At this point, there are two people I would shit my pants over: The Rock or Randy Savage.

The Rock seems to be the most popular guess right now. Hell, there's even a poll on WWE.COM asking who they think is going to be the guest host and The Rock has 60% of the votes. The Rock is tailor-made for a guest host type role; he has the ability to draw like almost no-one else in history and he has chemistry with everyone. Give him a mic and he adds value to any situation.

Randy Savage I'm saying only because he was on the afore mentioned poll and it would be awesome to see him at Wrestlemania one last time. I don't think he would be a better choice than The Rock, but he would be my favourite next to him. For it to be as big as WWE is making it out to be , using Vince himself to hype it, than it has to be someone big who hasn't been seen in quite sometime. Both fit that criteria and if it is either of them I might actually expload.
since my last post got deleted and I got a warning here goes..

HOST only one name comes to mind, he hosted the biggest gameshow in history, he had a million dollar show. He has appeared as a guest GM and was semi well received.. Bob Barker Come on down.

It will make the millions and millions of the great ones fans upset but it makes sense. He is the most well know host in the world and already has appeared in the wwe before.
since my last post got deleted and I got a warning here goes..

HOST only one name comes to mind, he hosted the biggest gameshow in history, he had a million dollar show. He has appeared as a guest GM and was semi well received.. Bob Barker Come on down.

It will make the millions and millions of the great ones fans upset but it makes sense. He is the most well know host in the world and already has appeared in the wwe before.

There's no chance it's Bob Barker. The whole point of Wrestlemania for Vince McMahon is to get people to buy it. If people looked at the lackluster card would Bob Barker as host make someone want to buy it?


I like Bob Barker but he would not accomplish what WWE is trying to accomplish with this "host" gimmick.

They are trying to get more buys.

A man like the legendary Rock would definitely make people buy the PPV. He has not been in the WWE in over 7 years and hasn't been seen live in person in as many years. His comeback has been highly anticipated so people would buy Wrestlemania, just to see the return of one of the greatest superstars ever.

Despite recent reports that WWE employees are under the impression that Bob Barker is the host, I still think it's The Rock. Let's be honest with ourselves for a second. A majority of the WWE fanbase doesn't even know who Bob Barker is! I mean certainly everyone has heard of him but how many people actually watched The Price Is Right? I'm talking about the young kids.... EVERYONE knows The Rock.

Holy shit!

Maybe, just maybe, The Great One is gonna host Wrestlemania?

This shit just got big!

If I hear "If You Smell," tonight, I'm marking out!

But seriously, why would the Rock put "FINALLY!" tonight, ironically when the guest host of Wrestlemania is gonna be announced. And "FINALLY", goes with his wrestling gimmick. Why would he say that, he finished a movie? Doubt it!

This is 2/21/11 all over again, atleast it's in 3 hours, not three weeks.

I don't think Vince would come return to announce the guest host if is was someone there than The Rock or Stone Cold. It's a wrestleing/entertainment show, what in the blue hell does Bob Barker have to do with Wreslemania, wrestling, WWE, or anything in that nature.

What, he hosted RAW, so now he's hosting Wrestlemania, gonna have 3 akward backstage promos, probably punch somebody (guest host's usually get physical), and never be heard from again. Really?!

If 2/21/11 is not Sting, or the Wrestlemania guest host is not The Rock or Stone Cold, I have no clue what the hell VInce Mcmahon is doing. Hell, I'd rather have Shawn Michaels than Bob Barker.
Im not a fan of the rock and wish he would just leave already. After wrestlemania he will just disappear. He is not getting roles for movies so he needs to comeback and try to build himself back up.
ok i change my mind. I can't stand cena ever more. I hope the rock kicks his butt and beats cena.

I still doubt the rock will be around long and they need the rock because they know Cena is getting stale.
I wont even lie, I just marked out big time for The Rock. The Rock hosting Wrestlemania is great! I wasn't going to be purchasing Wrestlemania, for the simple fact that not many of the planned matches interest me that much, but since The Rock will be there and be the host, I will be purchasing Wrestlemania now. The Rock has had some great Wrestlemania moments, and although he wont be wrestling, let's hope he has another great 'Mania moment this year!

Not only that, but most of the talent in the back should take notes from The Rock. That is how you do a promo.
CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE GUEST HOST IS COOKING? I can! It's the Rock! FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO WWE! I have to admit, I fucking MARKED out when I saw him come back. The entire floor of my college came to my room to see what I was screaming about. When that woman walked out, I had no clue who it would be (Maybe Lady Gaga). The Rock's promo was AMAZING. WWE would be 50 times better if everyone could cut a promo like the Rock. I hope that everyone was taking notes last night. The Rock still has it and damn, I hung on EVERY word The Rock said like a worm on a hook. And when he said he'd meet John Cena at Wrestlemania, I marked out even more. Does this mean we're FINALLY getting the Cena vs. Rock match we've all been waiting for? Maybe not. I still think it will be Cena vs. Miz for the WWE Championship. I think The Rock will end up being the ref for the match, but now I really, REALLY, want it to be Rock vs. Cena. Have Morrison win the Chamber and we can have another great match between Miz and Morrison and we can have that dream match that we've all be waiting for.

The only thing about the promo is the Rock said he's never leaving again. Does that mean he's coming back as the GM of Raw? I know he isn't returning to the ring full time. Hell, if the Rock came back to WWE, those ratings will skyrocket. The Rock being at Wrestlemania 27 alone is enough to make me want to by the PPV.
I just marked out all over my pants...The Rock is by far the most electrifying man in all of entertainment....That pop from the crowd was probably the loudest a WWE arena has been in many years. I can't wait for this years Wrestlemania!!! Thank you Rock for an amazing promo, an amazing entrance and overall amazing night!
So I totally marked out when Rock's music hit. I was totally expecting the Price is Right theme song.

So it looks like we're going to see the Rock face Cena. Contrary to what the Rock said tonight, let's get real here people. Rock isn't around for the long haul. He's here to work at Wrestlemania, then he's leaving.
I have to comment on this since I am a big Rock fan, but this is awesome news. Finally, the WWE has been able to have The Rock show up and make an appearance. Even if it's just a one-time appearance, that right there gives you a reason to order WrestleMania 27. The Rock has come back!!!
Damn, the thread is up to this many pages already? I wonder if that's some kinda record. Yes, like just about everyone else, I marked out when Rock came out. I have a feeling that WM is going to do a huge buyrate this year, I personally know lots of people that will buy it just because of The Rock.

Watching Rock do his thing on the mic tonight made me feel like I was 18 years old again. He hasn't lost a single step, not one single step when cutting a promo. From just a purely entertainment standpoint, I don't think I've seen anything in years that can top it. Of course, nostalgia is playing a huge role in it as well but the man is just that damn good on the mic. It was literally a classic Rock promo and will no doubt be one of the most memorable moments in wrestling in 2011.
Not sure which thread is the Official thread, but I'll post here anyway. I can't believe The Rock has finally came back to WWE, even if it is for a short time. He said he wasn't leaving WWE, but somehow I doubt that. The crowd went insane for The Rock. I've always wondered if The Rock would ever come back and call out Cena and the new era of WWE. I thought that Rock would come out and say a few words and be done with it. I had no idea that they would allow Rock to go uncensored calling out Cena, The Miz, and everyone else.

Even if The Rock is only the host of Mania without a match, he is going to be the main selling attraction for Mania this year. I honestly had no desire to purchase or even care about watching Mania this year until The Rock showed up. I'm not one of those fans that bitch and moan about The Rock leaving or even seeing him come back since we all assumed that ship has sailed long ago.

I'm glad to see The Rock back in WWE. I don't think fans should get their hopes up thinking that The Rock will be in WWE as a full time performer like before. I would be surprised if he even has one match. You don't leave Hollywood making millions of dollars so you can wrestle in a ring for less money. That is like the CEO of McDonald's stepping down to be a Manager.

Anyways, I can't wait to see what will happen next on the Road to Wrestlemania. Cena's response and the eventual showdown between Cena and Rock should be stuff of legend. Old School vs. New School, Attitude vs. PG. Movie Star vs. Wrestler. These two just stepping in the ring to confront each other is enough.
I'm going to assume thread is about him actually being the guest host and not about him actually returning.

This is a great thing. he said he will be involved at wrestlemania in a hands on kind of way, so I can think that will mean no heel is going to get away with winning a match by anything other then a clean finish.

I will be looking forward to when he comes out and cuts a few promo's, to give people a bit of a break from the wrestling. (turn the volume up, it's only him talking head to the toilet ect...) and hopefully, adding a few matches or stipulations.

You know with the rock that it's not going to end up having some stupid arm wrestling competition or something though.

Lets hope that the guest host actually does get a match that night.
Finally saw it. That was, by far, one of the funniest, most entertaining things that I have seen on WWE television in years. FINALLY, someone verbally killed John Cena's corny ass. I about fell out of my chair when he said Cena had been shot out of Barney the Dinosaur's purple anus. Hold on....

hahahahahahahahahahahahaaAaaaaaa xD
That was the greatest thing to happen to WWE since The Rock left.He showed everyone that Cena, the guy WWE built up for 6-7 years, the superman, the guy who is a fake gangsta is a jabroni who gets ripped apart in two minutes.That's Jabroni J-A-B-R-O-N-I-N-X-Y HELL IT DOESNT MATTER HOW YOU SPELL JABRONI. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT CENA TAKES HIS SHIT ASS GEAR, SHINE IT UP, TURN IT SIDEWAYS AND STICKS IT UP HIS CANDY ASS!!!
I'll assume this thread is about him actually hosting WM and the other one for the return.

This can really mean only good things obviously. Firstly it adds a major selling point to WM and will likely increase the buy rate quite a fucking lot. It is also probably going to bring back some old school Rock fans who may have stopped watching after he left.

He should obviously excel in this role, as we know promos are The Rocks strongest point, in this role he can come out in between matches, cut a few promos to hype the crowd up, have a few back stage comedy bits, hand out a few Rock bottoms and maybe add stipulations to some matches. It is a role that suits Rocky perfectly.
As you might be able to tell from my name, I am a huge mark for The Rock. He is easily my favorite wrestler of all time and seeing him return to WWE was incredible. Everyone was skeptical on whether or not he would actually come back, but I held on to hope and it finally paid off.

The announcement was basically the main reason I was pumped for Raw. Not gonna lie, but when I saw that leg come out of the limo, my heart deflated. They completely had me. But when that music hit, he came out, and the place erupted, it was special. Now he sort of an actor so maybe he was acting, but he looked like he was very happy to be back. You can tell he was loving every moment of that return.

If there is one thing that I took away from his fantastic promo, its that he still has it. No one has been able to come remotely close to The Rock's ability to work a crowd. He just displays so much energy and charisma, its ridiculous. At one point, it sounded like he was just saying random words, but it still sounded great. No one cuts a promo like The Rock and lets hope every aspiring wrestler learned something from watching that. I was already going to buy Wrestlemania, but now not only is there no way that I'm missing it, but I already cant wait.
The Rock is going to electrify WM like no one else can, and I cannot wait. He really is the greatest promo cutter of all time and nobody can work a crowd like him for that amount of time, a 20 minute promo and the crowd ate up all of it... Wow.

Nobody, not even Cena could come out and cut a promo for 20 minutes and have the crowd hang on every word he says, Wrestlemania is going to be awesome.
I dont know if this has been pointed out before but

Fast 5 April 29, 2011
Wrestlemania April 3, 2011

seems like the movie needs some extra promotion & using the biggest even ot the WWE year isnt a bad place to start.

start a month before wrestlemania and the movie come out...then again i could be totally wrong...

but when fast 5 commercials start playing during wwe programming we will see.

on the other hand good to see the rock back cutting promos
I noticed alot of people complaining about Cena winning and Morrison losing in atleast 3 different Forums.

This got me wondering does the Rock have the power to make or change matches for WM?

If so I was thinking what if the Rock challenged the GM's call to keep Punk in the chamber and have a match between Cena and the ones Punk "eliminated" from the chamber winner going to WM.

It will be Cena/Morrison/Orton.
That would make me a very happy man. I'd buy Wrestlemania just to see one of my favorite wrestlers become a star on the grandest stage of them all.
That would be interesting.

One thing that I'm wondering is, last week during The Rock's promo the GM sent an email which never got read out. I wonder if that'll be brought up tonight?
People have legacys. Shawn Michaels was Mr. Wrestlemania, Taker is undefeated at Mania...he's the deadman, The Rock was The People's Champ, Orton is the Legend Killer and youngest champion ever.....

Has anyone ever thought that WWE would use Morrison as a main eventer, the main the would steal the show each and every time .... but never win. As ridiculous as it sounds, it is a damn true possibility.

That is one way to give a legacy, just as one way to turn MVP face was to have a multiple month losing streak. Remember that?
People have legacys. Shawn Michaels was Mr. Wrestlemania, Taker is undefeated at Mania...he's the deadman, The Rock was The People's Champ, Orton is the Legend Killer and youngest champion ever.....

Has anyone ever thought that WWE would use Morrison as a main eventer, the main the would steal the show each and every time .... but never win. As ridiculous as it sounds, it is a damn true possibility.

That is one way to give a legacy, just as one way to turn MVP face was to have a multiple month losing streak. Remember that?

There have been a lot of guys in wrestling history that have the storyline of not being able to win the big one. Jeff Hardy did it not too long ago and HBK did it even better many years ago. If done properly, it can be a GREAT way to build fan support. So it doesn't sound ridiculous in the slightest.

As for The Rock having the power...that would seem to royally screw up their plans of Cena vs. Miz and especially Orton vs. Punk. The thing you have to remember is that the people complaining about Cena winning and not Morrison are A)Morons and B)the extreme minority. If Morrison wins instead of Cena, you can cut your Wrestlemania buyrate by about 30%. People don't give a damn about Morrison. Yeah, he has some flashy cool spots in his matches, and sure he may be there some day, but people are not going to pay to see him beat Miz for the title like they will John Cena. Get over it.

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