General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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I enjoyed the way it played out very much. Really, the only part of Raw I didn't enjoy was the Hornswoggle match with Chavo Guerrero. I just hate it, I really do. However, Vince loves that kind of shit and the crowds have really been into it. So, it's probably going to be around a little while longer.

Having Orton's double tap/Beat the Clock angle was great. I'm glad they didn't just go to the same old "number one contender's match" where the winner between Trips and Cena goes up against Orton at SummerSlam. The Beat the Clock Challenge put 10 other superstars in the spotlight, the matches themselves were decent over all, a couple of them actually good, and, perhaps best of all, I don't have to watch another Orton/Triple H match anytime again in the near future!!!!!! When I saw the clock run out on Trips, I let out a yell of jubilation like it was New Year's Eve.

Shaq has been the best guest host thus far, I just wish that Vince would stop making his talent be the bitches to all these guys. Everytime a celebrity or athlete is involved in a WWE angle, the WWE talent takes it up the cornhole. But, I guess as long as most of the people like it, Vince'll keep on keepin' on.
I know what u mean but it still would've been better if they brought the drama from the double tap out at NoC to Raw...They could have had HHH and Cena saying that they each respectively made Orton tap and were screwed out of the title....and Orton could then interrupt and say "U guys had your chance....and now that you've lost that means i will have a new challenger for Summerslam" THEN u have Shaq come out and say "not so fast" and all that stuff that the guy earlier said, then make the BTC. there did not have to be a rematch, they could've just had the promo like the thread maker said (forgot his name) and then Shaq could've came out and set the BTC challenge...I feel this would've been better but just IMO...

And that would have been a 10-15 minute promo taking time away from the good matches and (mostly) good other promos we got to see last night. Also as HHH and Cena are both faces, what sense would it make for them to express that they felt they were screwed just to not be given a chance to correct it? Neither of them were champion going in so neither of them deserved a rematch.
I do agree that doing nothing with Orton tapping to both guys wasted the entire storyline. However I liked the match Cryme Tyme put on as well as the Beat the Clock Challenge. I would offer a compremise. Strip Orton of the belt, make him the sixth man in the Beat the Clock Challenge, have the two top times face off for the championship at the next payper view. At least I think that would have been cool.

As was said above it wasn't a storyline because it was just a spot that looked cool. It made HHH and Cena look good while not making Orton look bad. Stripping him of the title would have made no sense as he scored the pinfall last night in a three way (which is no DQ) and it wasn't an elimination match so there has to be A WINNER. adding another match would have taken away from last nights show because no the other matches have to be shorter and it would have gone against the Beat The Clock stip.
When Orton tapped out, someone should have won that belt. I honestly could not care less if it was to two people or not. He tapped out! That means you lose. It would have been far more interesting to see a power struggle between Cena and Triple H if the referee had awarded the match to the both of them. A power struggle over the belt would have been awesome. However, I digress.

Yes, I did think something more would have been made of it but at the same time why would they? They were both given an opportunity to get themselves into the main event at SummerSlam. Objective achieved, I guess. Cena took the opportunity and now he will get another shot. In all honesty, I wouldn't like to see something like that done anyway because it just plays into the predictability lane. People expected Cena and Triple H to come out and make a fuss over it and if they had people would have complained that it was too predictable. Hell, even the OP predicted that.

My point is: Yes, I thought something like that would happen but am I glad it didn't? Hell yes.
In my opinion the most disappointing part of raw was Cena winning Beat The Clock. It's basically the same three people in the title picture and it has become extremely stale. I think the problem is Vince's booking, he's the biggest game in town, and until he has some serious competition like WCW was back in the 90's I think we as fans will continue to be forced fed the same feuds over and over again.
The question what was the MOST Disapointing part of RAW last night ? Come on IWC this should be an easy question to awnser am I right ?? Let's see from the begining of RAW when The King screwed up the intoduction of Shaq by calling him a 15 Time MVP (look at the tape again he did it) then Shaq turns around and get's heat from the crowd in DC by saying "My new teammate Lebron James said to say hi" Jericho and Big&Slow come out and Shaq and Slow go at it (virbally) and then makesa a match with Cryme Tyme vs Jericho & Big&Slow (non title of course) then the comedy with Santino over scrabble (WTF does that have to do with wrestling) Then Shaq getting involved in the MAIN EVENT (physically) was complete Bulls**t and didn't mean anything (unless Shaq is gonna wrestle Big&Slow @ Summerslam) THE awnser to the question "What was the MOST disapointing part of RAW last night EVERYTHING from 9:00 pm est. - 11:09pm est. The ENTIRE SHOW WAS (as always) DISAPOINTING !!!

I really am getting sick and tired of seening the same people go after the WWE title i know i said this earlier but come on who besides me is gettin sick and tired of seenin Cena get title shot after title shot i like triple h i want him to get the title to be a 14 time champ but his father in law has the one person THE ONE PERSON 90 percent of the fans hate the most a title shot i know how its gunna end Summer Slam Cena will win have the belt for a few months and then drop it back to Orton the same old shit diffrent day like i said before if anyone reads this i dont know if you do but who wants to see some new guys in the title hunt then the same old John Cena HhH or when he comes back Botchista i like how SD and ECW are they gave the titles to people who DESERVE IT not to the same guy every 2 - 3 months .
its funny... everyone complains about how the main event shouldve been a rematch between cena, orton, and hhh, which given the situation might have made sense...however u ppl who complain about that not happening would have made another forum talking about how tired you guys are of the same ppl being in the main event...finally they do something different w/o triple h and randy orton being involved together like ive been reading you guys hate so much, yet still find a way to happy
Apart from a brief stint with Show and Miz. Cena has been holding or competiting for the WWE title since his reutrn at Survivor Series. His Orton rivalry was good in 2005 but then again so was Triple H vs Orton a few years back during Evolution collapse. the difference is now it is not new or exciting. I see with every generation you have to have that top tier Hart, HBK, Savage then Austin, The Rock, Mankind, HHH. the difference is now everything about the Raw Main Event scene is stale and does not hold a candle to the mid-late 90s.

Triple H refuses to step out of the main event scene and when he does he still takes up half the show with his antics or rivalries. he will not allow fresh blood to come through. Why he won at Wrestlemania 25 makes no sense, his Orton rivalry would have been better ustained if he had not. Triple H is occupying the same spot he did 10 years ago and that just proves how stale the WWE is getting. Why the hell will they not give this guy a movie career to swan off too. he needs to step back. if i see him wrestle at Wrestlmania for either the WWE or WHC title again i will pop a fuse and quit watching the WWE.

Cena is much the same as Triple H in the sense even when he is not in the title picture he hogs screen time. His character has not developed since ealry 2005. its been the same' never back down' character that awalys has good intentions... thats what made Leonardo the most boring turtle. Cena needs ot be challenged and challenge fans preconceptions of him. There is more life and potential left in his character than Triple H's it just needs to be developed. have cena question his loyalty to the fans in the chase for that title. have him his quest for respect slowly develop into a demand for it. punk has becom amazing following the same developmnent.

Orton would be a much better champion if he was a factional centrepoint champ ie the business should be built around him (see corporation and The Rock) than a factional leader (legacy is just a lame rip off of the lamer Evolution). Orton has great intensity as a heel, he is sick and twisted and thats brilliant he does it well. But he also a few years back during Evolution and Rated RKO times had a cockiness that just sperated him from the rest. It made him fantastic to watch. I think with a corporation like faction which legacy could be apart of which had a GM or a McMahon (preferabbly Shane as it would suit the whole Legacy thing) pulling the strings around to make things work for the prized possession Orton. it would allow Orton to still remian that intense, destructive demon in the ring but balance that with the cockiness of yesteryear he used to have. it would take him to the next level for sure. Right onw he is on the path of the 'Triple H heel' when he should be more of a ' Rock heel'

Batista's career is dead and buried it will not last longer than a year after he returns. He is too injury prone.

No one else apart from Swagger and DiBiase and at a push Carlito, really strike me being able to compete in the ME scene on Raw, I think they could do with a Christian/Benjamin really should have gone to Raw.
I think Cena and Orton have great in ring chemistry and I love watching them both wrestle but there's a part of me that's dissapointed they are in the ME. These two will lead the next generation of wrestlers and I think if done correctly which is asking a lot nowadays this could be a mega feud that culminates at the ME of wrestlemania. I mean these two did ME Summerslam the last time Orton was healthy at the time of the event.
The only PPV title shot that Henry will have is in a 3+ competitor match-up.

In my opinion though, there's a pretty simple fix:

1. Randy Orton takes out HHH (for a decent length this time).
2. Shawn Michaels vows to revenge his BFFHHH. PPV Match vs. Orton, takes the belt. Would be an excellent match, and as far as I can recall (for Tampon-holics, I really only started watching wrestling again around Wrestlemania), a fresh match-up.
3. Orton gets his return match-up. Still fresh. But Michaels retains, maybe with interference.
4. Swagger inserts himself into the mix. Michaels-Swagger. Could be a classic, also a fresh match-up. Swagger winning would really get him over huge.
5. Cena feuds with Swagger.

Now playing fantasy booker is all well and good, but IMO, that's a way for WWE to re-establish the main event scene with out going out on too much of a limb with new stars who aren't proven draws, except Swagger, who would get a huge, star-making boost out of feuding over the belt with HBK and Cena.

Also, depending on how long the E draws this out with permutations, rematches, etc. this arc could last for months and re-make a fresh main events scene.
like i said its wrestling. its people beating the shit out of eachother. its not supossed to be family friendly. the wwe was most popular during the additude era. so y mess up a good thing?? and you can have a mid-card feud with out forcing some1 up to the mainevent. there is no need for restructuring and rebuilding. if the wwe product continues like this than the kids who r watching now won't watch when they are adults. kids usually dont just start watching wrestling. there parents show it to them. and if there parents hate the product then the next group of kids wont be exposed to the wwe.

by the way this thread wasnt really about the pg era. its more about the creative and how the suck at their job

Actually, as many people have said, the Attitude era was only shock value TV. What they did was for ratings so the common folk of America could watch. Some of the angles they did like the Mae Young Hand Birth was everything short of good or decent. What they are doing today is to repair the bad image that the WWE gave during these times.

Im also pretty sure that a parent would want their kid to watch quality TV program or something that is deemed suitable. Right now, RAW is deemed just that. For the true blue wrestling fans, you have got SmackDown! & ECW to get your fill. It is all there. For the most part, when everybody blames how SHIT the WWE is, the mainly come up with everything on the RAW brand. If you dont like, please enjoy the quality of SD & ECW... maybe even Superstars. By not watching RAW, but every other show including PPV's... you might find the Orton/HHH fued interesting like I do.

My message to those who do not like the PG era - DONT WATCH RAW. Simple. Why do you think the WWE gave RAW the funny looking toy titles to RAW whilst placing the prestigious titles on SmackDown? RAW is full of well-developed talent that does not need training in any field. SmackDown allows the chance for superstars on the rise a shot at glory. ECW is concentrated at bringing up the midcard talent of the future. There is always a method to someone's madness, even VKM & the Creative. If you still cant open your eyes to what the business is doing to preserve its long-term assets & benefits over the low rewarding short-term goals, then i suggest you switch companies or live in the old days. Mind you, today's product >>>>>>> any other era, especially the Attitude Era.
Absolutely not. The next PPV is Summerslam. Do you expect Mark Henry to headline Summerslam? I didn't think so.
The reason the "Big 3" are in the title picture is because they're reliable and they draw. Who are they going to push? MVP and Henry are both good choices, but to push them to a title feud on a Big 4 PPV is ridiculous. They'll get their chance, don't worry
But until they are ready, the "big 3" are the best choices. It's good with three, because there are three feuds that come out of it, and until Henry, MVP, or someone else moves up you can keep rotating the feuds to make it less stale. I for one am happy about the possibility of a Cena title reign and am looking forward to his promos with Orton.

I think the Big Question that everyone else should be asking is "Why didn't WWE have these problems with stale, repetitive feuds on PPV years ago in the late 80's and early 90's?

Obviously, one can say the 80's wasn't a problem because the business revolved around the House Show circuit instead. Therefore, each match wasn't seen by as much of a large audience as each monthly PPV, and as a result, the feuds still stayed fresh ... even over the course of a few months.

Question: What is different about this scenario today?

Answer: There are now PPV's every single month.

But .....

Weren't there PPV's every single month as well going into the 90's with the start of In Your House? Why are people becoming more bored with the extended feuds now, and not so back then?

Answer: Because of a couple things. First, because even though the feuds may have lasted 2-3 months, they typically did NOT Repeat. Two guys feuded for 2-3 months, and they went on to the next opponent.

Also, because WWE did not have a roster split in place, with its roster divided up amongst 3 television shows. Not even the Annual Drafts is doing its job in preventing stale, repetitive feuds.

Another factor that is causing this is that fans expectations for match quality is too damn high. And I fault WWE for this, as this is something else they have caved into the ROH bots with. There are not enough quality guys on the roster right now that can put on the type of matches that some of you guys expect, and still keep the matches fresh. There simply are not enough guys to do this.

And again, this is WWE's fault for placing more emphasis on the quality of wrestling, and less emphasis on storyline. Because now fans expect too much.

Years ago on PPV, we had Hulk Hogan taking on Earthquake in the Main Event, and the Ultimate Warrior taking on Sgt. Slaughter. And you know what? Those PPV's sold just fine. It was irrelevant if they weren't the best matches. Because the fans actually cared about who were involved in the matches, and that made up for match quality.

So I am looking at those 3 things. Not necessarily all of them, but the solution is fixing at least one of these three things:

1) Too many PPV's vs Main Event Talent available and assigned to each show while doing the Roster split, resulting in stale feuds.

2) The roster is not large enough to be successfully divided up on 3 different shows.

3) Fans expectations for match quality are too high, resulting in the company always going to the tried and true entirely too often with Cena vs Orton, Triple H vs Orton, Cena vs Edge, etc. which produces stale feuds.

Also, if WWE were still using and had established managers like Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette, etc. , promoting people like Jack Swagger or The Miz to the Main Event would be much more feasible and much less of an issue, since the mouthpiece would already be established since they have managed many people in the Main Event. That rub would then be transferred over from the manager to the wrestlers they manage. Yet one more strike against WWE for getting rid of managers.
The most disappointing part of raw was the writing.

The Dibiase bullshit where Trips couldn't hit him was soo stupid. Vince making up rules on the fly and having Cole and Lawler pander to the television audience in that way was a slap in the face.

Then the writing team being lazy as hell by ripping off an established ESPN bit with shaq. Maybe they thought we wouldn't notice. Because no one that watches wrestling watches sportscenter... of course not.

And if you want to talk about the writers being atrociously lazy last night look no further than Trips promo against Legacy. Actually i'm a bit surprised no one made light of this but at the end when trips says, "have you ever come across a guy a shouldn't of messed with, i'm that guy" (not dead on but you get the point). That line was ripped right out of the movie Gran Torino!

Now, i'm a huge Trips fan. So if the writers spoon fed him that line that's one thing. But if trips said that of his own volition I would lose much respect for him... actually after that I did lose alot of respect for him.

The same thing with Cena where on more than one occasion he used the the most over used line on tv and film of our generation IMO which is, "I threw up in my mouth a little". Which, FYI originated in the movie 'Dodgeball' I guess originality is not in the typical wwe writers vocabulary.

That line should die a horrible death and a law should be signed that says whoever uses it ever again will be beaten to shit on site.
Maybe it's the fact that Raw resembles a cartoon nowadays.Maybe it's the fact it appears to be made up as it goes along with no thought of the long term. Maybe it's the fact that Triple H and Randy Orton appear to be lock into a fued that looks like lasting till the end of time(when is the last time you remember two guys having 3 televised last man standing matches)?Maybe it's the fact CM Punk won the title and then did the job in almost all televised matches before he lost it.Maybe it's the fact that in 2005 I remember watching Raw and that the main event was a six man tag where one of the face team was Hulk Hogan and now it's Seth Green.But I'm done. I'll still by my wrestling mags as that's the only thing I enjoy about wrestling these days.I might even watch TNA if(as I suspect will happen)Russo get's booted off the booking team.I'll still buy DVD's from the days when wrestling was good.I may even watch Rumble and mania.But I'm not going to follow or watch any of the new product. I know Vince doesn't care. I'm not 12 or someone who's interested in seeing people whose careers peaked years ago,so clearly the product is not booked with me in mind. But I would just like to send a personal thank you to Vince in case of the(admittly) unlikely event he will see it.Thank you Vince,Thank you for taking a product I fell in love with the moment I saw it and making it so piss poor that I can't bear to watch anymore. Thank you Vince. Fuck you very much.

A former WWE fan.
Let me be the first to say... so long! Goodbye... good riddance??? Get lost... who gives a damn? Why would you make this a thread? Good GOD man, you are giving VKM the encouragement to gain even more fans... :lmao: ... not bloody likely. If you hate the WWE so much that you were leaving, why would you post this in the WWE section? This is more of a thread for somewhere other than this area...

I am not going to try & convert you, but I was on the verge on giving up until I opened my eyes, revisited the days of Business Studies courses & realised that the WWE is doing what it needs to do to stay a float for the long-run. Sure, the short-term may be a bit painful at the moment... but if it ultimately decides the best WWE will ever see... then I am up for any torture! Good luck in trying to find an outlet with the same draw as WWE... let me know if you do. :lmao:

EDIT: This thread is just asking for trouble or ignorance. You pick your fate.
Maybe it's the fact that Raw resembles a cartoon nowadays.Maybe it's the fact it appears to be made up as it goes along with no thought of the long term. Maybe it's the fact that Triple H and Randy Orton appear to be lock into a fued that looks like lasting till the end of time(when is the last time you remember two guys having 3 televised last man standing matches)?Maybe it's the fact CM Punk won the title and then did the job in almost all televised matches before he lost it.Maybe it's the fact that in 2005 I remember watching Raw and that the main event was a six man tag where one of the face team was Hulk Hogan and now it's Seth Green.But I'm done. I'll still by my wrestling mags as that's the only thing I enjoy about wrestling these days.I might even watch TNA if(as I suspect will happen)Russo get's booted off the booking team.I'll still buy DVD's from the days when wrestling was good.I may even watch Rumble and mania.But I'm not going to follow or watch any of the new product. I know Vince doesn't care. I'm not 12 or someone who's interested in seeing people whose careers peaked years ago,so clearly the product is not booked with me in mind. But I would just like to send a personal thank you to Vince in case of the(admittly) unlikely event he will see it.Thank you Vince,Thank you for taking a product I fell in love with the moment I saw it and making it so piss poor that I can't bear to watch anymore. Thank you Vince. Fuck you very much.

A former WWE fan.

I'm sure Vince is crying right now at the thought of losing you but he's probably counting money and will forget all about you.

Just to correct some errors, Orton and HHH have only had one televised last man standing match and it's Orton and Cena in a feud now. And Vince is making more money now so he doesn't care that there is one less fan just as long as can he reign in ten more.

Auf Wiedersehen.
I'll still by my wrestling mags as that's the only thing I enjoy about wrestling these days.
I'll still buy DVD's from the days when wrestling was good.I may even watch Rumble and mania.
So your still going to be putting money in vinces pocket?

But I'm not going to follow or watch any of the new product.
So basically your going to stop watching the free element of the product? But your still going to buy PPVs and Mags so technically your still following the product to an extent... and your still going to be giving money to Vince...

I know Vince doesn't care.
But he does dude, Vince is like Santa Claus or Jesus, he cares about us all and your his favourite [/sarcasm]

Seriously though, fair enough you don't like it, don't watch it... simple as, but did you really need this little rant?
1st fact correction HHH and Orton have had 3 televised LMS matches (No Mercy 07, ONS 08, and Raw) last I checked ppv count as televised matches.

Honestly you pretty much admitted that your still going to follow WWE and will remain a fan by saying you'd watch a rumble or Mania. Once HHH and Orton finally step inside Hell in a Cell it will be over and we will see something new, which would be nice as we have already also seen Cena v Orton at Summerslam just 2 years ago.
Maybe it's the fact that Raw resembles a cartoon nowadays.Maybe it's the fact it appears to be made up as it goes along with no thought of the long term. Maybe it's the fact that Triple H and Randy Orton appear to be lock into a fued that looks like lasting till the end of time(when is the last time you remember two guys having 3 televised last man standing matches)?Maybe it's the fact CM Punk won the title and then did the job in almost all televised matches before he lost it.Maybe it's the fact that in 2005 I remember watching Raw and that the main event was a six man tag where one of the face team was Hulk Hogan and now it's Seth Green.But I'm done. I'll still by my wrestling mags as that's the only thing I enjoy about wrestling these days.I might even watch TNA if(as I suspect will happen)Russo get's booted off the booking team.I'll still buy DVD's from the days when wrestling was good.I may even watch Rumble and mania.But I'm not going to follow or watch any of the new product. I know Vince doesn't care. I'm not 12 or someone who's interested in seeing people whose careers peaked years ago,so clearly the product is not booked with me in mind. But I would just like to send a personal thank you to Vince in case of the(admittly) unlikely event he will see it.Thank you Vince,Thank you for taking a product I fell in love with the moment I saw it and making it so piss poor that I can't bear to watch anymore. Thank you Vince. Fuck you very much.

A former WWE fan.

<hands ipswichicon80 a tissue> Here, wipe your ass when you're done.

First of all, this thread has been done before to hell and back. In my opinion, it is a total spam thread and should be treated as such. I hope the mods don't kill me for saying that.

Second of all, are you just begging for attention, convtroversy, or both? This is one of most assenine, whiny, BS threads I've read on this site all month.

Little Jerry Lawler and FalKon got it right... I doubt that Vince is going to lose sleep over losing you as a viewer, nor will you convince anyone else on this site to side with you and sympathize with your point of view.

As for the rest of us, we'll keep watching. I, for one, think the product is improving. Sure, we've seen HHH/Cena/Orton a lot over the past 6 months, but they are the main eventers! Welcome to professional wrestling. Nothing has changed since the days of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and the Rock. The top guys get the top spots. They draw the money. We all buy the PPV's and watch Raw each week to see where their feuds are going.

Here's a tip to everyone else that loves to hear themselves bitch and moan about the product... if you don't like it, turn it off. And if you already turned it off, then stop bitching about it to others and trying to get them to turn it off. You're not convincing anyone to do anything... you're just looking like a moron.
i agree with every response this thread has presented....1 FAN wont make vince lose his sleep... specially one who will continue to buy his 2 biggest shows of the year and who continues to follow his product in HIS magazines and over the internet......

i mean come on..... i ve read this over and over again in this forums....."fans" complaining about the current state of the product.... dont get me wrong.....i love the attitude era like the next fan.... do i like the current era... not as much but i like it and still to this day watch it.....

and the worst part is that right now you say you ll quit watching wwe and go to tna.... and next week you ll be complainig of what happened at raw hahaha
There is so much wrong with the start of this thread where do I begin ???? By buying the magazines and the PPV's you are still supporting WWE so that is just stupid . I'm not pleased with the way WWE is going right now but I'm a WRESTLING FAN so I will continue to watch RAW , SMACKDOWN & WWECW I hate the fact TRIPLE HOLLYWOOD & JOHN CENANUFF are in a revolving #1 contender's spot but RAW really doesn't have alot of proven talent ready to join the main event mix right now plain and simple . MVP is right there along with Swagger ALMOST ready . WWE and VINNY MAC don't want to take a chance by putting one of these guys in a MAIN EVENT of one of the BIGGEST PPV's of the year and have it be a dud .

I know I've been really HARD on WWE & VINNY MAC lately but I am a WRESTLING FAN , not a once in a while fan , not a fan that just because I don't get what I want I stop watching . I am a true wrestling fan who will watch every show week in and week out weather I get what I want or not .



To ALL the REAL fans of the sport of professional wrestling I would like to say THANK YOU for supporting Professional Wrestling and the best source for all your wrestling needs online :)

lol,this thread is hilarious

everyone else is right,Vince is not going to care that he lost 1 fan because by buying old WWF tapes and ordering royal rumble and wrestlemania,your still making vince money

wrestling is just entertainment,you watch it on TV every week and thats it,it doesn't affect your life at all,watching it is not going to ruin your life

but leave if you want too
Oh see not everyone likes where wwe is that a reason to turn it off HELL NOO!!!
You see I watch Raw and Smackdown every week sadly I dont get ECW but I watch video clips online. I know I havent been a fan as long as most but I started to Love thje show around the time of the screw job so I got to see the attitude Era and I got to see WWE take over WCW.
But I digress. You sir are a jack ass. You start a thread to bitch and moan like people will sympathize with you and beg and plead you to stay a fan. Truth is noone really cares.

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