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The Bash General Discussion

- Hate reading threads where someone has to do like 20+ quotes in the same post, AND ITS THE FUCKING SECOND REPLY!!!!!!!

I tottaly agree, some people feel if they pick apart what you write they are in some way smarter/better then you. Anyway....

I truely look at this PPV as an experiment. They are giving some people a chance to shine in longer matches. I for one look forward to see the evolution of Ziggler. It's no DQ/Countout so I am assuming a few chair shots or something along those lines to get him over. I mean you have to at least give 1-2 matches on a PPV to showcase younger talent just like the old days. As far as the Miz, he's just cannon fodder for Cena and you'll never see him again. The ECW match well, who else do they have really? I'm not entirely looking forward to HHH/Orton mainly because it's been done enough. Mysterio/Y2J will steal the show and I'm pretty sure Rey will lose the mask. I'm not a huge C.M. Punk fan but I'm assuming he'll win because Jeff will be gone for a while, or maybe thats a part swerve, I dunno..I just hope we see him go full heel, I think thats the only way I can like punk. (let me sidetrack if you will) Punk is straitedge but looks like a guy who does drugs and drinks..i just don't get it, he would get more heat if he was in a sweater and dissing everyone for the vices in their lives. anyway, I digress, I'm 50/50 on the PPV and hope thay pull it off, or they may just have to go back to banded PPV's to elevate younger talent. Aside from some weak matches it really helped them elevate guys like Cena/Batista.
I agree with pretty much everything blade just said. There's more people looking forward to Khali/Dolph than you think. And Shelton vs. Morrison again? For what purpose? Morrison is obviously one of the next big stars of the WWE and Shelton has all the talent in the world, but the charisma of a rock. Not The Rock. A rock. In fact... the rock that's just sitting at the end of my driveway right now has a resemblance to Shelton's personality. So Shelton is pretty much on his way down down down right now. And for you to be hating on the Miz... shame shame shame. He's growing, he's getting better, and he too has the potential to be a big big star. I've been campaigning for the Miz for about a year and a half now and I'm happy as hell to see his success and the fact that he's growing on other people like a fungus. Even the haters of the Miz are loving him because they're bandwagon jumpers.

Anyway... The Bash=waste of talent? You need to re-evaluate the current state of the WWE and realize the Bash card is one of the best B PPV cards in recent memory. Sure Orton/HHH #422 doesn't excite us... but the 3 Stages of Hell does. Plus they put on a good match together on Raw so hopefully that chemistry can carry over. Punk/Hardy... it's something new for us to watch. Enjoy it. Khali/Dolph- Dolph is a young star who has a very bright future ahead of him. You can't just throw him in a match with Smackdown talent like Shelton or Morrison just for the sake of PPV. Hell... the Dolph/Khali feud has had a better build than half the matches at Mania did. He's some of the young talent that people are bitching so much they want to see. You're gonna see it. Jericho/Rey Rey- they've put on some great matches and this should be no different. I don't care for Rey Rey but he works very well with Jericho. Will be another great match. Women's match- it'll be one of the best in recent memory. At least on paper it will. Michelle and Melina are 2 of the most ring-talented Divas and they're going to go at it. Plus Melina is bigger on Smackdown than MVP is on Raw. That should tell you something. Scramble- it's ECW and it's going to be featured for 20 minutes on PPV!!! That's more airtime than ECW has had on a PPV in a lonnnnnng time. Should be a decent match even though Dreamer will more than likely retain. Colons/Legacy- finally a tag team match on PPV that's relavent. Should be nice to see what Legacy can do on a bigger stage other than getting their asses kicked on Raw for a change. They may go over. If not now, def. NOC. Which brings me to the highlight of the evening...

CENA/MIZ- oddly, this could be the most anticipated match of the year just behind HBK/Taker at Mania. I can't wait for it. Nobody can wait for it. As long as there's no Big Show interference, Cena and Miz will put on a great match and hopefully Miz comes out looking like a star.

Soooooooooooooooo The Bash being a waste of talent? I LOL at you sir.
"I just want to know how WWE can NOT use so much talent on a PPV.
I will order it just to see Jericho vs. Mysterio, Legacy become champions, and hopefully to see Orton successfully defend his title. We shall see.
Hell in a Cell at Summerslam anybody?"
"The thing with being a fan of professional wrestling, is that there is always going to be something wrong. It is impossible to make every fan happy, at any given time. Vince could get Bret Hart to face Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania ONE MORE TIME, and somebody, somewhere, would have an issue with it. You can't win 'em all..."

Like everyone has said before, this is The Bash not Wrestlemania. Even though they had shit matches on there too except for a few. If I see another Hell in a Cell especially with anotehr Triple H and Orton feud again I'll puke. I know it's coming though. You can't please all of the people all of the time but Vince, God, and even the hounds of hell couldn't book Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels again. Due to his health, there is pretty much zero chance that Bret will ever wrestle again. If a miracle happens and he does.. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be in a WWE ring. Bret has probably forgiven but never forgotten. God Damn Earl Hebner..!
People not getting PPV time:
John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Evan Bourne, Edge, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Big Show, Brian Kendrick, Shad and JTG, Kane, and the Hart Dynasty.

People that ARE getting PPV time:
Mark Henry, the Colons, the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, the Great Kahli, Michelle McCool, and Melina.

John Morrison is the next big thing in WWE.
Evan Bourne is the most entertaining man in a ring.
Kofi Kingston is the 2nd. He's also a champion.
Kendrick is great in the ring.
William Regal is a joke. He used to be respected. You should fix that.
What happened to Cryme Tyme?
Edge is...awesome. Why is he not being used?
Kane has been missing since the draft. Bring him back and give him gold.
Big Show is kinda big...use him.

Dolph sucks. In general.
Kahli is slow and broken. And boring.
Nobody cares about the Divas.
Mark Henry is also slow and boring...
I hate the Miz.

Benjamin vs. Morrison OR Dolph vs. Kahli ???
You're right, that's SUCH a hard decision. How in the world can WWE miss that?

The Miz vs. John Cena OR anything else...
I would rather see a 2nd Divas match than see the Miz go over John Cena at the Bash. What a waste of star power. It's because Triple H and Orton are sorta in the spotlight. I would personally use Cena to put over ANYBODY ELSE on the roster. You know what would have made it at least a bit interesting. If Miz won the US title and bragged about being a better US champ than Cena ever was. Than put that on the line, and have Cena win the title...good stuff.

They should use the Big Show to put guys over. He's huge. Anybody beats him (except Cena) and they are instantly more credible. Kofi Kingston would be a good choice to go over him. Matt Hardy when he is healed. Chavo Guerrero could get back at him for something with Vickie.

I just want to know how WWE can NOT use so much talent on a PPV.
I will order it just to see Jericho vs. Mysterio, Legacy become champions, and hopefully to see Orton successfully defend his title. We shall see.
Hell in a Cell at Summerslam anybody?

I lol'ed so bad when i read big show is sorta big, use him. I'll first respond to that statement, it lacks understanding of the buisness just because someone is big dosn't mean you need to use him being that wwe had nothing for him in years to do that was meaningfull and god knows we would see another cena show match if he was on the ppv which is worse then anything else so im happy hes not offically on the card, a run in possible though. Evan Bourne, kofi, and kendrick are all high flyers, it seems you find them exciting, but at the same time kofi has defended his title like 2 or 3 times since he won it not too long ago i think under a month, needs some rest, kendrick just can't get a gimic to work and is misbooked and isn't good enough to take a shitty character to the next level, borne is well all areals and nothing else, fun to watch but i have yet to see him pull off anything on the mic that makes him seem worthy of being in the wwe. Edge needs time off, can't a big name have a little time off, how many times can we see edge and hardy in a match together, even if punk is in it. Kane has been on a much needed break but should be in title contention which i think might happen once and if hardy leaves. Regal dosnt need to be fixxed because lets face it hes boring and a general fan thats not knowledgeable about skill would think he sucks. Cryme time is well only jtg because shad cant wrestle and wwe knows it, and jtg cant make it on his own. Dolph is a great young tallent that is a smaller guy that uses brute force so well, i enjoy him in the ring, he sells good with his moves, and i like him better then others currently in the ppv and that missed the ppv (cough show, batista, HHH). The miz comment is just because its obvious that you purposly forced yourself to hate him, the miz is the second comming of god in my opinion, the greatest thing to happen to wrestling since goldust made his first apperance. Kahli was a former world champ wasn't he so hes used to put ziggler over. Henery is put in this match just to get pinned because he is a former champ. Divas have there purpose and for once a good divas match is booked with divas with tallent. Benjiman and morison has had there chance right now there fued really has no steam. WWE would never use someone to be put over by show because then your dumping show to the joke category because he will then be mid card fish food in the fans eyes. Your opinions were sorta funny to read thanks for giving me an enjoyable post to read
I'm not really concerned with the Pay per view as a whole.

The 3 Stages of Hell match has shaped up to look like the worst one in the history of that gimmick. A stretcher match is what the culmination looks to be? Really? They've fought through everything; Last Man Standing being the most recent.. and you're gonna tell me a Stretcher match is meant to look more dominating? Please.

Why is this match not a Hell in a Cell? Its the one logical match they've yet to have, that people would pay money to see. And if this 3 Stages of Hell, culminated inside HIAC, I'd mark the fuck out. I suppose the Cell is the one gimmick that deserves its own match - but shit, if I have to see one more Triple H/Orton match, I think regardless of what it is - I'm gonna puke everywhere.

Punk against Hardy has promise, but its Jeff Hardy - the Hardy that can't wrestle without a gimmick attached to the match. Yeah, yeah, I get that whole "Jeff's improved" crap.. but has he? Has he, really? NO. If he has, explain to me why people are raving over his Ladder match a month ago - as opposed to his Regular single's match about two months ago? Either people have a very small attention span, and memory.. or they just naturally remember Hardy being more memorable in gimmick matches. Either way, Punk retains.

If Hardy wins, again, he'll become a 3-time Heavyweight Champion. I'm still throwing up in my mouth each time I have to refer to him as a 2-time Heavyweight Champion. To think he'd have won as many W.W.F/E. Championships as Bruno Sammartino, Randy Savage and Ric Flair is down-right disgusting. Yeah, none of the reigns match any of those other names.. but he'd be ahead of them in the history books, just the same. I hope Punk's reign goes through until Summerslam at least. Hardy needs taken OUT of the Heavyweight picture, as well.

I'm most looking forward to the E.C.W Scramble, just because its truly anyone's ball-game. I doubt Mark Henry would win, and I can't see Finlay winning it.. but Swagger could steal it, Christian could easily regain it.. and Dreamer could just very well hold onto it. Clearly, by not adding any of the Hart Dynasty, or Kozlov, indicates the winner should be a face - and those would be his next set of challengers. Dreamer, not even in his wildest dreams, could think of being a challenge for Kozlov though.

I'll do a better preview later.. for now, I'll end on the note of Edge seemingly missing this Pay per view.

Yeah, no. I doubt he does. He might not have a match, but that doesn't mean he won't have a segment, or get put into a match. While I think it'd be highly unlikely, there is the odd chance Edge could find his way into yet another Championship match. I'd laugh my ass off if Teddy Long turned heel, gave Edge a "cash-in" spot and allowed him to win the title.. then they'd run a gay angle, with Edge pretending to love Teddy Long. Hola, Hola, Hola. :lmao:

Honestly though, my guess is Edge will continue his divorce angle with Vickie, possibly leading to a finale in an in-ring segment to waste time here. Not sure yet if Edge would turn face or not, but I fully expect an Edge/Punk feud to happen by/at Summerslam.
I'm not really concerned with the Pay per view as a whole.

The 3 Stages of Hell match has shaped up to look like the worst one in the history of that gimmick. A stretcher match is what the culmination looks to be? Really? They've fought through everything; Last Man Standing being the most recent.. and you're gonna tell me a Stretcher match is meant to look more dominating? Please.

Why is this match not a Hell in a Cell? Its the one logical match they've yet to have, that people would pay money to see. And if this 3 Stages of Hell, culminated inside HIAC, I'd mark the fuck out. I suppose the Cell is the one gimmick that deserves its own match - but shit, if I have to see one more Triple H/Orton match, I think regardless of what it is - I'm gonna puke everywhere.

I can't agree more lets just face it these too make you want to throw up. HHH has been fueding with the same 3 or 4 people for the last couple years over the title and its so stale, it actually makes me want to have the spirt squad back. Give HHH a new challanger already and wwe needs to stop putting him around that title, hes not there most valuable asset, he is a good laxative so they should sell him to the fans that way because he defently makes me puke. Orton needs to step away from the title as well unless mvp faces him because right now only batista whos injured has a chance at a fued that dosnt reek of hhh. Wheres HBK when you need him because something tells me he should be in this match not HHH, when HHH went out on the injury (fake) that should of ended the fight betweeen these two but oh well
C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy​

I don't know why WWE are billing this as the first singles match between the two of them. If that's the case then what was that short match at the end of Extreme Rules?

Should be a good match. It'll hold my intrest because I'll be curious what happens to Jeff towards the end and the possibility of a heel turn should keep me intrigued.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H​

I hope this goes on last. I could do with something long and boring to help me go to sleep. Anyone else from the UK struggle after the end of a PPV?

Should be better than their other matches. But the stipulations are silly. Falls Count Anywhere then a Stretcher match. That means, in theory, after the second fall they'll have to have a walk to the ring. Certainly if the fall counts anywhere. I think a simple hardcore matc would've been better.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay​

Should be another entertaining match. The last ECW one wasn't great. But I suspect they were informed prior to the match that the Triple H & Raw main event ones needed to be better.

I would've liked a couple of different wrestlers, but it should be good all the same.

This match is pointless if there isn't a new champion.

Melina vs. Michelle McCool​

I think both are awful. I'm not attracted to either. Overall I'll probably use this match as an oppertunity to browse Babe Station.

Melina will win this month only for McCool to get the belt at Night Of Champions.

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio​

Should be a great match. But the stipulation is too soon. I can't honestly think WWE would be stupid enough to get rid of Rey's mask. But I suppose it would be a talking point.

It'll be like the Kane/Rey match from last year, DQ finish with Rey winning.

The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler​

It's good to see some fresh faces on PPV. They've worked well together over the past couple of weeks. I read rumours that Zigger would be feuding with Undertaker. I can't see it happening. But he should probably feud with Rey Mysterio next.

It's a no DQ match so I'm expecting some more of those stiff looking chair shots Ziggler performed the other week.

John Cena vs. The Miz​

Another intresting match. I think they should've held it off for longer. But whatever. I don't actually see the match happening. Or at the very least it won't be long. Either Miz will get a cheap roll-up or he'll just avoid participating in the match some how.

Carlito & Primo vs. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes​

Should be solid. Hopefully new champions.


Looks like it could be one of the best shows of the year. It's a shame that WWE is going to gimmick the fuck out of their next couple of ''B'' shows. I'd much rather see a solid card then an all submission or Cell show.
All about it. ALLLLLLL about it.

So many things are interesting about this. Who finally comes out on top between Orts and Trips? Will both, or either Hardy or Punk get crippled in sloppy-botch 2009?

Lost of fresh faces as well, love that. Tag titles on the show, Ziggler on the show, in a diggity damn no DQ match. tough to make that non entertaining.

How will the Miz's big night go? and the grandaddy of em ALL.....fucking Mastrio and Jericho, and the mask. that is gonna be epic as can be, truely. MOTY potential.

Cant wait. Il be in front of the big srcreen with my snacks and Cherry Dr.pepper. see you fuckers in the LD.
I already posted some early predictions for The Bash but, here are my surrent thoughts for who will walk out winners after The Bash.

My Bash predictions:

WWE Title - Three Stages of Hell (Standard Match, Falls Count Anywhere, Stretcher Match): Randy Orton (C) vs Triple H
Winner: Randy Orton, Randy wins first fall, Triple H wins second fall, and Randy Orton wins third fall to retain WWE Championship

World Heavyweight Title: CM Punk (C) vs Jeff Hardy
Winner: CM Punk, I see Punk winning this match and then, finally, fully turning heel.

ECW Title - ECW Scramble Match: Tommy Dreamer (C) vs Jack Swagger vs Christian vs Mark Henry vs Finlay
Winner: Tommy Dreamer, this match is being used to elevate Tommy Dreamer as a credible champion. I see Dreamer getting the last pinfall about 40-45 seconds before the time expires. He will most likely pin Mark Henry or Finlay.

Unified Tag Team Championship: The Colons (Carlito & Primo Colon) (C) vs Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase)
Winners: Legacy, I see them finally gaining the tag team titles. They need the titles to be considered a credible tag team.

Intercontinental Title vs Mask: Chris Jericho (C) vs Rey Mysterio
Winner: I think that Chris Jericho will win and this will allow Mysterio to take some time off after he is de-masked. I think this is a good way for Mysterio to take some time off without actually resigning from the WWE ring.

Grudge Match: John Cena vs The Miz
Winner: John Cena, I think that this match will be very similar to the John Cena/Jack Swagger match where Cena makes the younger guy look very good. The Miz will probably get a near pinfall before Cena makes the comeback and hits the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Women's Championship: Melina (C) vs Michelle McCool
Winner: Michelle McCool, Melina has just held the title for WAY too long. It is time for a Women's Title change.

No DQ/CountOut match: Dolph Ziggler vs The Great Khali
Winner: Dolph Ziggler, I think this match will finally end this feud. They have been having some crappy matches the past few weeks but, this should be a pretty goos way to end the feud. This match is mainly to push Dolph and see how he handles the PPV seen.

I think this PPV has turned out pretty damn good. I figured it would be a horrible PPV but, it has some good match-ups on the card. Some new, fresh talent is being showcased which, is always good. I see this PPV being a 3.5 out of 5* PPV, which is good for a B PPV.
Finally a PPV that's doesn't have main eventer in every match like the last 3 ppv had. Outside the HHH vs Orton matches that will probably take at less 40 minutes of the PPV everything else look great.

You got John Cena vs The Miz which will be a better match then cena vs Bigshow and if done right might elevate The Miz even if he doesn'T win.

Jericho vs Mysterio will be even better then the last match they had even if the result is predictable since i don'T see mysterio losing his mask.

The ECW Championship scramble match if book right might be a pretty decent match.

Melina vs Michelle McCool will be a really good woman's match since you got 2 of the top wrestling talent in the woman division. Melina is the best wrestler on the smackdown roster and Michelle is becoming quite a force with here new wrestling style.

The Great Khali vs Dolph Ziggler will be a short match but will be a fun match plus the fan are really into Khali right now so this should be a great filler match.

The Colons vs Priceless will be another great match and it's fun to watch a tag team match on a PPV.

Jeff HArdy vs CM Punk is something that pretty much everybody as been waiting for since Punk join Smackdown and the fact that they hype this as the first ever meeting between those 2 is making this match even more special because the fact of the matter is that the Punk vs hardy matches at extreme rules isn't really considered a match, it was more of a way for to give the belt to Punk and start a new program.

The fact is that 3 weeks ago, i didn'T want to see this PPV because it thought it would just be a repeat of everything we saw since wrestlemania. I thought that Big Show would Wrestle Cena and Edge would be in a triple threat against Punk and Hardy and HHH would be facing Orton again, whoops i forgot, HHH is facing Orton again, anyway the fact that all this midcarders were able to get a ppv slot at the BAsh made want to see this PPV and even with the boring 40 to 50 minute match that will be HHH vs Orton, i still think that there is a lot more positive on the card then negative so that's why i decided to watch this PPV tonight.
Tastycles' The Bash Review

Scramble match

Christian and Swagger started us off, and gave us their usual good chemistry. Finlay came in and did nothing except get pinned by Swagger and mince a bit. Then Christian and Swagger got back into it. Finlay's tenure was completely pointless, essentially. Dreamer came in, and did a bit more, also firing the crowd up a little. Mark Henry came in and rather predictably shook things up a little, but the whole match seemed to just trot on, without any real excitement. They repeated Mark Henry's MITB spot. The idea for Dreamerto be on the defensive at the end was good, and it certainly gave him some credibility. On the whole, not bad, but it didn't excite the way a time limit match should. Man of the match: Swagger, Chump of the match: Finlay 7.2 out of 10

Jericho vs Mysterio

I had high hopes for this match, and they were fulfilled. At first, I thought it was good, but not as good as at Extreme Rules, which is probably true, but they pushed the boat out here to do some innovative and interesting spots in what is the third or fourth time they've faced each other in 6 weeks. Another tip top match, and Mysterio showed that given a decent opponent, he can be incredibly good. Good spots, and good inbetween parts again from these guys, in what has been undoubtedly the feud of the year for me, matchwise at least. The codebreaker spot was amazing, to say the least. Absolutely superb match, fantastic, it got my non wrestling fan flatmate out of his seat. Man of the match: Both, Chump of the match: be serious 9.6 out of 10

Dolph Ziggler vs The Great Khali

This match was about as good as you'll ever get from Khali, but I am not happy with the way it ended. Not because it makes Ziggler look weak, he's a heel and Khali's a giant, but Kane vs Khali is not a money feud by any stretch of the imagination. Ziggler did well, though, and I suppose Kane has a purpose now, but still, weird. Man of the match: Dolph Ziggler, chump of the match: Great Khali 4.2 out of 10

Colons vs Legacy vs Edge/Jericho

This was a well booked match with Edge and Jericho on the outside and not in it. I imagine this will lead to one of them, probably Edge, having a big face turn in the near future, maybe as close as NoC, who knows though? The match itself was solid, with good psychology. Cody Rhodes absolutely doesn't have that it factor though, and it shows very much. Carlito, understated as usual, impressed. Man of the match: Carlito, chump of the match: Cody Rhodes. 7.4 out of 10

Melina vs Michelle McCool

Suprisingly good psychology in this one, but it was ultimately a squash match. Melina did well to fake her injuries, and is certainly the best female performer on Smackdown, and surpassed by only Beth and Natalya in the whole company. Anyway, the fact she got hardly any offence in made it a big gash waste of time. In short Melina good, match bad. Man of the match: Melina, chump of the match: Michelle McCool 3.1 out of 10

Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk

Very unusual match for these two, using mostly mat wrestling, something we basically never see Hardy do. The two then worked through a good series of moves and spots, that was very solid, from two guys that can be very sloppy. The fake end was a clever spot, and the absolute heelturn from Punk is here, but it is pretty pathetic for this to happen only months after Orton did it. It extends the feud, but it's pretty fucking cheap. Man of the match: Jeff Hardy, Chump of the match: DQ Punk. 7.9 out of 10

The Miz vs. John Cena

A strange one. It wasn't that a bad match, but it killed the build up to this feud, and Miz loked like a pussy, and wasn't even resourceful enough to get a DQ/countout win, or a narrow defeat or anything. I thought Cena would win, but there was no need to make Miz look like that much of a spastic. Disappointed, but I won't be bitching about it, Miz could go anywhere from here. To be honest, although he's done well in previous weeks, he did look bad tonight, but h's still been in a singles match on PPV that people want to see, at the end of the day. Miz has done well in this feud, and he will move onwards and upwards, but this feud has suffered, nonetheless. Man of the match: Cena, chump of the match: Miz 5.0 out of 10

Three stages of hell.

I've never seen a delibrate DQ in a three falls match, which I suppose was quite clever, but it made the second fall quite lacklustre. It then descended into the usual slowpaced railings a thon. These two don't have chemistry, their matches against each other are among their individual worst, and their glorified stretcher match. The Legacy build was a complete waste of time and point, didn't swerve anyone, just served to make this feud one match longer. Dire. Man of the match: neither, Chump of the match: both 4.7 out of 10

Production and extras

Commentary was very good, and the three duos have settled in with each other. The Legacy fall out was a strange sideshow, but I thought the Teddy Long segments were very good, and set up Edge and Jericho well, certainly. The promos were good, Cena vs. Miz in particular, clever, and the show ran pretty well. There were somesmart ideas through the night from the agents too. All in all, very good. 8.6 out of 10


A moderate PPV with the solitary gem of Mysterio vs. Jericho kept this from being a hugely low score thanks to the two of the matches being arse. Stand up, divas and HHH/Orton. 49.8 out of 90 (55%)

ECW Championship (Scramble): Tommy Dreamer (c) defeated Christian, Finlay, Mark Henry, and Jack Swagger
--I was a little annoyed when Finlay scored a pinfall, as I don't like him at all, but thankfully Tommy Dreamer retained. I'm not a big fan of him either, but it feels too soon to take the title away from him. Good to see Mark Henry get a pin. He gets a bad reputation I think. Swagger as well is starting to win me over a little, so I'm glad he won twice in it. This was far more entertaining than it would have been with a simple singles match, and even though it wasn't fantastic, it was good for a curtain jerk.

Edge Promo
--Edge wants to be a part of the ppv. Blah blah blah.

Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio defeated Chris Jericho (c)
--I can't tell you what was different about this match in comparison to the other matches they've had. Literally, I think it was so similar that they might as well have just put the recording of their other matches and tried to convince us it was something new. Same old spots with Mysterio, same old reversals. How that guy is popular, I have no idea. There were some decent false finishes, though, I'll give them that. And I'm glad Mysterio won, as it hopefully will lead to a feud with Shelton or Ziggler for Night of Champions.

Donald Trump Recap
--You're supposed to be paying for the ppv because all of this stuff has been built up and you want to see the consequences, right? So why do they feel the need to STILL show you rewinds despite how they show it more than 4 times a week as it is? To say I hate that is an understatement, and its something that makes it very hard for me to watch the WWE. Thank God for DVR which allows me to skip 50% of each show.

No Disqualification: Dolph Ziggler defeated The Great Khali
--Very glad that they allowed Ziggler to get some offense in. That will help him a lot. When Kane came down, you could basically hit a fast forward button, as you knew it would mean he'd start a feud with Khali and Ziggler would get the win from the interference. I'm not looking forward to Kane/Khali, so hopefully, its short and doesn't have much of a focus. I am looking forward to where Ziggler goes from here, though, and like I said above, I hope its a feud with Rey Mysterio.

Vince & Teddy Promo
--I don't care about this probation angle.

12 Rounds Commercial
--As if you haven't already decided months ago that you'd never watch it! Just give up. Nobody gives a shit about this film.

Unified Tag Team Championship: Edge & Chris Jericho defeated The Colons (c) and Legacy
--Well that sure came out of left field lol. I liked this match primarily for its psychology. It makes perfect sense that nobody would want to tag Edge or Jericho into the match, as they can't win if someone else gets a pinfall. Decent back and forth, and I'm curious to see what they do with these new tag team champions. I thought it was pretty funny that the fans were chanting for Christian to team with Edge lol.

Women's Championship: Michelle McCool defeated Melina (c)
--Knew Michelle would win. Nuff said. Melina is better, though, and probably the best overall diva in the WWE outside of Mickie James. I hope they don't give Michelle the mic at any time as she's terrible at trying to be a heel and cut a promo. First, she sounds like she can't remember her lines, and second, did you notice how she received NO heat whatsoever when she came out? Dead silence. Good looking chick, decent wrestler for the women's division, but she offers nothing else.

World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy defeated CM Punk (c) via disqualification
--I liked the idea of having the 3-count get reversed, but what I didn't like was how they handled everything after that. The second after the 3-count, everything went downhill. The ref took so long that it makes Hardy look stupid for not just jumping back on Punk, beating the shit out of him, and getting another pin victory. Then, they take the credibility that Punk was sort of holding onto, and give it another shot in the face when he has to get himself disqualified to retain. Someone backstage probably thought it'd be a great way to turn him heel but keep the tweener idea, but really, it just makes Punk look weak again. I'd have preferred Punk to win legitimately about 2 or 3 minutes after the false finish, cause then he can continue his "I'm right, whether you want to admit it or not" type of speeches, by saying that Hardy DID NOT beat him, as he had his leg out of bounds, and Punk DID cleanly defeat Jeff.

Teddy Segment...Again
--Still don't care about Teddy losing his job. In fact, I hope he does. I hate his stupid walk and how he calls everyone "playa" and I hate the phrase "holla" in general.

John Cena defeated The Miz
--Such a wasted opportunity. The match felt like it was 3 minutes long, and they naturally had to make Miz tap out to the allmighty Cena. They really need to fix this tomorrow night and have Miz beat Cena without interference, even if its a roll-up or something. I don't know why the bookers have such a problem with having John Cena and Triple H just simply lose a match due to being bested. Its not like nobody will buy Cena merchandise anymore if he loses ONE match to the Miz clean.

WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) defeats HHH
--So naturally, HHH loses the first fall in a way where he DOES NOT lose it. That guy has such a huge ego. Its disgusting. I paid virtually no attention to this match, and you know why? Because I've been tired of seeing it MONTHS ago. I do not, under any circumstances, give a shit about this feud whatsoever. I hate it. I would even be more interested in a HHH/Matt Hardy feud by now, despite how much I dislike both of those performers. Orton can't beat HHH without the help of 2 other men...in which HHH still almost wins...SURPRISE SURPRISE! WOW, I HAVEN'T SEEN THAT BEFORE!!! Oh wait, I have amnesia. Apparently, I've seen that nearly every fucking week for the past year! I really am getting dangerously close to just not watching Raw anymore. HHH needs to get injured again.
Not a bad PPV at all, I'm a little upset at the Punk/Hardy outcome, I believe that if you are paying for a PPV then you should be treated to matches with a definitive winner for crying out loud. Anyway, I was a little upset that Jericho lost the IC title to Rey Rey, I feel the IC belt needs a long and meaningful run and they keep trading it off, it's getting a little annoying. I enjoyed the main event until Legacy came out and attacked Triple H on Orton's behalf, Orton needs to fight his own battles and prove he can carry the company as a worthy champion. I was suprised that Cena won so easily, I was expecting a little more from The Miz, I knew Cena would win but I guess there is always next time for Miz. Seeing Jericho/Edge win the tag-team match was pretty sweet, they make a fantastic tag-team and could be the leading force in tag-teams for quite some time, but my guess is this is going to set up an eventual break up and an Edge face turn soon.
Really enoyed this show.

The scramble went real well, crowd was into it, it was unpredictable, and fun. LOVED the Swagger/Vader bomb to halfway across the ring. Was hoping for a Swagger win, but fair enough.

Rey and Jericho was as epic as I couldve asked for, truly, truly superb. The greatness may be lost on some, but I think thats because we have all grown so accustomed to how good these two are together. Masterfully worked, suspensefull match. Loved it. MOTY canidate.

Tag team turmoil was sweet. MTFO for Y2J and Edge interevening, and getting the win. Interesting development, if anything.

Ziggler and Kahli was fine for what it was, once again showing how damn good and loaded with potential Ziggler is. he sold like a crack dealer in this match. some people will bitch about the finish, but its not like he asked for, or needed Kane to come down. I was totally fine with it.

The girls match was serviceable. Nothing horrid, and both girls looked smokin. Mcool is so much hotter as a heel.

The WHC was fine, pretty good match. Not sure about the finish, but I guess it was fair enough. Thats all I can really say about this thing, was fair enough. Couldve been more, but also very well couldve been terrible.

Miz and Cena was good shit. Great atmosphere, and well worked by both men. I can see Miz seeking retribution. either that, or they go their seperate ways, and cena gets back in the world title hunt, will Miz goes for the US title at NOC

3 stages of hell was sort of a jip, being as they did the first two falls so quickly, it ended up just pretty much being a stretched match. Not bad, not great. Just sorta meh. its going to be very very difficult for them to get any kind of reaction besides "meh" off anyone with this pairing.

Overall very solid show. everything in ring was from good, to great range, and we had quite a few suprises. While it wasnt a show that will go down in the annuals of time, it still sends the message that you never know what you might miss if you dont watch.

Solid. B

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