No Way Out 2009: W.W.E. Championship Elimination Chamber:


[This Space for Rent]
W.W.E. Championship: Elimination Chamber: Edge (c) v. The Big Show v. The Undertaker v. Triple H. v. ??? v. ???:

At the Royal Rumble it was announced that at this year's No Way Out Pay per view, the return of the Elimination Chamber would feature a historical night in which both the World Heavyweight, as well as the W.W.E. Championships would be on the line. This is the thread for the W.W.E. Championship match.

While the Smackdown spoilers have listed some entries into the match-up, I won't give my predictions on whom I believe will be in or not, to save it for Friday.

I will, however, explain that I believe the Smackdown Elimination Chamber will be the better of the two. I think Raw's Chamber match is going to showcase a lot of unknown talent in the Main Event picture, which will leave the door wide open for the likes of Edge, and possibly any number of other top Main Eventers; Triple H., Big Show, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, M.V.P., Mr. Kennedy, Kozlov, The Undertaker, or even Umaga.

I'm generally excited to see what the unknowns of Raw can do, but I'm going to hold more pressure on the Smackdown Elimination Chamber to prove more to me.

Personally, I hope the Hardys get a single's match instead of entries into two of the 5 remaining spots. I also would rather see M.V.P., or even the returning Mr. Kennedy get a spot over the likes of the Big Show or Vladimir Kozlov. While I can't guarantee that will or won't happen.. something tells me that if Smackdown has to be the "shining moment" of the Pay per view, without chance for failure.. then they likely won't risk using unknowns as opposed to an almost definate Triple H.

What are your thoughts and opinions on this match-up? Please give reasons for why you post what you do. DO NOT just list names. Add why you think they'd be in. DO NOT just say who you think would win or lose. Add depth and explain why. Thank You.
well i think in the chamber it will ether be edge vs jeff vs hhh vs taker vs big show vs kozlov or edge vs taker vs matt vs jeff vs big show vs hhh (the glory ****e) i think either jeff hh or edge has a chance what ever the outcome i look foward to this match and i will be odering it
I agree here that the Smackdown EC will definitely be the marquee match of the two. While Raw's will evidently showcase some younger guys or guys who haven't been in the world title picture for a while, Smackdown will have all the big names.
So obviously Edge has to be in it, but who else??? Well with 5 spots I think we have quite a number that could find their way in.
Now obviously we all know one..Triple H. The others we might think we know, but it is hardly concrete. I definitely think that Big Show and Koslov will find their way into the match to have a couple monster heels. With Umaga's immment return he may even get a shot at it. Also, I could see Kennedy or MVP getting a shot as they are probably both about to get monster pushes. And of course, you can't speak of a Smackdown title match without at least considering the Undertaker.
That leaves us with the big question...the Hardy's. Will either or both of them be in? Or will they have they have some sort of singles match. I think this is definitely the hardest to predict with so many possibilities for these two. I suppose the most intriguing part is what happens at WM25. I'm assuming they are just both in MiTB and focus on each other, but that may not be the case. We might well see a TLC match between the two (I know, 2 ladder matches but it's WM25 so why not). Or we might see Christian interjected in here to help out Jeff vs Matt & Edge. With all that being said I really don't know what they are gonna do with the EC match.

So..bearing all this in mind, I think I have my prediction for the match.
Edge, HHH, Show, Koslov....and BOTH of the Hardys. That's right, this whole thing was because Matt is jealous of his brother's success and thus it launches Matt into the real main event scene himself. And while HHH will likely have something to say about it, I would not be surprised to see it come down to the Hardy's and Edge. At that point I think Christian might make his debut to help out Jeff, but ultimately Edge will retain and have his title match at WM vs Trips.
I believe that both raw and smackdown are aiming for big names. Kofi, Jericho, and Punk for RAW are the top fan based right now. Since they do not have the "mega" talent like smackdown(taker, HHH, kennedy..etc) thats what they can only aim for. I do think that HBK will make his presence in it as well, and of course you have Cena, which quite frankly, his title rein needs to end.. He is not like Hogan or Stone Cold. He has the mic aspect, but not the wrestling and fan aspect of the business. So for Raw i think its going to be Cena, Kofi, Jericho, Punk, HBK, and Orton. That would be huge for Raw to compete against Smackdown. Now for Smackdown, I dont think Taker or the Hardy's will be in it. The showed at the Rumble the feud will continue with Taker and Big Show, and now with the whole Matt jealous of his brother storyline. They dont need the hardys in the E.C because they will make there own match worth remembering. Kozlov has been getting a push ever since he came onto Smackdown, so I would see him in it, BUT if WWE was smart they would have Kennedy and Umaga complete the entries making it Edge, HHH, Kozlov, Kennedy, Umaga, leaving 1 more spot left. Which i believe would be the right opportunity to have Christian make his return. Now that would be a great elimination chamber
Well this match ruins the ppv in my eyes. Has a match involving the Big Show been good this year? no. Is he ever going to be taken seriously as a mian eventer? no. Did anyone gain anything from him squashing Festus? no. FOr crying out loud Festus gave Taker a hell of a match on Smackdon last year, and Big SHow doesn't let him get a move in. Once Umaga had won, and I saw what matches were coming up I felt like skiwtching off. I wish I did.

We have Edge, a brilliant superstar but who we can't take seriously as a wrestler and if he wins it will be a fluke. We have Big Show, the biggest waste of space ever (sell one move and I might be able to put up with him), Taker, someone who is in his last days, and whilst he is in my top three favourites of all time I can't stand him being in the title picture. Let him do what HBK is doing. HHH was always going to be in it, and will probably pin Show and Taker but be cheated out of it by Edge.

Please, please have let someone like Benjamin qualify next week, and not Kozlov (lets face it, he'll get another shot, just like Kane will probably get on RAW).

I am not watching this ppv, unless a brilliant undercard is added, purely cos there are two main events and this one already stinks.
This looks lie it'll be the worst of the Elimination Chamber matches. Kozlov is a pile of shit and I seriously hope they don't use this match as a way to get him into a Mania match with The Undertaker. He's also not going to win, so he'll have to get pinned. That won't matter to WWE, as they'll still bill him as if he's never been pinned.

Big Show is hit an miss. His matches with Taker were a lot better than you would have expected, but he's never worked well with Triple H. With him & Kozlov it'll possibly be a slow match.

I'm guessing Jeff Hardy will be one of the other wrestlers in the match, I don't know who the 6th will be. It'd be good if they allowed Matt Hardy to hang with some of the big boys. But I think it's more likely it'll be a surprise entrant like R-Truth or Umaga. Although I think it would be amusing if The Brian Kendrick managed to work himself into this match just as he did the Scramble.

This match should signal the end of Jeff Hardy as a main event wrestler for a couple of months. I see Edge retaining, but I can't see Hardy lasting longer than Triple H & Undertaker in this match.
So two spots are apparently all that's left, yet some are mentioning that Vladimir Kozlov is already been announced. I don't get Smackdown, so I can't confirm that through the show.

I seriously hope that they don't add Jeff Hardy to this match. He's building a feud with Matt, and it'd make no sense for Jeff to be completely taken out of that feud, and put into another Championship match. Only to recontinue that feud, apparently heading into WrestleMania.

I slightly agree with Jake on if Kozlov is, or has been confirmed to be in. He's shit overall, and not even a steal structure is going to make him better. Not to mention, at present time he's still undefeated and the only way to be eliminated in the Chamber is by pinfall or submission.

I suppose Taker could lock in the Hell's Gate on him, causing him to pass out and thus be "taken" from the match.. but what's the purpose there? Stupid.

If Jeff Hardy is in, take Kozlov out and put Matt Hardy in as a way to cost Jeff, yet again. That'll at least continue their feud into Mania which is obviously what they're doing anyway. I just can't get why or how they'd risk taking both Matt and Jeff from the M.I.T.B. match. But that's another topic for another thread.
I agree. I would think putting matt in there would make much more sense than Koslov. I would like to see the final four be the Hardys HHH and Edge with Matt pinning jeff, Taker Pinning Matt, Edge pinning trips. Or replace HHH with maybe Taker.
Well, this does look like the more star studded Elimination Chamber match and to me, looks like it will close out the show and as for the other two spots in the chamber match, there are a few canidates on SmackDown! for this:

Jeff Hardy: I think he's likely to be in it since he was the former champion and all and like Jake said, it should mark the end of Main Eventer Jeff Hardy while he goes onto Matt Hardy and other things for a while.

Matt Hardy: It's a possibility, but I hope they don't allow this since an actual where Jeff and Matt go at each other should be saved until WrestleMania, perhaps he'll get a shot against Swagger or something.

The Brian Kendrick: Wouldn't suprise me to see him work his way into this match although I think he'd be the first one gone, he wouldn't last long.

MVP: He should be in this match, I think he'd do ok, but he'd probably be eliminated second or third as I expect Triple H, 'Taker and Edge to be last in the match.

Don't expect Vladimir Kozlov in it, he'd have to lose his unpinned streak, which would be silly to end it there in a multi man match.

Edge won't lose this match though, he'll find some way to steal it and then he'll drop it to Triple H at 'Mania, probably.

Well this match ruins the ppv in my eyes. Has a match involving the Big Show been good this year? no.

This isn't a single one on one match with Edge and The Big Show though, there's going to be 5 other guys in there, so The Big Show's skills (or lack there of according to you) won't be a problem because there's going to be more guys in there to make up for it.
This is shaping up to be the better of the two Elimination Chamber matches. Smackdown put on a decent one last night, considering who was in it. They have their monster heel in Show like Knox on RAW. I believe one of the entrants will be MVP. He's on a roll right now and is turning into a face. What better way to further that is to have him against Edge and MVP putting up a valiant effort. Edge will win and most likely go on to face HHH at Wrestlemania.:angry:
Heres a sceniro. The 6 men will be HHH, Taker, Edge, Big Show and assuming Kozlov (hes on the poster in the chamber), and I'm guessing Jeff Hardy (I'd love MVP, but hes mid card going up right now)

For WM they want to do a Jeff Hardy, Edge, Matt Hardy and the returning Christian feud obviously. Matt and Edge both didnt do those attacks on Jeff, and Edge did the 5 second pose so its obvious where there going. There gonna make Matt team with Jeff they will make up or something.

That means the winner will be Taker, HHH, Big Show or Kozlav.

Big Show and Kozlov enough said wont get a belt a month before WM 25

Leaves Taker and HHH. With Taker feuding with HBK (As HBK and JBL is at NWO now, that almost 100% confirms that match will happen. HBK wants it, and the stare down at RR I dont see why this wouldnt take place). Taker could win the EC, but I doubt him and HBK will be for the belt, plus HHH would cry about not being in the ME at WM25, although could be added to this match as a triple threat which would be good actually. In that case HHH or Taker could win the chamber, prob HHH as we know Taker would win the belt at WM anyway.

HHH could win this go on to mania, but whos his opponent? I'm going to say Cena. How? Simple Cena will lose the EC to Jericho. Jericho and Orton is fresh, and has been semy teased in back stage segments. Have Ric Flair special guest refree that match, and that leaves Cena out. Cena HHH 3 would sell a LOT more then HHH Edge 2, plus it's kind of a twist, and Cena wants the WWE championship belt back.

I'm not fond of rematches anyone here knows this, but WWE doesnt have a ton of options and we KNOW HHH and Cena will be involved in the ME or sub ME at WM 25.
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I think the other two in this match could be both Matt and Jeff Hardy to further their feud, unless they just want to keep that storyline seperate from this match, which would leave the door open for a number of different people. Kozlov, you would think not as they want to keep his undefeated streak intact. MVP, I thought was getting held up in the US title picture, which would also mean Benjamin is out of this match also. So I can only think of Brian Kendrick and Umaga who could be in this match. Kendrick would just be in there to fill the last spot, and Umaga could be the wrecking machine who comes out and completely annihilates everyone in the ring.

As for who would win, I can only see Edge retaining here. I don't think WWE would switch the title the PPV before Mania, but I could be wrong. Anyway, Edge would come out first with Brian Kendrick, and he dominates Kendrick until HHH comes out, and HH starts beating down on Kendrick, and Edge goes and hides. And then BIg Show comes out, and starts to dominate HHH, as Kendrick is too tired to get up. Edge sneaks back in, and eliminates Kendrick, then goes back and hides.

Out comes Taker, who starts to punch it out with Big Show, when HHH comes and knocks them both to the ground, sending Show outside. He starts to pummel Big Show, when Taker sits up inside the ring, and suicide dives over the top rope. And then, Umaga comes out. He's in the pod right next to where HHH, Taker and Show are lying on the ground and he procedes to beat the holy hell out of each one of them, and eventually eliminates all three of them, with them fighting in and around the ring, and ofcourse you have a couple of big spots.

And then it's down to Edge and Umaga. Umaga charges at Edge in the pod, but Edge slams the door shut, and Umaga runs straight into the glass, and as he is walking away dazed, Edge opens the door and waits for Umaga to turn around. He spears Umaga, one two NO!! Umaga kicks out, and Edge cannot believe it. So he climbs onto the top of one of the pods, and Umaga follows him. Umaga grabs him, and is about to deliver the Samoan Spike, but suddenly Christina climbs up the chains onto the pod, and hits Umaga with the Unprettier onto the roof of the pod! Edge grabs him and hits him with the Edgecution off the top of the pod, leading Edge to retain. And after Edge turns around after pinning Umaga , and he's about to celebrate with Christian, Christian hits him with the UNprettier too, leaving both men on the ground, and leading to Christian vs Edge at WM.
Well Kozlov and Jeff are the other two people, and man, it annoys the hell out of me that they're going to be bowing down to HHH again.

Think about it:

HHH beats both Khali and Kozlov (the biggest guy on the roster and the undefeated guy) to earn his spot in the chamber.

Then Kozlov enters the chamber by winning the battle royal.

FIRST - We all knew HHH would be in the EC match anyway, so why couldn't they just have HHH/Khali and then have Kozlov win the battle royal? Why did HHH have to look dominant over both guys? It served no purpose other than HHH stroking his ego again.

SECOND - Now that Kozlov is in there, and he DEFINITELY isn't going to win the WWE championship, he HAS TO LOSE. He has to have his first loss. And who else is in the chamber? Five guys that don't need the push to be the first guy that pins him. And you all know that HHH is gonna be the guy to pin him.


I'd love to see the "HHH doesn't deserve the criticism he gets" fans try to come up with a reasonable explanation for what has been going on for Smackdown ever since the draft.

This is what has happened post-08 Draft. HHH went to Smackdown as the champion. He defeated John Cena clean, meaning the score between the two is now even. He then defeated Edge (the former top champion on Smackdown before HHH got there) at the Great American Bash for no reason other than to assert his dominance once more as the two weren't in a proper feud. Then came Summerslam, where HHH beat Khali clean (something which only a few people have done). Next ppv, HHH is the only person to not get pinned in the Scramble and of course comes out on top. This is the beginning of the "HHH can't lose to Hardy" angle. Next ppv is No Mercy, where HHH beats Jeff. This is followed by Cyber Sunday, where HHH beats Jeff. Survivor Series comes around and HHH loses his title but only after a steel chair shot from a fresh guy (Edge) - although I'll give him the minimal credit he deserves in this one for the fact that he actually took the pinfall himself. Next ppv, Jeff wins the title by pinning Edge. In one aspect, you can't fault him too much for that, because Edge/Jeff was the feud, but in the same respect, why did he have to be in the match anyway? And what happened to all those people saying "HHH is beating Hardy clean so that when Hardy DOES beat HHH, it'll mean more; just you wait, he'll lose clean to Jeff; he'll put him over, don't worry" hm? Yeah. Royal Rumble comes around and HHH almost wins a 3-on-1 scenario, and is the last elimination for the second year in a row, only being thrown out due to the teamup and a quick and cheap Orton toss. Now we're at No Way Out, where HHH is undoubtedly going to be the first person to beat Kozlov for absolutely no reason. This leads to WrestleMania, where he'll beat Edge for the title in the main event, close out the biggest WM in history, and become a THIRTEEN time champion, and we'll start all over again. Not counting the list we saw a while back that showed that he lost 20 out of 145 matches that he had, and that includes DQ's, count-outs, quick roll ups, and well as the numerous "HHH dominates in a handicap scenario" matches we've seen.

So really, honestly....tell me what the reason for Kozlov to be in there is for, and if you say "to make HHH look good going into WrestleMania", just look at all the shit above and you'll realize that he doesn't need to look good - he's never looked bad in the first place!!!!

As much as I dislike Kozlov and think he's not only boring but totally unworthy of any sort of a push, I think its disgusting that he's in the chamber just for HHH to pin him. And even if for some odd, once in a blue moon, never would've guessed it reason HHH DOESN'T pin him and its any of the other 5, its still unnecessary, as none of them need that push.

WWE complains that their stars aren't getting over with the crowd and then they have a situation like this where someone that needs a push could be put over huge by pinning Kozlov and they're going to waste it on HHH for no reason.

Ridiculous. Kozlov's inclusion in this EC match just ruined the ppv for me as its going to be putting such a sour taste in my mouth having to watch HHH dominate over everybody again, followed by him on Smackdown every week being the focal point until he ruins WrestleMania for me and then continues to bore the living shit out of me as the champion on that brand.
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First and foremost, I'd just like to say that Jeff Hardy will not be in this match, unless he starts it with heavy injuries and eliminates someone before finally succumbing to someone. This is because Matt Hardy isn't on the card, so it inevitible that he will try and attack Jeff at some point.

Apart from that, the only obvious thing is that Kozlov's undefeated streak will end. While I think he may have become champion had he been voted into the match at Cyber Sunday, he isn't going to win it going into Wrestlemania.

As for the winner, given that the title has changed hands at every payperview since Survivor Series until now, the obvious answer is that Edge will retain. However, there is a part of me that thinks that the WWE aren't going to have two people going into the Chambers as champions and leaving as champions, and there is no way that Cena is going to lose. The only thing is, is that I can't see Taker, Kozlov or Jeff in a title match at Wrestlemania for vairous reasons, and HHH will be the challenger, so short of a surprise Big Show win, we will see two retentions, and Edge will retain.
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NoFate007 I agree Kozlov's inclusion is unneeded. WHen it got down to the last four, i knew Kozlov had it won, but I wished Carlito or R-Truth got the win. Why? Same reason Kofi is in Raw, for the experience and to see how he can do. R-Truth is over with the crowd, let him see what he can do. We know what Carlito can do, so let him get the push towards the top of the midcard.

So the matchup us:

Edge - champion
HHH - No problems with that, no matter how much I dislike him he is still in the top three for the Smackdown main event.
Taker - He's getting on a bit and I would prefer him to be in grudge feuds rather than title matches, but he is the best at putting people over, whoever gets the pin will get credibility.
Jeff Hardy - I would prefer him not to be in this. He has been booked lately as the best on Smackdown, so he CANNOT lose cleanly here or he is gone from the top of the roster. If he's screwed by Matt I can accept it.
Big Show - Why is this man still getting a push? He bored me senseless in his matches with Taker. He can't sell offence. His finisher looks pathetic. I do not mind a knockout punch, but he doesn't deliver it well. Get him out of the picture, please.
Kozlov - He needs to lose his undefeated streak at Mania and NOT in the wwe title match therefore him being here serves no point. He loses to a mid-card face, thus making the mid carder a main event man. Preferably MVP but he will be on MITB duty that night.

So, against everyone else's opinion, I am looking forward to the Raw chamber more. Mid-carders getting their chance to shine is a good thing. Old superheavyweights being in a main event is not.
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Kozlov - He needs to lose his undefeated streak at Mania and NOT in the wwe title match therefore him being here serves no point. He loses to a mid-card face, thus making the mid carder a main event man. Preferably MVP but he will be on MITB duty that night.

Um.... Koslov is undefeated in singles competition. If he loses in the chamber he will still be undefeated in singles. I think it's good he's in it. It's good to have one of each chamber, one younger, one more experienced. The only one i wish wasnt in there is, as you said, the Big Show.

I also would have like Carlito in there, I like hi offence and unique style. It would certainly be something different for a change. But, as i said it's good to have the 2 chambers so there is a bit of variety. I'm looking forward to both, and excited on what happens to Jeff in there.... Matt has to show up and do something doesnt he.

Hey! Maybe Christian will be there!!! lol hehehehehehe:sweat:
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For me this match can only be won be 2 guys, Edge or HHH. It seems to me like their going to have a match with eachother at Mania so it would make sense if one of them won it here.

Heres who's not gonna win:

The Big Show- No chance in Hell he's going to be in a world title match at mania.

The Undertaker- I don't think he'd be in a championship match at mania for a third year in a row, he's better served having a match against HBK.

Kozlov- Will probably be eliminated in a way that makes him look pretty strong, might take a few sledge hammer shots from HHH and everyones finisher. Theres no chance he'd win the title let alone main event the biggest show of the year.

Jeff Hardy- I'm thinking he's going to be involved in another "accident" during the pay per view before the Chamber match. Of course we will find out Matt screwed him again and then they will go on to have a match at mania. This of course will lead to an opening in the elimination chamber match and we will find out that there is going to be a suprise entrant. Enter Christian, who makes his return to the WWE, and helps Edge retain the title.

HHH has a chance but i'm going to say Edge wins due to help from a returning Christian.
Um.... Koslov is undefeated in singles competition. If he loses in the chamber he will still be undefeated in singles.

Good point, but what I meant to say, but didn't lol, was that he has never been pinned or made to submit which means one of them has to happen. They can have him submit to Taker's finisher to keep the never been pinned storyline going, or maybe even just be put in it long enough he passes out and is removed from the match.

Or, he could just get cleanly pinned and they still push him as never being pinned, as they did with Swagger on ECW after his tag team loss to Matt Hardy on Smackdown.
Okay, SO Jeffy and Vlad are the last two, apparently. Both guys are fantastic choices, as Jeff is a fantastic bumper, and Kozlov's best attribute is his brutality. I personally cant WAIT to see him operate in this sort of match, although I think Umaga wouldve been a funner choice. I think I can see this somehow coming down to Harvey, and Edge, with Matt 3.0 coming down to fuck it up. Triple H will get dicked over somehow, and itll be down to Jeffy and Edge. Edge will win, and away we go tot WM
I am very excited about this match. Not only that SD is m favourite brand but all of the possibilitys that can come out of this match. There were 4 people that could easily of made it into the chamber. MVP, Kennedy, Umaga and Khali. They could of made it but there is just so much main eventers on SD it's not funny.

Edge is champion and will stay champion ( I hope to after Mania.) So he will win this chamber with ease. But the hard part is what part Jeff and HHH wil play.

Will Jeff make it to the final 2, to maybe to save his feud with Edge after he has feuded with Matt Hardy, or will HHH want to start a feud with Edge making it into the final 2 then some how getting cheated out of it? I don't think Jeff will make it to the final 2 simply because they will want him to be more focused on Matt Hardy and they would rather have HHH start a feud with Edge.

Another question. Will Matt Hardy play a role in this chamber match? Mayeb it might get Jeff distracted and then HHH pins him or something. I don't know but all I can say is that this will be the match to watch simply about what could happen.
In case, some people don't know... Christian is still yet to sign any contract from WWE and No Way Out is ony 8 days away. WWE doesn't usually debut or re-debut a person that fast, because it is not a very good idea. So, let's please take the possibility of Christian returning in this match out because there is still a chnace that he stays with TNA.

So, this match is as star-studded as they come. You have 5 former World Champions and one man who is undefeated. Out of everyone in this match, I would say that Big Show is the least likely to win the title. He's boring and there is nothing special about him that should allow him to lead the show. Undertaker is the second least likely to win the match because he will not be go into WM25 in a title match for 3 years in a row (though I would love that). Jeff Hardy could have been a top candidate to win the title, but if he makes it to the match, his mind will obviously be elsewhere and he won't win. That leaves us the champion EDGE, the King of Kings TRIPLE H, and the Moscow Mauler VLADIMIR KOZLOV.

If WWE wanted to keep Kozlov's undefeated streak alive, then he could easily win the WWE Championship next Sunday in the Elimination Chamber match. Will it happen? Most likely not. If Kozlov doesn't get pinned by HHH, then he could feud with whoever does and face them at WM25. In 3 pay-per-views in a row, the WWE Championship has changed hand, a forth time would not be good.

The most likely outcome is that Edge and Triple H will be the last people left. Edge vs. Triple H will obviously be the main event, but who should go in as the champ? I would actually like to see Edge retain here at defend against HHH at WM25 and retain again, just because he lost his title at last year's Wrestlemania. But will HHH stand to lose at his 5th WM in a row? That's the question.

When you look at the RAW side, you will most likely have Cena retain at No Way Out and defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. A lot of people are expecting Orton to win the title there, so if that happens, Triple H SHOULDN'T take the title from Edge at WM if Edge retains at No Way Out.
I like this chamber. Big names, big brawlers, they should all excel in this environment.

Edge will do best if he can get his hands on a weapon. I don't know how they'd arrange it, but if he can get hold a chair he'll be a beast in this one. I expect him to be among the last two standing, of course, as the champion, and think he'll do well in the Chamber - but more than likely the last entrant.

Triple H will be great for some domination, some power moves. The inevitable HHH/'Taker staredown will be badass, as will their confrontation. I think he'll start the match and potentially be one of the last two guys, just to look good.

'Taker will be a beast. He did awesome in last year's chamber and I expect nothing less. Should deliver some great moves and will probably get someone to tap to the Hell's Gate or whatever it is now. A middle entrant into things, will be a big player.

Big Show will be strong. The size of course will be good for domination, and if he comes out at a time when the smaller guys are working, he could be a big player for a few minutes, Will probably get torn down by 'Taker in the end.

Hardy could be the shining star of this match. With the potential for lots of sick spots off the cage and all over the place, he could do a lot here. He can also take a lot of punishment and let the other guys look beast by taking some of their sicker shots.

Koslov will be another dominator for a while and I'm really looking forward to how he works in a No DQ environment. Should do well in the match, have a good showing. The streak is interesting - submission is out of the question, pinfall is possible - the only thing I see is a roll up or screwjob somehow.

As for the winner, this one has several. Let's kick out Show now, as that's pretty much nonrealistic. The other 5, all have a chance. Edge is the champion and one thinks he'll win to preserve some credibility to the title, but who gives a shit anymore, right? Let's make it four PPVs in a row, why not. Triple H is always an option, but I really doubt it. Still, can't discount it entirely. Hardy could do it, but then what the fuck do you do at Mania - Edge vs Matt vs Jeff? Again not likely, but not impossible. 'Taker could be the dark horse of this match, and it's not a bad time for a 'Taker title reign - of the current fare on SD, he'd make a hell of a champion to run with until SummerSlam or so. But, once again, the looming possibility of HBK/Taker is there, so the likelihood goes down and down again. I think the man with the most potential to win the title is the one and only Vladimir Koslov. Think about - vignettes starting for no reason, showing what a beast he is. Domination in all matches. The biggest monster on SmackDown. He's undefeated, he has tons of build up with all these vignettes, he looks like a complete monster every week on SmackDown, and...he's on the poster! This could be the time. I would honestly not be surprised to see Vladimir Koslov walk out the new WWE Champion after No Way Out, and roll into WrestleMania to face Triple H one on one in a real match (Survivor Series doesn't count, as they intentionally weakened the match so Edge would be exciting).
If we weren't heading into the 25th anniversary of WM, I would pick Kozlov as the winner. He is undefeated and the only way his streak will stay alive is if he wins. However, Kozlov in the main event of WM25? That just doesn't fit.

Edge is most likely going to be in the main event at WM since he does have a rematch clause if he loses. The question is, does he enter WM as champion? Considering that the title has changed hands 3 PPV's in a row, I'm hoping that Edge retains at NWO and then again at WM25, if his opponent is Triple H. Edge already lost clean to Triple H last year so if they do meet at WM, Edge should go over Triple H. Or the two could just play 1-up and drop the titles to each other. Triple H wins at NWO and then loses to Edge at WM. Both of them gain an additional reign to their growing lists. :icon_razz:
Big Show: lol. Nuff said. You know, however I think the reason Edge and Big Show are having this thing on SmackDown is cause they plan on having them having a program at Mania 25. So expect him to either take Edge out, or the other way out.

Taker: Good chance. I see one of the world championships being defended successfully at Mania and so better to do that with and have it mean something then Taker.
Good shot.

HHH: Good chance, but I doubt it. I see him going in as challenger at Mania against Taker. So I''m thinking him and Taker are the last two.

Hardy: I wish, but no chance. At some point expect Matt Hardy to maybe run in while they're opening the door to let the eliminated guy out and chair-shot him, there-fore setting up Hardy v.s Hardy at Mania.

Edge: Still a good chance, but I doubt he'll retain when they're putting all this effort into him and Show.

Koslov: Expect him to be one of the first eliminated after everyone hits a finisher on. Simple token big guy heading in.
While things look great on the Raw side of things, I wish I could say the same for Smackdown. Don't get me wrong now, I think this will be the better of the two Elimination Chamber matches, but I just don't have a great deal of interest in the Wrestlemania main event here. This is because it's almost a guarantee here that Triple H will be facing Edge for the WWE Championship at the big event, which is something I don't want to see at Wrestlemania.

Now for the match itself, it has big names in it, but not many great workers. In my opinion, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker and Edge are the best 3 in this match and will carry the match. The Big Show will be the one who gets eliminated really early, while Vladimir Kozlov will have a decent showing and will most likely come in later on in the match. I expect Triple H to be one of the final 3 in this match and he will most likely get a few eliminations too. I also expect Matt Hardy to somehow intervene in the Chamber to cost Jeff Hardy to WWE Title, so that they can have a match at the big stage.

It should be a very entertaining match, but once again I can only see the champion retaining here as well. I'm not looking forward to a Triple H vs Edge match again, because we saw it at the Great American Bash, and a guy like Triple H shouldn't be hogging the spotlight for a younger talent like MVP or Mr Kennedy. I know both aren't ready for that push, but anyone is better than Triple H at this point. Not to mention the posibility if he actually wins the WWE title at Wrestlemania, all hell will break loose.

This should be the main event and possibly even the best match of the night, but I can see it being too predictable with the last 3 being Triple H, Edge and Jeff Hardy. Of course Edge wins to go on to face Triple H in a boring Wrestlemania main event. Because of the possible Triple H vs Edge match, I'm not looking forward to this match. I'd rather see a Matt vs Jeff Hardy match for the title, and as absurd it may sound, it's still a lot fresher and more interesting than a match we saw not that long ago. I'm dreaming now, but it's always nice to dream.

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