Bash at the Beach 2000


...Only if you believe.
Edit: Sorry, that was supposed to be Bash at the Beach 2000.

So I've searched the threads and couldn't come up with any threads on this. I was just watching the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD and came across something I either never saw, completely missed, or don't remember or whatever.. That was Hogan vs. Jarrett for the WCW World title at the Bash at the Beach in 2000. For those, like me, who missed out on this [because let's face it WCW was complete garbage at this point anyway.] The match had Jarrett and Hogan in the ring about to start. When the bell sounds Jarrett just lays down for Hogan as Vince Russo throws the belt down and storms off to the back. Hogan looks confused and grabs a mic and says, and I quote: "That's why this companies in the damn shape it's in, because of bullshit like this!" He throws the mic down, pins Jarrett and you hear Schiavone say: " god this is real life."

Now for whatever reason, I don't remember this happening. Can someone help me out and shed some light on this? I assume that this because of Hogan was feuding with Russo over his creative control and Russo was trying to build guys like Booker T and Jarrett. Pretty crazy that happened, and even more crazy that I missed it. So if anyone wants to jump in here, please do.
I watched the show live actually. Essentially Hogan wasn't going to put over Jarrett for the title which would have made Jarrett a credible champion at the time. Russo had Jarrett lay down and had Hogan pin him, thus "winning" the title. Russo later came out, cutting a real promo about how younger guys like Jarrett and Booker T were being held back by the older guys (Hogan, Nash). He then created Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett for the main event for the title. This led to Booker T's rise to the main event scene but it was too little, too late.

Sorry, I forgot how to edit my previous post. The event you were referring to is actually Bash at the Beach 2000. Russo fired Hogan after the match for not putting over Jarrett and the younger guys...Everything else went on as previously stated.

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