General No Way Out 2008 Discussion

willie you are probably right, it will be batista winning the rumble, he will switch to face HHH. HHH will win the ladder match and Jehricho will lose to orton. Edge will win the triple threat and undertaker will win the hell in a cell but the cell will most likely be.... Undertaker vs Rey Mysterio vs MVP vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs Elijah Burke, they will probablly combine the smackdown and ECW. Taker will face edge with title and legend on the line, and batista will fight HHH for the championship over there.

WHY?Why put it 1 PPV away from the big one?No sesnse.The match will be good but it makes no sense.Save it for a big PPV.Not everybodys least favourite PPV.

You just explained their reasoning. They're trying to get buys and make No Way Out a more popular PPV, not bury it.

Batista will, sadly, win the Royal Rumble and face Triple H at Wrestlemania. Then the Elimination Chamber could possibly include:

Undertaker (definite winner), Matt Hardy, MVP, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, and Kane.
I see Flair winning the Rumble(If vince decides to put him this far in his little stipulation). If not flair, def. someone from raw, probably Jericho. UNdertaker will not win it, i promise.

For no way out, It will be a smackdown chamber.
Khali, Edge, Rey, Batista, Finlay, Kane

Undertaker will go in as champion, i see him winning at armageddon.

someone mentioned it wont be smackdown cause there will no one left for the champion to face, well if i remember correctly, last years no way out, the wwe and world heavyweight champion werre in a tag team match, and a very poor one at that, So im looking at a possible triple threat or a tag match
for the 3 way im saying Undertaker, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry. sounds lame but they put theese 2 guys over on EVERYONE so dont scratch the idea.

A tag match maybe could be replacing Kane with MVP and see undertaker and kane take on daddy v and Henry, wouildnt be too bad.

Wrestlemania should be good, I heard a possible austin and hogan match(Doubt it though)
Edge and Undertaker t WM obviously
and for raw im saying HHH will have the title and he will either go against y2j or Flair

You're way off. Batista is going to win the Rumble and will choose Triple H after he wins the WWE Title from Randy Orton at Armageddon.

It's clear that Edge will win the World Heavyweight Title from Batista tommorow at Armageddon. Undertaker will win the 'Chamber to be able to challenge Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.
You're way off. Batista is going to win the Rumble and will choose Triple H after he wins the WWE Title from Randy Orton at Armageddon.

It's clear that Edge will win the World Heavyweight Title from Batista tommorow at Armageddon. Undertaker will win the 'Chamber to be able to challenge Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Well the only problem with this is, HHH is wrestling Jeff Hardy. There is no way that HHH is winning the title, why? Because HHH isn't wrestling Randy Orton at Armageddon. Why? because Randy Orton is wrestling Chris Jericho. Alright since this is now out of the way, I just hope those reports are just speculation because i could see this unfolding with HHH winning the Rumble, staying on Raw, face Randy Orton at WM, so this would leave, SD with the Elimination chamber, I could see Batista in the match along with Rey Mysterio, and just because of the combined rosters of Sd and ecw i could see John Morrison or Cm Punk (whoever doesn't have the belt) in the match which leads too the Undertaker in the match(winner so he could face Edge at WM), Probably Kane, for some odd reason i think he will be in this, then it will lead too one spot for either, Finlay, or Khali, and IMO i think Finlay will be here just because he deserves to be in a match like this, even if he isn't winning.

I believe having this match before WM is a good idea because people will buy for the names in the match such as the Undertaker, and they will buy it for the fact that it is a big gimmick match, I hope this is a good match that doesn't have monsters like Khali, or Henry because this type of match just doesn't suit them.
i think umaga is leavin raw soon so he could be involved in the sd/ecw ec mathc at no way out. and if not umaga lashley could come back and win the rumble and pick to get his ecw title back or go after the WHC since he never had a WHC title shot

undertaker v. batista v. umaga v. rey v. kane v. Benjamin/anyone esle who is in ECW

Until a few years ago No Way Out was a card to look forward to. But for the past few years nothing has happened really. Last years was terrible. But at least this year we have something to look forward to in the Elimination Chamber. So far it hasn't become overused. If this was TNA we'd be on our 19th E.C.

I predict that a Raw superstar is going to win the Rumble. I guess HHH. I would prefer Taker. But I expect him to win this. I hope and pray that this match doesn't conatin just Smackdown superstars, but ECW ones as well. If it's just Smackdown then we'll see Viscera & Henry involved. But Taker, Rey, MVP, Punk, Shelton & Chavo makes this a match I want to see. I don't care if the outcome is predictable. So long as the match is good.
Until a few years ago No Way Out was a card to look forward to. But for the past few years nothing has happened really. Last years was terrible. But at least this year we have something to look forward to in the Elimination Chamber. So far it hasn't become overused. If this was TNA we'd be on our 19th E.C.

I don't know. I mean, T.N.A. has been pretty good at limiting their useage of the King of the Mountain match to Slammiversary.

I agree that No Way Out used to be a great build-up to Wrestlemania, now its just kinda a speed-bump. Anyone remember the No Way Out of 2001? Where Steve Austin fought Triple H. in the 3 Stages of Hell, as a mid-card match?! And The Rock defeated Kurt Angle to become Heavyweight Champion?

Now that was a great No Way Out.

I predict that a Raw superstar is going to win the Rumble. I guess HHH. I would prefer Taker. But I expect him to win this. I hope and pray that this match doesn't conatin just Smackdown superstars, but ECW ones as well. If it's just Smackdown then we'll see Viscera & Henry involved. But Taker, Rey, MVP, Punk, Shelton & Chavo makes this a match I want to see. I don't care if the outcome is predictable. So long as the match is good.

I agree, I think Smackdown & E.C.W. should combine in the Elimination Chamber, assuming a Raw guy (Triple H., Shawn Michaels, Bobby Lashley?) wins the Royal Rumble.

I don't see C.M. Punk (since he'd assumably still be E.C.W. Champion) being in it though. I think the line-up for the Chamber would be..

Smackdown's 3:
1. Undertaker: Most likely the dominate choice to win it all, especially with his match-up with Edge almost locked solid.

2. Batista: I somehow don't see him leaving the Main Event picture just yet, so with that said, I just picture him involved being somewhat of a challenging threat to win it over Taker.

3. Rey Mysterio: I think he'd beatout M.V.P., due to M.V.P. being the U.S. Champion & Mysterio being considered a good Heavyweight type underdog. Plus, really, a match-up with Mysterio v. Edge is a dream match that could be Wrestlemania quality. (albeit, not over Taker v. Edge right now)

E.C.W.'s 3:

4. Big Daddy V: Regardless of his talentless position in the sport, he'll likely get the nod just to be another big man versus the Undertaker in a mini match inside the Chamber.

5. Shelton Benjamin: What would the shear odds be, that since Taker/Edge is all but official, that Benjamin shocked the world with a win, locking in a Punk/Benjamin Mania match for the E.C.W. Championship?!

6. Mark Henry: He isn't exactly E.C.W., but somehow I just can't see John Morrison, The Miz, Elijah Burke, or anyone else being involved. So Mark Henry (or Kane, for that matter) could get the nod for the 6th & final spot.

All in all, I think this will be a decent Elimination Chamber. A lot better than the last one. That, if I recall, ended with John Cena beating Chris Masters & Carlito. (which, no offense to the recent addition of Masters here on WZ.. but neither him, nor Carlito belonged in that match.)
Well, now No Way Out is somewhat interesting. Last year and the year before were terrible and the only good match from those two years was Kurt Angle/Undertaker.

Now as for what brand the EC will be for I'm guessing Smackdown. I have said they will be in it for a long time but judging by the poster, unless it is only for advertising, Raw will be in the EC.

Now Raw would be the better choice considering they have more talent but Smackdown wouldn't be bad either.

Raw EC:Shawn Michaels, Umaga, Triple H, Hardy, Kennedy, and Jericho could really put on an amazing Chamber match. They all have, except for Kennedy, gimmick match and big match experience.

Smackdown EC:Undertaker, MVP, Mysterio, Batista, Kane, and Finlay could also put on a great Chamber match and it would be interesting to see. Now the only problem is how out of place MVP and Finlay would be in my opinion.

My only problem with it being Smackdown is that ECW is involved and that Smackdown has a lot of monsters.The creative team always involves those stupid sloths in everything. So in place of MVP, Finlay, or Mysterio they would add in Big Daddy V, Henry, Khali and all those horrible big men.

If they decided to put ECW in they could have Undertaker, Batista, Mysterio, Shelton, Kane, and Mark Henry. Now the only person that would bring this down is Mark Henry.

Hopefully, No Way Put is good this year. The EC is always something to look forward to.
I Think the Elimination Chamber will give us something to look forward to at next yesrs No Way Out. Everyone is right in saying that the past No Way Out have been a waiste of time, but this year it has a reason for being right before Wrestlemania.

I think a Raw guy will win the rumble, but by reading the local advertisments for No Way Out, it list Raw superstars in the Elimination Chamber so if it it has to be a Raw EC i think it would look like this:

HBK: He has to be in there, has the eexperience and has been in 3 EC matches i think or two not sure.

HHH: Of course he has to be in there, why wouldnt he, he needs the spotlight. He will probably win this if he is in it to get a WWE title shot at WM

Hardy: Looking at the poster, he should be in there aswell and will just take bumps in the match.

Kennedy: Needs to be in there, needs to get exposure in a main event match

Y2J: I expect him to be in there aswell as he has been in one already or two.

JBL or Umaga: Im not sure which one it could be JBL to continue his feud with Y2J or it could be Umaga as they need at least one monster in the Chamber

That would be a pretty good EC match that i would watch with out a doubt.

But if Smackdown get the chamber i dont expect just Smackdown to be in it, i expect it to be mixed with ECW superstars. It would be:

Undertaker: should win it to set up his match with edge at WM

Batista: Wont leave the main event scene

Kane: Need big men in there

Big Daddy V: Same Reason

Henry: Same reason again

Mysterio: he will be in there i think as an underdog sort of thing, but wont last long.

They could put benjamin, burke some good wrestlers in there, but WWE wont do that as Vince loves the big men

Looking at those two chamber matches, i'd say Raw would be the better one to watch. But i think a Raw superstar will win the rumble, so i dont know, just going to wait and see. Should be interesting though.
No Way Out has been good, just not recently. Like Will said, the only memorable match the last 3 years of this card has been Kurt Angle vs. the Undertaker (best match of 2006) in my opinion.

Well two things are probably certain for No Way Out. I'm guessing Jeff Hardy goes to the Rumble, and gets pinned or Randy Orton gets himself DQ'd. It will set up a rematch at No Way Out for the title. I wouldn't be surprised if this rematch is a TLC Match going into Wrestlemania. A). Hardy is good in Ladder matches and people will actually think he has a shot at winning. B). It puts Jeff Hardy into another big time match without all of the attention. Like at the Rumble, no ones paying to watch Hardy/Orton, they're paying to watch the Rumble. Same logic will apply for the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. It would be a huge way to generate buzz. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past the WWE to pull a Rock/Mankind feud on us the next 6 weeks with Orton and Hardy swapping the title around and Orton finally winning it back at No Way Out. Orton isn't a credible champion anyway, so why not give Jeff a 3 week title reign?

Elimination Chamber. Triple H is winning the Rumble, or Batista. The Triple H power stroke is back with John Cena out of the picture and that only means bad things for Raw from this point until Cena comes back, (Hurry Back John, please). So this leaves us the Elimination Chamber for Smackdown.

Obviously the Undertaker is winning this match. No doubt, no question, if the WWE botches this, it would be worse then McBastard.

An Elimination Chamber with Undertaker, MVP, Finlay, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and Shelton Benjamin would be absolutely tremondous, but it won't happen. Knowing WWE sloth booking, it will end up being, the Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Khali, and possibly Finlay.

That being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see another Mysterio vs. MVP match at No Way Out. I think this feud is going to merge with the Hardy feud and end up being a triple threat at Wrestlemania.
here's my pick for the elimination chamber match....

lashley, batista, triple h, y2j, undertaker, and shawn michaels.

here's why...

i would pick Y2J to win and go after orton or who ever has the belt come wrestlemania. lashley wants the ecw title again and shawn and triple h can reunite as DX to take out as many as they can and leave it down to triple h, michaels and Y2J. a heel turn on triple h's part on michaels thus eliminating him and Y2j coming out with a pin over triple h. that would be a cool match.

that's my opinion and i'm stickin' to it!
ok first off it think the elimination chamber at no way out is a good idea but if it does happen i hope it is a raw elimination chamber they have better wrestlers it would make it a better match but whatever happens i bet it will be good
Maybe for the 1st time we cant be sure who will win the royal rumble?
Some people thought hardy. even tho hes my fav wrestler i cant see wwe letting him headline wrestlemania anytime soon, also hes already in a title match so he cant win anyway. My predictions to win are :HHH, Batista (to return to raw likely), and Lashley, all of whom i dont want 2 c win but it will be a raw winner anyways.
Setting up a Smackdown Elimination Chamber full of faces: MVP vs Hardy (hardy will pin MVP Setting up Hardys win over MVP U.S Title at WM24) vs Finlay vs Rey Mysterio vs Kane vs Undertaker (winner and face Edge obviously).

So heres my wm24 prediction:
Matt Hardy def MVP
Undertaker def Edge
Randy Orton def HHH and Batista
That Still Leaves WWE With all these wrestlers they like to use (without being injured): Jeff Hardy/HBK/Rey Mysterio/Mr Kennedy/Finaly/Ric Flair/Kane/Carlito/CM Punk/John Morrison/Umaga/Kahli unfortunatly/
Lashley/Mark henry and big crappy v/
shelton benjamin/ + loads more. has the potential to be the biggest wrestlemania since as long as i can remember i just hope they do it right.
As most people have stated a Raw Superstar will most likely win the Rumble, so I think a SD/ECW combo elimination chamber would be great, but ECW doesnt have the depth that SD and Raw has, they have the talent but not the following. So here is what I would like to see and then what will probably happen:

I would like to see (if combo):
SD - Batista
SD - Undertaker
SD - Mysterio
ECW - Morrison
ECW - Elijah Burke
ECW - Shelton Benjamin

I would like to see: (ECW Only - Extreme Elimination for the ECW Belt) - This could give some of the ECW guys a push and actually get an extreme rules match for ECW.

CM Punk
Elijah Burke
Tommy Dreamer
Shelton Benjamin
John Morrison

If Smackdown Only:

I think due to the recent fueds that you will see the following
Big Daddy V

Also with Chavo's return you will likely see Chavo v Punk.

I would like to see Raw put the IC Belt on someone else if Hardy is getting this push, or possibly a title v title match, then a nice little tournament for the IC Belt leading up to Wrestlemania.
i think taker will win the rumble being the first do it twice in a row raw ec match with jeff hardy v lashley v hbk v kennedy v umaga v batista who has switched brands on like beat edge or leave smackdown hhh v orton will headling no way out with hhh winning and then batista v hhh edge v taker hardy v mvp mitb= j.hardy kennedy rey khali umaga hbk y2j hornswaggel more tough love
Unfortunately, HBK and Steve Austin have both already won it twice in a row. As for the Rumble, I honestly think HHH will win it to set up a possible HHH vs. Hardy World Title Match at WM24. I would love to see Jeff Hardy as champion, because for once Vince would be listening to what the fans want. He gets the biggest pops, puts on some of the best matches and has the hardest work ethic out of nearly every competitor in the company. I like the Elimination Chamber to see who goes on to Mania to face their brand's champion. Somehow, this would greatly benefit Smackdown.
if u go on and look up wwe no way out and go down to the bottom of the page u will see the new no way out poster of jeff hardy in chains and in the background u can just barely see an elimination chamber. im sure u all new there was an elimination chamber coming up as uve been talking about it but i just thought it was cool as the wwe hasnt metioned it yet.
I still think they'll have wrestlers from all three brands in the Elimination Chamber match, I see it being something like this- Triple H vs. Shelton vs. Batista vs. MVP vs. HBK vs. Kennedy, with Triple H winning, since he apparently won't be in the Rumble, and he's the top draw on Raw right now, so he's going to be in a ME at WM, Other matches I think could happen would be...

Chavo vs. Punk- ECW title- I see this being that final match in this feud, with Punk getting the win

JBL vs. Jericho- Another match to end a feud, I could possiable see this having some sort of gimmick to it though

Orton vs. Hardy- WWE title- possiably a ladder or TLC match but not sure, if the do the MITB match at WM, it would seem a little much to being doing a match with the ladder stipulation in it here

Edge & The Edge Heads vs. Taker, Kane, & Mysterio- I see them using a six man tag match to help set up for WM, Taker will be signed to the match before he has partners and have to recruit some leading to the match, vickie and Edge will think it's the ultimate plan cause they think he won't find anyone "foolish" enough to tag with Taker, but Kane will come aboard to help out his brother, and then Rey will join as well after getting screwed by the Edge Heads in his match against Edge at the Rumble, thus leading to Vickie and Edge's plan to backfire

That's all I got for now
i would say ot will be a smackdown elimination chamber because
chances are triple h will win the rumble and face orton at wrestlemania
the 5 besides edge will be
1 undertaker
2 batista
3 rey mysterio
4 mark henry [ edge will take him on as a body guard ]
5 umaga [ will jump from raw ]

hhh cannot win the rumble due to the fact that he is not allowed to compete in it. The only way that hhh will face orton at wrestlemania is if hhh wins the elimination chamber.
Personally i believe that Raw will have the chamber, in which hhh will win, setting up the undertaker to win the Rumble
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- The Elimination Chamber is being brought back for the No Way Out pay-per-view in February. The storyline heading into WrestleMania is that the winner of the Royal Rumble will get to decide the champion he wants to face at WrestleMania. Then, the unselected champion will have its brand's top wrestlers go into an the Elimination Chamber. The winner of that match will get the other title shot at WrestleMania.

Well this is a good idea. I was expecting a match at Armageddon but this works. I'm expecting it to be between Smackdown superstars beause picks to win the Rumble are Lashley or Jericho. In that case I see the match being between Mysterio, Undertaker, Batista, Finlay, MVP possibly, and Kane. Sounds okay actually.

This will not happen! If u have seen the poster for No Way Out, it shows Hardy in the Chamber. Hardy will win the WWE at the RR, and have to defend it in an Elimination Chamber! It will be:

Hardy vs. Lashley vs. Orton vs. HBK vs. HHH vs. Kennedy
This will not happen! If u have seen the poster for No Way Out, it shows Hardy in the Chamber. Hardy will win the WWE at the RR, and have to defend it in an Elimination Chamber! It will be:

Hardy vs. Lashley vs. Orton vs. HBK vs. HHH vs. Kennedy

This can't happen as it says in the article from the newsletter that the chamber match will be a #1 contender's match. Hardy might be the champion at that ppv but he wont be defending in the chamber.
On Wikipedia a couple hours ago, I looked on the No Way Out 2008 page and it had already announced the Elimination Chamber match. Plus, they put participants on. They were Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Bobby Lashley, and another one that I can't remember. So that means three things. One is that Randy Orton will defeat Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble, two is to expect Batista or Undertaker to win the Royal Rumble Match because a Smackdown superstar will win the Royal Rumble, and three is that Bobby Lashley will return at the Royal Rumble or on an episode of Raw.
If you look now it says participants TBA, and since WWE changes its mind so much, you wont truly know, no matter what report says what. I have thought Batista would win the rumble for a while, but now that HHH is not in the Rumble and everyone knows he wants to Main Event Wrestlemania, hence the reason he lost to Hardy, i think Taker' will win the rumble and HHH or Batista winning the Chamber, with the other one somehow making his way into the main event setting up a triple threat between Orton vs. HHH vs. Batista. Anyways if it is a Raw Chamber: HHH vs. Lashley vs. HBK vs. Kennedy vs. Big Show vs. Umaga, it will be Hardy vs. Orton two and JBL vs. Jericho two at No Way Out. Smackdown/ECW Chamber: Taker vs. Kane vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Morrison vs. Shelton. Honestly the Raw one will be way better, so i hope Taker wins the rumble and its a Raw Chamber.
I will be at this PPV so I hope we get a good one, since I went to last years NWO and it was a decent, at best PPV. I'd love to see the rock do a run in and screw HBK out of the title shot at WM in the chamber, since word going around is rock vs hbk at wm. Word is Rock wanted to be in more action movies, and only roles he can land are Disney family movies, which hes good in, but isnt to happy with, and misses the busines. Also consider WM is in Flordia this made sense at least to me. Theres even a promotional poster going around with them on it (dont know if its fake, but looks pretty legit). I think a Raw chamber would be better as long as it is HBK, HHH, Umaga, Kennedy, Lashley (replace him with a returning Big Show PLEASE) and Jeff Hardy. Also NWO 01 was also in vegas and was known as one of the best PPV's in WWE history, so theres wishful thinking. Im hoping for the WHC we see Taker vs Edge vs batista vs Mysterio in a fatal fourway. Another match be JBL vs Jericho in maybe an I quit match. Those 3 matches, and maybe a tag team ladder match I'd be VERY happy and would feel this would make up for last years NWO.

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