General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

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  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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Yea, I'm okay with the PG rating as it hasn't deeply affected the product in any way. They're putting out good quality shows and ppvs daily, and doing so seemingly without heavily implying the PG rating. I'm sure they will slack down on violence, blood, language, and sexual themes, however none of that effects the wrestling hardly any.

I'm enjoying the product, and as the ratings look, others are as well; the rating is consistent with ratings before the PG rating. The feuds and storylines are getting better and more solid, while the overall buisness seems as it is also. No problems at all with this rating if it continues to deliver high quality entertainment and wrestling.
I don't mind the pg rating, i just wish they'd have a decent hardcore match once in a while, i don't care if there is blood or whatever, just put someone through a table once in a while. I still like the product, i just miss hardcore matches.
Tonight I watched RAW. I thought most of it was good, but when I found out the Miz was gonna face Cena for the BTC match, I knew that Cena would make Miz submit. Mark Henry could have had an awesome SS match with Randy. But yet again, it will be a John Cena v Randy Orton blowjob of a match. Love to hear your thoughts.
There is no way that Mark Henry and Randy Orton would be better than Cena and Orton. Plus, Cena hasn't been in the title picture until this month it's been all Orton/HHH/and Batista b/f he got hurt. I think Cena is a refresher for the stale title, and I'm looking forward to Cena/Orton at SS.
There is no way that Mark Henry and Randy Orton would be better than Cena and Orton. Plus, Cena hasn't been in the title picture until this month it's been all Orton/HHH/and Batista b/f he got hurt. I think Cena is a refresher for the stale title, and I'm looking forward to Cena/Orton at SS.

I agree with this poster.

Cena hasn't really been in the title picture all that much recently, just at NOC if i'm not mistaken, so it's a bit refreshing and the feud he had with Orton before was actually pretty well done.

I understand why people want guys like Henry, guys like MVP, Swagger, etc. getting pushes into the title picture. But, are they really ready yet to hold the main strap for the brand? I don't think so, not just yet anyway.

Look at it this way though, they are getting pushed pretty good. They are being put up against the main event guys, and some of them are even getting victories over them. Take Henry's victory over Orton on his first night on RAW after the trade, yes Orton just went through a guantlet, but considering Swagger just walked away that was a good win for Henry and he has used that to his advantage and has gained in popularity as well.

Hell, I disliked Henry to the moon, but now I find him to be likeable and his facial expression changes amuse me somewhat.
wut?!?!?!?! henry in a title fight on a ppv. no thank you. cena v orton will be 1000000x better than any match henry could have. if you want to push some1 then push mvp or swagger. they are the only two on raw that should even be considered for a ME spot.

ya i am a little sick of it but the kids arn't so we are all screwed

and if you think about it raw has too many true heels: orton, swagger, mvp (better heel than face), HHH (better heel than face)

and cena who is sooooooooooooo stale as a face its just sad
Yeah, but you all are looking at it from a "quality of match" perspective. Quite frankly, I don't know if that is wise to keep consistently doing so, anymore. This mentality is making the product extremely stale. On that same token, how many times can you watch Cena vs Orton or Orton vs Triple H and not get tired of seeing it? How many times will it take seeing the same match over and over and over again, before one says "enough is enough"?

Henry vs Orton could pull off an acceptable match. It isn't going to be as high quality as Orton and Cena ... but we may be getting to the point where one has to say "that is besides the point". What the WWE is in need of is desperately some new, fresh feuds. And that problem isn't going to be solved by having two people face each other over and over and over again, until it is beaten into the ground.

The way I look at it is that it is that once in a while "The quality of the Feud is more important than the quality of the MATCH". Especially, if that match is seen again, and again, and again. Granted, it isn't bad as Orton vs Triple H, or Cena vs Edge, but it is starting to get up there between Cena and Orton now, as well.
so i've been thinking lately that the wwe creative is shit and vince is a gready son of a bitch heres why

we now have orton v cena, hardy v punk, ziggler v rey, dreamer v christian, and HHH v legacy.

ok so thats 5 feuds between 3 shows. i'll save the tagteam division for later. and i refuse the count the womens wrestling because i honestly don't know a single person who actually cares about it.

what there should be is:

a ME title feud for each show (3), a mid-card title feud for each show (2), a second mid-card feud for each show (3), a real use of the tagteam division (this could include 2 seperate feuds)

that means that there should be atleast 10 feuds currently in the wwe. if you add the womens titles then it makes 12 but i personally do not.

so 5 out of 10. thats terrible. and the wwe has plenty of talent and plenty of time for there to be good wrestling and the continuing of story lines. so y isn't there more feuds going on to keep fans intersted in the product.

i blame creative, vince, and the pg era. now i'm not saying that there has to be blood and extreme violence or cursing for there to be good wrestling. the wwe is now more focused on the kids than any1 else. and who do these kids want to see?? the ME people and thats it. kids don't understand that its not jsut about who wins or who loses or just seeing your favorite wrestler. its about the story telling and the quality of the matches. i could care less who wins a match. any match. it doesnt matter. i should be entertained by the story and the match itself.

wwe creative doesnt have to come up with good side storys because the kids will watch just to see cena and hardy for 10-15 minutes a night. its a disgrace. whens the last time you saw a good tagteam feud or a good mid-card feud.

the wwe will continue to decline in the guality of storytelling and entertaining untill vince loses money. vince doesnt care about the storylines or the matches. he doesnot care about how good the show is. as long as kids will watch and buy t shirts he doesnt care.

think about it the wwe should not be pg. its wrestling. its people beating eachother up. how does this make sense?? violence, even fake violence shouldnt be pg.

wwe shouldnt be "mainstream" either. its wrestling. it will never be "mainstream". but thats what vince wants. with the movies and celebrity guest host. vince is a gready basterd. he does not care about the wrestling.

am i right? wrong? totaly insane??
I agree with you...5 out of 10 is horrible. But I believe after tonites raw I think there is a potential for a feud between MVP and Masters due to their finish and Masters screwin MVP over. The US title IMO has fallen to the wasteside since his only title defences have come in triple threat fatal four way and the 6 pack challenge so they clearly do not know who they should feud with Kofi which is kind of sad.

Like you said I believe Vince has lost sight of what the comapny used to be...why that is we may not find out.....could be lack of competition the whole benoit incident (because if you notice at least IMO now i kno u all will bash me fer this but that is around the time when the product sort of declined in quality) or the constant injury problems of almost anyone he puts in a ME feud but he just seems to rely on one or two guys and the rest is just slapped together at least thas how i see it
ya i did see a little hope on raw but i saw the same thing a few weeks ago when mvp and swagger faced off and nothing happend. thats what i mean. creative just drops the ball on so many things. the whole TBK mistery partner could have been good but the didnt do anything with it.

and the us title has been pushed down the ladder.

i dont think the benoit incident caused the decline. its more on a coinncidents i think
well if you think about it shortly after that alot of the actual wrestling stopped showin up... i mean the suplex type know the german suplex regular suplef belly to belly belly to back...all the moves that benoit and angle once used and moves that quite a few wrestlers used to use but the ones that could do the damage to head stopped being used. I donno but i just think all the negative publicity that the WWE recieved after that incident may have affected quality of the wrestling even though it was on the decline before than
There are many ways that you can fold a piece of paper, but at the end of the day, it is still the same piece of paper...

This explains Orton vs. Cena.
The word "refresh" is definitely one of the last words to use when it comes to John Cena and a World Championship of any kind. The last time that Cena was a World Champion was umm... Backlash (April). Yes, he was World Heavyweight Champion, but still a World Champ nonetheless. It is time for Cena and HHH to get far away from the title picture (seemingly HHH is FINALLY doing that according to what happened on Raw).

Yes, Cena vs. Orton maybe better that Henry vs. Orton. BUT... at least with Henry, he can play the underdog role, whereas Cena will never be considered an underdog. Maybe about 5 years ago when he had fueds with Jericho, Lesnar, Angle, and Taker.
so i've been thinking lately that the wwe creative is shit and vince is a gready son of a bitch heres why

we now have orton v cena, hardy v punk, ziggler v rey, dreamer v christian, and HHH v legacy.

ok so thats 5 feuds between 3 shows. i'll save the tagteam division for later. and i refuse the count the womens wrestling because i honestly don't know a single person who actually cares about it.

what there should be is:

a ME title feud for each show (3), a mid-card title feud for each show (2), a second mid-card feud for each show (3), a real use of the tagteam division (this could include 2 seperate feuds)

that means that there should be atleast 10 feuds currently in the wwe. if you add the womens titles then it makes 12 but i personally do not.

so 5 out of 10. thats terrible. and the wwe has plenty of talent and plenty of time for there to be good wrestling and the continuing of story lines. so y isn't there more feuds going on to keep fans intersted in the product.

i blame creative, vince, and the pg era. now i'm not saying that there has to be blood and extreme violence or cursing for there to be good wrestling. the wwe is now more focused on the kids than any1 else. and who do these kids want to see?? the ME people and thats it. kids don't understand that its not jsut about who wins or who loses or just seeing your favorite wrestler. its about the story telling and the quality of the matches. i could care less who wins a match. any match. it doesnt matter. i should be entertained by the story and the match itself.

wwe creative doesnt have to come up with good side storys because the kids will watch just to see cena and hardy for 10-15 minutes a night. its a disgrace. whens the last time you saw a good tagteam feud or a good mid-card feud.

the wwe will continue to decline in the guality of storytelling and entertaining untill vince loses money. vince doesnt care about the storylines or the matches. he doesnot care about how good the show is. as long as kids will watch and buy t shirts he doesnt care.

think about it the wwe should not be pg. its wrestling. its people beating eachother up. how does this make sense?? violence, even fake violence shouldnt be pg.

wwe shouldnt be "mainstream" either. its wrestling. it will never be "mainstream". but thats what vince wants. with the movies and celebrity guest host. vince is a gready basterd. he does not care about the wrestling.

am i right? wrong? totaly insane??

Sorry for the mini-bashing in advance, but I do believe that this PG era is a time of rebuilding & restructuring the WWE into a new wrestling era! It happen with the Hogan-era & now it is going to happen in the Cena-era. So, I would advise everyone right now that if they are thinking of creating another thread about this I will come up in here & rip up these threads.

Firstly, the WWE is targeting a family-friendly audience so they can lure in the next generation of fans. How else are they going to get a strong fan base that will last for at least 10 years that wont upset the politcally-correct society we live in? I do not see another way. The exact method worked during the yesteryears & will most certainly work today.

Secondly, the WWE will be going through many changes throughout this time to recreate the product. They need to get rid of the traditions in order to move forward. I can understand about not being enough fueds midcard areas, but placing emphasis on the midcard would indicate those getting the focus would be moved up to the upper micard/main event status.

Thirdly, you now know someone who takes a vital interest in the divas division... me, [115]FalKon.

There are so many points I could elaborate on but id just be wasting my time...
Ok as much as I hate to admit it, Cena vs. Orton is better for business because this is the one of the 4 major ppv's of the year. Summerslam has to be one of the loaded cards and in order to keep their money makers (the kids) happy you either have to have Triple H or Cena go after the title in the main event for Raw just because they are the only one seasoned for the main stage, during the minor pay per views you will see Henry, MVP, Swagger finally get their opportunity just like Khali did, really think about it, would you rather for example have 500,000 buys by promoting Cena in the main event or take the hit and try and establish the star and only make half of that? as lame as it seems for a main event its good for business.

Now on top of that I want to point out this is where if Cena ends up winning the title they need to badly push the other heels in the RAW brand and let legacy take a step back, if Orton wins at Summerslam then atleast for the next few months atleast until the Survivor Series we see Orton take on some of the newly seasoned talent such as Henry, Kofi, Bourne, MVP just to keep things interesting, think of Bourne like Jeff Hardy during his first hard push like his ladder match with the dead man it was probably one of the best Raw main events of some time (the next would've been TLC with Ric Flair) just because people were so amazed by these guys almost making it to the top of the ladder it made you feel like a kid again that you were seeing Shawn Michaels when he won the belt the first time.

But yeah that's really what it boils down to
i was pissed i was hopeing henry or mvp would of gotten a push nd a chance at the tittle. cena vs orton was the main event 2yrs ago at ss nd its gonna be the main event at the next 3 ppv. hurry up nd bring back hbk nd batista
with the way it looks like...

Cena/Orton/Batista/HHH is all you are going to get with a title picture on RAW. Sorry for the other RAW talent on this roster, but this is all we are going to see. NOTHING NEW. What's funny is that all of these guys do well in the ring, but they are not 5 star wrestlers. I feel with Orton being the only heel in this group, you're going to get the same combination of feuds with these actually draws...sadly...but its too repetitive. For the mode that wrestling is, these feuds are sooooo boring now. Guys like HHH shouldn't have to hold a title anymore to make themselves more established. He doesn't need to. Batista is compared to Ultimate Warrior and is not as good as an in-ring wrestler as a lot of people are. He doesn't deserve to hold a top title IMO. Cena is the face of the company right now...but he's not as exciting as he used to be. I feel like Cena killed the "imagination" of what wrestling is by acting like "himself" on TV n whatnot. Cena's a real dude...we get it, but when he is put into a title picture, never expect him to lose. We can see things coming when Cena is in the ring. Not a surprise.

I'm tired of all of these guys. Orton can be feuding with guys like Henry, Swagger, MVP n who have you. Give other people a chance. HHH & Batista don't need a title. Cena is the putting him in a title almost expect whats gonna happen. Orton is a good heel, but him feuding with the same dudes...i'd rather watch paint dry.
I am and I am not..... I am because I do love to things get shaken up, see something fresh because change is good, but right now there isn't anyone who really can step into the RAW Title picture, except Orton, HHH and Cena. Henry maybe, but they have to build it up more to make it more believable and more credible. MVP?, Swagger?, Not ready yet for the big titles, especially Swagger because Vince will be gun shy about giving him a major title, lock at Lesnar and Lashley, the next big things, got pushed to the moon as soon as they debuted, then left and left quickly, especially Lashley. So Vince doesn't want another Lashley or Lesnar with Swagger.

And MVP I feel needs to remain around the middle of the ladder for a bit longer, before he is ready to take on ME's on PPV's.

Big Show? He could be moved back into the ME picture and in a way he is being a Unified Tag Champ, but while he's holding that belt, he won't get a title shot.

As for Henry I would like to see him chase the title longer, kind of being in the main event scene, but at the same time, not being it, like is always there, always a threat, but not actually being able to get that ME spot... then after it builds, and he fights his way into, then let him actually be in the Title picture.

However I am not sick of seeing Orton with the title... I admit I have a mancrush on Orton, he's just absolutely the F'ing man right now, untouchable if you ask me. So he can stay in the title picture, same as Cena, he's on fire and is not stale what so ever in my eyes. So leave him in the picture as a chaser, but not a champ.

As for Triple H... I'll just stop writing now.
i admit its the same shit, different week with Cena Orton and Trips. Like 3 weeks ago, it was Cena, Trips and Seth Green vs Orton and Legacy, then the next week, Cena and Trips vs Orton and Legacy.. it's the same fucking match! Seth Green doesn't count as a match varient.

But i don't know how much you can change it up. With Show as Jericho's tag partner and... wait.. there is no other uppercard stars... well, until someone else gets a push, looks like we're stuck with the trusty 3.

Can't fix something with no equipment...
Can't fix something with no equipment...

^ This, times one thousand. I mean, who do you want to throw in their? You want a mid card guy who doesn't deserve it. You want Chris Jericho, because he's on fucking Smackdown. I mean, I understand why people might be tired, but it's the best we got, and it's the best horses WWE has in it's stable. Far as I'm concerned, let em trot, and gallop, and all that other frilly stuff that horses do. I wouldn't know myself.

Simply put, if you got em, use em. And the WWE has this to look for in it's main event. So by golly, their gonna use em.
There's really nobody else right now who is ready to be added to the trio. Batista is still injured and the only other option is HBK but I think he and HHH will feud with Legacy in the future. There's nobody in the midcard currently that is ready for a spot in the main-event. The Big Show has always been an emergency guy but he is with Jericho now. Orton/Cena haven't had too many feuds so it won't feel overdone like Orton/HHH.
with the way it looks like...

Cena/Orton/Batista/HHH is all you are going to get with a title picture on RAW. Sorry for the other RAW talent on this roster, but this is all we are going to see. NOTHING NEW. What's funny is that all of these guys do well in the ring, but they are not 5 star wrestlers. I feel with Orton being the only heel in this group, you're going to get the same combination of feuds with these actually draws...sadly...but its too repetitive. For the mode that wrestling is, these feuds are sooooo boring now. Guys like HHH shouldn't have to hold a title anymore to make themselves more established. He doesn't need to. Batista is compared to Ultimate Warrior and is not as good as an in-ring wrestler as a lot of people are. He doesn't deserve to hold a top title IMO. Cena is the face of the company right now...but he's not as exciting as he used to be. I feel like Cena killed the "imagination" of what wrestling is by acting like "himself" on TV n whatnot. Cena's a real dude...we get it, but when he is put into a title picture, never expect him to lose. We can see things coming when Cena is in the ring. Not a surprise.

I'm tired of all of these guys. Orton can be feuding with guys like Henry, Swagger, MVP n who have you. Give other people a chance. HHH & Batista don't need a title. Cena is the putting him in a title almost expect whats gonna happen. Orton is a good heel, but him feuding with the same dudes...i'd rather watch paint dry.

Yes, it is one of the big four PPVs and the match will draw. But this is not the match that will draw the most because we've seen it over and over (the reason why the Triple Threat at NOC was not the main event). No matter how you put it, those four ppl have established themselves enough for someone else to step to the plate.
Think about it, three wrestlers (with the exception of HHH) got their break by having a credible fued with a previous World Champion, which catapulted their careers.
Batista --> Kane
Orton --> (heel) Undertaker
Cena --> Jericho (ppl barely knew who he was, and he beat Jericho at Vengeance)

Why don't creative have enough confidence to do this now? Because of merchandise, and a lack of creativity.

So what are your views on this topic? Swagger is not ready for the main event yet and neither is Miz, Kofi, and the rest. I don't have a problem with the way things are right now and when HBK and Batista come back, that's two more names they can add to the main event picture.
You know, I'm happy to be honest with you. Cena has really been out of the title picture since his neck injury. He was battling it out with Batista and then the Big Show while HHH and Orton wrestled their little fights in the Main Event. It's been about 5 months since Cena's been in the title picture as a true contender. It certainly is better than Orton/HHH again. HHH is now going after Dibiase and Rhodes which is a change. A change that I welcome. Let HHH go down a bit in the title rankings and highlight someone else. Granted it is Cena but it is a welcomed change. Might I add a bit of respect with Orton coming in the ring and just staring at Cena holding the belt up. I also noticed a bit of a head nod in respect too? Now with this being at Summer Slam, I can see Cena winning but with Orton's roll and Dibiase/Rhodes being preoccupied, I can see a Cena victory. Too early to tell but I don't mind this at all.
I don't mean 2 turn this in2 a race issue, but when is the last time the WWE had a Black WWE/World Heavyweight Champion? what, about 4, 5 years ago with Booker T? Y not give Mark Henry a push or a run with the belt, as 4 MVP, I'll say he's a few months, matbe a year from getting the push he deserves.
I am up in the air about the big three honesty I have been watching wrestling for over 13 years and I seen people come and go from the spotlight. Certain things just fall into a working formula for the WWE. What use to be the Hogan Macho Man, Heartbreaker Kid, Brett Hart dynasty shifted into the Stone Cold, Undertaker, The Rock, HHH, Nature Boy, Kane era. Now the shift of mega superstars of today are HHH(mentor), EDGE, Randy Orton, Cena, Batista, Jericho, Big Show. These wrestlers fill the seats so their bouts will be replayed and reshuffled every PPV.
Not to discredit the Mark Henry, Swagger, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, CM Punk but their face/heel personae is not believable.(Jeffy Hardy different story) I love Mark Henry, John Morrison because it seems as of late they actually take their careers serious and want to be popular but things will take time. Like everything with WWE your character is everything to the fans and to your pockets. Mark Henry :World Strongest Man now has some pull and John Morrison well he needs some signature moves. I will say this if Mark Henry is in the good favors of the WWE I am sure in the next coming weeks before SS they will have him confront CENA and replace the MIZ as a potential repeat opponent. (man The MIZ just sucks on all levels.)

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