Its not often that i pick every winner in a match...basically coz i let my love for my fav wrestlers cloud my judgement..but i actually did last night and rather than be dissapointed..(except maybe slightly that hhh won)...i thoroughly enjoyed this ppv!!
CM Punk vs Chavo
Personally i really enjoyed this match...the ending was pretty cool and i laughed at punks sheer stupidity!! now punk is one of my favourites...but not even i cud deny the fact that if he wants to make it as a top heel, copying an eddie guerrero pose isnt the right way to go about it!! maybe he will get a nice heel turn and join edge or something? but the match itself was well worked..nice pace and good finish!
Taker Wins Elimination Chamber
This was surprisingly good..i was one of the people doubting the logic of having two chambers in one night when this one had such a shit line up in theory! but they eliminated the worst first and let the others go at it..some really nice moves..especially reverse choke slam from the top!! laughed at khalis poor attempt to bleed from the mouth tho! that guy cudnt sell a genuine punch bless him!! but really surprised at how well this one went!!
Edge Vs Mysterio
Cant help but think that even tho mysterio was injured that this match was actually as good as the rumble...whether i got sucked in by wincing at everything rey did or whether the rumble match wasnt that good...but i really enjoyed this one!! fair play 619 with a torn bicep!! hell of a move!!
i absolutely loved this return!! he got a nice pop!! played the crowd for fools!! he was getting lovely cheers, everyone was happy go lucky about him coming back face!! he looked damn good!! then he gets jealous of poor little rey rey!! excellent!! no better way to get heat than pick on a poor injured midget!! and then mayweather getting in the ring and nailing him was awesome!! even tho its been touted as a work...i still cant help but think he hit him a little too hard and what followed wasnt so much of a work!! but hey maybe im eating up what wwe is shelling out and thats why vince loves fans like me
special mention for mike "im a fuck up" adamle..who once again had me in stiches with his lack of knowledge about anything wrestlingwise!! and was it me or did he say wec at some point instead of wwe? also reys promo was a crack me up moment with his instant transition from spanish speakin mexican to white boy ghetto gang member from the hood as soon as mayweather turned up?? nicely done rey!!
Orton Vs Cena
Another "shit" match which i thoroughly enjoyed!! completely different style to anything weve seen in a while!! the false count outs were great!! the crowd were awesome in this match aswell...and love him or hate him but cena sure gets the crowd going considering they were dead for most of the ppv! and fair play orton that was the best ending to a match id seen since...well the 1st elimination chamber...awesome ending to that btw!!! but a slap to the face at a ppv to end a match americans (
not us brits haha) had to pay for?? how can u get people to hate u more than that!!! awesome!!!
and then came there was one...
HHH wins the elimination chamber!!
GO UMAGA!!! HE WAS FREAKIN AWESOME IN THIS MATCH!!! back to his best...not that hes been far from it..just hasnt been pushed!! hardys swanton from the top was nice...JR and king finally started using the name "codebreaker" for y2j's move!! and
i for 1 was glad to see hbk injured..he was good starting out the match but didnt want to see him do his whole im gonna over come the odds to lose at the last hurdle thing again!!! nothing personal but weve seen him go all the way in elimination chambers before (someones not gonna be happy with that comment)...gave the others a chance to shine..and shine they did!! loved the quick fire eliminations they did! and then the end!! as soon as it was down to 2 i thought it was all but over...hhh hits the pedigree....o well reach for the last smoke before bed this ones all over!! but WAIT!! HARDY KICKED OUT!! awesome!! great way to continue his push without actually having him win!! and the low blow had me sitting on the edge of my seat...literally!! even my friend who was half asleep...lightweight...woke up for the end when i screamed like a little girl (little girl being person whos not happy at my hbk comment hehe) at hardy kicking out!!! even tho i kinda knew hhh was gonna win WWE really did tease the hardy win!! i wasnt even sure if he had hit the twist of fate for a second!! but yeah hhh won and i for one am lookin forward to a triple threat at mania!!
so it was a good pay per view!! and as a dedication to the little girl whos bored in school ill give this a school grade!! B+

but seriously get rid of Adamle! that guys about as good on the mic as Khali!!
and did anyone else notice that the ECW title shot had a build up promo video but raw EC didnt?? thought that was a bit wierd! but the actual videos they used were all very well done!!