General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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How did I goto far? Cena gets every chance in the world at getting a title shot. Look how Cena got injured in his match against Batista last year at Summer Slam, got sidelined for 3 months returned at Survivor Series, and had a title shot against Jericho. Do you think they are gonna give Edge or Batista a title shot as soon as they are able to return. I doubt it. He had 3 chances at this year's Summer Slam to become champion, and guess what he didn't win, and now he gets another one at Breaking Point. Clearly he's on his hands, and knees day in and day out under Vince's desk. Not to mention there wouldn't be a PG rating if it wasn't for Cena. He ruined what The Rock, Stonecold Steve Austin, Mick Foley did for the WWE. If the WWE would get rid of Cena then we could possibly see the return of the Attitude Era.
How did I goto far? Cena gets every chance in the world at getting a title shot.
:banghead: Right let's look at this slowly shall we? Cena was world champion from Survivior Series until No Way Out. At No Way Out he was the quickest superstar eliminated from the chamber. He lost inside two minutes for crying out loud! Then he gets it back again at WrestleMania in a triple threat of which the feud was Show vs Edge, Cena was an afterthought. He then proceeded to lose it at Backlash. From here let's track his "always getting world title shots" goes.

Judgment Day: He is involved in a mid card feud with the Big Show, not getting his title rematch which he was entitled to.

Extreme Rules: Again, the same feud with The Big Show whilst Orton/HHH goes for a third successive PPV.

The Bash: Went up against The Miz whilst HHH/Orton go at it in three seperate falls. SO the "always getting title shots" is involved with a mid card guy who is on his first ppv in ages. He faced a guy who is nowhere near his level.

Night of Champions: Finally he is back in the title scene, in a triple threat match where the spotlight is still on Orton and HHH.

Summerslam: He finally gets his one on one shot for the first time since Backlash. The top guy should be involved in the title scene most of the time, for Cena to go that long without a shot shows he isn't "always in the title scene".

Look how Cena got injured in his match against Batista last year at Summer Slam, got sidelined for 3 months returned at Survivor Series, and had a title shot against Jericho. Do you think they are gonna give Edge or Batista a title shot as soon as they are able to return. I doubt it.
Oh so on that same Survivor Series show when Edge returned from a break longer than Cena's and not only got put in the title match but just the last two minutes of the match that didn't count did it not? Edge is involved in more title matches than anyone else in the company. Using him as a counter is just plain ignorant.

Not to mention there wouldn't be a PG rating if it wasn't for Cena. He ruined what The Rock, Stonecold Steve Austin, Mick Foley did for the WWE.
What The Rock, Stone Cold and Mick Foley did was help the WWE survive and end WCW. How has Cena ruined that?

If the WWE would get rid of Cena then we could possibly see the return of the Attitude Era.

:lmao: oh I now start to feel sorry for you. The Attitude Era was a one time only thing, only brought about due to WCW kicking their arse every night. Look in the WWE's history, it has always been a family product. From hogan through to Hart. The Attitude Era isn't the norm and it won't be coming back again. To say Cena is holding it back is laughable.
WWE is doing better as a whole this year then last year. Ratings for Raw have increased, ECW and Smackdown have risen somewhat compared to the past. I just can't stand the lack of story lines for the mid card talent on Raw. The Miz is being pushed, but there isn't a real feud going on for the US Title. The Divas Title might as well be thrown in the trash, along with Alundra Blayze's WWF Women's title. There is pretty much no use for it.

I don't understand why celebrities like ZZ Top who have no knowledge of wrestling, are allowed to be showcased on Raw more then the talent. It seems pretty redundant that all the celebrity guest hosts, book pretty much the same matches week after week. I guess they all really love Hornswoggle vs. Chavo. It's pretty bad when even E News is making fun of the WWE. WWE desperately needs those new stars to break through the glass ceiling on Raw, and feud in the main event.

There is only so much Cena and Orton one can take in the main event picture.
WWE is doing better as a whole this year then last year. Ratings for Raw have increased, ECW and Smackdown have risen somewhat compared to the past. I just can't stand the lack of story lines for the mid card talent on Raw. The Miz is being pushed, but there isn't a real feud going on for the US Title. The Divas Title might as well be thrown in the trash, along with Alundra Blayze's WWF Women's title. There is pretty much no use for it.

I don't understand why celebrities like ZZ Top who have no knowledge of wrestling, are allowed to be showcased on Raw more then the talent. It seems pretty redundant that all the celebrity guest hosts, book pretty much the same matches week after week. I guess they all really love Hornswoggle vs. Chavo. It's pretty bad when even E News is making fun of the WWE. WWE desperately needs those new stars to break through the glass ceiling on Raw, and feud in the main event.

There is only so much Cena and Orton one can take in the main event picture.

Well, the rotating celebrities is actually the draw of Raw. It gives fans something different to look forward to on a weekly basis as opposed to the same ol' same ol'. Certainly doesn't seem to help with Hornswoggle/Chavo, though. I guess all Guest GM's tend to think alike for some reason, as you stated.

But WWE is doing better now, when they started providing focus to the Mid-Card. Their efforts have been noticeable, and it is a good long-term investment for them in developing talent. Quite frankly, they have just been very lazy over the years and they've used the ideology that "Only the Main Event matters" to make excuses for their laziness.

* 61% are male
* 15% are ages 12-17
* 67% are ages 18-49
* 41% are males 18-34
* 33% are non-white
* 29% have a HHI of 75K or higher
* 15% have a HHI of 100K or higher

Thats the demographics WWE tends to go after. If 67% of their target audience is between the ages of 18-49 then why the PG rating. Shouldn't WWE be focusing on the main target audience they themselves have said with research from their website that they go after. Do 18-49 year olds mainly watch PG movies or PG-13 and R movies? Its the latter. I used to think they had the PG rating because their main demographic was kids but knowing what I know now I'm slightly confused. What are your thoughts? Do you think WWE should go back to targeting the 67% of their audience or continue forth with their allegiance to children?
I completely agree with you. I'm sick of the childish storylines (chavo and hornswoggle) and how all the fans are now treated like children. The company was fine as it was and a hell of a lot more entertaining.

Although I do understand how they want to make the company more respectable and they aren't going to get respect by going back to an era that had lows such as mark henry and mae young.

Well this pretty much sums up how selfish Cena really is. Whilst he protays himself to be the saviour of the WWE and the face of the company, he clearly has been selfish, he knows quiet clearly that the majority of his fans are kids and older women who only like him because of his looks. I absolutely hate Cena with a passion and I've stated this so many times on this site only for my comments to be removed for some reason. Why is it that so many people like him???? I just don't get it. He sucks, completely absolutely sucks big time and I just don't understand the big deal about Cena. All he does is bring little kids into the crowd. That crowd used to be filled with older teens and adults and it's precisely the reason why there's no atmosphere in the WWE crowds at the moments. It's all the god damn kids that ruining the WWE right now. I wish Cena would just go away and just do some stupid movies or something. I'm having to keep this extremely censored or else my comments will be removed but you can understand my frustration. I hate Cena and I want to hear all the comments from the fans who hate him too.

looks like im not the only one who thinks this then. your right when i went to a WWE event, i travelled by train to get there and it was full of little kids wearing the spinner belt and stupid outfit. when i actually go to the event the whole thing was just all the kids cheering on jeff hardy (yawn), while there was only about two people and me shouting for his opponent undertaker. it was kinda funny when i started saying jeff sucks cos all of the kids parents gave me funny looks and their kids looked upset. anyway, the thing was if it hadn't been for the PG rating half of the screaming kids wouldn't have been there and we would have seen a crowd that goes against what WWE wants you to think. I miss them controversial crowds and chants.
Well this pretty much sums up how selfish Cena really is. Whilst he protays himself to be the saviour of the WWE and the face of the company, he clearly has been selfish, he knows quiet clearly that the majority of his fans are kids and older women who only like him because of his looks. I absolutely hate Cena with a passion and I've stated this so many times on this site only for my comments to be removed for some reason. Why is it that so many people like him???? I just don't get it. He sucks, completely absolutely sucks big time and I just don't understand the big deal about Cena. All he does is bring little kids into the crowd. That crowd used to be filled with older teens and adults and it's precisely the reason why there's no atmosphere in the WWE crowds at the moments. It's all the god damn kids that ruining the WWE right now. I wish Cena would just go away and just do some stupid movies or something. I'm having to keep this extremely censored or else my comments will be removed but you can understand my frustration. I hate Cena and I want to hear all the comments from the fans who hate him too.

Just want to get this straight. You don't want any more kids to watch wrestling is that correct. I guess I can tell my future son or daughter that they can't watch wrestling until they are my age because you think is wrong.

The PG era isn't going to last forever. Maybe those kids now will grow up to be young adults and adults who continue to watch the product. TNA crowds will chant anything so I don't take it as an indicator for their undying passion of the sport. What exactly has Cena done wrong and why does he suck and
I'll probably the same old lame excuses but so be it. Cena will be here for a long time and the treatment he gets from people like you and others is unfair.
Well this pretty much sums up how selfish Cena really is. Whilst he protays himself to be the saviour of the WWE and the face of the company, he clearly has been selfish, he knows quiet clearly that the majority of his fans are kids and older women who only like him because of his looks. I absolutely hate Cena with a passion and I've stated this so many times on this site only for my comments to be removed for some reason. Why is it that so many people like him???? I just don't get it. He sucks, completely absolutely sucks big time and I just don't understand the big deal about Cena. All he does is bring little kids into the crowd. That crowd used to be filled with older teens and adults and it's precisely the reason why there's no atmosphere in the WWE crowds at the moments. It's all the god damn kids that ruining the WWE right now. I wish Cena would just go away and just do some stupid movies or something. I'm having to keep this extremely censored or else my comments will be removed but you can understand my frustration. I hate Cena and I want to hear all the comments from the fans who hate him too.

I feel the same. Don't forget he also gets alot of breaks he had 3 chances at Summer Slam to beat Orton for the title, and he couldn't get it done. Now he gets a rematch against him. He also weasels his way into championship matches which isn't fair to other wrestlers. When it comes down to it he needs to be fired, or they to make him a jobber. I'd rather see him fired.
I feel the same. Don't forget he also gets alot of breaks he had 3 chances at Summer Slam to beat Orton for the title, and he couldn't get it done. Now he gets a rematch against him. He also weasels his way into championship matches which isn't fair to other wrestlers. When it comes down to it he needs to be fired, or they to make him a jobber. I'd rather see him fired.

Laughable very laughable at the thought that he should get fired or become a jobber. How did Cena weasel his way into the title shot at Breaking Point? Did we not see Brett DiBiase rush into the ring and in ensuing chaos Orton get the win? If you were John Cena, wouldn't you want a rematch? Who else was Orton going to face? HHH and HBK are feuding with Legacy and Batista is injured. Kofi is the U.S. Champ and MVP isn't ready just yet. Which other wrestlers aren't getting the title shot they deserve?
Laughable very laughable at the thought that he should get fired or become a jobber. How did Cena weasel his way into the title shot at Breaking Point? Did we not see Brett DiBiase rush into the ring and in ensuing chaos Orton get the win? If you were John Cena, wouldn't you want a rematch? Who else was Orton going to face? HHH and HBK are feuding with Legacy and Batista is injured. Kofi is the U.S. Champ and MVP isn't ready just yet. Which other wrestlers aren't getting the title shot they deserve?

Let's see there is Mark Henry. And with Cena weaseling his way into matches, WM25 it was supposed to be the Big Show vs Edge, and what happens Cena cries to someone of importance behind the scenes, and he's added into the match. Then the next match he weaseled his way into was at Backlash, or was it Judgement Day when it was supposed to be HHH vs Orton. Overall Cena just plain sucks. I would also like to add Cena got a big break when he came back from his neck injury last year at Survivor Series to face Jericho for the title. Do you think Edge, and or Batista are gonna get title shots upon returning to the ring? I doubt it since Cena will ruin any chance at either of them getting a title shot.
I for one don't for one thing don't have a problem with the pg era. For raw to be entertaining it doesn't have to be the attitude era. There have been some very good raws over the last couple of weeks, Smackdown is normally always good. At summer slam we had one of the better tlc matches that we've seen. As well as some other good matches. Just because they are going pg, doesn't mean that the product sucks.
Let's see there is Mark Henry. And with Cena weaseling his way into matches, WM25 it was supposed to be the Big Show vs Edge, and what happens Cena cries to someone of importance behind the scenes, and he's added into the match. Then the next match he weaseled his way into was at Backlash, or was it Judgement Day when it was supposed to be HHH vs Orton. Overall Cena just plain sucks. I would also like to add Cena got a big break when he came back from his neck injury last year at Survivor Series to face Jericho for the title. Do you think Edge, and or Batista are gonna get title shots upon returning to the ring? I doubt it since Cena will ruin any chance at either of them getting a title shot.

You're losing your touch and this is only the second post of yours I've replied to.

Cena had the dirt on Vickie and Big Show and you think Vickie was going to deny him that. It was a great triple threat match nonetheless. I believe you are referring to Night of Champions when it was HHH, Orton, Cena in a triple threat match. What you forgot was that they had a NOC tournament and HHH and Cena were in the finals. Legacy interfered and guest host GM Ted DiBiase declared that both men would face Orton. You're welcome.

Do I think Edge and Batista are gonna get title shots upon returning to the ring? Why not because they have done it before. Let me take you through a ride to the past. When Batista came back from being injured in January of 2006, what was his first PPV. Summerslam against WHC King Booker. Let's move on to Edge. Returned at Survivor Series 2007 and won the title the next month at Armageddon. Returned at Survivor Series in 2008 and won the title that night. So I don't want to hear about Cena doing something that others have done before him.

I bet the argument will come up that Edge and Batista had to relinquish their titles due to injury and Cena didn't. How about when Cena had to relinquish his before No Mercy in 2007. Came back to win the 2008 RR and decided to cash in his opportunity at No Way Out and lost. Didn't win at Wrestlemania and his next title win came at that aforementioned Survivor Series. Ten months after he came back he won the title. You're welcome again.
Just want to get this straight. You don't want any more kids to watch wrestling is that correct. I guess I can tell my future son or daughter that they can't watch wrestling until they are my age because you think is wrong.

I'm not saying kids shouldn't be allowed to watching. I just wish the PG crap would end so the show could atleast have some content that would be more entertaining to the older fans. I understand their making alot of money out of targeting kids but the product has just gotten so much worse. I just hate how you can clearly see how restricted the wrestlers are when their cutting promo's. They have to keep it so watered's just sad if you ask me. The fueds before where so much better because there was alot less restrictions on what content the wrestlers could use on the mic when cutting promo's. It actually made you take notice of it more and really care about the fueds and in ring action. The WWE has always meant more to me than what happened in the ring. I really enjoyed the feuds, the characters, the funny backstage interviews, the cursing, the violence, the blood. All that made the product alot more entertaining to me and to alot of other viewers.

The PG era isn't going to last forever. Maybe those kids now will grow up to be young adults and adults who continue to watch the product. TNA crowds will chant anything so I don't take it as an indicator for their undying passion of the sport. What exactly has Cena done wrong and why does he suck and
I'll probably the same old lame excuses but so be it. Cena will be here for a long time and the treatment he gets from people like you and others is unfair.

Yeah unfortunately he will be around for a while but the reason I started talking about Cena was because of a reference made earlier in the thread, which was that he admitted he was one of the main guys who pushed for the PG family friendly shit in an interview. Have a look earlier in the thread and you'll see it. I made reference to it in my earlier post on here.
This is what i think Vince is doing with the pg rating.

He is simply rebuilding the WWE by attracting new kids. With the program as PG, parents will let their kids watch it if that child has a parent who monitors what their children are watching, and then the other kids who can watch whatever will tune in because wrestling is a popular thing when you are young. So with all these young kids starting to watch wwe, they will soon be hooked within weeks just like all of us were. Now with the older audience, it is a bonus to him whoever is not a young kid and is still watching, but he could care less. With this new audience, he can re-create a reputation for wwe in the mainstream media. Hence all the guest hosts (even though he was told to do so by USA network) So then as he keeps getting little kids to grow up with wwe, he will then change the programming again in maybe about 8-10 years to re-create an attitude era (im sure Vince knows the attitude era was the greatest years for wwe because triple h, shawn michaels, and dusty rhodes were saying that on raw last monday).

In my opinion, he is re-starting the wwe cycle. It started with Hulk Hogan, and right now we have our next Hulk Hogan (John Cena). Look for another Rock and Stone Cold in years to come and prepare for the future. So basically this is the 2nd beginning of Vince's wrestling dynasty, because the cycle has started.
I am probably going a bit off topic here but I cannot currently post new threads.

Is it just me or is WWE a bit too American? Dont mis-understand me, I like American and have nothing against America or Americans but you have to remember this is a global company with global television.

For instance, who was that guest GM on RAW this week? I assume he is known in America.. Who was the guy called "AJ something"? Again I assume he is known in America. I think its time the WWE realises how many countries around the world its tv shows are shown in and realise that only Americans recognise these "celebrities".
Well after reading some of the news. I saw the WWE made plans for The Undertaker to win the title this Sunday at Breaking Point, but those plans were made a few weeks ago. So once again the WWE is most likely gonna have that no body CM Punk retain the title, just like Cena will somehow beat Orton, and if he doesn't Cena will cry, and manage to weasel his way into another championship match at Hell In A Cell, but then again I forgot this is the crappy PG Cena era were talking about.
I have been doing some thoughts on this whole pg rated era of the wwe and keep coming back to the same thought, sorry if this has already been stated but here is my idea. Maybe Vince is trying to build up a new audience and to do that he is doing the pg thing to get kids started to watch the program and in a few years when those kids are older the storylines will get more risque and more shall i say attitude era. its just thought fill free to rip my opinion apart or whatever i just wanted to share that thought.
I have been a fan for nearly 20 years now. I have seen WWE at the top and I have see it where I was thinking "WTF is going on?" The writers and the creative team are starting to fall big time! What happen to the good story lines where main eventers made their feuds personal. Whether it was stealing a championship belt and throwing it in a river, or kidnapping someone and hang them above the ring or titan tron. The last personal feud that comes to mind was Edge and Jeff Hardy even though it was Matt Hardy doing all the things to Jeff.

WWE has it now where if two are feuding they are getting attacked during a match, after a match, or during a promo. Where is the art of surprise? You can pretty much watch Raw or Smackdown and know whos going to say what and when they are going to get attacked. WWE is too predictable! Don't get me wrong, i am still going to watch it and just hope that they come up with new things.
The thing about the Invasion angle, at least the way I see it, is that it could have been better. BUT. At the same time, I kept watching. Every week. I was interested in how the storyline played out. It was cool to me until I looked back at it later.

That's more than I can say for the current product. It seems watching Raw is a chore nowadays. Vince is trying to be PG while clinging onto stuff that would have belonged in the Attitude era. He needs to either go completely PG or go completely the other way. None of this straddling the line stuff.
oh GOD how i miss the attitude era :( also how do i create a thread? i know it seems stupid but i'm new here etc

You need at least ten posts to create a new thread. :)

Well on the main site it's reporting that the RAW rating dropped to a 3.1, which I believe is the lowest rating it's earned all year? I don't know if this had anything to do with the guest host concept - people can blame it on Al Sharpton but he isn't the first guest who was completely unrelated to wrestling.

It's not like the show deserved a better rating anyway. The main event was the freaking gauntlet match. I can't stand any type of handicap match, especially when the handicapped person/s win.

Hopefully this rating helps end the guest host thing. Now with Chavo/Swoggle over, and if the guest host thing is put to a rest and they focus more on the actual storylines and feuds, RAW will finally seem less stale again.
Ok, so I have really tried to make a conscious effort be positive and say nice things about the WWE. And there are some positives and bright spots, but over the past 2 months I have really been losing interest. I can't get Smackdown- if I could I would watch faithfully every week without a doubt. However, I haven't been so faithful about watching RAW or ECW.

Example: this past Monday I chose to play a video game instead of watching RAW (I'm am not much of a gamer); this past Tuesday I chose to read a book instead of watching ECW. I just had no desire to watch. I love Christian, Jack Swagger, Chris Jericho and Teddy DiBiase but they are just not enough to make me tune in. I don't hate Cena or Orton but I feel like they encompass 50% of RAW each and every week. I'm dying to see something a little different.

All I know is that I need to get out of this "WWE is boring" rut. Bryan Danielson will be making his debut sometime in the near future and I absolutely cannot miss that. :)
In my personal opinion, I'm really tired of this "PG" era. I'm not saying you need blood, cursing, or tits and ass to make wrestling worth watching. But enough is enough. I get it, they want to draw in a newer crowd, they want a new generation of fans who will grow up with the product like we have. But what about the fans who already grew up? We're kind of forced to sit here and endure this, or stop watching WWE all together. Sometimes you need to go that extra mile. Sometimes you need a little something extra to draw emotion out of people, or to make something seem more believable. It doesn't have to be done just for the hell out of it. If it helps the story progress, why not? Honestly, kids see 10x worse in other places.

For instance, last night's PPV. I found it odd that the idea was even conjured up in the first place given the product we have now. It's a little hard to believe a Hell In A Cell match without blood (though I remember reading somewhere about the whole self-mutilation thing & how "blading" isn't healthy..I agree with that to an extent). Or maybe it's just me. I don't mind not having blood really, but I found something lacking from The Cell matches last night.

Anyway, I still watch WWE programming. But some of the things they do now is ridiculous. And not in a good way. So while I may not be happy with it, I understand what the company is trying to do. I hope for Vince's sake, he's getting what he wants out of all this.

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