No Way Out: RAW Elimination Chamber

just leave trips alone for christ sake. He has been staying out of the title picture since WM 22. 2 years man. And in these two years he has been doing nothing but putting guys over him. He put Jeff over when it was needed. Beating trips is a dream of every wrestler. And he did just that for hardy, making him in the title picture as a result. i seriously believe when that superman cena guy came as the last entry in the RR 08. Everyone in the ring looked at trips with respect. cuz they all knew that he would not be the one to win this year. they were certain that trips would win and quite frankly deserved to win, but it didnt happen. So give him a break.
Trips fr WWE champion at WM 24 for sure

OK im gonna go ahead and make this guy look like an idiot. Cause he told me to give triple h a break. How exactly has a man who won his 11th world title in october of 2007 staying out of the title picture? yeah as i thought. Also I just have to point something out. How exactly does Trips deserve to win the rumble? Why is it that this guy is somehow owed anymore main events spots at wrestlemania never mind another royal rumble win? Leading up to royal rumble Trips was being clearly portrayed as the likely winner of this years royal rumble.and no one seemed to have a problem with that. the suddenly when Cena comes out at #30 and is portrayed as that exact same thing suddenly its wrestling heresy? i mean WTF? Ok so the guy didnt win the royal rumble , how exactly is that putting cena over? what about the 28 other guys that put trips over? yeah we didnt hear about them. And for the love of god please stop complaining about Cena and his winning all the time, Trips is past his best but still wins all the time as well. He loses the rumble which evreryone praises him for , but hes gonna get exactly what the rumble winner is ment to get , when he wins the EC at NWO. I mean come on , is there really gonna be any other winner to this match? Jericho? Guys already lost his first match since his return , hes just another face now. JBL? the guy has bigger moobs than mark henry and frankly just sucks. Hardy? hes the future but the WWE will NEVER put him in a mania main event. Umaga? hel be elimainated by trips , pretty good for a guy thats been ment to have been putting people over more huh? another heel buried. HBK? more likely but he had his main event last year . alternate to the other kilq member. Hel just retire Flair instead, what a shame for the has been kid. And finally the winner of the match and future 17 time world champion (wonder why its 17 huh?) othe burier of careers, the backstage assassin......Paul Levesque!
this match is a possibl contender for MOTY IMO but i cant wait to see some thing crazy from HBK or Jeff Hardy an elbow or a swanton from the top of the chamber pod this could be the very last match but i still dont c headlining a mania yet give him maybe 2 more yrs and really definatly c umaga ever even trying to make it to a mania main event jerichos gotten boring since he left in 2005 jbl has always sucked and so i would go wit hbk vs hhh as the last 2 ppl in it shawn misses the sweet chin music reversed into a pedigre 1..2..3..... ur WINNER and going to mania to face john cena TRIPLE H
After todays Raw I'm not sure if HHH is going to win the Elimination chamber because he wasn't on Raw because according to J.R. HHH had a family emergency & I'm not sure if he'll be at the next Raw I guess it depends how serious the family emergency is.If he's not at the next Raw I dont know how they're going to build him up to win the Elimination chamber. I think HBK might win the Elimination chamber because WWE might want to do a WM23 rematch with HBK/Cena if Cena beats Randy Orton but I dont think WWE will put the belt on HBK because he works a limited schedule
HHH's family emergency migt have change WWE plans for No Way Out & possibly WM24
I could see HHH not being there as simply a way to make sure he doesn't get hurt before the PPV, but it seriously does hurt the build they would have done for him leading up to the PPV. Especially if he's not on next weeks raw, but he probably will be.
this match should be the best chamber they have had, simply because of who is in it. but it could also easily be one of the first depending on how they book it.
I just mentioned how I felt the Smackdown version likely won't be the better of the two.. and when you look at the tremendous line-up for the Raw brand Elimination Chamber, there is no way you could think not only that this one would far eclipse the other.. but in fact, it'd be hard-pressed to assume this Elimination Chamber match won't be the very best one they've had yet.

The only sad part about this match, is how predictable it is to assume Triple H. would easily walk out the winner. I don't like knowing for an almost guaranteed fact thats what will happen.. and knowing W.W.E. if they wanted to give "shock value" to it, they'd go the complete opposite way and award the match to Jeff Hardy.. at which point, I'd much rather see Triple H. winning it.

All I ask, is that somehow, someway, it comes down to Triple H. and Shawn Michaels. Just to allow me the very most in hope, that Shawn could somehow pull out the improbable, and go to Wrestlemania and challenge for the W.W.E. Championship.
I just mentioned how I felt the Smackdown version likely won't be the better of the two.. and when you look at the tremendous line-up for the Raw brand Elimination Chamber, there is no way you could think not only that this one would far eclipse the other.. but in fact, it'd be hard-pressed to assume this Elimination Chamber match won't be the very best one they've had yet.

The only sad part about this match, is how predictable it is to assume Triple H. would easily walk out the winner. I don't like knowing for an almost guaranteed fact thats what will happen.. and knowing W.W.E. if they wanted to give "shock value" to it, they'd go the complete opposite way and award the match to Jeff Hardy.. at which point, I'd much rather see Triple H. winning it.

All I ask, is that somehow, someway, it comes down to Triple H. and Shawn Michaels. Just to allow me the very most in hope, that Shawn could somehow pull out the improbable, and go to Wrestlemania and challenge for the W.W.E. Championship.

i totally agree with you i think it is preticible that trips is gonna win it. i do hope it comes down to shawn michaels and tripel h. after shawn sweet chin musiced hardy after hardy did a swanton bomb from the top. i hope trips wins aswell how ever i wouldn't be surpised if hardy wins. look at the streak he has had. he just had probley the best raw match since hbk vs john cena ( hour long match), only just loosing to orton and winning the six man tag. i think it would be cool to see jericho win tho for a cena vs jericho match again
A win here would be a huge boost for Hardy. For the past few weeks WWE has made him have all the momentum and made him look like the favorite to win. The poll on has Hardy beating Triple H by around 50% to 30% on who will survive the chamber. Despite all of this, Hardy will lose and most likely will go on to win MITB @ WM24. Triple H will win either by eliminating either HBK or Hardy last. Jericho and JBL will fght each other the entire time so they can continue their fued. Umaga is just in there to cause damage and probably take either a Hardy or HBK high spot. Should be lots of blood considering who's in the match. Overall, should be a good match. Better than the SD chamber anyways. I'm just wondering if they'll do the title matches first or the chamber matches first? Go Hardy, but HHH will win and go on to meet either Cena or both Cena and Orton for the gold at WM24.
ECW messed up the Whole Reason of the Elimination Chamber Being Present when they added Weapons in the Match which in my oppinion Ruined the Elimination Chamber Match for Good worst Match Elimination Chamber Match i've seen..... Hopefully these 2 Elimantion Chamber Matches will bring back it's popularity


RAW: Triple H Winner
SmackDown Undertaker
ok i aint gonna say wut i thinks gonna happen im just gonna put wut i want ! jeff wwe title match at mania and win and by mid spring vs matt for it in a no holds bar match would be of the chain and 2nd the smackdown chamber im sorry but finlay needs a major title run he diserves it but i doubt it will happen so mvp wins the chamber and on the next smackdown lose the us to a mid carter like jinny wang yang or some i dont give a fuck and have him face edge at mania im sorry didnt want to see taker with the title the first time yea i like atker but they give him to much of a push 2 bastia or how eva u spell it i canstand him he gets to many title shots hell yea hes bad ass but i cant stand seein it so mvp vs edge and jeff vs cena at mania or hbk and cena hbk needs a title runhe aint got wut he diserves now khail horrible hate him umaga title run yes but he needs to be on smackdown and get the us and y2j diserves a title run i mean damn he aint come back for nottin so yea and hhh screw that shit cant stand him 6 moves bulllshit jbl; hahah no coment anyways yea WWE title needs to be on the champ CENA sorry hes my favorite besides jeff
This is fixing 2 be the best elimination chamber match ever, although the first was pretty good... but that didnt have jeff..... As much as id love 2 c jeff win the wwe are not gonna put him in the main event at Wrestlemania.. so he'll prob be eliminated last.. but hopefully he swantons off the top of the chamber.most likely onto Umaga... n then go on to win the Money In The Bank. .. Hope Edge Wins a Chamber Match In The Future..... This better be better than smackdowns.. i hate n Big daddy V & Khali.. is henry in it? cuz he sux 2... kane should be in it...

Jericho vs JBL in some sort of gimmick
Hardy will be in MITB
HBK vs Flair

Leaving only HHH to win the Chamber.

I would have played it with Hardy winning the belt at WM from Orton. HHH wants to turn heel, so turning on the biggest face in the company would have done that easily.

Cena needs an undercard feud, I'm sick of him with the title, I don't buy it. The Rock was a much more talented guy, and how long was his longest title stint? About 4-5 months, why does Cena get main event status guaranteed? Because he can FU the Big Show, bravo.
after watching raw on monday, i was thinking that its possible hardy wins this and is in a triple threat at mania with cena and orton. but then i thought that instead of that, they should have the chamber come down to hbk, hhh and hardy. have hardy pin hbk again and then have him hit hardy with sweet chin music giving triple h the win and setting up for hardy/hbk at mania. and instead of the money in the bank match, have that be a ladder match for the #1 contendership at the wwe title.
I dont have a problem with HHH winning it. id rather see jeff win but he will probs b eliminated last and will win MITB at WM. HBK, JBL, Y2J and Umaga wont win it but i wouldnt mind seeing Umaga win and renew his rivalry with Cena for the wwe championship (if Cena beets Orton). but i know that wont happen
You know the one problem a lot of typical wrestling fans, including myself, seem to have right now. We aren't stepping back to see the true potential of how amazing this match could turn out to be, regardless of who wins.

And we aren't doing that, because we're all too concerned with how "predictable" the ending is supposedly going to be, with Triple H. winning. You know what, I'm going on record right now for saying.. I'd rather it be random at who wins. I'd love to see Shawn Michaels win it, but the fact is.. I want to simply enjoy the possibility of how great this match could be.

The shear amount of talent in this match, out of all of them.. I'd say J.B.L. is the worst "wrestler" of the group.. and when you step back and say something like that, how bad is the match? Really..

You have the possibility of seeing Shawn Michaels and Triple H. go at it. You will most likely get to see Chris Jericho and J.B.L. continue their rivalry, and you have the pleasure (if you can call it that) of seeing Jeff Hardy possibly do something death-defying off the top of one of the chambers. Finally, Umaga is definately going to be deadly inside the structure.. but how much so? Will he end up doing anything?

I want so badly to think, assume, and end up being right, about how this Elimination Chamber will be the very best to date.
I pray that WWE doesn't give into HHH's politicing and give him the easy W. If they don't here's what I see happening. JBL and Y2J cancel each other out. HHH and Hardy have both taken care of Umaga so he's out. I then see HBK turning heel and taking HHH out. After that it will be a missed super kick into the twist of fate, leading into a swanton off a pod = much more WM scenarios.
Isit just me who saw the similarities between the summerslam 03 chamber and last nights raw chamber. Granted it was probably one of the best ever, but it was very similar to the summerslam one.

First Out
Summerslam 03- Jericho, HBK
No Way Out 08- Jericho, HBK

Triple H comes out:
Summerslam 03- 5th
No Way Out 08- 5th

Someone goes through a pod
Summerslam 03- Goldberg spears Jericho through one
No Way Out 08- Umaga does his move to Jericho through one

The Big Brawler
Summerslam 03- Kevin Nash comes out, goes out first- and takes everyone out when he leaves
No Way Out 08- JBL comes out, goes out first- and takes everyone out when he leaves.

The last two
Summerslam 03- Goldberg who comes out 6th, Triple H who comes out 5th, everyone thinks either Triple H or Goldberg will win, Triple H eventually wins using a weapon.
No Way Out 08- Jeff Hardy who comes out 6th, Triple H who comes out 5th, everyone thinks either Triple H or Hardy will win, Triple H eventually wins using a weapon.

There's probably other things that are the same, im not knocking the match just saying they are similar in lots of ways.
Isit just me who saw the similarities between the summerslam 03 chamber and last nights raw chamber. Granted it was probably one of the best ever, but it was very similar to the summerslam one.

First Out
Summerslam 03- Jericho, HBK
No Way Out 08- Jericho, HBK

Triple H comes out:
Summerslam 03- 5th
No Way Out 08- 5th

Someone goes through a pod
Summerslam 03- Goldberg spears Jericho through one
No Way Out 08- Umaga does his move to Jericho through one

The Big Brawler
Summerslam 03- Kevin Nash comes out, goes out first- and takes everyone out when he leaves
No Way Out 08- JBL comes out, goes out first- and takes everyone out when he leaves.

The last two
Summerslam 03- Goldberg who comes out 6th, Triple H who comes out 5th, everyone thinks either Triple H or Goldberg will win, Triple H eventually wins using a weapon.
No Way Out 08- Jeff Hardy who comes out 6th, Triple H who comes out 5th, everyone thinks either Triple H or Hardy will win, Triple H eventually wins using a weapon.

There's probably other things that are the same, im not knocking the match just saying they are similar in lots of ways.

I think this is a great realization. Green Rep. Fact is, maybe the WWE feels there is a certain formula to the success of these matches. But even down to the little details of JBL taking everyone out, the finish involving a weapon, and Jericho going through the pod is amazing. I never would have picked up on ANY of that.

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