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General Backlash Discussion

You think they'll be turning Punk heel against Hardy? I wouldn't mind that at all, actually. They could probably have a decent feud. I'd much rather have Hardy with the case than Punk, too. Maybe that's the whole reason that they aren't having a Punk/Kennedy, Punk/Shelton, Punk/Morrison, Punk/Jericho briefcase defense...because they're waiting to have the defense & lost be against Hardy? Hm...

And yeah, they could cut the Kane/Chavo and Divas time down to fit in a decent tag team title match or something. Rhodes & Holly would be the only ones losing their titles on Backlash, anyway, so it wouldn't be over-saturating the ppv with title changes.
Eh, I think a Hardy Vs Punk feud could easily end up with one of them receiving a broken neck LOL. you are talking about two of the sloppiest wrestlers in WWE there. But it could TOTALLY fucking work, with Punk being straight edge, and Hardy being really crooked edge. Punk takesa a holier than thou stance, saying that he won the breif case instead of Hardy, becuase Hardy is a fuck up, drug abuser, and he is way better than him because of the straight edge thing. EASY money right there.

And I honestly belive we have a chance of seeing a WWE title change in the 4 way. After the ratings on Monday, and the fact that Orton is coming up on 7 months as champ.
Just a HELL of a damn push for the MITB winner CM Punk LOL. He wins the breifcase, and isnt even on the next PPV :lmao: seriously, the couldnt have had Shelton Vs Punk, with the case on the line??? too much?? Especially since they planted the damn seeds for it the ECW after WM?? I forgot this is WWE creative, and they forget shit LOL.

"hhhhmmmm what shall we do with Shelton Benjamin, and the guy who we had WIN THE FUCKIN MITB....hm, we will have Punk do nothing, and Benjamin job to Kofi Kingston. Yea...thats a good Idea"


Hold on there NorCal, that might mean he is using the MITB this Sunday, the Elimination Fatal Four Way is a perfect opportunity for Punk to use it, Orton wins the match(which will definitely wear him down) and Punk cashes in his MITB to be the one who ends Orton's title reign which results in a Punk/Orton feud. This is quite possible, or maybe he will turn heel and use it on Cena or HHH(if Cena or Trips wins the WWE title this Sunday) because it was rumoured that he will turn heel. People are predicting that Backlash will be a dud, but CM Punk using the MITB may be WWE's secret weapon for this PPV, because we all know that they are very impatient when it comes to using the MITB, I doubt a wrestler will ever wait until Mania' to cash it in.
Skullz that is a fantastic idea. Really it is. The last time it got used in that manner, it was in a crazy elimination match, for Edge. He could stay face, and beat Orton, or turn heel using it on Trips or Cena. Its the slow time of the year, so this could all totally happen. He got made to look weak and strong at the same time on monday, and they ended it in a way to make everyone forget him. And this HardyPunk thing could happen later, over the title. Word up Skullz. you sir, are a bad motherfucker.
Eh, I think a Hardy Vs Punk feud could easily end up with one of them receiving a broken neck LOL. you are talking about two of the sloppiest wrestlers in WWE there. But it could TOTALLY fucking work, with Punk being straight edge, and Hardy being really crooked edge. Punk takesa a holier than thou stance, saying that he won the breif case instead of Hardy, becuase Hardy is a fuck up, drug abuser, and he is way better than him because of the straight edge thing. EASY money right there.

With all those edges in there, you'd think that the Rated-R Superstar would take offense, lol. Just playing. The angle screams logic, though, you're right. Punk and Hardy look like the same guy in a lot of ways, so this could drive a wedge through them. Plus, having them talk about personal issues may get them both a few solid segments on the mic, since they'd have more passion about reality than just "I don't like you, Chavo" and such lol. Even though I don't do any drugs or drink or smoke in the tiniest amount, I'd rather see Punk as the heel in the situation. Like you said, the "holier than thou" preaching method might get people ticked off at him, especially if Hardy plays up the "hey, we all make some mistakes, get off my back, Cookie Monster" aspect.

Skullz that is a fantastic idea. Really it is. The last time it got used in that manner, it was in a crazy elimination match, for Edge. He could stay face, and beat Orton, or turn heel using it on Trips or Cena. Its the slow time of the year, so this could all totally happen. He got made to look weak and strong at the same time on monday, and they ended it in a way to make everyone forget him. And this HardyPunk thing could happen later, over the title. Word up Skullz. you sir, are a bad motherfucker.

Agree, nice outlook, Skullz. They might not have any other choice, too, if you think about it. How long have we seen Orton versus Cena and Triple H? JBL has no shot at winning this, so maybe they will just use Punk as a catalyst for a change of pace.

Hell, maybe they'll end up doing both, lol. Maybe Punk defeats a tired Orton, has one rematch with him where he retains, then starts preaching his ass off and starts a feud with Hardy. That could be the WWE's alternate route to giving Punk a push as well as giving Hardy the title that they were (probably) considering him for.
Cm Punk doesnt have a match at backlash so I can see him cashing in the MITB briefcase. This could go two ways, Orton wins, CM Punk cashes in and suprises everyone and beats Orton for the title, when guys like Triple H & Cena couldnt. Or ... Cena or HHH wins, Punk turns heel and cashes in MITB.

I just don't see Punk being kept off the PPV. I think the WWE made the fatal four way an elimination match for a reason, so that it would involve more fatigue to the match thus making it more sensible that Punk would cash in the briefcase on the fatigued winner.

I hope this doesnt happen, it's far too soon for CM Punk to be at that level.
Mr.Kennedy was left off last years Backlash after winning MITB, so i dont see Cm Punk cashing in here. But they will probley tease it, like they did last year with Edge and Kennedy.
Another thing I just thought of. say, punk uses the breifcase on Orton. He is now on RAW. And WHO, just beat CM Punk for KOR??? WHO controls RAW, and could give himself as many title shots as he wants??? Oh yes, thatd be Willie Regal. Either that, Or even JBL could win it, and Punk could use it on HIM. JBL has NEVER be fond of Punk ever, so they could go that way too.

Or they could just be the WWE, and have Orton go over. Which is prolly whats gonna happen.

World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker vs. Edge

I've heard mixed things about the Mania match. Some say it was ok, other say it's the best match of the year so far. I haven't seen it so this will be my first oppertunity to watch them. I'm ecpecting it to be solid. But not spectacular. Taker isn't losing the title. So the question is will Edge get pinned or will he get DQ'd. I suspact he'll get pinned. It won't hurt him to get defeated by The Undertaker. And he's with Vickie Guerrero so that doesn't mean the end of this feud if he loses.

Big Show vs. The Great Khali

I'm making the easy prediction for worst match of the year candidate. Bith suck. But for some reason people like Big Show? I don't see why. Unless they like him because of how poor he is. He's winning. Khali has been a glorified jobber since September now. He's not suddenly going to start winning again.

United States Champion MVP vs. Matt Hardy

I saw this match in the post Mania Smackdown. Hardy won. It should have been the end. I couldn't care for this match now. Wghich is a shame, because a month or so ago I would have got all wet over it. MVP retains.

WWE Championship Fatal Four Way Elimination Match

I like that it's elimination. Bye, bye JBL. He'll be gone early. Orton will soon follow. I'd prefer it if him or JBL won. But I'm seeing new champs. And it'll be between Vince's golden boys. Which one is the most boring? I couldn't possibly decide.

ECW Champion Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero

Kane's not losing. Not the belt anyway. He either beats Chavo quicker than last time, if that's possible. Or he get's beaten down by that new guy but makes a comeback once he's been ordered to the back.

Batista vs. Shawn Michaels

I still maintain that HBK is going to look like a Twiglet next to Batista. Big Dave will avenge Flair. I'm unsure what role Jericho will play. I'd have prefered it if he was introduced into a rematch next moth.

12-Diva Tag Team Match

Faces loose. But we all win. Ashley for Women's champ.
TheOneBigWill's Backlash Predictions:

WWE Championship: Fatal Four Way Elimination Match: Randy Orton v. J.B.L. v. Triple H. v. John Cena: At some point and I believe it was this week, the match was switched over from Fatal Four Way, to Fatal Four Way Elimination. I'm completely thrilled about it being an elimination because that most likely means we'll get either a new Champion, or a solid winner in Randy Orton, without the fluke like ending. (Well, maybe)

I'd be downright shocked if J.B.L. wasn't the very first guy eliminated. However I constantly fight back and forth with the only thing making this match any different from Mania, being J.B.L.. so with that being said, I could see Cena or H.H.H. gone quickly. Obviously if one of the top two faces goes out first, the other is either winning, or being screwed in the end.

In the end, I think it'll either be Randy Orton retaining. Similar to Triple H. from Wrestlemania 2000.. only without McMahon's help. Or Triple H. will pick up the victory and his 12th Championship. Surprisingly, I see J.B.L. having more luck at winning the title than Cena right now, simply because I think that well has ran dry for the time being.

World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs. Edge: I just got done saying it in the Smackdown review and I'll say it again. Edge has been slightly built better this time around than going into Wrestlemania, but both storylines have ran similar. Taker takes on everyone while Edge rests and enjoys watching the multiple beatdowns.

I'd love to see an alternative version of Triple H./The Rock from 2000 take place with Edge/Undertaker, in which Edge shocks the world by winning the Championship at Backlash, then retains in a Casket/T.L.C. match at Judgment Day, only to drop the Championship back to Taker at One Night Stand in a Hell In A Cell match.

Honestly though, I think the storyline and feud ends here. Taker picks up a victory over Edge, Edge then gets upset that Vickie didn't do more for him. This will push Edge likely back to Raw.

Giant v. Giant: Big Show vs. The Great Khali: Either the diva's match, or this match will be the match filler between the two World Championship matches. And whichever match isn't in between them, will likely go on before them. Why? Because the crowd likely won't pop for shit during either.

People are going nuts over this match being something amazing. How? Drop either guy by about 4 feet and you have another random shit match by two bigger sized athletes without talent. Big Show (to me) has talent, but isn't worth anything unless hes against someone that can work with him.

Khali can't work period. This match is nothing more than W.W.E.'s version of M.M.A., I'm almost promising that. Punches, Kicks, Slaps, Chokes, Finish. Big Show wins in the end.

United States Championship: M.V.P. vs. Matt Hardy: This feud must end at Backlash, Matt Hardy must win at Backlash or else all of this will be for nothing. Thats ALL I've heard from everyone. Because apparently a feud that honestly hasn't gone more than 4 monthes, but is stretched into almost a year due to one guy's injury, can't end with the Champion retaining?

Trust me. The feud started at the Great American Bash last year. It went from nothing, to something, back to nothing again.. it can stretch for another month, giving M.V.P. a year long Championship reign. And for those out there who feel because Matt's DVD is coming out on Tuesday he'll win the Championship.. check the DVD closer. Its of the Hardy Boyz, as a Tag Team turned single's wrestlers. Hardy's push will do just fine with a loss. He'll Batista his way back into another unknown rematch next month. Then again, if you want Hardy to win.. I suppose he can by DQ, which would explain yet another match.

ECW Championship: Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero: The irony to this whole match is Chavo Guerrero's only chance at winning is a body guard who if he's caught interfering, will get Chavo Guerrero Disqualified, in a match for a Championship that was once ONLY EVER contested under whats now deemed "extreme rules."

Kane has an even better chance of winning this match, then Ric Flair did during the beginning of his "You lose/your Fired" storyline. I have no clue why this is a Pay Per View match other than to assume Big Daddy V might be the next opponent for Kane, and he isn't fully healthy yet. If Chavo wins, in ANY WAY, I'll be down right shocked.

Grudge Match: Batista vs. Shawn Michaels: Chris Jericho is the wild card in this match, and in the end I'm not even sure if we'll see a complete winner without this match being thrown out. I think it'll come down to Shawn Michaels accidentally hitting Jericho, which results in Jericho screwing Shawn.

Either way, I'm picking Shawn Michaels to win.. but sadly I think something will happen that results in him not. This feud through promos has been outstanding, however I just don't think it can go another month. I don't think either guy will work greatly with each other, and overall I think this storyline will progress into Jericho v. whoever loses because of him screwing that guy.

12-Diva Tag Team Match: Could you seriously load one side more than the other? Mickie James is quite possibly the ONLY wrestling diva on her team. Who else does she have. Maria, Ashley, Cherry, Kelly Kelly & McCool?

Meanwhile, on the heel side of things you have Phoenix, Natalya, Melina, Layla, Jillian & Victoria. Phoenix & Natalya with Victoria could disassemble the entire face team in a matter of minutes, and as long as you keep Layla out of the fricken ring & then look at your worst teammate being either Melina or Jillian.. I'd love to take those odss.

Naturally, this means Kelly Kelly will pin Beth Phoenix of course. Its W.W.E., where the saying "Anything Can Happen" typically means "Logic doesn't hold ground here."

Overall: I'm completely looking forward to Backlash as I think it has the ability to be an overall great Pay Per View. When you look at the line-up, you have 2 solid World Championship matches, 2 solid midcard matches, and 3 fillers. If they place the fillers in between the logically great match-ups, it'll give me the right amount of cheering and excitement mixed with a good quality of resting in between.
Well i have a idea, Just to get punk involved, During the WHC (defended before wwe championship), During the match edge almost has the win, ref isknocked out, Minions are beating taker down. Then CM Punks Music plays, he comes down holding MITB. Edge + Minions go to the front of the ring and stare punk down, in this time taker gets up, clears the ring and picks edge up for a choke slam. Ref is up 1 2 3 Taker wins. At the end of the match punk walks off. (Thus not using the MITB) Taker might look a bit confused/edge 100% pissed off and runs up to vickie complaining.

K next we have this wwe championship elimination fatal 4 way. I actualy could see Cena being eliminated first. Then you have JBL & Orton beat down HHH. Useless crap goes on for a few minutes. Then Orton hits JBL with a RKo from no where. HHH vs Orton. Orton continues the beat down. HHH gains momentum, the match could go either way. Im not sure who will win but who ever does. CM Punk music plays. Winner is dead on the ground CM Punk looks like he will cash it in. He starts walking down the ramp when edge + Minions attack.

Vickie anounces Punk vs Edge for MITB right there. Edge wins it and cashes it in on orton/hhh (Who are still at ring side still getting up from there match) and gets his 5th championship.

Ahh my imagination would never happen though, espically edge winning MITB a 3rd year in a row (yawn). Maybe replace Edge + minions and vickie with kennedy/regal deal. (Im still dreaming) lol..

and on the other matchs...
I honestly couldnt care less about the other matchs, I could see hardy beating MVP though, finishing the fued once and for all.

And thats my 7 cents.
WWE Championship - I expect Randy Orton to retain. He is doing a very good job as champion, and he still has a few fueds left in him still as champion. If anyone else had to win, id pick JBL, for the pure fact that it is a nice change to have a heel as champion, and JBL has plenty of fueds in him, and he would change that WWE Title Belt back. Thank f*** for that.

World Heavyweight Championship - I expect Undertaker to win this one, he was promised a long title reign, and for that reason alone, he will not lose tonight.

Batista vs HBK [Chris Jericho Special Guest Ref] - I would like HBK to win this one, having Y2J screw Batista, leading to Batista moving to RAW on the draft and having a fued for the IC title. HBK can move onto someone like CM Punk, have a nice fued there.

Show/Khali = Show wins. Khali's going home to do Bollywood and his knees r shot to sh#t, plus Show's achieved nothing since coming back.
Diva tag = Faces probably, if not either Beth or Nattie will get the win. I seriously believe that some of them won't even tag in
Matt/MVP = It's probably gonna b Matt. This rivalry is coming up to being a year long soon, and Matt hasn't prevailed once (i'm not counting the ******ed challenges)
HBK/Batista = Batista via ref. screwjob leading into HBK/Y2J AGAIN instead of doing Y2J/Batista which wud at least b something fresh and exciting. Either way, Y2J will affect the outcome.
Kane/Chavo = Kane will retain either by pin or DQ. Neeley will interfere repeatedly and he'll either get caught by the ref, Kane will get pissed and crack some skulls with a chair or just win despite the run in. (Could actually see Punk comin out after the match with MITB to win it after Kane gets a beat down from Chavo/Neeley, purly because he's not featured on the card at all)
Taker/Edge = Taker. He's done nothing but fight whereas Edge has done nothing for a month so Edge will try to beat a 'weakened' Taker and fail miserably, hopefully leading to getting pissed at Vickie and ditching her and we the fans can all take our heads out of our puke buckets.
4 way = HHH. Has a rep for losing at Backlash a lot so it may b time to win for once. The only way we'll see this Orton/HHH/Cena fued end is when someone other than Orton wins. Orton's had a six month reign now which is a bout average for most title reigns unless they're trying to break some record but that's doubtful. Cena's momentum died after Rumble and i doubt anyone wants him to win, JBL winning would be the worst decision ever.

Santino/Carlito v Holly Rhodes may b added at the last minute, if so then Santino/Carlito to win.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Backlash April 27th, 2008:

The Matches:

1. United States Championship: M.V.P. (c.) v. Matt Hardy: Very solid opening contest with a feud that has likely seen its last breath. Going into the match, I questioned M.V.P. retaining via getting Disqualified to keep the U.S. Championship for a solid year.. apparently with Matt Hardy picking up the victory and the Championship, this feud has come to an end. Short of possibly one final rematch.

I'll admit to being happy Matt Hardy won the Championship, but only if it leads to the possible feud between Hardy and John Morrison. If Hardy ends up in crap feuds with Chuck Palumbo and Chavo Guerrero I'm gonna be majorly upset.

2. E.C.W. Heavyweight Championship: Kane (c.) v. Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely: My first overall opinion is this match got way too much time then what it should've been allowed. The whole advantage for Chavo was a knee that was suppose to be "shattered" through storyline purposes.. and outside of a couple leg takedowns and Neely wrapping Kane's knee around the ring post about 2-3 times, Chavo didn't really do much to the "injury."

The match did have a nice finish, as Chavo leaps off with the Frog Splash, only to be caught in a chokehold when he connected with Kane. Kane gets up, Chavo goes up, then comes down hard. The match and the title, go to Kane. The only disappointment honestly was there was truly no purpose for Bam Neely to be at ringside. The match had rules, which meant if he got caught interfering, he'd of gotten Chavo DQ'ed. He barely got involved at all because of that.. and when Chavo needed the distraction the most, after the chokeslam, Neely just stood outside the ring looking stupid.

Kane v. Neely for Judgment Day, possibly? Either that or (forbid) a handicap match, with the guy who gets the pin taking the Championship.

3. Big Show v. The Great Khali: Khali starts early with the advantage. My absolute favorite match regarding announcing, as Micheal (I don't pay attention to whats going on) Cole repeated throughout the entire match how he was astounded and shocked at how much Khali had dominated Big Show in the weeks leading up to the event.

I'm curious what show Cole had been watching for the previous 3 weeks, as the only thing I seen was Khali continuously backing down from Big Show and walking away. Of course short of him coming out during the Mark Henry/Show match on SD recently, and double handed chokeslamming Show. Outside of that, Khali did nothing.

In the end, this match went to Big Show without much surprise. And it always likely collected the end of the year award for "What were they thinking, booking this crap?" The match was everything I predicted and less.. punches, kicks and chops. (oh my)

4. Grudge Match: Shawn Michaels v. Batista (w/ Special Ref: Chris Jericho): Ladies and Gentlemen.. Chris Jericho, your random placement of the night! Not only did Jericho call the match right down the middle like a normal official, but he didn't get involved in anything, outside of to pull Shawn off of a rope break.

So the question begs to be asked. WHY.. Why, was he involved? I said it from day one, I thought he was only involved because they don't know where to place Jericho right now, or how to use him.. so they stuck him in a high profile match, as nothing more than "eye candy" for the Women.

As far as the match, not even Shawn Michaels could save Batista from looking stiff and horrible. I can't help but cringle everytime I see Batista anymore, as its like he doesn't have bendable body parts. He gets hit, and falls without bending any part of his body. Furthermore, I'm gonna be majorly pissed if at the end of the match Shawn ended up tearing his quad due to landing wrong from countering the Batista Bomb.

The injury served no purpose, other than (hopefully) for Shawn to come out tonight and admit that he took a page out of Ric Flair's book in being "the dirtiest player in the game" and faking the injury all along, to get the victory. I thought thats what was going to be revealed as I assumed H.B.K. would suddenly begin walking fine after he got the win. Instead, he had Jericho and two other officials help him to the back. (If the injury is indeed fake, he over sold the SHIT out of it)

5. 12 Diva Tag Team Contest: I think the W.W.E. did the best thing they could do with this match. 7 minutes of Mickie James against Beth Phoenix, Melina, Natalya & Victoria.. then 3 minutes of Michelle McCool against Jillian Hall, and the others.. followed by Cherry randomly coming around ringside thinking she's suddenly a bad ass and picking a fight with the entire team.

This lead to a "let's trade off finishing moves" highlight reel in the ring. That ended with Beth picking up the victory. The only thing I ask for, come Judgment Day.. is if they feel they have to use more than two divas in a match at one time.. they match it a Fatal Four Way with Mickie, Beth, Victoria & Natalya.. or even McCool, who is the second place face with any type of talent. (sadly)

6. World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker (c.) v. Edge: I honestly don't think this match lived up to its Wrestlemania counterpart. The match started off much the same way as Mania's did.. slow and boring. Both men trying to get the upper hand, with Edge finding a couple great counters to the Old School rope walk and chokeslam.

The match began to pick up when Edge almost suckered himself into a Last Ride from the top rope. Then I started getting majorly into it when one of the Edgeheads showed up and blasted Taker with the Championship. I knew Edge wouldn't win off that, however I was thinking he was gonna connect with a spear. Which never came.

The other Edgehead showed up, only to be used as target practice as Taker tossed Edge into him, then set him up for a Last Ride. Edge countered out into a sunset flip, which personally I was thinking he would've jumped out of it, hit the ropes and connected with a spear. (would've been far more exciting) However the end came, much in the same fashion as Mania, as Edge counters with the sunset flip, only for Taker to lock in his apparently uncounterable submission hold.

After the bell rings, Taker refuses to release the hold. I have a feeling one more Edge/Taker match is likely for Judgment Day, this time being a T.L.C. match as Taker can't win with his submission in that match.. yet it'll be the second straight T.L.C. that Edge will likely lose.. which I hate.

The Promos/Segments:

Matt Hardy: After winning against M.V.P., Hardy acts as if hes just became the World Heavyweight Champion. (I suppose this is as close as he'll get to a top single's title) Hardy pretty much guaranteed us all an M.V.P. revenge segment by claiming to be better.

Randy Orton/John Cena: Cena is shown backstage talking country music to Jimmy Wang Yang. (Of all the people) This is almost similar to having Umaga and Festus have an intellectual conversation about politics and world events. Orton shows up and tells Cena that just like at Wrestlemania, he won't win tonight. Cena replies with win, lose, or draw.. Orton will go home broken.

Randy Orton/Triple H.: In the continuing segments with Orton proclaiming an early victory, we now see him standing over Triple H., not even having the courage to face him face to face. Orton says Triple H. won't win tonight. I'm curious if it was an omen that Orton didn't look eye to eye with H.H.H. because of the later outcome.

Randy Orton/C.M. Punk: While Orton was about to confront J.B.L., C.M. Punk is randomly loitering backstage and decides to steal some spotlight. Punk teases a cash-in, as he wishes Orton goodluck, then taps his case and walks away.

Main Event: W.W.E. Championship: Fatal Four-Way Elimination: Randy Orton (c.) v. J.B.L. v. Triple H. v. John Cena: It was said a while back that multiple man matches, such as Triple Threats and Fatal Four Ways never work greatly because you'll constantly have one guy on the outside of the ring, over-selling a clothesline. Well, that was more or less the exact case in this match.

First we have Orton playing it smart, by sitting at ringside while the other three go at it. Then we have Cena wasting about roughly 5-10 minutes after falling, ribs first, into the announcer's table. Finally we have Triple H. selling a head injury, after dropping (back of the) head first against the steal ramp.

Cena botched an F-U on J.B.L., but picked up the elimination after an S.T.F.U.. Orton quickly recapped Mania's results, by blasting Cena in the head and getting the elimination there too. The match comes down to Triple H. versus Randy Orton.

Several great counters to finishers, but overall way too much time spent on a single's match between two guys that we've seen way too much. Orton hits the R.K.O. but wastes too much time going for the cover. Later Triple H. attempts a pedigree, countered by an R.K.O. attempt, countered back into the pedigree and we have a 12 Time W.W.E. World Heavyweight Champion in Triple H.!

Overall Thoughts: All in all Backlash was a solid Pay Per View. The matches people expected to suck (Divas/Giants) did.. and personally I was let down by the Taker/Edge finish, as its getting too repetitive. The Kane/Chavo match was better than I figured it'd be, but still wasn't great.

Again, if Shawn Michaels isn't hurt then hes made me a believer with the incredible sell-job hes doing on that injured knee. Jericho being in that match served about as much purpose as placing all the top named divas in the cluster they were involved in.

The Fatal Four Way was a letdown, as it took an extra month for the predictable to finally happen. I suppose Orton's legacy will remain with him being one of very few heels to retain at Wrestlemania, however it was all for not as he dropped the Championship to the guy who would've won at Mania anyways.. which makes it utterly pointless.

No sign of William Regal, so apparently that full out storyline will begin on Raw along with Mr. Kennedy's long awaited return. All in all, good (not great) but still solid Pay Per View.
Seeing as how I wasn't able to watch the event, I can't, in all fairness, judge the matches themselves. Why judge something you didn't see? Lol. So instead, I'll just do my review of the outcomes and from what I've heard.

United States Championship
--Mixed feelings on my part, as they've been for a while, now. First off, I'm glad that MVP is going to be able to move on to bigger and better things, as he's too good for the United States title anymore. I'm also glad that Hardy won this on the first try, so we don't have to see the feud stretch out until Summerslam or something. I'm not glad that MVP had to lose to Hardy, as I don't think Hardy is going to be a credible champion at all. Like Will said above me, I think Hardy is just going to have a couple of short feuds with people like Palumbo, Chavo, and if he's lucky, The Miz...but then I think the WWE is going to realize how he's just mediocre in all realms, so they'll have him lose it to someone. I also agree with Will that I'm hoping that person is Morrison, unless of course they want to push him to something better, which I'm all for instead.

ECW Championship
--At least Kane won. Lol. Hopefully, Chavo leaves the title picture now and goes to help out the tag team division with Neely.

Big Show versus Khali
--So I'm hearing that this was an epic battle of "biblical proportions" eh? Haha. Anyway, I knew Big Show would win, so I'm not surprised, and I'm glad that Khali won't be on screen for a while. Maybe the WWE will realize how much they don't miss him haha.

HBK versus Batista
--Glad to see Michaels won, not glad to hear that he may be injured. I was hoping for a heel turn for Batista here, but hell, maybe they'll still do it anyway. Supposedly, Jericho had no involvement whatsoever, which begs the question "what was he doing in this match anyway?" I honestly thought we'd see Batista flip out and Jericho to sort of "save" HBK (mind the pun). I don't think Jericho's turning heel any time soon, nor is HBK, so I felt with Big Show being a face now, Batista's heel turn could balance out the universe. Big Show taking Batista's face space on Smackdown, Batista taking Umaga's heel space on Raw. Oh well, we'll see.

--Who cares in the long run, but one question...why Beth pinning Ashley? Doesn't seem to make sense, to me. Beth pinning Mickie, Mickie pinning Beth, Michelle pinning Natalya, Natalya pinning Michelle, or even Beth pinning Michelle due to the slap in the face. Beth pinning Ashley is like Maria being pinned by Layla...it doesn't help any "feuds" of theirs in the process.

World Heavyweight Championship
--Not a fan that Edge taps out twice to the same move. Even though I hate DQ endings, I'd have rather seen the "Rated Rmy" attack the crap out of Undertaker, leading to a gimmick match at Judgment Day. Just for something different, instead of a Last Man Standing or Hell in a Cell match, I'd make it so Edge gets a backup crew (Ryder, Hawkins, Chavo, and Neely) and Undertaker gets to pick himself a group to watch his back (Kane, uh...and 3 others, lol, too tired to think).

WWE Championship
--Although I don't think Orton is the best champion ever, I was more annoyed with his title reign just due to the fact that he barely ever "won" a match, and most of the time, it was all against the same people (Triple H and Cena). So, I don't mind that he's not the champion anymore, and I'm glad that it didn't go to JBL or Cena...HOWEVER.....I don't want to see 6 months of Triple H burying people. More importantly, I don't want to see 6 months of Triple H versus Orton, then Triple H versus Cena, then Triple H versus JBL, finally to lose it to Batista or something. I'm sick and tired of the same 3 people, and I don't like JBL in the slightest, so I'm really hoping we get something FRESH. Also...is there some sort of rule backstage where Orton can only lose his top titles to Triple H? Lol. Think about it. WHC, he loses it to Triple H. WWE title both times to Triple H. C'mon, Paul.

Sounds like the ppv was a bore, from what I've heard.
This wasa terrible PPV. Bored me to tears. Nothing was really bad, but there wasn't anything that was really good. Which resulted in noting enjoyable.

U.S. Title Match: Like always when there are PPV's on Sky Sports I missed the beginning of this match. From what I saw at the end it wasn't special. The crowd wasn't very hyper which resulted in Hardy getting a minimal pop. I so wanted this match to happen at Mania., It should have happened at Mania. It was a month to late.

In the end MVP lost a title which he had been holding for nearly a year. And nobody cared. Hardy's post match interview was also terrible. I don't hold out much hope for his title reign. Apparently it was the greatest moment of his career. I'd say that was one of the ladder matches from 8 years ago. If he was Jeff he'd be on his 4th mid card title by now.

ECW Championsip: Poor yes. But what do you expect. Kane is terrible and Chavo is solid but unspectacular. Certainly a better match than I expected.

Big Show vs. The Great Khali: Nowhere near as bad as I expected. Still not good. But when both wrestlers are that poor you can't really expect much out of them.

HBK vs. Batista: This didn't work for me. Ok match. HBK tried hard. But it just didn't work in my opinion. Not bad, but I will have forgotten about it by next week. What was the point of Jericho?

12-Woman Tag Match: Again it was meh. Ashley was in a lot which I liked. She ended the match on her back which gave me a little stiffy. Other than that It was filler.

Undertaker vs. Edge: I was unimpressed. Undertaker never gets any criticism, and Edge get's very little. Probably ebcause they're both ususally pretty good. Maybe my standards are two high.

Fatal 4-Way: By far the best match on the card. Not that it's saying much. I Didn't like the elimination aspect. It was there purley to make HHH look more dominant. If it was a usual fatal 4-way then it's a fluke if somebody wins. But this way everybody bar the winner has to be pinned.

What was the point in bringing back Cena and not putting the title back on him? He makes a huge impact at the Rumble. Then doesn't get the title at Now Way Out, Mania or Backlash. The guy is looking terrible in the rinf, he's losing what little momentum he had with the anti-Cena fans.
Im glad it was a free ppv here in the UK, because if i'd had to pay, i'd have been pissed because i needn't have bothered having guessed the results of every match correctly except for HBK/Batista and that was a crap result anyway.

Here's a few points.

Kane v Chavo - Neeley being there was pretty pointless really. He intefered once, and not even in a significant way so why introduce him into a World title storyline if he's going to do nothing? 15 minutes of Chavo trying to convince us that he could beat Kane if he had the upperhand. If you get beat in 8 seconds, we won't believe you can pin the guy unless he's dead on the ground.

HBK v Batista - what a waste. I don't know if they suddenly had to end the match bcoz of a legit injury or something, but again what was the point of Y2J being the ref if he wasn't going to intefere? They missed a huge opportunity to put him in a fued with one of two of their top guys atm. Stupid decision, worthless overall. Also, did anyone else feel like they were watching Batista versus a young Flair rather than HBK?

Diva tag - Actually really enjoyed this match, but i said they wouldn't all tag in. What did Cherry do except pull Natalya off the apron? And although i didn't pick a winner i did say it'd probably b the Glamazon getting the pin. A gud way to giv ALL the divas some air time (I was starting to forget what Victoria looked like) and thankfully they didn't have separate entrances.

Taker v Edge - that 'blood' coming from Edge's mouth looked so fake on tv that it was just embarrassing to watch. That was then topped with Vickie Guerrero being wheeled to the ring, then getting out of her wheelchair, and trying to convince us that she was legitimately concerned for Edge's well being.

Four way - As soon as JR said "JBL taps out! He's eliminated!" I said to myself, 'yeah and in 4 seconds Cena will be too, and of course he was. In another thread i even predicted that Orton wud try and hit sum1 w/ the title b4 the match, and he did, but for the 1st time it backfired. Only swerve in the whole ppv i think.

I Didn't like the elimination aspect. It was there purley to make HHH look more dominant. If it was a usual fatal 4-way then it's a fluke if somebody wins. But this way everybody bar the winner has to be pinned.

HHH pinned Orton and no one else after taking a whoopin from the Legend Killer who then waltzed around taunting which jus screamed "I'M DEFINATELY NOT LEAVING THE CHAMP!". If HHH had eliminated more than one person, and taken it to Orton the whole way through the match i'd agree, but he didn't so, no don't agree.

Overall, Backlash gets a 6/10 - decent matches with most of the endings seen coming a mile off. That which i didnt expect was just disappointing.

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