The bigger guy hardly ever wins. Saying "in most situations" is really stretching it. Look at Rey, he's overcoming the odds so much, people are complaining it's repetitive.
Okay, I'm honestly unsure how to word this any better. Brock Lesnar
is so destructive, regardless who he faces, that he was barely defeated in the entire time he was in the company.
He lost to Eddie Guerrero, as a result of Goldberg.
He lost to Goldberg, as a result of leaving on bad terms. (you can use power as why)
He lost to Kurt Angle, as a result of being out wrestled.
He's almost lost to Edge, and would've had it not been for Heyman.
He's almost lost to RVD, see above.
Out of those guy's, Edge might possibly be the smallest, with RVD being the closest to Hardy's abilities. But Lesnar didn't lose to them. He overcame them, and found a way to win. He adapts.
Lesnar isn't just some guy, but Jeff's body isn't just some body. This body will take it all, times by two, and still get up and deliver a Swanton for the win.
You're absolutely correct. Jeff Hardy doesn't have "just some body". He has a body, that's been so riddled with pain and wrapped in torment, that he's one missed move away from seriously injuring himself.
Brock Lesnar
IS DANGEROUS. He broke Bob Holly's neck. He slaughtered Hulk Hogan. He tore poor Zach Gowen's leg, clean off! CLEAN OFF!
The point is, Lesnar is healthy. And capable of inflicting so much damage, that it's career threatening. Hardy, in his prime, still put himself in the worst positions for inflicting pain upon himself, if not more, than his opponent.
You mean "He's bigger than Jeff"? Congratulations. He'll take a knee to the groin, and a roll up loss for his troubles.

You're dead-set on this knee to the groin business. You're just an evil, evil man, you know that.
And who's to say Hardy can even inflict enough damage to Lesnar's groin, to roll him up for a quick 3? Some low blows aren't
that effective.
The Undertaker. You know? Big buy, 16-0 at Mania? Hardly ever loses, except when against Jeff Hardy in an extreme rules match.
Exceptions to the rule are always there. Just like Mysterio defeating Nash. But it doesn't happen a lot.
That was a singles match. And Jeff had a dark cloud over his head

Then consider Lesnar a whole fricken storm front that's moving in. Because, (pun intended) he'll level Hardy with an F-5. To the point of Hardy being nothing more, than a Whisper in the Wind.
And he'll use it, to get the win. But now, we seem to be in a battle of "he will", "he won't".
NO, we're in a battle of
"Will's using logic on why the big massive destructable guy is going to rip my glorified cruiserweight a new ass, and I gotta defend him somehow, but a logical theory of knee to the groin."
So, you're saying Edge couldn't beat Lesnar? You said the only reason you pushed Edge to beat Lesnar was because he's matched his power, but now you're saying he can't actually do that.
Okay people, in the words of Will himself, Edge can't beat Lesnar. Be sure to mark this event.
I hardly said that. You're taking the opinion I had, mixed with the knowledge of knowing not everyone will think like I do, and trying to play it off as me not having faith in Edge. Which is wrong.
does not have equal power to Lesnar. Obviously, as Edge can't belly to belly Mark Henry, I'm sure.
However, in the UK ppv match, Edge went toe-to-toe with Lesnar, and utilized all his abilities to almost (and he would've, if not for Heyman) defeat Lesnar.
Heyman won't be a factor in this tournament.
Mark Henry loses to everyone. Offence of the skies just does as mcuh damage (and more, because it's "putting your body on the line") as power moves.
You're right,
IF the offensive sky moves connect, I'm sure they work just as well. But they don't call it "High risk, High reward" for nothing. And thats what I'm trying to tell you.
Look at almost any match Hardy's been involved in, especially all of his gimmick matches. Hardy takes every risk in the book, because it's the only way he can win those matches. You say he can work well with weapons. I say he has to use them, to stay in the match.
But Hardy always, ALWAYS fucks up at some point in every match. Lesnar isn't just any regular opponent. He'll capitalize, he's smarter than you give him credit for.
On a seperate note, people are saying that HBK and Lesnar will be close. But why? Is HBK is close to Lesnar, the Jeff is better than Lesnar. Jeff beat HBK on the mat, without hte use of a roll-up. With the Swanton, in a regular match. That's not even Jeff's playground. Jeff would easily take down HBK in an extreme rules match. Especially if Jeff brings out a ladder (when Shawn can't even seem to win the match he revolutionised)+(and he would bring out a ladder, because he's smart in that enviroment), then Shawn's ass would be screwed over fast than you can say "Groin shot and roll up for the win on Lesnar by Hardy".
People are going to naturally give Shawn Michaels more credit against Brock Lesnar, because Shawn Michaels has proven more often than not, that even as an underdog, he'll find a way to gain the victory. Especially against bigger guys.
Hardy, on the other hand, can't always win in major match situations. Wow, he defeated Edge after Triple H. did the work, to finally "win the big one". But when that was turned to a single's match, outside interference or not, Edge won right back.
Triple H. and Hardy have had some nice feuds, but in the end, with exception of a fluke Intercontinental win early on.. that was rematched, and squashed a few days later.. Hardy has
NEVER win an impressive match, over a powerful Superstar, in a big moment situation. (Taker doesn't count, it was a Smackdown match)
This tournament, is considered a "big moment" situation. Obviously, one and done. If you lose, to my knowledge you're out. No more second chances. Hardy has only one "the big one" once, and that was off the work of someone else.