Classic Pay-Per-View Of the Week


SmackDown! is MY Show
I thought i do kinda what X did with his PPV review but instead create a weekly PPV of a week from ECW, WCW, WWF/E, and TNA. Basically what I will be doing is picking a PPV from one of the four and you can discuss the PPV itself or the ramifications that PPV brought upon the compny moving forward. You can go match in detail of what you thought of the PPV itself. This Classic PPV of the week is too remember old PPV's that would be forgotten.

This week's Classic PPV is WCW's Bash at the Beach 2000


Bash at the Beach 2000 took place on July 9, 2000 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Lt. Loco defeated Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (12:09)
*Loco pinned Guerrera after a Tornado DDT.

Big Vito defeated Norman Smiley and Ralphus in a Handicap match to retain the WCW Hardcore Championship (5:55)
*Vito pinned Ralphus after a Splash through a table.

Daffney (w/Crowbar) defeated Miss Hancock (w/David Flair) in a Wedding Gown match (4:16)
*Daffney won when Hancock removed her own dress.

KroniK (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark) defeated The Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo) to win the WCW World Tag Team Championship (13:36)
*Adams pinned Stasiak after a Total Meltdown.

defeated Booker T (10:05)
*Kanyon pinned Booker after a Kanyon Cutter.

Mike Awesome defeated WCW United States Champion Scott Steiner by disqualification (9:11)
*Steiner was disqualified when he used the Steiner Recliner (which had been banned), WCW Commissioner Ernest Miller then stripped Steiner of the title.

Vampiro defeated The KISS Demon in a Graveyard match (6:40)
* Vampiro won when the Demon didn't show up to the ring, most of this match was pre-taped before the show.

Shane Douglas defeated Buff Bagwell (7:54)
*Douglas pinned Bagwell after a Franchiser.

Hulk Hogan defeated WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett (1:19)
*Hogan pinned Jarrett after Vince Russo had Jarrett lie down for Hogan.
**After the match, Russo fired Hogan and declared that Jarrett was still champion.

Goldberg defeated Kevin Nash (4:21)
*Goldberg pinned Nash after a Jackhammer.
**Scott Hall's contract was on the line in the match, Goldberg ripped it up after winning while Scott Steiner had Nash in the Steiner Recliner.

Booker T
defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (13:40)
* Booker pinned Jarrett after a Book End.

Here are some links to some matches
Hulk Hogan Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Vince Russo's Shoot on Hogan

Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T.

I really thought was more a shocking moment PPV from the point that four years ago we saw the Hogan, Nash, and Hall join forces and create the nWo, yet at this PPV we saw end of the Hogan era in WCW. Plus Scott Hall as Nash lost the contract match against Goldberg. It was to be a new era for WCW after this PPV but really was the beginning of the end for WCW as they had no direction and again this PPV itself was more know for the Russo/Hogan incident then fact this is the night the Booker T. finally became the man as he won his first WCW Championship. You have to even like the fact that during this time in WCW Goldberg was not a fan favorite as he was allied with Jarrett and Steiner. though like most Goldberg matches his with Nash was joke and thankfully it didn't last long. But the best match for me was Jarret vs Booker as you finally saw Booker win the big one but from all that happened that evening the PPV ended on a good note and both men look like they put it all on the line.
I love this idea for a thread, I didn't watch alot of WCW until it was near the end of it's run, and the same goes for ECW, I'm looking forward to seeing what other classic PPVs you post in weeks to come, I heard about this Hogan/Russo/Jarrett incident, but never seen it
Great Idea for a thread AJ, and I think a good PPV to start off with as well.

I actually admit I had never seen the Russo shoot on Hogan, though I had heard about a lot. I found it very interesting finally watching it. I enjoyed Russo getting stuck into Hogan about all his politics as he helped drag that company into the ground,.

Enjoyed the Booker/Jarret match. Was great to see Booker get the win, I remeber checking the results online at TAFE and being happy that finally Booker had achieved what he deserved. But to me I still find it odd that he loses to Kanyon earlier in the night, only o come out and beat the World Champion. Maybe it would of been better for Jarrett to go over and then to try to buold a feud from there over the belt.

Some of the other matches were ok, but nothing special.
Thanks Guys.

But ya this wasn't a great PPV as WCW always had the problem of booking way too many matches and thus the quality of the show was crappy as the matches were too short to tell a story. I also thought it was weird too with Booker losing to Kanyon earlier in the night and getting a title shot, but Russo was doing things for guys that deserved it. Really it was the main event that saved that PPV. Though the very best was Russo/Hogan going at it and then Russo's shoot on Hogan.

Here what we can do and i'll gladly take feedback as we could have classic the PPV of the week have a monthly feel as this month be WCW and next like ECW or these a PPV you all want to talk about let me know. If you have matches to add go ahead. Plus the who BATB 2000 is on Daily Motion.
Ok here we go guys another week and another classic PPV and if this fails i'm not doing this anymore lol. Anyhew this week i thoughti bring out some Extremeness as this week Classic PPV of the Week is ECW's Guilty as Chardge 2001


Guilty as Charged 2001 took place on January 7, 2001 from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, New York. This was the last PPV broadcasted by ECW before it filed for bankruptcy two months later.

Cyrus and Jerry Lynn defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews (2:41)
*Cyrus pinned Matthews after Lynn hit Matthews with a Cradle Piledriver.

Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill defeated Hot Commodity (Julio Dinero and EZ Money) to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship (10:06)
*Doring pinned Dinero.

Nova defeated Chris Hamrick(5:30)
*Nova pinned Hamrick after a Kryptonite Krunch.

Tommy Dreamer defeated C.W. Anderson in a "I Quit" match (14:11)
*Anderson quit after Dreamer wrapped cords from a table on Anderson's face.

The Unholy Alliance (Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck) defeated Kid Kash and Super Crazy and The F.B.I. (Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke) (w/Sal E. Graziano) in a Three-Way Dance (13:31)
*Mamaluke pinned Kash after a Big Splash from Graziano.
**Whipwreck and Tajiri pinned Guido with a Double Tiger Suplex to become #1 contenders to the ECW Tag Team Championship (13:31)

Simon Diamond and Swinger (w/Dawn Marie, The Blue Boy, and Jasmin St. Claire) fought Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy to a no-contest (0:48)
*The match ended after Rhino came out and attacked all four wrestlers.

The Sandman defeated Steve Corino (c) and Justin Credible (w/Francine) in a Three-Way Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Canes match to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (13:20)
*Sandman grabbed the title to win the match.

Rhino defeated The Sandman to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (1:00)
*Rhino pinned Sandman after a Piledriver through a broken table.

Rob Van Dam defeated Jerry Lynn (w/Cyrus) (19:30)
*Van Dam pinned Lynn after a Van Terminator with Joel Gertner holding the steel chair.

Here are some links to some Matches...

Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn. (The Into has Rhino vs Sandman)

Three way Tables, Ladders,Chairs, and Caines Match

When you think ECW you think of all the Extreme things this little company was about. But you know back at the time no one had no real ideas that this would be ECW's last PPV and well it was show to watch. Though not claiming i think its the greatest ECW PPV ever but to have the last PPV have a main event of RVD vs Lynn now that is something . Prolly one of the best feuds ever and just a great to cap off the last ever ECW PPV.
Nice choice, I love watching RVD vs. Lynn matches they are always great matches, and never get old no matter how many times you watch them, I hope you keep this going, I love this thread, so if you do do another one next week what's it going to be WWE, WCW, or another ECW one?
Thanks Justin well if i do another week it will be a WWE PPV from back in the day.More like back in the day from 96 to 99. The PPV i will pick can be up to you if you want? But it looks like a no go so far :(

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