General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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The fans are actually the reason why Pro Wrestling is alive. Not necessarily Vince. As long as Pro Wrestling is around, the fans will always watch. They have proven that no matter how good or how bad the WWE is, they will always watch it. Sure, the numbers fluctuate, but Vince is absolutely correct in his philosophy that "I will TELL you what You want to see, and You will watch it!". Only in wrestling can one get away with that mentality and still make money.

If WCW had survived and WWE had gone out of business, then the fans would have stuck with WCW, and it would be alive and well.

As the saying goes with fans on here as it pertains to wrestling ... "Wrestling, I wish I could quit you!"

True to a point... If you give the fans what they want on a regular basis, or on a everyday basis, it gets boring.

Vince saved some jobs with WCW, and didn't let a title with over a hundred years of history disappear. Overall the fans make wrestling profitable, however backyard wrestling has a huge fan base, and no major tv shows. Vince made wrestling profitable and affordable. Not also that, but you know damn well WCW would of died out, because Hogan and Flair would always remain in the main event spot, and would of gone bankrupt within a year or two if the WWF was part of them. On top of that, but Vince promotes perfection in his matches. A lot of guys from WCW failed in the WWE because they couldn't adapt to the work ethic that Vince expected. Wrestling would of died if WWF went under, because Vince loved his company, and Ted Turner just gave someone else a lot of money and hoped they did alright. It would of never worked, it would of died.
First Off let me say that ALL Wrestling promotions "rip off" each other and thee is nothing wrong with that here are a few ways WWE has ripped off other promotions .

I would call it more borrowing of ideas, with changes made to make it their own.
Here is a perfect example of WWE Ripping off TNA Money in the bank was taken from King of the mountain !

Actually the matches are quite different except for it's multi-person match and it involves the title/briefcase being above the ring in some form. Because correct me if I am wrong, but in a MITB match, it's everyone versus everyone and the winner is the one who gets the br iefcase off of the hook, which guareentees them a future title shot.

While the KOTM match had some big differences, first it's mainly be used to win a title, not a chance at a title, also the ref holds the belt and the way to win the title is to actually put it on a hook, however not just anyone in the match can do it, you have to be eligible and to be egible, you have to pin or submit someone. If however you are pinned or submitted you are uneligible and go a penalty box(cage) like two or three minutes.

So yeah a few things are somewhat the same, but the vast majority is very different.

DX was a rip off of the ORIGINAL Stable THE IV HORSEMEN !

DX -vs- THE Nation was a rip off of the HORSEMEN vs Anyone in Wargames !!

NWO was a rip off or the HORSEMEN !!

All stables are usually formed for a few base reasons, to get gold, to get a common cause accomplished, to gain power within the company, to protect eachother. So yes most stables are basically the same in a sense, however DX and The Nation and the NWO weren't direct rip offs of eachother. They were major differences in all of those stables and not enough similarities to call them direct rip-offs. Now take Evolution, that was more of a direct rip off of the 4 Horseman, but with differences, so there goes that arguement.

YES ABYSS looks and acts like Mankind so what ? He's over ... right ?

YES SHARK BOY is doing a Steve Austin Impression Which Austin says is cool in a shoot interview . he's over

YES Black Machismo is doing a "Macho Man" gimmick so what ? He's Over !

Most likely when a gimmick works for fed, then another will try to do something similar to draw more viewers into watching. It'd be like I really love AJ Styles, but WWE has Kane and Mankind, so I'll watch them instead... no wait now they have Abyss, who is kind of like Kane and Mankind and they still have AJ, so maybe I'll watch them.

However never has there been a rip-off like Black Machismo, never, but you're right it does work for him and he is over, same with Shark Boy, however on the larger scale those rip-offs aren't working as well for TNA, so it wouldn't kill them to try something different maybe, it might work out better.

HERE'S A BIG RIP OFF That no one has mentioned maybe the biggest rip off in wrestling history BILL GOLDBERG was a RIP OFF OF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN !! Because when Bishoff let Austin go in WCW he told him that Black boot and black trunks wasn't marketible so Austin went too WWE and became the BIGGEST SELLING STAR in WWE HISTORY ( Yes even more the Great HULK HOGAN) So Bishoff created "GOLBERG" Black boots Black Trunks and a bald head !!

Yeah they look alike and that's it. Austin was anti-establishment, screw the boos, does what he wants, kick's ass and drinks beer while he's at it, Goldberg was a monster opponent squashing machine, that's it. The black trunks, when Austin wore them were all they had in common. How many wrestler's have long hair? how many wrestler's have buzz cuts? Of course there are going to be similar styles, but to say Goldberg is a rip off of Austin is ******ed.

Isn't the point of the wrestling business to MAKE MONEY ?? These guys are doin' whatever it takes to make the MONEY and get over with the fans because if your over with the fans they buy your Merch and u make more what ?? MONEY !!! that's right . AS FAR AS TRIPLE HOLLYWOOD GETTING THE TITLE SO F***IN' MUCH he only has his position in the WWE because he knows what position Steph likes to be in (Flat On Her Back with her heels pointed to the sky) and he married her and had a couple of kids with her (cute kids 2) Triple HOLLYWOOD AND JOHN CENANUFF Aren't great wrestlers (These days who is a great wrestler in the Main Event slot) they are great workers (they can work the office to get their spots) why do u think Cenanuffs shirts all say the word Hustle on them ? because he hustled his way to his position much like Triple Hollywood without the sex (as far as I know) and Triple Hollywood and Shawn Michaels are the only 2 (active) wrestlers that sit in on production meetings and have imput into the shows so Triple Hollyowood could very well have said to VINNY MAC many times "Put the belt on me and I'll run with it" (right into a meaningless stale feud with Orton or Cenanuff) .


Yes the object is to make money, which WWE is doing in mass amounts and TNA isn't doing that great in. They are barely breaking even right now. However both companies are doing different things to try and make money. So just relax and take a deep breath, I think you kind of missed the point of this thread, but I responded none the less, because I just felt I had too.

*game show music playing* There you have it wrestling fans my take on this issue tune in next time for more jaw dropping , eye popping Thrilling non stop action on the Rater R Superfans Post Show PEACE & LOVE 2 EVERY 1 *fade 2 black*

Way to stick to you guns though, I admire that.
Ok just to answer a few comments.
1.) As I stated in the op I know Vince doesn't care. I don't have alot of disposable income so the little money I spend on the product he won't miss. Also from a pure business point of view what Vince is doing is smart.He is going after the family market which is where the money is. I understand that. But I'm 29 so it doesn't appeal to me as much. Also I don't think it makes for a better product overall but that's just my POV.

2.) As for "still putting money into Vince's pocket" by buying the dvds.I meant the old ones from when I DID enjoy the product. I can't stand the current Goverment(here in the UK). But every time I buy a beer or a pack of smokes I put money in there pocket.Alot of my money probaly ends up in the pockets of someone I would dislike. Why not put some of it in the pocket of someone whose product,has over the years,given me a lot of pleasure and entertained me? I watched a couple of DVD's last weekend from "the good old days"(christ I sound like my dad)!And was really entertained. Why deny myself that pleasure?

3.)To the "one day you'll start watching again" comments. I hope so. As stated I love wrestling. I WANT to enjoy it.At the moment I don't so why watch something when I find it a chore. This is the reason I'm still gonna buy the magazines(btw I don't mean WWE's magazine) so when I start to feel "hey, I'm missing out on a really good product here I'll start tuning in again" I can.The past three weeks I've read the Raw review on the main wrestlezone site and prayed that something would make me want to watch,something new ans different. all I've read is about the cleb guest host being given loads of screen time to not enhance a storyline. I've heard Vince will only bring in a past or present wrestler Is to advance storylines. Which makes me think that he actully believes the guest host's do that. So he is spending valuable time putting over people who are only there for one night. Again i understand he is trying to catch the attenion of the main stream audience. It's just not good for me. He did the same thing with the mini Kid Rock concert at mania, At the expense of a Tag unifacation match. Was that really done for people who post on this board?Wrestling fans? If anyone prefered to see that than a match between 4 up and coming guy's please let me know.

4.) To the poster who said "this sounds like your breaking up with your girlfriend but your still gonna call and see her". I did break up with my girlfriend some years ago(my choice) we are now housemates and best friends. Dude you have me pegged!

5.) Finally:Why did I post the OP? To vent, Im angrey something I love has been ruined for me. That WWE doesn't seem to care about people who watched the 80's boom got hooked and have been watching ever since. I'll be honest it hurt's(I know how silly that sounds)When I hear Freddie Kruger(Robert Enguland in character) is who Vince is after,not someone people like me would like to see hosting(I'd like to see it mainly be past wrestlers, who purist fans will mark out for...and the kiddes won't know). It makes me think "why am I watching something that is being produced not with people like me in mind,but for people I have nothing in common for"?

If you like the product. Fine cool. I'm glad you do,I wish I still did. If you don't enjoy it, and still watch it,that's cool too. It's called freedom of choice and I'm for it. I'm such saying I choose not to and why. That's all.

Hope that's cleared a few things up.

Nice job man, way to come back and revalidate your point of view and stick to your views, I admire that, while I may not agree with you, you are indeed entitled to your feelings and thoughts and I am sorry though how some of the others responded, but at least you stuck up for yourself and you are alright in my eyes. I just hope that someday you come back to watching Raw and Smackdown someday as I feel the WWE has a lot to offer and once they work out a few kinks, they will be running smoothly again and be putting on more amazing shows as they have in the past, but if you to fed up right now, that's your choice, just perhap give Raw with Jeremy Piven a chance, I think it'll be great. Stick around though, it's obvious you are opionated and say what you think, you could contribute nicely to these boards.
People are always complaining 'wwe is getting boring its PG rated its the same stuff'

i say this...

wwe targeting kids with the PG rating in my view is a smart move by vince (before i get hate messages for what i just said, i loved the old wwe with violence and everything) but what vince is doing is targeting kids who lets face it buy the most wrestling toys and shirts and other things like that,he is trying to gain new people to watch the show, the difference between the 2 'versions' is if its violent and rude then parents will not let thier kids watch it as much, so its a smart move because its giving fun that all ages can watch instead of targeting 1 type of person. so raw,smackdown and ecw can be viewed by everyone, leaving the PPV's to be violent and such other things like that.

Moving onto the same people in main event spots...

Its not vinces falut there are not many new main event guys, the blame here is on the wrestlers themselfs, if they are not wanting to improve and make a effort why should vince give them a chance?, its like in any kind of business, you work hard and show your improving then your be given the chance of a 'promotion' same in wwe.
the people who may show great improvement and not given a push is because either they have a bad attitude or some kind of problems. why should main event guys help people who cant/wont help themselfs?

People who bad mouth HHH....

People might say 'o HHH is being selfish using his power to get the title blah blah blah, if he was dont you think he would be wwe champion all the time? instead he has put over guys like orton,cena,hardy and so on.
hhh is smart if he knows something is good for business then he will go for it.
if a wwe writer came up with a good storyline or something for u, wouldnt u take it??.
instead of going over and hating hhh for stuff maybe people should sit and think about him putting over guys and dropping the title to people, if he was such an a** like people say would he really do this? him being in the main events alot is also part of the above 'same people in main event spots'

The brand split

I read alot about how the brands should frm as 1 whole wwe again like the old are a few advantages and disadvantages of that

longer fueds without them becoming stale
More stables
More time to carry out a story with a fued
More superstars to create a fresh and new storylines
Proudce new stars

Less chance of making new stars example, without the split guys like punk,hardy,rey doubtful would have been given pushes as they did
Too many superstars on the roster to fit everyone into a story/fued

ok cant think of many disadvtages, but i hope you all understand what i mean?

Ok, the main issue with the PG era that I have is simple: If it's to make more money why are they making less? I get that Vince is trying to appeal to a younger demographic in the hopes of making more money through merchandise, but at the end of the day he's alienating a huge portion of his viewers. The major flaw with the PG era comes from the fact that wrestling is still violent, the kind of parents who don't like their kids watching violent TV aren't going to change their mind because you stop showing blood. Really the number of kids who watch WWE now were probably watching it prior to the switch to PG.

As for the Main Event wrestlers, it is Vince and Creative's fault. They stopped focusing on building new stars, although they're starting to turn this around. You can't blame the wrestlers, they have no power in the situation. You can't just walk into WWE and say "Hi, I'd like to Main Event Wrestlemania today". Creative have to provide you with the opportunity to succeed. Sure some of it comes down to the wrestler, but if you're implying that the wrestlers are solely responsible for their position in the company then you're dead wrong.

As for HHH, I couldn't care less, yes he uses his backstage pull to get ahead in the company, he may put people over at times but that doesn't mean he isn't selfish. You think any other wrestler is going to see the amount of title reigns and main event spots he has unless they marry into the family? Outside of that I find HHH's in ring skill to decline every year and I'm growing tired of his matches.

TNA being better

That is complete rubbish lets face it look at tna and your see mostly all the stars are just former wwe people who they have brought in hopes to gain more ratings.

They copy everything example,
That guy who mimmicks stone cold (wwe rip off)
The guy who is basically a rip off of kane mixed with mankind (wwe rip off)
The guy who thinks he is machoman (wwe rip off)
This whole stable war thing (wcw nwo rip off)

basically everything they are doing is just a rip off of old wrestling gimmicks or storylines. they are not producing anything else,

Tna is just for people who cant handle the real wwe so they switch over and watch (wwe -lite)

lets face it thats all tna is , its a lite version of wwe for people who cant handle anything real

Whats going to happen to tna once these (old) former wwe stars get older and retire? simple they will have nothing because they cant do anything on thier own. that woman dixie carter has no idea how to run a wrestling business so she is copying everything other promotions found to work for them but in a much weaker watered down version, stealing storylines,hiring former stars, using old gimmicks (thats such a good way to grab the atention of real wrestling fans) THEY HAVE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE

i didnt mean to make this such a long thread, i just wanted to get a few things off my chest from things i have been reading

im going to end this now

This honestly just makes you seem like a WWE mark who cries about TNA. Shark Boy and Black Machismo are both paying tribute to Austin and Savage, respectivley. Calling them ripoffs is stupid because they're obviously quite aware they're copying someone else. As for Abyss, his similarities with Kane are more or less limited to; He wears a mask and is big. Similarly with Mankind; he wears a mask, acts crazy, has gimmick matches. But in ring he's very different to both of them. Granted the Mankind comparisons are valid but you're making it sound as though he does everything those two wrestlers do/did and calls it original.

I'm also getting sick of these MEM = NWO comparisons, yes they're both heel factions who are trying to "takeover" their company. You'd think the MEM were the first group to imitate the NWO and at least to their credit several members were actually in the NWO. But the two stables are so different that comparing them is a moot point.

And after that you just stop making sense, "People can't handle the real WWE"? Because the WWE is so hXc man. Also your little sexist jab at Dixie Carter was unneccessary and just makes you seem like a kid who beats off to often. I also lol'd (literally) at your reference to WWE being "real".
Here is a perfect example of WWE Ripping off TNA Money in the bank was taken from King of the mountain !

I'm sorry but I had no choice but to comment this because this statement is so laughable. Money in the bank is just a ladder match involving 6 to 8 wrestlers. Ladder matches at WrestleMania were always a success including Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels, Hardys vs Dudleys vs E&C and TLC so MITB dates back way before the existence of TNA. I believe the idea of MITB was inspired by the WM 2000 and 17 ladder matches and they figured having 6 men fighting each other with ladders all over would get your attention after the success of multi-men ladder matches in the past.

To the thread starter: If I were you I wouldn't take a lot of what people say personal. To be fair, 10 years ago a lot of the traditional wrestling fans would go on the internet and complain how the WWF was a disgrace to professional wrestling and how Austin's moveset was very limited. All sounds familiar? Time changes and so does the product however a lot of the fan's expectations remain out-of-date. Why? Because they grew up with the WWE what it once was and forever will stick with the same mind set and views as they grew up with, much like the older fans during the Attitude era who grew up in the days when wrestling was portrayed as a sport and couldn't stand seeing the WWF going South Park on us. The same people that grew up with the Attitude era will look back at that time and will forever think that time period is how wrestling should be. In 10 years from now the same kids that screams for John Cena and Batista will look back at 2009 as a time when it was great to be a wrestling fan. Hell I remember posting on wrestling forums around 2003 and people would piss & moan to no end how the WWE was in it's worst state ever, yet if you fast forward 6 years into the future, a lot of these newer internet wrestling fans are looking back at that time period as one of the greatest periods to be a wrestling fan. This might not apply to some of you, this is the un-spoken truth among MANY, although this isn't something a lot of people are willing to admit. That is life for you; people will always favor what they grew up with.
honestly i wasn't disapointed with anything in raw i thought it was one of the best raw's i've seen in awhile i thought shaq was a great guest host but i will admit the main event was kinda dumb i would've thought the main event would have been cena vs miz but other than that i thought raw was great..
I'm still really new to the IWC and most of the time I just like to read everybody's opinion. But occasionally I'll throw in my 2 pennies so here goes.
I have been a huge WWE fan my whole life. I have never stopped watching it. I've seen the last 18 WMs on ppv just to give you an example. As far as this thread goes, I will be the first to admit that I am not that thrilled about what is going on right now in the WWE. But like every business including this one, there will always be bumps in the road. All in all I only have a few complaints, but bottom line is I LOVE WWE. Nothing will ever change my mind about that. For all the people on here who are constantly bitching like it is going to make a difference, please stop. Nobody worth our while is going to be reading it, so don't waste your time. I don't give a shit what storylines are going on, I will still be watching Raw and Smackdown every week (sometimes ECW), and I will be ordering every ppv. I just don't see what some of you guys want to happen? You want the attitude era to come back? That's not going to happen. It is just in a minor drought and I'm sorry but it is not going to please every viewer. Remember Wrestlemania 11? Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow as the main event? I'm sure alot of people thought it was finished and look what happened. In closing I say to all the true fans that are with me, whatever is going on will blow over. To the fairweather fans who do not want to stick it out with us and continue to piss and moan, you can leave now. We won't miss you.
The staleness is mainly because of Vince. The creative team book to please Vince, and not the fans. Vince doesn't have major competition so he feels that he can keep status quo because the sheep will keep watching and there isn't another company pulling in huge ratings.
Yeah,if HHH would use his power to get the title,wouldn't you think he would have yet ANOTHER title shot?I mean,it was HHH's birthday but he didn't get a title shot,is that using his power to get the title?He got beat in PPVs 4 in a row for the championship.And if he took it back to TV14,SOME kids would still be watching and most of the older audience would come back.
TNA being better

That is complete rubbish lets face it look at tna and your see mostly all the stars are just former wwe people who they have brought in hopes to gain more ratings.

They copy everything example,
That guy who mimmicks stone cold (wwe rip off)
The guy who is basically a rip off of kane mixed with mankind (wwe rip off)
The guy who thinks he is machoman (wwe rip off)
This whole stable war thing (wcw nwo rip off)

basically everything they are doing is just a rip off of old wrestling gimmicks or storylines. they are not producing anything else,

Tna is just for people who cant handle the real wwe so they switch over and watch (wwe -lite)

lets face it thats all tna is , its a lite version of wwe for people who cant handle anything real

Whats going to happen to tna once these (old) former wwe stars get older and retire? simple they will have nothing because they cant do anything on thier own. that woman dixie carter has no idea how to run a wrestling business so she is copying everything other promotions found to work for them but in a much weaker watered down version, stealing storylines,hiring former stars, using old gimmicks (thats such a good way to grab the atention of real wrestling fans) THEY HAVE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE

i didnt mean to make this such a long thread, i just wanted to get a few things off my chest from things i have been reading

im going to end this now

seriously,grow up little kid,i can tell your really immature

first of,promotions copy each other all the time,it's nothing new and i can tell that your probably only 9 years old

shark boy hasn't been on TNA in almost a year,he's gone and jay lethel has dropped the machoman gimmick so i can also tell that you haven't watched TNA in years

TNA is an amazing show and they better storylines then what WWE does

your quote "can't handle the real WWE"

seriously,what real WWE,it's a PG show for kids,how real can it get

this thread=total fail,I suggest you go play with your john cena figures and grow up a little
A lot of ppl complain on here that the tag team titles are forgotten and they suck now but yet when the champions are in the main event of raw in a tag match those same ppl complain. I guess what is known as the IWC just cant be happy with anything. Raw was not that bad other than hornswoggle and even that wasnt super bad it was a little comedy thing for the kids to watch. The way raw was booked made sense and was entertaining and thats all it is designed to do
No, it does'nt in any way shape or form annoy me, becasue I know they're doing what's right for the buisness. Everyone make sthe booking staff out to be random piles of banana cakes, but they're intelligent. They know that have to appeal to a variety of fans, form a variety of age groups, and they want to entertain them all. Their booking and decisions reflect that, and they draw in good ratings for doing so. If any given person from the IWC was given the job, there would be no WWE.
1)Too much comedy segments on RAW:
Don't get me wrong I'm not against comedy segments for one or maybe two at most because children also watch the show

Welcome to the PG Era

but there are really tOo many

Sorry, Grammar Nazi moment. Anyways..

not even to mention Chavo vs Hornswoggle matches

It may be destroying Chavo, but hell at least he gets TV time? Plus, the kids love Horny and he won't go away for quite some time...but please just find a different thing for him to do instead of shitting on the Guerrero Legacy.

and Cole's and Lawler's stupid fake laugh.

They sound a bit forced, yes, but it is needed. Do you hate the fake laughs of actors in TV Shows/Movies?

Why to need that much comedy segments?

Welcome to the PG Era

I don't even have an idea if children find funny.

Kids love random, stupid things.

You can ask me how does it hurt to show?

I don't see how? World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT.

I think it ruins the serioussness of the show.

What, just to have one or two comedy segments? Or for Cena to come out and crack at jokes, no matter how lame, just to get a reaction from the crowd?

Swapping titles too much:
I really missed Cena's old good reigns(don't turn it to a bashing Cena thread)At least he seemed like a real champion.I don't want a 4 year Hogan or 8 year Sammartino reign but at least give your champion a 6 month reign.Swapping titles so much does not work for anyone except Edge(works because of his gimmick)For example what was the point of taking title off from Orton to give him one week later.Right now I don't give a shit about his reign and even sometimes forget if he is the champion.I don't care Hardy's after he lost the WHC two minutes before he won it.I know today's wrestling fans don't have the passion but it's personal thread and these two things sometimes really annoy me.

This one I have to agree with you on. Batista held the title for like, what, two days not too long ago before giving it back to Orton?
This one I have to agree with you on. Batista held the title for like, what, two days not too long ago before giving it back to Orton?

That was pretty stupid too if you ask me, I mean it's not like they didn't already know he wasn't injured, so they knew if he won it, he'd have to drop it the next day on Raw anyways. Also due to the injury, they couldn't have a long match, so they basically have Batista squash Orton in a couple of minutes, which the fans loved, but I thought made Orton look weak. Anyways Batista shouldn't have gone over in that match, they should have Orton and Legacy take him out then, thus Batista doesn't look bad, neither does Orton and we avoid a needless title change.
It really annoys me when people go off on TNA and say how much at sucks because let's be real here, they're doing a hell of a lot more in 2 hours of Impact than 6 hours of WWE programming. Personally, I believe that TNA is truly a more colorful program, I mean their knockouts division is amazing, you've got feuds that are constantly changing directions, and characters that are fun to watch. Simply put, imo, TNA is truly more entertaining.

My biggest problem is that WWE has turned into cookie-cutter wrestling, and honestly, why shouldn't it be? Business wise, Vince and the WWE is playing it safe and targeting their younger audience by giving them EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. Until the WWE has competition or starts having financial problems, they are doing exactly what they should be doing, and I absolutely hate it. WWE programming has become extremely boring, I mean I don't care about one single feud and the only thing that keeps me watching (if fast forwarding 75% of raw and smackdown and completely skipping ecw and superstars) is for the hope that something really interesting is going to happen.

Honestly I hate to bash the WWE because I've been a fan for so long, but what I'm seeing is complete garbage, I mean it's completely predictable (I don't read spoliers btw) and uninteresting. Whether or not we were spoiled during the attitude era, it is obvious that the WWE is having a serious case of identity crisis. It doesn't matter whose holding the world title, it doesn't matter how much your stock is worth, and it doesn't matter how many little kids watch your show because the WWE is a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING COMPANY. They will never escape from the image of Stone Cold flipping off the audience, getting drunk in the middle of the ring, and using violence as a way to solve every problem. That's all I really have to say on the subject, most of it really explains itself.

Oh and by the way, the person who started this thread really needs to check their sources and actually do their research, because the first post was truly horrendous and you sounded like you have no idea what you're talking about...
I would just like to add that as of right now, we have had 188 people participate in the poll. I would really appreciate it if just 12 more people could take a split second to help us so we could reach the Magic 200 number, as I think that would give us a relatively good sample size. Then, we can perhaps officially start making some conclusions based on the sample, and the fanbases from each Era ... and take our conversations further.

So please participate in the poll, if you haven't yet done so. I know 12 more people are out there. Much thanks!
My biggest problem with the WWE right now is how Raw has been Orton vs Triple H for like the past year, seriously I think most fans are sick of seeing Orton vs Triple H on every PPV. I just think that if your on Raw and your not Cena, Orton, or HHH you'll never be in the main event, you'll always be in the mid card until you go to Smackdown and get your push. Seriously the WWE could have had MVP come into the main event scene by winning the beat the clock challenge and built up a decent feud between Orton and MVP, but did they do that? No, at least that way we'll get to see something other than HHH and Orton. The other problem that I have is that there is no feud with Kofi and the US title, and Raw has a huge mid card but they don't hardly ever use it effectively. I'm not trying to sound like I'm bashing the WWE, because I love the WWE and I will always be a lifelong fan, I'm just sick of seeing same guys always hogging the main event scene on Raw. Lets hopefully get this post to 200!
The problem with "beat the clock" challenges (or any sort of tournament challenges for that matter) in order to find the #1 contender is that the winner is rarely a surprise. Once the beat the clock challenge was announced, even before the contestants were named, it was a given that both HHH and Cena would be in it. Furthermore, it was obvious from the beginning that one of them would win it, while the other would win their match but miss the time by a few seconds. The only thing not known from the outset was which of the two we would end up seeing.

For me, I actually found the other beat the clock challenges (yes, even the one with chris masters) more entertaining than the ones with cena or HHH. The cena/miz match would have been better if it had been longer and miz wasn't made to look like a weak fool, but that's irrelevant now.

However, this thread is about the most disappointing part of raw, so besides the predictability of beat the clock, probably the most disappointing part was the "main event" of show/jericho against cryme tyme. It was pretty obvious that this was not actually going to be settled but would be the set up for a boring feud to last until summer slam, where cryme tyme is likely to lose.
simply because Vince and the guys in the back all know that Shaq is probably the biggest guest host yet, and Shaq will bring WWE Raw some attention from the NBA world. I mean, Shaq would draw alot of NBA Fans as he is one of the biggest NBA players in history. I really did'nt care about Orton/HHH/Cena, atleast Cena didn't end the show. A short fight with the most dominating center in the NBA and the largest athlete in the world is more exciting than another borefest with Cena.
I started a thread saying i was no longer going to watch wwe and it got merged into this one. Which makes sense don't get me wrong I'm not complaining.But alot of people made the comment "do you think Vince cares?" To which my answer was a solid NO!In fact if everyone who posted on here stopped watching and was replaced as a viewer with a 5 year old who knows dick about wrestling, Vince wouldn't care! actully he'd be delighted! No need to even try anyone!He can still make shitloads of money! Which is his motivation. He is not looking to make the most entertaining show he can,he's looking to make the most profitable one he can! Which doesn't automatically equate to a better product.espeicely for fans of the attitude era. The thing is just like the 80's boom,kids will move on to the next craze,and Vince will have to start booking for the 18-34/Wrestling fan demographic again. But this time many will be so dissillioned with "sports entertainment" and wll have lost faith in WWE they will never come back. Vince isn't screwing the fans guy's,Vince is screwing Vince.

All this of course is not fact it's just my viewpoint.
The opposite of the thread asking what the WWE would need to do for you to stop watching altogether. There is way too much negativity on these boards recently, 'fans' who do nothing but say how bad the product is. Now, I'm sure the point of the WWE is to entertrain us, so you're not really a fan if it doesn't, but anyway. What could McMahon do in order for you to completely enjoy the product again? I'd answer this myself, but I quite love wrestling as it is. The only thing that could make it better is Shawn Michaels returning, and that's not a problem anyone has decided.

I can answer that question with 6 basic solutions, all of which should be done ....

1) Invest more time into creating not just feuds, but actual storylines to help get the talent over with the fans. In doing so, go back to the traditional method of making the weekly television storyline-based, while the House Shows and PPV's are feud-based. Storyline-based shows gets the audience to care about the talent, while the Feud-based shows like the PPV's allows the audience the satisfaction of seeing an actual match take place to the buildup on TV.

2) Create edgier, riveting characters/gimmicks ... and stop creating stale personalities the fans could care less about, like Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Ricky Ortiz, Paul Burchill, etc. When WWE creates a character, they need to answer on paper "Why the audience should cheer or boo for this particular talent". I can't necessarily do that with probably half the roster today. Why should I boo Ricky Ortiz, Charlie Haas, Paul Burchill, Tyson Kidd, etc.? WWE does not give people enough reason to become emotionally vested with the matches.

3) Bring back the ringside managers (including male managers ... not just Valets) and assign them to about 50% of the heels on the rosters. This will create even more interesting characters and scenarios between the talent, as well as bring a lot more entertainment to the matches ... while providing a variance to the match finishes.

4) Bring back the jobbers. Some are not going to like this, but it is for the long-term good. Jobber matches allow the talent to get their faces shown on TV each week, but also prolongs the feuds from taking place ... which prevents the stale, repetitive feuds we see done over, and over, and over again. I would recommend WWE putting 2 jobber matches on per 2 hour show.

5) Invest in both the Midcard and Tag Team Division. Tag Teams allow the fans to see some variance in the cards, instead of just seeing one singles match after another. This is a perfect way to introduce new talent into the company. The Midcard should be invested into so we don't get into the situation the company is in now, with people who feel very apathetic towards the product. Investing in talent while they are in the Midcard and even Lower Midcard, will make the public care that much more about them when they eventually enter the Upper Midcard and possibly Main Event.

6) Bring back Face/Heel commentary teams. This provided for a much more entertaining broadcast and actually helped turn bad matches into tolerable ones, based on the banter between the commentators (if they were good enough).
Some rather interesting results of the poll, thus far. Obviously, the purpose was to rank each group's satisfaction with the product, based on when each fan began watching wrestling, to determine the degree of influence it has on the mindset of fans in how they view the product today.

Based on 203 respondents here is what we are looking at pertaining to the overall results.

Very Satisfied= 38 (19%)
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied= 87 (43%)
Very Dissatisfied= 78 (38%)

Obviously, the IWC sample weighs more towards the Dissatisfied end of the spectrum, with Apathetic fans who could go either way with the product, in the lead, followed by the Very Dissatisfied fanbase.

Twice as many fans are Very Dissatisfied with the product, as opposed to Very Satisfied. Ouch.

Let's take a look at the behavior within each group.

Where as I wish we had more fans respond from the PG Era, however it appears that those that began watching during this Era are the most satisfied with the product, with a 33% approval rating from within the group.

The group that is most dissatisfied with the current product are the Attitude Era fans. No surprise there. 45% of Attitude Era fans are very dissatisfied with the current product, while 41% are apathetic towards the product. Only 14% of Attitude Era fans are happy with today's product.

Next up are the fans that began watching in the Hogan Era. This group, aside from the fans who began watching in the PG Era, are the most tolerable to today's product compared to all the other groups of fans. 22% of Hogan Era fans approve of today's product. However, 37% do not approve of the PG Era, while 41% are apathetic towards the product.

The next largest groups of respondents were the Post Attitude Era fans. This group actually has the largest number of Apathetic fans. 53% of respondents are neither satisfied or dissatisfied with the product, while 26% are very dissatisfied with what they are seeing. 21% are very satisfied with the PG Era.

Last, but not least, are the New Generation fans. The New Generation fans also do not rate the PG Era very highly. 48% are very dissatisfied with the product, while 36% are neither satisfied or dissatisfied. Only 16% of fans are very satisfied with the product.

With the help of a respectable sample size from IWC members, one can conclude that more fans feel more Negatively regarding the PG Era, then they feel positively about it. Even though most fans were Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with the PG Era, this percentage was only separated by 5% from the number of fans who were Very Dissatisfied with the product.

Maybe next, hopefully we can use the same respondents to determine what specifically the fans find enjoyable about this Era, and specifically what they are not satisfied with, that they want to see brought back.
I started watching wrestling again a few weeks ago. Before now I was dedicated and hardcore in the mid 80's to mid/early 90's. The last thing I remember was The Ultimate Warrior beating Hogan at Wrestlemania 6 (I think it was 6).

So here is what I think of wrestling:

1. 80's -mid 90's - very good
2. NWO
3. Austin and Rock
4. ??????? When is it going to be elite again

I watched the shows (RAW, Smackdown, ECW) the week leading to "Night of Champions" and have since watched. I dvr all 4 WWE shows and mostly ff through most of it.

RAW- RAW is terrible, it's that simple. Wow :wtf: happened to wrestling? Jeremy Piven is dishing out matches and rules? :shrug:

Smackdown- Not bad

ECW- I saw a few guys last week I liked one guy had cool intro music and came to interupt some Russian guy and slammed his opponent then left.

My younger brother watches and said they are going PG. Ok but are they also trying to lose their audience? Wrestling was PG when I was a kid in the mid 80's too and it didn't suck. The story lines are weak and aimless. I have yet to discover a fued even worth caring for with the excpetion of CM Punk (who I could not believe was a heavyweight champion of anything) and Matt Hardy (again this guy could be my neighbor but he can wrestle) I think these 2 are the best story going now but maybe for the Intercontinental title.

Wrestlers that bore me - Mark Henry, MVP, Cryme Tyme (I think they just need a new gimmick)

Wrestlers that interest me- Dulf something or other (wrestled Mysterio at NoC), the new Hart foundation, hmmmm yeah.... that's about it that I can think of off the top of my head.

When is the next big blow up for WWE wrestling coming? It's been a while. The ratings have to be going down and once they get their ducks in a row hopefully I can enjoy watching again. I only watch now to bond with my younger brother, we don't have too much in common and my thought was this could be one thing but right now it's painful!

Sorry for this post being all over the place...I"m at work and just typin off the top of my head.
The wwe started to go down hill after wrestlemainia 20 and has declined in quality every years since and in 2006 i just decided to turn in on Spike TV one thursday night at 9 and iv been hooked ever since

Coincidentally enough, that was the same time when Rock and Austin were gone, as well.

WWE was massively unprepared for the departure of those two guys. Plus, Lesnar and Goldberg were on their way out at the PPV, too.

Impact could be a Hell of a lot better, but I think that fans who enjoyed the Attitude Era of the WWE will seriously be more inclined to enjoy TNA better at the moment, as opposed to the current WWE. It simply is a matter of making the effort to watch Spike on Thursday night.
I can answer that question with 6 basic solutions, all of which should be done ....

1) Invest more time into creating not just feuds, but actual storylines to help get the talent over with the fans. In doing so, go back to the traditional method of making the weekly television storyline-based, while the House Shows and PPV's are feud-based. Storyline-based shows gets the audience to care about the talent, while the Feud-based shows like the PPV's allows the audience the satisfaction of seeing an actual match take place to the buildup on TV.

2) Create edgier, riveting characters/gimmicks ... and stop creating stale personalities the fans could care less about, like Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Ricky Ortiz, Paul Burchill, etc. When WWE creates a character, they need to answer on paper "Why the audience should cheer or boo for this particular talent". I can't necessarily do that with probably half the roster today. Why should I boo Ricky Ortiz, Charlie Haas, Paul Burchill, Tyson Kidd, etc.? WWE does not give people enough reason to become emotionally vested with the matches.

3) Bring back the ringside managers (including male managers ... not just Valets) and assign them to about 50% of the heels on the rosters. This will create even more interesting characters and scenarios between the talent, as well as bring a lot more entertainment to the matches ... while providing a variance to the match finishes.

4) Bring back the jobbers. Some are not going to like this, but it is for the long-term good. Jobber matches allow the talent to get their faces shown on TV each week, but also prolongs the feuds from taking place ... which prevents the stale, repetitive feuds we see done over, and over, and over again. I would recommend WWE putting 2 jobber matches on per 2 hour show.

5) Invest in both the Midcard and Tag Team Division. Tag Teams allow the fans to see some variance in the cards, instead of just seeing one singles match after another. This is a perfect way to introduce new talent into the company. The Midcard should be invested into so we don't get into the situation the company is in now, with people who feel very apathetic towards the product. Investing in talent while they are in the Midcard and even Lower Midcard, will make the public care that much more about them when they eventually enter the Upper Midcard and possibly Main Event.

6) Bring back Face/Heel commentary teams. This provided for a much more entertaining broadcast and actually helped turn bad matches into tolerable ones, based on the banter between the commentators (if they were good enough).

I agree 100%. I got into WWE in the late 80's early 90's so I have no problem with the PG era. If all the changes listed above were implemented then the product would improve a great deal. The only thing I would add is create new headliners! WWE Knows how to do this as they proved with Vladimir Kozloz. The only problem was he sucked. Give that sort of push to someone with talent and you have a new headliner. Stop these stop/start pushes where someone is made to look like a world beater one week and a jobber the next.

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