General No Way Out 2008 Discussion

Solid show but nothing special, I hate the fact that sometimes it feels like fans spend money only to watch a Championship match end with a DQ, seems unfair sometimes because that is the type of results they should only give fans on Raw or Smackdown not on a PPV which fans have to pay for

Mayweather vs Big Show things was the most entertaining I thought because it is something I never expected nor did I expect Mayweather to actually hit him like he did WOW, but I just felt like the WWE went right back to being predictable, I knew and I think we all knew HHH was going to win, would have been a great suprise if Hardy would have won being that he is so over right now

I am still not sure what the WWE is doing with Kennedy right now, just when you think he is on the way up he loses

also not really into seeing a 3 way match with Orton vs Cena vs HHH for Wrestlemania but it could end up being entertaining

also MVP made himself into a Mainevent guy on Smackdown, he to me was the most entertaining guy in that Smackdown Elimination Chamber match
Its not often that i pick every winner in a match...basically coz i let my love for my fav wrestlers cloud my judgement..but i actually did last night and rather than be dissapointed..(except maybe slightly that hhh won)...i thoroughly enjoyed this ppv!!

CM Punk vs Chavo

Personally i really enjoyed this match...the ending was pretty cool and i laughed at punks sheer stupidity!! now punk is one of my favourites...but not even i cud deny the fact that if he wants to make it as a top heel, copying an eddie guerrero pose isnt the right way to go about it!! maybe he will get a nice heel turn and join edge or something? but the match itself was well worked..nice pace and good finish!

Taker Wins Elimination Chamber

This was surprisingly good..i was one of the people doubting the logic of having two chambers in one night when this one had such a shit line up in theory! but they eliminated the worst first and let the others go at it..some really nice moves..especially reverse choke slam from the top!! laughed at khalis poor attempt to bleed from the mouth tho! that guy cudnt sell a genuine punch bless him!! but really surprised at how well this one went!!

Edge Vs Mysterio

Cant help but think that even tho mysterio was injured that this match was actually as good as the rumble...whether i got sucked in by wincing at everything rey did or whether the rumble match wasnt that good...but i really enjoyed this one!! fair play 619 with a torn bicep!! hell of a move!!


i absolutely loved this return!! he got a nice pop!! played the crowd for fools!! he was getting lovely cheers, everyone was happy go lucky about him coming back face!! he looked damn good!! then he gets jealous of poor little rey rey!! excellent!! no better way to get heat than pick on a poor injured midget!! and then mayweather getting in the ring and nailing him was awesome!! even tho its been touted as a work...i still cant help but think he hit him a little too hard and what followed wasnt so much of a work!! but hey maybe im eating up what wwe is shelling out and thats why vince loves fans like me :)

special mention for mike "im a fuck up" adamle..who once again had me in stiches with his lack of knowledge about anything wrestlingwise!! and was it me or did he say wec at some point instead of wwe? also reys promo was a crack me up moment with his instant transition from spanish speakin mexican to white boy ghetto gang member from the hood as soon as mayweather turned up?? nicely done rey!!

Orton Vs Cena

Another "shit" match which i thoroughly enjoyed!! completely different style to anything weve seen in a while!! the false count outs were great!! the crowd were awesome in this match aswell...and love him or hate him but cena sure gets the crowd going considering they were dead for most of the ppv! and fair play orton that was the best ending to a match id seen since...well the 1st elimination chamber...awesome ending to that btw!!! but a slap to the face at a ppv to end a match americans (not us brits haha) had to pay for?? how can u get people to hate u more than that!!! awesome!!!

and then came there was one...

HHH wins the elimination chamber!!

GO UMAGA!!! HE WAS FREAKIN AWESOME IN THIS MATCH!!! back to his best...not that hes been far from it..just hasnt been pushed!! hardys swanton from the top was nice...JR and king finally started using the name "codebreaker" for y2j's move!! and i for 1 was glad to see hbk injured..he was good starting out the match but didnt want to see him do his whole im gonna over come the odds to lose at the last hurdle thing again!!! nothing personal but weve seen him go all the way in elimination chambers before (someones not gonna be happy with that comment)...gave the others a chance to shine..and shine they did!! loved the quick fire eliminations they did! and then the end!! as soon as it was down to 2 i thought it was all but over...hhh hits the pedigree....o well reach for the last smoke before bed this ones all over!! but WAIT!! HARDY KICKED OUT!! awesome!! great way to continue his push without actually having him win!! and the low blow had me sitting on the edge of my seat...literally!! even my friend who was half asleep...lightweight...woke up for the end when i screamed like a little girl (little girl being person whos not happy at my hbk comment hehe) at hardy kicking out!!! even tho i kinda knew hhh was gonna win WWE really did tease the hardy win!! i wasnt even sure if he had hit the twist of fate for a second!! but yeah hhh won and i for one am lookin forward to a triple threat at mania!!

so it was a good pay per view!! and as a dedication to the little girl whos bored in school ill give this a school grade!! B+ :)
but seriously get rid of Adamle! that guys about as good on the mic as Khali!!
and did anyone else notice that the ECW title shot had a build up promo video but raw EC didnt?? thought that was a bit wierd! but the actual videos they used were all very well done!!
Edge Vs Mysterio

Cant help but think that even tho mysterio was injured that this match was actually as good as the rumble...whether i got sucked in by wincing at everything rey did or whether the rumble match wasnt that good...but i really enjoyed this one!! fair play 619 with a torn bicep!! hell of a move!!

This was a good match, and Mysterio did well to say he was injured. I wasn't expecting anything good, but he surprised me.

i for 1 was glad to see hbk injured..he was good starting out the match but didnt want to see him do his whole im gonna over come the odds to lose at the last hurdle thing again!!! nothing personal but weve seen him go all the way in elimination chambers before (someones not gonna be happy with that comment)

Well I presume that comment about someone not liking it is meant for me Huw, what did I tell you about me arguing with anyone about Shawn?
Personally I'm at a loss to see how you can say you'd be glad of a Shawn injury. Like him or not you can't say he doesn't put on great matches, and at PPV's he's always top of his game. So to say you were glad he was injured is a fairly stupid thing to say. A huge majority of people enjoy Shawn's participation in matches and he seems to make good matches better. I love watching him perform and he can put a breathe of fresh air into anything.

Also he is great in Elimination chmbers, and anyone who has seen the first Elimination chamber will agree with that. I think his injury early on was nothing but a bad thing for the match.

However this match was still really good, and I was especially shocked (in a good way) at how Umaga was. He was great! There were so many points where I just wanted him to go all the way and win it. He would have deserved it, definately. Umaga doesn't get enough credit, but I'm hoping this performance proves to some people that he is good at the very least.

I can't say I was overly happy with the ending, albeit I knew it would happen. If anything, I'm simply basing it off of the match, when I think both Umaga and Hardy deserved it more than HHH. However Hardy kicked out of the pedigree. This I think is pivitol in his career, and has definately helped his main-eventer status. If this was a match simply between Hardy and HHH I think it would have been great.
as i said i was glad he was in it and he did well starting off the match and him and y2j did very well!! but it was good to see that other people got the chance to "headline" the umaga providing most of the offence and then hardy coming in with a flurry of while i wasnt glad that hbk got injured coz i wudnt wish that on any superstar...except maybe rey while in the heaviweight title hunt...o wait that happened :) was good that umaga and jeff could be the "main men" who didnt win rather then have shaun take all the offence as he has done in the past!! and he is doing a good job of putting over hardy atm...hope they continue the feud!!
and of course u knew that comment was about u! i told u ;)
as i said i was glad he was in it and he did well starting off the match and him and y2j did very well!! but it was good to see that other people got the chance to "headline" the chamber

But what you aren't taking into consideration is that Shawn always works hard to make sure the other guy looks good. Therefore it wouldn't be him taking away a chance for someone else, but that other person possibly losing a chance to look even better. umaga providing most of the offence and then hardy coming in with a flurry of while i wasnt glad that hbk got injured coz i wudnt wish that on any superstar...except maybe rey while in the heaviweight title hunt...o wait that happened :) was good that umaga and jeff could be the "main men" who didnt win rather then have shaun take all the offence as he has done in the past!!

Umaga and Jeff did well in this, and I was especially pleased with Umaga who really proved a lot of his doubters wrong in this match. But it doesn't mean theywouldn't have got this chance if Shawn hadn't have been injured.

and he is doing a good job of putting over hardy atm...hope they continue the feud!!

Hardy kicking out of the pedigree was good for his career IMO. I haven't really considered a feud with Shawn and Hardy, although Shawn usually puts people over so it could be a possibility. I however would much rather see a Jercho feud (again) or a Shawn and Umaga feud, because that would be new and definately interesting due to the skill of both men.

and of course u knew that comment was about u! i told u ;)

Well, true, but I also know you that well :p
its simple maths....if there are 6 people in a chamber and they all get an equal share of the offence, then if one of those people gets injured then of course others are going to get more oppurtunity to do more because that person cudnt do his offence and someone has to cover up! so therefore because shaun cudnt do his offence umaga and hardy cud do hbk getting injured benifited them! i thought an A* maths student would be able to work that out haha!!
its simple maths....if there are 6 people in a chamber and they all get an equal share of the offence, then if one of those people gets injured then of course others are going to get more oppurtunity to do more because that person cudnt do his offence and someone has to cover up! so therefore because shaun cudnt do his offence umaga and hardy cud do hbk getting injured benifited them! i thought an A* maths student would be able to work that out haha!!

You're saying all of this as if Shawn (note the spelling) would have made a negative impact. This isn't true. It's obvious everyone had to work harder to cover up for his absence, but at the same time, the thing that started this was you saying it was a good thing he got injured, which simply isn't true.

Yes they got more of the spotlight, which would obviously happen, but Shawn's injury wasn't good for the match as it meant there was one less talent in it. How can you think that would be a good thing?

Oh, and leave my A* out of this! Haha
Not happy at all another PPV a wasted 30 some dollars and nothing no title change or at least somthing shocking. The Big Show was ok but not like Cena Won the ending was cheap and stupid. The SD chamber was BORING and so on and so on
*I won't even bother mentioning how everything was predictable, as others have noted on that already, so it'd be a waste for me to write "I knew Triple H would win" and such.*

CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero
--Again, another person who didn't watch it lol. Who cares though, really? Punk is moving over to Smackdown or Raw with the draft to move on to bigger things. Chavo will lose it at Wrestlemania to someone.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber
--Glad to see Khali and BDV having virtually no say in the match, as they shouldn't have been in it. I have to agree with everyone that says MVP showed that he's truly a main event star in this match, too. Mediocre match overall with a kind of odd finish.

Ric Flair vs Kennedy
--Seen it already at the Royal Rumble with MVP. I'm surprised there are people that still like this angle and don't feel that its 2 months over due.

Edge vs Mysterio
--You have to hand it to Rey for doing that much work with an injury. The match sucked, yeah, but he did more than he was required to. He could've easily just opted out or had a 2 minute squash. Applause to the guy for his work ethic, but that doesn't mean the match was good - it was just good "considering".

Big Show's Return
--Glad to see that he's back and in better shape, however, whenever they throw a celebrity in an angle, it always sucks. I wish they'd have just had Big Show feud with like, hell, even Batista, who I'm not a big fan of, but at least he isn't someone doing a "guest spot" for all intents and purposes.

Orton vs Cena
--Snooze fest. The only thing keeping me awake on this was seeing how the crowd reacted, cause clearly this isn't the type of event they want. When you have people booing for BOTH participants, and the cheers go for "half the Cena fans vs the other half that HATE Cena rooting for Orton just out of spite"...that's sad. I just think neither man is good enough to be the main star in the WWE, but I was rooting for Orton just because I didn't want Cena rammed down my throat for another year.

Raw Elimination Chamber
--Glad to see Umaga actually did something other than miss the "butt avalanche" and miss a headbutt, then get pinned. JBL is just as horrible in the ring as he was as a commentator, so I never look forward to his matches. HBK and Jericho fell into the inevitable losing section because they obviously aren't booked for pushes, and Triple H slithers his way into the main event...again. He and Cena "overcome the odds" so much that probability in itself has lost all meaning lol.

OVERALL: Decent ppv if you're blind to how they booked it. I'd say 7/10 people on here are smart enough to have predicted everything, so it was a little boring in those regards, but then we do have those 3/10 that keep predicting "Matt Hardy will come back and be World Heavyweight Champion at Royal Rumble" type of stuff lol and those people were probably astounded by the results.
The RAW chamber was far superior to the Smackdown one in terms of star power and match quality. The Smackdown Chamber could have been Batista vs Undertaker and it probably would have come off just as well. MVP is great but he really had no reason to be there, he wasn't going to win a Wrestlemania title shot. Khali, Finlay, and Big V were just distraction from the Taker Batista showdown.

The Raw chamber was excellent. It added to the Jericho JBL feud with Jericho scoring a pin. Umaga showed why he shouldn't have been crushed by anyone, including Triple H. HBK did what he has continued to do the last year and put people over. I personally think Umaga should have been the one to pin him. Triple H did win like most of you predicted, but letting Hardy kick out of a pedigree probably made a few think Jeff stood a chance. I'm not to big on HHH, but this match was good.

Overall, I'm excited for Taker vs Edge and for some reason, I hope they do a triple threat with Cena, Orton, and HHH and let Orton go over.
As for the Elimination Chamber's I thought they were both great. My hat is off to Umaga, Jericho and HBK. They made the Raw match. That double Somoan Drop thing was awesome, and when Umaga bulldozed Y2J through the class, that was one of the biggest hits of the night. MVP and Jeff Hardy both had great moves off of the chambers, although Jeff jumped off and MVP was thrown. As for the winners, I give Undertaker credit. He took quite a few hits, including falling out the cage door, over the steel steps and onto the floor (I thought he was legitimately hurt there), and he won in the end.

As for Triple H, he didn't really take anything in his victory. Although I'm not Triplt H's biggest fan, I didn't mind him winning. What I did mind was that he had to beat Jeff at the end. This pissed me off. I was just starting to think Triple H was getting less selfish, then he has to walk over Hardy and probably because he never got over losing to Jeff at Armageddon. But I still thought this was a great pay-per-view.
there must of been millions of people who saw the ref give jerico the blade to cut himself in the elimination chamber that was funny seeing it on camera lol and to see jerico bleed like 20 seconds after jbl hit him with the chair.
What I did mind was that he had to beat Jeff at the end. This pissed me off. I was just starting to think Triple H was getting less selfish, then he has to walk over Hardy and probably because he never got over losing to Jeff at Armageddon. But I still thought this was a great pay-per-view.

At this point though, the only person that CAN beat Jeff is Triple H. With the exception of Orton [who IS the champion] he's beaten everybody else, including a clean win over HBK. Anybody else at this point pinning Jeff is just gonna discredit him as a main eventer. Of course maybe I'm biased towards Trips, since he's been my favorite since his ladder match against the Rock in '97.
I'm kinda suprised no one's mentioned HBK doing the crossface again!! that was brill....and that Umaga didnt tap out whilst being in the crossface AND the walls of jericho!!!

Jeff kicking out of the pedigree was brilliant. I honestly thought they were gonna throw another curveball and have him win, but alas he didnt....however it was a REALLY good match I thought. All the wrestlers involved did well (did anyone else notice that HHH conveniently didnt get up when JBL was swinging chairs! lol)

Overall I enjoyed the PPV even if it was a little predictable. even if i know who wins i like to see a relatively entertaining match and they didnt fail me much.

Orton slapping the ref was the funnyest thing all night! (that and Hornswoggles head in the chamber match!) me and my friends were just screaming for Orton to win!

Big show looks really wierd. lol. clearly its coz he's lost loads of weight and looks pretty good....but he looked a hell of a lot smaller than i thought he would. didnt even seem tall! maybe thats just me being wierd though. haha.
Okay, going back to the RAW chamber match. I just finished watching it for the first time. And I have to say I was definitely impressed. HBK and Y2J opening was like 'mania 19 all over again. Which is one of my favorite matches in the last 5 years. I read the results last night but must've overlooked the fact that Hardy kicked out of the pedigree. For those of you who think Trips was burying Hardy last night? You obviously don't understand how the politicking side of the business works. Because if Triple H wanted to bury Jeff.. Well I think you can see where I'm going with this, because it took a pedigree on a chair to put Hardy away. Hardy's definitely winning Money in the Bank. I am still waiting for Jericho's push now.. Hopefully he can start a feud with heel Cena.

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