General Unforgiven Discussion


ECW scramble: Not bad, not bad at all. I, like a few people, liked seeing the Miz in there, it was interesting. The outcome of the match was pretty predictable though.

Tag Match: Meh... Team Priceless have still yet to impress me. And the debut was lame. He looked like a fat Carlito. Typical, WWE push a fat ugly Carlito instead of the fit, real, talented Carlito.

Backstage segment: Wow is all i can say at Orton's performance. His speaking skills have gotten so good, and i didn't notice on the last Raw, but i noticed it there. Amazing.

Unsanctioned match: Kinda boring. Ok, Shawn jumped off the top rope to the announce table, but haven't we seen that enough times? and the ending was just stupid.

WWE title scramble match: Match of the night. At least for the first 15 minutes, till Hunter came in and beat everybody around the place. I liked the Kendrick was the current champion for 3 or 4 minutes, but i hate that hunter pinned him twice. ridiculous.

Taker/ Vickie/ Big Show segment: *sigh* lame. Why couldn't Show just nail him with a big chokeslam and let it end there? why did he have to punch him for 10 minutes? Didn't make much sense.

Divas match: *cough*

Punk/ Orton backstage: Good mic work from both guys. It was interesting that they decided to put Kofi into the mix. Will he be playing a part in Punk's feud with the 2nd genration faction, or did they just pick a random wrestler to try help Punk? Oh and that punt.... best one yet i think.

WH title scramble: I think this match was never meant to be that good, it was just meant to be shocking, with jericho winning and everything. While I like Jericho as champion, i think they did this a bit wrong. I was really looking forward to seeing Punk in this match. Why couldn't Jericho had replaced JBL or something? Not seeing Punk wrestling was the biggest disappointment for me. But, he was never pinned for the title, and they are bound to use that fact in the future for when Punk is back in title contention, which hopefully he will be soon. Orton vs Jericho vs Punk. How's that for a Wrestlemania headliner?

overall: C-
ECW Scramble: What a great way to start the show. The Miz and Matt Hardy are selected to go the entire way, and the Miz really performed well. As I said earlier in another thread, me thinks there is a reason why the WWE put the Miz in this match as opposed to John Morrison. All of the Morrison fans are going to get angry when the Miz gets the push that Morrison isn't going to get. I loved the pacing of this match, and simply loved how Mark Henry dominated. The ending of the match was pretty cool with everyone trying to get the pin at the end. Matt Hardy wins a title, in a cluster fuck, kudos. Now you'll be feuding with Henry for two or three more months.

Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless. I love Team Priceless, great great young heel team. Unfortunately my cough decided to kick into full gear during this match, so I missed a good portion. Priceless retaining is no surprise, but the appearance of Afa Jr. was very interesting to say the least.

Chris Jericho vs. Shyawn Michaels. UNSANCTIONED Match. Welcome to 2000, and we like to call it WCW Style booking. What in the fuck was this "match". Seriously, I've read the Jericho Michaels Feud of the Year threads, and I simply shake my head and laugh a little bit. Edge and the Undertaker have put on three matches better then anyone of these matches this year, and it's a shame considering the workers that Jericho and Michaels are. This match was boring, very boring. Essentially, I watched this match two months ago at the GAB. Same match, ******ed terrible ending. So in an unsanctioned match, that can only end in a pinfall or submission, the ref calls for the bell, ******ed.

WWE Scramble: Hardy has improved, still isn't good. I'm impressed that Shelton Benjamin seems to be getting a push as he started off this match. It is interesting that both Benjamin and MVP didn't get a pinfall at all in this match (Michael Hayes must be back at it). However, all that is said and done, one man stood out in this match, and it was the smallest guy in the ring, The Brian Kendrick. Holy shit talk about a show stealing performance. Kendrick was fucking amazing, and quite possibly the best performance I've seen out of anyone in the ring in a long time, and that's saying something. Here's a guy that busted his ass, and probably realized this was as close as he was going to get, and he tore the roof down. Big ups to Brian Kendrick.

Then we get to the rant of the evening, what a bunch of Bullshit the Triple H booking in this match was. This one match right here has given me enough fuel to spread my Triple Hatorade for years to come. Are you fucking kidding me? This guy comes in, and destroys Kendrick in no time flat. Triple H is made to look weak exactly zero times in this match. He came in, and dominated four guys, no questions asked. Could it have hurt for someone to get a pinfall on him, or hell, put him in a compromising situation at least, or hell, maybe land a move on the almighty game. This match was solid for the first 15 minutes, and this match was ruined by the booking of the last five minutes. If I read anyone with a Triple H avatar or sig bitching about John Cena and being Superman...

Divas Match: Piss Break

Undertaker Segment. This was terrible to watch. One of the more painfully obvious heel turns in a long time. However, I'll save my thoughts on the Big Show for another thread, what is this, like the 15th heel turn of his 12 year career? Pick something and go with it WWE.

WHC Scramble: Painful to watch. Batista and JBL starting this off, and then Kane coming in, e-gads, my eyeballs are bleeding from the trainwreck I just watched. Mysterio wasn't much better. Jericho coming in to steal the title was freaking awesome, and long overdue.

Overall: Good Show. Questionable booking in the WWE Scramble, and Jericho vs. Michaels was just plain stupid. I'm sure the Shyawn Michaels fans will be in here to stir shit up, but this feud is just painful. It's great on the mic, but terrible in the ring. The Championship Scrambles need to be fine tuned just a bit, but overall this concept should be an annual event.
I was at Unforgiven last night and it was definitely a great PPV. I'm so glad I got the chance to go because I probably wouldn't have actually watched it on PPV and wouldn't have gotten to see it at all. Maybe a lot of the "being there" excitement got to me and I might be over-positive on the show, but I still really enjoyed it.

ECW Championship Scramble:

Was pretty much a solid match. Nothing incredible, one thing I noticed is that Miz never got a pin despite being the hometown boy...the crowd was never behind him anyway, though. I tried to start the "Let's Go Miz" chant, but everyone was cheering for Hardy over me. Oh well. Crowd was really hot for Matt (both the Hardys actually). Miz did get a good pop when he came out but he was smothered by Hardy. Chavo got a small reaction, Henry actually got a mix, mostly booed but for some reason a lot of dudes from my section were cheering him. Finlay and Hornswoggle were well received. All in all, not a match they'll be talking about for the ages, but it was an entertaining opening bout. I thought it was funny how Grish and Matt left after the match and they covered up the ECW logo on the table. I'd say about a 7.5/10.

World Tag Team Championship:

I'm just happy the tag titles got defended on a PPV again. Is it just me, or are they getting defended more often? NoC, then GAB, skipped SS, and now Unforgiven? Too bad there's not more teams to fight over them. Anyway, the match was solid and I don't know whether you could tell on PPV, but Cryme Tyme got a huge pop. The crowd was nuts for them, seriously. Priceless got decent heat. It was a solid tag match, both teams were entertaining as usual and Afa/Manu (I think they're calling him Manu now, was hard to hear) coming out was, well, interesting at least. Looks like that second generation stable is getting formed after all. Give it 6.5/10.

Unsanctioned Match:

Personally, I thought this was match was great. Jericho and Michaels always put on a great show. The diving elbow onto the announcer's table was a jaw dropper (did you catch the "Holy Shit" chant on TV? The guy next to me and I started it on our end). Lots of great spots, Shawn whipping Jericho was great, just an overall entertaining match. HBK as always got a huge pop, with a big HBK chant before he came out. Jericho got a good reaction as always, mostly heat, some cheers. Overall a match I was really happy to have seen and one I'm not gonna forget. Gotta say that ref stoppage was weird though...just let Shawn pin him, man. That ref annoyed me, I didn't get a good look at who it was. Also, at first I wasn't sure why it was placed at that point in the card, but the main event answered that question. 8/10

WWE Championship Scramble:

"Kendrick wins, we riot!"

I have to agree with everyone that MVP did nothing. I wonder if it's punishment for the backstage criticism he's getting? Ah well. I'd expected him to at least get a pin at some point or another, especially considering Kendrick got at least 2, maybe even 3? Can't quite remember. Bah. Kendrick was surprisingly good, definitely came across better than MVP to me. He did a great job, I think, and if you ask me this should send him forth towards a US Title within a year. Shelton did a great job just like he always does, Shelton's a reliable performer always and he was good fun to watch.

And now, Hardy...alas, 'twas not to be. I can't even begin to tell you how hard this crowd was popping for Hardy. Everyone was so hot on him, I'd say the only other guy last night who stacked up with him on pops was HBK. It's not that the crowd wasn't popping for HHH, but they wanted Hardy to win so bad, half of the place was booing Trips when he got a pin. There was a definitely subdued reaction to his win; lots of swearing around and general disgruntlement that Hardy didn't win. Most of the crowd wound up cheering for Triple H out of respect or instinct as he posed on the ramp, but Hardy was definitely a favorite. 8.5/10

Diva's Championship:

The Diva's Championship match, well, now, I'm sure a lot of you didn't like it, but, to me, it was a surprisingly good Diva's match. I'm not gonna go out and say it was amazing, but for a Diva's match, I thought the two of them put on a pretty good show. Obviously the crowd wasn't really into it (the only time most of us stood up was for a better look at Maryse ;). Was it just me, or was Maryse looking ridiculously hot last night? Damn. About as good of a match the two of them could have put on. 6.5/10

Taker's Promo

Blegh. The low spot of the night for sure that really only served to turn Show heel. It just seemed like so much more could have been done with this. Why not a #1 Contendership match? Hell, why not just a Show vs Taker match, who cares the stipulation? It's only rarely that a long promo should take place on a PPV, and this was not one of them, especially considering SS did the same thing. Why not have had this segment on Smackdown, and then set up the Taker vs Show match at Unforgiven? They could have easily had a 10 minute match. It excited the crowd only for about a minute when the casket came out; there was a big chant for Edge, dunno if ya'll caught it. When the casket opened pretty much all interest in this segment died, and it went on way too long. 3/10

WHC Scramble

Definitely a great match here. Great ring work from Batista, the crowd was popping hard for him. JBL did as good as JBL can do, which is not very good, but what ya gonna do? He's like the only other main event heel on Raw right now, with Orton hurt and Jericho involved with HBK. People STILL popped for Kane; can they turn this guy heel? Since when is Kane so freaking popular? His new/old music rocks, also. He had a great performance as well. Rey Mysterio was pretty good, teaming up with Batista was a fun thing to see, relive the old tag team days. Was that a mohawk through his mask, or his actual mask? We couldn't tell from where we were sitting. It looked cool anyway. He had good reaction and solid ring work.

Which brings us to the man of the hour, in probably the biggest (and best) swerve of 2008, Chris Jericho came out, hobbled to the ring, got punched in the face, and won the WHC. Absolutely nuts. The crowd did a collective WTF when his music hit, there were RKO chants all over the place. Pretty much the top thought was Randy, then potentially Show, I was talking to a few guys who thought Edge, but I don't think anyone expected Jericho, and that made it so sweet. It was awesome and sets up not only Punk vs Jericho, but a revival of Orton vs Jericho, Batista vs Jericho, and a whole continuation of HBK vs Jericho, but now for a championship. Sweeeeet. 8.5/10

Overall, this PPV was great. With the exception of the Taker/Vickie/Show promo, everything was exciting, and even the lesser matches were good. The dark match was even good. It was a great show to watch and an awesome experience to be there. Worth every single bit of my $80 ticket.

Overall: 8.75/10
All this PPV needed was Mike Tenay and Don West, and the transformation would have been complete. It was that bad. This was like a 3 hour episode of Raw with a horrible ending. Not a $40 PPV. If I had payed for it I would have wanted a refund, and three hours of my life back. Apperantly the WWE was cracking down on live streaming sites, but when I finally got a good feed. It was half-way htrough the ECW scramble so we will start there.

ECW Scramble-This was passible, nothing to exciting, Hardy won. Yay...

Cryme Tyme vs. Simply Pointless-it was a passible match, Cryme Tyme looked imressive with accual double team moves (all of which involved Shad thowing JTG, but at least it was a move). Small package reversed. Pointless wins. Afa Jr. comes out to celbrate. And we move on.

Unsanctioned match-What can I say that has not alredy been said. Well there was the Leap of Faith onto both Jericho and Cade, that was cool. But from the looks of it, no one told the ref what was going on, he looked absolutely confused at the situation. If it wasnt for what happend later in the night thish could have been good

WWE Scramble-This was the only PPV quality match on the card. The MVP of the night award goes to Kendrick who was flying arround the ring and geeping things interesting. MVP on the otherhand was a nonfactor. Jeff hardy ruined the match for me. It makes no sense why he would go for a pin when he was the current champ. He did that all through the match and it made no sense. And why he would go to pin Shelton when he was current champ and not break up HHH's pin is rediculous.

Michelle McCool v. Mayrese-I did not find this match as bad as some, not saying to was good though. It was passible. Though I think JR reffered to the Divas Title as prestegious....right.

The Undertaker segment was atrocious. It proves the WWE has NO FREAKIN CLUE what to do with their monsters. The Undertaker is mauled with no restance (save 2 or 3 punches), by the Big Show who went from hating Vicky to being her bitch. Anybody see a problem with that.

WHC Scramble-The pre game punt was epic. Now I am a Punk fan, but I like Orton too. The feud there will be very good. So how do you promote a fast paced match like the scramble, put three of your slowest workers in the match, thats how. Kane, JBL, and Batista....good planning there guys. Rey was almost as much as a non factor as MVP. Kendrick ran cicles arround the master of the "Luchador Style." And what was that 619 attempt on a standng Kane. Seriously. And then out comes Jericho, who pins Kane after Batista pinned him with a Spinebuster. Way to book your unstopable monster.

Jericho won, how bad was that, let me explain. While I am ok with him getting the strap, this could have been better. This made Shawn Michales look completely wothless. Jericho put him in the hospital, and the best he can do for revenge is incapsitate the guy for an hour or 2. Thats what he promised he would do to Jericho, be a minor inconveinene. As for Punk well we will see where that goes...

So coming out we have Vicky/Taker and Punk/Orton. All other storylines coming in were completely destroyed without closure. Kane/Mysterio...they had no interaction. HBK/Jericho...Jericho comes out of this smelling like roses...after getting his ass handed to him, and Shawn Michales looks worthless. Oh and Shawn, will god forgive you for what you did....sure cause you really didnt do anything.
So, i see this entire ppv, and it all looks fail OTHER than the HBK vs Jericho, obviously HBK goes over (may not win) if they want this fued to go on any longer.....but it cant be clean (as noted) HBK takes his every aggression out on Jericho, beating him within an inch of his life, and gets DQ'd by losing control, but i would love to see cade throw in the towel for jericho and saying thats enough, it could throw a good twist that weve seen quite a few times in history, but, it always has worked, and i think it always will........even if it wasnt a work (ufc/boxing) it still gets the audiance pissed, and more into it........^_^ i would love to see this happen.

(i completly forgot that unforgiven was last night, sorry my twist would have been cool tho)
Congrats a fucking lation WWE. You managed to yet again RUIN Jerichos title run before it even has a chance to begin. Also ruined the best fued of the last few years.

Don't get me wrong, im a HUGE Jericho Mark. He deserves that title. But fuck man, WWE isn't EVER going to get out of their shitty 2's low 3's ratings with this crap.

Oh so Jericho puts Michaels in the hospital, makes him consider retirement, attacks his wife, and we have the HUGE promo on Raw. So what does Michaels do, slaps him around a little bit and an hour later Jericho has the world strap. LMAO Good job Shawn. You REALLY got your revenge.

There were PLENTY of idea's to get Jericho the strap and save him and save the fued with HBK.

Have Jericho beaten beyond belief in his match with Shawn, then have Jericho wheeled out in a stretcher. Have him yell at the EMTs to throw him in the ring. They do, he gets some finishing move yadda yadda. Now right here either he lays down and sneaks over for a pin, OR Shawn comes out and superkicks somebody and Y2J pins them.

How funny would it had been if Y2J had come down on a stretcher with an IV attached to his arm. Yanks it out and just collapses until one of the superstars grabs him.

Have the last moment of the PPV being EMTs helping Jericho as HBK looks on.

I don't know, maybe I should just go with it, but my mark side says this is bullshit. I know what WWE was trying to do. Y2J strong good great comes back from fight gains title yadda yadda.

I don't know. And don't even get me fucking started on Punk being laid out like that. Jesus, I swear Vince is going senile or something. So not only is Michaels a bitch cause he can't enact revenge on Jericho, but apparently CM Punk is a pussy cause he got laid out so easy, and Kane Batista JBL and Rey are fucking morons cause they couldn't even keep the most injured guy from winning the title.

Well Vince hope Chris is everything you wanted him to be. Cause you just burried your whole fucking roster for him.
Usual let down, I thought that the title reigns would have counted, ie Hardy would have been a 2 time champ etc, still dont understand how they dont count, but by HHH winning he became a 13 time champ :S Only reason i watched was for Kane, was thinking if he didnt win it he would never win, waited 10 years, deserves an unmasked reign, even for a month or so, esp with the jokers in it atm. Y2J could have had his time after the hbk fude.

Give kane the title unmasked PLEASE then burn him and remash him. The tag team match was balls also
I appreciate this says general Unforgiven Discussion. I'll abuse my power a little and just chuck my criticisms of the championship scramble in here.

The first fifteen minutes fucking rocked. I was a real WWE fan again for the first time in years. I was ready to leave the TNA forums to wilt and die. Brian Kendrick impressed me to no end. He embodied resiliency and made himself into a feasible champion in less than ten minutes as a result. Hell, even Jeff Hardy impressed me. I'll admit it. I'm not a Jeff Hardy critic any more. I may even go as far to say that I now... like the guy. Hmm, maybe not that far. I'd certainly go for him over Triple H.

Which brings us nicely on to the Game. I would like to congratulate Shelton Benjamin on doing the most impressive and unique thing of the match; countering a Triple H Irish Whip. Of course, it was all in vain. In the space of one minute, Triple H had knocked the shit out of anything that drew breath, TBK was stuffed like a rag doll underneath his likely shrunken penis and downgraded to the midcard position he'd just fought so hard to pull himself up from. Three minutes; TBK falls to the Game again. Five minutes in and MVP's thankfully the last victim.

The Game comes out looking unquestionably superior, a quartet of eager fresh talent now metaphorically pushing up the daisies.
Now time for my thoughts which no one will care to read.

ECW Scramble I was a lot more entertained by this match then I thought I would be...... until Mark Henry came in. I'm not a fan of his but I thought he's been booked fairly well since getting the strap but having him do bear hugs for like 3 minutes straight is not entertainment. Then Finaly renewed my interest in the match. I have to say I was on the edge on my seat to see if Matt's pinfall would stand and I was shocked it was, though not nearly as shocked as I was by The Miz. He has continued to impress me lately, he's shown real improvement, at least that's what I think. This match proved how a scramble can good.

Tag Title Match Mildy entertaining even though the tag team division is all but dead. Thought the match was solid to keep my interest I didn't care who won or lost. Then Umaga-lite debuted. Pointless to debut by beating up on Cryme Tyme after the match ended rather causing Priceless to lose via DQ but still retain the titles. But that's just me.

Unsanctioned Match Is it really a match if for the most part it's just one man beating the other? The elbow drop onto Cade/Y2J was awesome but not as awesome to me as HBK beating Y2J one handed with a chair! Freakin Awesome! Great match and hopefully next time we'll see a real match between these 2 soon.

WWE Scramble My favorite match of the night. TBK looked amazing throughout except when HHH came in. Yes people can complain about him squashing TBK but look at the 2 of them, do you honestly think TBK stands a chance against HHH in a match? Now time to speak bad on HHH, RAW has its Superman and Smackdown has its Captain Marvel (DC version not Marvel version), I think that sums him up enough. MVP useless, Shelton only semi useless. Jeff looked great especially that reverse powerbomb/suplex he gave TBK except for a few things: 1) Since others did I can't just blame him but you had the pinfall no need for a second. 2) A lot of people say he no sold TBK finisher the second time but I thought it was a reversal it and that's why it looked so ugly and he got up right away, makes sense right since when he was actually hit by it before he didn't get up right away. 3) WTF was with that ending? I know you weren't supposed to win but something seemed off like he made a mistake by getting up too early and istead of breaking up the pinfall he decided the next best thing would be to cover Shelton, I don't know. This match proved how a scramble can be great.

Divas Match Watched Baseball in it's place, caught the ending Michelle won, no one cared, no suprise.

Taker Segment I liked how it started with Big Show, then Vickie quickly ruined it. Taker's music starts and Big Show stays around longer than he should, hmmm obviously heel turn because they have no clue how to book him I sense. Hey what do you know I like many other people say that coming. Crappy segment.

CM Punk Segment Oh Orton how do I mark for thee let me count the ways: 1) You cut another great promo. 2) You help a mediocre tag team with Umaga-lite seem like with you as leader could be a cool stable. 3) You take CM Punk out of a horrible match which he shouldn't have won so no one can say he looked weak. 4) Gotta love the punt. I also marked out a bit for Kofi coming to Punk's aid, I hope they can do more with him so he doesn't lost on RAW.

WHC Scramble This proves how a scramble can be down right horrible. Slow and painful went the path of this match. Rey was a non factor in it. But the best part of this match was Jericho taking Punk's place. Simply incredible, watching him walk down in pain only to get speared then get a blind side pin which once again see's Batista getting screwed over. Fantastic!

Overall I enjoyed the show enough to feel I got my money's worth. Not the best PPV I've seen and certainly not the worst.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Unforgiven, September 7th, 2008:

1. E.C.W. Championship Scramble: Mark Henry (c) v. The Miz v. Chavo Guerrero v. Finlay v. Matt Hardy: The first of three Scrambles, and I'm not surprised that it's also the opening contest. E.C.W. kicks off this unique 'one of a kind original'. The Miz and Matt Hardy begin in quite honestly a good showing, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry & Finlay enter at 5 minute loops, in that order.

To be perfectly honest, this was a very exciting match. Maybe it's because of it being so new a concept, (even though it's not) maybe it's because the 5 men involved in this match were so evenly matched that anyone could've won?

In the end the most thought-of ending came true, as Matt Hardy finally realized his dream of being a World Heavyweight Champion (as 'world' as the E.C.W. title is) when he held on to become Champion, as he played defender in making sure noone else scored any pinfalls.

2. Tag Team Championships: Wall Street (c) v. Cryme Tyme: While I don't know if I'd call it the Tag Team contest of the year, I'd definately have to say both teams showed up and proved that while Raw might only have two teams.. both are very good to watch.

This match-up left a lot of questions up in the air, mainly because it was so unknown on where to go with the Tag Titles. Do you give Cryme Tyme the history spot in becoming Champions for the first time, or do you allow the heels to retain and build upon their legacy of being 2nd generation Superstars trying to make a name for themselves?

In the end, it was the 2nd Generation stars picking up the victory, when a simple roll-up was in Cryme Tyme's favor, only to be reversed in Wall Street's. After the match, Wall Street took a little too much time to gloat and the end result was Cryme Tyme returning to their thug-like tactics in attacking them, ensuring (my guess) that they'll see a rematch within a month's time.

However, the real story is the mystery individual who came to the aid of Wall Street. Later to be found out as the 2nd Generation star, son of Afa, his name is apparently Manu. When I seen him, the first thought rushing through my mind was Carlito and Umaga somehow made history by having a baby. :lmao:

3. Unsanctioned Match: Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho: Dare I say, even with a torn fricken tricep, this was by far the Match of the Night! Yes, I will be the first to say I was dead wrong about how this match would go.. and I applaud all of the individuals involved. Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels.. and W.W.E. Creative!

This match had everything but a ladder, and surprisingly enough, it didn't need one. Shawn Michaels picked up the revenge victory, but the night wasn't over for Chris Jericho as everyone who watched the p.p.v. would soon know. In this match, I could've swore that Jericho was going to pick up yet another Great American Bash-like victory, especially when Lance Cade and Jericho double teamed H.B.K. and worked over his arm in great detail.

In the end, it was H.B.K. soaring through the air, dropping onto Jericho & Cade through an announce table, then H.B.K. finishing off Jericho, by punching Jericho repeatedly into submission I suppose you could say. The official called for the bell, but an enraged H.B.K. wasn't done. In the end, it was H.B.K. Superkicking the official (I believe) for stopping the contest.

4. W.W.E. Championship Scramble: Triple H. (c) v. Shelton Benjamin v. M.V.P. v. THE Brian Kendrick v. Jeff Hardy: Once again, I hate to say it, but NorCal especially was right regarding Brian Kendrick. This was a dropped ball and a miserable experience for any Kendrick fan to watch. The match started off with Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin, then Kendrick, M.V.P. and Triple H. entered thereafter.

Within this match, THE Brian Kendrick was pinned more times than anyone else, combined (I'd say) on the whole show. That's right, Kendrick was likely pinned more times in this match, then any other amount of pinfalls likely happened all night. It was pathetic for W.W.E. to basically feed Kendrick to the Wolve's in this match and it was pointless and stupid to build someone that got (in my opinion) a great reaction, only to have him look like a sub-par jobber, at best.

It didn't go completely unwarranted as Kendrick did pick up a pinfall and "held the W.W.E. Championship" for a couple minutes. Until the on-slaught of finishers just destroyed him one after the other. Triple H. hit two pedigree's on him, Hardy hit a Swanton and the face-impactor. And when the smoke cleared, this match was about Jeff Hardy and Triple H. trying to be the last man holding the pinfall.

With one second left, Triple H. won back his title, to technically in the end retain overall. Jeff Hardy sat in the ring, likely thinking to himself he was merely one second away, from being World Champion.

5. Diva's Championship: Michelle McCool (c) v. Maryse: I'm gonna say this right now. Filler or not, this match was likely better than the McCool/Natalya contest from a month or so ago. I know it sounds stupid. I know it's likely not popular to say, but for as piss-poor as this match was meant to be, it delivered on a level right above that.

Believe me when I say it still wasn't worth having on a Pay per view, and in the end it still wasn't worth shit regardless, but match wise it really wasn't as awful as most would've thought. McCool picks up the victory, as I doubt anyone truly thought Maryse was going to win.


Matt Hardy/Jeff Hardy: After Hardy won the E.C.W. title, his brother was there to show congrats. The underlining possibility was all laid out, for both Hardy brothers to possibly leave together, World Champions of their respective brands.

Shawn Michaels: Shown in the trainer's room, right before he was scheduled to compete, the trainer informs H.B.K. that he's done all he can do but he warns Shawn once again that he can't guarantee if Shawn compete's that he won't completely tear the tendon right off the bone.

Randy Orton/Wall Street/Manu: Manu is introduced as the son of Legendary Samoan, Afa. Randy Orton enters to hear the introduction of Manu, as Manu speaks to Orton about respecting the Tag Champs for what they've done. Orton gives his congrats. but then says he's still not impressed.

Shawn Michaels: Shawn is asked if he has any closure after his match with Chris Jericho and what he's going to do now. He says for the first time in three Pay per views, he isn't spending the night in the hospital, so he's gonna catch a flight, go home, go to bed with his Wife and wake up to his Childen. He said he doesn't have closure, and the worst is still yet to come for Jericho.

C.M. Punk: Punk is interviewed about the Scramble, and then jumped by Wall Street and Manu. After they beat Punk down, Orton comes out of nowhere and drills Punk with a foot to the face. Kofi Kingston tries to make the save, but Manu and Wall Street take Kingston out of the picture as well.

Mike Adamle: Adamle announces that if Punk can't compete, he'll find a worthy replacement for the Scramble.

Vickie Guerrero/Big Show/Undertaker: Big Show comes out and thanks everyone for voting for him in the text-mobile poll. He then says if Adamle needs a replacement, he isn't doing anything. All of this gets interrupted by Vickie Guerrero who demands Big Show leave the ring. Show seems pissed and angry, but doesn't quite leave. The Undertaker's music hits, as Big Show suddenly holds Vickie in the ring, while a casket and the Undertaker come to the ring.

Taker slowly stalks Vickie, and claims he's going to send her to hell, beginning by placing her in the casket. All of this gets side-tracked when the Big Show delivers a 'shot heard round the world' to the Undertaker. This leads to a complete squash as Big Show just destroys the Undertaker for what seemed like a good 10 minutes. In the end, Big Show and Vickie apparently are together.

Main Event: 6. World Heavyweight Championship Scramble: C.M. Punk (c) v. J.B.L. v. Kane v. Rey Mysterio v. Batista: Batista and J.B.L. were the first two out, followed by Kane, Rey Mysterio and the mystery entrant of Chris Jericho! Apparently they're playing off C.M. Punk's injuries. Overall, it wasn't a horrible match. I can't exactly say with any self-respect that it was even the 2nd best of the 3.

The one major storyline within this match, was Kane and Mysterio. To be honest, I was a bit out of it when this match was going on, and I had a lot of personal things running through my mind so I wasn't paying full attention, but from what I seen, I didn't see a lot of anything going on.

In the end, Jericho picks up the win in the last seconds of the match, as Batista just stands shocked that he had it, and lost it.

Overall Thoughts: In the end, I really would give this Pay per view a perfect 10 outta 10. Why? Because I didn't give respect where it was due. I thought 3 Scramble matches was overkill, and to be perfectly honest, even though it was the same match type 3 times throughout the night.. it still involved roughly 15 different styles and individuals.

I instantly checked when Punk didn't show up to see if an injury or any type of backstage attitude may of played into the issue, and apparently Creative just decided that as quickly and sudden as they'd placed the Championship on him.. just in the same quickness, they'd take the Championship off him. I laughed. I laughed hard. :lmao:

Truthfully, and I'll be completely honest. Punk was shit as Champion, you can say all you want I have a personal issue, but this proves I was right all along. Maybe he'll get a rematch against Jericho, infact I'm sure he will. Be it tomorrow on Raw, or No Mercy, or whenever.. maybe he'll win it back, in a rightful manner for once. But one thing is for sure.. this was the first time the Raw World Heavyweight Championship had Main Evented.. and shockingly enough, Punk was pulled from the match.. WHY?! HE SUCKS! That's why!

I didn't give respect where it was due, regarding an injured Shawn Michaels and in my opinion, that was without a doubt the match of the night. I don't know what else to say, other than the way the whole night played out, both Jericho and Shawn Michaels got what they truly wanted.

Anyone who couldn't see Big Show turning heel isn't a true wrestling fan. Plain and simple. The guy just decided to randomly "stay" when an issue that had ZERO to do with him was going on? Like the Undertaker needs someone to hold Vickie so he can catch her.. please. I called Show turning heel, the INSTANT I noticed him not leaving when the casket was coming down.

I'm less than disappointed over how they completely fucked Brian Kendrick over. Listen to the fans during that match. Outside of Hardy, Kendrick got a huge ovation and reaction.. yet you job him countless times. Disgusting. All in all, I can't focus right now, so I'm stopping. I loved the Pay per view to be perfectly honest.
- The decision to put the World Heavyweight Championship on Chris Jericho was one that officials struggled with leading up to the main event at WWE's Unforgiven pay-per-view. Other names that were discussed as possible Champions included Batista, Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels.

- Speaking of Unforgiven, WWE came up with the idea for the Champion Scramble matches just days before the SummerSlam pay-per-view. The original plan for RAW's main event was a Fatal Four Way match between CM Punk, Batista, JBL and Kane. TNA announced a 4 Way main event for their No Surrender pay-per-view and WWE decided to come up with something different.

Makes you glad Jericho won. His title victory has been the main talking point of the show. I doubt that would have happened if Batista would have won another title. If Rey won people would be bitching. And it's hard to think what HBK would do with another world title reign.

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