood.......Undertaker cant take souls and do all his powers and scary shit caue the PG rating......its Pro Wrestling!
Truth be told, a lot of these terrible storylines are stemming from the fact that the product has become PG rated. I mean think about what makes a great feud; great hype, great matches, curveballs, basically anything that's going to stay with you when the show is over and leave you drooling for me and making you anxious for next week's episode. I hate to say it, but some of the best feuds were so great because of how violent they got. It's professional wrestling, not Nickelodeon.

This "sport" has always been based around guys beating the holy hell out of each other, whether legitimately (albeit a loooong time ago) or fake. It's a contact "sport." Having this PG rating in the WWE is like saying "hey instead of tackling lets do two hand touch instead" in the NFL. So you take out the cursing, the blood, the sex, but it's ok for Randy Orton to do half the things he does? Professional wrestling is not PG. You go big or you don't.

Don't get me wrong though, the PG rating isn't the only problem.The lack of an undisputed champion, a poor tag team and women's division, the brand extension, and a laundry list of other things are making the WWE a shell of its former self. I watch every week to see if maybe something interesting will happen, and if not at least I recorded it so that I can fast forward the bullshit. But let's get something straight here. Wrestling isn't designed for little kids. When you have your flagship show running until past 11 on a school night, I guarantee you that unless it's recorded, these kids aren't watching. I know I wasn't allowed to stay up that late when I was 8 years old...too bad it was during the attitude era and I missed a lot of it when it was good.

To change Cena's finisher from the FU to the attitude adjuster while having Orton punting guys in the head and kissing another man's wife makes the WWE a walking contradiction. The writing is so poor because the feuds are simply recycled. I mean kids that are under 10 don't remember when Jericho and Shawn Michaels fought at WM 19 so it's perfectly acceptable to have them feud just like they used to and pretending like they've never fought right? Not to mention Vince's crusade to shed the WWE's former image, I mean it seems like he's got the writing staff scared shitless.

Fuck the PG rating and let's have us some good ole fashion rasslin
I hear what you're saying and I can empathize, I've been there. I was an NWA and a WCW fan, when the whole WWE Attitude era happened, I didn't like it at all. It wasn't the edgy content, it wasn't the Jerry Springer taste of the thing, it was the fact that the WWE basically told all fans of classic pro wrestling that they knew better and that their version of things was the future of the business. Then they bought WCW, and made sure to alienate all of the WCW fans and ECW fans with their burial of both brands. The WWE and Vince McMahon know best, they are like a restaurant that serves you what they want instead of letting you chose, they are convinced that their public will accept anything they throw their way, now, with the PG rating, they are alienating their core Attitude Era fans, but they don't care. You see, they serve what they want and you'd better like it, for they are the biggest and most powerfull pro wrestling company on the planet, and they don't care if you've been a fan for years, just shut up and buy the product, that's their attitude. The "If you don't like it, don't watch it." seems to have backfired according to the ratings though.

Peace out.
Fuck the PG rating and let's have us some good ole fashion rasslin

But "good old fashioned rasslin" was PG rated back then. There wasn't a rating system for TV back then, but trust me the WWE of the 80's and Early 90's would be considered "PG rated".

I don't think the WWE needs to stop being PG rated to have a good show. Like people here have already said. Smackdown and ECW are both great, and they're both PG-Rated.

Smackdown is still plenty edgy with a PG rating.

Raw just plain sucks right now. Adding a few "ass" and "bitch" words wouldn't make it any better.

I do agree with people that the PG rating isn't consistant. You can't be considered "family entertainment" and have your talent beating up 60 year old men until they're bloody. You can't have them attacking women. You can't have breaking and entering segment.

One thing Raw has done, is that it seems to have nuetered MVP. If you wanna turn a guy face, I'm ok with that. They seemed to have stripped him of his personality.

He reminds me a lot of Rocky Miavia the way he's constantly smiling, and slapping hands with the fans. Being too much of a "good guy.

I don't mind him handing the Belt to Kofi Kingston and raising his hand, but he didn't have to have a fucking smile on his face while he did it!!!

Most of this stuff is just plain bad writing and booking that has nothing to do with what rating the show is.
I am going to go on record right now.

I GUARANTEE, that the next time there is a Hell In A Cell match, the announcers will start referring to it as "The Cell" match...Like that was always the name. No doubt in my mind.

It's not that it makes it cooler that it is "Hell" In A Cell, but somethings are better left the way they are.
im from the uk and all our wrestling is from 10 at night to 2 in the morning. so kids dont watch it anyway most of europe is exactly the same give or take an hour or so. So i say bring back some attitude and lets make it worth watching again
I'm fine with the PG Era. Probably because I don't watch Raw and Smackdown is just wrestling. Anyway, TNA is trying to do Attitude, and they're failing.

There's nothing wrong with change. Anyway, the Attitude Era was shit.
I have mixed feelings about the PG rating. From WWE's perspective, I think it's a good idea to have programming that caters to a younger crowd. On the other hand, however, I think it would also make good business sense to try to cover all of your demographics.

Personally, I have become disillusioned with WWE programming because it fails to mesh with my lifestyle (as I am sure it fails to do so with other twentysomethings' lifestyles as well). I like programming that's heavy on the wrestling rather than the entertainment, and I prefer the wrestling I watch to be a little edgier and darker than usual. I think WWE sort of has that type of programming in Smackdown!, but, I'm not the kind of guy to stay in on a Friday night, as this is my first night off of a long work week, and I don't want to sit around doing nothing.

I would prefer it if WWE switched the content of RAW and Smackdown! Also, I for one don't see how having a show with PG content on at 9 PM on a school night really works to WWE's advantage. In the end, this is me just being selfish. But, I want to be honest about what I want: give me adult programming sometime between Monday and Thursday, WWE (ECW doesn't count, as it's nothing more than a weekly highlight reel for RAW and Smackdown! with three wrestling matches).
When I see the WWE bringing in this PG rating, I have mixed feelings, as well. If I had to sit in Vince's shoes for a minute and find the reasoning behind it, I'd have to look at the positives and negatives of making the transition.


1. They're losing ratings.
I mean a TON of ratings. They're trying too hard to create "superheroes" and "villains" and it's really turning off the 20 year old + demographic. It's making the product into absolute garbage. The writing is bland, the matches are repeated on a weekly basis, the storylines are too predictable and straight-forward, and it's all starting to resemble Saturday morning cartoons. 1980's, anyone?

2. They're shoving stars down our throats again like they did in the 80's.
They really are. The "Rocky Maivia Effect" has taken over current stars like John Cena, MVP, and possibly John Morrison. The WWE wants them to be portrayed as a certain type of character so badly that no matter how much the old crowd boos them, as long as the little kids cheer, they keep them on the same path.

3. They're losing they're most loyal audience of the past 15 years.
In the 1990's, the wrestling audience was a CULT. We went crazy over the product, wouldn't miss a television show, bought the merchandise, said the catch-phrases, bought tickets to the shows, and worshipped the product. Everyone tuned in just to see who would win the Monday Night Wars. It was a great time to be a fan. But the WWE seems to be ignoring all of us. The reason why? I'll explain it below...


1. They're moving past the Attitude Era.
As much as we ALL loved the Attitude Era (myself included), it looked terrible to the parental and younger audience of the WWE and discouraged new fans to watch the programming once the Monday Night Wars were all over.

2. They're shedding the horrific image of the WWE of old.
Like I said previously, even though the Attitude Era was an incredible time, if you really step outside and take a look at what was being put on TV, it was horrible. Old women giving birth to hands? Necrophilia? Public crucifixion? Bad, bad, bad.

Even if you take away the storylines, you still remember all of the real-life deaths and tragedies that happened over the years to wrestlers of the past. By turning the storylines into cartoon-like situations, it accelerates the suspension of disbelief for newer audiences. Sooner or later, even though the tragedies will never be forgotten, to the parents of the casual younger wrestling fan, they can finally move past the WWE's horrific past.

3. They're selling more merchandise than ever before.
Ok, we get it. A LOT of people hate John Cena. But if you take a look at the live audiences of Raw, Smackdown, and ECW, it seems as if almost ALL of the kids in the audience are either wearing his T-shirts, hats, wrist bands, or has his disgusting spinner-belt. And that's just John Cena's merchandise.

The WWE makes a LOT of money from the merchandise they sell. We, being the older WWE demographic, don't buy it... the kids do. If they don't cater to the kids, they miss out on that money. Plain and simple.

1. They're creating a whole new breed of wrestling fans.
I think I've made my opinion clear. If you haven't figured it out yet, I think Vince is trying to "start over" again and get his product back to what it was in the 1980's. I also believe that deep down, he doesn't want fans like us watching the product anymore. He's waiting for the fans that loved the Attitude Era to grow up, stop watching, move past wrestling, and forget about the images of all of the dead wrestlers, racy storylines, and smut television that ran in the late 1990's. this leaves no one left in the audience except for little kids (a.k.a. Hannah Montana fans).

It all makes perfect sense. The older fans of pro-wrestling (20 years old +) boo the living crap out of the characters and storylines, complain on the internet, and write letters to WWE Corporate, but they won't listen to a word we have to say. Yet, they seem to do everything to cater to the little kids. This could only mean that Vince does not want to listen to us anymore. He's ignoring us all and he's HOPING that we all turn off out television sets. I think Vince is thinking like this...

Fans of the Attitude Era = Bad Audience
New Blood = Good Audience.

He's trying to erase the past and start fresh... plain and simple. That's why he retired Stone Cold already! He hates the WHAT chants, hates the middle fingers, hates the racy comments of the past, and hates the IWC that will never forget that it all happened. He appreciates the fact that the Attitude Era saved his business, but now that competition is gone, he can sever all ties with the past and move onto a brand new future.

It's sad, but I have a feeling it's the truth. PLEASE someone prove me wrong.
(I originally posted this as a reply to another thread, but I feel that the subject matter delivered in this post should have a thread of it's own. If I'm right, there should be plenty of responses.)

When I see the WWE bringing in this PG rating, I have mixed feelings. If I had to sit in Vince's shoes for a minute and find the reasoning behind it, I'd have to look at the positives and negatives of making the transition.


1. They're losing ratings.
I mean a TON of ratings. They're trying too hard to create "superheroes" and "villains" and it's really turning off the 20 year old + demographic. It's making the product into absolute garbage. The writing is bland, the matches are repeated on a weekly basis, the storylines are too predictable and straight-forward, and it's all starting to resemble Saturday morning cartoons. 1980's, anyone?

2. They're shoving stars down our throats again like they did in the 80's.
They really are. The "Rocky Maivia Effect" has taken over current stars like John Cena, MVP, and possibly John Morrison. The WWE wants them to be portrayed as a certain type of character so badly that no matter how much the old crowd boos them, as long as the little kids cheer, they keep them on the same path.

3. They're losing they're most loyal audience of the past 15 years.
In the 1990's, the wrestling audience was a CULT. We went crazy over the product, wouldn't miss a television show, bought the merchandise, said the catch-phrases, bought tickets to the shows, and worshipped the product. Everyone tuned in just to see who would win the Monday Night Wars. It was a great time to be a fan. But the WWE seems to be ignoring all of us. The reason why? I'll explain it below...


1. They're moving past the Attitude Era.
As much as we ALL loved the Attitude Era (myself included), it looked terrible to the parental and younger audience of the WWE and discouraged new fans to watch the programming once the Monday Night Wars were all over.

2. They're shedding the horrific image of the WWE of old.
Like I said previously, even though the Attitude Era was an incredible time, if you really step outside and take a look at what was being put on TV, it was horrible. Old women giving birth to hands? Necrophilia? Public crucifixion? Bad, bad, bad.

Even if you take away the storylines, you still remember all of the real-life deaths and tragedies that happened over the years to wrestlers of the past. By turning the storylines into cartoon-like situations, it accelerates the suspension of disbelief for newer audiences. Sooner or later, even though the tragedies will never be forgotten, to the parents of the casual younger wrestling fan, they can finally move past the WWE's horrific past.

3. They're selling more merchandise than ever before.
Ok, we get it. A LOT of people hate John Cena. But if you take a look at the live audiences of Raw, Smackdown, and ECW, it seems as if almost ALL of the kids in the audience are either wearing his T-shirts, hats, wrist bands, or has his disgusting spinner-belt. And that's just John Cena's merchandise.

The WWE makes a LOT of money from the merchandise they sell. We, being the older WWE demographic, don't buy it... the kids do. If they don't cater to the kids, they miss out on that money. Plain and simple.

And the most important reasoning behind the PG rating... *GULP*

4. They're creating a whole new breed of wrestling fans.
I think I've made my opinion clear. If you haven't figured it out yet, I think Vince is trying to "start over" again and get his product back to what it was in the 1980's. I also believe that deep down, he doesn't want fans like us watching the product anymore. He's waiting for the fans that loved the Attitude Era to grow up, stop watching, move past wrestling, and forget about the images of all of the dead wrestlers, racy storylines, and smut television that ran in the late 1990's. this leaves no one left in the audience except for little kids (a.k.a. Hannah Montana fans).

It all makes perfect sense. The older fans of pro-wrestling (20 years old +) boo the living crap out of the characters and storylines, complain on the internet, and write letters to WWE Corporate, but they won't listen to a word we have to say. Yet, they seem to do everything to cater to the little kids. This could only mean that Vince does not want to listen to us anymore. He's ignoring us all and he's HOPING that we all turn off out television sets. I think Vince is thinking like this...

Fans of the Attitude Era = Bad Audience
New Blood = Good Audience.

He's trying to erase the past and start fresh... plain and simple. That's why he retired Stone Cold already! He hates the WHAT chants, hates the middle fingers, hates the racy comments of the past, and hates the IWC that will never forget that it all happened. He appreciates the fact that the Attitude Era saved his business, but now that competition is gone, he can sever all ties with the past and move onto a brand new future.

It's sad, but I have a feeling it's the truth. PLEASE someone prove me wrong.
I prefer my theory (that I stole from someone else, obviously) that it's because it makes the WWE seem more desirable to advertisers. More advertisers - or more major companies - means more money. A PG rating attracts more/bigger companies. You see where I'm going with this.

Quick tip; stealing other people's ideas is much quicker than coming up with your own.
I think they are moving past the attitude era simply to return to it in the future. Pick up some young fans now and them keep them with a new attitude era, the fans that miss the attitude era will return to watch, and the die hards will always be there. But in order to attract younger viewers they need to go to the PG rating for now.

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