General No Way Out 2008 Discussion

On Wikipedia a couple hours ago, I looked on the No Way Out 2008 page and it had already announced the Elimination Chamber match. Plus, they put participants on. They were Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Bobby Lashley, and another one that I can't remember. So that means three things. One is that Randy Orton will defeat Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble, two is to expect Batista or Undertaker to win the Royal Rumble Match because a Smackdown superstar will win the Royal Rumble, and three is that Bobby Lashley will return at the Royal Rumble or on an episode of Raw.

Wikipedia is also a public access website. Anyone can edit anything he or she wants. I would definitely question the credibility of that.
If that's to be true then my RAW Elimination Chamber Guessing Will Be
Bobby Lashley / Mr.Kennedy / Triple H / Umaga / Jeff Hardy / Shawn Michaels

As for the Royal Rumble winner situation, you got of course Undertaker being the absolute favorite but then again you got the rumor talks of Batista winning it as well. So hate to say but maybe both (Batista/Taker) will be Rumble 08 Winners and collide at No Way Out to determine the true #1 Contender.

Also I see another JBL/Y2J match but maybe a gimmick involved - My guess would be a Texas Bull Rope Match.

After whats happened on the ECW-On-SciFi Show (1/16/08), going to also assume that ECW Champ CM Punk will take on World Champ Edge or possibly a tag match Punk/Mysterio .Vs. Chavo/Edge.
Some of you may think its dumb but i dont care cause yes people lets face it ecw is smackdown part 1 i mean they even got the name tags to prove it. and look at the ecw spot on wwe it puts me in the mind of how when you went to wwf they always promoted the main event for the next show so yeah, I see the main event going like this maybe vickie gets mad or whatever at gm of ecw (I hate typing his name) and is like edge didnt do anything wrong and smackdowns way better than ecw and hes like your on i tell you what were going to have a match a takeover match.
you get 3 of your smackdown guys i get 3 of my ecw you win this will now be known as smackdowns ecw but if I win your show willl then be known as ecw`s smackdown.
Some of you may think its dumb but i dont care cause yes people lets face it ecw is smackdown part 1 i mean they even got the name tags to prove it. and look at the ecw spot on wwe it puts me in the mind of how when you went to wwf they always promoted the main event for the next show so yeah, I see the main event going like this maybe vickie gets mad or whatever at gm of ecw (I hate typing his name) and is like edge didnt do anything wrong and smackdowns way better than ecw and hes like your on i tell you what were going to have a match a takeover match.
you get 3 of your smackdown guys i get 3 of my ecw you win this will now be known as smackdowns ecw but if I win your show willl then be known as ecw`s smackdown.

What? Lol.

That's never going to happen at No Way Out, man. Plus, they wouldn't bother to change stuff around unless one of two things happened: 1) They changed it on a whim for next week since they're doing the HD, brand new sets 2) The draft itself changes everything around.
What? Lol.

That's never going to happen at No Way Out, man. Plus, they wouldn't bother to change stuff around unless one of two things happened: 1) They changed it on a whim for next week since they're doing the HD, brand new sets 2) The draft itself changes everything around.

cool and alll i agree but ecw really is smackdown part 1 i mean they made it official when the tags stop featuring smackdown for smackdown superstars i was just saying like maybe they should do a storyline at nwo so now its a fact that ecw is smackdown`s ecw.
hey all, im new, i was trying to send this in but my email wasnt getting through for sum reason and thought id finally sign up on here and post about it here, theres an offical no way out poster up on with jeff hardy in front of the elimination chamber, which suggets a raw chamber and that the winner of the rumble would then be going after the world title of course thats all speculation but u know how wwe are with thier posters so i wouldnt be too surprised for a raw chamber at no way out

Edit: okay my bad, i see someone posted about it already sorry but i saw wikipedia in the post while i was looking through and didnt think much of it, didnt read through the posts properly
cool and alll i agree but ecw really is smackdown part 1 i mean they made it official when the tags stop featuring smackdown for smackdown superstars i was just saying like maybe they should do a storyline at nwo so now its a fact that ecw is smackdown`s ecw.

ECW has definitely turned into Smackdown-B (which I guess makes it B-squared, since Smackdown is the B show and Raw is the A show), I don't disagree with you there at all. I just don't see it happening at No Way Out since they haven't built up to it. After Wrestlemania...before/during the draft, yeah, that could definitely happen, but they'd have to keep the third show, seeing as how they just signed an agreement with Sci-Fi. Until that agreement wears off, which, if I remember correctly, is a one year contract, then I think ECW's keeping its name and functionality.
People should take into account the possibility that the E.C could be inter-promotional match in which case all our predictions could go out the window.Is a SD! guy is going to win the Rumble,then it can only be Taker.We all know HHH will be in the RAW mainevent,how he get's there is the question.Him winning the Rumble is the only way to justify being the mainevent of WM:XXIV which would leave the E.C spot wide open.And it would make sense for Taker to win that match and face Edge as opposed to winning the Rumble and getting buried in the middle of the WM card for the 2nd year running
Well, Ric Flair's last match is going to be at Wrestlemania, and if he isn't losing to Triple H like he wanted to, then who is he going to lose to? He won't drop the career match to say, Mark Henry or anything. The only other possibility would be if he lost to HBK. I'd bet that Triple H would want to put Flair out of commission more than have the main event again, but who knows, maybe he'll pull the right strings and end up doing double time just to get what he wants - hopefully he doesn't, though. I don't want Batista/Orton, but I sure as hell don't want Triple H/Flair AND Triple H/Orton.

EDIT: The more and more I think about it, the more it makes sense to give the Undertaker the Royal Rumble win. They clearly know what they're doing at Wrestlemania with the World Heavyweight Title, and they aren't probably sure yet what they want to do for the WWE title, so having Undertaker win the rumble gives the WWE nearly an extra month to figure out what they're doing on Raw, as opposed to rushing a solution in January and then spending the next month on Smackdown just prolonging the inevitable Undertaker win at the Elimination Chamber.

If that's the case, and its a predominantly Raw chamber with 100% assurance that a face wins, the only possible winners can be Batista, Hardy, HBK, or Triple H. Batista would have to jump ship, and I don't think they'll do that anymore since Cena will be returning after Wrestlemania and that would over-pack Raw. HHH, I still think he's beating Flair, not Orton, so he's out. HBK is tricky...he's already had his Orton feud, he doesn't want a title run, and he's in a feud with Kennedy, but really, the two of them aren't going to have a singles match at Wrestlemania most likely, but HBK still needs to be involved in some way, so unless he was chosen as the one to beat Flair (which would leave HHH open for Orton, ugh) then I don't know how they'll utilize HBK....maybe in a tag team match of some sort. This leaves Hardy, who has been just reaping the benefits of his upward mobility lately (no pun intended) and could very well come out on top of this one to challenge Orton at Wrestlemania. Overall, for Hardy's chances, I think it depends on his match at the Royal Rumble, so hopefully he has a great one that impresses them enough, as he'd be my favorite option since we've seen everything else enough already.
The No Way Out poster has Jeff in front of the Elimination Chamber which led people to suggest he will be in the chamber, HOWEVER Cena winning the Rumble would suggest it would be a smackdown chamber. So either Jeff is going to jump to Smackdown and perhaps get a title run over there or Cena possibly opting for the World Heavyweight Championship. I don't believe ether of these two will happen and I just think Cena will challenge Orton & Jeff will not be in the chamber at No Way Out
Last post was considered spam. I forgot to expand on the predicted matches.

But, anyway, Raw proved some of those predictions wrong, haha, so here's an update:

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Randy Orton vs John Cena
--Does anybody else get the feeling that there will be some sort of "no contest" or something to end this match? I think Orton might lose by DQ and the Elimination Chamber winner will be the #1 contender, but Orton will still be champ, and at the same time, Cena will claim that he DID win the match. Then we'll see a triple threat. I'm not a Cena fan, but I just think we'll be seeing "Cena vs HHH vs Orton" at Mania.

ELIMINATION CHAMBER: Hardy vs HHH vs HBK vs JBL vs Y2J vs Umaga
--Shit, why don't Hardy and Umaga have initial abbreviations too? Haha. Anyway, most likely Triple H will win this and follow suit with what I predicted above. If not Triple H, then Hardy. The others have no shot.

--I'd rather have Kennedy in the Elimination Chamber than JBL, but overall, this is a good route for the WWE to take. Obviously Flair will win. I have a feeling that Kennedy's next feud is going to be with Jericho, so this is a stall until they can finish up the JBL/Y2J feud.


Beth Phoenix vs Ashley (or) Mickie James
--Doesn't matter. She'll retain.

Edge, Chavo Guerrero, and the Edgeheads vs Undertaker, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and....idk, Batista?
--Edge won't have a championship match, Undertaker will challenge him at Wrestlemania (so there won't be a #1 contenders match as the EC covers that already), and they still need to fill in this storyline.

--I still have a feeling that we're seeing this at No Way Out, not at Wrestlemania. Naturally, Hardy takes the title, as MVP moves up to the main event level.

Of course, the trick here is that the card I'm predicting above may possibly be too good, so either these matches won't happen or they'll just severely disappoint lol. When's the last time the WWE has given us a majority of good matches on a card?
I am not entirely convinced John Cena is walking away from this event as Wwe Champion. If he does walk out of No Way Out 2008 with the belt then I agree it will either be John Cena vs Triple H part deux at Wrestlemania or throw Orton back in the mix for a triple threat match. However, if Orton retains then there is always a "chance" that Hardy will win the elimination chamber and capture the gold on the grandest stage of them all giving us that "magic WM feel good moment". I think Ric Flair is going to have his retirement match at Wrestlemania 24 with Shawn Michaels.
I think it would be illogical for Randy to lose,but when HHH's involved,logic goes out the window(e.g making Edge drop the title at RR2006 instedad of Edge headlining WM22) Right now i'm convinced Cena will win & face HHH in Orlando.My hope is that John turns heel,otherwise they may witness a walkout in Orlando if the replay WM22 mainevent.I personally detest triple threats in mainevents matches,but tht's a meaningful compromise.
I would love to see a fatal-4-way with HHH/RKO/JC and Jeff Hardy
I think it would be illogical for Randy to lose,but when HHH's involved,logic goes out the window(e.g making Edge drop the title at RR2006 instedad of Edge headlining WM22) Right now i'm convinced Cena will win & face HHH in Orlando.My hope is that John turns heel,otherwise they may witness a walkout in Orlando if the replay WM22 mainevent.I personally detest triple threats in mainevents matches,but tht's a meaningful compromise.
I would love to see a fatal-4-way with HHH/RKO/JC and Jeff Hardy

When I was watching Raw, I said "they should just run with the boos and turn Cena heel, see what happens". If he was being booed as long as he was before his injury, then booed immediately on his return, obviously he isn't as popular as they think. I love when some people say "its only the IWC that doesn't like Cena", but ignore the 70/30 boo ratio lol. But yeah, I agree with you, I'd love to see Orton/Cena/HHH/Hardy.
When I was watching Raw, I said "they should just run with the boos and turn Cena heel, see what happens". If he was being booed as long as he was before his injury, then booed immediately on his return, obviously he isn't as popular as they think. I love when some people say "its only the IWC that doesn't like Cena", but ignore the 70/30 boo ratio lol. But yeah, I agree with you, I'd love to see Orton/Cena/HHH/Hardy.

i agree turn cena heel and let orton win at NWO. HHH will win the chamber after pinning hardy. Then they could do what they did for wrestlemania 21 with benoit and HHH contract signng and jeff can take out cena as he is signing the contract setting up a fatal fourway.

In other matches flair will beat Kennedy with the figure four. Edge and edge heads will beat Rey tista and taker after edge screws taker out of the win. But thats it for now as i have no other ideas on the other match ups
i also think they shoudl make cena heel. i also like the fatal four way at mania. at no way oput i think orton will win and flair winning. i think it will be a fatal four way for the title with edge vs batista vs rey vs taker. or maybe just let batista and taker vs each other in a number ones contender match with edge as special ref
I like the matches announced so far for NWO. The Elimination Chamber will be the best of its kind so far in the WWE. Four past champions in HHH, HBK, Jericho, and JBL and Two past IC champions in Umaga and Hardy (present ICchamp). The Nature Boy and Kennedy match will be alot better than the MVP/Flair match at the rumble. I can see Flair getting bloodied up and winning somehow. Orton/Cena will be a good match with Cena winning and leading up to Cena/HHH/Orton at WM.

Other Matches I can see: Edge and Chavo/CM Punk and Mysterio - Would be a good match, lots of action.

Some sort of #1 Contender match for the World Heavyweight Title including Undertaker, Batista, Kane, Finlay, Henry, Big Daddy V, with the Undertaker winning.

We need a good Tag Title type of match, most likely Smackdown Tag Teams, a four way dance with the Edgeheads, Miz/Morrison, Jesse/Festus, and Moore/Wang. Edgeheads comeout with the win to get more gold for the stable.

Women's Title - Maria vs. Phoenix - Phoenix Retains setting up the rematch at WM.

I think this should be a great payperview, especially since its usually overshadowed by the Rumble and WM.
You know, I forgot about another option they might take. I said earlier that they might have a triple threat with HHH/Orton/Cena, if Cena wins by DQ. However, I forgot about the rematch clause. Cena might win at No Way Out, Orton wants his rematch at Wrestlemania, and HHH wins the chamber, so they need to have a triple threat. That's just another option they might go with.

Either way, I think we're seeing a triple threat. I don't think we'll see a clean Cena win or a clean Orton win.
I agree with No Fate.

I also think it will be a triple threat at WM. Orton will retain via DQ, and HHH will win the EC match setting up Orton-HHH-Cena.

On the Smackdown side, I believe Batista-Undertaker will have another one on one match to see who will fight Edge at Wrestlemania.
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I'm still convinced that Big Show is going to play a prominent role in a match at No Way Out to start his 'Mania feud. It would make zero sense for him return and have a hot-shotted match, but it would make equally little sense for him to not have a match at 'Mania. I think there are 2 matches that Big Show could interfere with that would set up good feuds. The first would be during the Orton/Cena match. In the two weeks leading up to NWO, Orton could make it clear that he isn't worried about Cena but leave the reason why vague. Then Show could return and destroy Cena, setting up a rematch from XX. My preference, however, would be to have Show return as McMahon's henchman (again) and rip some of the chains off the EC and screw HHH out of winning a title shot. That way, HHH and Show have a ready-made 'Mania match, plus there is the opportunity for Jeff Hardy to have a title shot, which would be much fresher than anything involving Cena/Orton/HHH.
Well, seems like this PPV is another predictable one (though u never know now wit WWE trying to surprise people all the time) like kennedy, lose. Edge retains title. Taker wins SD chamber. HHH raw chamber. pretty sure Cena/orton will likely end by DQ.. im HOPING Big Show makes his return this ppv and makes a huge impact. that'd be a wicked twist but overall i think this PPV looks to be too predictable to me.
How about Show coming back in the SD Main Event match, I reckon it'll go like this Rey is double teamed by Hawkins and Ryder on the outside whilw edge distracts the ref, The edgeheads are still beating on rey when through the crowd comes Big Show kills ryder and hawkins with a massive double chokeslam and hits edge in the head with the ring bell allowing rey to win, setting up edge vs big show at WM
Wrestlemania seems set in stone by the way they're doing things, so the only match I can see Big Show having is against either JBL, Umaga, or Batista, as they're the only big names that don't have a proper place yet (assuming Jericho is in the MITB match instead of a finale for his JBL feud). If they placed him against either champ, it would negate the whole purpose of the Elimination Chambers, so they won't do that.
Yeah it would be too soon to put him in the title picture... but for some reason i can see him having a role in one of the elimination chambers ( say, they find khali destroyed backstage, not knowing what happened and BIG SHOW comes out, replaces him in the chamber) and btw it could be any superstar but i picked khali cuz he plain out sucks and is gonna bore the EC match... but anyway NWO should be interesting at the least.

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