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General Backlash Discussion

So we have just come out of wrestlemania and all the results are in with fueds being built up. :thumbsup:

My predictions at this point are relatively early.

WWE Championship: Most likely will be a triple threat of fatal 4 way between. Randy Orton, Trips, Cena and ....wait for it, JBL. Yes JBL wants his shot and it looks like we don't have a choice but to see his fantastic in ring skills. Orton with the belt, Trips and Cena want their rematch and JBL wants a shot.

World Heivyweight Championship: For some reason I don't think Edge will be in the title picture. He has had his run and wrestlemania finished it for good I reckon. So come Backlash it will be Undertaker vs....... It most likely won;t be C.M Punk, although that is a possibility. Umaga possibly if anything happens to get him drafted......we most likey will have to wait for SD this week to find out.

ECW Championship: It will be Kane vs. Mark Henry most likely. Because there isn't much option for this one, Mark Henry seems like the best bet.

Tag Titles: The Raw ones will be defended I hope though it is a doubt. If they are defended then it will be Cody and Holly vs Londrick, and/ or cryme tyme because thye have returned.

Big Show vs. Khali obviously after Raw we know that it is a must happen. Battle of the giants etc. etc. Not very interesting but it's a storyline none the less.

The rest is to early to be too think about.
Big Show vs. The Great Khali has potential to be one of the worst matches ever. Both are slow and immobile. Big Show is slightly better. But he gasses out easily. Although it'll be one of those matches that I really want to see. I won't be able to take my eyes off this match.
Big Show vs. The Great Khali has potential to be one of the worst matches ever. Both are slow and immobile. Big Show is slightly better. But he gasses out easily. Although it'll be one of those matches that I really want to see. I won't be able to take my eyes off this match.

Obviously its only worth seeing on Pay Per View because both of them are freakishly tall.

Its like a horrible car wreck that took multiple lives. Its sickening to think about, horrible to remember, heart-wrenching to witness, but regardless of everything else you will never be capable of turning away, because you can't take your eyes off it.

The sad thing, is this likely won't be the worst match on the card. If they somehow decide that J.B.L. v. Randy Orton should be a single's match.. no way that match will receive any type of pop or attention.
I can't see a Orton/JBL singles match happening. Unless I missed something and one has turned face. Both are really dislikable so I just don't see who the fans would react for. It's not like either has Bret Hart, Hogan or even HHH heel heat. Both of them get hate heat.
Big Show vs. The Great Khali has potential to be one of the worst matches ever. Both are slow and immobile. Big Show is slightly better. But he gasses out easily. Although it'll be one of those matches that I really want to see. I won't be able to take my eyes off this match.

I don't think this is a fair statement to make yet. Remember, since Big Show's return, sans 100+ lbs of bodyfat, Show has really only been working the Mayweather storyline, so we have not gotten a chance to see what he is capable of. Sure, he will gas quicker than a 225 pounder would, but I expect to see a lot out of Show since he dropped all that weight.

Khali is slow, but he is in fantastic shape. His training is top notch - if Show's talent and Khali's body were merged, it would make, well, early Andre the Giant.
Big Show might have lost weight. But he's still overweight. He's only in his mid 30's. But he's got the body of somebody 10 years older. He squashed that guy in boxing attire 3 weeks ago and he was panting like a dog that needs water. He need's to continue to lose weight. Not lose 50lbs and say that's enough.
Big Show might have lost weight. But he's still overweight. He's only in his mid 30's. But he's got the body of somebody 10 years older. He squashed that guy in boxing attire 3 weeks ago and he was panting like a dog that needs water. He need's to continue to lose weight. Not lose 50lbs and say that's enough.

Maybe so, but I still think we need to see him in an actual wrestling match before making that judgement.

I, for one, was a little surprised to see Show vs Khali rather than Show vs Umaga or Show vs Batista. ACTUALLY, Show vs JBL would have been the best choice, had JBL come out to chide Show for losing to Mayweather and set up a hardcore battle between these two. I guess we will wait and see.
Bis Show would probably pop a muscle on Batista. And his matches with JBL didn't work 3 years ago. And then they had a gimmick match and Kurt Angle to help them. At least with Kahli it's new and there will be a curiosity factor there. Like there always is with giant freak matches.
Randy Orton vs JBL
i hope they do 1 -1 because 4 ways are getting old i think it would be
a good match despite it bieng heel vs heel Orton wins and the Age of Orton
continues " awsome era name "

Undertaker vs Edge no DQ
this match will have some kind of controversy just so the feud will
continue till judgement day but taker will still win

Shawn Micheals vs Batista
they teased this bigtime last night i aint sure if its gonna happen
this soon but still great match and who knows who would win
but im sure one of the two will turn heel

Triple H vs John Cena
who knows they gotta do something

Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly vs Londrick and Cryme tyme
Rhodes and Holly will lose the straps soon anyway so why not here
i wouldnt mind Londrick bieng tag champs but wwe is gonna screw that
up and make kendrick turn on london

MVP vs Matt Hardy
Matt finaly gets a good singles title run Nuff said

Great Khali vs Bigshow
snooze fest but Show will win

Y2J vs Kennedy
maybe kennedy will finaly won the i-c title
So far, the only things that seem to be put in place (although, with ECW and Smackdown being taped tonight, this post could be edited by April 2 lol) seem to be Big Show vs Khali, MVP vs Matt Hardy, and Undertaker vs Edge.


1. Who does Orton face? I don't think a match between himself and JBL will work unless they want the fans to get behind Orton. I could see something like JBL/HBK in a feud more so than Orton/JBL, but they've never hinted at that happening, so that's just a good old shot in the dark in terms of a prediction.

2. Cena and Triple H. Do they have a match against each other for #1 contender? Does either man just get a shot at Orton? You know they aren't being left off the card.

3. Batista vs. Umaga. I can see Umaga coming to Smackdown and jumping Batista, keeping their feud going as they want to draft Umaga over (hopefully in place of the Big Show to Raw). Only question here is, do they make this a gimmick match or do they just have a standard match with Umaga winning, and then have a third in the series which is a gimmick?

4. Jericho, Kennedy, CM Punk, Carlito, HBK, Finlay. No clear cut sign as to what these guys have in store. WrestleZone reported that WWE wanted a feud with Hardy and Jericho, and that Hardy was going to win the Money in the Bank. Now, think about this. Hardy gets suspended, loses the IC title, Punk wins, has his first post-mania match against Jericho on Raw. Both Punk and Hardy are upper midcard/near main event wrestlers, both are popular with kids, blah blah blah. Are we seeing Punk replacing Hardy on Raw as well as in this feud? Hopefully not. I'd rather see a short feud with Jericho/Carlito and a short Punk/Kennedy feud, and then have Kennedy win the IC title from Jericho and Carlito to be drafted to ECW's main event. Finlay, is he keeping his feud with JBL? HBK...what the hell do you do now that you've run through everyone on the roster? It'll be interesting to see where they want things to start going.

5. Kane. Who is his new feud, or do they just bore the hell out of us and have Chavo ask for a rematch?

So I'll wait for my predictions until later on tonight with ECW.
WWE Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs John Cena vs JBL
...Orton gives JBL on RKO out of nowhere and the 3 count after Cena and Trips are left for dead after a vicious ringside brawl for all.

World Heavyweight Championship:
Undertaker (c) vs Edge: First Blood Match
...After fighting off Edge and his stable throughout the First Mariner Arena, Taker counters another camera attack from Edge into his own, thus making Edge's head pour out blood and Taker retains, possibly setting up for one final encounter at Judgment Day.

Batista vs Shawn Michaels
...Batista appeared bitter on camera last night during Michaels' entrance to the ring, I'd bet on Batista taking Michaels retiring Flair to heart, hence this matchup, with the possibility of Shawn being drafted to Smackdown (slim chance though). Batista takes his anger out on HBK a bit too much and ends up getting himself DQ'ed after hitting Michaels with a steel chair, as well as a predictable heel turn.

United States Championship:
Matt Hardy vs MVP (c)
...Nope, not yet Matt. MVP retains long enough to say he's been champion for a year, then allow room for Hardy's first singles heavyweight strap.

Intercontinental Championship:
Chris Jericho (c) vs Mr. Kennedy
...I agree with prediction strongly, it's either IC chase or "hello Smackdown!" for Kennedy himself, if he hears Smackdown calling his name, then we'll replace him with Carlito. Either way Jericho retains as Jeff's return is in a few weeks after the PPV.

Big Show vs The Great Khali
...Big Show plows over Khali, wins via chokeslam, and sees heavyweight gold in his future.

ECW Championship:
Kane (c) vs Shelton Benjamin
...Shelton's desire for gold forces Kane to defend his own, however, Kane catches Shelton in mid-air and chokeslams him for the 1-2-3.

Women's Championship:
Beth Phoenix (c) vs Mickie James
...Does it really matter at this point? I'll say MJ pulls an upset and rolls Beth up for the victory.
Starting with the obvious (not having read the SD! spoilers):

World Heavyweight Championship: Taker (c) vs. Edge
This can't just end here. Edge is going to need retribution, and another match is in order. A stipulation might make sense.

Big Show vs. Khali
Given their confrontation on RAW, this seems pretty inevitable. This will seemingly further establish Show as a face, and finally give him a win over someone other than a local wrestler.

US Title: MVP (c) vs. Matt Hardy
Eight months in the making, this has to happen sooner than later. Either it ends with a DQ or MVP cheats to win, because this program needs to last until Judgment Day, where a ladder match will be in order.

And then the less obvious:

WWE Title/#1 contender's match
Randy Orton (c) vs. JBL
Triple H vs. John Cena
It's just a matter of whether this will be two separate one-on-one matches or one fatal fourway match. JBL is clearly in the title picture after his confrontation with Orton on RAW, and Triple H barely missed out on the belt, and Cena is... well... Cena. Two matches makes more sense. That being said, a fatal fourway is more likely.

Dave Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
On RAW, Batista kept giving HBK dirty looks. He may seek revenge for HBK forcing Batista's mentor to retire. This makes sense.

ECW Title: Kane (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin
They should burn off Chavo's rematch on TV and get a new contender. Shelton would be the next heel on the totem pole on ECW.

I-C Title/MITB contract: Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
Two years ago, Rob Van Dam had the MITB contract and Shelton had the IC title, then they had a winner-take-all match, which RVD won. Given Jericho and Punk's match on RAW, this would be a great program to see, and this would be a nice place to start. Plus, Punk's winning the IC belt would be the perfect way to move Punk over to RAW.

That's seven matches, five of which are title matches. That leaves room for one more. Available performers include Carlito, Kennedy, Umaga, Chavo, Finlay, Mark Henry, Viscera, John Morrison, and Elijah Burke. A nice way to shove everyone else on the card might be to have a Tag Team #1 contender's battle royale with Holly, Rhodes, Miz and Morrison commentating. Winner gets a shot at the Tag Title of their choice. Participants include:
Carlito & Santino
Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Cryme Tyme
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
Hawkins & Taylor
Deuce & Domino
Jesse & Festus
Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore
Tommy Dreamer & Colin Delaney
Mark Henry & Viscera (under common manager Matt Striker)
Kennedy & Umaga (some weird common-enemy alliance)

I'd pay to see this card.
But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
I-C Title/MITB contract: Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
Two years ago, Rob Van Dam had the MITB contract and Shelton had the IC title, then they had a winner-take-all match, which RVD won. Given Jericho and Punk's match on RAW, this would be a great program to see, and this would be a nice place to start. Plus, Punk's winning the IC belt would be the perfect way to move Punk over to RAW.

You bring up a good issue of debate here that I totally forgot about. Punk's not ready for a world title reign just yet, I'm assuming maybe by Survivor Series, so what does he do in between? An IC title reign does indeed give him the Raw brand as well as some feuds (Kennedy, Carlito) that are within his grasps as opposed to the likes of HBK, Undertaker, etc. The only problem, though, is what does Jericho do? I'd be fine with either defending the title right now as long as the other has something to do as well.
I agree with some of the ideas, but I think the directions might go a different way:

WWE Championship - Fatal 4-Way
Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs John Cena vs JBL
I agree with this one. It's basically what they've done the past two years: a re-match from Wrestlemania plus one or two more heels. (see last year's addition of Edge and Orton with Cena and Michaels) JBL is perfect for the mix.

World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker (c) vs Edge
I don't see a gimmick match happening yet. Edge looked as strong as he could look after Wrestlemania. I could see Edge getting a straight-up rematch, followed by a rubber match (if Taker wins they'd be 2-2 against each other) at Judgement Day. I could see a Hell in a Cell match in their future, or possibly an I Quit match.

ECW Championship - Extreme Rules Match
Kane (c) vs Chavo Guerrero
They always give the loser a re-match, so Chavo will have no excuses.

C.M. Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin - [possibly] Money in the Bank match
This match has been brewing since before Wrestlemania. Excellent match to showcase the future of the WWE.

United States Championship
MVP (c) vs. Matt Hardy
I agree that MVP will sneak out the victory here, or maybe escape giving Matt the DQ\countout victory. MVP holding the US title for a year would be an achievement, even though most would say he hasn't defended it enough.

Batista vs Shawn Michaels
Batista going heel? It'd definitely be a shock. The direction the WWE is going, though, Batista could do everything but kill his child and still be considered a face. They might even do a retirement angle on Michaels.

Big Show vs The Great Khali
Oddly, I could see Khali getting the first win. The WWE likes both of these guys and probably wants the feud to extend into the summer. A Punjabi Prison match in their future? (Both men are 0-1 in it...)

Backlash usually only has 7-8 matches, and since I've already listed 7 matches that the WWE is leaning toward, they might include one of the matches below. I'm very sure Jericho would not be left off a PPV, so it'd be very cool to have the Intercontinental title defended at a PPV again, since it has NOT been defended since Summerslam - LAST YEAR.

Possible additions:
Intercontinental title match - Triple Threat match
Chris Jericho vs. Mr. Kennedy vs Carlito
(Did anything happen so that these guys would be at odds with each other? I'm not sure but I put it there anyway)

RAW Tag Team title match
Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly (c) vs. London and Kendrick

Smackdown Tag Team title match
John Morrison and The Miz (c) vs. Jesse and Festus

ECW Contract match
Colin Delaney vs. Elijah Burke
(I know this match would never be on a PPV, but it'd be good to let Colin get his first win on a PPV against a tough opponent. And, yes, I'd do it at the expense of Burke, since he and Dreamer have history, and he's a small enough guy so that when Colin gets better it won't look so far-fetched)
What I'd like to see/could see happening:

WWE Championship - Randy Orton vs JBL vs John Cena vs Triple H
--Even though we just saw 3/4 of these in a triple threat, I'd rather have this and open up the card for some other things that get less attention. Orton retains.

World Heavyweight Championship - Undertaker vs Edge
--Rematch where Undertaker wins by DQ.

Shelton Benjamin, Mr. Kennedy, & Carlito vs CM Punk, Chris Jericho, & ???
--HBK maybe? I can't think of a face that could work well enough here. I'd like to see Jericho/Kennedy for the IC title, but you know they want to throw Punk in the ppv somewhere. Its a matter of room. If they don't want HBK on the card, as if he's taking some time off, then cut Carlito out and just make it Kennedy and Benjamin against Punk and Jericho.

Batista vs Umaga
--Rematch. Umaga gets the pinfall, keeping the feud alive. The next ppv, they have a rubber match, most likely a gimmick, where Umaga wins so he looks like a legitimate threat to Undertaker's title.

US Championship - MVP vs Matt Hardy
--I'd like to see Matt win straight off a return, but they'll have MVP lose by DQ so they can have another match.

ECW Championship - Kane vs Chavo Guerrero
--I personally don't want to see it, but I know we will. Hopefully its just as fast as the one at WrestleMania, as Chavo is boring to me. Kane will retain.

Big Show vs Khali
--They teased this. Big Show will win, since he lost at 'mania.

Women's Championship - Beth Phoenix vs ???
--This will probably be the 8th match to round out the card with the above. Mickie hasn't been used lately, Candice is injured, Ashley's meh, Maria has no shot...idk what they'll do. Maybe they'll have a fatal four with Melina, Mickie/Ashley/Maria...in which case, Ashley gets pinned by Phoenix.
WWE Championship- Cena vs. Orton vs. HHH vs. JBL- pretty clear this will happen after the JBL thing on RAW, Cena and Trips have to be in the ME after Mania, Trips will take the belt.

WHC- Edge vs. Taker- Taker will win, prob will be some type of fancy match like LMS or Street Fight, no way Edge gets the title, I wonder what they will do wit him next

Intercontinental Title vs. MITB (Winner Gets Both)- Jericho vs. Punk- After RAW I can see this happening, Punk is said to be moving to RAW and has been on the show the past 3 weeks, Jericho Wins

Thats all for now
I have not yet seen this weeks ECW or read the Smackdown spoilers, so I'm a little behind. However here are my predictions nonetheless.

1. WWE Championship - Randy Orton(C) vs John Cena vs HHH vs JBL - If the JBL - Finlay feud is kept alive at the same time as JBL wanting the title, Finlay will likely be banned from Backlash thanks to the McMahons/JBL, hard to know what will happen there. If that's the case, Finlay will make a suprise appearance attacking JBL and sending him out of the building after not being seen since being escorted out of Raw a few weeks prior. Triple H is bleeding violently after an attacks from outside the ring (remember - no count outs in fatal 4 ways) and is an incredibly bad state, to the extent that referees are checking on him. However Cena shows signs of a heel turn pushing the men away from a bloodied HHH lying up the ramp after a brutal attack from JBL who was forced to leave him there due to being attacked by Finlay. He drags him to the ring and applies the STFU with Triple H coughing violently but refusing to tap. Suddenly Orton does the running punt kick to Cena, Cena lets go off the STFU and is pinned by Orton who then retains and quickly leaves. Cena then grabs his chain and hits Triple H when he stumbles to his feet and applie a choke and then an STFU with the chain, showing a full heel turn.

2. Casket Match or Street Fight for the World Heavyweight Championship - Undertaker - Either a no contest after Edge along with Hawkins and Ryder take Undertaker out of the building and drive off with him in the boot of a car, leaving a mystery. Or Undertaker retains but in the case of a street fight is attacked after the match.

3. - Big Show vs Great Khali - Length match, Khali applies nerve holds throughout which weaken show, show escapes the vice grip and stands unharmed after a brain chop. Show wins after a near ring shattering chokeslam.

4. - US Championship - Matt Hardy wins in conclusion to the 8 month feud, or MVP gets himself DQ'd leading to a ladder match at Judgement Day

5. - IC Title/Money In The Bank Winner Takes All - Chris Jericho vs CM Punk - This feud seems likely as this kind of match has occured before and both of these faces have showed signs of a feud at MitB and on Raw last week. Jericho wins and becomes the new MitB holder (and a much more interesting choice) via schoolboy roll up. However on a Raw not long afterwards Punk defeats Jericho for the IC title and moves to Raw.

6. ECW Championship - Kane vs Chavo Guerrero vs Shelton Benjamin ECW Extreme Rules - A rematch has already been called, however seeing as Shelton needs something to do and Backlash already contains several rematchs this one needs an extra twist. Shelton and Chavo gang up on Kane as expected, Shelton gains an amazing advantage for the first few minutes but whilst going for a top rope move he is tripped up by Chavo and lands outside. Then Kane begins to continue fighting Chavo, dominating the rest of the match even when Shelton awakens. Kane double chokeslams both, pins shelton to retain. A lot shorter than fatal 4 way, no serious weapon use, only kendo sticks/chairs etc. to add some interest.

7. Batista vs Shawn Michaels - Batista wins after batista bomb. Delivers a promo after the match showing signs of a heel turn, however Michaels flips up and then delivers SCM after Batista drops his mic.

8. World Tag Team Championship match - Holly & Rhodes vs London & Kendrick or Cryme Time - Either one of the latter tag teams defeats each other in a number one contenders match. Likely Cryme Time, who defeat Holly & Rhodes to become champions. Weeks prior Holly chooses to assault to possible contenders at every oppurtunity, Rhodes does not follow which angers Holly. Holly eventually leaves in a match against London & Kendrick on Raw the next week, then returns to stare at him and deliver a vicious slap, the tag team have split up and a short feud will follow with Holly winning most of the matches


WWE Tag Team Championship - Morrison & Miz vs Dreamer & Delaney or Finlay & Hornswoggle - Hard to know what direction this will go, Finlay needs something to do if his rivalry with JBL is finally over (which may not be the case seeing as JBL continued to bully Hornswoggle at WM) Likely Miz & Morrison retaining their titles.
WWE Title - John Cena vs Orton vs Hbk vs HHH - Triple H win
The John Cena Orton thing is a bit doo doo now, I think this will be most likely that it will be HHH vs Orton on Raw on week and Cena vs Hbk and then GM of Raw declares match. Orton really has no-one to wrestle.

What? There's absolutely NO reason for HBK to be involved in the title picture - have you even seen WWE since Wrestlemania? They seem to be setting something up with Batista. JBL has also declared his position as Number 1 Contender to the WWE Championship and nothing has been mentioned about Cena or Trips so it'll either be a number one contender match for JBL with a Triple Threat Rematch OR JBL vs Orton

IC Title - Jericho vs Jeff Hardy vs Kennedy - Jericho win

Mid card match, Jeff Hardy was going to get a push but he failed the test and he's gonna be punished, he'll have to wait for the push

Jeff won't be back from suspension by Backlash - he hasn't even been out 30 days yet. IC will most likely be Jericho vs Kennedy though but possibly Carlito.
Ok this is an unlikely card but it's how I would book Backlash

WWE title- Orton vs. Triple H

On RAW there would be a triple threat match between JBL, Cena, & Trips to detrimine the #1 contender, Triple H would win the match which would set up his one-on-one match with Orton for the title

WHC (No DQ)- Taker vs. Edge

Edge demands his rematch and then demands that the match be no DQ, so that Taker can't retian the title by getting DQed or counted out, at some point the "two Edge guys" will get involved, and there will be loads of crazy spots, wouldn't be surprised if a ladder comes into play

Tag Match- JBL & McMahon vs. Cena & Finley

In the #1 contender triple threat match, Finley will have ran in and cost JBL the match, so JBL will want revenge, over time shit will go down, leading to Vince making a match with him and JBL vs. Finley and the partner of his choosing, thinking nobody will want to tag with him, but then out comes Cena, who will want revenge on JBL for some shit that went down in the triple threat or something

US title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP

This on is obvious with what happened in MITB and Matt's injury at the hands of MVP, so I should really not need to explain it, I'm hoping MVP retains and it's the end of this shit, Matt sucks and is a complete bore

Special Challenge- HBK vs. Batista

This one should be obvious too, with what we all saw on RAW and all, Batista will most likely call HBK out, turn heel and beat the living shit out of HBK which will lead to this match happening and HBK most likely getting the win

Battle of the Giants- Big Show vs. Khali

Well we saw this one on RAW as well, Show will win by count out cause appeaentyl Khali is just a big fucking pussy, who just runs away, good move WWE good move, what better way to make him look like a big bad monster than by having run the fuck away from a stare down:rolleyes:

Two fall elimination triple threat for the MITB & IC title (1st fall: IC title, 2nd fall:MITB)- Jericho vs. Punk vs. Kennedy

This one seems highly unlikey but I wish it would happen, it could be very good, what would be nice would be if Jericho wins the first fall by pinning Punk, that would leave us with Jericho vs. Kennedy for the MITB, then have Kennedy get the win over Jericho and become the new more deserving Mr. MITB

WWE tag titles tag team turmoil- Holly/Rhodes vs. Londrick vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Cade/Murdoch vs. Santino/Carlito

meh, doubt this will happen but it would be kinda nice, Raw has enough teams to pull of a tag turmoil match and we haven't seen one in awhile, so why not, have a new team come out of this match as the tag champs don't care who just somebody other than Holly/Rhodes

ECW title- Kane vs. Chavo

Chavo asks for his rematch and gets it, and this time last more than 8 seconds, but still gets squashed, Shelton comes out after the match and attacks Kane, Chavo joins in
The biggest problem with that switching hands, however, is you can't have Punk with both as it leaves Jericho without anything to do and swamps Punk, you can't have Jericho with both because they obviously wanted Punk to be the Money in the Bank guy for a reason...so it, theoretically, wouldn't change hands. I'd actually prefer Punk defending the IC title than having a shot at a top title as I don't feel he's ready. I'm also part of the bias that feels guys should win the midcard title before the world title. That's why I'm hoping Punk and Kennedy get IC runs before top titles, though Kennedy did get a US title reign. I'd rather have Morrison or Kennedy with the MITB and Punk having a long reign for IC champ, but that leaves Jericho with nothing to do. So, if I was planning on doing that switch (which I doubt WWE would do, as that's long and intricate), I'd have Jericho and Punk switch what they're holding, then have Jericho focus on defending his title shot and lose it to Morrison/Kennedy.
New Card Predictions:


WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. JBL vs. Triple H vs. John Cena
--Cena and JBL have no shot. Orton's winning at WrestleMania shocked me, so now I'm not so willing to count him out. Still, I think Triple H might be walking away with the title. If not him, Orton. Despite the numbers, I think its a 50/50 shot just about. Cena's filming his movie and JBL...I mean, come on, its JBL lol. If they want a heel champion they'll just have Orton retain, not give it to him.

World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs. Edge
--Undertaker obviously retains, though I think he'll keep the belt by disqualification. Who gets disqualified? I'd actually say there's a 40% chance it might be the Undertaker. Normally, heels get DQ'ed, but if Edge has a lot of interference and Undertaker finally just snaps because of it, he could get himself DQ'ed and then Edge can complain, saying that the Undertaker planned on doing it to retain, so he wants a rematch. Rubber match between the two is a no holds barred match of some sort, which Undertaker wins. Umaga is drafted over to Smackdown and Undertaker feuds with him afterwards. Edge hopefully goes to Raw.

ECW CHAMPIONSHIP - Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero
--Kane is definitely retaining. I'm hoping that this is another 9 second match, as I'm beyond bored with Chavo.

Ric Flair's Ass Kissing 101 - Shawn Michaels vs. Batista
--Man, I'm really, REALLY hoping that HBK goes over here and that Batista turns heel in the process. Batista's boring as hell as a face and since Big Show was planned to be a heel but clearly isn't, they might as well turn Batista and give him some interesting feuds in the future.


US Championship: MVP vs. Matt Hardy
--I personally would have Matt win the title here, but the WWE never does that. They'll stall the feud and make Backlash an entire card filled with DQ endings and such. I'm not even a big fan of Hardy, especially not in comparison to MVP, but I don't want to see these two feud for 3 months. Give Hardy the belt, then have a rematch at the next ppv and let MVP move on to bigger and better things.

Big Show vs. The Great Khali
--Big Show needs to go over here.

Unknown: Umaga, CM Punk, Jericho, Kennedy, Finlay
--I'm really hoping for a something along the lines of Jericho & Punk vs. Kennedy & Shelton Benjamin.

Women's Championship: Who Cares
--Repeat. Who cares?
Ugh, Backlash is looking pretty pathetic if you ask me. Kane vs. Chavo, we all knew that it was going to be a rematch, but it still is going to be a squash. Big Show vs. Khali looks like a bunch of potatoes hitting each other. Boring. MVP vs. Hardy, just have Hardy finally beat MVP to take the US Title and push MVP to the Main Event. Undertaker vs. Edge, most likely boring unless a gimmick is thrown in it. HBK vs. Batista, HBK goes over because if Batista does, someone's getting it. Turn Batista heel. He's more entertaining as one. Fatal-Fourway, how in the hell does JBL get a damn title match? He's one of the crappiest wrestlers in the WWE. I can see why Cena and Triple H are in this match, but I thought Backlash was the "rematch" show. I don't remember seeing JBL in the WWE Title match at WrestleMania. This is likely to be a bore with RKO retaining. And if by god mercy JBL wins the title, I'm boycotting RAW until he loses it.
Just a HELL of a damn push for the MITB winner CM Punk LOL. He wins the breifcase, and isnt even on the next PPV :lmao: seriously, the couldnt have had Shelton Vs Punk, with the case on the line??? too much?? Especially since they planted the damn seeds for it the ECW after WM?? I forgot this is WWE creative, and they forget shit LOL.

"hhhhmmmm what shall we do with Shelton Benjamin, and the guy who we had WIN THE FUCKIN MITB....hm, we will have Punk do nothing, and Benjamin job to Kofi Kingston. Yea...thats a good Idea"

Just a HELL of a damn push for the MITB winner CM Punk LOL. He wins the breifcase, and isnt even on the next PPV :lmao: seriously, the couldnt have had Shelton Vs Punk, with the case on the line??? too much?? Especially since they planted the damn seeds for it the ECW after WM?? I forgot this is WWE creative, and they forget shit LOL.

"hhhhmmmm what shall we do with Shelton Benjamin, and the guy who we had WIN THE FUCKIN MITB....hm, we will have Punk do nothing, and Benjamin job to Kofi Kingston. Yea...thats a good Idea"


I guess they decided they'd rather give that time to a Kane/Chavo rematch....ugh lol.

It seems a little odd, though, that Shelton went from a guy who looked like he could win the ECW title "within no time" back down to pretty much nothing. They must have changed their mind about his push once again. Poor Shelton...

Punk, though...idk, do you get the same feeling I do, that they really don't want him to have the briefcase? We've heard that Hardy was supposed to take it, and Punk was the last minute replacement, but it looks like they're second-guessing it now by not giving him a single thing to do or any clear direction with it.
Honestly NoFate, there is massive attack odds that Hardy takes that case off of him shortly after returning, and Punk turning heel/tweener. No doubt in my mind brotha. Its fairly obvious that they just gave the case to CM to be a holding place. Still though, they wouldnt have to dump a match for backlash for this to happen, there is only 6 or 7 matches right?? and the diva match only goes 8 minutes tops, so they for sure have time....I wish they wouldve put that tag title match on there :(

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