General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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I use to love watching raw and would not change the channel at all for those two hours but now it doesn't catch my interest at all. The only time I actually sit through a complete match is the main event. I'm so sick and tired of this guest host thing. When will it end? It has gotten to the point when you watch it you automatically know what's going to happen. I think the idea of having title matches on raw is great, but they would never let it change hands on television. All Vince cares about is making money. He has forgotten about the true fans. The fans who have been there from day one is not getting heard. It's all about the new ones and the kids which I understand fully, but what about the kids back in the day who was seeing all the violence and blood. It didn't affect us so why now turn away from what made the program hot. I don't know about Raw anymore. It's so politically correct.
I believe the WWE should still have at least 1 "TV-14" show ... and it should be branded a bit differently. The obvious choice for that would be ECW. They could potentially turn it into a 2 hour show and completely separate it from the other two brands (i.e separate night for the tapings so it doesn't have to be with SmackDown!). Basically what should happen is ECW goes back to its roots and just be different from Raw & SmackDown. I mean it isn't really recognized as a brand now ... just look at "Bragging Rights" -- SmackDown! v. Raw ... no mention of ECW.
Since Rock and Austin aren't coming back:

1) Bring back Kurt Angle
2) Turn John Cena heel (radical, but it'd work)
3) Scrap the p*ss-poor excuse / shadow of its former self known as "ECW"
4) Either expand DX (as a stable), or scrap them (HHH and HBK are getting old, not just literally)
5) Give Y2J a massive push
6) Disband Legacy, push Ted DiBiase Jnr. as a face
Since Rock and Austin aren't coming back:

Congrats, this is more than most people are willing to accept.

1) Bring back Kurt Angle

I doubt he comes back soon. He is the top heel in TNA, and the schedule is much easier on him. And since you didn't say, why do they need him back? It's hard to debate when you give us nothing to work with.

2) Turn John Cena heel (radical, but it'd work)

Why do I feel like I've heard this before? Oh, right, because every newish poster says this. Face it: John Cena is the Hulk Hogan of our era. He makes ungodly amounts of money for the WWE, and will be the face of the company for years and years to come. Turning him heel will do nothing more than make the 10% of wrestling of wrestling fans that are members of the IWC happy. There are plenty of good heels already.

3) Scrap the p*ss-poor excuse / shadow of its former self known as "ECW"

The new ECW is great. No, it's not the blood and lucha libre that the original was, but instead it is a chance for the younger guys to get a chance on TV without wasting time on Raw or SmackDown. The original ECW is dead. Either get over it or don't watch.

4) Either expand DX (as a stable), or scrap them (HHH and HBK are getting old, not just literally)

I've actually enjoyed this version of D-X. Once again, it isn't the original, but they work well together and are doing a good job of putting Legacy over.

5) Give Y2J a massive push

And he hasn't had one over the past year and a half, if not more? Why do you think he is one of the two guys that can appear on any show?

6) Disband Legacy, push Ted DiBiase Jnr. as a face

Why? They just had a real feud, rushing into a breakup would screw both guys over. Let them continue feuding with whomever, and let their breakup have the same, slow build, just like their formation.
1. Bring back Goldberg so he can f*ck Cena up in the middle of the ring
2. Quit acting like Cena's superman, and let Randy kick him in the head and he go away. . . . . forever.
3. whats the point of bringing back Chris Masters when you have no purpose in him at all? I actually thought he was championship material at one point!
4. Get a f*cking RAW GM, the guest host list is running dry and getting old.
5. Quit being too kid-friendly
6. Make ECW more hardcore.

that is all
2. Quit acting like Cena's superman, and let Randy kick him in the head and he go away. . . . . forever.

I think it would be better if Randy kicked him in the head and Cena went away until his presence seemed less stale.

And then somebody could kick Randy in the head and he'd go away until he stopped acting like a zombie. You know, the slow and boring kind.

3. whats the point of bringing back Chris Masters when you have no purpose in him at all?

I agree with that. But at least he's maybe kind-of in a feud now with Chavo. Hopefully they'll let Masters wrestle on RAW more often now instead of only once every three weeks.

I actually thought he was championship material at one point!

I still do.

4. Get a f*cking RAW GM, the guest host list is running dry and getting old.

I think almost everybody would agree with you on that. The guest GM concept puts all the focus of the show on some guy who has nothing to do with wrestling, and takes the focus off of the actual storylines. The only feuds that benefited from the guest hosts include Chavo vs Swoggle (ugh) and Y2J/Show vs MVP/Henry (barely)

5. Quit being too kid-friendly

WWE only wants to appeal to kids so that it's easier to sell their more useless merchandise to them. However one particular theory seems to be that WWE is going to try to "hook" a new generation by suddenly turning pg14 at one point. Which IMO is the stupidest thing that they could do. What sense does it make to completely alienate a certain demographic by going PG, then later completely alienate your NEW demographic by going back to PG-14?

The people who have already stopped watching because of the PG era, or are about to stop watching, more than likely aren't going to be coming back. All the kiddies who just started watching are going to have to stop when their parents see the blood/sexual references/whatever that their children are watching. And all of the kids who are around 13 - 15 (what I'm assuming is the "hook" age) have probably found themselves too old to be watching the current day product.

Can you imagine being 15 and all your friends talking about the latest UFC fight, while you yourself were watching a 30 year old man spray painting "JBL is poopy" on a limousine?

6. Make ECW more hardcore.

No chance of this, mainly because of the PG rating.

You made good points though, which is why I used it to expanded on them to say what I thought.

To me, the biggest problems with the WWE are the complete staleness of EVERYTHING, the guest GM and the alienating of certain demographics. Another issue would have to be the PPV name change. I really don't understand why every name has to be so blunt. Maybe the WWE thinks that their new kiddie fans are too dumb to remember the match stipulations if they aren't in the name of the damn PPVs?
The problem with the PG rating at the moment is that were never going to get the storylines that the amazing storylines that WWE, when creative really go for it, are so able to provide! Look at Triple H, for example, can Triple H be the mastermind behind Stone Cold's hit and run? The Cerebral Assassin, Sledgehammer weilding maniac? The answer is simply, No. Can DX actually be DX? No. Even the announcers have been totally watered down. Creative, seem to think that the action in the ring should tell the story. That is impossible, because all the announcers do is decribe every move that goes on in the ring. I really can't bear to watch anything passed 2006, as listening to Tod Grisham talk for 15 minutes about a suplex and Vince trying to turn the Legendary Jim Ross into the King, is a disgrace! The PG 'era' needs to be seriously re-considered as eventually, the foundation of the WWE (Triple H, Jericho, Undertaker, etc) eventually will all have to retire and we will never have anyone else like them, anyone capable of providing us with such amazing storylines from an era that put WWE on the map, and an era that Vince and the creative team seem to have forgotten.
When talking about why WWE made the switch to PG on, Vince McMahon had the following to say: "We just followed our audience and tried to listen to them. It's a more sophisticated product. It's just the right move business-wise, but more specifically the right move in terms of reaching our audience."

Vince was asked about MMA and UFC becoming more popular and said this: "You really can't compete with that. Why not deliver a more sophisticated product and not go to those extremes? If the audience wants those extremes, they know where to go and how to get it."

personally I dont agree with Vince, but what are your thoughts?
I know what he's trying to say. No blood = classy = sophisticated. :suspic:

Yeah, not so much.

Some parts of the product have a lot to gain from the current wrestling-based parts of the WWE product. Shocks are actually shocked, when violence shows up it matters... we're being resensitized on some things and that's great. However, children shouldn't be listened to on everything. Then you end up with a ten year old's great gimmick PPV idea being used as a crutch for poor storylines.

Erm... Yeah, I'm torn.
He realized that his audience now is the children of the old Attitude Era and before guys. It is a genius business idea to make it kid friendly so he sells more John Cena products and such. For those of us who grew up in the Attitude Era though, we kind of got shafted. Yeah its not the best product out right now, but we still tune in and watch, and hope it will get better.
I understand where he comes from, Its a business so in that aspect its all about money. I feel UFC is a fad as big as it is , so was boxing at one point,
Vince is thinking long term with this and I know it sucks for now but it wont be forever.
Its business and thats the main thing not screwing the fans but making a better product for right now, and lets not forget most of us grew up in the late 80s early 90s that was a PG era also
When talking about why WWE made the switch to PG on, Vince McMahon had the following to say: "We just followed our audience and tried to listen to them. It's a more sophisticated product. It's just the right move business-wise, but more specifically the right move in terms of reaching our audience."

Vince was asked about MMA and UFC becoming more popular and said this: "You really can't compete with that. Why not deliver a more sophisticated product and not go to those extremes? If the audience wants those extremes, they know where to go and how to get it."

personally I dont agree with Vince, but what are your thoughts?

More corporate PR spin from Vince.

I know of absolutely nobody in any significant numbers who were demanding a PG product from Vince. No requests from groups in any recent years, did not see parents in droves demanding this, no adult fans demanding this, etc.

This is a decision that Vince McMahon made because Vince McMahon wanted to do this. Remember, according to Vince himself, he "tells you what you will see and what you will like" as he stated on Raw a couple years back .... a little of the real Vince McMahon coming through via his character.

Even though Jim Ross isn't 100% credible and doles out corporate spin on his blog site, I give him credit for being far more honest when he discussed why the WWE went PG as opposed to Vince and his corporate spin here. That, as far as I'm concerned, only damages Vince's credibility in terms of honesty with the fans. It has to do mostly with attracting more prominent advertisers and providing a safer, more family friendly product to get Congress off their backs after the Benoit murders. Attracting a new breed of fans was likely a side goal to justify why they went in this direction, but make no mistake about it, those were the primary reasons. The bottom line was that there was no competition, so Vince is simply assuming that his audience will tolerate whatever he throws on the air .... and they can take it or leave it. He simply expects that a majority of his audience will take it.

As far as the above comments about UFC, make no mistake about it. UFC is here to stay. It is most definitely NOT just a fad. That was another thing Vince was wrong about in his comments some time ago. Shane McMahon, however, had the correct instincts otherwise and good for him for recognizing it. However, it remains to be seen whether WWE could successfully execute an MMA program of their own. Most likely not, since they seem to fail at literally every thing they try outside of wrestling.

Nonetheless, that doesn't stop the brainwashed people like Steve Keirn from FCW, or Vince loyalist fans from believing the Vince gospel otherwise. However, a lot of people are starting to realize that Vince is aging and losing his touch .... therefore are ceasing to keep on drinking the Vince Kool-Aid as they themselves get older and wiser.
I strongly disagree with him...this hasnt stopped him before, the only audience he listens to is the audience who buys hhh,cena,batista merchandise. He should be open for any suggestion from any fan.
Not sure why you can't have the best of both worlds. With so much wrestling on the television these days split up into different brands would it be so hard to turn Raw back into the attitude show and let smackdown go PG or vise versa. Nothing is worse then watching my favorite group, DX, operate like a saturday morning cartoon.
Not sure why you can't have the best of both worlds. With so much wrestling on the television these days split up into different brands would it be so hard to turn Raw back into the attitude show and let smackdown go PG or vise versa. Nothing is worse then watching my favorite group, DX, operate like a saturday morning cartoon.

I've been stating the same thing for years.

Specifically targeted programming is far more likely to bring in more viewers than simply leaving a trough out with one general product for whoever may take it. Granted, I don't deny that is what wrestling has always been in the past, but times are different now. Society is different.

Viewers of all ages want television shows that specifically cater to their interests. As time went on, and the Internet came about, that mentality is more prevalent than ever before. A major factor with this mentality is the ability to communicate with one another, such as on Internet forums, in which through this communication, we listen to more feedback from fellow fans about what constitutes a good product and what constitutes a bad one. This, in turn, has a major influence our on our opinions and preferences, where as it really wasn't all that prevalent before the Internet.

Not only are we society that today wants instant gratification, we are also a much more picky society about our programming choices, again as a result of the Internet. And you can kick and stomp your feet all you want about people becoming this way, but it is what it is, and corporations have a responsibility to meet the every-changing needs of it's customers.

There is a reason why an overwhelming majority of televised programming is specifically targeted to a specific market as opposed to simply throwing out a multi-targeted product out to all types of age brackets.
Kids are his main audience at the moment and that is just how its working out, in about 5 years time, and when a suitable leading character emerges, we'll see another more violent era.

I personally found that post attitude the kind of half-arsed lame hardcore style going on became boring so even though this pg era is a bit crappy it will just make the turn more shocking, edgy and exciting.

The attitude era was a live fast die young style so it can't last forever
Kids are his main audience at the moment and that is just how its working out, in about 5 years time, and when a suitable leading character emerges, we'll see another more violent era.

I personally found that post attitude the kind of half-arsed lame hardcore style going on became boring so even though this pg era is a bit crappy it will just make the turn more shocking, edgy and exciting.

The attitude era was a live fast die young style so it can't last forever

Are you stating that more kids are fans of and watch WWE programming than adults? Can you please support that claim with an actual link and some data, with some actual numbers while citing percentages of the makeup of the WWE audience with respect to actual key demos?
Idk bout all that but i think it has alot to do with his grandchildren. Maybe it's that Vince wants his grandchildren to have a kid-friendly wrestling world and not grow up watching Stone Cold flip their grandaddy off. That could be way off but it's what i think it is.
well, i dont mind some of this pg product. after all, its wrestling, we have goos macthes, good segments, but some mistakes aswell. hornswoggle, not givivng air time 2 deserving stars, we need a bit more violence, more common sense.
Are you stating that more kids are fans of and watch WWE programming than adults? Can you please support that claim with an actual link and some data, with some actual numbers while citing percentages of the makeup of the WWE audience with respect to actual key demos?

Everytime I read something from you I laugh. You make up these theories that are usually based on nothing but your own opinion with minimal facts and you are criticizing this guy for the same thing?

Most of your posts are paranoid delusional topics about how Vince is secretly out to get us.

Also, your blatant advertising in your sig is nauseating. I have been watching raw since 96 or so and while it may not be as good as it was, in MY opinion, it blows TNA impact out of the water. Again, only my opinion.

Back on topic, I personally agree with spinningtorturerack. I always said that it seems like the fans of the attitude era have grown up and turned their children and their nephew's onto wrestling, and with some of them growing out of it, it makes sense to target them as an audience.

I don't have numbers to prove this, but are you really telling me this doesn't make sense? I mean, it's pretty plain to see Vince is trying to make his business succeed; he's not some insane old man that's trying to bring his own company down like you think. And whether you like it or not (pg era that is) he is obviously doing well, is he not? Look at his numbers and buyrates. Sure, less than the attitude era but can you not see that there are less wrestling fans than there used to be??? I can.

I grew up a wrestling fan with my friends. About 15 of us. Want to know how many of them are still fans now that we are in our 20's? One. Me. There's your fucking numbers. Also, I'm now 21 and do you want to know who I tell wrestling about? Not my friends who are too busy making fun of wrestling and eating up the FAD (yes I said it) that is UFC. No. I tell my Nephews about it! Their ages you ask?

5 and 6.

I guarantee the only people my age that watch wrestling are in the IWC. If there's an anomaly, it just that: an exception. So of course people will disagree on this board. Because they think they make up the large portion of #'s. When it reality, you don't. It the people we have been advertising it to - in my case: my family. Think about it, if there's more people like me: "survivors" of the attitude era I'll call us, that ONE person will tell their (younger) family which, I've no doubt, consists of more than just one person, then the WWE will gain a large number of young viewers. Say just for arguments sake, there another person like me in DC and another in Ontario. Well there's 3 attitude era fans who still watch BUT we collectively told 15 family members about it. The ratio is 15:3 which gains 15 new young fans for every 3 surviving older fan who still watches. The majority are the kids.

This is just a theory though. Much like many of yours. It's just my theory makes sense. It doesn't involve Vince deliberately ignoring fans and trying to bring his own company down.
Pepper Walden, On WWE's corporate Page, it had a did you know coloum, and one says, "did you know that over 70% of people who watch WWE are over the age of 18" Should check that out maybe
while i dont agree with what vince said...since when does he listen to us fans?was he keeping that info in the dark or what.because i sure as hell dont believe that for one damn second. but it is as clear as day that the younger audience is the primary dont traget adults with a PG product.its like trying to get 5 or 6 year old kids into porn.which is still icky to them.

and i agree with pepper.i have a few friends who are my age that i talk to about wrestling.get together every month to order the ppvs because we love wrestling.but where i work i get a lot of young kids and i talk to them about they should check out guys like john cena undertaker reyrey and DX because i figure those are the type of characters theyd get into.and every now and then they come in with other friends(some of which i didnt know they had) and all they talk about is how fucking great john cena is.

its easy for us to see right through a product.and criticize it and point out all the flaws we see.maybe this is why vince ignores us.because we just so damn picky and hard to please. the kids just simply dont care. all that please them is seeing their favorite wrestler each and every think kids gather in groups and talk about wrestling on the same level as we do?i really dont think so.bottem line kids are much easier to please then you can tell with this many threads that just bitch bitch bitch...if i were vince i sure as hell wouldnt listen to the portion of the fans that do nothing but.

eventually those kids will grow up.find wrestling sites like these.and all of a sudden the secret behind the world of wrestling as unfolded and those kids will become just like each and every one of us.their view on wrestling will be tarnished and probailly change.they will begin listening to us and will follow our view because well...we seem to know everything about wrestling right?be hold the power of the internet!our problem is we have to much expectations for watch a product should or could me i dont really care for storylines all that much.what got me into wrestling know..the wrestling.

all in all.i dont hate vince for going pg. i can understand when a large majority of your audience switchs from your once hailed product over to the more up and comming success of the ufc. time to find a new audeince. just my opinion tho. just an opinion.
Everytime I read something from you I laugh. You make up these theories that are usually based on nothing but your own opinion with minimal facts and you are criticizing this guy for the same thing?

I did not criticize the guy for making stuff up. I simply asked him to provide some actual data to support where he is getting information that "more kids make up the audience than adults".

And I will tell you one thing. If you actually believe this is true, you are the delusional one. Because I guarantee you that nowhere will you find data that points to the majority of the WWE audience breakdown being Kids. Make fun of that all you want, call it a conspiracy theory, whatever. I call it plain and simply "the facts".

However, since he doesn't want to post data that supports that notion, you can feel free to support whatever data you have that supports the claim, since you apparently believe it to be the truth.

Most of your posts are paranoid delusional topics about how Vince is secretly out to get us.

What a bunch of bullshit.

When have I ever stated "paranoid, delusional topics" about "how Vince is secretly out to get us?"

Complete absolute utter bullshit.

I have philosophical differences with Vince. I am no different than many within the IWC. He clearly has moved his product in a different direction over the years. And I provide my opinions in why he is doing so. These are things that pertains to his philosophy. However, I challenge your comments alleging me stating that "Vince is secretly doing this because he is out to get us fans".

That has to be one of the most asinine comments I have ever read directed to me on this site, and believe me, I have seen a lot of shit thrown my way over time on wrestling forums. Telling it like it is comes with a price.

Also, your blatant advertising in your sig is nauseating. I have been watching raw since 96 or so and while it may not be as good as it was, in MY opinion, it blows TNA impact out of the water. Again, only my opinion.

Raw is the most complained about show amongst the IWC right now. If you think it is better than Impact, that's fine. I couldn't disagree more at this point.

Impact, Smackdown, and ECW as far as I'm concerned are all better than Raw at this point.

Back on topic, I personally agree with spinningtorturerack. I always said that it seems like the fans of the attitude era have grown up and turned their children and their nephew's onto wrestling, and with some of them growing out of it, it makes sense to target them as an audience.

That's fine if you agree with him. All I am asking you to do is support the notion that kids makeup a larger audience within WWE than adults. I don't think I am making an unreasonable request. You want to state something as fact, than go ahead and back it up and put your money where your mouth is.

I don't have numbers to prove this,

Of course you don't. And you aren't ever going to find numbers that prove it, either. Because it isn't true.

When you see more kids sitting in a WWE audience than adults, then perhaps that asinine statement may have some truth to it.

Until then, find the ad site, as codebreaker stated for WWE listed under their corporate website and do some homework. I've posted those same key stats before from the site, and now you are being told where to look if you are remotely interested in their very own data.

No, kids are not the largest makeup of Vince's audience.
But are you really telling me this doesn't make sense?

There is a difference between stating that "Vince is trying to attract MORE kids to his product" and making a bold statement that "Kids ARE THE LARGEST part of Vince's audience". All I am asking you to do is be more careful in your distinction, and understand the difference between those two statements.

I mean, it's pretty plain to see Vince is trying to make his business succeed; he's not some insane old man that's trying to bring his own company down like you think.

There is also a difference in "being insane" and "being out of touch". Some of you guys can be so melodramatic. Seriously.

And whether you like it or not (pg era that is) he is obviously doing well, is he not? Look at his numbers and buyrates. Sure, less than the attitude era but can you not see that there are less wrestling fans than there used to be??? I can.

Well, now you are getting to the crux of the situation. Why are there less wrestling fans than there used to be? What caused them to go away? Has Vince gained more fans than he has lost since going PG? Has he gained more fans today than what he had in the Attitude Era or Post Attitude Eras? Does it make sense pissing off adult fans only to gain some kids in return, especially if you can't replace the adults with kids in a 1:1 ration? Is there a way to have your cake and eat it too, and attract both kids AND adults?

I grew up a wrestling fan with my friends. About 15 of us. Want to know how many of them are still fans now that we are in our 20's? One. Me. There's your fucking numbers.

Wow. You really have done your homework. Those are some solid professional numbers there. Watch your smartass tone.

This is just a theory though. Much like many of yours. It's just my theory makes sense. It doesn't involve Vince deliberately ignoring fans and trying to bring his own company down.

I never stated that Vince is intentionally trying to bring his company down. Clearly, you have a reading comprehension problem.
Like the comeback, however I disagree with ECW being better then Raw. In my opinion they don't cut enough promos or have enough huge stars to even- even out with raw let alone be better. I tivo it every tuesday and catch myself sometimes skipping a couple matchs. However they do do a couple things better like building the future of course. I was very into the Goldust/Shamus rivalry & like the Shamus/Shelton Benjamin one now as well. I think we as fans just look at the other shows to pick up for raw an then we complain about how raw suck. (although it dose)-not to say all of it dose..But anyways we aslo have lower expectations, so we tend to overly praise on some things for ECW. Smackdown however has way better matchs then raw and thus more entertaning all together then Raw beacuse they cut the margian better when it comes to stars and do enough for a nights worth in promo(not more then raw). So overall, yeah Smackdown is better. As for TNA a lot of fans just saythings like "Oh WWE on top forever!" Or "TNA isn't even close"-nor entertaining, sucks etc., fact is, the people are going to Say WWE is better just so they can feel better about themselves and their favorite ol' brand. And not think of it ever losing it's spot. Hell most ppl don't who are like this just say it cuz their friends do. Or because they don't put time into watching it(if EVER do), however since ECW is part of WWE they watch it and after a few times get into it, familar with wrestlers, storylines, etc, and enjoy it. You see people want to stay in their familair lazy ways and/or what makes them feel better about whatever. For example someone sits at someones table during lunch time and the person says "Hey!, move thats my seat!" Or just walk around dalusonal until they find a diff. spot but then later find theirselves sitting there and wanting to sit there. We have to face that most americans are not as outgoing of ppl as said to be. There going to stay with the same crowd, not go out of their way to give another person a chance to be a friend, or expand their life or knowledge if you will if it dosn't feel comfortable at first, and do not relize that's how we became comfortable in the first place! What is succes without trying? Plessure without pain? Happiness without sadness? more meaningful fulfillment without the harder fall, best try? Greatness without fail? Confidence building, Character building! ETC!! hahahalol... WWE bought WCW otherwise we were WCW fan's and it was who care's about that other brand(WWE). WWE bought out WCW, we were forced to watch WWE then fig out that it's not so bad. Yeah we were mad at diff levels at first but got used to it. Finally with my closing statment I would like to FINALLY!_say that all things have to do with what im going to say from now on. And thats that only the Real wrestling fans if you will, are going to tune in to tna, or true to themselves ppl are going to admit that hey tnas pertty good. Has a ton of potenial and sooner or later WWE stars go to tna and thus more fans tune in, thus builds more tna fans. Fact is TNA and Smackdown ARE better then Raw, but i don't think that ECW is, but that's my opinion so hows to say it's right and who's to say it's wrong? Think how many more succesful ppl would be if we revearsed what I was saying earlier on how ppl are today? Hell we could endup untap (Eventaully) a higher, new, persentage of our brains and we'ed be more entelligant plan and simple. Im out, nuff said.

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