General Unforgiven Discussion

So let's see here. Updated match predictions:

WWE Championship Scramble: HHH vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin
--I wholeheartedly expect to see either HHH just bury everyone or for Hardy to come out just a paper-thin moment away from being champion. As I stated in the other thread, its going to be hard for MVP, Benjamin, or Kendrick to score any pins here as they'll be pinning other heels most likely, because I doubt HHH would want to lay down for Kendrick or Shelton. But I can see Hardy holding onto a win for quite a while until at the last minute, HHH pins Kendrick or Shelton and retains. Then they build it up over a while that Hardy came just shy of it and that his time is going to come sooner than later. Hopefully, Hardy would win at Survivor Series, and not WrestleMania, as I don't want HHH as champion for nearly a full year lol.

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble: CM Punk vs. JBL vs. Kane vs. Batista vs. John Cena
--This one is really up in the air, but only in terms of 3 of the contenders. I can't see JBL or Kane leaving as champion. I can definitely see Kane getting a pin over someone at some point, though. I don't really think Cena will win the title yet...but its really questionable about who would win between Punk and Batista. All in all, I'd have to bet that Punk retains via fluke once more, just so he can drop it to either Jericho or Orton when they can, but there's still a possibility that they'll give it to Batista.

Potential Matches:

ECW Championship: Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy
--If they do in fact have this match, then I think its safe to say not only will Hardy win the title, but that the two other world titles will be retained. They might've had this be an Extreme Rules match, but not if the scrambles already are, so it'll probably just be a standard, boring, dull match between the two to set up a dull title reign for Hardy and bring us to the status quo of "Mark Henry sucks". Shame...he was starting to do a halfway decent job as champion.

Undertaker vs. (Big Show or La Familia)
--I can see either Taker destroying Bam, Chavo, Hawkins, and Ryder for the umpteenth time in a boring match that helps nobody in the long run. At the same time, they could pull something where Vickie tells Big Show that he has to go against Taker. The trouble with that, though, is they have to be careful not to turn Show into a heel, as the WWE is desperately in need of faces.

Women's Championship/Diva's Championship
--I don't really care. I didn't like Beth's reign the last time, and I doubt I'll like it this time. Most likely we'll see a rematch between her and Beth where she retains, but there's also a chance they'll just do a match between Natalya and Michelle if not just to remind people that the other belt exists. Most likely, it will be the former, but who really cares when you know that it'll stay the same?

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
--Blindfold match? It'd make sense and it wouldn't be just another no-DQ type of stipulation. No matter what it is, HBK comes out on top unless he loses by DQ in the process of beating the crap out of Jericho.

Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless (OR) Santino Marella vs. Kofi Kingston
--I don't think we'll get both, or maybe, neither of them. Chances are, between the two, we'll get the Intercontinental match just so there's a title change on the card and it gets the fans pumped up early on. I think they're going to drag out the Cryme Tyme match because they have no other tag teams and if they just have CT win the titles now, what else would they do? At least Kofi has Cade and Regal a few others to feud with after he wins his title back.
Triple H(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs MVP vs Kendrick vs Benjamin
- Trips, Jeff and MVP will be the main focus of this match with the other two taking the falls in my opinion, Trips will retain due to SD moving to MyNetworkTV in early october. Trips vs Hardy at No Mercy

CM Punk(c) vs Batista vs Cena vs Kane vs JBL
- Im going to say a JBL win here, Punks reign will end at Unforgiven, Cena and Batista's feud will be a lot better if the title isnt involved and Kane/Rey is just starting so JBL is the ideal candidate to relieve Punk of his duties.

Undertaker vs Chavo Guererro
- This match came to me this past week on SD when Chavo asked why he wasnt involved in the Championship scramble - reason: your facing Taker at Unforgiven. I would have said this match would be gimmicked but after SummerSlam i doubt it will be. Maybe a lumberjack match with just the family at ringside.

Shawn Michaels vs Lance Cade
- A HBK/Jericho match is too obvious, Jericho could tell HBK that to get to him he has to go through Cade, could be the perfect way to plant the seeds for a possible HBK/Cade feud once he has finished with Jericho. JHBK wins and faces Jericho at No Mercy in a feud finale and a gimmick match

Mark Henry(c) vs Matt Hardy
- I just cant see Matt Hardy as a World Champion but then again i never thought that about Punk, maybe Matt deserves the chance and i see this PPV as the place he will win it, if he doesnt win here he wont win at all.

Rhodes + DiBiase(c) vs Cryme Tyme
- As much as i would love for Cryme Tyme to take the belts here i sense that becasue Priceless lost the titles earlier in the month and regained them they will retain here, maybe a return match at no Mercy will see CT lift the straps

Beth Phoenix(c) vs Mickie James
- I see this as the perfect time for Gail Kim to be introduced back to the WWE audience, coming out either during the match or after it to state her intentions on the title. IF GAIL KIM DEBUTS ON SMACKDOWN AND IS HANDED THE 'worthless' DIVAS TITLE I WILL BE INCREDABLY PISSED.
Okay, this isn't any type of prediction yet.. but instead my over-view on why this Pay per view is failing right now, because of trying to over-build on the same match type, 3 times over.

You have Three Championship Scramble matches for all three World Heavyweight Championships. Each of them are going to be 20 minutes long, no more, no less. So factoring in entrances I'd say this is going to take up easily an hour and 30 minutes of the show.. leaving you with another hour and at least 10-20 minutes to cover a 2 hour, 50 minute show. (when it's booked at 3 hours even.)

Shawn Michaels against Chris Jericho is easily going to waste out 20-30 minutes. I don't care what anyone says, both guys are conditioned enough to go that long, if not even longer. Seems to me, I think it was NorCal who said a while back.. most p.p.v. matches go 5-15 minutes. Well, in some instances, they need to go longer.. and H.B.K. against Jericho in a relative gimmick match, should produce the longest match on the card.

However, even at that, say it goes 30 minutes match length and 10 for entrances. That leaves you with at least anywhere from 40 minutes to a whole hour of unused time, and the Tag Team title match w/ Wall Street against Cryme Tyme SHOULDN'T go beyond 10 minutes.

I'm assuming a Diva's Championship, or Women's Championship match will be added, along with either the Smackdown Tag titles, or the Intercontinental title. I wouldn't be surprised if two more title matches were added either, but overall.. this is why the Championship Scramble is hurting this p.p.v.

It's a time limit match, which instantly makes it stupid. All 5 guys won't even be IN the match until 15 minutes are passed, which leaves 5 minutes of 5 guys against one another, which is another stupid issue.. and finally, it's a match concept being built as "one of a kind" when it's blatantly ripping off the Hardcore title match from Wrestlemania 2000.
Unforgiven 2008

-matches confirmed on

WWE Championship Scramble
So, we have Punk, JBL, Kane, Batista and Rey. I see the match as a continuation of the latest feuds: JBL beating the living shit out of Punk; Batista and Rey dealing with Kane. With JBL and Kane as the heels, I dont see really much chances for them. Either Batista get at it with Kane at the end, or there is some kind of screw up job involving a "tormented" Rey, but we wont see Batista and Punk interacting, at least not too much.

Winner:CM Punk with an amazing, fresh new move called GTS, OMG!!

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble
people is either thinking that is MVP-time, or maybe Jeff is "forgiven" for his actions and get the belt in a last seconds Swanton kinda action.
Im sorry to give you the bad news, but none of that will happen.
Triple H WILL be the champ at the end of the show for one big reason: Smackdown is coming to My Network TV, and they need a HUGE star like Triple H for whatever the reasons.
I dont have anything against MVP or Jeff hardy, actually if SD would continue in the CW, jeff could have a big chance to FINALLY get the belt.
The Brian Kendrick? I put like 50 vBookies on him, but with odds like those, who wouldnt? lol. He should be champ twice in the match, but no more than that.

Winner: Tripleeeeeeeeeeee H!

ECW Championship Scramble
Ok, WTF happened and whos Cornflakes did John Morrison pee on? the guy, besides Matt hardy and Finlay, it's the biggest star in the show by far.
I dont know if he asked for some time off, but i just hope that he is not into trouble again.
so, this should be a Mark Henry vs the rest of the guys, where with a little "help" of Tony atlas, this should be another win for the World's Strongest Man. Matt wont get the title any time soon. Remember kids, Matt is a gold chaser, not a gold carrier.

Winner:M-iz-ark henry

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - Unsanctioned match
Holy shit, this should be a blood bath! but i dont know if PPVs are going "PG Rated" too. Anyway, this should be a entertaining match, but i dont know if it'll be a good match.
the "unsanctioned" premise guarantee us that this wont be your typical technical match, but a all brawl one. i guess this open the way to use foreign objects, so dont be surprised if you end watching a ladder, chairs or the ring bell.
the outcome is one thing im not sure, but i'm going with...

Winner: NO CONTEST. how cool is that? This should continue till Survivor series, so no contest for now.

World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. Cryme Tyme
YO!! YOOOOOOO...!! YO gonna loose the match yall...
Priceless is here to stay. A good feud is just beginning and i dont see the belts around CT waists yet. But it's gonna be a good match who mainly is PPV resume for both teams. this could only be good in the future, for now, the feud should continue with:

Winner: Priceless winning the match cheating, so Cryme Time can still in the race.

this is it for now. Part 2 when the card is final.
Unforgiven 2008

Winner:CM Punk with an amazing, fresh new move called GTS, OMG!!

Winner: Tripleeeeeeeeeeee H!

Winner:M-iz-ark henryQUOTE]

WWE are introducing a new match concept to us and therefore i dont think all 3 champions will retain, there has to be a title change because WWE wants this match to get over and maybe become a regular thing at Unforgiven or be used on other cards.
With 3 championship scrambles, I predict that one of them will end with 2 winners just as time runs out. Either some sort of double pin or one pin while another gets a submission. I hope not, but with 3 scrambles it makes sense that they'd do something to mix it up and differentiate each one.

If I had to make a further prediction, I would guess it will happen on the Raw show. The ECW title just isn't important enough to have a storyline around who the true champion is, and I can't see HHH losing. So perhaps a tie on raw between punk and probably batista.
WWE are introducing a new match concept to us and therefore i dont think all 3 champions will retain, there has to be a title change because WWE wants this match to get over and maybe become a regular thing at Unforgiven or be used on other cards.

It's not a guarantee. It happened before, i could happen again. Why have new champions when there's no real feuds involving all 3 belts? The surprise factor you might say? I dont know. WWE "surprises" us with Punk winning the WHC, but in the end, it was all about RAW need for a title, so no huge surprise there.

The scramble match is not innovative. What's gonna happen? a bunch of guys brawling and trying to get the pin without nothing else to show, no story, no nothing but a collection of non-sense bumps and pins. IMO that sounds like a dark match, low card battle royal, specially the ECW one.

What's gonna happen if the Miz wins the belt? he will probably lose it again Tuesday night. Or The Brian Kendrick? Do you think that would help the ratings? even if MVP gets the belt, that would not help too much. And Hardy...well, I don't know if management want to put the belt around him yet.

With RAW you can put the belt on batista and it's all good. Even he has more experience than Punk with belts. But then what? rematch with Punk next day?? they need to build Punk as a true champ if they really want to make a change around the place.

I'm not paying 40 bucks + tax for this one. And I wish Orton, Cena and Kennedy a VERY speedy recovery. Oh, and bring back Edge asap.
Honestly....I do not like the way the titles are being defended. First there were two Elimination Chamber's in one night. And then an hour of 5-way title just does not intrigue me. The E in ECW stands for extreme. This title should always be defended in a hardcore match in my opinion. As for Smackdown and Raw, I think Raw has more potential as far as champions go. I think this match was made just to have a new style match that could be exciting, but does not involve the risk of weapons. However, I think having it three times in one night, and probably back to back to back is going to make the match less prestigious, less exciting, and just take away from any value. I liked the idea when I first heard it...but now that all 3 brands are having one, it just does not do it for me.

And I personally would have liked to see Jericho in the match, be the champion with a minute left, then have HBK come out and hit Sweet Chin Music to let someone else pin him and steal it. That would make their feud even better
So does anyone else think we'll be getting any last minute additions to the card, or are we just having the matches already announced. I think we might end up seeing the Undertaker get a match because there doesn't seem to be much else going on.
A six match card, mainly focused around on selling the Championship Scramble. I like it myself. The twenty minute time limit matches are going to add a certain sense of urgency unlike any type of match that we've seen in a while. You figure with the actual match and the entrances, promos and celebration, you're going to be dedicating a good 1 1/2 hours of time to three matches. I like it myself.

Obviously HBK vs. Jericho was the next big draw, but with Michaels injury, who knows what will happen. Rumors circulate that the Undertaker is going to get a match on the card, but I don't know if there is any truth to that, seeing as his only feud currently is with La Famila, and Chavo is involved in a match. Does anyone really want to see Bam Nealy, and the Majors vs. the Undertaker?

I expect this pay per view to open with the tag titles, and then go back and forth with Scramble matches to end the pay per view.
For the first time since armageddon 2004, i actually don't want to buy a WWE ppv. Personally, i don't think that the championship scramble match is a good idea. That not true because at first, when it was only Raw that had a championship scramble match, i thought that i was a good way for C.M. Punk to get over and it made sense even if it look like a idea that was writing by a TNA writer. But then Smackdown got in the game and added a championship scramble match of his own with no major star in it outside of HHH and Jeff Hardy. But to make matters even worst, ECW now as a championship scramble match and i'm thinking that it'S becoming ridiculous, even TNA wouldn'T go overboard with one gimmick match like what the WWE is doing right now.

The only think worth watching is the jericho vs HBK match everything else is going to be a train wreck and it's not appealing to me. I'm the kind of wrestling fan that like moderation with gimmick matches. I don'T mind having mutiple gimmick matches when they are different but i gonna stand seeing the same match over and over again on one ppv.

Finally if this is to be a annual event every year, they should change the name of the ppv from unforgiven to championship scramble since they pretty much the theme of the night anyway.
General thoughts:

ECW championship scramble - Matt Hardy to win. They've booked Henry well, so this will be their way of getting the belt off him without anybody actually having to pin the big guy. I'll be very surprised if there's any other result here.

WHC championship scramble: ok, so who won't win? Kane and Mysterio won't, JBL won't, This leaves what...Punk or Batista. If they think Punk's reign is running out of steam, they'll pick the safe option with Batista, but I've got a hunch Punk ain't finished yet with the belt...

WWE championship Scramble: 70 percent HHH to retain, 20 percent MVP, 10 percent THE Brian Kendrick. I don't think they want to give this belt to Hardy yet, he still needs to prove he can stay clean, and anyway I think they're setting him up for a feud with Shelton. If that doesn't get Shelton over nothing will.

Diva's title: McStool to retain. Maryse sucks even worse than she does and she is Undertaker's protege...ahem....

World Tag team title: Cryme Tyme and Priceless...well, obviously Priceless to retain, as they'll look weak if they keep on dropping the belts, but I predict a non-clean finish so Cryme Tyme get a rematch. Probably rematches. Creative will want this feud to drag out while they put some more teams together to bolster the division.

Lastly, Jericho and Michaels. Who knows? Again, though, I don't see either man getting a clean pin, though they'll guaranteed beat the living shit out of one another. Doubtless some interference from someone (Cade, most likely) to prolong the feud. With Orton's injury actually turning out to be legit, RAW needs this one to go on...

WWE Championship Scramble: HHH vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. The Brian Kendrick
--Kendrick gets a pinfall at some point, most likely over Hardy, due to Ezekiel interfering. Not sure about any other pinfalls, but I wouldn't be surprised if Shelton gets a pin over HHH. Somehow, I think Hardy will get a pinfall and hold onto it for a long while, until HHH retains at the last few seconds. They then begin to build up the whole "Hardy was THIS close, and he'll get his shot again sometime" angle. I wholeheartedly think that they're building up to a Hardy Royal Rumble win where he challenges a heel HHH at Mania and wins the title.

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble: CM Punk vs. Batista vs. JBL vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio
--Its either Punk or Batista, no question. But how I truly see this going down is that nobody gets a pinfall and Punk retains by default. He'll remain champ until Orton can take the title from him when he returns. I hope that doesn't mean we'll have Batista/Orton at WrestleMania, but I don't know who else they'd have against Orton if he's champ at that time. Cena/Orton has been done. Mysterio/Orton, no. HBK/Orton, doubt it. I really have no clue. Which means that they probably WILL have Batista/Orton at WrestleMania, which sucks, as I don't want Batista to take up a main event.

ECW Championship Scramble: Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy vs. The Miz vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Finlay
--Matt wins it by pinning either Chavo or Miz...most likely Chavo. Afterwards, Henry says he never pinned him and that he shouldn't be champ. They have a rematch at the next ppv, which Matt retains, and then begins to feud with Morrison or Miz. Hopefully, then he loses it to Morrison, lol, as I don't want Matt to be champ.

Unsanctioned Match: HBK vs. Y2J
--Either this ends with a "no contest", with both guys just beating each other to a bloody pulp and the ref calling it over, or HBK wins.

Diva's Championship: Michelle McCool vs. Maryse
--3 or 4 minute match with Michelle retaining. Bore.

World Tag Team Championship: Rhodes/DiBiase vs. Cryme Tyme
--Priceless retains by cheating or doing some sort of underhanded tactic. They continue the feud for a while.

Unknown Undertaker Segment
--Hopefully its not just something they could've done on Smackdown.

Honestly...I'm not expecting this ppv to be good. In fact, I'm not even expecting it to be any better than Summerslam, which I thought was awful. The main reason behind this is that I feel that the only thing that can save Unforgiven is HBK/Jericho (but their performance is hindered due to injury) and the possibility that the scramble matches aren't just glorified fatal fourways with a time limit and one extra person, since a good portion of the 15 participants are nothing special to watch. Hopefully, though, they prove me wrong, and I have a lot of fun watching it on my compu--er...TV...yeah.....TV.....................

- Championship Scramble Matches:

With three of these matches on the card I hope the gimmick works. Triple H was on about how he's going to appear in the first ever Scramble match. I beg to differ. That'll be the ECW boys. I'm looking forward to each of the matches. The ECW & Smackdown more than the Raw one. I happen to think that the Raw one will be Punk as the victor, I just don't see Batista getting it for a couple of months. Possibly at Mania when he faces Orton. So it's the others that I'm more intrigued about.

The ECW match should be intresting. Most on that brand don't often get the chance to show what they can do, they certainly never get 20 minutes. This will be a great match for The Miz to try and show what he can do. But I'd have prefered it if Bourne & Morrison had been involved as well. It's not like Chavo or Finlay will come out with the belt.

The Smackdown one is really intresting. Mostly because of who's involved. Nobody would have predicted Brian Kendrick a month a go. I still don't think he stands a chance. But I think we'll be seeing a brand new champion. I'll predict Jeff Hardy. Shocky said they'd save his frist title win for Mania. I don't think so. You'd assume he's be in Punk's place if he wasn't such a loser.

- Unsanctioned Match:

The good thing about HBK hurting himself is this probably won't be the squash I expected it to be. I guessed it would be HBK beating on Jericho for a couiple of minutes, then Cade comes out, the heels beat him down, then HBK Hulks Up and wins. But I guess the outcome will be different now.

Best feud of the year. More so that Edge & Taker.

- World TagTeam Title Match:

Filler. I'm just glad Rhodes & Dibiase are getting a shot on PPV. I think the Cena injury will effect them more than Cryme Tyme.

- Diva's Championship Match:

The thread in relation to this match will get more reaction.


Something intresting, it's a change. But possibly overkill.
A couple things I found rather interesting about this Pay per view are as follows.

Glamerella: Not even a month ago, both Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix were featured on a top tier Pay per view, winning two Championships that should be defended again here. Yet they aren't.

We get Michelle McCool in a pointless match against Maryse, while the arguable 'most watched' Intercontinental Champion in the passed several years gets shafted off the card. To be honest, a Triple Threat with D-Lo Brown and Kofi Kingston would've been way more enjoyable.. and the ending could've easily been Santino sneaking in, grabbing the victory and retaining.

Beth Phoenix is most likely on cue to face Candice Michelle, and while I'm not exactly wanting it.. I still believe Mickie James being a former Champion and all, deserves a rematch. Why not give it to her here? I mean, the p.p.v. title fits, doesn't it?

Smackdown Tag Teams: Hawkins and Ryder haven't even defended the titles to my knowledge since winning them in July. Why? This of all p.p.v.'s could've been the best spot for a filler Tag match, and Jesse & Festus, along with any other Tag team could've fit into a nice spot on the card. Yet Hawkins and Ryder get held off.

Undertaker Optional: It was rumored not that long ago that the Undertaker would be getting a last second Championship match, as a way for Vickie Guerrero to attempt paying him off one last time. On Smackdown, Taker said everything will happen at Unforgiven, and he's coming for her there. So it's obvious he'll be there.. my question is, will this 'surprise' Championship match actually happen?

Hardys: Does anyone else believe the W.W.E. would like to replace their Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit - Wrestlemania XX hug-fest with something more 'up-beat'? This p.p.v. is silently giving them that option.

Matt Hardy has the odds on chance of anyone, to become a new Champion on this Pay per view. Jeff Hardy has as good a chance as any to win the title, only to drop it to the Undertaker later that same night, as well. So why not have Matt Hardy win his title.. then Jeff Hardy win his, and then the brother's will reunite in the middle of the ring, mid-show, as they get a nice pop for being Heavyweight Champions? It's a possibility.

Personally, if they're gonna just drop the title onto the Undertaker, I'd rather be able to say THE Brian Kendrick was a former World Heavyweight Champion.. but in all seriousness, I'm kinda thinking it could hurt him as well. I mean, everyone is already wanting to see him as a fluke in this match.. so having him win (flukishly) then get squashed by the Undertaker won't help matters.
A couple things I found rather interesting about this Pay per view are as follows.

Glamerella: Not even a month ago, both Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix were featured on a top tier Pay per view, winning two Championships that should be defended again here. Yet they aren't.

We get Michelle McCool in a pointless match against Maryse, while the arguable 'most watched' Intercontinental Champion in the passed several years gets shafted off the card. To be honest, a Triple Threat with D-Lo Brown and Kofi Kingston would've been way more enjoyable.. and the ending could've easily been Santino sneaking in, grabbing the victory and retaining.

Beth Phoenix is most likely on cue to face Candice Michelle, and while I'm not exactly wanting it.. I still believe Mickie James being a former Champion and all, deserves a rematch. Why not give it to her here? I mean, the p.p.v. title fits, doesn't it?

Smackdown Tag Teams: Hawkins and Ryder haven't even defended the titles to my knowledge since winning them in July. Why? This of all p.p.v.'s could've been the best spot for a filler Tag match, and Jesse & Festus, along with any other Tag team could've fit into a nice spot on the card. Yet Hawkins and Ryder get held off.

Undertaker Optional: It was rumored not that long ago that the Undertaker would be getting a last second Championship match, as a way for Vickie Guerrero to attempt paying him off one last time. On Smackdown, Taker said everything will happen at Unforgiven, and he's coming for her there. So it's obvious he'll be there.. my question is, will this 'surprise' Championship match actually happen?

Totally agree with the Glamerella situation. So, Santino's going to prove he's the best IC champ by not defending the title on PPV? But then i guess that's the point of him being champ, to be abismal as champ but keep it forever.

I'll be having a cigarette or making a sandwich during the Divas match, i'd rather watch a Beth Phoenix squash match anyday. Seriously, she's been champ 3 months and this is the first title defense, and it's Maria who's getting most of the TV time on Smackdown.

As for Hawkins and Ryder, a title defense? They haven't even wrestled a match since winning the titles have they?

Now, on SD! this week Vickie said she'd force Taker to apologise to her. Either she's just going to talk him to death, make a mix tape of Taker saying the words 'I' and 'apologise,' or she's going to have La Familia try a 4 on 1 only to get a severe whooping OR (hopefully) Big Show will come down and chokeslam the living crap outta Taker and say, 'can i have my title shot now or what?' Vickie will then say 'Excuse me' 50 times and then inform us that she has something to say repeatedly and then say 'beat the Undertaker in a match a month from now and then yes you can have a title shot. As for now, Great Khali is the number 1 contender for some reason.'

I'm guessing that only the ECW title will change hands (if that) and HHH will carry on until early next year, and Punk will retain until he can eventually lose it to Orton (although i'd rather see Kane win). I'll totally give up on Raw if Batista wins. It's his 3rd or 4th title shot since joining Raw and when he gets multiple title shots he always wins the last one.
My "Unforgiven" Predictions


World Tag Team Championship Match - Team Priceless vs. Cryme Tyme
As some have said, I am just happy that a World Tag Team Championship Match will be featured on a pay-per-view, and not only that, but there is at least a half-decent storyline behind the match. Like some have said, I hope that Team Priceless will win to carry on this feud for another month or two, with Cryme Tyme ultimately winning the Gold. However, I see this match endinh in some sort of DQ or count-out...
WINNERS - Cryme Tyme, by Count-Out

ECW Championship Scramble Match - Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy vs. Finlay vs. The Miz vs. Chavo Guerrerio
I don't care what anyone says, I am liking Henry's reign as ECW Champion. The reason being that he has handled it well, and it has brought on a new "era" of ECW, if you will, because I think we can all agree that ECW has switched gears a bit ever since June's Draft. Anyway, I hope Henry will retain, but I don't know at this point. Ideally, I would like for Henry to retain and carry the Belt until "No Mercy," where he loses it one-on-one to Matt Hardy. But honestly, I would have rather had Finlay be in this feud with Henry rather than Hardy, without Hornswoggle, of course. In my opinion, this comes down to only Henry and Hardy as the two options for the outcome of this match, as Finlay/Miz/Chavo have little-to-no chance of winning.
WINNER - Mark Henry. But it wouldn't surprise me (though it would disappoint me) to see Matt Hardy take it.

Diva Championship Match - Michelle McCool vs. Maryse
Who gives a shit? I wish the Diva Title was never created. The Women's Title was enough; all talented Divas should be on RAW, with the beauty-queens staying on SmackDown, with no Title to compete for. Plus, I can't stand Michelle McCool. She's not that attractive, and she has a manly voice. Maryse is pretty god damn hot, however, she lacks talent entirely. But then again, so does most of this entire division. As for the winner, not that I care, but I see McCool taking the "W" in less than five minutes.
WINNER - Michelle McCool

WWE Championship Scramble - Triple H vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. M.V.P. vs. Jeff Hardy
I have seen NoFate007 say it several times, and I completely agree with him: Jeff Hardy should win the 2009 Royal Rumble and challenge a HEEL Triple H for the Gold at WrestleMania XXV, with Hardy winning the Belt there, no sooner. I think if both Hardyz can walk out of WrestleMania XXV as World Champions (Matt as ECW, Jeff as WWE) then we could have WWE's replacement for XX's Benoit/Eddit celebration...;but anyway, as for this match, I see Triple H taking it in what will be the best Scramble Match of the night. If not Triple H, I could see M.V.P. winning it, but I doubt it. Hardy could, I suppose, but I severly hope that the WWE waits until 'Mania. I personally feel it would be the perfect time. As for Benjamin and Kendrick, I see about a 1% chance of either man leaving Cleveland as the WWE's top Champion.
WINNER - "The Game"

Non-Sactioned Match - Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Like everyone else, I have loved this feud. However, unlike most people, I hope it ends here. I do NOT want to see this feud conclude at WrestleMania; sorry, I just don't. I feel that now is a good enough time to end it, and if not now, then just please not 'Mania. How about Survivor Series or Armageddon? For 'Mania, I hope to see H.B.K. vs. Undertaker; I think that would be absolutely amazing. But, as much as I hope it does end here at "Unforgiven," I doubt it will, though it should. I see this match ending either as both men beat the hell out of each other to the point where neither can continue, thus giving us a Draw, or I could see Jericho winning, but not without Michaels putting up the "fight of his life," so even with the loss Michaels looks golden.
WINNER - Draw, or Jericho.

The Undertaker's Role at "Unforgiven 2008" - Undertaker and Vickie?
I honestly don't know what to expect here. I hope that the rumors of 'Taker challenging the Scramble's winner are false, because I think that would not be a good idea. I think that AFTER "Unforgiven," 'Taker and Triple H should feud over the Title, culminating at "Survivor Series," or so. But anyway, as for 'Taker's role at this event, I honestly don't know. I think Big Show may be involved in some way, maybe even The Great Khali; for awhile, I though that a 3-Way Number One Co. Match would be made for this pay-per-view: 'Taker/Khali/Show, but I guess not.
WINNER - Who knows? Hope Vickie ends up with a Tombstone though, but I doubt it will happen on this particular night.

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match - CM Punk vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
I hate how they brought Mysterio back after being "disfugured" by "The Big Red Machine," but whatever. Hopefully its just another swerve in the angle. Honestly, I would have just preferred that Kane's own mask was in his burlap sack, but maybe this feud will end with that happening anyway. Hey, it could happen! As for this match, I see it going the full 20 minutes without a pinfall, with CM Punk either just surviving the whole thing or else scoring the one and only pinfall of the match. Either way, I see nobody other than Punk retaining the Belt here. If not Punk, then the only other logical choice in my mind would be "Big Dave," but I doubt that as well. I wouldn't personally mind a brief Kane reign, to be honest, maybe just two or so months, but oh well.


I think this will be a pretty good pay-per-view. Nothing special, but a little better than average, maybe. I don't see any Title changes taking place, but if I did, I guess the ECW Title Scramble Match has the best chance of a new Champ, though I would rather that new Champ not be crowned for another month.

Like others have stated, Santino/D'Lo/Kingston for the Intercontinental Title would have been a nice touch to this event, but I guess McCool and Maryse will put on a far better match that those three gentlemen, right??? :blink: RIGHT?!

That's all, I guess.
The ECW Championship Scramble

Having Hardy win the belt here was not what I wanted personally, but it makes sense and it certainly got the crowd going. I was really digging Mark Henry's work of late as ECW Champion. I felt that Henry had elevated the ECW strap while it was in his possession, rather than the strap elevating him. I also felt that Henry had vastly improved in the ring and on the mic making him a very credible champion and one of the few reasons to tune into ECW. Therefore, I didn't feel like he should've dropped the belt tonight but like I said, I understand where the WWE is coming from. The scramble match is also a good way to have a title change without making the champion look weak.

The match itself was very enjoyable and it was a great way to kick off the program. I loved the chaotic way the match finished. Then, the WWE gave us a nice tease with Hardy encountering his brother in the back, possibly foreshadowing another Hardy carrying gold at the end of the night. Good stuff.

Priceless vs. Cryme Time for the Tag Team Championship

I'm so happy to see some tag team wrestling back on a PPV. I also enjoyed this match very much. I loved the double team action from both teams, as I feel like double team moves are a lost art during tag matches and also, double team moves are what makes tag-team action unique. I would have preferred to have had Priceless win outright instead of having a roll-up pin since they haven't exactly been made to look like credible champions of late, but atleast they won the match.

We also saw the debut of Manu, the son of Afa of the Wild Samoans. Eh. No one knew who the guy was and he looked horrible. His look is terrible. At first I thought it was Carlito, then I thought it was Charlito, and then I realized that it was neither. I thought the post-match antics were weak, but the actions that took place later in the show eased the pain a little bit.

HBK vs. Y2J in an Unsanctioned match

At first I was pissed at the placement of the match, but seeing the end of the show made it make sense. Wow. What can I say? The two best going right now did it again. As Jericho was waiting for HBK to come out, he was getting MAJOR heat from the live crowd. There were some really great moments in this match like Michaels going for the superkick and stopping because he hadn't dealt enough punishment, Jericho locking in the Walls of Jericho and Michaels reaching the ropes only to realize doing so was futile because of the match-type, and the elbow drop through the tables was sick.

There were also some particularly brutal moments in the match involving HBK's arm and then involving Michaels wildly swinging the chair one-handed onto Jericho. Also, even though I'm not a child and I know this is fake, I was a little disturbed when Michaels first got a hold of Jericho in the ring and he pulled his arms around his neck and then he proceeded to pummel him. Something about the visual was particularly unsettling. Either way, great job by both here. I really hope this isn't the last we've seen of this great feud.

Backstage segment

Someone on this board mentioned that taking the belt off of Orton was the best thing that ever happened to his mic work. I have to agree with whoever that was tenfold. He was AWESOME during that segment. I loved how he pointed out that the champs stole that victory and mentioned how it was nothing to be proud of (even though we all remember when he shamelessly got himself DQ'ed by slapping the ref in a title match months ago but hey, we're supposed to have short-term memories). This segment also set up events that would take place later in the show nicely.

The Smackdown Championship Scramble

IMO, the best of the three scrambles, even though at times it was hard to follow. Everyone in the match worked nicely, and I especially enjoyed seeing The Brian Kendrick hang with the big boys. His push should only continue. The high point of the match for me was the double "electric-chair drop" that involved three of the stars in the match. Good stuff. The finish makes perfect sense. Jeff Hardy was RIGHT THERE, and we'll hear about how close he was every time he's in the ring up until the point where he wins it, which should happen eventually and it should come with a victory over Hunter. This was the best way to end this match. I hope this is the beginning of a slow build to Hardy getting his shot against HHH.

Backstage Segment

Excellent promo by Michaels. Apparently, he isn't finished with Jericho.

Then we cut to Punk's pre-match interview and before you know it, the 2nd generation superstars were all over him. Then Orton followed up with his patented kick to the head (the Jets could've used him today) and an emphatic "now THAT'S impressive." Awesome stuff here. The long rumored stable of 2nd-generation stars looks like it is now coming to fuition, with Randy Orton at the helm. I'm excited to see how that pans out.

WWE Divas Title Match

This one was better than I thought it would be, but it was still shit. Zero reaction for McCool after her win which was all she should've gotten. Not many people really care about the Women's title on Raw. What makes the WWE think that a women's title on SD would do any better? Especially with the caliber of divas on the show! This was a nice way to lull the crowd to sleep Vince. Thank you.

Vickie/Big Show/Undertaker Segment

I hate to be that guy who is always saying "I called this" but unfortunately, I did. Once I saw that Show was going to remain in the ring while Taker made his way down, I knew what was coming. The segment itself was weak and it went on a little too long in my opinion. The crowd was hot for Taker's entrance and they were rightfully silenced by Show's actions, but a minute or so into the confrontation the crowd had had enough and so did I. I did get two positives out of this is though. A) We finally have something for the talented Big Show to do and B) THe Undertaker is not yet already in another title program. I was not ready to see Taker with the strap again, and if the WWE plans to have Taker feud with HHH eventually, I only want to see that at Wrestlemania 25.

The Raw Championship Scramble

Ugh. This match was terrible. 37 JBL clotheslines. 52 Batista spears/shoulder blocks. We get it. I was so damn bored during this match. Granted, the involvement of Kane and JBL in a match never makes for a classic, but this was much worse than what I expected. Mysterio had his cute offense. Kane/JBL/Batista did their same old thing over and over again. But once the countdown began for the last participant to enter the match, I sat up in anticipation. I'll say this. I firmly believed it was going to be Randy Orton. Some of my friends thought it was too obvious. Some thought that it being so obvious was exactly why it would be him. Nevertheless, I was waiting to hear Orton's music hit. Out walks Chris Jericho. And the room erupted.

Jericho immediately catching a spear drew a big laugh. But, we all knew that the whole reason for the abscence of Punk was for his replacement to win the belt, and that's exactly what happened. Being the top heel on Raw right now, Jericho won in classic heel fashion. I'm happy to see Jericho with the belt again and I'm also happy that Punk wasn't made to look weak as I think he proved enough to earn another run with the belt in the future but, the time was right to take the strap off of him.

I'm not sure how this turn of events will be received, as a lot of people sometimes hate to be shocked in this manner because they feel that a twist just for the sake of a twist is not worth it. I subscribe to that view, but I am not against what happened tonight. It was totally unexpected and it actually sets up some nice programs in Orton/Punk and Jericho/Batista with HBK possibly getting involved. Either way, I love this move by the WWE. The time was right for it, since Jericho has been the most entertaining worker on Raw. This move should also boost the ratings a little bit. I also believe that Punk will benefit from this move since he is now in a feud with Randy Orton, one of the biggest and best in the game right now.

Was this the end of the great feud between Jericho and HBK? Most likely no, and it shouldn't be. It is also the beginning of what is likely a feud between Batista and Y2J, which I will look forward too. The show itself was newsworthy, and they pulled off the big surprise nicely. There were no real match of the year candidates here except for MAYBE the unsanctioned match, but all of the work was good to great as usual. I definitely enjoyed this show a lot more than Summerslam, and I'm looking forward to Raw tonight. The Age of Jericho begins. Let's hope it doesn't bomb like his undisputed reign. I'm totally sure it won't though. Jericho will deliver as always.

The end. Thank you for reading.

ECW Championship Scramble
--I can't really rate it. I didn't see the match. Hardy winning though is what I predicted, but not what I've wanted. I'd prefer the Miz as champ, but we knew that Hardy or Henry were the only two people that could win this match.

World Tag Team Championship
--I can't really rate this either, as the video was still down. Idk how it ended, either. I knew that they'd retain, but...well...that's all I know, and all I guessed lol.

Unsanctioned Match
--Unfortunately, I missed most of the match. From what I did see, though, I liked it.

WWE Championship Scramble
--I knew it. HHH doesn't get pinned a single time, but pins Kendrick twice in the span of like 45 seconds. Hardy looks like he'll win until the last few seconds, where HHH retains. Did they actually say that he's officially a champion AGAIN, as in "because of this match, he's credited with ANOTHER title reign"? HHH once again comes out on top of everyone and benefits more than everybody else. I used to think he was one of the best, but he's really just annoying nowadays. Now, some people will say "why are you complaining? Kendrick and Hardy looked good in that match". Well, is that at the expense of HHH? Nope. I wouldn't complain if any of the four had pinned HHH even ONCE, but no, he just can't be beaten, right? Ridiculous. Really, ridiculous. This was an opportunity for him to be pinned by someone but still retain. Sure, he didn't blow through the competition, but he still didn't do as much as he could've. Even one single pinfall on him would be good. How did MVP or Shelton get anything out of this match? They didn't. The match itself, though, if you overlook how HHH acts, was very entertaining.

Diva's Championship
--I didn't even watch it.

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble
--So wait...Punk apparently can't beat anybody but Snitsky and JBL.....and then he loses it by not even being in the match, because Orton kicks him in the head once? I actually didn't enjoy this match too much, but I'm glad that Jericho is the champ. I'd much rather see him holding the title than Kane, Mysterio, Batista, Punk, or JBL.

All in all, a typical WWE ppv....a let down in a few departments, some stupid decisions made along the way, a few very entertaining things, and an overall agreement that I'm glad I didn't spend my money on it as I'd have buyer's remorse halfway through. The Smackdown scramble was very good (minus HHH), the Raw scramble had a good winner but the match itself was generic, the Divas match was worthless, etc.

Oh...did anybody else think that this ppv revolved more around backstage segments than in-ring moments? That just felt odd to me. We had a promo segment in the ring with Taker (and since we had one last ppv with Jericho and HBK, I hope they don't start making this a regular thing, having promos on ppvs instead of wrestling) and a bunch of segments backstage that were really the focus. Weird.
the logic for last nites ppv was shocking.
Jericho and HBK had signed forms which allowed them to nearly kill each other. The WWE had no legal liability. The match could only have finished by pinfall or submission. So even in a match of this type, an unsanctioned match, the match is stopped due to referee compassion, due to Jericho being unable to continue?
Ok, I'll proceed.
Then, one kick in the head fells the champion, who is considered in too bad a condition to fight.
But wait, Jericho, who - about one hour ago - couldnt stand due to how badly he'd been beaten down. Who had been destroyed to the point of no return at the hands of Shawn Michaels. Jericho can saunter down the ramp, and enter a match, and win it to become world champion?
How can this be possible? Wasnt particularly happy to see Punk lose it, especially not in this way. Not sure whether this was the way to put in on Jericho either, or the time.
Really not impressed by this scramble. And the unsanctioned match now seems completely pointless.
ECW Scramble i loved how Chavo got a pin in about 5 seconds. Hated how it became your typical Mark Henry squash match for 10 minutes until Finlay arrived. Chavo needs to learn not to give Mark Henry directions so that the camera can see them.

"ok he's coming off the buckle now," smoothe Chavo, smoothe, still it's not as bad as Matt telling Jeff to take a DDT so loud that the whole world could hear him, or Rico standing on the turnbuckle screaming for Jeff to hurry up and push him off of it.

This match, did however make me a believer in the Miz. However, he was the hometown guy but the only person NOT to become 'current' champion.

World Tag Titles kinda getting sick of Priceless' ring work. How many armringers did JTG take in that match? They wrestle like their dad's did 20 years ago for christ sake! Cryme Tyme looked like a much better tag team imo. Good ending except for Cole saying once again 'they stole one!' FFS even if the heel cleanly pinned a guy he'd claim they stole the match. Dibiase saved his partner and Rhodes capitolised, isn't that what good tag teams do? Manu's debut was pretty shit though. If you're going to debut on PPV it helps to do something impactful, not just hit a guy in the back a few times and dump him out of the ring.

Unsanctioned match Not as good as i thought it would be. It didn't look like Jericho was that badly beaten until he came back out later and you could see all the whelps on his back. Cade needs to wrestle a match a quit with the run-ins, it's old, why are you getting paid to do fuck all? If Jericho hadn't won the title later on i'd say it's about time this fued ended now. Marty Elias should never be allowed in the same ring as tose two again. He will now be known as 'the match stopper'

WWE Scramble MVP DID NOTHING! I totally understand why he's getting a hard time backstage. Shelton was good, Jeff made one or two big mistakes like getting up immediately after taking The Kendrick a 2nd time despite losing a fall after taking the 1st one. HHH's typical 'it's ok for me to get knocked down so long as i don't lose' stlye of wrestling ruined this match however. TBK gave the best performance imo

Divas match The highlight was Michelle McCool going over the barrier and nearly putting her hand in some guys crotch and him looking pretty unphased. What does that say about the Divas champ? I'd use this match to get teething babies to get to sleep at night.

Taker segment Fucking atrocious. Not Taker's fault either before Sly decides to blame the whole thing on him. I said that was what would happen the afternoon b4 the PPV, i didn't say it would be that shit. Really Show? You're just going to punch him? 450 pound Giant's best move is a straight punch? Did it also need to go on that long? And Vickie spittin on Taker took the cake for me. There is absolutely no reason for her to be employed, other than the heat she gets for being so terrible and she spits in a 20 year veterans face? Fuck sake. We didn't even get a reason why, even though it's obvious why. kayfabe? Big Show wants a title shot. Reality? Creative don't know how to use a face Big Show

Orton backstage segments Even though Manu's debut was crappy, and their promo together having to be saved by Orton's ability to talk, the third part with Punk, to quote a legend killer, now that, that... was.... impressive. Hopefully Orton will be around a lot more on screen, even if he doesn't wrestle. I'm sick of guys getting hurt, disappearing and then returning outta nowhere. Why can't they do what Austin did when he got hurt and just turn up and stun everyone? Well that's what Orton should do, orchestrate the 2nd gen guys while he's rehabing.

WHC Scramble Terrible. Yo, Rey i know you're the smallest guy in the match, that doesn't mean just keep doing you signature move repeatedly and then get your ass kicked and people will think you had a good match. Your performance was only slightly better than MVPs. Best spot was Mysterio taking a Fallaway Slam onto Batista. As for the match itself, imagine 3 guys are having a sword fight and there's a really big bee buzzing around in their faces, getting in the way. Well that sums up the WHC Scramble. Sucking to the point of insanity, and then suddenly...... we're treated to the best surprise i've seen this year. People were whining on and on when this match was first announced that Jericho should be involved (and i bet at least half of them have complained now that he was and won due to the way Punk was removed from the equation), and not only did he suddenly particiapte, HE FUCKIN WON!!!!!!!!!! Best swerve of 2008 thus far imo.

Overall? Taker segment, Divas match both, end of tag title match stank to high heaven.

Tag match overall, ECW and WWE scrambles were exactly what people assumed they would be, but thankfully we got to see Miz and Kendrick repsectively put on a great showing with ME guys.

Unsanctioned match was a let down imo. Expected more brutality, though god knows what. Maybe it's just because Jericho didn't don the crimson mask.

Orton punt and end of WHC Scramble were the highlights. I'd give the PPV a B+, we had a new debut, the formation of a stable (though not official is blatently gonna happen), a guaranteed new WHC before the match took place, thereby opening lots of doors for Punk/Orton/Jericho/HBK hell evn Kofi Kingston could get in on that angle, the start of a new Taker fued (even if it was terribly executed) and then 2008's swerve of the year.
I wouldn't have minded paying for that PPV but still glad i didnt have to
First I wanna say I didnt like the PPV at all. Maybe im negative but I didnt like the way things turned out. Let see here:

ECW Scramble: It was an ok match since we didnt know what to expect for this new type of match. But I had my dose of seein' Mark Henry slammin' everybody only to see Matt Hardy break the count. It didnt occur to him to take Hardy out completly instead?

World Tag Titles: nothin' out of ordinary, typical match and typical endin'. Cryme Tyme is another of those team who wont ever get the belt but will have plenty of opportunities only to be screwed off the title every time. There should be only ONE tag belt for the 3 brands and the tag champs defend every week on a diff show or sumtin' like that

Unsanctioned match: oh yeah one of the match that made so much sense.......its an unsanctioned match. There was obviously no DQ no count-out and anythin' goes but yet the referee stopped the match cuz.........why again? Made alot of sense. Its not that there wasnt enough blood or anythin' that is so upsettin', its the fact that come to think of it the match HBK had with Ric Flair at WM was much better, at least it was actually a match. This was an exchange of punches and borin' moves mostly. And it ended with a serie of rip off IMO at least.

Smackdown Scramble: I agree with those who says MVP did nothin'. But like I keep tellin' one of my friends who is a HUGE fan of MVP, I dont see Vince Mcmahon puttin' the title on someone when this wrestler's finishin' move is a runnin' kick in the head. Yeah Orton used it but he also have the RKO. People were whinin' cuz Hogan was usin' the famous leg drop and I agree, its not credible. Just think about it. Its Wrestlemania 25, the biggest PPV of the year, its the main event. It is for the WWE championship. We got Jeff Hardy against MVP for the last match of the evenin'. Would you honestly wanna see the PPV of the year end with a runnin' kick in the head? Think about it......I wouldnt. The rest of the match was a pure joke. I thought I was the only one who saw Jeff Hardy get up right away after Kendrick's move but apparently alot of people saw it. This match was another good example of why the PPV was a rip off

I'll pass on the diva match and the Undertaker's segment as they were lame. I honestly wonder how come the punch has become such a powerful move lately and wasnt a few years ago.

Raw Scramble: When Edge won his titles at least he was makin' an effort of some sort. Altho I love the fact that Y2J is given the chance of another title reign, I also hate the way it happened. People are talkin' about how weak CM Punk's reign was but at least he came out with a move to win the belt. Can someone tell me which move Y2J execute in this match cuz I must have blinked I missed it. This match reminded me a bit of the Hardcore match Kane and Big Show had at WM17 cuz Raven was also in that match. Unlike everybody else who thought Orton would come out, I honestly thought Cena was gonna come out. They fooled us once after all.

Over all I was VERY disappointed with this PPV cuz I feel it let us down. The Scramble match is a good idea but I think it should be more like the Iron Man match concept, the one who has the most fall at the end is the champion and if there's a tie they fight to determine a winner.
I only bothered to watch the Scramble Matches and i wasnt extremely dissapointed in them really, the RAW one bored me until the part when Jericho came in, i cheered big time when his music hit and then when he won and the way he won made me like him even more (which im sure will make crowds hate him more)

The ECW scramble was ok considering the lack of star power involved, and it gave everyone a tase of what to expect in the main two matches, i found it refreshing to see Miz in there and i am a fan of Matt Hardy so him winning was a nice moment.

The Smackdown scramble was by far my favourite, i was pulling for Hardy to win and even though he didnt i enjoyed the match, as much as i am loving him, i was hoping to god Brian Kendrick didnt win it because i feel it isnt his time yet but he has proved he can last with the like of Hardy, HHH and MVP.

I also hate the way it happened. People are talkin' about how weak CM Punk's reign was but at least he came out with a move to win the belt. Can someone tell me which move Y2J execute in this match cuz I must have blinked I missed it.

Correct me if im wrong, but it sounds to me like your saying that Y2J's title reign is going to be weak because he didnt do a move to win the title.

So let me get this straight, the best Heel in the WWE atm, uses a cowardly way to win the title and thats wrong? Jericho was selling the injuries from earlier in the night + a Batista spear, the sneaky way he won the title would be the only realistic way to win it, if he went in the ring and started hitting the Codebreaker and Walls Of Jericho that would have annoyed me more.

He will now have that extra heat from the crowd because he "Stole the title", the way he won was the perfect way to make him win it and not make anyone else look bad.
Scramble Matches:

I honestly though for a second that HHH was going to come up a couple of seconds short during the WWE Championship match. I was about ready to jump up out of my seat. Shame it didn't work out that way. I liked how Kendrick was the focal point of the match, at least until HHH came in. He showed TBK that he's not even in his league by pinning him easily.

The ECW Scramble was a fcuk up for most of it. Really good finish though.

When Jericho walked to the ring it was obvious he'd be getting the belt. But it was great never the less. Almost as obvious as the Big Show heel turn. I don't know why Punk didn't participate in the match. It's a shame really. I for one liked him as champ, and I was hoping he'd drop it to Jericho after a series of singles matches.

The New Umaga looks just like a squashed Big Show with a Carlito wig. His tights were made by his Nan. He looked awful.

Overall an intresting PPV, I can't wait for Raw tonight.
I thought Unforgiven was a very good pay per view. Here are my thoughts on the show.

ECW Championship Scramble

I didn't like how Miz hit the Reality Check early in the match and then didn't get a pinfall at all. I like how Chavo came in and stole a pin off of Matt Hardy right away. Then Matt comes back with a side effect and pins Chavo. Henry comes in and wins his title back I don't remember who he pinned. So it had you thinking Mark is gonna retain. But then Finlay gains a fall. Hardy eventually gets it back I think Henry got one more before hand. A very sloppy "scramble" pardon the pun for the title at the end and Matt Hardy is the new ECW Champion. Very good match to open the show I was plesantly surprised to see Miz appear like a dark horse in the match. But he should have gotten a pinfall.

World Tag Team Championship

I'm glad Priceless retained here because they just won the titles recently back from Cena & Batista and I felt that would have hurt Priceless to lose that quickly again. I like the bringing in of Manu aka Afa Jr. and now this whole second generation stable thing finally comes into play with Orton at the helm. He has become a leader and has finally matured this storyline is very interesting to me.

Unsanctioned Match

I wasn't necessarily dissapointed but I did feel that this match didn't quite live up to expectations. But seeing as how HBK won now we wonder will he go after Jericho's world title or will he retire since hes slayed the "monster" that is Chris Jericho.

WWE Championship Scramble

Very exciting fast paced dramatic match with lots of falls and a great ending. Although I didn't like how Triple H pinned Kendrick twice after he was so impressive that is unfair. I also noticed Hardy no selling the Kendrick but it didn't look like he hit all of it. Why did Jeff go for another pinfall instead of breaking up Triple H's when Jeff was champion with 4 seconds left. That was a costly mistake that will hopefully lead to a match at No Mercy.

Big Show/Undertaker segment

I thought this was fairly predictable seeing as how Big Show had a hold of Vickie the whole time. Why didn't he Chokeslam Taker on the casket or put him in or something. I don't know it served its purpose we finally have a heel Big Show again and the two will have a match at No Mercy.

Divas Championship

Considering how awful I expected this match to be I liked the aggression between the two divas specifically Maryse. Too short though I think the previous segment ran over.None the less better than I thought it would be but I already had very low expectations.

CM Punk/Randy Orton segment

I love how they're building this feud up without Orton wrestling because of the injury we still get to see him on Raw and we get a great feud with buildup. I love how the young guys are trying to earn Orton's respect and he keeps convincing them to do one better this time they helped him take out the World Heavyweight Champion. The punt to the head was a nice touch It sounded loud.

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble

This match was pretty boring but the end was awesome Jericho winning it in the final seconds and stealing it away from Batista was gold. It also leaves many doors for Jericho as far as title defenses. HBK,Batista,CM Punk will all be sure to give their input on why they want a shot tonight on Raw. Jericho got the piss beat out of him by Micheals the welts on his back were huge and that gash on his elbow was nasty you couldn't see all that till he came out for the title match. He earned it. He went through more brutality that night then all the other scramble participants combined. Plus now CM Punk can say he never lost the title.

All in all I give Unforgiven a high B or an A.

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