General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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While the main event may be somewhat repetitive on the Raw side as of late, there's a concept that many of the complainers are either ignoring or just are too stupid to get: there's more on a show than just the last match. My goodness, Miz and Cena have had a great feud going, Mysterio and Jericho steal the show every night, the midcard is BOOMING, the tag titles are getting camera time (still hate how they went about it but oh well), the WOmen's titles are both on the line a lot, Dreamer's having a magical run with the ECW belt, Smackdown's main events have been solid. Wake up and look around people. There's more to the WWE than Raw.
The only reason the ME scene feels so reptitve to everyone who is crying, is becuase there is just more air time to fill, more PPV slots to fill. What exactly else are they supposed to do? Lets look at the big four, shall we.

Back when PPV debuted, it was easy to fill all of TWO main events for a year. Survivor Series and Royal Rumble had gimmicks for their ME's so they hardly count. SO now, we have 28 PPV mE slots to fill, (two main titles) as opposed to fucking TWO. Thing thinks may need to be repeated a bit?

Lets look back, ever so slightly


Royal Rumble - The Rumble

WM5 - Macho Vs Hulk

SummerSlam - Macho and Zeus Vs Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake

Survivor Series - Survivor Matches, made up of all of the above


Royal RUmble - Royal Rumble match

WM6 - Hulk Hogan Vs Ultimate Warrior

SummerSlam - Hulk Hogan Vs Earthquake

Survivor Series - Survivor Series match


Royal Rumble - Royal rumble match

Wrestlemania - Hulk Hogan Vs Sgt Slaughter

SummerSlam - Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior Vs Sgt Slaughter and the terrorists, and a fuckin wedding afterwards

Survivor Series -Survivor Series match.

Damn those repititive, stale bastards. Damn them. So stale. i mean. Its just like, stale. Hold on, more staleness. They really need to start refridgerating their Main Events in...


ROyal Rumble - The RUmble

NWO - Six man tag match, featuring the stars focused on in the rumble

WM14- Oh look, the guy who won the rumble, and the guy who was in the title match at the rumble. Gawwwsh, so fuckign repititve and stale, just makes me sick.

Unforgiven 98 - ZOMG. Totally have a rematch from WM between Taker and Kane. Like ZOMG, so stale. A fuckin DQ finish for the title match? Way to make the champ look weak, ZOMG

Ill skip the middle, I think you all know well enough what happens there...

SummerSlam 98 - Austin Vs Taker. What the shit, really. Two guys who have both been in every Main event since Janurary? fucking stale stale STALE!!!! *throws toys out of the crib*

Survivor Series 98 - Mankind Vs Teh Rock. Well il be fucked. Wait, they went over Undertaker and Austin respectively to get to this match? Oh, nevermind, STALE....


RUmble - RUmble match. ther last three in? Mcmahon (ME heel for over a year now) The Rock (ME winner of the last major show) and...oh look, Steve Austin, the guy who won the LAST RUmble. Stale, I say

Wm - The Rock, VS Austin - Same guy who ME'd last years show, same guys in the RUmble Winning, same guys in the main title picture at the closing of the last big PPV. Damn, they really seem to be shoving these Rock and Austin dudes down our throats.

SummerSlam 1999 - Austin Vs Trips Vs Mankind - Well Ill be fucked. The first new ME guy outside of Mankind-Austin-Rock-Taker. Damn, everything was just SO stale during the attitude ear right.

Survivor Series 99 - Triple H, Big Show, The Rock. Well here we go, sliding back into repetitveness again...


Rumble - Kurt Angle Vs Mark Henry

WM22 - Triple H Vs John Cena

SummerSlam 2006 - Edge Vs John Cena

Survivor Series 2006 - Batista Vs King Booker


Rumble - The Rumble

WM23 - John Cena Vs HBK

SummerSlam 2007 - John Cena Vs Randy Orton

Survivor Series 2007 - Batista Vs Undertaker, HIAC


Rumble - The RUmble

WM24 - Edge Vs The Undertaker

SummerSlam 2008 - Edge Vs The Undertaker, HIAC

Survivor Series 2008 - John Cena Vs Chris Jericho


Royal RUmble - The Rumble

WM25 - Triple H Vs Orton

So. In the golden era, its was roughly the same amount of repetitive ME scene. Back then, they didnt have 5 hours of TV, and 28 ME slots to fill. What the fuck do you want? Not this era apparently.

Oh wait, in the attitude era, they STILL didnt have but 13 ME slots to fill, and STILL only had 4 hours a week at the most (towards the end) to fill up. Yet, im still seeing the same names in the PPVs.

so here we are, in our current Place. Im actually seeing LESS times were the same name is used right in a row, back to back.

You know what is stale? The argument of the ME being stale. Which era would you fucking like?

Well done. Dude do you work for the goverment? Because like you they miss out the facts that don't support their arguement. Answer me this. Find me two people who have faced each other on PPV as many times as Orton and Triple H. What era did that happen in. By just concentrating on the last match on the "big four" you convenitley missed out most of the times these two have met. Dude your arguement sucks. You wasted alot of time typeing your post to support an arguement which is full of holes. I feel sorry for you.:flair:
Quite frankly i'm sick of people complaining that Orton vs Triple H is boring. Two the best best performers in the WWE are smashing each other to bits every month, In a fued that couldn't be any more personal if they wanted to make so, Having great matches, With constantly different stipulations, People are STILL complaining about it. What more do you want? A six man fued, With every match consisting under deathmatch rules?

Ipswitchicon80: I feel sorry for you, Not once in your post did you prove that NorCal's point of view was wrong, You just dismissed it. How could NorCal compare this years Backlash to one 20 years ago, If it didn't FUCKING exist back then?
Oh and re watch the 1999 royal rumble the Rock wasn't in the rumble match he just interfered at the end.And while your at it watch the 3rd survivor series again as the only people from the Summerslam ME match that were on opposing teams were Hogan and Zues. Brutus was on Dusty's team against Boss mans team and Savage was captian of his team against Duggens. So your arguement is not only full of holes it's factully wrong.

Ipswitchicon80: I feel sorry for you, Not once in your post did you prove that NorCal's point of view was wrong, You just dismissed it. How could NorCal compare this years Backlash to one 20 years ago, If it didn't FUCKING exist back then?[/QUOTE]

So how can you compare the two eras if as you rightly point out most of the PPV's didn't exsist? To get a fued to make money it made sense to save them for PPV's. These days if a fued is hot you can have three PPV matches in 3 months. Back then it took roughly 8 months to do the same thing. That's why I dismissed the arguement, because the only facts given were ones that supported Mighty Norcals opinions. Any facts that didn't were ignored.

And Mighty Norcal I apoligise for the rudeness in my posts. I have respect for you as a Poster but on this occasion I believe your wrong.
Hogan and Zeus were still involved in it though right? Rock and Austin were sitll invokved in the finish of The Rumble though right?

The point you made about missing out on all the middle shows fucking PROVE THE POINT I WAS MAKING FOOL. Did you READ the post? I said

"The reason it seems so repetitve, is becuase they didnt have as many shows to fill back then"

So the entire point of the post, was to show, that if they didnt have so much air time to fill, like say BACK WHEN IT WAS JUST THE BIG FOUR (like I compared) its actually NOT that repetitve. I said it, numerous times "they have tons of ME slots to fill, what do you expect them to do?"

Did you read it at all? or did the entire point of the post just FLY right over your head man?
Hogan and Zeus were still involved in it though right? Rock and Austin were sitll invokved in the finish of The Rumble though right?

The point you made about missing out on all the middle shows fucking PROVE THE POINT I WAS MAKING FOOL. Did you READ the post? I said

"The reason it seems so repetitve, is becuase they didnt have as many shows to fill back then"

So the entire point of the post, was to show, that if they didnt have so much air time to fill, like say BACK WHEN IT WAS JUST THE BIG FOUR (like I compared) its actually NOT that repetitve. I said it, numerous times "they have tons of ME slots to fill, what do you expect them to do?"

Did you read it at all? or did the entire point of the post just FLY right over your head man?

No I got it dude. But If WWE has to resort to putting on the same matches over and over again they should have created new stars who were ready to main event by now so you could have fresh matches and fueds on PPV's or reduce the number of PPV's.

MY point btw was that you picked only PPV's that supported your arguement. At the start of your post you said "let's look at the big four" then when you get to 98 you also decide to change your own rules and also talk about NWO and Unforgivien,just because they back up your arguement. You also miss out Survivor series 98 where the ME was Rock vs Mankind. A new champion crowned and a fresh match. I see why you did it, because that wouldn't support your arguement, so you were better off just ignoring it. People aren't complaining because of the same person being in main event after main event. It's because it's the same TWO people in it again and again!
I didnt miss out on SS 98 though, Its on there. You wonder why I question if you even read the post :lmao: THEY had a fresh match, but who did they go over to get there? Thats right, Taker and Austin. A point I made in the post. Dont know why I am repeating it, honestly.

Like I say. How are new stars made? You dont just throw them in a fucking easy bake oven, and out they come, ready to ME a show. Pro Wrestling hasnt changed since the days of 4 shows a year, just they way the WWE does buisness has. You cant just say "well they shouldve made new stars"...How? Wave a fucking magic wand over them?

The simple, VERY VERY simple point of the post was to show everyone they are being very overdramatic, and the booking of the ME scene isnt different than it ever has been. In fact, the ME scene of the shows that have always been there, are LESS repitive now, than they wer eback in the two biggest boom eras ever. Its not debateable, its RIGHT there, in black and white.

It was a core group of guys, back in the 80s/90s, it was a core group of guys in the attitude era, its a core group of guys now. Its no different.

If you DOUBLE the amount of ME level slots that need to be filled, then its an unfair comparison. I was making the fair comparison. and the proof is RIGHT there that its just as, if not more varied than ever.
Like I say. How are new stars made? You dont just throw them in a fucking easy bake oven, and out they come, ready to ME a show. Pro Wrestling hasnt changed since the days of 4 shows a year, just they way the WWE does buisness has. You cant just say "well they shouldve made new stars"...How? Wave a fucking magic wand over them?

This is another gripe of mine. People are constantly asking for the main event to be freshen up, And for new stars to be made. Unless people are given slow pushes, So we get time to start caring about the person in question, No one will suceed. The last person that was shot straight into the main event after very little build was Koslov, And where is he now?

If WWE continues what they are doing with CM Punk, John Morrison, The Miz, MVP, They will have stars on the hands in no time, But hell what do I know, People were asking for The Miz to get a good fued on RAW, As soon as Cena vs The Miz was annouced for The Bash, People started bitching that he shouln't be involved in the main event so soon. Yet everyone was asking for it.
Me and my fiance found out that she was pregnant around mid-late january. Around the time that the randy orton and HHH feud started she is due in 5 weeks. The HHH-Randy Orton feud is going to last longer then my fiance's pregnancy. Normaly this would be a good thing, if the feud WAS FUCKING INTERESTING. So FUCK THE MUTHAFUCKIN SHIT out of FUCKING RAW! and yes. I will be teaching my daughter this laungauge.
Just came across this thread now and thought I'd give some of my opinions on the current state of the WWE. I read briefly through some of the comments being made here and agreed on alot of things. I think of what made the WWE so entertaining before to me and wish things could go back to the way they were but then think about why things can never be that way again. One thing I noticed that some people were saying in here that was true is that the WWE is now making more money than ever even though their ratings have dramatically slipped. This is pretty key for Vince because the bottom line is that he is a business man and his prime goal is to be making money and MORE money. The attitude era was awesome but after Vince had eliminated all competition he really didn't need to worry about the ratings much because the WWE had basically monopolised the wrestling business so there was no need to keep pushing the boundaries and having the edgy sorta stuff you associate with the attitude era. So this is the real problem for me, if there's no competition and Vince is just watching all his cash flow in, he won't really put much effort into giving the fans a good product. Anyway that's whats really the problem to me, the attitude era just had far better feuds, the sexual content, the profanity, funny backstage interviews etc. All these things are what I enjoyed so it wasn't just the wrestling I was concerned about because I found enjoyment from watching all the great things happening backstage, which really built up the feuds. With the PG rating now, it's just really difficult for the wrestlers to get the crowd to really hate them or for the faces to make fun of the heels because their extremely restricted in what they can say. I know the WWE is now targeted towards kids and being more family friendly, hence the PG rating but I'm just not finding anywhere near as much as enjoyment out of it as I used to. Where has before I was never missing an episode, now it's like I really don't care much about missing out. The only show I'll sit through entirely now is Smackdown. As for Raw I'll just watch bits and pieces to see if there's anything decent happening. Really though the feuds just can not have that same effect now as they used to because of how restricted the wrestlers are in what they can say and what they can do to the person their feuding with and that's one of my big problems with the product now. As has been mentioned on here before though I really think bringing back the Cruiserweight title would be a good idea and I'd love to see the hardcore title brought back but I know that won't happen with the PG maybe just atleast the cruiserweight title. ECW should call itself something else because there is NOTHING extreme about it so that's a complete disgrace, which is why I stopped watching that garbage ages ago. Raw need's a good powerful heel manager, the commentary should go back to having a heel and face commentary team, they need to change the theme music to raw and smackdown (both are terrible to me atleast neway)..hmm just a few little suggestions that I could think of, which surerly wouldn't be against the whole family friendly product their going to keep for ages I'd imagine. Anyway I've said my bit, I'll probably come back and say some more when I can think of something and maybe argue with some people who disagree with me... :)
Welcome to the third thread of yours truly. I'm sure this topic has been touched on a few times but I'm not here to beat it to death with a broomstick as has been done ample times already. If it needs to be moved, you know what to do. I'm merely here to provoke a few thoughts, as I love seeing what my fellow smarks have to say regarding the subject material.

Today's big topic: The PG Rating that WWE is going for.

The issue: Well, as has been explained many times already, Vince McMahon and WWE are aiming for a PG rating to appeal to small kids, who make up a large part of the fan base of the company at the present time. He wants to see the huge marketing numbers associated with Jeff Hardy wristbands, Hornswoggle hats and Attitude Adjustment t-shirts. While I can agree with that strategy (especially in today's economy), I do feel it's a bit silly to sacrifice a large part of the adult fan base. In general, it's a fair argument that wrestling CANNOT and WILL NEVER BE a good example for kids. It teaches kids to solve their problems with violence and even if you dumb it down by removing the blood, the curses and the innuendos, it's still never going to be a good example for kids. Hitting people with sledgehammers, smashing people's ankles with metal stairs, kicking people in the temple, that can't be geared towards little kids yet WWE can't get rid of that completely or it will completely lose it's identity. I feel as though WWE is in the middle of an identity crisis that it sorely needs to repair. I'm sure all of you have spoken on this plenty of times, so for the sake of yours truly, let's hear it one more time peeps. I want to know what you think WWE is doing. Is it right? Wrong? Both? And if you don't agree with it, what would you do to fix it?
I'm pretty sure the reason for PG is so WWE can have more advertiser's buying the show and promoting it on their shows each and every week. I mean I don't think in the attitude era they ever had big companies like KFC bring money to the table. That's why the former ECW was never a success because the product was too violent and no companies would get behind it. I would like to see more action and blood in WWE like TNA is now. I don't however want to see the crazy offensive story lines of Triple H humping a corpse or Mae Young giving birth to a hand like we saw in the attitude era. What WWE is doing is right for business overall. Someone like Steve Austin or The Rock only comes around once in a lifetime so even if they had a TV 14 rating it wouldn't matter because they don't have the talent they used to have 10 years ago to back it up. WWE needs to stop the comedy routine and work more on their storylines and developing the talent instead of showing another god awful Hornswoggle match or Triple H and Big Show acting like they're on SNL.
I think when you reach out to a younger more impressionable fanbase, you immediately identify yourself in their eyes as the wrestling promotion they grew up with. This makes those same kids more likely to either keep watching or jump right back in when and if they become disinterested in the product. In other words, it makes them less likely to take TNA seriously, if WWE is truly anticipating a competition with TNA. There will be a whole new generation of wrestling fans (no doubt some of these same kids blindly screaming for Triple H will become smart marks themselves), and they will be inclined to favor WWE because of the familiarity of the name.
I think the Parental Guidance rating is the WWE recognizing that there is a fairly larger amount of kids that tunes into WWE Raw now, then say, 1999.

Don't mistaken the actual meaning of the PG rating. It isn't sunshine and rainbows.

I don't think they entirely want to change the product image, because what is there to change?

Before the PG rating surfaced, there was still the John Cena babyface in which audiences around the country heavily booed. Vince tried his hardest to convince the crowd to like Cena but it didn't really work. It wasn't Cena's "fashion" or the way he looks, it was solely because he was a babyface (That, and his wrestling). When Cena was drafted to RAW in 2005, the audience wasn't sold on a babyface character pushed to the star of the company.

Fast forward to 2009, crowds are usually more pro-Cena than anti-Cena. A Triple H that teased a DX reunion during his matches during the course of 2005-06, drew a clean reception from the WWE's young adult fan base. When DX actually re-united, it became a best seller for kids actually. After DX split, the 'Cerebral Assassin' became more of a babyface too.

What I'm trying to say here... is that the WWE's switch to a parental guidance rating isn't anything really new. The outlook has already changed long before the PG rating. If RAW is going to become sunshine and rainbows, it might as well be a G rating.

If the WWE really does want to make it a pure family-product, it's going to be a rather slow process. If Triple H can still say "the male *******" or if Chris Jericho can bust the crap out of a 60 year old man in the opening segment of RAW, then it's going to be a damn slow process.

All in all, I don't think there will be any change. If there is any change, it's happened already. RAW going to a Parental Guidance rating is the full acknowledgment that there are more younger people watching the show.

Obviously that means it is recommended that a Parent will sit there with the child, and explain the obvious. You don't want 9 year old boys jumping out of windows, now, do you?

As for the 29-35 year olds, that watched the WWE when they were older teenagers or young adults, and are happy with the way it is now, In my opinion, not much will change.

Thumbs up to those who agree.
The company is making a massive mistake with this. A lot of parents will not want their kids watching WWE regardless of the pg rating. It's going to be the violence they wont like, not a little bit of swearing. Kids always watched WWE, so they aren't gaining any more audience, but they're sacrificing their teenage and adult fanbase, and also the likelihood of kids following the show through to adulthood.
I think Vince has lost it.

Not lost his mind....but lost his passion. Wrestling has gone from being his being a job. It's all about profits and stock holders and investors and such.

He no longer cares about putting on a good exciting product, and now focuses on putting on a product that will cause the least amount of problems and upset the least amount of people.

In the long run it will kill the WWE....or at least make it a much smaller promotion. Instead of seeing the WWF of the mid to late nighties we will be seeing the WWF of the early 90's with audiences and buy rates shrinking. It's already been happening for years and it just keeps getting worse.

I'm not a huge TNA fan really but lately I have been enjoying it more then WWE which is sad. WWE is just boring and uneventful now, it is bland, it's been stripped down.

I pray that Vince steps down sometime in the near future and whichever person (Steph, Shane, HHH, whoever) takes over for him has an idea of how to fix things and has an actual desire for the wrestling business and not just business in general.
I don't have a problem with the PG rating; the WWE are putting out a quality show, one which has done nothing but improve in recent years. However, I honestly don't see a parent saying okay to wrestling because it has a PG rating. A HUGE majority of parents simply think it's violent, and don't understand much else about the show, therefore seeing that rating isn't going to change their mind; it's the fighting they have a problem with, not the storylines. I remember WWE being a 15 rating, this was years ago and my mum had no problem with me watching it as a child. But if a parent does have a problem with it a rating won't change that.
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The WWE has no identity anymore. It surprises me that Vince absolutly refuses to stick to the roots of "Professional Wrestling" and to quit making into something else. Yeah its cool to bring on some celebrity everyone once in a great while to spice up a main event but why make a habbit about it? Wrestling fans are fans for the wrestling itself, the drama, the exciting twists and the build-up to the eventual show down that will settle the score. Instead it has become "Raw is Celebrity!" putting on horrible skits thinking that people other than wrestling fans will talk about it the next day, meanwhile only showcasing the same few people every single week. Why don't they just call Night of Champions "Cena-Triple H-Orton 26?"

You are right in your thread about the attempted appeal to the kids... no matter what WWE does, it will always feature things that is not kid appropriate. So why go there? Yes there will never be another Attitude Era but they would be on to something with the same idea. Why not just throw the scrips away and let the talent be themselves? You can have the best talent in the world but if he can't sell himself on the Mic then whats the point?

I'm sorry the PG has got to go, it doesn't work and 5 year olds don't own credit cards and have cash in their wallets to buy t-shirts. Their not entertainers Vince, they are professional wrestlers!
Trust me WWE has way worse problems than a PG rating. I mean my opinion on the matter is that they should do away with the PG rating and go back to TV-14. I mean yeah KFC may be throwing money the WWE's way for advertising and what not, but don't we constantly hear every year that WWE is losing money? I do believe in the Attitude era they were drawing major profit and had no big name corporate sponsership(at least not KFC). If I'm wrong let me know as I'm not 100% sure.

Bottom line Vince for years has tried to make the WWE be viewed as more than just a wrestling organization. He thinks doing the PG thing will increase worldwide interest. At the end of the day WWE is a wrestling organization. The same organization that has been in his family's blood for generations. Why can't Vince be content with just being a wrestling organization? I don't know but trust me his mind is a place I'd never want to go.
I really don´t see the problem of the PG rating, ok they removed the blood, so what I don´t tune in to see blood, if I wanted to see blood I´d watch SAW 1-3. And as Becca stated before, they still have a good product, better than TNA which is ridicolous BS in my opinion and ROH which is overrated BS in my opinion and some Japanese leagues that have the good wrestling but don´t really do any big storylines.

So WWE has the PG rating, and yes they may lose some of the audience but much ? I don´t think so, maybe if they can´t fill the arenas anymore maybe then they should be concerned, but when the WWE is in town the house is full.

And saying that wrestling fans are only there for the wrestling, the drama etc. is correct but saying that celebrities are the opposite of that is incorrect, if it would be true everybody would have left the building when Seth Green entered nobody did, so nobody felt uncomfortable about it. And WWE doesn´t have that many celebrities on the air, oh Seth Green and Donald Trump and next week ZZ Top, hmm... if it´s entertaining it´s ok in my book.

Ok RAW was boring and in terms really bad, but as long as SD and ECW are decent they won´t hit rock bottom yet or anytime soon.

And all that "They´re not entertainers Vince, they are professional wrestlers" ... oh they are ? Hm... apparently only you seem to mind that, because if John Cena or Chris Jericho would mind they´d leave.

The WWE has chosen to get the PG rating so they could draw money, more children come to the shows ( Are there really more kids than before ?) but we still have teenagers and young adults in the audience so everything is ok.

If you want blood and gore and stuff like that go to some backyard promotion.

The WWE is the No.1 wrestling promotion in the world, they got there because of they make the right decisions.
Didnt WWE make it best ratings ever during the Attitude Era?

I see the WWE today where it was back in the mid-90's, bland and without direction.

Until WCW took advantage of WWE's weakness, came out of no where and almost took WWE out of business.

Its like history repeats itself, an unhappy audience turns to a rival organization. Same thing that happened in the 90's

Once Vince's see's that his ship is sinking to a rival organization he'll pull all stops to get his ship back afloat.

And if this means turning the product to what it was 10 years ago he wont hesitate at doing so.

He knows he cant carry out this kiddie gimmick forever.
"So WWE has the PG rating, and yes they may lose some of the audience but much ? I don´t think so, maybe if they can´t fill the arenas anymore maybe then they should be concerned, but when the WWE is in town the house is full."

Ummm actually they have lost ALOT of their audience. PPV Buyrates have been their worst in AGES, live attendance is down alot and most of the time they DONT sell yours was just lucky and rare. and their ratings are getting lower and lower every week! TNA is closing in on WWE's ratings and TNA have only had a SLOW steady growth....they're catching up because the WWE is dropping down. upper 2's and lower 3's are average for Raw now......a few years ago it was getting 4's in ratings and a few years before that it was skyrocketing WAY higher then that.

So yes WWE has been losing alot of viewers and money with its new direction and they should be worried. In a few more years it'll get back to the point in the early/mid-nighties where there was talk of WWF going out of business. Despite being let down by the current product i still want to see things turn around as i am a wrestling fan. I just wish Vince was still a wrestling fan and not just a business man.
The PG thing has one thing that makes my brain work properly for 18 seconds a week I'm trying to think about what comes to my mind is "Edge" what about the Rated R Superstar how can he still be Rated R in Candyland. Being Rated R is very Hard work I mean boning Lita in the middle of the Ring with millions of people watching is wrestling trust me I know in ring sex gets seen more than a video on redtube.

So What about Edge what do you think can he still be himself
or will The Rated R gimmick :undertaker2:REST IN PIECE!:undertaker2:
I love how the people seem to forget that the WWE is the NO.1 promotion in the world, they pretty much make the standards of this industry.

If they go PG they do it because it´s necessary, and I also love it how everybody think Vince is stupid, he boosted the WWE from a territory into a huge company with shows all over the world.

And what ? TNA catches up with the WWE in ratings ? They have to struggle to be even with ECW and they make a huge party out of it when they beat them, wow great they beat the C show in ratings with their main show.

TNA catching up with ECW is something big for them, but they´re still no real competition for the WWE and please, don´t start talking about Angle, Booker T and others that went to TNA because of the "potential" TNA has, if WWE really would´ve needed them they wouldn´t have let them go.

So did the numbers drop ? Sure they did, but not because Vince made the WWE PG, it´s because of other circumstances.

UFC became very popular and the rivalry with the WCW is nothing more than history.

And would you people please stop talking about the attitude era, it´s over.
Yes they had huge numbers of 7.0 to even 8.0 but that was what ? 7-8 years ago ? The WWE has moved on and a lot of the people that watched wrestling then are now not watching anymore.

The Monday Night War was responsible for such immense numbers and now the WWE suffers from that because everybody thinks they should be able to get such numbers with ease but not only has the wrestling businnes changed but the rest of the world changed as well.

After the WCW was gone the tension of what will happen next was gone, since then the ratings drop. They didn´t drop over night, there´s more to it than simply

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