General No Way Out 2008 Discussion

I think that the entrants should be the last 6 (minus winner) in the Rumble. Make it known that the last six will get another oppertunity, and it could make for a very intresting end to the Rumble. Have it so that the person who enters the Chamber first was the first person eliminated from the final few in The Rumble, and so on.
Maybe the people who lose the chamber qualifiers could go into the MITB match, that is if it goes back to 6 people which it probably wont, and also if thee chamber is tri-branded. They could just say the winner has to challenge one of the two champions not taken by the rumble winner. The could then have qualifiers of
Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy - Kennedy wins
HBK vs. Cody Rhodes - Unlikely but Cody would do well in the MITB - HBK wins
Batista vs. Mysterio - Batista wins
Taker vs. Finlay - Taker wins
Shelton Benjamin vs. miz - Benjamin wins after major ECW push
Morrison vs. Dreamer? - Morrison wins against whoever, not sure of opponent

Just trying to get some new faces in the MITB, if they do it again, leaving HBK, Kennedy, Batista, Taker, Benjamin and Morrison
Maybe take out one of the ECW guys for Orton/ Jericho not sure whats happening with that one
I like this idea a lot! I really believe Flair will win the Royal Rumble this year and will go on to pick the WWE Championship as his main event title match for Wrestlemania. I also believe that Edge will be World Champion at this time. So Smackdown! will have its first Elimination Chamber. I think that the contenders will consist of....

1. Undertaker (Will win the match, and we'll finally see Edge/Undertaker at Wrestlemania)
2. Rey Mysterio
3. Finlay
4. Mark Henry or if ECW guys are allowed in the match Big Daddy V.
5. MVP
6. Matt Hardy (If he returns on time for the event)
i think it'll be an elimination chamber with Smackdown and ECW superstars. It'll turn out like Taker vs Batista vs Mysterio vs Morrison vs Shelton vs Burke. or something along those lines. Taker will end up winning it and will face Edge at Wrestlemania. this is because they already have a feud built up. if anyone else won exept batista it would only give them 4 weeks to start a feud which isnt enough time for a Wrestlemania main event feud.
Either way, no matter who is in the chamber, I think undertaker will prevail to face Edge at 24. I believe HHH will win the rumble, so I think the EC will be SD! & ECW, seeing as how they can appear on both shows, and I believe this is the only way it can work out

- Undertaker (winner)
- Batista
- Rey Mysterio
- John Morrison
- Big Daddy V
- Shelton Benjamin

This will allow some time between HHH & Orton to build up (maybe even a final match with Jericho or in a longshot a quick reunited Michaels feud), and possibly an Edge feud with someone @ NWO (eg. Kane), and a CM punk feud too (eg. Miz)
This should be a very good match. I want to see Triple H, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Umaga and Bobby Lashley to compete in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. The winner challenges current WWE Champion Shawn Michaels in the Raw main event at Wrestlemania! They could continue the HHH/HBK feud because in my mind, they have carried the best rivalries in the past decade.

Last I heard, the Chamber Match was going to crown a number one contender for the title at Wrestlemania 24. That right off the bat may eliminate the chances of Orton being in the match.
Well I think RAW is going to have one of their people win it this year because they have alot of returns/possible returns like HHH, HBK, maybe Lashley,
Y2J!, maybe Cena, who mostly is liked by girls and kids for some reason but that might change since he has been gone for a while, and I think that smackdown and ECW might both go in the chamber or might have a match against echother using their top guys to decide who gets it.....probably the first cause it would be a better match

My guess:

1.Rey Mysterio
2.UNDERTAKER! (winner)
3.Mark Henry?
4.John Morrison
5.Shelton benjamin

i think batista might still be champion so he wont be in it...maybe
Here's what I think is gonna go down,

Elimination Chamber will Def bee a Smackdown Chamber. With all of this Smackdown and ECW merger they will have Smackdown and ECW guyz in the Chamber. Taker is going to end up winning to face edge at Wrestlemania. The Royal Rumble will def go to Y2J but we will see a small DX reunion with Triple H turning on HBK to fued and ultimately ending at Wrestlemania. Triple H will eventually get the title back but I don't think it's going to be until John Cena comes back. John Cena will feud with Y2J or Orton to take the title and then feud with Triple H so that Triple H can become the WWE Champ once again.
Since Ive heard rumors going around that a Raw superstar will win the Royal Rumble, the Elmination Chamber will determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Title which Edge will win at Armageddon, the same way he won it on Raw against RVD and Cena. Undertaker will have Batista beat, but Edge will get him out of the way, pin Batista and win the title. Undertaker will win the EC match at No Way Out and beat Edge for the title at WrestleMania 24. Ive heard that Vince will put Ric Flair in the rumble, knowing he has little chance to win, so if he loses, he has to retire. Since Flair is retiring at WM, he will win the Rumble in Madison Square Garden and face Randy Orton at WM for the WWE title. Triple H is set to turn heel against HBK, Matt Hardy will return and face MVP at WM for the US title, and Im making a bold prediction that Jeff Hardy will win Money in the Bank IV. Triple H is high on making Jeff a main event superstar, meaning Jeff will probably win the title sometime late next year. You dont believe me? Look at Randy Orton and Batista.
Heres What I Think:
Since The Ric Flair Storyline Is Going On I Think He Is Gonna Win The Rumble By Cheatin Or Winin It Far And Square.
So It Should Be Orton Vs Flair At Mania
Kinda Like A Student Vs Teacher Type Of Thing At Mania
I Think Orton Is Still Gonna Be Champ Bcuz They Are Probly Gonna Have The Hbk Vs Hhh Feud

So The Elimination Chamber Will Go To Smackdown
I Think The Ppl In Th Chamber Are Goin To Be:

1.finlay(out 1st)
2.mvp(out 2nd)
3.matt Hardy(out Third)
4.mysterio(out 4th)
5.batista(out 5th By Taker)

So My Mania Match Predictions Are:

Wwe Title Match
Teacher Vs Student
Flair Vs Orton(figure Four Leg Lock Orton Taps Flair Wins Then Retires)

World Heavyweight Chapionship Match
Streak Vs Streak
Edge Vs Taker(tombstone Taker Remians Undefetted At Mania New Champion)

#1 Contenders Match
Hhh Vs Cena(cena Wins By Stfu)

Ecw World Championship
Cm Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin(very Good Match Both Very Athletic But Cm Punk Wins With The Anaconda Vice)

Money In The Bank Match(tri-branded)
Miz Vs Morrison Vs Mysterio Vs Finlay Vs Mr.kennedy Vs Y2j
(mysterio Does The 619 To Miz Rikoshades Into Ladder Which Knocks Morrison To The Floor Outside Finlay Gives The Celtic Cross To Mysterio Miz Do The Reality Check To Finlay Mr Kennedy Does The Green Bay Plunge Off The Ladder To Miz Mr Kennedy Climbs Ladder So Does Y2j And Y2j Gives Him The Code Breaker Off The Ladder Y2j Climbs The Ladder Again And Wins)

Intercontinental Championship
Loser Leaves Raw
Jeff Hardy Vs Umaga (hardy Wins)

U.s. Championship Match
Loser Gets A Haircut
Mvp Vs Matt Hardy(matt Hardy Wins And Cuts One Side Bald And Leaves The Other Side The Same)

Rookie Of The Year Match
Winner Gets To Chose The Oppertuniy To Be #1 Contender For Intercontinental Championship Or U.s. Championship)
Cody Rhodes Vs Dh Smith(cody Wins They Show Sign Of Respect And Goes After Matt Hardy)

Dream Match Winner Is #1 Contender For Thair Brand
If Cena Or Lashley Win Later Him And Hhh Will Compete
Batista Vs Cena Vs Lashley(batista Bomb To Lashley Fu To Batista Cena Wins)

#1 Contenders Match
Hhh Vs Hbk(hhh Wins)
I;m glad the chamber is coming back but i would have liked it to br in December, but now I think it is a good idea to do the #1 contender for wrestlemania match. I see it also having smackdown(and maybe ecw) people competing including Edge-Batista-Matt Hardy-Mysterio-Punk-Morrison. In all i think this could be a very great match/build up to wrestlemania/
This is a great idea by the WWE. They are finally thinking the right way and it looks like the road to WrestleMania 24 is going to be great. I think a Raw guy is going to win the rumble this year, so that means i think smackdown will have the chamber. While i think ECW will also been involved, i only think they will only put 1 or 2 ecw guys in. Unndertaker should defiently win this and move on to face edge at WM 24.

If the chamber is only Smackdown i think it will be like this:

Finlay/Henry/Khali - Not to sure

If its going to be Smackdown and ECW it will probably be like this, with only one change:
Big Daddy V

Undertaker should win though and challenge Edge for the title.
I think the chamber will be a smackdown one. Taker vs. Henry vs. Mysterio vs. MVP vs. Kane vs. Finlay winner will be the undertaker and he goes on to face edge at wm24 and taker defeats edge and wins the world title while batista faces mysterio in a no.1 contender match and mysterio hits the 619 and he goes for the west coast pop and batista catches him in mid air and batista bombs him 1...2...3! Winner is batista and i think the raw main event will be orton vs. hbk vs. hhh vs. y2j for the wwe title. ECW ill be shelton vs. punk winner is shelton new ecw champiom.
it'd be stupid for the undertaker to win,it gets boring when it's the same people for the title, batista was in every whc title match this year, it's stupid and gay get some raw people to challenge for it, like how lashely challenged big show. im putting my money on raw being the elimination chamber choice.
the past 4 years all the winners chose the world heavy weight title.
I think RAW would put on a great elimination chamber because of its superior roster. but then would would win the royal rumble? undertaker, mysterio, and batista all won it already. I don't see anyone else stepping up on the SD roster...this will be interesting.
I actually really like Jakes idea but wouldn't that mean that the last six superstars in the match have to be from one brand? The EC is for the brand who's title is not chosen. So they would have to do a sort of one on six kind of thing. Other than that the idea is great. I honestly think Raw is going to win the Rumble os Smakcdown is definitely going to be in the match.

ECW is not going to win the Rumble and Smackdown's only choice to win the Rumble would be Undertaker because if he is going to defeat Edge for the Title Edge would have to be Champion. So Smackdown is most likely to be in there.

I'm still a little shaky on who is going to be in the match though. Undertaker, Batista, and Rey Mysterio are the only people who I can pretty much guarantee will be in there. The other three have me a little confused.
I wish to see Dreamer in the Chamber if it's Smackdown/ECW chamber, because all the pushes Mark Henry and BDV has got so far are unjustified, and Dreamer was #1 contender before the ridiculous push, that would make sense to put him in there. And I really don't see how any current champions would be in it, because it's either for #1 contendership or it's for a vacated title due to injury.
I wish to see Dreamer in the Chamber if it's Smackdown/ECW chamber, because all the pushes Mark Henry and BDV has got so far are unjustified, and Dreamer was #1 contender before the ridiculous push, that would make sense to put him in there. And I really don't see how any current champions would be in it, because it's either for #1 contendership or it's for a vacated title due to injury.

The trouble with that, though, is that they need to start pushing Dreamer again. The way he stands right now is that he's just sort of filler that wrestles once a month, it seems. Even though I'd rather see Dreamer in the match than someone like BDV/Khali/Henry, they'll use one of the three or more, unfortunately.
I'm thinking this match is gonna be for Raw, I say this cause I've predicted MVP to win the Royal Rumble, and going after Batista at WM, so this would leave the WWE champion without a challenger, and Raw would have the Elimination chamber, I'm thinking Triple H, HBK, Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, & Snitsky (unfortunately), I'm thinking Jericho Vs, Orton for the WWE title at NWO, Snitsky and Hardy will start the match, then Snitsky will be eliminated first, then I'm thinking Umaga will be eliminated, followed by HBK who will be knocked out of the match by Kennedy, then Triple H will be the last to enter the match and he'll take out Kennedy and then it will be down to Jeff and Trips, Jeff will go for a swanton off the top of the chamber and Trips will move, then he'll hit Hardy with a Pedigree for the win, and we'll get Trips vs. Orton at WM, that's my prediction so far anyway
I think the best idea would be to put all 3 champions in the chamber. Think about it, you could have the three championship rivalries going into Wrestlemania (Orton/Jericho, Edge/Taker, Punk/Benjamin I hope) all in the chamber. Perhaps not for any title, coz we all know if that were the case The ECW title would be gone from Punk's waist, but perhaps with the stipulation that the winner gets to pick what sort of match they want at 'Mania.

All these guys would rock in the chamber too! Benjamin would definitley be the star i reckon.
I think the best idea would be to put all 3 champions in the chamber. Think about it, you could have the three championship rivalries going into Wrestlemania (Orton/Jericho, Edge/Taker, Punk/Benjamin I hope) all in the chamber. Perhaps not for any title, coz we all know if that were the case The ECW title would be gone from Punk's waist, but perhaps with the stipulation that the winner gets to pick what sort of match they want at 'Mania.

All these guys would rock in the chamber too! Benjamin would definitley be the star i reckon.

That is a good idea, but I don't think having your THREE champions in an EC match where one or ALL THREE could get injued. And think about this, if ALL 6 of them got injured, that would be it for the WWE.
this is a tough one.. i'm actually not a huge fan of the elimination chamber, i mean don't get me wrong, it's cool.. just not my favorite kind of stipulation match. but i think it should be an interpromotional chamber.. triple h, jericho, kennedy from raw. undertaker, mvp and edge [as champion] from smackdown.
Edge vs. Batista will be on the same ppv probably and then Taker, Finlay, Mysterio should go in from smackdown, y2j will win the rumble from raw, and then from ecw shelton, morrison and miz should go into the chamber as well. Thats my opinion but... if smackdown win the rumble - RAW elimination chamber: HBK vs. HHH vs. Kennedy vs. Hardy vs. Snitsky vs.Umaga and the winner will be hbk, but hhh turns on hbk then they have a rivalry and hhh gets added to the match and y2j wins the title from orton. Orton uses re-match clause at mania 24 so its hhh vs. hbk vs. y2j vs. rko for the wwe title and the winner of the match will be..........
That is a good idea, but I don't think having your THREE champions in an EC match where one or ALL THREE could get injued. And think about this, if ALL 6 of them got injured, that would be it for the WWE.

Good point but i would love to see Taker get injured and then have to be replaced by Matt Hardy for 'mania. Edge/Matt Hardy at 'mania would be a greta match and i would love to see him go over for the champioship. Gosjh i hope taker gets injured
it would be better with ECW and Smackdown I would like to see Henry Kane Undertaker The Miz shelton and Tommy Dreamer (that would be the big break Dreamer would need and also i dont think we will be seeing kane go at it with taker again for a good long while but i hope it does happen)

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