ECW: San Antonio Sub-Region

Because I thought I covered it all with "Without Vince handling his booking,"

I don't have a clue what you mean with all the McMahon/Heyman choosing the winner bullshit. I wasn't aware we were choosing our winners based on what they would do.

He did it then, with different voters. You also need to remember how fresh in all of our minds this "JBL's bitch" storyline is. I remember him from the early days of his career, but that doesn't mean that everyone will. In the right match-up, HBK definitely stands a chance. That has more to do with the ECW environment than HBK's ability though. I don't see how he combats a guy like Vader, with ECW rules, and Paul E. Heyman handling the winners and losers.

Shawn has had a chance to win whatever match he's in, because he's been babied by Vince and the WWE. He's had "hardcore" matches, but has he ever been in a match with barbwire involved? How about glass light tubes? Exploding tables? Suicide leaps off of 30 foot balconies?

Before the first ladder match, Shawn ahd never been in a match where you had to climb a ladder to get the title. Before the first HiaC, Shawn had never had to defeat his opponent whilst been locked in a cage with them. Before the first Elimination Chamber, Shawn had never had to defeat that many opponents in the biggest contraption of a cage ever. Do you see my point? So what he's never been in a Barbed wire match before, he'd never been in a ladder match before either. He won all those matches. He made them great.

I'm also pretty damn sure there are enough fans to not think too much about the JBL storyline.

Someone also said about Triple H, that he'd suffer in TNA, because of the small crowds, and not being in the spotlight. Don't you think HBK would suffer the same fate? Sure, he can headline Wrestlemania and put on a show in front of a crowd of 70,000. But, how would he handle a dimly lit, poorly ventilated ECW Arena, that holds maybe 1000 people?

Um, readup on Shawn's early career. I think you said you'd read Heartbreak and Triumph before? Anyway, irrelavent. Almost ALL wrestlers start off in a "poorly ventilated arena with maybe 1000 fans". It's a silly argument, because yes, most of the wrestlers have been there before. Shawn has. And he hardly cares about being 'in the spotlight'. He told Vince he didn't want the WWE championship, he isn't Main Eventing every week, he doesn't even M.E. house shows.
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I don't have a clue what you mean with all the McMahon/Heyman choosing the winner bullshit. I wasn't aware we were choosing our winners based on what they would do.

:headscratch: I do hope you mean what Heyman/Vince would do, and not what HBK would do.

Anyway...I would still take it into account. He is wrestling in Paul Heyman's company, and he is wrestling under Paul Heyman's rules. While the booking may not be up to Heyman, the match environment is a direct result of him.

Before the first ladder match, Shawn ahd never been in a match where you had to climb a ladder to get the title. Before the first HiaC, Shawn had never had to defeat his opponent whilst been locked in a cage with them. Before the first Elimination Chamber, Shawn had never had to defeat that many opponents in the biggest contraption of a cage ever. Do you see my point? So what he's never been in a Barbed wire match before, he'd never been in a ladder match before either. He won all those matches. He made them great.

These are all firsts of their kind. Of course he hadn't done it before. Here, he's going against a former ECW champ in Big Show, and an under-rated hardcore icon in Vader.

While Shawn hasn't fought in any of the hardcore matches, Vader has. And, he's made quite a name for himself around the world based on it. What he did in the Us, is nothing compared to what he's done in Europe or Japan, as far as hurting people. Shawn fighting Vader in an extreme rules match, might as well be HBK fighting Vader with his arms tied behind his back.

I'm also pretty damn sure there are enough fans to not think too much about the JBL storyline.

Yea, but he's still a sadsack these days. You said it yourself. Even based off just his early career, he doesn't have what it would take to upset the big men. Sweet Chin Music only works, if you haven't been bludgeoned with a barbwire 2x4 for 20 minutes.

Um, readup on Shawn's early career. I think you said you'd read Heartbreak and Triumph before? Anyway, irrelavent. Almost ALL wrestlers start off in a "poorly ventilated arena with maybe 1000 fans". It's a silly argument, because yes, most of the wrestlers have been there before. Shawn has. And he hardly cares about being 'in the spotlight'. He told Vince he didn't want the WWE championship, he isn't Main Eventing every week, he doesn't even M.E. house shows.

Nope. Never read it.

And, yes. I know that all wrestlers start off in those types of arena. How long has it been since Shawn debuted in WWE? 20+ years? Vader made a living wrestling in "arenas" that are more cramped than a bachelor pad studio apartment.

HBK hasn't had a rough career. He's the equivalent of the spoiled brat with a golden cup in his jock and a silver spoon up his ass. He's got wrestling talent, not hardcore talent.

Vader, for instance, has both. Big Show has both. Andre would grab HBK by the hair and use him to beat Vader and Big Show.

HBK may get lucky and win some matches, but that all depends on who he faces along the way.
:headscratch: I do hope you mean what Heyman/Vince would do, and not what HBK would do.

Anyway...I would still take it into account. He is wrestling in Paul Heyman's company, and he is wrestling under Paul Heyman's rules. While the booking may not be up to Heyman, the match environment is a direct result of him.

I did mean what McMahon/Heyman would do. And still I ask, why does it matter? The ECW rules are down to Heyman..that's all. Shawn is versatile enough to be able to work within those, even thought it's not his normal environment.

These are all firsts of their kind. Of course he hadn't done it before. Here, he's going against a former ECW champ in Big Show, and an under-rated hardcore icon in Vader.

And as I've shown you before, I explained exactly why I feel Shawn would beat either of them.

Wait, are you telling me Shawn can't handle Vader?? Go re-read my campaign thread for HBK, I posted a HBK vs. Vader match. HBK completely used his power and size against him. Muich the same for a match I only recently saw, against Yokozuna. Shawn can easily handle the 'superhumans' as you call them. He neutralises their power and size.

As for the Big Show as far as I'm aware there isn't a singles match for me to post between them. However he has had a Triple Threat with Kane and the Big Show, whicvh I believe he came out as the winner. Once again, neutralising power and size in the process. At one point, he had both Kane and The Big Show laid out on the mat, and won the match by delivering Sweet Chin Music to both of them. DO NOT write Shawn off here.

While Shawn hasn't fought in any of the hardcore matches, Vader has. And, he's made quite a name for himself around the world based on it. What he did in the Us, is nothing compared to what he's done in Europe or Japan, as far as hurting people. Shawn fighting Vader in an extreme rules match, might as well be HBK fighting Vader with his arms tied behind his back.

Great point, I repped you for this. Vader does have the Upper Hand in terms of experience. But you need to stop thinking of Shawn as vulnerable here, or as these types of matches being a weakness of his. Shawn doesn't have a weakness in any aspect of Professional Wrestling.

Yea, but he's still a sadsack these days. You said it yourself. Even based off just his early career, he doesn't have what it would take to upset the big men. Sweet Chin Music only works, if you haven't been bludgeoned with a barbwire 2x4 for 20 minutes.

We vote based on Prime, don't we? If not, Vader is out of the running straight away. Same with Hogan. Anyway, during Shawns prime, he defeated the Big Men, and took part in some gimmicky/hardcore matches.

Nope. Never read it.

Well you should, it's amazing :).

And, yes. I know that all wrestlers start off in those types of arena. How long has it been since Shawn debuted in WWE? 20+ years? Vader made a living wrestling in "arenas" that are more cramped than a bachelor pad studio apartment.

But Shawn can still do it. All you're showing here is that Vader wasn't good enough to be performing under the same crowds Shawn was. That sounds like I'm bad-mouthing Vader. I'm not, I think the guy is good. But you hardly show it here.

HBK hasn't had a rough career. He's the equivalent of the spoiled brat with a golden cup in his jock and a silver spoon up his ass.

Um, what?

He's got wrestling talent, not hardcore talent.

Shawn has Professional Wrestling talent - it covers a lot of these bases.

Vader, for instance, has both. Big Show has both. Andre would grab HBK by the hair and use him to beat Vader and Big Show.

Big Show does NOT have 'wrestling' talent :lmao: I just nearly wet myself laughing at that. And Once again,. I refer you to the text above that I bolded, whcih explains exactly why HBK could defeat the SHWs.

HBK may get lucky and win some matches, but that all depends on who he faces along the way.

'Get lucky'? You're slowly moving from reliatically looking at this, to bad-mouthing Shawn's abilities. Never has Shawnw on something by "Getting Lucky".

I did mean what McMahon/Heyman would do. And still I ask, why does it matter? The ECW rules are down to Heyman..that's all. Shawn is versatile enough to be able to work within those, even thought it's not his normal environment.

Anyone can work in any environment. It's being successful in that environment which separates them.

And as I've shown you before, I explained exactly why I feel Shawn would beat either of them.

Wait, are you telling me Shawn can't handle Vader?? Go re-read my campaign thread for HBK, I posted a HBK vs. Vader match. HBK completely used his power and size against him. Muich the same for a match I only recently saw, against Yokozuna. Shawn can easily handle the 'superhumans' as you call them. He neutralises their power and size.

As for the Big Show as far as I'm aware there isn't a singles match for me to post between them. However he has had a Triple Threat with Kane and the Big Show, whicvh I believe he came out as the winner. Once again, neutralising power and size in the process. At one point, he had both Kane and The Big Show laid out on the mat, and won the match by delivering Sweet Chin Music to both of them. DO NOT write Shawn off here.

First, HBK v. Vader. Yes, HBK got the win, using Vader's power and size against him in. That may be effective in ECW, but doesn't negate the use of a steel chair across Shawn's face knocking him out.

Against Big Show, he'd need a lot of luck to use his size and strength against him. More on this later.

Great point, I repped you for this. Vader does have the Upper Hand in terms of experience. But you need to stop thinking of Shawn as vulnerable here, or as these types of matches being a weakness of his. Shawn doesn't have a weakness in any aspect of Professional Wrestling.

Maybe vulnerable is a bad choice of words. He may not be "vulernable", but it works as a strength to Vader and Big Show, much more than it works to HBK. He'd have a tough go against them anyway, and with the added advantage of using weapons, and the new arena environment, he has a steeper hill to climb.

We vote based on Prime, don't we? If not, Vader is out of the running straight away. Same with Hogan. Anyway, during Shawns prime, he defeated the Big Men, and took part in some gimmicky/hardcore matches.

How would Hogan, or Vader be out because of their primes? Even if you count Vader's prime as his time in WWE, it's not like he was a bust, or lacked any of the talent he had elsewhere. Hogan's in a different region. We'll cover that there.

Well you should, it's amazing :).

Reading would take away from my time on WZ. FACT.

But Shawn can still do it. All you're showing here is that Vader wasn't good enough to be performing under the same crowds Shawn was. That sounds like I'm bad-mouthing Vader. I'm not, I think the guy is good. But you hardly show it here.

It's not because Vader wasn't good enough. I see how it could get mistaken as that, but it isn't the case. Vader made his living in small cramped arenas, because that's what his wrestling style led him to. He wrestled hardcore matches in the US and Japan, because that was his style. He made it to the big time, but lacked the look or style they wanted.

Um, what?

It was my chance to flame Shawn. I meant that he's always been fine with just wrestling "wrestling" matches. He never had to toil in the "B" company, or put his body on the line to feed his family.

Shawn has Professional Wrestling talent - it covers a lot of these bases.

Professional wrestling talent means that he'd be an excellent choice for an Oscar if he could remember his lines.

Big Show does NOT have 'wrestling' talent :lmao: I just nearly wet myself laughing at that. And Once again,. I refer you to the text above that I bolded, whcih explains exactly why HBK could defeat the SHWs.

You must not have watched him in WCW. He may not have the wrestling talent of guys like HBK, but he can wrestle. He's been bastardized by the WWE. As surprising as Sweet Chin Music can be, the Chokeslam is an equalizer. He doesn't need any prep to pick you up and slam you down.

'Get lucky'? You're slowly moving from realistically looking at this, to bad-mouthing Shawn's abilities. Never has Shawn won something by "Getting Lucky".

I'm not trying to bad mouth Shawn. Please don't take it that way. I'm jsut saying that in the ECW Region, he'll need some luck to beat guys his size in an extreme rules environment. Guys like Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Sandman, Sabu. They made ECW what it is. They made American hardcore wrestling what we know it as today.

As far as Shawn never winning anything by getting lucky, there's a Becca joke in there somewhere...I know it...
Anyone can work in any environment. It's being successful in that environment which separates them.

Shawn's been successful at everything else he's done. Why wouldn't he be successful here?

First, HBK v. Vader. Yes, HBK got the win, using Vader's power and size against him in. That may be effective in ECW, but doesn't negate the use of a steel chair across Shawn's face knocking him out.

Much the same for anyone. Shawn could hit Vader with a Steel Chair. I doubt you get used to that, no matter how many times it's happened.

Against Big Show, he'd need a lot of luck to use his size and strength against him. More on this later.

He's done it before. And that wasn't even in his prime.

Maybe vulnerable is a bad choice of words. He may not be "vulernable", but it works as a strength to Vader and Big Show, much more than it works to HBK. He'd have a tough go against them anyway, and with the added advantage of using weapons, and the new arena environment, he has a steeper hill to climb.

HBK has the advantage of, put simply, being better than the both of them.

How would Hogan, or Vader be out because of their primes? Even if you count Vader's prime as his time in WWE, it's not like he was a bust, or lacked any of the talent he had elsewhere. Hogan's in a different region. We'll cover that there.

No, what I mean is you were discussing Shawn now, as opposed to his prime. Lol, you just need to watch Hogans reality show to know if we were having wrestlers fight with what they're like now, Hogan would stand no chance.

Reading would take away from my time on WZ. FACT.

Become a woman and multi-task :lmao:.

It's not because Vader wasn't good enough. I see how it could get mistaken as that, but it isn't the case. Vader made his living in small cramped arenas, because that's what his wrestling style led him to. He wrestled hardcore matches in the US and Japan, because that was his style. He made it to the big time, but lacked the look or style they wanted.

Vader is an great wrestler, I'm sure IC has explained him way better than I could, so that's all I'll say regarding him. But if Vader is a great wrestler, Shawn Michaels is an amazing one.

It was my chance to flame Shawn.


I meant that he's always been fine with just wrestling "wrestling" matches. He never had to toil in the "B" company, or put his body on the line to feed his family.

Thanks for helping prove my point. He's never had to do that because he's so damn good.

You must not have watched him in WCW. He may not have the wrestling talent of guys like HBK, but he can wrestle. He's been bastardized by the WWE. As surprising as Sweet Chin Music can be, the Chokeslam is an equalizer. He doesn't need any prep to pick you up and slam you down.

Nope, never ever watched WCW. But from the match I saw with Kane/HBK/Big Show, Shawn's use of Sweet Chin Music was a lot more effective.

I'm not trying to bad mouth Shawn. Please don't take it that way. I'm jsut saying that in the ECW Region, he'll need some luck to beat guys his size in an extreme rules environment. Guys like Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Sandman, Sabu. They made ECW what it is. They made American hardcore wrestling what we know it as today.

It will be hard for him, harder than if he was in the WWE region, that much is true. But Shawn can wrestle these styles, as well as the 'traditional' type of match.

As far as Shawn never winning anything by getting lucky, there's a Becca joke in there somewhere...I know it...

I don't know how HBK managed to go over Austin, Hogan, Savage, and Sting in the past there must be a lot of HBK marks on this site. He'll get my vote over everyone else but, he's not good enough to knock any of those 4. Then again there seems to a stupid amount of support for Boring Bret, so I'm more worried about him knocking someone more worthy out than HBK doing it.
Hardy will get nowhere, simple as.
Lesnar vs Michaels... just sounds good doesn't it?
Michaels has beaten many guys bigger than him. It was what he did best in his prime.
But Lesnar is not a normal big man, he's got great mat skills, he can easily go toe-to-toe with Michaels, and I think he could pull out a win. As long as he doesn't try a Shooting Star Press...
Lesnar will take Jeff out on his path to the final. People will point out 'Jeff's used to weapons', ehhh, so is Brock. May I point out Zach Gowan who had pretty much every area of the ringside used on him.

Brock can take more than Jeff will be able to give. Once you add in his now legal MMA moves to the mix and Jeff's jumping around will be dealt with swiftly

Michaels should advance to the final - anyone who saw his unsanctioned matches will know he knows the business end of a weapon.

Will he beat Brock? A man who destroyed so many on his rise to the top, who knows. It'll be tight, but I'm looking forward to seeing it
Why does it seem everyone is underestimating the Showstopper in this region. Seems to me alot of people are on the Brock Lesnar bang wagon, and i do agree that Brock is a serious favorite in this region, but i still believe HBK is theee favorite in this region. HBK has proven time and time again that he can take everything you got and he is to stupid to just stay down. His beaten all types of guys in straight wrestling matches as welll as bigger men in gimmick matches. You know IF we get HBK vs Lesnar at some point in that match HBK is going to get on a roll offensively. And when he does i'm not sure if Brock is gonna have enough to combat that. Brock will not roll through HBK, if he's gonna beat Shawn he's going to have to be willing to go at minimum 20 min and sacrifice it all cause we all know Shawn Michaels will.
Really? Really?

Yes, really.

The fact that people are even considering Brock over Hardy in extreme rules, when Jeff in his prime is far superior to Brock in extreme matches, is quite sheepish. Vote Jeff Hardy.

:lmao: First, to assume that just because Jeff Hardy lives off gimmicks, that he could handle a guy twice his size, with double the power.. is foolish and naive in it's own right.

Second, I seem to recall Hardy being owned by Lesnar, several times, when Hardy had his brother helping him in handicap matches from time to time as well.

So Hardy can use weapons, you do realize that means Lesnar can use the same weapons, right? Hardy loves to leap, but with Lesnar's power, who's to say one of those "leaps of faith" wouldn't be right directly into a powerful Lesnar, ready to catch him, and turn that into an F-5??

Hardy got lucky in drawing E.C.W.'s region, but got screwed in being placed on the same side of the brackets that Lesnar and Michaels are on. Hardy will be lucky to make it to either of them, depending who he draws. But if he should, no way he should make it beyond Lesnar.

Infact, the only reason I've pushed Edge against Lesnar to win, is because Edge has matched Lesnar's power. Hardy can't do that, because he isn't built to do that.
Yes, really.

Fo shizzle.

First, to assume that just because Jeff Hardy lives off gimmicks, that he could handle a guy twice his size, with double the power.. is foolish and naive in it's own right.

That sounded like "the bigger guy wins", which is obviously not always the case. Right IC ;).

And no, the bigger guy does not always win. NSL, and I (listen to NSL, if you won't listen to me), have outline several reasons why Hardy would beat Lesnar. So, I won't bother repeating.

Second, I seem to recall Hardy being owned by Lesnar, several times, when Hardy had his brother helping him in handicap matches from time to time as well.

Jeff is FAR more superior now, than to that point in his career. We're looking at Prime, yes? Otherwise the vets would have no chance.

So Hardy can use weapons, you do realize that means Lesnar can use the same weapons, right? Hardy loves to leap, but with Lesnar's power, who's to say one of those "leaps of faith" wouldn't be right directly into a powerful Lesnar, ready to catch him, and turn that into an F-5??

Hardy is far more tuned to weapons the Lesnar. Hardy is smart enough (and far smarter than Lesnar I might add), to feint and low blow Lesnar, then he would quite easily roll him up.

I'll tell you why that's so important below.

Infact, the only reason I've pushed Edge against Lesnar to win, is because Edge has matched Lesnar's power. Hardy can't do that, because he isn't built to do that.

Edge matches Lesnar's power? Ok, before you said this:

First, to assume that just because Jeff Hardy lives off gimmicks, that he could handle a guy twice his size, with double the power.. is foolish and naive in it's own right.

One of your argument against Hardy was Lesnar's power. Now, just last Sunday, and almost again this week on SD! (untill Matt interfered), Jeff had Edge beat.

On Sunday, it was by roll-up. If Lesnar is all power, but Edge matches Lesnar's power, why couldn't Jeff just roll-up Lesnar as well? Especially after a feint and low blow. Tied to the fact with Extreme Rules is Jeff's playground, Jeff is bound to pull up the win.
That sounded like "the bigger guy wins", which is obviously not always the case. Right IC ;).

In some cases, the bigger guy will all but always win. You're right, not every time, but in most situations, you need to look at examples and view the strength's and weaknesses.

Lesnar isn't just some big guy. He's talented. He has actual amatuer wrestling skills. He's like Shelton Benjamin or even Kurt Angle, only in an Incredible Hulk body. :lmao:

And no, the bigger guy does not always win. NSL, and I (listen to NSL, if you won't listen to me), have outline several reasons why Hardy would beat Lesnar. So, I won't bother repeating.

The thing is though, several more people have listed multiple reasons why Lesnar will not just win, but dominate.

Jeff is FAR more superior now, than to that point in his career. We're looking at Prime, yes? Otherwise the vets would have no chance.

Jeff Hardy might be "superior" now, compared to what he was then.. but that doesn't mean the Jeff Hardy of now, can still stand toe-to-toe with the Lesnar of then.

How has Hardy defeated, in a hardcore environment, that could possibly match Lesnar's size and talent? No one. Triple H. might of been the closest guy, and that was in a regular single's match.

Hardy couldn't even tough Kozlov, and Kozlov isn't anywhere near the level Lesnar of then is.

Hardy is far more tuned to weapons the Lesnar. Hardy is smart enough (and far smarter than Lesnar I might add), to feint and low blow Lesnar, then he would quite easily roll him up.

I'll tell you why that's so important below.

Watch this video, its a basic highlight reel of Lesnar. Including some minor hardcore moments.


I couldn't find the video I truly wanted, but there is one out there, in which Lesnar is being beaten with a chair.. to the point the chair breaks. And Lesnar acts as if he's just been fluffed by a pillow!

It's a good thing that Hardy knows how to use weapons, because he'll need every possible advantage he can get. And no mere weapon, or multiple weapon, is going to keep Lesnar from coming.

One of your argument against Hardy was Lesnar's power. Now, just last Sunday, and almost again this week on SD! (untill Matt interfered), Jeff had Edge beat.

On Sunday, it was by roll-up. If Lesnar is all power, but Edge matches Lesnar's power, why couldn't Jeff just roll-up Lesnar as well? Especially after a feint and low blow. Tied to the fact with Extreme Rules is Jeff's playground, Jeff is bound to pull up the win.

First, it's my own personal opinion that Edge can match strength with Lesnar. I'm more than confident and sure almost noone else will back that opinion.

Even in that video, it shows Lesnar man-handling, and literally belly to belly over-head'ing, Mark fricken Henry.

And Jeff Hardy is NO WHERE NEAR Henry's size. But he is near the size of a Spike Dudley, or a Rey Mysterio. And just look what happened to them, in that video. Because it's the same fate, Hardy, will encounter in an extreme environment.
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First, it's my own personal opinion that Edge can match strength with Lesnar. I'm more than confident and sure almost noone else will back that opinion.

Even in that video, it shows Lesnar man-handling, and literally belly to belly over-head'ing, Mark fricken Henry.

The day Edge belly-to-bellies Mark Henry, I'll lick my own ass.

And Jeff Hardy is NO WHERE NEAR Henry's size. But he is near the size of a Spike Dudley, or a Rey Mysterio. And just look what happened to them, in that video. Because it's the same fate, Hardy, will encounter in an extreme environment.

Jeff Hardy is a lot bigger than Rey or Spike. Jeff is 6'1" and weighs 225. Spike is 5'8" and weighs 150, and Rey is 5'6" and weighs 165 (holy crap, Spike is bigger).

Jeff can also take a ton more punishment than Rey. Spike took some horrible beatings in ECW, so I'm reluctant to say Jeff can take more than him.

I won't disagree with any of your other points, as they are all valid. Lesnar is big and strong. He can toss people around. He can take a steel chair shot. But, can he work at the pace that Jeff will bring to the table? Can he think 2 steps ahead of Jeff, and be ready for whatever is coming at him?

I can't watch the video on this computer, but I don't need to, in order to get what you're saying. You need to remember it's a Brock Lesnar highlight reel. Of course it won't show anything happening to him, or any mistakes he made. It's going to make him look like an unstoppable machine.

Haven't you ever seen Rocky 4? Brock = "I must break you" Drago. Hardy = Rocky.

ECW is going to basically come down to Vader anyway. ;)
In some cases, the bigger guy will all but always win. You're right, not every time, but in most situations, you need to look at examples and view the strength's and weaknesses.

Lesnar isn't just some big guy. He's talented. He has actual amatuer wrestling skills. He's like Shelton Benjamin or even Kurt Angle, only in an Incredible Hulk body. :lmao:

The bigger guy hardly ever wins. Saying "in most situations" is really stretching it. Look at Rey, he's overcoming the odds so much, people are complaining it's repetitive.

Lesnar isn't just some guy, but Jeff's body isn't just some body. This body will take it all, times by two, and still get up and deliver a Swanton for the win.

The thing is though, several more people have listed multiple reasons why Lesnar will not just win, but dominate.

You mean "He's bigger than Jeff"? Congratulations. He'll take a knee to the groin, and a roll up loss for his troubles.

Jeff Hardy might be "superior" now, compared to what he was then.. but that doesn't mean the Jeff Hardy of now, can still stand toe-to-toe with the Lesnar of then.

It doesn't mean that. But it certainly implies it, because it's the truth. And a bi-product of what me and NSL have been saying for a while now.

How has Hardy defeated, in a hardcore environment, that could possibly match Lesnar's size and talent? No one. Triple H. might of been the closest guy, and that was in a regular single's match.

The Undertaker. You know? Big buy, 16-0 at Mania? Hardly ever loses, except when against Jeff Hardy in an extreme rules match.

Hardy couldn't even tough Kozlov, and Kozlov isn't anywhere near the level Lesnar of then is.

That was a singles match. And Jeff had a dark cloud over his head :p.

Watch this video, its a basic highlight reel of Lesnar. Including some minor hardcore moments.


I couldn't find the video I truly wanted, but there is one out there, in which Lesnar is being beaten with a chair.. to the point the chair breaks. And Lesnar acts as if he's just been fluffed by a pillow!

It's a good thing that Hardy knows how to use weapons, because he'll need every possible advantage he can get. And no mere weapon, or multiple weapon, is going to keep Lesnar from coming.

And he'll use it, to get the win. But now, we seem to be in a battle of "he will", "he won't".

First, it's my own personal opinion that Edge can match strength with Lesnar. I'm more than confident and sure almost noone else will back that opinion.

So, you're saying Edge couldn't beat Lesnar? You said the only reason you pushed Edge to beat Lesnar was because he's matched his power, but now you're saying he can't actually do that.

Okay people, in the words of Will himself, Edge can't beat Lesnar. Be sure to mark this event.

Even in that video, it shows Lesnar man-handling, and literally belly to belly over-head'ing, Mark fricken Henry.

Mark Henry loses to everyone. Offence of the skies just does as mcuh damage (and more, because it's "putting your body on the line") as power moves.

And Jeff Hardy is NO WHERE NEAR Henry's size. But he is near the size of a Spike Dudley, or a Rey Mysterio. And just look what happened to them, in that video. Because it's the same fate, Hardy, will encounter in an extreme environment.

No. I understand Lesnar can take it in an extreme enviroment, but Jeff is much smarter for the use of those weapons, as he's accustomed to it.

On a seperate note, people are saying that HBK and Lesnar will be close. But why? Is HBK is close to Lesnar, the Jeff is better than Lesnar. Jeff beat HBK on the mat, without hte use of a roll-up. With the Swanton, in a regular match. That's not even Jeff's playground. Jeff would easily take down HBK in an extreme rules match. Especially if Jeff brings out a ladder (when Shawn can't even seem to win the match he revolutionised)+(and he would bring out a ladder, because he's smart in that enviroment), then Shawn's ass would be screwed over fast than you can say "Groin shot and roll up for the win on Lesnar by Hardy".
I think there is also a wildcard with Brock. That wildcard being the man that can be seen accompanying him to the ring in the vidoe Will posted, Paul Heyman.

What if the mastermind of ECW sees he can get some glory out of this tournament by backing a man he has managed before in Brock Lesnar. I think he could help make it extremely difficult in ECW for anyone.

Still cant see what Jeff Hardy has and could do that has made a few people think he could beat Brock. Yeah he jumps off things and will sacrifice his body, but he will need to like being on the receiving end of some punishment as Brock will dish a fair amount out.

I did see someone write that Lesnar could F-5 Jeff all he wants. Well if Brock did get Jeff up for the F-5 its al over.
I did see someone write that Lesnar could F-5 Jeff all he wants. Well if Brock did get Jeff up for the F-5 its al over.

Hardy's been hit with every finisher out there, and takes a great deal of punishment from his own offense. Yes, the F-5 is a powerful move, but it's nothing he can't handle.

As far as Paul E. trying to gain some respect for his defunct company by backing a former wrestler of his; He's better off managing Raven in the Toronto Regional.

No, he didn't manage him personally, but Raven has said on numerous occasions, that working with Paul always felt right, and that he never had a better relationship with any promoter. He's also an ECW Original, and that should make Paul E. want to back him more.

Brock will be alone in the ring. Another factor playing against him, is lack of experience. Dan already bought it up about weapons, but I'm talking about overall. He was in the WWE for about 3 years. Jeff has been there for about 12. Experience will be a huge factor, as Jeff has more ring smarts, and has worked with better wrestlers than Lesnar. Lesnar had a great feud with Angle and Big Show. Hardy has feuded with Edge, Triple H, and RVD, among others.
The bigger guy hardly ever wins. Saying "in most situations" is really stretching it. Look at Rey, he's overcoming the odds so much, people are complaining it's repetitive.

Okay, I'm honestly unsure how to word this any better. Brock Lesnar is so destructive, regardless who he faces, that he was barely defeated in the entire time he was in the company.

He lost to Eddie Guerrero, as a result of Goldberg.
He lost to Goldberg, as a result of leaving on bad terms. (you can use power as why)
He lost to Kurt Angle, as a result of being out wrestled.

He's almost lost to Edge, and would've had it not been for Heyman.
He's almost lost to RVD, see above.

Out of those guy's, Edge might possibly be the smallest, with RVD being the closest to Hardy's abilities. But Lesnar didn't lose to them. He overcame them, and found a way to win. He adapts.

Lesnar isn't just some guy, but Jeff's body isn't just some body. This body will take it all, times by two, and still get up and deliver a Swanton for the win.

You're absolutely correct. Jeff Hardy doesn't have "just some body". He has a body, that's been so riddled with pain and wrapped in torment, that he's one missed move away from seriously injuring himself.

Brock Lesnar IS DANGEROUS. He broke Bob Holly's neck. He slaughtered Hulk Hogan. He tore poor Zach Gowen's leg, clean off! CLEAN OFF! :p

The point is, Lesnar is healthy. And capable of inflicting so much damage, that it's career threatening. Hardy, in his prime, still put himself in the worst positions for inflicting pain upon himself, if not more, than his opponent.

You mean "He's bigger than Jeff"? Congratulations. He'll take a knee to the groin, and a roll up loss for his troubles.

:lmao: You're dead-set on this knee to the groin business. You're just an evil, evil man, you know that.

And who's to say Hardy can even inflict enough damage to Lesnar's groin, to roll him up for a quick 3? Some low blows aren't that effective.

The Undertaker. You know? Big buy, 16-0 at Mania? Hardly ever loses, except when against Jeff Hardy in an extreme rules match.

Exceptions to the rule are always there. Just like Mysterio defeating Nash. But it doesn't happen a lot.

That was a singles match. And Jeff had a dark cloud over his head :p.

Then consider Lesnar a whole fricken storm front that's moving in. Because, (pun intended) he'll level Hardy with an F-5. To the point of Hardy being nothing more, than a Whisper in the Wind.

And he'll use it, to get the win. But now, we seem to be in a battle of "he will", "he won't".

NO, we're in a battle of "Will's using logic on why the big massive destructable guy is going to rip my glorified cruiserweight a new ass, and I gotta defend him somehow, but a logical theory of knee to the groin."

So, you're saying Edge couldn't beat Lesnar? You said the only reason you pushed Edge to beat Lesnar was because he's matched his power, but now you're saying he can't actually do that.

Okay people, in the words of Will himself, Edge can't beat Lesnar. Be sure to mark this event.

I hardly said that. You're taking the opinion I had, mixed with the knowledge of knowing not everyone will think like I do, and trying to play it off as me not having faith in Edge. Which is wrong.

Edge, does not have equal power to Lesnar. Obviously, as Edge can't belly to belly Mark Henry, I'm sure.

However, in the UK ppv match, Edge went toe-to-toe with Lesnar, and utilized all his abilities to almost (and he would've, if not for Heyman) defeat Lesnar.

Heyman won't be a factor in this tournament.

Mark Henry loses to everyone. Offence of the skies just does as mcuh damage (and more, because it's "putting your body on the line") as power moves.

You're right, IF the offensive sky moves connect, I'm sure they work just as well. But they don't call it "High risk, High reward" for nothing. And thats what I'm trying to tell you.

Look at almost any match Hardy's been involved in, especially all of his gimmick matches. Hardy takes every risk in the book, because it's the only way he can win those matches. You say he can work well with weapons. I say he has to use them, to stay in the match.

But Hardy always, ALWAYS fucks up at some point in every match. Lesnar isn't just any regular opponent. He'll capitalize, he's smarter than you give him credit for.

On a seperate note, people are saying that HBK and Lesnar will be close. But why? Is HBK is close to Lesnar, the Jeff is better than Lesnar. Jeff beat HBK on the mat, without hte use of a roll-up. With the Swanton, in a regular match. That's not even Jeff's playground. Jeff would easily take down HBK in an extreme rules match. Especially if Jeff brings out a ladder (when Shawn can't even seem to win the match he revolutionised)+(and he would bring out a ladder, because he's smart in that enviroment), then Shawn's ass would be screwed over fast than you can say "Groin shot and roll up for the win on Lesnar by Hardy".

People are going to naturally give Shawn Michaels more credit against Brock Lesnar, because Shawn Michaels has proven more often than not, that even as an underdog, he'll find a way to gain the victory. Especially against bigger guys.

Hardy, on the other hand, can't always win in major match situations. Wow, he defeated Edge after Triple H. did the work, to finally "win the big one". But when that was turned to a single's match, outside interference or not, Edge won right back.

Triple H. and Hardy have had some nice feuds, but in the end, with exception of a fluke Intercontinental win early on.. that was rematched, and squashed a few days later.. Hardy has NEVER win an impressive match, over a powerful Superstar, in a big moment situation. (Taker doesn't count, it was a Smackdown match)

This tournament, is considered a "big moment" situation. Obviously, one and done. If you lose, to my knowledge you're out. No more second chances. Hardy has only one "the big one" once, and that was off the work of someone else.
Bye Jeff remember to go to the pharmacy if you don't die. man Jeff really could have got something better. Brock vs. HBK will be one hell of an event but It's simple, Brock gets booted in the jaw and it's all over. 1-2-3, the end.
Alright, this is the last time I argue properly before the tournament. Otherwise, you just bring your arguments to the actual matches and I'll tell you why they're wrong or, indeed, right.

Hardy's been hit with every finisher out there, and takes a great deal of punishment from his own offense. Yes, the F-5 is a powerful move, but it's nothing he can't handle.

"Oh, Pedigree! Look, Jeff Hardy's getting up! Wait, wait, no he's not. No, h-he just got pinned. He lost the match. Yep, Triple H won. Sorry, my bad. Sometimes when people's shoulders are pinned against the mat it looks a little like they're, y'know... getting up. It's a rare condition I suffer from. I really shouldn't be a wrestling announcer. This happened after Edge speared him, too."

Point being that, yes, Jeff has been hit with every finisher in the book and - like most wrestlers - he'll occasionally kick out of it. Most of the time though, no.

As far as Paul E. trying to gain some respect for his defunct company by backing a former wrestler of his; He's better off managing Raven in the Toronto Regional.

Managers? Pfft. Who needs managers? Heyman couldn't even make that guy (Lesnar, I think his name was) flinch when he hit him with a chair. Who needs a manager like that?

Brock will be alone in the ring. Another factor playing against him, is lack of experience. Dan already bought it up about weapons, but I'm talking about overall. He was in the WWE for about 3 years. Jeff has been there for about 12.

And it's taken him about twelve years to just about get a one month title reign in - after being Triple H's official bitch for months on end, and it was pretty underwhelming. It took Brock all of five minutes. Clearly, experience isn't as important as you claim.

Experience will be a huge factor, as Jeff has more ring smarts,

You're shitting me, right? Lesnar's not some big dumb animal, as many seem to think he is. He's not Goldberg or Batista. He's what would happen if Kurt Angle took control of the Ultimate Warrior's body... only less steroid-induced.

A sample of Jeff's in-ring strategy:

"Soon as he stops punching me, climb something and jump off it. Maybe I'll hit him."

and has worked with better wrestlers than Lesnar.

I think he was too busy getting the piss beaten out of him to take notes.

Lesnar had a great feud with Angle and Big Show. Hardy has feuded with Edge, Triple H, and RVD, among others.

Hardy's been hit with every finisher out there

And Brock hasn't, as the opponent never gets the chance in a match.

and takes a great deal of punishment from his own offense

Is that supposed to help him win the match? He hurts himself! Great point, NSL.

Yes, the F-5 is a powerful move, but it's nothing he can't handle.

He'll live, yes. He won't kick out, though.

Brock will be alone in the ring.

He beat Matt and Jeff Hardy at the same time while he was alone in the ring.

Another factor playing against him, is lack of experience.

Lack of expierence sure stopped him from beating the living hell out of the champion a few months after his debut.

Dan already bought it up about weapons, but I'm talking about overall. He was in the WWE for about 3 years. Jeff has been there for about 12.

Do you think that Brock isn't smart enough to grab a weapon? Not that he'll need it, of course.

Experience will be a huge factor,


as Jeff has more ring smarts,

Brock isn't stupid. He is just as smart as Jeff, just with a much larger body. Lesnar isn't Festus.

and has worked with better wrestlers than Lesnar.

Lesnar has worked with Austin, Goldberg, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, and The Big Show. I'd say that's quite impressive.

Lesnar had a great feud with Angle and Big Show.

Yes, he did.

Hardy has feuded with Edge, Triple H, and RVD, among others.

And he was Triple H.'s bitch for how long, exactly? He still can't beat the guy.
These arguments against Brock and pro Hardy are just terrible. Hardy beat the Undertaker, yet people forget that the Undertaker beat Hardy in a ladder match, his specialty. What happened when Brock was in the Undertakers speciality match, Brock left the Deadman in the Devil's Playground a bloody mess as he posed on top of the Cell with the WWE championship belt.

Lack of Experience, shmerience. That lack of experience led to Brock smashing both Hardy's four weeks into his WWE career, he beat the Rock clean at the second biggest pay per view of the year, and he wore the blood of Hulk Hogan as a badge of honor. Nothing Hardy has done in OMEGA, WWE, TNA or some coffee shop jumping off tables has prepared him for a monster like Brock Lesnar.


^Mr. Hardy's Future
If you're saying Jeff can beat Brock, I think you're out of your mind. The Hardyz couldn't beat Brock so i don't think one is capable of doing it. Brock ran through the Hardyz in a matter of Minutes. This shouldnt be any different. Especially in a one on one environment and with the use of weapons. Brock should win this region.

Go Brock.
The addition of Batista to this bracket could change some things. I'm fairly sure Batista has beaten Shawn before, but I'm not positive. It's very possible that he could though. The Batista Bomb is perfect against someone of Shawn's size. He'd bounce really well in a move like that. The kick of course would be the equalizer but could he land it? It very well could, but it very well couldn't. If Batista wins, he loses to Brock. However, if Shawn wins, it's a toss up. At the end though, I'll say Shawn. Batista has a habit of losing big matches. Shawn is the king of the big matches. That more or less ends any chance the Animal has.
The addition of Batista to this bracket could change some things. I'm fairly sure Batista has beaten Shawn before, but I'm not positive.

He has. He absolutely decimated him at One Night Stand in a stretcher match. Two or three Batista Bombs, including one onto the steel steps. This being the ECW section, you have to think that this match in a similar setting is something of an omen, and a bad one for Shawn at that.
HBK's life just keeps getting harder and harder. He had his hand sfull enough being in ECW with Lesnar and Hardy, and now he's got to go through Batista, before he has a chance at facing either of the other two.

I definitely think he's a better competitor than Batista, but like Tastycles said, Batista has already beat him pretty bad in a hardcore environment. If Batista and HBK both last to their match, the outcome will be interesting.

I still don't think either stands much of a chance against Lesnar or Hardy, and Hardy is still my favorite to win. I've already stated my reasons why I'd support him in a win over Lesnar, and I'll continue to do so.

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