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General SummerSlam Discussion

Summerslam has all the possiblities to be a good PPV; hell the other two major PPV's has been good sar Rumble and Wrestlemania. If Raw can finally get decent #1 contender would be good; I won't lie they threw me for a loop with JBL beating Cena but I really wasn't surprised Cena has beat him every other time they fought this year; but the jumbled picture makes for good matches. If could set up the card it would go like this

WHC title match
Punk vs. Cena vs JBL triple threat first blood
WWE championship
Triple H vs Edge in Hell In The Cell w/ Vicky as referee ( hopefully marks the return of the Undertaker)
Inferno Match
Kane vs Batsita (Hey Kane has burned Batista title hopes as of lately)
Handicap Cage Match
HBK vs Y2J & Lance Cade
Ecw Title
Mark Henry vs Hardy vs Finlay Extreme Rules
WWE Tag Titles
Ryder & Hawkins vs Chavo and Bam Neely (Since La Familia will eventually take Sides)
World Tag Team Champions Match
Cryme Tyme vs Rhodes & Dibase Jr. (they have built this up the last couple of weeks so why not)
US Title
Benjamin vs MVP vs Kennedy vs Hardy vs Morrison in a Ladder Match
thats what I would like to see I think that would be a Hell pf PPV.
My Predicted SummerSlam card:

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (c) vs JBL - I think this is the way it's leaning to right now with how RAW went down. JBL made the match and whether or not that sticks, I think either way this match will be made for SS.

WWE Championship
Triple H (c) vs Edge - I think a rematch will come with Edge claiming he was distracted by Vickie. I sense an Undertaker interference, but I'm not sure just yet. This match should have more build.

ECW Championship
Mark Henry (c) vs Matt Hardy - Hardy will win the Fatal Four Way on ECW and get the chance to face Henry. It could go either way, but there's probably gonna be a rematch after SS anyway.

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Paul Burchill - This fued has been setup on the past 2 RAW episodes and with each having a pinfall victory over each other, this match will be the deciding one in the feud.

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) vs Umaga vs Jeff Hardy - I see Hardy looking to get some revenge on Benjamin for beating Matt and offering a match. I then see Umaga getting involved and putting himself in the match.

World Tag Team Championship
Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes (c) vs Cryme Tyme - They've been building this for weeks now and I think they will fight for the belts at SS. This fued may last longer than this though.

WWE Tag Team Championship
Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder (c) vs Jesse & Festus - I can see J&F being the next team in line for a shot at the belts. They could win, but either way this may last longer than SS.

Diva Battle Royal
All the Divas who don't have a belt will take part and the winner gets to choose who they face or they automatically face the champion of their brand. I think the two champions will be at ringside watching the match.

John Cena vs Batista - This was foreshadowed at the end of RAW with both of them going at each other. Apparently Cena said he wasn't sorry about the punch and teased a match against Batista.

Mr. Kennedy vs M.V.P - I can see this fued starting before SS and this will be the first match of many against each other.

*Jericho will probably get the PPV off while I don't see where Cade goes on this card unless they make the Intercontinental match a 3-way and throw Cade in there.
My Predictions For SummerSlam 2008

WWE Championship - Triple H vs. ?????? : I have no idea , but I have feeling after Smackdown I and everyone might have a better idea of who Triple H's opponent would be.

World Heavyweight Championship - CM Punk vs. JBL vs: After RAW this is what i see happening. I see run-ins by Kane,Batista,AND Cena. This sets up a big match for the next ppv.

ECW Championship - Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy : Hardy takes the title after Tommy Dreamer attacks Henry while Delaney is distracting the ref trying to help Henry and Hardy gets the pin.

IC Championship - Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Birchill vs. Lance Cade : All three men ar mid-card superstars and these three in one ring would make a great match. I see Kofi pinning Birchill upseting Cade which sets up a rematch between Kofi and Cade and CAde picks up the I-C Title.

Triple Threat Match - Umaga vs. Ken Kennedy vs. MVP : Umaga could be thrown into this especially after Smackdown the past two weeks of Umaga-Kennedy fights with MVP watching. After all Kennedy and MVP are the future.

Grudge Match - John Cena vs. Batista : These two had a fight at the end of Raw and will most likely fight at SS. This match has never happend you know.

United States Title - Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin : I see Hardy saying Benjamin cheated Matt out of the title and face him for the title at SS not winning , but starting a fued.

BlindFold Match - Chris Jericho vs HBK : I see this happening since he supposedly detached Michael's retina would be a good end to this fued.

Maybe a CrymeTyme-DiBiase/Rhodes-Duggan/Lawler match.
WWE Title

Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

Edge won't get one because Vickie will still be General Manager, so unless the two patch things up (v. unlikely), I'm reckoning Hardy will pick up a title match, maybe not the best match for a top show, but with Smackdown being mid-card mania, Edge and Taker being unlikely, Im basing this simply on a "best of the rest" type idea.

World Title

CM Punk vs. Kane

This would be a good match if they can sustain the whole mystery surrounding Kane until the Monday prior to RAW, because thats pretty much all Kane has going for him now (although its a pretty big deal in my opinion). If they don't go with this, I can only see JBL getting the title match.

Grudge Match 1

Batista vs. John Cena

After last night's RAW, there is a decent to good chance this MIGHT happen, JBL is difficult as I have left him out of this and the title match, but I do expect him in some capacity to be on the show, whether it be as our new General Manager, or maybe even JBL as special guest referee in one of the matches, im pretty puch plucking ideas out of the air for him, as im not all that sure.

Grudge Match 2

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

Im not at all sure this is going to happen, but I can't see WWE wanting to lose any sort of momentum over any of this, personally I would leave it off and let it stew for 2 months, give Y2J a World Title match for Summerslam (Jericho/Punk would be a good watch for me), but I don't think they can afford to let this lie for a bit, because it's hot property and in demand, and WWE won't want to miss the oppurtunity, it'll be a gimmick match, my preference would be a cage match (what can they put on a ladder?), maybe because it will allow Jericho to pick up an early "injury", which can somewhat balance the odds a little more wheras a singles match, Jericho would own it - HBK's eyes has somehow got worse than it was last month :p

Intercontinental Title

Kofi Kingston vs. Rey Mysterio

Some would be thinking Burchill vs. Kingston, but I think that will be wrapped up next week, so as Rey is probably the best wrestler who needs to get some recognition for his current position, this will put him on the RAW map, Santino can pretty much be negated, it was a pretty insignificant match. I would look forward to seeing this type of match, lots of athletic ability, so it could also be interesting.

Grudge Match 3/US Title

Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin

There is the potential for Shelton and Kennedy to cross in the next month, and MVP getting involved, meaning Kennedy is chasing 2 goals, and doing his best to balance them. You could remove shelton and have simply a grudge match - But I cant see the US title being left out of the biggest party of the summer.

Women's Title, Diva's Title

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix (w/Santino I hope!)
McCool vs. Natalya

I grouped them together as they will both be decent matches, but I have no real explanation for either, just a pretty logical plan - Probably only 1 of these on the PPV, the Women's title could also be Mickie vs. Katie Lea.

World Tag Titles

Cody and DiBiase vs. Cryme Tyme

Duggan and Lawler will have a non-title match in the next couple of weeks, which I expect them to win - Due to Cryme Tyme helping out or distracting, it's being half built up, but nothing really set in stone as it stands, but Cryme Tyme are the only tag team worth mentioning (except the champs) so if this isnt the match - Then there wont be one.

ECW Title

Mark Henry (w/Atlas) vs. John Morrison (w/Mike the Miz)

Finlay won't get it because Hornswoggle can't really get involved in a title match - And as it stands, Finlay must have Horny with him at all times. Matt Hardy doesn't really feel like part of ECW for me just yet, that was mainly due to the US title being on Smackdown quite a bit, I give him a few months. Miz and Morrison are the only two remaning - And I give it to Morrison because I see him as the better option, whatever the match is, the ridiculously annoying chants will be present, I think WWE needs to address that problem with ECW title matches before they put the likes of Hardy in them - So as to protect his reputation among the fans (which is mostly positive).

I don't see a Tag Title match, and as I already mentioned, only 1 womens match will be there, these matches are sort of what I expect, and if executed well, Im sure ill get my moneys worth from the PPV.
Updated SummerSlam Prediction Match Card

(WWE World Tag Team Championships?)Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr(c) vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Jerry Lawler

After seeing what happened last night on Raw i was sort of (and still is) sketchy about this i mean it's a great Idea having sort of the New Blood vs the Veterans but if they want this Feud to move on really well they should let Ted DiBiase Jr do more of the talking then Cody (He Really Needs Work) and they should work there heel by Spitting in the Face of both of there legacies and attacking Both Lawler and Duggan this should go well if WWE works this right but if this does happen then i don't see this going on any further then SummerSlam it would and Should be a good Match that is again if WWE Works this Feud Right

Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy,John Morrsion,The Miz,Finlay

First of all i'm surprised they Stop the Tommy Dreamer and Mark Henry Feud So Fast i thought it would atleast go to SummerSlam in a Gimmick Match but i guess somthing wasn't clicking So Now you have a Possible 4 Challengers for the ECW World Championship I Can Narrow it Down to the winner being either Matt Hardy or Finlay and I wouldn't be surprised if John Morrsion got the win i think he would work with Mark Henry well i haven't seen a Bad Johnny Nitro/John Morrsion Match since he's been in WWE The Miz is hearing Vince Theme in his Head right now No Chance in Hell Finlay would also be a Challenge for Mark Henry but Matt He Might have a Chance but i just see another "I WILL NOT DIE" Storyline going on but either way i think either of these men can get a Good Match from Mark Henry (except) The Miz =P

(Intercontinental Championship) Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill

This Match would and should be interesting they faced on RAW which was a Decent Match i haven't seen a Bad Match with Kofi Since he's been in WWE it's just good to see the IC Championship Being Used again and worth someones while but not Burchill Got a Pin Fall Victory over Kingston on RAW this week and Kofi will settle all of this when he fixes the Trouble in Paradise at SummerSlam

(Women's Championship) Mickie James vs Katie Lea

They were all over each other on Raw and i wouldn't mind seeing these two go head to head again for the Women's Championship it's about time Mickie is Defending her Championship in a Decent Feud with someone

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho *Gimmick Match*

My opinnion still stands for this Match it should be interesting to see it un fold if things aren't solved here i can see this Going into a Hell in a Cell at Unforgiven i am personally starting to like this Feud but it saddens me not to see Shawn Much on TV anymore =[

Kane vs John Cena vs Batista *Triple Threat Match* Winner Faces the World HeavyWeight Champion at Next PPV

Batista and Kane have a problem with each other John Cena Punches Batista and the Seed is planted for a Triple Threat all of them want a Shot at the World Championship and the Number One Contender Can not be Chosen so i see These Three in a Match to Determine the Number One Contender for the Championship at the next PPV i can see John Cena winning this and letting Batista and Kane Feud with each other

(World HeavyWeight Championship) CM Punk vs JBL

I'm sick of JBL wanting his chance to be Champion it's annoying he can't work the way he used to cause of his age and back CM Punk defeated him before why does he need to do it again i don't know but for what ever reason this match will be interesting seeing CM Punk go up against a guy bigger them in he did it before and nearly lost against Batista let's see what happens without any interference i wouldn't be surprised to see more people added to this match though

(WWE Championship) Edge vs Triple H

Should be a good match i expect Undertaker to Return at Summerslam and Face Edge at the Next PPV and even if they do fight then Triple H will win yeah exicting i know

More Soon =]
World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
CM Punk(c) vs. John Cena vs. JBL - This is different from what others are predicting. JBL has all but made his intentions for the WHC known, and as his main rival right now, it would make sense for Cena to weasel into this match.

WWE Championship
Triple H(c) vs. Edge - If Taker doesn't return in time for SS, this re-match will happen, obviously with the Undertaker having some impact on the match result. It would be a bit of a surprise if Taker came back and attacked Triple H. Now that would be a nice swerve.

Submission Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - Seeing as how Y2J beat Michaels into submission at the GAB, this would be a logical step forward. If there is a gimmick match coming with these two, I'd rather have it be this one instead of a blindfold match. Yikes.

Batista vs. Kane - I just get the sense they are setting this up in some way. It still could be against Punk for the world title, but this would make more sense if Kane were to put the mask back on again.

Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston(c) vs. Paul Burchill - His win in the mixed tag match all but assured this was going to happen.

United States Title Match
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Jeff Hardy - Younger brother tries to get the title back for the family.

ECW Championship Match
Mark Henry(c) vs. Matt Hardy - This is the reason I think Hardy lost the US title, to challenege for the bigger prize. He might finally make an ECW title match entertaining for once.

World Tag Team Title Match
DiBiase and Rhodes(c) vs. Cryme Tyme - Again, seems like an obvious direction. Finally get JTG and Shad in an important match for once.

The Big Show vs. Vladamir Kozlov - I don't know, I just did this because SD needed another match on the card. Plus there are too many title matches on the card as it is. This match could be fun, the undeafeted Russian bore vs. the big man. Plus they need to get Kozlov on a PPV.
World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (c) vs Kane vs JBL
Have Kane to power his way into the match. But CM Punk to pick up the victory.

WWE Title
Triple H (c) vs Edge
Vickie sets a gauntlet, but Edge gets through and wins the WWE Title.

ECW Title
Finlay vs Mark Henry
Just to lead to some bullshit with Hornswoggle. Finlay to win as he is as "extreme" as WWE gets these days.

John Cena vs Batista
My original prediction for WM 25. They could just tease it now and have one of them get in the title match but it would be a huge draw, and there was an electricity between them last night on RAW.

Mr Kennedy vs MVP
A match that many (including me) would be eager to see. Would like Kennedy to prevail and lead into a longer feud.

Chris Jericho w/ Lance Cade vs Shawn Michaels
I Quit? Blindfold? Ladder? Who knows. I don't like the 'eye' angle in this feud and hope it takes a backseat. But after GAB, it won't.

United States Title
Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy
I assume Matt will lose his rematch (although he seems to have moved on to the ECW Championship with participation in the fatal four way). This match could, should and would be great. Completing a great undercard for Smackdown.

John Morrison w/ The Miz vs Matt Hardy

Diva's match
Multi Diva match, Battle Royale? Title involved? Who cares. All three brands.

That's all i got. Possible Mysterio match, and maybe Undertaker?
Early Predictions

WWE Championship: Triple H vs. The Great Khali or The Big Show
--Either way, I don't see Edge getting a rematch. HHH will just plow through one of the big guys in an incredibly boring match that we all will know the outcome to. Waste of a main event of Summerslam...which has fallen far behind the likes of WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, and Survivor Series, is that it now just feels like a typical B-grade ppv. They never do anything special for it.

World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk vs. (???)
--Honestly, I think the best route to go on this is to just say the hell with it and add everyone in. I don't want to see another Cena/JBL match...its too early for the soon-to-be "built up to high hell, but still a lackluster match" of Cena/Batista....and singles matches between Punk/JBL or Punk/Kane won't be able to draw any interest. So what the hell, you might as well just have Punk/Kane/Batista/JBL/Cena all against each other, as that may just be tolerable.

ECW Championship: Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy
--Snooze. The WWE was getting so interesting and now it seems they've tanked. I could barely stay awake and finish The Great American Bash, despite how I normally go to sleep at 5:30 in the morning and it ended at, what, 11? This past Raw was a dud, and tonight's ECW was just TERRIBLY boring. I don't think Henry is entertaining, and I don't think Matt Hardy is either. I don't think either should be champion (but I'll agree that Matt as the champ is a much better option than seeing Finlay retain title matches due to a freaking midget by his side causing interference). Hardy wins this, despite his worthless US title reign. Ridiculous...Matt has an unsuccessful midcard title reign that nobody gives a shit about and is rewarded with a higher value title (although not by much), meanwhile Jeff has nothing to do, Kennedy keeps jobbing, etc. Way to go.

Hell in a Cell/Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Edge
--WWE should just pull the trigger on this and bring the Undertaker back in one of these two gimmick matches. Honestly, I'd rather prefer a Hell in a Cell match, but I'd be content with a Casket Match as well. Undertaker wins this.

Blindfold Match: HBK vs. Chris Jericho
--I'd love to see it. Either we get this type of gimmick match, or we just get another standard singles match....hoping not the latter. Idk why people are thinking a handicap match would work, seeing as how Michaels is supposed to be injured even more than before, and if he defeated both Jericho and Cade at the same time whilst being worse off, it would make Y2J/Cade look horrible.

Too many feuds, like the upcoming Noble/Layla vs. Santino/Beth...I can't see that going on the card. Too bored now to elaborate any more.
WWE Championship
Triple H(c) vs. The Great Khali/ Big Show

Pretty obvious, unless they dont have The Undertaker return yet, which would mean another Edge vs. HHH Match. Either way Triple H wil retain the Championship.

World Heavyweight Championship
Cm Punk(c) vs. John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena

Ok, i can definatly see J.B.L. getting a World Title Match, and im pretty sure we will see Cena get added to the match. Cm Punk will retain here, but i think he is just holding this title til Randy Orton returns, which should be just after SummerSlam. At Unforgiven i can see an Elimination Chamber(or a match will 6 guys, Cm Punk vs. Orton vs. Cena vs. Batista vs. Kane vs. J.B.L), in which Orton will take back the belt.

Hell in a Cell Match:
Edge vs. The Undertaker

This match is only if The Undertaker returns before SummerSlam. Otherwise it will be HHH vs. Edge, but i cant see Vickie letting Edge have another title match, so ill stick with Taker vs. Edge in Hell in a Cell, or maybe Casket.

ECW World Championship
Mark Henry(c) vs. Matt Hardy

Confirmed already. I have no intrest in this match, hopefully a stipulation is added. I was really hoping Finlay would win that Fatal-Four-Way match. Ohwell, Mark Henry will retain, with Hardy taking the belt in the next few months.

I Quit Match:
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

In some sort of stipulation match, i can see the match being "I Quit" tho. This match will be awesome, hopefully they let Jericho go over here. Probley be the fued ender for these to.

Kane vs. Batista

Kane will continue, to interfere in Batista's match. Match will be made for SummerSlam, it would be nice too see Kane go over Batista but i cant see it happening.

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. M.V.P. vs. Mr.Kennedy

Could see this match taking place, also could see Hardy winning the belt here.

Maybe, a match with Rey Mysterio aswell?
Big Show vs. Umaga: That's how it looks from this weeks Smackdown. I'm pretty excited about this. Big Show sucks. But Umaga is awesome. I started to become a fan once I saw him carry Kane's useless arse to a good match. I knew he was something special then. Because Kane doesn't do good singles matches. So if the guy can get a good match out of him then he should Big Show.

MVP vs. Jeff Hardy: Looks like Kennedy vs. MVP isn't going to happen. It appears to have been dropped. It now looks like MVP/Hardy. It's an ok match. Problem is that it was given away as a bonus match on a PPV just a few months back. Kennedy should be added so it appears to be fresher. Or one should have won that Battle Royal.
United States Championship: Turmoil Match: Shelton Benjamin v. Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P. v. Umaga v. Jeff Hardy v. Big Show: Of course it'll never happen, and there is way too much star talent to just have the match be some 20 minute elimination process, not to mention Benjamin is the lesser talent out of all of them.. but it'd solve the issue of adding talent to the 2nd biggest W.W.E. p.p.v. of the year.

We need a damn turmoil match, and since the Tag Team divisions have sudden become rebroken up with what apparently looks like Smackdown and E.C.W. cutting ties. (no E.C.W. guys were on Smackdown this week) I suggest a first-ever SINGLE'S turmoil match. Technically it's been deemed a "Championship Open" for the Cruiserweight title, but still.

Again, I know something like this just likely isn't possible because it's filled with way too many big names for the midcard Championship, and it'd completely destroy Benjamin. But again, I presume the title is jumping from Benjamin to someone like Jeff Hardy or Mr. Kennedy very soon anyways.. might as well make the match worth something.
United States Championship: Turmoil Match: Shelton Benjamin v. Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P. v. Umaga v. Jeff Hardy v. Big Show: Of course it'll never happen, and there is way too much star talent to just have the match be some 20 minute elimination process, not to mention Benjamin is the lesser talent out of all of them.. but it'd solve the issue of adding talent to the 2nd biggest W.W.E. p.p.v. of the year.

We need a damn turmoil match, and since the Tag Team divisions have sudden become rebroken up with what apparently looks like Smackdown and E.C.W. cutting ties. (no E.C.W. guys were on Smackdown this week) I suggest a first-ever SINGLE'S turmoil match. Technically it's been deemed a "Championship Open" for the Cruiserweight title, but still.

Again, I know something like this just likely isn't possible because it's filled with way too many big names for the midcard Championship, and it'd completely destroy Benjamin. But again, I presume the title is jumping from Benjamin to someone like Jeff Hardy or Mr. Kennedy very soon anyways.. might as well make the match worth something.

I'd love to see this match, seeing as how it looks evident that we'll be having feuds coming up between Big Show/Umaga, Hardy/MVP, and Kennedy/Shelton. It would be a nice little payback for how we'll be sitting through a crappy "main event" of HHH vs. Khali. At least, I won't be, as I'll be shutting the stream off if that's the last match lol.

The only thing is...we still don't know what we're doing with the World Heavyweight Championship. For all we know, the WWE is pulling the trigger early and giving us a turmoil match between all of the main event "stars" on that side (ala CM Punk vs Batista vs John Cena vs JBL vs Kane vs ???). Most likely, we won't get either, but they definitely wouldn't do both.
I'd love to see this match, seeing as how it looks evident that we'll be having feuds coming up between Big Show/Umaga, Hardy/MVP, and Kennedy/Shelton. It would be a nice little payback for how we'll be sitting through a crappy "main event" of HHH vs. Khali. At least, I won't be, as I'll be shutting the stream off if that's the last match lol.

I'm definately in the minority who wants to see the Triple H. v. Great Khali match, but I really do. It won't be overly long like some matches drag on. It'll be full of impact wrestling and without any rest holds I'm sure. It'll be big move after big move, with the only resting between them being when Khali hits Triple H. with the overhand chop, then can't capitalize. It's sure to be a great, 10 minute match.

I'm serious too. I really am looking forward to it. I wanna see Khali get Pedigree'd and possibly even take a Spinebuster! My guess is a Sledgehammer shot will end it, and I'll shit if Khali wins by DQ.. but still, it's worth watching I'm sure of it.

The only thing is...we still don't know what we're doing with the World Heavyweight Championship. For all we know, the WWE is pulling the trigger early and giving us a turmoil match between all of the main event "stars" on that side (ala CM Punk vs Batista vs John Cena vs JBL vs Kane vs ???). Most likely, we won't get either, but they definitely wouldn't do both.

I doubt all those factors will be entered for the World Heavyweight Championship. I somehow see a Fatal 4 Way between Batista, Cena, Kane and J.B.L. in which the winner gets Punk at Summerslam. I fully see Kane or J.B.L. being the guy.. hopefully Kane.

I somehow hold out hope that Punk's best match will come against Kane, and whether that's saying a lot or nothing at all, the other way too obvious choice would be Chris Jericho suddenly getting into the mix, and having a Batista v. Cena v. Kane v. J.B.L. Number One Contender's match for Unforgiven.

I'd fully assume Punk v. Jericho, with the Fatal 4 Way of the big men to face the winner at Unforgiven. But I doubt we get a multiple man match, short of it being a Triple Threat. Punk needs to be seen as worth something, and if he's lost in the shuffle of 3 or more bigger named and built stars.. even if he does win, it'll still look fluke-like in the fact that he could've easily stole the victory from someone else hitting their finishing move.
Well it looks like they are setting up a Batista/Cena match for SummerSlam, JR and Foley also hinted toward something like this happening, so if this match happens then I'm thinking we'll get Punk vs. JBL or Punk vs. JBL vs. Kane for the WHC, I'd prefer the triple threat, and I think one way or another Kane will be involved in the WHC match whether he's wrestling or just interfering in it again (which I hope they don't do, cause it'd just be overkill at this point IMO)
I'm definately in the minority who wants to see the Triple H. v. Great Khali match, but I really do. It won't be overly long like some matches drag on. It'll be full of impact wrestling and without any rest holds I'm sure. It'll be big move after big move, with the only resting between them being when Khali hits Triple H. with the overhand chop, then can't capitalize. It's sure to be a great, 10 minute match.

I'm serious too. I really am looking forward to it. I wanna see Khali get Pedigree'd and possibly even take a Spinebuster! My guess is a Sledgehammer shot will end it, and I'll shit if Khali wins by DQ.. but still, it's worth watching I'm sure of it.

What about all the time that's going to be wasted to Khali holding onto HHH's neck, or grabbing his head? Lol. Those two, along with the chop, Khali bomb, elbow in the corner, and big boot, are pretty much the only things Khali does. I won't be able to sit through even 5 minutes of HHH punching Khali over and over again, then following it up with that ridiculous looking knee to the face that he does lol.

I doubt all those factors will be entered for the World Heavyweight Championship. I somehow see a Fatal 4 Way between Batista, Cena, Kane and J.B.L. in which the winner gets Punk at Summerslam. I fully see Kane or J.B.L. being the guy.. hopefully Kane.

I somehow hold out hope that Punk's best match will come against Kane, and whether that's saying a lot or nothing at all, the other way too obvious choice would be Chris Jericho suddenly getting into the mix, and having a Batista v. Cena v. Kane v. J.B.L. Number One Contender's match for Unforgiven.

I'd fully assume Punk v. Jericho, with the Fatal 4 Way of the big men to face the winner at Unforgiven. But I doubt we get a multiple man match, short of it being a Triple Threat. Punk needs to be seen as worth something, and if he's lost in the shuffle of 3 or more bigger named and built stars.. even if he does win, it'll still look fluke-like in the fact that he could've easily stole the victory from someone else hitting their finishing move.

I agree with you completely that Punk will look like a fluke if he comes out on top of a multi-man match, but that doesn't mean the WWE isn't above doing it. So far, they've yet to give Punk a solid victory over anybody but Snitsky, and that's not saying much. Maybe they truly aren't planning on trying to make him look like a credible champion and that's why they keep drawing out a straightforward win for him whilst having everyone remind him that he's "got to prove something". Maybe the whole storyline is that Punk in fact isn't ready like he continually thinks. I mean, they've had him beat Edge in a clear-cut fluke, JBL due to outside distraction, Snitsky clean, Kane by countout, and twice hasn't picked up a clean victory over Batista. I wouldn't put it past them to just keep booking Punk to win via fluke until he drops it to someone more important (Kane? Cena? Orton?) at Summerslam or Unforgiven.

So I could see them doing something along the lines of CM Punk versus Kane at Summerslam, losing the title to Kane, and then also having a #1 Contenders match for Unforgiven between Cena, JBL, Batista, and maybe Jericho...with Cena or Batista coming out on top to challenge Kane at that ppv.
Summerslam should be pretty exciting this year because they already have a decent match card.

WWE Title Match: HHH vs The Great Khali

I see HHH winning this match because Khali has no WRESTLING skill. He is just a large superstar that is a good filler. He also makes the person that beats him look like a "superhero".

Hell In A Cell: Undertaker vs Edge

I see Undertaker winning this match because Vickie made it to punish Edge for his wrong doing. Edge and Undertaker usually put on a good show when they get in the ring together. Adding a cell will make this match one hell of a match to see.

World Heavyweight Title Match: CM Punk vs JBL vs Cena vs Kane vs Batista

If this is where they go with this scene I see CM Punk winning after the GTS on JBL. This match would be good for many reasons. First, it could set the stage for a Cena vs Batista rivalry. Second, Kane could go crazy during the match furthering the gimmick of the burlap sack. Finally this match would make CM Punk not seem like an underdog champion anymore.

Big Show vs Umaga

If this match occurs, I see it ending in some violent fashion. This would make the rivalry seem like it wasn't just thought up. Big Show and Umaga could have some pretty good matches together if WWE goes the right way with this rivalry.

ECW Title Match: Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy

I see Matt Hardy winning this match by DQ. Matt Hardy will be going for the Twist of Fate when Atlas hits Hardy with the ECW title. This would further the rivalry for the future.

US Title Match: Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy

I'm not so sure that this match will happen because I really couldn't see Hardy losing but I couldn't see Benjamin beating Hardy either. So I don't know if this match will happen but, if it does this would be a pretty good match.

MVP vs Mr Kennedy

I think this would be a pretty good additive to the Summerslam card. Both are great athletes with a lot of cockiness. This match would be very exciting eith Mr Kennedy coming up with the victory after a hard fought battle between the two.

Mixed Tag Title Match (winner gets IC Title and Women's Title): Kofi Kingston and Mickie James vs Paul and Katie Lee Burchill

This match could very well make it on the card because both teams have won against eachother. The matches are alright together. I don't see the Burchills winning the titles from them though.

WWE Tag Team Titles: The Edgeheads vs Jesse & Festus

I don't know if this match will make it on the card but, if they do put a WWE Tag Team Titles match on the card this is probably be the teams going at it. I see the Edgeheads coming out on top just because they just won the tag titles at the last PPV.

World Tag Team Titles: Priceless vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Jerry "The King" Lawler

I see this match actually being on the card because of the confrontation on RAW this past week. Priceless will most likely win because Dugaan & Lawler are too old. Maybe an okay match though.

Divas Title Match: Michelle McCool vs Natalya

I see this match being the rematch between the two Diva's with Michelle McCool coming out on top after she locks in her leg submission.

I am very hopeful for this years Summerslam to be a great one. The card looks to be shaping up quite nicely too.

HBK vs Jericho is a maybe match but, they might try to pull over the act that HBK is too injured to return to set up for a match at Unforgiven, maybe npt though.
Is it just me or did we see some awful battle royal a few months back on ECW involving Kane, Khali, Henry, and Big Daddy V. Now subsituting Show for V and saying he and Umaga will face at Summerslam, you have 4 bigmen who put on a bunch of bad matches occupying the major spots on what is traditional the second biggest ppv of the year.

Khali v. HHH will be 12 mins of slowmoving Khali domination followed by a pedigree
Henry v. Hardy will be 10 mins of Henry beating down Hardy with Hardy hitting a couple of moves until just like against Benjamin he goes for one move to many and loses
Kane will be in the World Heavyweight Title Match and probably take the fall and unveil the mask in the bag and proceed to go insane
Show will probably face Umaga in a match that has potential but to be honest Show hasn't been himself in the ring since hes been back.
Taker v. Edge will be great and save the show but other then that this is simply disappointing
Miz and Morrison won't be anywhere near this card and as much as people hate Miz, as a tag team they were getting to point of being amazing if they weren't there already
If Duggan and Lawler are facing priceless its gonna be another dud with a bunch of punches thrown till the juniors pull out some trick to steal it
MVP v. Kennedy is too good of a match for them to do cause the booking on this show sucks
Benjamin who probably be mid push is gonna see the US title slip into the background once again cause he has no face to rival with unless they make it Kennedy cause after last week it seems like Jeff and MVP are gonna feud

Basically unless something drastic is pulled out to save this card i highly doubt i'd even watch a stream online much less pay for it
The Great Khali will dominate HHH, but at the end Triple H hits a pedigree for the win.
Mark Henry will dominate Matt, than Matt Hardy does few moves maybe even Twist of Fate but Henry kicks out and win with the world's strongest slam.
Edge vs Undertaker will be the match of the night(maybe of the year, who knows?)
I think we will see Y2J vs HBK to end their feud.Possibly I Quit match.HBK wins.
World Title match - Punk vs JBL vs Kane.Kane reveals that the mask is in the bag(or if it isn't the mask whatever it's), he snaps and something happens.CM Punk retains.
Batista vs Cena - i dont know if this match will happen at SS(maybe WM) but this is the logical way. Batista wins with help from Randy Orton and turns heel.Orton and Batista are together again.(Maybe new Evolution with Pricless Tag Team)
Speaking of them they will go against Jim Dugan and Jerry Lawer or Cryme Time.But I think Priceless tag team will defeat Hacksaw and King on RAW.And then defeat Cryme Time at SS.
Shelton vs Kennedy / Shelton vs Jeff / MVP vs Jeff / Kennedy vs MVP. Something will happen.I hope MVP vs Kennedy and Shelton vs Jeff but it looks more like MVP vs Jeff.
There will be some tyme of divas match.I dont know what.
Is it just me or did we see some awful battle royal a few months back on ECW involving Kane, Khali, Henry, and Big Daddy V. Now subsituting Show for V and saying he and Umaga will face at Summerslam, you have 4 bigmen who put on a bunch of bad matches occupying the major spots on what is traditional the second biggest ppv of the year.

Khali v. HHH will be 12 mins of slowmoving Khali domination followed by a pedigree
Henry v. Hardy will be 10 mins of Henry beating down Hardy with Hardy hitting a couple of moves until just like against Benjamin he goes for one move to many and loses
Kane will be in the World Heavyweight Title Match and probably take the fall and unveil the mask in the bag and proceed to go insane
Show will probably face Umaga in a match that has potential but to be honest Show hasn't been himself in the ring since hes been back.
Taker v. Edge will be great and save the show but other then that this is simply disappointing
Miz and Morrison won't be anywhere near this card and as much as people hate Miz, as a tag team they were getting to point of being amazing if they weren't there already
If Duggan and Lawler are facing priceless its gonna be another dud with a bunch of punches thrown till the juniors pull out some trick to steal it
MVP v. Kennedy is too good of a match for them to do cause the booking on this show sucks
Benjamin who probably be mid push is gonna see the US title slip into the background once again cause he has no face to rival with unless they make it Kennedy cause after last week it seems like Jeff and MVP are gonna feud

Basically unless something drastic is pulled out to save this card i highly doubt i'd even watch a stream online much less pay for it

While I can't argue/refute a lot of your points, I can bring up one of them: Priceless vs. Duggan & Lawler.

I doubt they'd waste time on the Summerslam card for this match. Most likely, it'll be on the card for Saturday Night's Main Event, with Rhodes and DiBiase destroying Hacksaw and the King, then Cryme Tyme coming out and saving them from the beat-down. If Rhodes and DiBiase are on the card at all, they'd go ahead and have the Cryme Tyme vs Priceless match at Summerslam, not the Duggan/Lawler one.
Hmmm... Triple H vs. The Great Khali could be awesome or terrible. I'm pretty much on the other side of the spectrum from everyone else: I like Khali. No, he's not an amazing wrestler, but I think that he's good at what he is there to do. And with Ranjin Singh back, the feud can workout nicely on Smackdown. Of course, everyone knows that Triple H will win after a pedigree and still think his shit don't stink...

Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry... aka MH vs. MH... again, I don't hate Mark Henry like a lot of people do. I think that this match is really predictable, but I wouldn't mind seeing it if it had the proper build up to it... sadly I doubt it will.

Undertaker vs. Edge will obviously be the match of the night. I just hope that it won't be one of those lame Hell in a Cell matches that just stays inside the structure the whole time. The last time a Hell in a Cell match spilled to the outside was Judgment Day 2002... I think... the one with Triple H vs. Chris Jericho that ended with Triple H pinning Jericho on top on the cell... I'd love to see this match go to the outside and get Vickie Guerrero, that Wedding Planner, and possibly even La Familia members involved in some way.

Other Potential Matches:
With Smackdown having such a big match, I think that RAW will try to have a huge one too... but I think they know that Smackdown will pwn RAW this time around so it's not going to be a huge match -- that's why I doubt Batista vs. Cena should happen.

I think that a Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels match will probably happen again. This time it'll probably be a gimmick match and HOPEFULLY end this stupid feud.

Cena vs. JBL could also happen... and it might. I would hope for them to have a good gimmick match that isn't pre-taped. Maybe it could be a lumberjack match or something... wait, no that would be stupid... but a good gimmick match could do justice to this new wind in their feud.

The World Heavyweight Championship match is still looking like a CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Kane match to me. I know a lot of people are thinking a Batista vs. Cena match, but that's not a feud you throw together in four weeks. That's a Wrestlemania match. But a triple threat match would be nice and I think that it would end with Punk pinning either Kane or Batista after the other one has performed their finisher on the other (did that make sense? Punk will pin Kane after Batista hits the Batista Bomb on Kane, and vice versa). It'll further Punk not being a credible champion but will keep him champion nonetheless. And it'll probably lead to a Batista-Kane match at Unforgiven, No Mercy, Cyber Sunday, and (have them on opposing teams) at Survivor Series.

Other matches I could see happening would be Mickie James vs. Katie Lea, Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill, and Michelle McCool vs. Natalya.

I don't watch enough Smackdown to predict anything for that.
Triple H will beat Khali in a boring match

Taker over Edge in an amazing HIAC main event

Cena over Batista in a good match. Im not too confident in my choice here there might be a no decision or something like that.

I think Kane will take on JBL because Adamle will get want to get back at JBL for making fun of him. Kane will get the win.

CM Punk will probably take on Jericho because Jericho is the only title contender not already in a match. Punk will win and there will be some appearance made by HBK.

Henry over Hardy in a decent match

Cryme Tyme will face Dibiase and Rhodes and hopefully Cryme Tyme will win because they are the best tag team in the WWE and they deserve the titles.

Shelton Benjamin will defend the us title against Jeff Hardy and MVP in a triple threat match. I think Benjamin would win but they might decide to just make this a singles match with Jeff Hardy taking on MVP and not have the US title involved.
It may be just me but it seems that all the main championship matches don't look like they are going to be very interesting. HHH vs. khali will be boring and probably predictable. hardy vs. henry will be fast paced when hardy is on top and slow when its henry but overall probably a snoozer. and punk vs. JBL or Kane just doesn't sound very interesting. I suppose you could have punk vs. jericho but that seems pretty random at this point.

With respect to the other announced matches, Hell in a cell (or cage matches for that matter) don't really do it for me. They seem in general too slow paced and drag on longer than they should. While undertaker vs. edge should be a good match, it's hard for me to get too excited about seeing these 2 again in a gimmick match that at best I'm "meh" about.

I guess it's kind of ironic that of the announced matches so far, the one that is most interesting compared to the others is cena vs. batista. I'm not big fans of either one, but don't really dislike either one, and i think all things considered this may be the best overall match so far.
ok, i haven't read through this entire thing so i don't know if the point has already been brought up, but there's something about this (ie Summerslam) that really irks me.

Are they deliberately trying to bastardize their "world titles"? I mean come on, we got Henry holding the ecw title which is a shame in itself. even moreso that he'll probably retain against hardy. next we have triple h taking on KHALI?! really? that's what they want to do as the 'main event' for one of the big four? and Punk doesn't even have a clear opponent yet.

But that's not what really irks me the most. what gets me the most is this: triple h vs khali is smackdown's "main event". but not really. the main event of that brand is going to be Taker/Edge HIAC match. The title match is undoubtedly taking a backseat to that (whether it does on the card or not is still up in the air, but as far as draw, definitely). And on the RAW side, doesn't matter who they pit against Punk, whether it be Kane, JBL, Jericho, or any combination of the aforementioned, that is going to take the proverbial backseat to Cena/Batista (not saying that either will put on a good match like Taker/Edge are going to do, but that's what wwe is undoubtedly banking on as being the huge draw from the raw brand). and well, the ecw championship has pretty much already been bastardized so nothing need be done to further that along here.

So, both brands (excluding ecw) are "putting their best foot forward" with non-title matches (one of which is probably going to be boring as shit) and when it comes to the titles matches for each brand they just throw something together? i don't get this. maybe if it were some b-level ppv i could deal with it. but this just seems wrong for Summerslam. (i am still hoping that they'll pit jericho against punk and those two will probably put on a hell of a match if given the chance, though in wwe eyes it still won't be the cash cow they're banking on like cena/batista)
I have to say that Summerslam looks horrendous so far. The only match that wrestling fans should have any interest in at this point is the HIAC, and even that match will have great work but a predictable finish. I was SURE the UT wasn't going to be retired at ONS but it happened. I don't think another UT curveball is on the way. That leaves us with the garbage that is HHH vs. Khali and Hardy vs. Henry. Ugh.

What can save this card? No comment. I just don't know. Could a gimmick match between Jericho and HBK (ladder?) save it. Maybe. I'd certainly be pumped for that match, or any match involving the two since they've had arguably the best feud of the year next to Edge/UT. But then look at the WHC match and the way that one is shaping up! Punk vs. JBL? Ugh. Punk vs. Kane? Not as bad as JBL but not good. Punk vs. the two of them? Awful.

But I guess since the WWE is throwing us a bone by wasting a Cena/Batista match at a PPV not named Wrestlemania I should be happy, just like the way they wasted HHH vs. Edge as well as Jericho vs. HHH a while back on Raw. Who writes this stuff anyway?
If they do Jericho vs Michaels at SS it has to be a gimmick match. Well it should be. Like and I Quit match or something. I'd like to see Jericho come out on top so he can really go on to feud with Punk for the title and win it from him either next month or the month after. However I definitely can see Shawn winning it. As far as the rest of the card...BLAH. its not looking good at all. Henry vs Hardy will suck because of Henry. I've long been of the opinion that the ECW ppv title matches should be hardcore. I know this isn't the old ECW but at least that would be good.
Regular title matches for that belt are pretty boring and this match with no gimmick attached will be awful because of the big bag of suck that is Mark "I still can't figure out how this guy has had a job in WWE thing long" Henry. Hardy is gonna have a tough time pulling anything respectable out of him. Khali and Trips is gonna be awful. I still can't fathom putting this on a SummerSlam card. Cena/Batista is interesting just to see the finish and hear the crowd reactions. Taker/Edge is the only real reason to see this card as far as I'm concerned and Jericho/Michaels if they do that. Punk still doesn't have a clear challenger but whatever it is he better win and move on to a real feud. JBL doesn't belong in any title matches ever again. Here's hoping SS isn't a complete piece of crap.

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