General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

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  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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In my opinion, the first Title shot a Superstar should get should not be on one of the “Big 4” PPVs. They need to test the waters out first on the “Small 8” (or 9, whatever the PPV count is now), before having a new Main Eventer headlines a major show, like RR, WM, SS, or SS. I have a feeling that Mark, Montell, or Jack (depending on who walks out of SummerSlam as Champ) will get a shot next. There’s no need to rush it. I, for one, am not sick of the “Big 3”, because before you know it, they’ll be out of the Title picture. Do any of you miss Undertaker, Batista and Edge now??
I gotta go with the initial poster. I've hated Mark Henry for nearly a decade now, but for fuck's sake, at least it's different. It's my turn to throw the wrestling party and I can't remember the last time everybody made it all the way through the main event, WMs included. Oh well, gotta remember to set beer pong up early, right?

More Cena v. Orton? Maybe I'm just getting old and time is going by too quickly, but a few months in between Orton and Cena doesn't constitute a "refreshment" of the feud for me. And it's not just Orton vs. Cena or Orton vs. HHH or HHH vs. Cena it's the same shit over and over and there's been absolutely nothing. Orton was the only one of the three who still had a little juice left in his character, and I think it's been pretty much spent up to this point.

Alot of people are saying that there's no one else to go to but the "trusty three", as if that isn't WWE's fault for failing to develop other wrestlers. MVP was going strong just a couple of months ago, now he's basically jobbing to CHRIS F'N MASTERS who didn't even have a job for the past couple of years! All the wrestlers they developed at least marginally successfully in the past couple of years (Punk, J. Hardy, M. Hardy, and even more development for Jericho) are all on Smackdown now. I definitely don't hold the opinion that MVP isn't ready for the main event. All he needs is for the jackass writers to stop writing comedy vignettes with Hornswoggle and Chavo, stop beating feuds into the ground (does anybody know why Cena vs. Orton is supposed to have any heat in it, btw? I don't recall them developing a storyline), and actually focus on writing storylines and give him a solid feud with someone (someone who isn't Chris Masters, who he'll probably job to at Summerslam)
I gotta go with the initial poster. I've hated Mark Henry for nearly a decade now, but for fuck's sake, at least it's different. It's my turn to throw the wrestling party and I can't remember the last time everybody made it all the way through the main event, WMs included. Oh well, gotta remember to set beer pong up early, right?

More Cena v. Orton? Maybe I'm just getting old and time is going by too quickly, but a few months in between Orton and Cena doesn't constitute a "refreshment" of the feud for me. And it's not just Orton vs. Cena or Orton vs. HHH or HHH vs. Cena it's the same shit over and over and there's been absolutely nothing. Orton was the only one of the three who still had a little juice left in his character, and I think it's been pretty much spent up to this point.

Alot of people are saying that there's no one else to go to but the "trusty three", as if that isn't WWE's fault for failing to develop other wrestlers. MVP was going strong just a couple of months ago, now he's basically jobbing to CHRIS F'N MASTERS who didn't even have a job for the past couple of years! All the wrestlers they developed at least marginally successfully in the past couple of years (Punk, J. Hardy, M. Hardy, and even more development for Jericho) are all on Smackdown now. I definitely don't hold the opinion that MVP isn't ready for the main event. All he needs is for the jackass writers to stop writing comedy vignettes with Hornswoggle and Chavo, stop beating feuds into the ground (does anybody know why Cena vs. Orton is supposed to have any heat in it, btw? I don't recall them developing a storyline), and actually focus on writing storylines and give him a solid feud with someone (someone who isn't Chris Masters, who he'll probably job to at Summerslam)

By my recollection, the last time Cena and Orton faced off in an one-on-one PPV match was No Way Out 2008 and that was 18 months ago. They haven't faced off very much and it's not Orton/HHH so I am very happy with that. MVP and Henry will get their chances but not at a major pay-per-view. They are going with the safest and best option for Summerslam and I have no problem with it. Their match will be just as good as their Summerslam match two years ago and I expect nothing less this time around.
Absolutely not. The next PPV is Summerslam. Do you expect Mark Henry to headline Summerslam? I didn't think so.
The reason the "Big 3" are in the title picture is because they're reliable and they draw. Who are they going to push? MVP and Henry are both good choices, but to push them to a title feud on a Big 4 PPV is ridiculous. They'll get their chance, don't worry
But until they are ready, the "big 3" are the best choices. It's good with three, because there are three feuds that come out of it, and until Henry, MVP, or someone else moves up you can keep rotating the feuds to make it less stale. I for one am happy about the possibility of a Cena title reign and am looking forward to his promos with Orton.
If Vince really wants us to believe in Mark Henry, he needs to give him the belt, even if it is only for a relatively short amount of time, and it has to be a dominating performance. It's possible that the fact that it's Summerslam next worked against him making such a huge leap so soon.

If he doesn't get that push, he'll have a brief run taking out a few guys, but before we know it, he'll be back to jobbing to the stars like the other 'monsters' in the WWE right now.
If Vince really wants us to believe in Mark Henry, he needs to give him the belt, even if it is only for a relatively short amount of time, and it has to be a dominating performance. It's possible that the fact that it's Summerslam next worked against him making such a huge leap so soon.

If he doesn't get that push, he'll have a brief run taking out a few guys, but before we know it, he'll be back to jobbing to the stars like the other 'monsters' in the WWE right now.

Why should WWE give him the title so soon after a face turn occuring less than a month ago after ten years of people hardly caring about him at all. This occured during different circumstances but we don't want another Randy Orton situation on our hands. Orton's face turn was horrible once he got the title and I don't want the same to happen to Henry. Mark will probably get his shot in due time but it will be at a lesser PPV.
the big 3 stars are drawing power but i would like to see someone like john morrisson get a decent push look what it has done for jeff hardy, dont think cena should win the belt yet, think he should feud with some more mid carders and add a few more moves to his arsenal. what bout swagger with the touch he could be a huge heel and have a nice feud with the likes of batista, cena or triple h.
For those saying pushing someone into the main event at one of the big four PPVs doesn't work, how about Orton for evidence that you can? He beat Benoit for his first world title at Summerslam which I also believe was his first main event PPV match. He won the #1 contendership in July of that year. You could easily push and build MVP or Swagger up over the next month to get either ready for Summerslam. Hell with the reaction Swagger got last night he's already primed and ready.
For those saying pushing someone into the main event at one of the big four PPVs doesn't work, how about Orton for evidence that you can? He beat Benoit for his first world title at Summerslam which I also believe was his first main event PPV match. He won the #1 contendership in July of that year. You could easily push and build MVP or Swagger up over the next month to get either ready for Summerslam. Hell with the reaction Swagger got last night he's already primed and ready.

That was a completely different circumstances. For starters, he was coming off a successful IC title reign in which he had great matches with Foley, Benjamin, and Edge. Secondly, he mainly got the title because Brock Lesnar left and they didn't want to Brock to be the youngest heavyweight champion so they put it on Orton. Swagger hasn't done anything recently to make me think he deserves a shot at Summerslam nor Henry. They need a midcard title reign so they can prove they are ready for the main event. It's been like this for as long as we can remember and it's not going to change anytime soon.
like i said its wrestling. its people beating the shit out of eachother. its not supossed to be family friendly. the wwe was most popular during the additude era. so y mess up a good thing?? and you can have a mid-card feud with out forcing some1 up to the mainevent. there is no need for restructuring and rebuilding. if the wwe product continues like this than the kids who r watching now won't watch when they are adults. kids usually dont just start watching wrestling. there parents show it to them. and if there parents hate the product then the next group of kids wont be exposed to the wwe.

by the way this thread wasnt really about the pg era. its more about the creative and how the suck at their job
I think for Summerslam they need a main event like Orton/Cena as it is one of the big 4 PPVs.
If you look at the men involved in the title matches at Wrestlemania the last Big PPV they were HHH, Orton, Big Show, Edge and Cena all established names.
Since then on the Smackdown brand their main events have tried to mix it up with putting newer guys like Jeff Hardy and CM Punk in the World Title Picture. Meanwhile Orton, HHH, Cena along with Batista and to a lesser extent Big Show have dominated the RAW cards. If RAW had tried to push new contenders over events like Extreme Rules, The Bash and Night of Champions then they could maybe have come up with a fresher main event then Cena/Orton.

The plan would be post-Summerslam to try and elevate new stars, MVP and Mark Henry would be obvious face contenders and if you give Swagger another six months or so he might be a top heel. Orton Vs Henry or Cena Vs Swagger might not work as a title feud but they're still worth a try if not just to shake up the main event scene on RAW.
That was a completely different circumstances. For starters, he was coming off a successful IC title reign in which he had great matches with Foley, Benjamin, and Edge. Secondly, he mainly got the title because Brock Lesnar left and they didn't want to Brock to be the youngest heavyweight champion so they put it on Orton.
But most importantly, Edge getting booed at Vengeance (That happened, right? Correct me if I'm wrong as I have not seen the match in years... I hated it if I recall properly), which caused somebody to think "Hey, this Orton guy is gonna be the next top face! Throw the belt on him!" Of course they didn't realize until SummerSlam that it wasn't so much about Orton being popular as it was about Edge failing as a face. And then they botched Orton's face turn and title win hard as well... but that's another story.

Swagger hasn't done anything recently to make me think he deserves a shot at Summerslam
Title shot, but not win, I MIGHT have believe if Cena were the champ and they were having a very delicately booked feud based on how Swagger took Cena to the limit on draft night. Cena brings heat for two, so that match and angle definately would have gone over well for both men.

nor Henry.
Orton vs. Henry is a good idea, but not yet. Henry isn't THAT over as a face yet that one justify him being pushed over a John Cena (who hasn't really had a one-on-one shot at Orton in quite a while (over a year)) going into SummerSlam.

What I want to know is why a few guys in the main event scene is such a problem? It's always been just a few people at the top of the card. The fact that there are three now is just a matter of bad luck with Batista and Michaels needing time off, JBL retiring, and Jericho and Punk having been moved to SmackDown. But between the WM24 triple threat and now, it hasn't JUST been three guys headlining.
But most importantly, Edge getting booed at Vengeance (That happened, right? Correct me if I'm wrong as I have not seen the match in years... I hated it if I recall properly), which caused somebody to think "Hey, this Orton guy is gonna be the next top face! Throw the belt on him!" Of course they didn't realize until SummerSlam that it wasn't so much about Orton being popular as it was about Edge failing as a face. And then they botched Orton's face turn and title win hard as well... but that's another story.

Title shot, but not win, I MIGHT have believe if Cena were the champ and they were having a very delicately booked feud based on how Swagger took Cena to the limit on draft night. Cena brings heat for two, so that match and angle definately would have gone over well for both men.

Orton vs. Henry is a good idea, but not yet. Henry isn't THAT over as a face yet that one justify him being pushed over a John Cena (who hasn't really had a one-on-one shot at Orton in quite a while (over a year)) going into SummerSlam.

What I want to know is why a few guys in the main event scene is such a problem? It's always been just a few people at the top of the card. The fact that there are three now is just a matter of bad luck with Batista and Michaels needing time off, JBL retiring, and Jericho and Punk having been moved to SmackDown. But between the WM24 triple threat and now, it hasn't JUST been three guys headlining.

I watched that match a couple of weeks ago and Edge did get booed quite a bit. Edge was horrible as a face anyway and I guess Orton was a consequence of that. I don't blame Orton for having the belt put on him and turning face that early. He is still trying to recover from the damage of that.

Swagger is the closest one besides Cena deserving of a title shot because of how he took it to Cena. People will cry about MVP but didn't Swagger beat MVP? And besides if Orton retains, I believe he will get his title shot at the PPV after that.

I don't mind that it just three guys headlining right now as Batista and HBK are out. Smackdown really has Punk, Hardy, Morrison and they can use Jericho, Taker, and Mysterio as emergencies. RAW really doesn't have that luxury.
There are always a 'big ____', referring to a consistent set of wrestlers who are in the Main Event. The 'Hogan era' is known by the guy who was in a hell of main events. Attitude era had A LOT of Austin. Before that, HBK/Hart were in it often.
I also like these 3 wrestlers working together. They're all very talented and it shows in their matches.
if WWE didn't want henry vs. orton,then why not a triple threat match,orton vs. cena vs. henry,there you go,we have the stupid posterboy in the match cena, and we have fresh face in the match henry, and this match would be something that hasn't been done before but once again,the "big 3" get the main event

most of you are saying that the mid-carders are not ready for the main event but guess what,thats WWE's fault,the truth is that anyone can be a main eventer,all WWE has to do is focus on them and make them into a star,evan bourne,swagger,henry,and MVP can all be main eventers if WWE invests time into them but they don't,all we get is triple h vs. orton,orton vs. cena,cena vs. triple h for 10000000th time

that beat the clock challenge was a complete waste and so predictable,i knew once triple h failed that cena would win,i wanted to see henry vs. orton because it was NEW AND FRESH

but since this is a TOP PPV,i guess cena is the drawing guy but they should add henry and make it a triple threat match

anyone else agree?
I would like if they did something similar to what they did a couple yrs ago at armageddon by having an underdog (jeff hardy) win a number one contenders match against say HHH or Cena or HBK any of the top dogs and than at the Rumble like they did with Hardy and Orton have the guy come close but not quite there and than have him win the MITB which i am sure was the plan for Hardy before he got hurt and than continue the push from there.

But seriously those "big three" are getting old no matter how you mix and match it, its the the same ME every PPV with the only difference is the type of match or who has the belt
How did we have a main event at NOC where Randy Orton tapped out to two different men at the same time turn into nothing?

What I'm saying is that I expected Raw to open up with Cena and HH throwing a fit about Orton having tapped, leaving Shaq to give them a rematch last night and setting up a huge main event instead of the stupid 'special enforcer' Shaq stuff. If they wanted Orton to retain, then they could have done this beat the clock stuff next week instead.

If something like this had happened back in the day and it had been Austin and Rock submitting heel HHH, you KNOW that there would have been major fallout. How the heck was it completely ignored last night?

This is an example of a bad booking decision. Come on, Vince!
Does it really matter? Cena and HHH both received their opportunities to face Orton at Summerslam as did Swagger, MVP, and the Miz. HHH didn't win and Cena did. It's not a bad booking decision. They both got their chance and one person won and the other didn't.
Does it really matter? Cena and HHH both received their opportunities to face Orton at Summerslam as did Swagger, MVP, and the Miz. HHH didn't win and Cena did. It's not a bad booking decision. They both got their chance and one person won and the other didn't.

But it was more of the same pre-packaged television that has taken all of the surprise and shock out of the WWE in recent years. Yeah, they immediately decided the number one contender a whole month before the next match so that they could make it VERY CLEAR for the 4 year olds that Cena and Orton hate each other while HHH is after Orton's little guys.

They passed up a fantastic opportunity to have a truly great Raw for the first time in a long time to spoonfeed the next feuds a month before the pay per view? Was it really better than a Raw that opened with an angry Cena coming to the ring, showing the footage of Orton tapping and claiming that he deserved to be champion. However, he gets interrupted by HHH who walks down to the ring and tells Cena that he wasn't the only one in that picture. Orton tapped for him and the Game should hold the belt.

Then, Orton's music hits and he walks out onto the stage with Legacy and says 'Complain all you want, but I still have this' and holds up the belt, drawing some major heat. He'll then berate both in his usual too slow manner and tell them that they missed their chance. That's when Shaq's music hits and he comes out to the ring and says 'Not so fast my friend! You DID tap and when you tap, you should lose your title.' Orton will say something snarky and Shaq will tell him that he has a NOC rematch for the title tonight and if either DiBiase or Rhodes interfere then they're suspended. The crowd would go nuts and you'd set up a whole 2 hours of excitement and anticipation for a huge main event.

Then the 5 man challenge still remains for next week. Setting up a #1 contender's match seemed so friggin rushed and left things hanging.
I thought was really good and entertaining last night. Shaq was the best quest host by far, except Million Dollar Man, the matches were solid, and I am positive no one saw HHH actually being the third match and losing right? Everyone likely though he'd be the fourth or fifth and would have won or tied Cena's time, leading to another triple threat. I'm happy Cena won as it's better than HHH/Orton. Plus HHH will still be around, beating on Rhodes and DiBiase... so all in all I was not dissappointed at all.
I too thought that something would come from the double tap out. I mean, come on. Orton tapping to both Cena and Trips?!? That has Raw rematch written all over it. However, if they had gone through with that, that would have been the pre-packaged television you try to claim the Beat the Clock challenge was.

That Beat the Clock challenge was much more fitting for Raw. It got what, 10 wrestlers in the spotlight? On top of that they still had a Diva's match, a few promos, and a push for the (probably) new Unified Tag feud of Jericho/Show vs. Cryme Tyme. I swear. At one moment people complain about the lack of wrestling on a show..but when Vince gives you 7 matches in one night that were all at least decent you people shit on that as well.

I mean, we got to see some Shaq-Fu! What kind of Raw can suck when we see some Shaq-Fu!

Last night's Raw was very solid. And a repeat of Orton/Cena/HHH would have had people screaming to the rooftops that "Wah, I've already seen that before. I can't accept that I'm getting a PPV quality match on Raw. Wah." Bullshit is what it is.
I don't think they were ever going to make anything big of both of them making Orton tap. It was just a cool spot for the match. Cena and HHH still had the rest of the match to get the win, plus their oppurtunities in the BTC. I would have preferred Raw as it was this week opposed to another HHH/Cena/Orton match.
But it was more of the same pre-packaged television that has taken all of the surprise and shock out of the WWE in recent years. Yeah, they immediately decided the number one contender a whole month before the next match so that they could make it VERY CLEAR for the 4 year olds that Cena and Orton hate each other while HHH is after Orton's little guys.

They passed up a fantastic opportunity to have a truly great Raw for the first time in a long time to spoonfeed the next feuds a month before the pay per view? Was it really better than a Raw that opened with an angry Cena coming to the ring, showing the footage of Orton tapping and claiming that he deserved to be champion. However, he gets interrupted by HHH who walks down to the ring and tells Cena that he wasn't the only one in that picture. Orton tapped for him and the Game should hold the belt.

Then, Orton's music hits and he walks out onto the stage with Legacy and says 'Complain all you want, but I still have this' and holds up the belt, drawing some major heat. He'll then berate both in his usual too slow manner and tell them that they missed their chance. That's when Shaq's music hits and he comes out to the ring and says 'Not so fast my friend! You DID tap and when you tap, you should lose your title.' Orton will say something snarky and Shaq will tell him that he has a NOC rematch for the title tonight and if either DiBiase or Rhodes interfere then they're suspended. The crowd would go nuts and you'd set up a whole 2 hours of excitement and anticipation for a huge main event.

Then the 5 man challenge still remains for next week. Setting up a #1 contender's match seemed so friggin rushed and left things hanging.

I COMPLETELY agree with you...although it is sickening to see HHH and RKO in the same ring together these days, that would've been way better than what happened last night, on top of Shaq acutally doing something in the ring, which was probably the most entertaining thing last night...
I don't think they were ever going to make anything big of both of them making Orton tap. It was just a cool spot for the match. Cena and HHH still had the rest of the match to get the win, plus their oppurtunities in the BTC. I would have preferred Raw as it was this week opposed to another HHH/Cena/Orton match.

I know what u mean but it still would've been better if they brought the drama from the double tap out at NoC to Raw...They could have had HHH and Cena saying that they each respectively made Orton tap and were screwed out of the title....and Orton could then interrupt and say "U guys had your chance....and now that you've lost that means i will have a new challenger for Summerslam" THEN u have Shaq come out and say "not so fast" and all that stuff that the guy earlier said, then make the BTC. there did not have to be a rematch, they could've just had the promo like the thread maker said (forgot his name) and then Shaq could've came out and set the BTC challenge...I feel this would've been better but just IMO...
I do agree that doing nothing with Orton tapping to both guys wasted the entire storyline. However I liked the match Cryme Tyme put on as well as the Beat the Clock Challenge. I would offer a compremise. Strip Orton of the belt, make him the sixth man in the Beat the Clock Challenge, have the two top times face off for the championship at the next payper view. At least I think that would have been cool.

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