The fact that the announcement is made in Anaheim makes me believe it is a Hollywood celebrity. That would seem to point to the most logical choice The Rock. But is the Rock really something to make someone by a PPV when he isn't wrestlng anymore.? He regularly makes the rounds on the talk shows and he exists in the archives.
Should the "host" be someone from the area hostling Atlanta or Georgia ?
Ted Turner would be interesting considering the past Monday night wars.
A long shot : Former President Jimmy Carter. Not sure how much he could do but it woud add prestige, add tons of media attention and make the event historical and memortable. And the Carters were big wrestling fans. Maybe a sizable donation to Habitat For Humanity would do it?
The only way I would want to see Justin Beiber is if he wrestles Hornswaggle or the Great Khali.
Didn't he say the person sells out arenas? leads me to believe it is a singer/comdian who sells out arenas..

Someone like larry the cable guy or jeff foxworthy is from atlanta so is ryan seacrest(sp)

or a sports figure like Hank Aaron, Evander Holyfield, Dieon Sanders etc are all from atlanta or even Aaron Rodgers
I think and hope the host will be The Rock. He has a strong connection to the Miami area and would REALLY get a great reaction. Imagine the ROCK hosting wrestlemania. That would be funny and pretty dam entertaining.

He is already there for the HOF, so why not have him host the whole damm thing? Who would be better than Mr Wrestlemania himself?

Maybe its Arnie now he has left office?
I'm pretty confident it will end up being The Rock but I started to think about it and I realized that although The Rock hosting would undoubtedly lead to more buys which is the WWE's ultimate goal, would The Great One overshadow Wrestlemania?

When his music hits, fans are going to go crazy and they will be chanting ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY and will probably do so throughout the whole event.

Does Vince really want to turn Wrestlemania into The Rock's triumphant return? Is that what he wants people to remember?

The Rock might actually be better off coming back and hosting a RAW and a PPV (not named Wrestlemania).

Don't get me wrong, I love The Rock and I want to see him back with WWE but I think it's possible that Vince may not want him to "steal the show" which is exactly what would happen.

Other than The Undertaker's match which will be the main event, the rest of Wrestlemania would be all about The Rock.
Good point, but I disagree.

Having Rock there wouldn't overshadow the entire event. It's not as if he'll be at ringside during Cena-Miz hogging the spotlight as Cena celebrates another "epic" Wrestlemania title match victory, or celebrate with Undertaker after he continues the Streak.

What I'd say we'll get is that Rock will open the show, cut a promo and then mid-way through the show he'll have a segment with a mid-card heel that culminates in a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow. Then, late in the show he'll say his goodbyes etc.

I don't think it will dominate it simply because it's Wrestlemania, nothing supersedes it! If it was some boring monthly PPV, then I would agree, but 'Mania, it's perfect for Rock.
As much as I'd shit myself in excitement if it was Justin Bieber, YES I AM A FAN OF HIS AND WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?, it is prolly gunna be The Rock. This would be cataclismic in awesomeness, I have always been a sucker for The Great One and he would be my number 2 to number 1, Justin Bieber.
No serious fan of wrestling, sports-entertainment or whatever pseudo-sport pseudonym WWE wants to call them nowadays, wants Justin friggin Bieber at Mania. There, I said it.

To fulfil the IWC expectations it would need to be the Rock or any HOFer or future HOFer who can talk - HBK, Austin etc. No disappointment in my eyes if this happens. The biggest letdown would be if they went up to the A or B list instead of trolling Z list for celebs to host Raw.

Nonetheless, a guest host for WM screams of an idea that is a little desperate, maybe they are not sold on the sellability of the matches currently drawn up. Regardless, I'm surprised they went down this route though. Guest Hosts were a mixed bag at best.
The real question is, what constitutes "hosting" Wrestlemania?

If it is The People's Champ, I hope they let him do a promo in the ring and something backstage as well. Other than that, what exactly would be his role?

Hopefully they will elaborate on that more when the announcement is made.

Plus, if this person is hosting Wrestlemania, does that mean they'll be doing stuff leading up to Wrestlemania? If it is The Rock, will we see him on the titantron or "sending emails" to the RAW GM?
Why would Sting come to the WWE just to host one night, regardless if its Wrestle Mania, of a WWE program? Maybe its the Rock, SCSA, Bret Hart or Shawn Micheals. I hope its someone we have not seen in a long time and thats Randy Savage.
If it isn't the Rock, I would LOVE for it to be the Macho Man. He is in the WWE All Stars game. He was the second biggest name of the Hulkamania era and he also has terrific mic skills and charisma. Lay your grudge aside Vinny. Induct Macho Man that weekend and have him host Wrestlemania.
The TV listing for next Monday says"Vince McMahon unveils a shocking surprise for Wrestlemania". The Rock wouldn't be a shock?

Right so someone who hasn't been seen in a WWE ring since 2004, has made an appearance at the HOF ceremony and cut two pre taped promos since then being revealed as the WM guest host isn't going to be a shocking surprise? LOL it would be one of the biggest mark out shocking moments in recent history.

I am getting far far far far far too excited for The Rock being the host that if it isn't him I would feel let down, and anyone other than Austin would be a huge let down.

Can't wait for RAW!
Why would Sting come to the WWE just to host one night, regardless if its Wrestle Mania, of a WWE program? Maybe its the Rock, SCSA, Bret Hart or Shawn Micheals. I hope its someone we have not seen in a long time and thats Randy Savage.

If it's Bret Hart, I will be unimpressed to say the least! He was good back in the 90s, but Bret Hart can't cut a promo these days, that was painfully clear during last year's run.
How about this? Vince comes out next week looking all smug and pleased with himself and announces that he will be the guest host of Wrestlemania 27...gets a load of cheap heat (as if he really needs anymore), cuts a promo saying only the creator can host the spectacle that is WM 27 then BANG! 'Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?!' 1999 music hits and the great one returns and says how there is no way...and The Rock means NO WAY that Vince could host WM...Rock Bottom, People's Elbow...'Finally The Rock is going back to Wrestlemania!!!'
I am trying sooooo hard not to get my hopes up about this being The Rock! IT HAS TO BE THE ROCK ! ! ! !

But im REALLY trying not to get excited about this because as perfect as it would be, every time us fans get excited about things like this and get our hopes up we always get screwed because Vince thinks he knows what the fans want more than the fans know what they want!

I mean since this was announced, the whole time all iv done is picture wrestlemania, and the rocks music hit and the whole place going crazy, while im sitting there watching the show while getting goosebumps! ahhh vince please give us ROCKY!!!

I think you can tell as much as im trying not to get excited about this, its impossible for me not to, i mean it THE GREAT ONE! THE PEOPLES CHAMP! THE ROCK!

Please Dont Let Us Down Vince . . . PLEASEEE!!!!
Isn't terrible that absolutely NO ONE was excited about Mania until two names from the past got brought up: Sting and The Rock? If I were John Cena/ Randy Orton, I'd be depressed. That being said, if it's anyone but The Rock, even if it's HBK, than this announcement will be one of the biggest fails of all time.

...If it's Justin Bieber, I will punch a puppy, a baby, and a nun. In that order. And I don't even hate Justin Bieber.

P.S. "Shocking surprise" = the most electrifying man in sports entertainment.
If justin FUCKING bieber is revealed as the guest host of the biggest proffesional wrestling event of the year, I might have to rip my penis off and throw it in the river.........

But I won't be doing that, because it's not gonna be that little fruit-cake.

Repeated sources have been saying that the Rock will be the Wrestlemania guest host, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high because WWE has been known to drop the ball from time to time. But come guy's, it makes perfect sense....

On next week's RAW, the Rock WILL be revealed as the guest host of Wrestlemania 27......Bank on it.
Dwayne and Vince have been in discussion about being doing some Raw show or guest hosting raw for quite a long time now. It seems like this would be the perfect opportunity for him to show up assuming he has the time.

- Others could be Steve Austin, HBK etc.

As long as it's not a celeb like Bieber or Snoop Dog and an actual past wrestler I will be happy. I am hoping it will be The Rock though like everyone else here. We shall see in a few days.
Word going around WWE this weekend is that Vince McMahon will be on RAW this Monday to reveal Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the special guest host of WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta.

The Rock has been heavily rumored to be the host, among others, and one source now confirms that this is the plan. No word yet if Rock will be on RAW live or do some kind of satellite feed appearance.

There are no plans for The Rock to wrestle at WrestleMania 27, just host the pay-per-view.
I am expecting the guest host to be The Rock just like everyone else, but that would not be to shocking.

Another poster,(I forget who) said they think Macho Man would be reviled as the guest host, that would be a shocker. I would love to see Savage make a return to the WWE, he could host Mania this year and get inducted in to the Hall of Fame next year. If this where to happen I would truly mark out like an eight year old school boy seeing his first boob.
There really hasn't been a lot of speculation for Wrestlemania, it has been extremely dull since HBK & Jericho are gone, then the Undertaker might not even be there (and ticket sales reflect it). They would only add a guest host if they really thought it would generate sales so it has to be someone big.

The Rock would be a really good move but maybe Donald Trump? That would be shocking too but nothing could beat The Rock or Stone Cold hosting.

Well, actually, yes it does.... It's going to be The Rock. At this point, anyone but The Rock will be a letdown so the WWE has to pull this off.

Getting the Rock to host Mania will guarantee buys and Vince McMahon has to know that.
Yeh it has to be The Rock. He could pull this off with ease. Open the show...4/5 backstage ring promo where he drops someone...closes the show by laying the Smacketh down on Cena....ok, raises Cenas arms.

Stone Cold would be my second choice. He's hosting Tough Enough, he could do a very good job but I would still be a little dissappointed.

If it is HBK "Mr Wrestlemania" I will be bitterly dissapointed. Yes he could do a decent job hosting an event but he was back in WWE 3/4 weeks ago. Anyway, HBK is there to accept his HOF accolade and probably ref the rumoured Taker/Trips match, we need someone else as host.

All these people talking about Sting hosting the event....are you crazy? If WWE gets someone like Sting in he is going to Wrestle, not host. Also, hardly host material is he.
It's so ironic how posters are speculating that the guest host will be The Rock, considering it's been mentioned by dirt sheets all over our main page news. I guess everyone wants to look like the guy who predicted it!! /sarcasm

Anyway, if the dirt sheets are correct, it will be the Rock. However, these reports normally have about a 30%-40% chance of being accurate.

I think the audience is craving a fresh, exciting face on WWE programming. Whether it's a blast from the past, a brand new superstar, or someone else that's completely unexpected, I just hope that the WWE really delivers. If there's one thing that the audience really hates, it's a letdown after being fed so much hype.

I guess we'll find out tonight.
I am trying not to get my hopes up about it being The Rock. Don't get me wrong, it would be amazing if it was, but given his limited involvement in the WWE over the years, I don't wanna get my expectations up only to be let down.

I think it's very likely that the guest host will simply be the Heartbreak Kid. After all, he is Mr. Wrestlemania himself. And there has been speculation going on about that HHH/Taker match where Shawn Michaels could get involved in the feud. There has also been reports that suggest that WWE wants the Undertaker feud to be the main highlight of the event. It would make sense if the host of Wrestlemania was involved in the main story.

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