I'm thinking this match is gonna be for Raw, I say this cause I've predicted MVP to win the Royal Rumble, and going after Batista at WM, so this would leave the WWE champion without a challenger, and Raw would have the Elimination chamber, I'm thinking Triple H, HBK, Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, & Snitsky (unfortunately), I'm thinking Jericho Vs, Orton for the WWE title at NWO, Snitsky and Hardy will start the match, then Snitsky will be eliminated first, then I'm thinking Umaga will be eliminated, followed by HBK who will be knocked out of the match by Kennedy, then Triple H will be the last to enter the match and he'll take out Kennedy and then it will be down to Jeff and Trips, Jeff will go for a swanton off the top of the chamber and Trips will move, then he'll hit Hardy with a Pedigree for the win, and we'll get Trips vs. Orton at WM, that's my prediction so far anyway