General SummerSlam Discussion

i hope the edge/taker thing is over and taker moves on to the big show. id really like to see him move to HHH but from what they say those two dont get along backstage. But i have a feeling we are going to see a HHH vs Edge feud all the way to Survior Series.

id like to see cm punk have to "prove himself" by fighting off everyone.
They should keep the Cena/Batista feud going, i reckon that wwe has wrestlemania in mind already with that one. Though id like to see a feud with HHH and Batista, that would work with either guy as a heel.

MVP v HHH makes sense, whether you like H as champ you have to admit that it helps putting people over.Personally i think we can expect Taker v HHH next though, which im cool with, which the Edge feud over theres no one for Taker really. Though Big Show would be a good choice for either.

Hardy v Shelton seems like its going to happen, which will make for some amazing
matches if nothing else.

Punks next match i can see being JBL again, especially if Batista/Cena is ongoing, because there'd be no one for JBL to feud with. Id rather see Punk v Jericho, that would legitmise Punks main event status more for me, plus they can get HBK involved.

From the off Hardy v Henry didnt interest me, but then nothing on ECW has since RVD and Show left.

What i really want is wwe to make use of Kennedy, he has inring talent and can work the stick, its time he was put amongst the main eventers permanetly
I'm like to see Elimination Chamber Cena, Cm Punk, Batista, JBL, Kane, Y2J. Michael and Rey might have a while til they're back. I don't see Cena and Batista beging over just like that I could see a Cena heel change but it probably won't happen. I also maybe see Edge going to Raw to get his title back from Punk with the thoughts that he won't win the WWE title. I also see Shelton/Hardy and MVP/HHH I dunno about the Taker maye Big show of Kahli until umaga comes back. I see hardy and Henry but it would have to be a gimic match for it to be any good. also I see a IC match Dlo/Santana coming some time in the next month I would love to see Lance cade get into the IC spot light.
Might be a good, refreshing concept. And I don't think Cena/Batista is anywhere near over, unfortunately. Hopefully Batista will turn heel soon as his persona is just beyond stale. A Cena heel turn would work as well. I think a multi-man ME match heading to Unforgiven is what Raw needs, as CM Punk vs Batista or JBL again would be absolutely boring. I'd like to see Y2J finish up this feud with Shawn and step up to a world title match.
SummerSlam is now over, and people are wondering where does the WWE go from here, well let's see:

Jeff Hardy vs MVP: I was surprised that MVP won this match, but I realized that this was probably done to set-up a HHH/MVP feud for the WWE title. Chances are, MVP will lose to Triple H(probably at Unforgiven), but this feud should do wonders for him, this will no doubt be his biggest program to date.

Matt Hardy vs Mark Henry: I think that this match was only used to set up a Hardy Boyz reunion(again...) since it was no longer than 10 seconds. This also explains Shelton's earlier actions in the Jeff vs MVP match, where it will probably be a tag team match at Unforgiven with The Hardys vs Mark Henry and Shelton Benjamin.

Shawn's Announcement: After his wife got knocked out by Jericho, HBK will come out of retirement 24 hours later on tonight's edition of RAW. Y2J vs HBK one more time at Unforgiven(hopefully it is the end of these two, this feud is being dragged out too long).

Glammerella vs Kofi & Mickie: I don't think this feud is over just yet, Kofi will face Santino in a couple more matches on RAW and the same goes for Beth and Mickie.

Triple H vs Khali: This feud is over, Triple H accomplished his goal in being able to Pedigree the Punjabi Giant, so I don't see a reason for this feud to continue. Triple H's next opponent may be MVP since both of them won their SummerSlam matches.

CM Punk vs JBL: Punk finally did it, he defended his title all by himself, so hopefully this will shut JBL's mouth once and for all, but I don't see the self-made millionaire giving up just yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he asks for another match against Punk at Unforgiven, but Batista and Cena will try to get in on the action as well. I predict a Triple Threat match with Punk vs Batista vs Cena, or a Fatal Four-Way with Punk vs JBL vs Batista vs Cena at Unforgiven.

Batista vs Cena: Batista proved to be the better man last night, which will result in him asking for a World title shot against Punk, but Cena will try to get a shot as well saying that he is not done with Batista yet. This will work so much better if one of them turned heel, but that won't happen. Both of them will probably lose to Punk at Unforgiven in a Triple Threat match where they will continue their feud until Survivor Series.

Undertaker vs Edge: Taker got his revenge and ultimately made Edge burn in Hell for his punishment, definitely a headscratcher:headscratch:. A lot of people is waiting for a Triple H vs Taker feud, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon, Taker will probably go on to feud with Koslov in the next few weeks on SmackDown, Koslov wants better competition and he is going to get it with the Undertaker. As for Edge, he may return as a Deadman like Taker, or just suffer some scars from the fire making him look even more psychotic. I don't think we are going to see Edge for a long time, unless WWE waters down the storyline and announces that he made it out of the fire without a scratch on him like John Cena and the Car incident last month.

That's my predictions for SummerSlam's fallout.
It's hard to wager which way the WWE will go after last night's show, especially since I believe Orton has to be factored in somehow. Unforgiven will likely showcase the last match between Y2J and HBK (please be a ladder match!) but after that, I'm just not sure.

HHH - I believe HHH will enter a program with either MVP or the Big Show. Someone suggested earlier that Show could challenge him by saying he didn't defeat the WWE's real giant. MVP just came off of a big win and a HHH/MVP feud has been something fans have wanted for a while if not only for it's freshness.

Jeff Hardy & Shelton Benjamin - If there isn't a feud between these two, then it will be a three way feud with MVP in the mix. Any combination will deliver in the ring but not so much on the mic (sans MVP).

CM Punk - this one has me puzzled. If WWE isn't ready to begin a Kane/Mysterio wrestling feud just yet, I could see Punk vs. Kane vs. JBL at Unforgiven or even Punk vs. Kane. See Batista below.

Batista & John Cena - Logically, Batista's next move after defeating Raw's top star without a belt should be a title shot, yet I'm not sure WWE is ready to end the Cena/Batista thing. I actually hope this feud turns into a trilogy of matches with the final match at Survivor Series. If not, then add Batista to the WHC mix. As for Cena, your guess is as good as mine if Batista moves onto Punk. It would behoove the WWE to continue to keep Cena out of the title picture until atleast the end of the year so I wouldn't want them to continue the feud by just adding the both of them into a multi man match at Unforgiven.

Y2J and HBK - Unforgiven should be the resting place of hands down the best feud of the year and possibly the best feud I've seen in a long fucking time. This one should be over at Unforgiven, even after it was given new life last night. Here's hoping we get a ladder match.

Undertaker and the Edge - If Umaga wasn't injured I'd wager that Taker and Umaga would enter into the feud they were supposed to have around draft time. With Umaga out, this one's a crapshoot. I'd also like the WWE to hold off on the inevitable HHH/UT feud that should culminate at Wrestlemania and not at the Royal Rumble or Survivor Series. It's possible Taker sees time with the Big Show and after that he'd see Umaga when he's healthy. As for Edge, I think he should be given a few weeks off to sell the consequences of going through a Hell in a Cell match with Taker.
For the thirty fifth time....what is the purpose of a ladder match? There is no title, it's not MitB, and putting anything else up there would be copying TNA matches that everyone bitches about (i.e. rat in a box). It will be a cage or iron man match if it's a gimmick.

MVP and HHH should be next, but if only to set up Hardy and HHH for Royal Rumble. Hardy will roll through Benjamin. He might win the ECW title as a test run with him as the top guy, but I'm tired of all the stupid SD!/ECW crossbranding.

Punk will fight Batista next. Cena will probably move back to JBL (boo).

Edge will somehow get himself involved in a number one contender's feud, likely with Big Show.

Taker is going to feud with everyone until he gets a title shot. I'm picturing one of those Taker vs. the roster angles.
Lol id dig Taker v roster. Ok, ill do a 'what id like to see mixed with i think we'll see'. Lets start with the champs!

HHH-For me it has to be MVP. It'd do so much for his career and he is very talented all round [i thought his match at mania with Benoit was quality]. Of course i dont expect him to win it but he'd get major heat going up against H and it would make him a main eventer. I want to see Taker v H, but that wont happen for awhile. If MVP doesnt get the shot, i see H v Show. Not that hot first time round, better when H broke Shows hand so i think we'd need monster Show to make it good

Punk-JBL is done, i think they had a good little feud and series of matches, but Punk needs to move on. Id like to see him v heel Batista, but i expect it to be Kane, involving Rey [if his mask wasnt a hoax by Kane, im not convinced on that.

Santino-They'll take the Kingston feud abit further, but i hope they dont keep switching the title between the two like with Shelton, carlito and Nitro, that fucked me off, it cheapens the belt. Marella should get a fair run as champ, it would be logical for Cades push to see him in the ic picture, D-Lo maybe. Raw is lacking really in the midcard

Matt/Jeff- Hopefully not yet another reunion, and i dont think it will be. Yeah we'll see Hardys v Henry and Shelton, but after that i think Matt will get the ECW title eventually, Jeff and Shelton will feud over the U.S title, which Shelton should win because Jeff seems to be getting closer to the main event, a U.S run would be pointless. I think we'll see Edge v Hardy for the number one contender

HBK/Jericho-Best feud after Edge and Taker in sometime, it'll be done at Survivor Series i think. The best thing would be for whoever loses to become part of the Smackdown title picture, probably Y2J. I love both this guys [its plutonic] so id like to see either of them get a world title run, id prefer Y2J.Other than that its hard to see where either go after that, though i wouldnt be suprised if we see HBK and Taker come Wrestlemania.

Kane-Hard to judge this one until we see what happens after Raw tonite, im still really hoping he's tricked Adamle and is going back to his mask. Either way a short feud with Punk is on the cards. But a clean loss would damage the return of the monster angle.

Edge-Id love to see Edge develop his own type of Undertaker persona mixed with the Brood Edge. Takers my favourite wrestler in the company [as ever] but Edge is pushing him lately, has been so entertaining. Thing is it'll be difficult for him coming off the back of such a major feud, he needs to stay in the title picture. The obvious thing is to move him to Raw and battle Punk [Edge needs to keep the nuts persona whatever], allowing the cena v batista rivalry to keep going
What are guys expecting, or hoping for?

Id like to see HHH v MVP, mainly because it would be new and boost MVPs career. It'd make sense as they both won at SS aswell. Ive got a feeling though we may see HHH v Show next. Show hasnt been used really since WM, but then i guess Umaga's injury put paid to that.

I want to see Kennedy used more, i think if they go with HHH v MVP then a Kennedy/Show feud could work. It wasnt that long ago MK was up against Taker and Batista, but things have been stale for him lately.A match with Show would be good, you wouldnt expect him to win so he loses nothing if he doesnt. And it would be a suprise if he won and push back into the title picture.

Hardy v Shelton seems a cert. Will see some great matches, which makes for the poor mic work lol.

Edge is a tough one. He wont be back for abot and i think he'll go to Raw, but if he dosent i think he'll be in number 1 contender matches with either Show or Jeff. I hope they play off his current crazed gimmick though, he's at his best like that. Give him a new Brood lol.

Taker-HHH is bound to happen soon, but not until another big ppv. Kozlov seems a likely, if uninspired opponent. I DO NOT want to see Taker and Khali again. Umaga was supposed to go with him, but to be honest whats the point? After Cena beat him, Umaga lost that edge to his gimmick, and you wouldnt expect him to beat Taker.

Smackdown really needs to get to work on its midcarders like kendrick and unused talent like Kennedy and Show. Ive preferred it to Raw for awhile now, but the Kane angle and Batista/Cena thing is getting me back over to Raw, especially now Taker/Edge is over.

Any thoughts?
I think that after the finish to the Hardy, MVP match last night that they're going to have a three way feud between Hardy, MVP, and Shelton. And if those three guys are given enough time they can put on some amazing triple threat matches.

I dont think they're going to have Taker and Triple H feud right away so they will probably have Taker have a short feud with someone like Kozlov and Triple H will probably start a feud with the Big Show.

They will probably leave Edge off TV for a couple weeks and then when he comes back have him feud with La Familia or maybe even R-Truth depending on when and how he debuts.
Wow what a lot of really good ideas and predictions.. Summerslam was really good but this is what I think might happen:

Raw- JBL might move to face a new talent like DLo or kofi just to build some much needed names on the raw crew or have him face kane until rey comes back... Cm punk would be good facing chris jericho and lance cade and shawn michaels would come in as like a manager type before a series of tag action and single action beings with the four of them.. Cena and batista will make it like austin and rock did in the past where they fought three times with much space in between building up the final brawl... Candice will return to get revenge on amazon and santino will take on who ever jbl isn't facing

Smackdown- mvp will move from mid cards where he ruled for a couple of yrs now and finally gets what he deserves... A fued with triple h... Undertaker and bigshow will be interesting if la familia doesn't form into a group like ministry from the past then they will try and fued wit taker and edge will return as a ministry member until he's ready to turn again... Jeff and shelton will go at it and kolzov and umaga and brian will face guys like kennedy and the left overs until something finally opens up

Ecw- matt hardy will win the gold from mark henry if not with jeffs help against atlas again or morrison and miz will get involed to get into the title picture

How does that sound for an after summerslam card?
I wouldn't be unhappy with an MVP HHH feud. MVP deserves a big break and after a win over Jeff it might just be his time. But that leaves the question of what to do with Taker and Edge?

I don't really want to see Taker vs Big Show. I'd like to see him face Kozlov but I'm not sure if Kozlov is ready for that yet. Granted it would be a hell of a lot better than what they're doing with him now.

Edge might take a month or so off, which he deserves. Let some of his bruises heal up and then bring him back to feud with Jeff Hardy toward the Rumble over the #1 contendership perhaps.
For the thirty fifth time....what is the purpose of a ladder match? There is no title, it's not MitB, and putting anything else up there would be copying TNA matches that everyone bitches about (i.e. rat in a box). It will be a cage or iron man match if it's a gimmick.

MVP and HHH should be next, but if only to set up Hardy and HHH for Royal Rumble. Hardy will roll through Benjamin. He might win the ECW title as a test run with him as the top guy, but I'm tired of all the stupid SD!/ECW crossbranding.

Punk will fight Batista next. Cena will probably move back to JBL (boo).

Edge will somehow get himself involved in a number one contender's feud, likely with Big Show.

Taker is going to feud with everyone until he gets a title shot. I'm picturing one of those Taker vs. the roster angles.

First, who cares if people will misconstrue a gimmick match as copying TNA? If the WWE thinks a match will be a draw and will benefit from having two great workers, why shouldn't they air it?

Second, there doesnt need to be a title hanging from the ceiling for a ladder match to happen. MITB features a suitcase (with papers in it I guess) that grants you a title shot. Creative could come up with some sort of stip that the suitcase contains, possibly retirement papers. Who knows?
I agree with Big Sexys idea between the three way fued but what about a four way fued with Brian Kendrick involved aswell?

I think maybe a Chavo, Edge fued or Hawkins and Ryder, Edge fued putting Edge over as a face might happen but at the moment its hard to tell.
I think they did they best thing they could do with the HBK/Jericho feud last night. Just having Jericho interrupt Michaels while retiring and attacking him, or goading him into a match wasn't enough, so to have Jericho sock HBK's wife right in the jaw was an actually believeable way of having Shawn defy doctor's orders and his family's wishes to compete again (not that he was ever going to actually retire of course!).

For me, they've made a big mistake having Kofi Kingston dropping the IC title. Santino is too comedy right now to justifably be IC champ, and Kingston clearly has the skills to re-ignite interest in the Intercontinental championship.

What actually was the point of the ECW title match? Waste of air time, just like the 'match' between Chave and Kane at Wrestlemania. Getting Jeff Hardy involved seems pointless too.

Talking of Jeff, I thought it was a decent match between him and MVP. And having Shelton Benjamin getting involved sets up a US championship feud. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Triple H/Jeff Hardy vs Benjamin/MVP match this week on Smackdown.

The match between HHH and Khali was as expected, mostly terrible, but it served it's purpose, and allows Triple H to move on to (hopefully) a long term feud with someone else.

The match between Punk and JBL was more enjoyable than I expected, who'da thunk JBL would perform two moves off the turnbuckles! Kudos to Punk for shrugging off a legit accidental busting open too. Unfortunately, I think the feud between the two will continue, there's really no-one else free for Punk to feud with, althought a four way match between Punk, Cena, Batista and JBL at the next PPV wouldn't be a surprise.

The Bastista vs Cena match was much more entertaining than I think anyone would have expected. Some nice 'new' moves thrown in by each of them. I would have liked to see Batista doing the 5 knuckle shuffle to Cena though :D I expect Batista to be first out on Raw tonight, making it clear he deserves a shot at Punk, and Cena will come out to make a retort, some sort of Adamle original will come into play I think.

And finally, I doubt Edge will make an appearance on Smackdown this week. It will be interesting to see what happens between Undertaker and La Famila though. Obviously Taker won't side with them, perhaps Vickie will have a Taker vs La Familia match, with Taker having to 'retire' again if he loses.
I agree with Big Sexys idea between the three way fued but what about a four way fued with Brian Kendrick involved aswell?

I think maybe a Chavo, Edge fued or Hawkins and Ryder, Edge fued putting Edge over as a face might happen but at the moment its hard to tell.

i agree with u about kendrick thats what they should do but i doubt they do but i really think he has the potenital and talent to be the next shawn micheals..

as far as turning edge face that would be a bad move in my opinion seeing how he is the top heel in the company.. but he should feud with la famila

i dont believe there will be a match with taker and hhh anytime soon seeing that would be a great mania 25 match but u never kno i thought cena and batista would be at mania but was wrong :banghead:
Triple H vs Edge - These 2 could have an amazing fued. Mainly because they're both very solid in the ring and on the mic they're both good. Well, Edge is fucking awesome but still. WrestleMania 24 is one of the best examples. He put so much emotion into that, it was awesome.

I could easily see Triple H and Edge forming a team at the end of this, taking the tag team titles and becoming the power group on RAW, however with both of them trying to gain the upper hand over eachother and decieving eachother. They could show this to the fans but obviously HHH & Edge have no idea about what's going on. It could be a major fued.
:undertaker2::lsabre:undertaker vs HHH is likely but a feud with koslov would pointless for taker that guy reminds me of khali and cant wrestle and HHH could feud with show and that could work well

next we have jeff and mvp for top notch spot for tittle oppurtunity push i personally would go with MVP as he has better mic skills then jeff but is a little under jeff when it comes to actual wrestling ability.

next there is mr kennedy ad umaga but both are injured so i say when they come back have a match to see wo gets he push.
i would enjoy a HHH and MVP feud. both have great mic skills and would put on a good match. after beating Hardy he could want a title shot.

Edge wont be on the air for a month or so. leaving Taker to feud with Big Show. oh no not another big man feud. but yes. they will put on a good match and feud.

Hardy feuding with shelton. this is Hardy's rise to the top IMO. he will win the US belt then move onto the main event status.

R-Truth feuding Kozlov. Truth will come back as a face and possibly end Kozlov's streak.

The brian kendrick needs someone to feud with so i could see a Jimmy Wang Yang and BK feud.

Natalya needs the Diva belt on her.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Summerslam: August 17th, 2008:

1. Grudge Match: M.V.P. v. Jeff Hardy: The mystery surrounding this match was whether or not Jeff Hardy's neck was broken the Tuesday prior, and whether or not he'd be able to go, 100%. Well, while I still can't confirm anything on the rumors of a neck injury, I can say if it was broken going in.. then Jeff Hardy is one tough son of a bitch for taking that leap and fall on the back of his neck, when he missed after a turnbuckle spot.

M.V.P. worked over Hardy's neck most of the match, and I have to be honest the match itself was horrible. M.V.P. might be a good technical guy, and Hardy has his qualities, but the fact is these two were shit together. In the end it was interference by Shelton Benjamin, causing Jeff Hardy to lose focus and M.V.P. finds his "drive-by" kick to win him the match.

I'm purely assuming Hardy can't be too hurt, as I'm believing a United States title might be in his future, which is rather ironic because the guy who won this match will more or less go back to randomly doing nothing.. or jobbing to Triple H. at Unforgiven.

2. Winner Take All: Kofi Kingston & Mickie James (c's) v. Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix: It is sad or even pathetic that this match was more enjoyable, entertaining, and overall just better than all three World Championship matches? I think it's a sad day in the W.W.E. when Santino Marella can our perform 3 World Champions.

While I'm sure that's a bit much, the fact alone is this match went longer than the E.C.W. title match, and it received more pop than the World Heavyweight title match. The fans were also into it more than Triple H.'s match, so that does have to say something about the direction the company has taken with it's top titles.

As far as this match itself, I'm unsure what to think. I knew that Mickie James was going to be the weak link in this match for her team, and I honestly believe Santino will drop the Intercontinental title back to Kofi on Raw. I'd be shocked more than anything if Santino held the title until the next Pay per view.

As far as Beth Phoenix goes, I hope that with Santino along side her, she can be a bit more entertaining and enjoyable to watch. Her first reign flopped greatly, but I have faith that this time around it should be good.

Shawn Michaels Announcement: All I have to say to start is, the instant I seen Shawn's Wife, Rebecca, come out with him.. I knew she was getting hurt somehow. To be honest, I didn't see Shawn fully saying he was "retiring" even though he kinda did. I'll explain why that was the biggest mistake he ever could've made in a moment..

However, this entire situation wouldn't even be talked about, if it wasn't for Chris Jericho and the moment his music hit, everyone and their Family member who hates wrestling knew the sparks would fly. Jericho was outraged that Shawn tried playing off that he's retiring because of several injuries, instead of the main one Jericho gave him. This lead to Jericho demanding that H.B.K. tell his Wife and Kid's that he's the real reason the man of the house won't be wrestling anymore.

Shawn fired back by telling Jericho to go tell his Wife and children that he'll never be Shawn Michaels. That causes Jericho to attempt a sucker punch, which causes Shawn to duck out of the way and Rebecca to take a mouth full of canadian power!!

I flat out said "HOLY SHIT" when the punch landed. I wanted to see her face up close to make sure it wasn't make-up pre-applied, but the fact is, I honestly believe Jericho landed that punch, and landed it hard. The backstage talk of that must have been amazing.. and Shawn's Wife took that like a pro!

Now then, I mentioned Shawn's claiming he was indeed retiring to be the biggest mistake made, and this is why. Jericho nailing Shawn's Wife will give him a reason to fight Chris Jericho again. But what happens after that? Obviously I doubt Shawn really retires.. but wouldn't it make this whole match, this whole storyline seem pathetic and completely fake and stupid, when Shawn Michaels suddenly finishes his feud with Jericho.. then doesn't retire?

The "doctors" told Shawn that he could risk injury to his eye. Well, he'll risk anything for his Family, which explains why he'll likely be attacking Jericho on Raw. But it won't explain why he said he'll listen to the doctors, and retire (short of any major reason) after the Jericho storyline is over. So to be honest, this whole thing is stupid and for now, not very well thought out.

3. E.C.W. Championship: Mark Henry (c) v. Matt Hardy: Roughly 2 minutes, tops. That's how long it took to decide the outcome of this Pay per view match. Mark Henry missed one splash in the corner, Matt Hardy connects with a Twist of Fate, and Tony Atlas gets Henry DQ'd, resulting in Hardy winning the match but not the Championship.

I think it speaks volumes for 3 major subjects. Mark Henry's success as a Champion. Matt Hardy's drive to be a Champion, yet always come up short. And E.C.W.'s meaning within the company on a Pay per view.

First, NoFate said it best. Mark Henry had trouble against Tommy Dreamer, and only won via Colin Delaney turning on Dreamer. Now, Henry would've seemingly lost cleanly in under 2 minutes, to a guy that can't even hold onto a midcard title longer than a couple monthes. I think Michaels Hayes has to be laughing his ass off at his K.K.K. meetings after seeing how well Henry's been pushed via the words of an idiot.

Matt Hardy winning via DQ isn't shocking, but I have to say I'd hoped they wouldn't. Hardy could've easily been the number one contender for one more month, had he put on a good match. Instead, they opt to just have him win via DQ, which all but always insures a rematch. So will it be inside a cage? Will it be a ladder? One way or another, Hardy is likely going to end up Champion, sadly.

As far as this match on a Pay per view goes.. horrible and pathetic isn't even the word for it. Are you telling me that a Kozlov match couldn't of been put in it's place? Seriously, or even a Tag team match with Cryme Tyme against Wall Street.

4. World Heavyweight Championship: C.M. Punk (c) v. J.B.L.: C.M. Punk finally picks up a clean victory, and I can't help but continue to laugh because the one thing that stands out the most from this match.. is a move that had a botch attached to it, that ended up being the "best spot" of the whole match. I think it sums up Punk's entire title reign perfectly.. mistake's happen.

J.B.L. was utter crap in this match, and the only time Punk had it under control was when he connected with a different type of kick. I'm happy for the guy that he's a wannabe Sean Waltman, I'm thrilled that he's getting to live his dream, even though he's causing everyone else nightmares. And I'll even give credit where it's due. Dispite his hometown being where Raw will be, dispite everyone knowing he would retain without failure.. he finally did the one thing he hasn't been able to yet, and that's win without undecision.

I don't honestly have much to say about this match, or either individual involved. Just because the guy finally wins one without question involved, still doesn't make him worthy of holding it. And now I'm going to have to sit through a 2 hour episode of Raw in which that's likely one of the only things I hear about.

On the flip side, anyone who thought J.B.L. was going to win, needs their head examined. The guy was a decent heel Champion on Smackdown, when they really didn't have alternative. Raw has plenty of alternative, so for Punk to drop it to him, would be everything even worse than it already is. I just dread having to go through days and weeks of more Punk Bastards claiming that this win, makes him worthy. (which is ironic, because his only other pinfall win as Champion was over J.B.L., his first night as Champion.. so until he actually beats SOMEONE ELSE, like say Kane, Batista, Jericho, Shawn Michaels or John Cena. He WON'T and SHOULDN'T be considered anything more than still, just another fluke.)

5. W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. (c) v. The Great Khali: If I said the Great Khali shouldn't of jobbed, would I get tremendous heat? Did anyone else feel that Triple H. was the guy being carried in this match, instead of the other way around? I mean, seriously.. Triple H. tried to go through his usual routine of moves, including a knee to the face, in which Triple H. was the guy who completely botched it. A 7 ft, 2 inch monster shouldn't be made to bend that far.

In the end, the "unstoppable" and "unthinkable" happened, when Triple H. delivered a pedigree and won the match. But the entire match was really the Great Khali's match. He controlled it, he dominated entirely. He locked in his submission hold/claw move. He delivered his double handed chokeslam within the first minute of the match, and he hit his chop outside the ring. If anything, I believe Triple H. should've lost via countout, then used the sledgehammer to chop down the monster.

Of course that wouldn't make the Champion look "worthy" would it? So we let him carelessly destroy a monster with a botched knee to the face, and a pedigree. Nice.

6. First Time Ever: John Cena v. Batista: I have to be honest, I blacked out during this match and missed most of it. I caught the replays and seen the highlights of what made it a good match. I'll go based on other's reviews of this match, but from what I've seen, it looks like it was quite possibly the second greatest match of the night, and arguably one of the best matches of the entire year.

Batista winning this match makes me feel good. I had a feeling that would happen when throughout the entire show they kept saying "everyone" feels Cena is better. The only thing I dislike is how much even with the victory, they still aren't making it seem like it wasn't anything more than a fluke. Even has an article that only claims Batista is "3 seconds better".

I think the Cena/Batista rivalry is over for now, as I doubt they'll have a rematch at Unforgiven, short of being involved in a multi-man match. Like I said originally, I didn't see this match completely as I had a blackout, but what I did see and the highlights that were shown, it definately looked like it didn't disappoint. I'll be rewatching it when I get the chance.

Main Event: Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker v. Edge: By far in my opinion, this was the single best Hell in a Cell, ever. Screw Mick Foley and his 3 spot-fest glory days. This match had more than 3 major spotfest moments, as well as a great ending and holy crap, it involved wrestling as well.

I've heard some are upset that it didn't involve blood. Well, while a structure as deadly as this you'd expect it to involve more blood than it did, the fact is blood didn't make it any less impressive. The past few HIAC matches have been crapfests left and right. Going in, the odds were against the Undertaker and Edge to perform well, because they hadn't had the greatest set of matches building up to this.

I was happily impressed with how much they allowed Edge to make Undertaker's character look foolish. Edge didn't back down, and he didn't show the least bit of fear in anything that Taker did. Edge took it to Taker most of the match, and the Undertaker fought off everything Edge gave him. In the end, it was the Undertaker picking up the assumed victory, but even in a losing effort, I doubt Edge lost anything in this match.

I'm going on record right now for saying this was by far, the best match in Professional Wrestling, for the entire year thus far. Edge and the Undertaker left everything they had out there in this match, and it definately deserved to be the Main Event.

Overall Thoughts: Because of the Hell in a Cell match, for me, this Pay per view was definately 5 stars. Or 5 outta 5 stars, whichever you'd like to look at it. I was completely upset and disappointed in 2 of the 3 Championship matches, those being the E.C.W. & World title matches.. however I don't feel AS disappointed, because short of losing, I honestly and truly believe the Great Khali did everything he was ever meant to do. If anyone didn't like that match, it was purely and only because of Triple H.. because Khali didn't do anything wrong.

Again, I'm anything but thrilled that I'll have to hear it about Punk being "worthy" when the fact is, he's still anything but. He defeated a guy that going in, if anything was more of an underdog than the current Champion, so he really didn't do much even in a winning effort. I am giving Punk credit as well, because the fact is he wouldn't be where he is, if someone didn't have faith in him. Because of that, I'm still holding onto a single thread of respect in hoping someday soon, Punk's Championship reign will come to mean something more than a fluke.

I simply don't know what to say about the E.C.W. match. The ending makes me wonder if Jeff Hardy might not get the title before Matt, since Jeff interfered. I can't wait :rolleyes: for the assumed Tag team contest that'll have the Hardys reunite against Mark Henry and Tony Atlas. Judging by the way the company likes having E.C.W. title matches on p.p.v., I wouldn't be shocked in the least if at Unforgiven they scraped a title match in place of a Tag match.

If Kofi doesn't get his title back almost instantly, then I would really like to know what he did to fail so big. Because I'm sorry, Santino Marella becoming the Champion means the former Champion was a HUGE failure. Beth beating Mickie isn't shocking, or surprising, but depending on Raw, we'll see whether Kofi was and is indeed, a failure.

The Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho storyline is both very good and very bad. It's definately the best thing for both of them, because each are playing their roles perfectly and if anything this is helping Jericho become what he needs to.. entertaining.

However it's very bad, because after the feud is over, either Shawn Michaels MUST "retire" and leave, or he'll make the entire story seem fake and pointless, which could possibly hurt everything surrounding both of them.

I can't say enough great things about the Main Event. I'm just curious if this means Edge will be out of action for a couple monthes now. I don't really know how they'll play off the assumed "burning" after the match. The funny thing is, Edge has another storyline lined up completely for him, to even turn him face.

Edge against Vickie Guerrero and Co. is likely a gauntlet match waiting to happen, and could be as soon as Unforgiven, which is a greatly titled p.p.v. for it.. or No Mercy, which could also work. As far as the Undertaker goes, he'll either get hot-shotted into the Championship role, or he'll end up fighting a meaningless battle with Umaga or M.V.P.

Again, I enjoyed Summerslam and overall it was a very good Pay Per View. The Heavyweight title matches could've hurt it, but I didn't order the show for the title matches. All in all, 5 outta 5.

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