General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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Just a general discussion that has probably been done before but I am too lazy to look around the site for a similar thread. Any way with the recent direction that the WWE turned in 2005 to the now in 2009, it makes me ask the question to the rest of you WWE fans. Does their writing and booking staff annoy you?

Now don't go thinking i'm not a fan of WWE. I am a big fan and I only post in the WWE section here on WZ, but even I have to admit that some of their storylines and booking decisions truly annoy me. Although the booking isn't completely terrible, no the honor of terrible booking would have to go to TNA.

But as I said this is just a general discussion to talk about your frustrations you may have with the WWE's writing and/or booking staff.

Like sometimes I think that WWE hires monkeys to write there storylines, errr wait a second thats true, damn it!

I have a question for you. What storylines do you currently see in WWE?

This has been a point I have been trying to drive home for some time now. When I think of "storylines" I think of:

1) Who is Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son?
2) Who killed Mr. McMahon in the limo?
3) Who ran over Steve Austin?
4) Dawn Marie propositioning and attempting to marry Al Wilson
5) Vickie Guerrero having a romantic love interest with both Edge and the Big Show
6) Donald Trump buying Raw from Vince McMahon
7) Mae Young impregnated by "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry

There is a difference between feuds and storylines. What storylines do you see in WWE today, where an actual story progresses from one week to the next ... such in a way where it seems like we are "getting to the bottom of something"?
Ok explain.

But there are plenty of good people fighting in single matches. Guys like Orton,Cena,MVP,Swagger,Bourne,Mysterio,Hardy,Christian etc. If Show and Jericho weren't in the tag division who would be? They have three tag teams besides them, Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, and Legacy. None of those guys draw so yeah Big Show and Jericho should stay in the tag division for now.

Orton and HHH have been fighting for the title for awhile but its because they are currently in a very personal feud. Cena hasn't consistently been in the title picture since Wrestlemania. Get your facts straight.

The crowd didn't care about him.

Without Santino she was boring.

Shawn doesn't want the title. The schedule would kill his body. DX is fun and another tag team. Plus it would keep Triple H from fighting for the title. Which is what you want right?

I'm listening

Doesn't want it

He is too boring

If he can get away from Legacy.

He hasn't even gotten a midcard position yet. He isn't even close to being ready.

Not ready either. His ECW title reign was decent but he wouldn't survive on Raw yet.

But hes in a brand new tag team.

The current Intercontinental Champion. His last main event title reign was a fail remember.

He just lost the title you dumbass. Are you really already bitching about him not fighting for the title.

He's past that. He is at the stage in his career where he should put people over.

I like Regal an ECW title reign wouldn't be bad but I doubt the crowd would care.

He is the ECW champion. He is the biggest draw on the show. No way he turns heel.

lol. Jobber

No I didn't it made me wanna punch babys. BTW you said you were driven crazy at the current storylines then you didn't mention one storyline. All you mentioned were current stars pushes or lack thereof. Not one storyline. You don't even know what a storyline is you boob.

Big Show and Jericho TO ME are better a singles wrestling!!! NO, to your response...Jericho should be the next World Champ on Smackdown...and I hope he is!

I've got my facts straight...BUDDY!!! You are grumpy!!! You cannot honestly say that these 3 don't ALWAYS fight for the title...WAKE UP!!!

You finally made one good point....That point is that I do not want HHH near the title!!!

There you go again.....if I didn't know better, I'd think you were a WWE writer!!! Ted has a huge singles upside!!!

Once again, I DID NOT SAY at the current time...I said within a year...get your facts right!!!

Rey would make a great World Champ....BUT, he needs a good storyline!

Thanks for the "dumbass" are such a jerk!!!

Once again, thanks for calling me a "boob" are a very mean-spirited jerk!!!! The MVP storyline with Orton that just suddenly went away is one example of a storyline that drove me nuts!!!

I hope I've made you happy by citing examples you jerk!!!
I think the guy is just trying to look cool and impress everybody by how much he "knows" of the product. There are always people like him who bash WWE, Cena, HHH, etc. but have no evidence besides what they read other people say. The top guys get the top spots. The top guys on RAW are Orton, HHH, and Cena. Therefore, they are in the top spots. Nobody else is ready yet. Just because you aren't getting your way doesn't mean that the WWE is "horrible". They are the best in the industry, business-wise. Did you ever stop to think that the WWE is in a "recession" right now, just like our economy?

When these kids grow up, they'll be posting in these forums about wanting to go back to this era. You never know how great something is until it's over.

Go ahead, quit. Go post about it on (pun stolen from Jon Stewart). But remember this. If I EVER see you posting about something having to do with the WWE, I will humiliate you and embarrass you.

PS... if Vince did read this, he'd be laughing his ass off because of you trying to blast his product, and everyone else blasting you!
Having Orton's double tap/Beat the Clock angle was great. I'm glad they didn't just go to the same old "number one contender's match" where the winner between Trips and Cena goes up against Orton at SummerSlam. The Beat the Clock Challenge put 10 other superstars in the spotlight, the matches themselves were decent over all, a couple of them actually good, and, perhaps best of all, I don't have to watch another Orton/Triple H match anytime again in the near future!!!!!! When I saw the clock run out on Trips, I let out a yell of jubilation like it was New Year's Eve.
I agree it was very good.I was hoping for the Cena and Miz match to go a little bit longer,as they made Miz job in what,3 minutes.I would've preferred it going to the last couple of seconds,and that would've been better.I also am really happy Trips didn't Beat the Clock,because if he did,then I would be very angry.But when he didn't,I also screamed in a joyous way.All in all it was a good Raw,and I'm hoping it'll be a good Smackdown,I didn't read the spoilers and I don't want to know until I watch it.But yes,I was happy with Raw and seeing highlights on SportsCenter at almost 6 in the morning.:)
The storylines are good and bad. It just depends on who is involved. I thought the Matt Hardy/MVP storyline a couple of years ago was ******ed. Some of the story lines now suck. Though there is potential for a HUGE storyline between Edge and Jericho, once Edge comesback.

The current storyline with Punk and Hardy is ok. Its interesting to use real facts on Jeff....but there could be more done.
To me I really don't think it's storylines that are makin the current product stale. It's that none of the characters or fueds are really that exciting. RAW needs a shot of adrenalin. Orton to me is boring, so are HHH and Joh Cena. They are the three top guys taking up a good portion of TV time. So I think it will get worse, before it gets better. This could be just the calm before the torm though. Remember back before the nWo, and the attitude era begun, wrestling STUNK for a long time. Something fresh and exciting will be on the horizon soon enough. Until then my friends,.....we wait.
The guy who started this thread is probably just tired of wrestling......and that's okay. I love the product but occasionally need a break from it. There have been times in the past that I decided to take a vacation from wrestling, thinking that I might have lost interest for good.

But, you know what?

I came back......left again.....came back again.

I think the writers and producers of WWE do an amazing job, given the sheer amount of original programming they have to come up with each year.

If a constant fan needs a break.......take one!

WWE will still be there when you get back.
the "creative team" and vince need to stop being so god dam lazy. make up some mid-card feuds and actually make tagteams and give them time to develope. ppl wouldn'y be so annoyed about having the same ME people if there were lower card feuds to add to the overall product. they have little teasers. like the mvp orton thing, the mvp swagger thing. they just never do anything with it. the mid-card, tagteam, and divas divisions are all dead. dead!!! and vince and the creative and his whole focusing on kids who only care about seeing cena and hardy and HHH for 10 minutes a night. it allows the creative team to be lazy because kids will watch no matter what else happens in the show.

screw the wwe. gready bastards who only care about making money and trying the be accepted by the mainstream.

wrestling will never be mainstream!!! get over your self vince

wrestling is about telling great stories through promos and matches. feuds are the most important thing in wrestling and there are very little feuds in the currant wwe product. lotal lazy horse shit. fuck the creative and fuck vince.

P.S. dont give a shit if you dont like my ranting or what u say about it because its how i feel.
I hope you know that Vince doesn't read these forums,because if he did,the product wouldn't be so goddamn stale.I watch WWE,maybe not ECW or Superstars,but I bought my first PPV this Sunday.I don't do shit like that.Normally I try to find a site that has it,but they have everything locked down ever since Extreme Rules,so Vince doesn't care,I don't care,nobody else cares,so you can take this thread,turn it sideways,and stick it right up your candy ass!IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE KNOTZ MAN IS COOKIN'!
While this guy is really lame I have to say Raw is a bit stale and I def watch Smackdown and especially ECW far more just to see younger talent... the 80's were the glory days but don't be such a pussy and dramatic
its terrible booking. HHH and cena didnt say a thing about NoC. they didn't say that orton should have lost because he tapped?? or that legacy had to save him again?? ya way to continue the storylines guys. way to fuck shit up yet again. the guest host takes too much away from what could be happening. how about instead of seeing random stupid segments with the guest host we actually develope some mid-card feuds. how about we actually have a mid-carder do something other than get killed by the ME guys. who actually thought that any1 other than cena of HHH would face orton. and y would you not give the other 5 people that were in the beat the clock challenge a chance. deall their job is to act as spoilers?? thats fucking ******ed. how about we actually have some quality wrestling instead of one guy just trying not to lose in a certain amount of time.
I Totally agree with you the creative team needs to get the act and asses together i been sayin this on here for 3 weeks WWE needs to do something thats worth watching or Shock Value and like i said a few days ago the only 3 people you see in the main even on RAW is Cena Of Course HhH and WWE Champion Randy Orton you know when they had the Beat The Clock Challenge I thought they were going to shock everyone and put Mark Henry in the title Picture but once again they disapoint with CENA fuck the little kids bring someone in the title hunt who actually deserves it for christ sakes.
They do not annoy me at all, they are trying their hardest to get a product out there in the "PG" Era that is entertaining and exciting, while having to deal with Vince's last minuted change of plans and ideas, his suddenly stopping one thing and starting something else right away. The creative team has a hard job, being made harder by the boss, if anyone annoys me, it would have to be Vince right now. He needs to step back, take a deep breath, grab some pen and paper, writes things out, analyze them, look at the stuff again, then make a descion. He throwing things together last minute and making all these changes, that creative then has to try and make work. So yeah it's gonna be a diffcult time in the WWE right now as they try to figure things out. Just give them some time.
i will agree that the product is a little stale but there is no reason to make a whole thread about this. i mean fans are entitled to there opinion but whos to say your not one of those fans who bitch all the time about it but still watch it. i will not agree with you nor will a disagree. ill have respect if you actually stop watching it, but i wont have respect if your here complaining about raw next week. then ull be 1 of those dumb ass fans who bitch and cry all the time but still watch it. you can try tna all you want, then ull probly be back watching wwe cuz tna is no better
Do you actually think Vince McMahon cares about the fact that you’re going to stop watching his shows? The answer to that question is, no he doesn’t care. You’re one viewer who's going to stop watching but the fact of the matter is that he's still going to have millions and millions of viewers watching his shows around the world. He really doesn’t care if people stop watching his shows unless it’s a substantial amount of people. Guess what? You’re not a substantial amount of people that are going to stop watching his shows and Vince or anyone else doesn’t care about the fact that you’re leaving. As a matter of fact they’re probably happy you're going to stop watching because it means one less fan who bitches and moans about the current product not being like the Attitude Era and how you think it’s stale and every other negative you think is wrong with the product. Yeah, they really don’t need fans like you and they are probably happy you’re going to stop watching Vince’s shows.

Edit:To clarify, I did read the OP's post and I was merely explaining why Vince doesn't care that he's going to stop watching.
Uhm Savage. I think if you read the OP correctly he says that he knows Vince doesn't give a shit about it.

You know, it is not uncommon that people decide that they are not going to watch the show any more and that's fair enough.

The original poster has as much right as anyone to say that he is not going to watch the show. By saying why he is doing so makes it even more so justifiable. Those are his reasons as to why he is not going to watch the show, Respect them and stop calling him a bitch or whatever. He is a fans just as much as you and can say whatever the fuck he likes.

Your reasoning though is a bit silly OP. I still like the product that is on offer. If you feel that it is not for you and you do not want to match it any more then that's cool.
I agree, please lay off of the guy, he is entitled to his opinion and is entitled to do what he wants. So more power to him if he won't watch the week to week stuff and only a few PPV's. It's his choice, so good for him, I think though with this post, he was more just ranting and getting his feelings off his chest. So while I may not agree with his reasons as I find the product to be very good right now, we have no right to lambast him like that.
todays product is better than than any other era!!!! r u shitting me!!!!

again you all fail to see my point. i really dont care that they are focused on kids. i don't care that its pg. i just want a better show. the creative is lazy as hell. like i said before there are very little feuds in the current wwe. there should always be side stories. there should always be mid-card feuds. there is currently 1. 1 on three shows that whould include atleast 5. thats what im pissed about. i dont care about the pg. i care about the lazy writting

Are you shitting ME with this post?

I do not fail to see your point. You wish to get rid of this PG ratings era & family-friendly focus in a blockbuster trade for something similiar to the Attitude Era or say, the post-Hogan era? Because you saw the creative as being productive during these times with other midcard & lowcard fueds? Im guessing thats the jist.

Firstly, Today's Product is quite simply the best it has ever been! The WWE has abandoned all these gimmicks & storylines that make no sense & are carefully planning how they are going to rebuild themselves for the future. Mark my words, let's just wait & see what the future has in store. If it weren't for the Benoit tradegy [RIP], the WWE would be a lot further ahead in their endeavours.

Secondly, the wrestlers of today are very diverse who have skills in all arts of pro wrestling. And I will be damned & dead cold within my grave before I recognise hardcore wrestling as an art of pro wrestling. If you know how to handle pain & exactly where to shove weapons into someones body, you are a shoe-in. With this logic of mine, I do not consider Mick Foley to be a great wrestler. However, his track record does indeed say he was one of the best in the Attitude Era... which he was.

Thirdly, I will never, ever... EVER... shit anybody. That isn't good here on the WZ Forums as you will definitely get red-repped by someone who knows what they are talking about & pointing out you are wrong.
OF COURSE... everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But apparently, this is a forum site in an area where somebody creates a thread for discussional purposes. My opinion is that I don't give a damn if you renounce your Wrestling Religion as it is up to the individual to choose which one suits them. If you have great knowledge in these religions than I will care which Wrestling Religion you take part of so I can discuss my point of views with you or not.

However, my original point is that making a rant like this as a thread is completely & utterly stupid! Keep these in other threads related to how "bad" the WWE is. Did I mention that not many people care about renouncing your faith on these forums? They care about what you have to say in terms of discussion like I said in the above part of my post.

Next time, if you were to do a similar thread... dont end it like it is a note... end it with a question like "Who will join my bandwagon & renounce their faith in the WWE?" or "Does anybody agree with me?"
I would say that because this topic now covers four pages on my computer he is doing a good job of creating discussion. Wouldn't you agree?

The point is: people need to get things off their chests every once and a while. Think about something new. The new layout is a prime example of this. They have a poll over in the left hand side to ask what people think of the new product that is on offer. People can then give thier opinion of what is good or bad about the product. The WWE is the same. Plenty of people will agree with this guy. It just so happens that he is ona board where people like the product that is on offer. Of course he is going to be ridiculed for it. It's a shame because tthe only way companies and products can grow and be better is by getting feedback on what is currently on offer. If the OP decides that this is his way of telling the WWE what he thinks of the product then fine. It is all part of the growth part of the company.

As for the location of the thread, it is perfectly fine here. In fact I can't think of a better place for it. It is about the WWE and it is in the WWE section. The bottom line being that if people voice their opinion over the product and say that they are not going to watch the show any more then it is their loss by all accounts.
Hmmm... Thunderball, you have a point. Discussion is happening & it is in the right area of the WZ Forums in the WWE. However, I still think that giving a letter as a thread is completely & utterly stupid! I have never gone & started a thread where I proclaim my love for the diva's & leave it at that. That is what a post is for in a diva's thread. Yes I do say that I love the diva's wrestling, but I usually follow up with an actual discussion point... no matter how successful it may/may not get. I believe there is no discussion point to the thread starter & that mainly people are telling this guy who gives a damn? That isn't really a discussion. It would like me saying to a group of friends that cheese is bad for your health. Many would listen and go, "oh... hmmmph" & leave it that. I believe everyone else will say, "Who gives a damn?" No-one would continue this discussion, wouldnt be a great discussion would it?
It has definitely created a dicussion, that is for sure. I agree with the fact that if he wanted to vent, then here is the place to do it, granted this post different start of as thread for a discussion perse, but when one voices their opinion, and other respond, you have a discussion.

And I do care if someone renounces their "wrestling faith" on here, it's gives us this chance to perhaps let them the err of their ways if we choose, to help them not give up the product, but still it's their choice. What I never agreed with, were those running the OP down for his opinon, his views. It's not cool.
Not always.I generally enjoy the product and thats why I watch it but there are two things right now in WWE that I can really stand much more.

1)Too much comedy segments on RAW:
Don't get me wrong I'm not against comedy segments for one or maybe two at most because children also watch the show but there are really two many not even to mention Chavo vs Hornswoggle matches and Cole's and Lawler's stupid fake laugh.Why to need that much comedy segments?I don't even have an idea if children find funny.You can ask me how does it hurt to show?I think it ruins the serioussness of the show.

Swapping titles too much:
I really missed Cena's old good reigns(don't turn it to a bashing Cena thread)At least he seemed like a real champion.I don't want a 4 year Hogan or 8 year Sammartino reign but at least give your champion a 6 month reign.Swapping titles so much does not work for anyone except Edge(works because of his gimmick)For example what was the point of taking title off from Orton to give him one week later.Right now I don't give a shit about his reign and even sometimes forget if he is the champion.I don't care Hardy's after he lost the WHC two minutes before he won it.I know today's wrestling fans don't have the passion but it's personal thread and these two things sometimes really annoy me.
The appeal for the PG era for me, is the storylines have been taken down a notch and the feuds have been intensified. It's funny, how it goes in waves with people bitching that feuds used to not last long enough, that they were built up and ended quickly, now it's the other way around, they last to long. Our attention spans have shortened dramitacally has a whole, that's why many still want to faced-paced, hard-hitting, catch-phrased action of the attitude era. Move one folks, it won't happen. The PG era is here and things are toned down way more.

The PG era is also going to be a revnue driver for the WWE, look at the insane amount of Mysterio masks and Jeff hardy arm cover things are sold... those two products alone and made Vince mass money, add in the t-shirts, arm, wrist and head bands, special package deals and the WWE is moving more merchandise than they have in years, since the Attitude Era. It's also bringing back a long alienated group of people, the under 18's, because parents are more apt to let them watch now. And it's obvious the other groups, while they may have dwindled in their numbers a little bit are still watching in full force.

Yes Vince loves wrestling, loves the WWE, but he also loves money and he's making money, granted there are some noticable problems, but there always will be problems, they happen, but as long as Vince is making money and Raw now continues to climb in ratings, he'll stick with the current flow. So sorry to all the haters out there, but the PG era is here to stay. Adapt with it or be left behind.
People are always complaining 'wwe is getting boring its PG rated its the same stuff'

i say this...

wwe targeting kids with the PG rating in my view is a smart move by vince (before i get hate messages for what i just said, i loved the old wwe with violence and everything) but what vince is doing is targeting kids who lets face it buy the most wrestling toys and shirts and other things like that,he is trying to gain new people to watch the show, the difference between the 2 'versions' is if its violent and rude then parents will not let thier kids watch it as much, so its a smart move because its giving fun that all ages can watch instead of targeting 1 type of person. so raw,smackdown and ecw can be viewed by everyone, leaving the PPV's to be violent and such other things like that.

Moving onto the same people in main event spots...

Its not vinces falut there are not many new main event guys, the blame here is on the wrestlers themselfs, if they are not wanting to improve and make a effort why should vince give them a chance?, its like in any kind of business, you work hard and show your improving then your be given the chance of a 'promotion' same in wwe.
the people who may show great improvement and not given a push is because either they have a bad attitude or some kind of problems. why should main event guys help people who cant/wont help themselfs?

People who bad mouth HHH....

People might say 'o HHH is being selfish using his power to get the title blah blah blah, if he was dont you think he would be wwe champion all the time? instead he has put over guys like orton,cena,hardy and so on.
hhh is smart if he knows something is good for business then he will go for it.
if a wwe writer came up with a good storyline or something for u, wouldnt u take it??.
instead of going over and hating hhh for stuff maybe people should sit and think about him putting over guys and dropping the title to people, if he was such an a** like people say would he really do this? him being in the main events alot is also part of the above 'same people in main event spots'

The brand split

I read alot about how the brands should frm as 1 whole wwe again like the old are a few advantages and disadvantages of that

longer fueds without them becoming stale
More stables
More time to carry out a story with a fued
More superstars to create a fresh and new storylines
Proudce new stars

Less chance of making new stars example, without the split guys like punk,hardy,rey doubtful would have been given pushes as they did
Too many superstars on the roster to fit everyone into a story/fued

ok cant think of many disadvtages, but i hope you all understand what i mean?

TNA being better

That is complete rubbish lets face it look at tna and your see mostly all the stars are just former wwe people who they have brought in hopes to gain more ratings.

They copy everything example,
That guy who mimmicks stone cold (wwe rip off)
The guy who is basically a rip off of kane mixed with mankind (wwe rip off)
The guy who thinks he is machoman (wwe rip off)
This whole stable war thing (wcw nwo rip off)

basically everything they are doing is just a rip off of old wrestling gimmicks or storylines. they are not producing anything else,

Tna is just for people who cant handle the real wwe so they switch over and watch (wwe -lite)

lets face it thats all tna is , its a lite version of wwe for people who cant handle anything real

Whats going to happen to tna once these (old) former wwe stars get older and retire? simple they will have nothing because they cant do anything on thier own. that woman dixie carter has no idea how to run a wrestling business so she is copying everything other promotions found to work for them but in a much weaker watered down version, stealing storylines,hiring former stars, using old gimmicks (thats such a good way to grab the atention of real wrestling fans) THEY HAVE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE

i didnt mean to make this such a long thread, i just wanted to get a few things off my chest from things i have been reading

im going to end this now

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