General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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Not always.I generally enjoy the product and thats why I watch it but there are two things right now in WWE that I can really stand much more.

1)Too much comedy segments on RAW:
Don't get me wrong I'm not against comedy segments for one or maybe two at most because children also watch the show but there are really two many not even to mention Chavo vs Hornswoggle matches and Cole's and Lawler's stupid fake laugh.Why to need that much comedy segments?I don't even have an idea if children find funny.You can ask me how does it hurt to show?I think it ruins the serioussness of the show.

Swapping titles too much:
I really missed Cena's old good reigns(don't turn it to a bashing Cena thread)At least he seemed like a real champion.I don't want a 4 year Hogan or 8 year Sammartino reign but at least give your champion a 6 month reign.Swapping titles so much does not work for anyone except Edge(works because of his gimmick)For example what was the point of taking title off from Orton to give him one week later.Right now I don't give a shit about his reign and even sometimes forget if he is the champion.I don't care Hardy's after he lost the WHC two minutes before he won it.I know today's wrestling fans don't have the passion but it's personal thread and these two things sometimes really annoy me.

Unfortunately, the seriousness is going to not be there as much, the comedy will stay for the sake of the children and the PG Era. I do wish though it was more serious, you can take out the lewd, crude, sometimes disgusting bits of the product and still have it be serious and still appeal to people, but what do we know right? We don't work for the WWE. lol

As for the title swaps, I agree 100% that they shouldn't happen as much as they do anymore. I personally love long title runs as I feel they solidify the reign more than how many times the title it held. I understand though that the title changing hands is a dramatic ending or even beginning to some feuds and makes them the great feuds we see, but please take it down a notch. Orton/Bastita/HHH/Cena all didn't need the numerous title swaps and changes to make their feuds better. And as we saw with Punk losing his title as quick as he did, shit all over his credibility to be a champ, while giving it to Hardy as many times as they already have, seems cheap and pointless.
I am getting tired of it. However to tell you the truth I am now alittle more happier that it is something different then the three of them for the next pay per view. Hopefully they will change it after the next pay per view. It gets exciting when you know someone else goes for the belt and gets fresher story lines
look i understand the pg thing and its not the issue to me. its the lazy booking. there are very few actualy storylines and feuds in the current wwe product. kofi kindston has been in nothing but random 3 or more people title matches since becoming champ. y not have him feud with one person and make things actually intersting. y not use the mid-card talent. have more lower level feuds. have mvp and swagger fued. have morrison and someone feud. actually develope storylines instead of being lazy and just have a guest host everyweek. all the guest host does for raw is waste time that could be used to develope other storylines and develop the stars of the future. u wonder y wrestlers have bad mic skills. they never get a chance to practice on a live audience. only mid-card on raw that can cut a promo is miz. y not have him call out kofi.

there is nothing wrong with the same guys in the ME. just but more of a story behind it. HHH has been on a "mission" to get orton back for what like 3 months. theres no development of the storylines. i've officially stoped watching raw as it is unentertaining. smackdown isnt much better. there are only two feuds on smackdown. only 4 wrestlers are involved in storylines out of the entire roster. there is only one feud on ecw. there is only one feud on raw. wwe needs to add more feuds if they want to make the product better. what they have isn't that bad. its just not enough

how can u say its the wrestlers fault??? if the wwe doesnt give them a chance to show what they have and to learn to develop their character and learn to make a story intersting then there will be no future ME stars.

wrestlers develop over time. they learn how to work the crowd and work a story in the mid-card. if the wwe doesnt actually give them a chance to do this then they will never learn how to be a better performer and entertainer
[115]FalKon;1255700 said:
Are you shitting ME with this post?

I do not fail to see your point. You wish to get rid of this PG ratings era & family-friendly focus in a blockbuster trade for something similiar to the Attitude Era or say, the post-Hogan era? Because you saw the creative as being productive during these times with other midcard & lowcard fueds? Im guessing thats the jist.

Firstly, Today's Product is quite simply the best it has ever been! The WWE has abandoned all these gimmicks & storylines that make no sense & are carefully planning how they are going to rebuild themselves for the future. Mark my words, let's just wait & see what the future has in store. If it weren't for the Benoit tradegy [RIP], the WWE would be a lot further ahead in their endeavours.

Secondly, the wrestlers of today are very diverse who have skills in all arts of pro wrestling. And I will be damned & dead cold within my grave before I recognise hardcore wrestling as an art of pro wrestling. If you know how to handle pain & exactly where to shove weapons into someones body, you are a shoe-in. With this logic of mine, I do not consider Mick Foley to be a great wrestler. However, his track record does indeed say he was one of the best in the Attitude Era... which he was.

Thirdly, I will never, ever... EVER... shit anybody. That isn't good here on the WZ Forums as you will definitely get red-repped by someone who knows what they are talking about & pointing out you are wrong.

i dont care about the pg thing what so ever. i care that the wwe "creative" team and vince are lazy and dont make any attempt at mid-card and tagteam feuds. this would add to the product. i like the ME and it interest me. they just need more. you cant have a good show by only focusing on the ME and not carrying about the lower level.

careful planning?? where are atleast three different thread i have read today that have talked about some1 being confused about the way a match ended. like the HHH rhodes match from raw. according to the "rules" HHH would not have been DQ'd if he hit dibiase. yet they made it seem that way.

whats wrong with silly or wierd gimmicks??

there will be no future if the wwe does not develop their current talent. the best way to improve a wrestlers story telling skills is by having him tell stories. i see very few stories compared to all the wrestlers the wwe currently has.

the ME product may be better. but as a whole: mid-card, tagteam, divas, and ME. the only thing making the product intersting is the ME. thats not enough for a good wrestling show

you dont consider foley a great wrestler??? he's one of the best story tellers in the business. he makes eveything he says seem believable. he gets the crowd involved and makes me care about the programs he is in. its not all about in ring talent.
Ok just to answer a few comments.
1.) As I stated in the op I know Vince doesn't care. I don't have alot of disposable income so the little money I spend on the product he won't miss. Also from a pure business point of view what Vince is doing is smart.He is going after the family market which is where the money is. I understand that. But I'm 29 so it doesn't appeal to me as much. Also I don't think it makes for a better product overall but that's just my POV.

2.) As for "still putting money into Vince's pocket" by buying the dvds.I meant the old ones from when I DID enjoy the product. I can't stand the current Goverment(here in the UK). But every time I buy a beer or a pack of smokes I put money in there pocket.Alot of my money probaly ends up in the pockets of someone I would dislike. Why not put some of it in the pocket of someone whose product,has over the years,given me a lot of pleasure and entertained me? I watched a couple of DVD's last weekend from "the good old days"(christ I sound like my dad)!And was really entertained. Why deny myself that pleasure?

3.)To the "one day you'll start watching again" comments. I hope so. As stated I love wrestling. I WANT to enjoy it.At the moment I don't so why watch something when I find it a chore. This is the reason I'm still gonna buy the magazines(btw I don't mean WWE's magazine) so when I start to feel "hey, I'm missing out on a really good product here I'll start tuning in again" I can.The past three weeks I've read the Raw review on the main wrestlezone site and prayed that something would make me want to watch,something new ans different. all I've read is about the cleb guest host being given loads of screen time to not enhance a storyline. I've heard Vince will only bring in a past or present wrestler Is to advance storylines. Which makes me think that he actully believes the guest host's do that. So he is spending valuable time putting over people who are only there for one night. Again i understand he is trying to catch the attenion of the main stream audience. It's just not good for me. He did the same thing with the mini Kid Rock concert at mania, At the expense of a Tag unifacation match. Was that really done for people who post on this board?Wrestling fans? If anyone prefered to see that than a match between 4 up and coming guy's please let me know.

4.) To the poster who said "this sounds like your breaking up with your girlfriend but your still gonna call and see her". I did break up with my girlfriend some years ago(my choice) we are now housemates and best friends. Dude you have me pegged!

5.) Finally:Why did I post the OP? To vent, Im angrey something I love has been ruined for me. That WWE doesn't seem to care about people who watched the 80's boom got hooked and have been watching ever since. I'll be honest it hurt's(I know how silly that sounds)When I hear Freddie Kruger(Robert Enguland in character) is who Vince is after,not someone people like me would like to see hosting(I'd like to see it mainly be past wrestlers, who purist fans will mark out for...and the kiddes won't know). It makes me think "why am I watching something that is being produced not with people like me in mind,but for people I have nothing in common for"?

If you like the product. Fine cool. I'm glad you do,I wish I still did. If you don't enjoy it, and still watch it,that's cool too. It's called freedom of choice and I'm for it. I'm such saying I choose not to and why. That's all.

Hope that's cleared a few things up.
TNA rocks man its just like wwe sometimes its great sometimes it sucks thats with EVERY promotion now do i believe that TNA is better no i dont but i do think in about 10 years that it will be better than wwe they just need to keep doing what there doing but improve on the booking. and dont go bashing abyss cause every wrestler has some one they wanna be like and abyss created his own he did not steal from kane besides the chokeslam but alot of people have had that finisher he did not steal from mankind cause if he did than pretty much every crazy masked wrestler has stolen from mankind.
anyways i agree with you on every thing else besides the hhh thing do you realize he has probly told vince to give him the title atleast 5 times i can see it now ""viince you know if you give me the title it will work out better that way than give it to ____"" lol great post
TNA rocks man its just like wwe sometimes its great sometimes it sucks thats with EVERY promotion now do i believe that TNA is better no i dont but i do think in about 10 years that it will be better than wwe they just need to keep doing what there doing but improve on the booking. and dont go bashing abyss cause every wrestler has some one they wanna be like and abyss created his own he did not steal from kane besides the chokeslam but alot of people have had that finisher he did not steal from mankind cause if he did than pretty much every crazy masked wrestler has stolen from mankind.
anyways i agree with you on every thing else besides the hhh thing do you realize he has probly told vince to give him the title atleast 5 times i can see it now ""viince you know if you give me the title it will work out better that way than give it to ____"" lol great post

1. It's obvious to see Abyss is a Kane/Mankind ripoff. TNA mimics WWE's gimmicks all the time. Shark Boy, Black Machismo, etc. It's nothing new.

2. How do you know HHH has told Vince to give him the title. That's right, you don't. The whole "HHH only gets titles because of who he is with and yada yada yada" statements are getting old.
i disagree with the op its not the wrestlers fault. the wrestler can only do so much. its creatives fault if the wrestler is not being over with the crowd. every1 has talent, just look at guys like shelton benjamin and haas. but if the wwe creative cant put them in a decent fued or give them a likeable gimmick, theres so much they can do. the pg thing is just plain smart, hurts ppl like us but hey im still watching rite? it hurts us but not enuff for us to quit, and on the other hand brings in more young viewers. win win situation. and its true hhh does use his backstage power alot, but i mean he does let some people go over him. but then these ppl arent really young talent, thats the problem. cena,hardy,bastista,orton theve been here for a while. the day wen hhh lets mvp face randy in a ppv match for the title, then u can say hes doing it for the company. as for brand split, keep it, no new talent will be pushed an wer gonna have the same main eventers for ever. tna being better? :lmao:
the main event guys arnt gunna change. lets say for arguements sake vince goes completely insane and makes.... i dunno.... jimmy wang yang wwe champ. literally everyone would be like what the fuck. you cant just make main eventers. but....

on the otherside of the coin most of the fueds are weak. piss poor in fact. effectively youve had triple h fighting orton since 2004 cuz he gave him a thumbs down. i dont even know why big show and cena were fueding but its good that its over. they first fought.... way back in 2004. urgh! legacy rather than picking up the occasional big victory are literally getting their asses handed to them by everyone. jericho is pretty much content sitting in the midcard as is rey altho they are probably 2 of the companies best performers. kozlov fights a jobber every week on ecw. great.....

i could go on but i wont. about the only decent fued is hardy and punk. there actually appears to be a little substance to it. i mean i dont even have a clue why chavo is jobbing to hornswoggle on a weekly basis. does it make the little guy a hero? no. the big guy looks like a douche. next week on raw chavo vs hornswoggle in a coal miners glove on a pole match..... im sure chavo will still job!

anyhow it seems apparent i did rant on! what im saying is i dont know why these guys are fighting. i propose they go a bit old school. ok theres not enough time for every fued to have ring time AND promo time. and we dont wanna see the same guys fight every week or interfere in their matches so on so forth. why not bring back the pre taped split screen promos or in the corner of the screen? that way rather than having to attempt to focus your attention on yet another rest hold, there could be 30 seconds of character building or fued building whatever. to me it makes sense.

that being said i feel theres nothing else wrong with the product really. it seems althought they have been more or less operating with 6 hours a week of tv time since 2003 maybe, they dont know how to fill it properly. also funny how everyone forgets that for quite extended periods in the past triple h wasnt in the title picture.
i disagree with the op its not the wrestlers fault. the wrestler can only do so much. its creatives fault if the wrestler is not being over with the crowd. every1 has talent, just look at guys like shelton benjamin and haas. but if the wwe creative cant put them in a decent fued or give them a likeable gimmick, theres so much they can do. the pg thing is just plain smart, hurts ppl like us but hey im still watching rite? it hurts us but not enuff for us to quit, and on the other hand brings in more young viewers. win win situation. and its true hhh does use his backstage power alot, but i mean he does let some people go over him. but then these ppl arent really young talent, thats the problem. cena,hardy,bastista,orton theve been here for a while. the day wen hhh lets mvp face randy in a ppv match for the title, then u can say hes doing it for the company. as for brand split, keep it, no new talent will be pushed an wer gonna have the same main eventers for ever. tna being better? :lmao:

You're joking right? If guys have talent and charisma, they can get over with any gimmick. Look at Dolph Ziggler. His gimmick was introducing himself. That's it. He introduced himself to people. But you know what? He has charisma and talent, so he ran with that gimmick and evolved it to a point where he is challenging Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Title at a pretty major pay-per-view. Jack Swagger didn't have a gimmick when he debuted, but his talent forced creative to do something with him.

You mention Shelton Benjamin. This man gets more unwarranted praise than anyone else on the WWE roster, with Christian in a distant second. He does descent big spots in the Money in the Bank match every year, and nothing else. He is ok in the ring, has little to no charisma, and has been given so many pushes that he isn't good enough to sustain.
I'm assuming I haven't posted in this thread I'm going to go ahead and have some fun.

Maybe it's the fact that Raw resembles a cartoon nowadays.

How so? the incredibly outlandish characters and gimmicks that have always populated wrestling? Maybe. Oh well.

Maybe it's the fact it appears to be made up as it goes along with no thought of the long term.

Yeah, because Punk and Morrison aren't getting pushed for the main-event. Neither are Swagger, MVP, Miz, Ziggler, Kofi, take your pick.

Maybe it's the fact that Triple H and Randy Orton appear to be lock into a fued that looks like lasting till the end of time(when is the last time you remember two guys having 3 televised last man standing matches)?

Ummm...I don't know if you know this, but Triple H isn't having a feud with Orton right now. He's feuding with Legacy - Orton. Cena has Orton all tied up right now.

and if you're whining about Orton/Cena x100000 then you're foolish. They've had one big feud about a year or so ago. Maybe even two years. You know, when Orton punted Cena's dad. Just before Cena went out because of fucking Kennedy.

Maybe it's the fact CM Punk won the title and then did the job in almost all televised matches before he lost it.

....Because he's a heel?

Maybe it's the fact that in 2005 I remember watching Raw and that the main event was a six man tag where one of the face team was Hulk Hogan and now it's Seth Green.

You want Hogan again? I'm sorry, but Hogan has shit for hips and knees these days. It's what happens when you carry a wrestling company for a good 10, 15 years.

But I'm done.

You'll be posting again in less than a month. Raw LDs in 2.

I'll still by my wrestling mags as that's the only thing I enjoy about wrestling these days.

Magazines? But those don't have storylines anywhere near them....

I might even watch TNA if(as I suspect will happen)Russo get's booted off the booking team.


I'll still buy DVD's from the days when wrestling was good.

So you're still going to give the company you hate money?

I may even watch Rumble and mania.

Then you'll come on here and complain about how the PPVs didn't make any sense. Because, you know. You haven't watched in months.

But I'm not going to follow or watch any of the new product.

One dude. That 4.0 Shaq helped pull last Monday is shot to all shit, now.

I know Vince doesn't care.

Dude, you're right. Kudos.

I'm not 12 or someone who's interested in seeing people whose careers peaked years ago,

Actually, it's because you are one person who pays 30 dollars a PPV. That's what, 400 dollars at most a year?

And I'd like to hear these wrestlers who peaked years ago that are still wrestling. Can't be Cena or Orton. and Trips, HBK, and Taker still draw.

so clearly the product is not booked with me in mind.

If you mean the product isn't booked with whiny people in mind...then yes.

But I would just like to send a personal thank you to Vince in case of the(admittly) unlikely event he will see it.

You're right again! That's twice!

Thank you Vince,Thank you for taking a product I fell in love with the moment I saw it and making it so piss poor that I can't bear to watch anymore.

That's a silly thing to thank someone for.

Thank you Vince. Fuck you very much.

Now see, I may be very naive. But in my 19 years of life I have never seen someone say that when they were thanking someone. That's a very oxymoronic (that's most likely not even a word) statement.

Technically, not anymore.

A former WWE fan.

Shucks. It's almost like Vince won't care because he loses fans everyday. Only thing is, he gains more than he lost.
look i understand the pg thing and its not the issue to me.

Glad to know.

its the lazy booking.

Just curious, how do you know that the bookers go in, and just sit around moaping, sipping on coffee, then randomly decide "Well, I'm bored Orton vs Triple H everyone?" SOunds good! I'm sure they spend hours everyday trying to book the show, to meet the fans expectations. Its not a secret that the Booking decisions are often hit and miss.

there are very few actualy storylines and feuds in the current wwe product.

Not true, the ratings are growing. Somethings going on well.

kofi kindston has been in nothing but random 3 or more people title matches since becoming champ.

Uh, I'd like to take the time out of my precious day to point out the fact that theres a shift key down at the bottom of your keyboard. Look to the very bottom left hand corner, then go up one key. It says "Shift" then theres an arrow pointing up. It capitalizes your letters, to make you look like you're not in 3rd grade. Thanks for wasting about a minute of my life though.

His name is spelt "Kingston"

I do agree to some extent though, the midcard could really use a spotlight. But thats not going to happen when 3 other titles have to be put into the mix in a ppv, along with a Divas match, and hopefully a tag match. Its hard to fit all 3 shows in one Pay-per View. Now, if you would like to make a logical complaint about the WWE, you could say "Would it be good for the WWE to split the PPV's back up?" Or something along those lines.

Your "w", and "h" keys are messed up? Pity, ebay probably has some keyboards very cheap.

not have him feud with one person and make things actually intersting.

Because theres currently 89 superstars on the WWE roster. You gotta fit everyone in, without losing someone in the darkness. When you've got large 6 man matches like at Night of Champions, it opens up stars to break through the glass, and really show what they can do. If they don't have this chance, because they only book about 5-6 singles matches, thats 10-12 people getting the spotlight. The way the WWE is doing it, theres about 30-40.

y not use the mid-card talent.

When did they stop using the midcard talent?

have more lower level feuds. have mvp and swagger fued. have morrison and someone feud.

MVP and Swagger are fueding, by the way. Morrison is currently making his way up the ranks, through a series of singles matches on SmackDown.

actually develope storylines instead of being lazy and just have a guest host everyweek.

What the WWE is doing, is good marketing. They are drawing possible new viewers. One weeks bring in a huge name like, Seth Green or Shaq, the next bring in a lower name that doesn't mean much. This lets the WWE know what they need to think about working on, or if they are keeping the fans after a well fought show. Its great marketing, if you ask me.

all the guest host does for raw is waste time that could be used to develope other storylines and develop the stars of the future.


u wonder y wrestlers have bad mic skills. they never get a chance to practice on a live audience. only mid-card on raw that can cut a promo is miz. y not have him call out kofi.

Name some wrestlers with bad Mic skills. The ones that have really bad mic skills, are usually with something called a mouthpiece. Those that need to work, are being worked on. The Main Event gets large sums of practice.

there is nothing wrong with the same guys in the ME. just but more of a story behind it. HHH has been on a "mission" to get orton back for what like 3 months.

Err, the two have shown great one-upsmanship all throughout the fued, making it better and better. One would win once, the other would win a next time. One would get beat the heck out of with a sledgehammer, the other would get attacked by Legacy. No matter how much the IWC moans and complains, the WWE is putting out a decent-great product.

theres no development of the storylines.


i've officially stoped watching raw as it is unentertaining.

If I knew a Beetoven line about someone bitching, I'd dish it out right here.

smackdown isnt much better.


there are only two feuds on smackdown.

Actually, theres 4-5 off the top of my head right now.

only 4 wrestlers are involved in storylines out of the entire roster.

Theres four in one fued. What about the other 3-4 off the top of my head? Huh?

there is only one feud on ecw.

Theres 2, and the entire roster was just formed, so...Give them time to show their gimmicks, and personalities. Please.

there is only one feud on raw.

I count 6 off the top of my head.

wwe needs to add more feuds if they want to make the product better.


what they have isn't that bad. its just not enough

My mother teaches Kindergarden. I'm going to get her on here. Give you some capitalization lessons, and teach you how to count. Is that okay?

how can u say its the wrestlers fault??? if the wwe doesnt give them a chance to show what they have and to learn to develop their character and learn to make a story intersting then there will be no future ME stars.

Uh? They get their chance. If they don't shine in the time they're given. Then they get let go of. Thats it.

wrestlers develop over time.

Do your developing in the indies. Know how to do your job, when you come into the WWE.

they learn how to work the crowd and work a story in the mid-card.

Learn this in FCW.

if the wwe doesnt actually give them a chance to do this then they will never learn how to be a better performer and entertainer

I'm not saying the stars should come in at 100% but most of your improvement should allready be done with once you come out of FCW. You should come in, allready at about 70% of your full potential. If you're going to be a main eventor, you will allready come in as a low-upper midcard wrestler.
"You're joking right? If guys have talent and charisma, they can get over with any gimmick. Look at Dolph Ziggler. His gimmick was introducing himself. That's it. He introduced himself to people. But you know what? He has charisma and talent, so he ran with that gimmick and evolved it to a point where he is challenging Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Title at a pretty major pay-per-view. Jack Swagger didn't have a gimmick when he debuted, but his talent forced creative to do something with him" by dolph thriller

yea but creative is the one who makes the matches, tells them wut to say, gives them the gimmick right? so technically if a superstar looks good in a ring, then creative did its job, granted the wrestlers have to do alot too, like make each other and themselves look good. now im saying if sum1 like ziggler succeded then he succeded along with creative because they also have a large part to do with it. if zigler and swagger cudd make themselves look good y wudd the wwe need a creative staff??? but if a wrestler failes, ur telling me just the wrestlers to blame because he cuddnt get enuff offense in a match which creative scripts. i mean sure u can blame the wrestler but after a while u gotta blame the ppl telling him wut to do. thts y wen the spirtsquad failed, creative repackaged them, and ziggler wuss born. if it wus the wrestlers fault he wudda been fired right?
Anyone whose not either a
1.Six Year OldI.E Most cena fans

I'm a Cena fan. I'm 19. That must just shit all over your belief system, huh?

2.A Mark I.E Most orton fans.

LOL. Orton fans are marks now? Only a month ago the Orton fans were the ones who really knew what wrestling was about. I need to keep on track with what the IWC is thinking. I'm getting rusty.

Other then that everyone pretty much hates it.

Unless, of course, you take into consideration the fact that Cena and Orton have not faced each other in nearly 2 years. Add to that the fact that they work great with each other in promos and matches, and you've got yourself an instant PPV sale.

I can promise you guys Cena is most likely winning that title at Summerslam. Then guess what will happen? Orton will probably have his one PPV obligatory rematch, then Cena can start bringing new wrestlers into the main-event. They won't win, not at all. But a Miz/Cena and Swagger/Cena feud will help the two wrestlers immensely. And while this is going on, MVP can feud with Orton. This may even lead to MVP getting into some matches with DX when they face off against Legacy (which we all know will happen), getting MVP hella over from just one feud with Orton.

Now see, we sit through one more PPV that has a main-event that isn't complete shit or repetitive Orton/Trips #50000 and we get months of new feuds. Hold on for 5 fucking seconds, and everything will be alright.
Unless, of course, you take into consideration the fact that Cena and Orton have not faced each other in nearly 2 years.

Im sorry to nit pick Razor but Cena faced Orton 1/1 back at 2008 No Way Out because Cena didnt want to wait til Mania. That match ended in a dq.
Thats all I have to say
Ah... hypnotisedhero. You may be hypnotised to believe things but certainly no hero. Let me expain.

If the WWE were lazy with their bookings & creative, then why the HELL do we have guys like CM Punk being turned heel through a very well-thought out storyline? How is it that Jeff Hardy is the WHC after what he has been through & the jounrey he has taken in becoming WHC. Creative's secondary plans for Jeff after he screwed over the WWE by testing positive on the drugs test where great. It gave the Jeff fans an endless struggle of coming closer & closer to destiny but always falling short. The new face paint & 'twisted' character of Hardy seems to be making Jeff more over than ever before. If the creative/booking team were lazy, why did they put the people who need work on SmackDown, placed the well established wrestlers on RAW in the midcard & utilised the veterans on ECW?

Like I said before, they are in a stage of rebuilding for the future. If you cant see through into the business side... then this is going to be a pointless discussion. Before you reply back, please... see things from my view. I have seen it from your angle, look at it from mine!
Im sorry to nit pick Razor

Not at all. If I'm wrong, tell me. I don't wanna be the douchebag who spouts wrong facts while everyone just mumbles that I'm wrong.

but Cena faced Orton 1/1 back at 2008 No Way Out because Cena didnt want to wait til Mania.

So....a year and 6 months ago? I was off by 6 months, apologies.

That match ended in a dq.

Right o. Some bullshit like Cena hit the ref because "He lost control." Or maybe that was later on in teh feud.

Thats all I have to say

Again, tell me when I'm wrong. Though a PM would be better, probably. Don't know if the mods will consider this spam or not. At any rate, though. Tell me when I've got a fact or figure wrong.
Just to reiterate, I'm not looking for reasons and excuses why it should stay the way it is, I just want to know if anyone is deep down actually tired of the Cena/Orton/Trips phenomenon.

I also don't want to see a Cena/Orton/Henry clusterfuck. I think that us stubborn over-analytical pricks on this forum would certainly buy a PPV involving Orton facing someone NEW. But thats only my opinion.
i'm going to pretent u didnt bash my user name miss falkon. and what exactally does infracted one mean??

anyway everything you said is true. but its also all about how they have developed the ME, not the mid-card. moving people around a certain way does nothing unless they are actually used. a beat the clock challenge is lazy booking. instead of developing somesort of a feud or rivalry they use the beat the clock challenge. and since no1 in the mid-card is doing anything relevent they used them as "spoilers". come on. y would u not atleast give them a chance to compete. make the matches a little more intersting. that is lazy booking and thats what i dont like

come on you have to admit that there are not enough mid-card feuds going on. i mean the only 1 we have is between ziggler and rey.

great we have three awsome ME feuds that only take up....idk less than a third of actual tv time. with the rest going to pointless matches and pointless guest host segments. o ya celebrity guest host. lazy booking. instead of developing some new feuds lets have some random celebrity take tv time away form our actually employees, those employees who our future rest on. ya that lazy booking
im sure and fcw crowd is atleast a 4th of what they are infront of on raw smackdown and ecw.

is my typing affecting your reading??? i think not. quit ur bitching

oh and calling me a liar and saying "lalallala" is a real great way to prove me wrong

mvp and swagger r feuding??? they've had one encounter. thats not a feud. have the developed the feud since the ecnounter happend?? no.

im not sure who has bad mic skills because they never get a chance to cut a promo

whens the last time a wrestler had a mouthpiece??

6 feuds on raw?? lets hear them

4-5 feuds on smackdown?? lets hear them

2 feuds on ecw?? lets hear them

how did any of the wrestlers that were in the 6 pack match gain anything. i'd rather see 2 superstars show off their entire move set then see each one get a few spots in a match

i'm not expecting all 89 wrestlers to get used. maybe half of them get used in the first place
First Off let me say that ALL Wrestling promotions "rip off" each other and thee is nothing wrong with that here are a few ways WWE has ripped off other promotions .

Here is a perfect example of WWE Ripping off TNA Money in the bank was taken from King of the mountain !

DX was a rip off of the ORIGINAL Stable THE IV HORSEMEN !

DX -vs- THE Nation was a rip off of the HORSEMEN vs Anyone in Wargames !!

NWO was a rip off or the HORSEMEN !!

YES ABYSS looks and acts like Mankind so what ? He's over ... right ?

YES SHARK BOY is doing a Steve Austin Impression Which Austin says is cool in a shoot interview . he's over

YES Black Machismo is doing a "Macho Man" gimmick so what ? He's Over !

HERE'S A BIG RIP OFF That no one has mentioned maybe the biggest rip off in wrestling history BILL GOLDBERG was a RIP OFF OF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN !! Because when Bishoff let Austin go in WCW he told him that Black boot and black trunks wasn't marketible so Austin went too WWE and became the BIGGEST SELLING STAR in WWE HISTORY ( Yes even more the Great HULK HOGAN) So Bishoff created "GOLBERG" Black boots Black Trunks and a bald head !!

Isn't the point of the wrestling business to MAKE MONEY ?? These guys are doin' whatever it takes to make the MONEY and get over with the fans because if your over with the fans they buy your Merch and u make more what ?? MONEY !!! that's right . AS FAR AS TRIPLE HOLLYWOOD GETTING THE TITLE SO F***IN' MUCH he only has his position in the WWE because he knows what position Steph likes to be in (Flat On Her Back with her heels pointed to the sky) and he married her and had a couple of kids with her (cute kids 2) Triple HOLLYWOOD AND JOHN CENANUFF Aren't great wrestlers (These days who is a great wrestler in the Main Event slot) they are great workers (they can work the office to get their spots) why do u think Cenanuffs shirts all say the word Hustle on them ? because he hustled his way to his position much like Triple Hollywood without the sex (as far as I know) and Triple Hollywood and Shawn Michaels are the only 2 (active) wrestlers that sit in on production meetings and have imput into the shows so Triple Hollyowood could very well have said to VINNY MAC many times "Put the belt on me and I'll run with it" (right into a meaningless stale feud with Orton or Cenanuff) .


*game show music playing* There you have it wrestling fans my take on this issue tune in next time for more jaw dropping , eye popping Thrilling non stop action on the Rater R Superfans Post Show PEACE & LOVE 2 EVERY 1 *fade 2 black*
Before I start, if I misquote anything, it was an error in translation because this was kinda hard to read, and I don't even know if this would be considered English.

yea but creative is the one who makes the matches, tells them wut to say, gives them the gimmick right? so technically if a superstar looks good in a ring, then creative did its job, granted the wrestlers have to do alot too, like make each other and themselves look good.

Creative only is involved with how the wrestler looks outside of the ring and their attire. If I guy is good in the ring, it will shine through regardless, and the same goes if he sucks.

now im saying if sum1 like ziggler succeded then he succeded along with creative because they also have a large part to do with it. if zigler and swagger cudd make themselves look good y wudd the wwe need a creative staff???

Creative gives them the character to play, but that character, in most instances, has very little to do with what the guy does in the ring. If a guy is good in the ring, he can run with just about any gimmick that isn't completely ******ed.

but if a wrestler failes, ur telling me just the wrestlers to blame because he cuddnt get enuff offense in a match which creative scripts.

You can gauge a guy's selling in squashes, which, a lot of times, is just as if not more important than their offense. Plenty of guys who are major players now have moved up from jobber level, Jeff Hardy is one who comes to mind immediately.

i mean sure u can blame the wrestler but after a while u gotta blame the ppl telling him wut to do.

You would be right, if you had put the opposite of this. The first time or two, it could just be a bad gimmick. But if you have someone like Shelton who fails time and time again, that means the wrestler probably isn't that good.

thts y wen the spirtsquad failed, creative repackaged them, and ziggler wuss born. if it wus the wrestlers fault he wudda been fired right?

Not necessarily. If they still see potential in a guy, he'll get another chance. But, once a guy has had x amount of chances, you have to realize that this guy isn't gonna work.
Its not vinces falut there are not many new main event guys, the blame here is on the wrestlers themselfs, if they are not wanting to improve and make a effort why should vince give them a chance?, its like in any kind of business, you work hard and show your improving then your be given the chance of a 'promotion' same in wwe.
the people who may show great improvement and not given a push is because either they have a bad attitude or some kind of problems. why should main event guys help people who cant/wont help themselfs?

It's not that clear cut right now. Guys like MVP, Miz and Jack Swagger have performed to point where I believe they should be given some kind of main event push. They may not be ready to hold the title and carry the company but they need a chance to 'prove themselves (spelt correctly)'. Yeah Miz was given a chance against Cena but why did it stop? That feud was the best thing going on Raw at the time and they bailed on it, Miz should have been given a chance against the title after being built up for another month or 2 with Cena who was putting Miz over superbley. MVP came out on Raw and delivered a great promo in which he claimed to go for the WWE title and then that fizzed out and we didn't see him for weeks. Swagger was the best thing going on ECW and is an obvious main eventer for the future yet he has been cemented in the mid card since coming to Raw. These are the things that are annoying me, the same main eventers ie. Cena, Orton and HHH need to have a feud with a mid carder so that main eventers can be built.

People might say 'o HHH is being selfish using his power to get the title blah blah blah, if he was dont you think he would be wwe champion all the time? instead he has put over guys like orton,cena,hardy and so on.
hhh is smart if he knows something is good for business then he will go for it.
if a wwe writer came up with a good storyline or something for u, wouldnt u take it??.
instead of going over and hating hhh for stuff maybe people should sit and think about him putting over guys and dropping the title to people, if he was such an a** like people say would he really do this? him being in the main events alot is also part of the above 'same people in main event spots'

I'm not a Triple H hater, he deserves to be a main eventer and a multiple world champion, 100%. The problem I have is the constant main event feuds. If he does indeed step away for SummerSlam then it would be a fantastic move. Now, he does most definatley get 'privileges' backstage, to say he doesn't is rediculous. Now, I'm not saying he always gets his way and I'm certainly not crying over it but it does frustrate me when he will never take a fall and will only build up guys he wants to build up. He always has to look unstopable. He very rarely will take a fall cleanly. He's a great wrestler and entertainer and I do like the guy, I just get frustrated a lot with the backstage politics from him.

I read alot about how the brands should frm as 1 whole wwe again like the old days

Meh, the brand split is good for business. It's not gonna change and it works.

That is complete rubbish lets face it look at tna and your see mostly all the stars are just former wwe people who they have brought in hopes to gain more ratings.

lets face it thats all tna is , its a lite version of wwe for people who cant handle anything real.

I agree to a certain extent but I don't think TNA is shit. Come on, they have some pretty sick match's in the X devision and can come up with random storylines but yeah, to a certain degree is is a 'watered down' WWE for the fans to watch. But I don't think it is a complete rip off of WWE, give them some credit.

im going to end this now

Dude... seriously... what are you like 15?

I think you may be letting the rest of the Internet community cloud you're judgement...

Too many people do, it's a shame too.

Never since the IWC began bitching does the WWE have the cadre of talent is has now.

Punk, Morrison, Miz, Kofi, Bourne, Tyson Kidd, Shelton, Jericho, Edge (sucks he's out for so long), Orton (i hate him so bad but hes so good at what he does), carlito, primo, I mean it's insane... mix those with guys who are "entertainers" and not such great wrestlers like Cena, and Batista.

Trips and Michaels are still awesome, Trips may be a dick but he's still one of the best.

If you wanna stop watching fine, stop watching but dont bitch about it, you come off like those ******s on youtube that post video blogs like they matter.
Don't be crazy, I didnt bash your user name. I PWNED IT!!! :lmao: BTW, I have two infractions to my name atm... which I rightfully deserve. That's why I am... The Infracted One.

I know that you don't like this "lazy booking" & I will admit that this Chavo vs. Hornswoggle is kind of lazy booking. However, what these two are doing are taking matches, stupid storylines & whatnot of the past by burying it deep into the ground via comedic sketches for the WWE to show subliminally that they are transitioning. At the moment, the WWE aren't placing lazy booking into the Main Event scene. Why? Mainly because those involved in the Main Event are established stars that can carry the weight of the company & are able to be placed in these storylines without backfire. For RAW, these are established stars, SmackDown! are mixing it up with those who can handle the pressure with those transitioning into it & ECW are taking the veterans to train the newbies.

For the midcard scene, fueds aren't created as the WWE seem to feel that they cannot handle the stress of following through with these storylines. Swagger, Henry, Bourne & Masters are recent additions to the midcard area with only Henry getting a push. Why? Henry has a lot of experience in the WWE & has been given many rises to the ME for testing the waters. Everybody else in this field needs to hone their craft in the WWE first before they can be placed into these storylines. Why would you pit guys like Swagger in the Main Event or in feuds when they are clearly not ready for the big time yet? They just need time... which the best time is now as the WWE is rebuilding & restructuring itself.

As for SmackDown having midcard feuds, do you realise that most of the guys on that roster are midcarders? Out of all the members of SmackDown, who are established ME's? There is Chris Jericho but he is appearing on all three brands at the moment so he is taken out of the equation. Undertaker, but he is out on injury & is usually fading in & out of the WWE, appearing only when needed. Forget Edge... by my counts that really only leaves Jeff Hardy as the only established Main Eventer. So, this leads me to believe that the roster is mainly consisted of midcarders. With only one Main Eventer who has the Top Tier Title, all other feuds that will go on are midcard feuds. My point for this is that the WWE is only having feuds for the main purpose that SD's ME talent isn't around anymore, so who else has the shot? I know, the midcarders. Since Dolph is being pushed heavily with WWE restoring IC prestige, why not make these guys feud?

Dont even get me started on ECW or Superstars...

The whole moral of this post is that the WWE is building up the future very, very slowly. In order to do so, they need to use what they got in the Main Event to get those ratings up. They need to restore the image of WWE. Once the WWE is up & running properly, which is very soon I might add, then they will start giving some of the midcard pushes to the top & test how they can be involved in storylines. For RAW, Miz is my pick as he seems he can handle the Main Event scene quite well... though he did face one of the best workers in the Business John Cena who knows how to put guys over.

The fact is though, the midcard will start to gain storylines once the business has redefined itself & sees its Main Event back int top-notch form. They are giving a shot at the tag division again, they are SLOWLY working with the divas... but I do not see that the midcard needs any feuds or storylines as of yet. The division is going very well. Hell, they broke up a heck of a lot of tag teams to create more wrestlers in the midcard, especially with the recent Primo/Carlito split. So, they must be planning something. Like I said before...

...let's just wait & see. If WWE completely screw it over, then come back & we will discuss some more.

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