ECW Champion Discussion Thread

I hope Shelton Benjamin wins the title soon. Maybe they are trying to use Edge's heat to turn Shelton face. It seems that anyone who goes against Edge gets over so hopefully Shelton is next in line. Shelton would be the best ECW champ since RVD once he wins it. I actually don't mind as much with Chavo winning it because this forms a heel super-stable we haven't yet seen in wrestling. WIth two world champs being in the same stable this kind of seems like it could be a cool angle.
I think it's going to be a short reign. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he loses it on SD! this week or ECW in the coming weeks. It's just a quick fix to draw Edge more heat. Not that he really needs it but meh, I'm liking the whole formation of this "stable".

I'm pretty sold on Punk winning it back and being the title defender at Mania, Hopefully against Benjamin as that guy can single handily turn a shitfest into something magical.

I guess I like the win, Punk doesn't do much for me anyways, ECW as a whole really means jackshit but Chavo and Edge will continue to draw massiva amounts of heel heat with this so it's good in that category, I just don't think it will last very long.
I am actually completely blown away by this. At least CM Punk and Lashley gave the belt a little credibility with long runs (still a shame RVD let us all down the way he did) and Morrison was a nice champ as well, but Chavo? I like Chavo ... think he is a great worker, decent on the stick ... but he is definitely not world championship material. The fact that he can even be in main events on ECW while he would not be able to sniff the ring on RAW is telling as to the problems with ECW as a whole.
I am curious to see where this goes ... and I do like Chavo's ring work, but any champ that makes the average fan think "are you serious" is a bad one ... and Chavo will likely do that.
I didn';t think there was anyone other than Chavo winning. He's lost all his previous matches other thna one by count out. There was no way Punk was coming out of this with the title. It looks like we'll be getting Punk vs. Edge at No Way Out. Sounds good to me. Although I'd have liked to see another month of Rey vs. Edge.

As for Chavo being champ. Meh. He doesn't have the intensity to come across as a really good heel. His matches have also been pretty average for the past few years. His matches against Benoit last year proved than. Burke would have been a far better option. Chavo is more over now, but Burke could get him self over if he was given the oppertunity.
The only possibilities I see coming of this are the possibility of seeing Tommy Dreamer finally get a shot at the title at Mania, but thats wishful thinking. Theres not enough top Faces on ECW, and quite frankly, I think CM Punk has held the title for awhile, I'd like tos ee him in the MITB at Mania again, same with Shelton. I always found that match featured some of the best midcard talent the WWE had to offer. So heres to hoping that article Tommy Dreamer wrote on a few weeks ago pays off. I would love to see Dreamer VS Guerrero, and if at mania, in some sort of "extreme rules match", just to show that litle bit of the origional ECW is left.
I must admit, I am shocked. For the first time in a long time the WWE has shcoked me, as I really did not see Chavo picking up the ECW title. In my opinion this reign is utterslessy (sp?) pointless. All it really does is add heat to Edge and Chavo. In my opinion a better move would be for Burke to win it because he really deserves it. He's a solid wrestler, and is not being used at all. As for the reign I don't see it going longer than WrestleMania. He's probably gonna end up a transitional champion, as he'll lose in to CM Punk. If Punk doesn't win it right away I would like to see him in the Rumble. That way if he wins, he can finally leave ECW, and do something useful.
The only possibilities I see coming of this are the possibility of seeing Tommy Dreamer finally get a shot at the title at Mania, but thats wishful thinking. Theres not enough top Faces on ECW, and quite frankly, I think CM Punk has held the title for awhile, I'd like tos ee him in the MITB at Mania again, same with Shelton. I always found that match featured some of the best midcard talent the WWE had to offer. So heres to hoping that article Tommy Dreamer wrote on a few weeks ago pays off. I would love to see Dreamer VS Guerrero, and if at mania, in some sort of "extreme rules match", just to show that litle bit of the origional ECW is left.

No way is Chavo going to keep that title until Wrestlemania. I'd be surprised if he even kept it past No Way Out, actually. Shelton's getting a very solid push that they're slowly building towards, most likely, being ECW champion, and he's a heel, so they won't have a heel defeat a heel Chavo unless they're planning on turning Chavo face with the whole Guerrero/Edge angle. Whether or not they have Punk win the title back, then lose it to Shelton, I can't say yet, but we should definitely have two new ECW champions by Wrestlemania.
I don't mind Chavo. It's a name, and it's a name associated with the GM of a brand, so it's instant heat. Edge vs. CM Punk seems to be on the horizon, and I honestly think it could happen as soon as No Way Out. If it weren't for Taker vs Edge at Mania, Punk vs. Edge could probably deliver just as well.

Hell, if the WWE is tinkering with a Hardy Boy as a world champ then certainly Chavo Guerrero is worthy of holding onto the C title.
i like that the belt is not on punk any more a fan of him but him fighting the same 5 people over and over agan was getting boring maybe we will see burke and Shelton and other people used more now that chavo is champ which will be interesting to see wish they gave them more time and then had the screw job finish but what can you do

Personally, I really like the idea of chavo as the ECW champ. He is for that brand at least, a credible title holder, is easy heat generation, I mean if not only for that stupid entrance music (LOL) but for now being in this stable with Edge and Vicki and the edgeheads. Im actually really really liking were the stable, and this whole angle is going in general. Hopefully they put the Tag gold on the EdgeHeads soon.

Hopefully, this will also open for a short program with Punk and edge, and I think they could put on an awesome program/series of matches together. Punk may not be the greatest on the promo side, but Edges, charisma and abilities in that area will carry him.

I hope they dont make this just some flash in the pan though. I think they can create a whole lotta heat the longer he holds it, and can get a pretty decent payoff for whomever beats him. But I think they REALLY need to infuse some of the more over SD! talent into ECW, becuase having Chavo Gurerro as your main heel champion isnt gonna get you a landslide of talent, so hopefully the SD! stable will be prevalant on ECW. Maybe since Chavo is SD! talent, and Edge being SD! talent helped take the belt from an ECW guy, will cause a mini ECW VS SD! thing, maybe a tiny face turn for armando. Really a lot of ways they could go with this, I hope they do right by it.
i dont really get the point in Chavo winning this title, he wont be a long term champion and hes not exactly needing the rub from a championship. I thought punk should have started a feud with Burke again or maybe even kevin thorn, i could imagine those two guys having some great big-small man match ups.
Ok, I know that it'll probably end up being CM Punk, but I want to entertain the notion that maybe someone else can get themselves in on the ECW Championship.

The main problem is that the ECW roster is full of heels so they don't have many options unless they do some face turns with some of the stars, or they bring in someone from Smackdown! which would be stupid in my opinion because the Champion should be from the ECW brand.

So, who else do you think should challenge for the belt?

Personally I would like to see Dreamer step up and go for the title. I think its about time that he took one last go for the gold and I can see him and Chavo working a good match together. The fans are behind him and they can actually have a few extreme rules matches for the belt, like they should be doing anyway. No one else on ECW is over enough to be a legit face contender (except Punk) and its about time they build other faces up.
i just cant stand chavo being the champ i wanted to see a punk/benjamin feud ya they both arent great at promos but it would bring some good matches and i think shelton needs some spotlight for being the most athletic guy in wwe since angle left(IMO) chavo is boring he'll never live up to eddies legacy. but who am i i dont like edge either. BTW i thought chavo was sd when will this ****** talent exchange end
i had a idea for a match for WM24 for a while, but since chavo won the ECW title (HORRIBLE idea around manina) it wont happen. i wanted Tommy dreamer to win the rumble, chalenge punk for the title, and have a hardcore match at WM24. but i know tommy is never going to win the rumble, but think about it. after tommy won the rumble, it would be cool to hear ECW,ECW,ECW from the fans. again it would never happen
I think this was a horrible idea, im sorry but Chavo Guerrero is not a world champion, he was barely good as a cruiserweight champion. This is killing the credibility of the belt, and whats worse is that besides Punk, Dreamer and presumably Kane, there is no other face that can challenge for the title, making a heel champion on ECW at this time ******ed. At least with a face champion, you had challengers such as Morrison, Miz, Guerrero, Benjamin, Henry, V, and so on. Although I am liking the idea of finally having a stable in the wwe again, or so it seems, with Edge, the Edgeheads, and the Guerrero's, I guess its La Familia or something. But I agree with the idea that this won't be a long run, it just can't be. Very likely setting up for Benjamin to eventually take the title, but we will see. The other problem I have with this is where does this leave Punk? Right now he has lost his title, then on Smackdown he was squashed in a clean victory by Edge, showing he just can't compete with the big boys. In the matter of a week, wwe has pretty much killed the credibility of Punk. Where does he go now? He hasn't been announced for the rumble(though there is what, 6 spots left) so its likely he might not be on the ppv. At least before he was a champion so it wasn't much of a shame b/c the rumble is not the prototypical ppv where every match that has to happen will happen. But now Punk at the moment has nothing. People have said that maybe it will be Punk/Edge at NWO, but I don't see this happening, mainly because Punk already tried his revenge and quite frankly got squashed. The only thing I see is that Punk gets involved further with his feud with La Familia up to WM, then shortly afterwards is drafted to raw.
I like the idea of Chavo as Champion, because ECW does need a player coach veteran on the roster and someone to guide the young wrestlers coming into the WWE to adapt to the WWE style of wrestling. I think the championship reign could work if they let him lie, chea, & steal. Plus the ECW title is like the 7 most important title in the WWE so Chavo holding the belt isn't that bad for a brand that is getting the same ratings that Velocity and heat used to get so I don't think Chavo is going to hurt ECW anyway.

ECW is a third brand that is even worst than TNA right now, so the WWE is trying something different, because as great as everyone think Punk is, look at the ratings, they fell worst because Punk is the champion. Now is the time for the WWE to go in a different direction for a while with Chavo.

Wrestling is about ratings and Punk doesn't equal ratings, but Chavo can bring in the latino crowd to ECW and maybe the ratings can go up, but I doubt that as well. Chavo is just holding the belt for a while, s Punk can chase the belt, much like how Austin was better chasing the WWE Championship, Punk could be better chasing the ECW championship.

Who knows, this could be a way to move Rey to ECW so he can hold the gold or even Kane as ECW needs a legit Main Eventer in the eyes of the commom WWE fans, so that could be Kane or Rey taking the belt from Chavo at No Way Out.
I think this was a horrible idea, im sorry but Chavo Guerrero is not a world champion, he was barely good as a cruiserweight champion. This is killing the credibility of the belt, and whats worse is that besides Punk, Dreamer and presumably Kane, there is no other face that can challenge for the title, making a heel champion on ECW at this time ******ed. At least with a face champion, you had challengers such as Morrison, Miz, Guerrero, Benjamin, Henry, V, and so on. Although I am liking the idea of finally having a stable in the wwe again, or so it seems, with Edge, the Edgeheads, and the Guerrero's, I guess its La Familia or something. But I agree with the idea that this won't be a long run, it just can't be. Very likely setting up for Benjamin to eventually take the title, but we will see. The other problem I have with this is where does this leave Punk? Right now he has lost his title, then on Smackdown he was squashed in a clean victory by Edge, showing he just can't compete with the big boys. In the matter of a week, wwe has pretty much killed the credibility of Punk. Where does he go now? He hasn't been announced for the rumble(though there is what, 6 spots left) so its likely he might not be on the ppv. At least before he was a champion so it wasn't much of a shame b/c the rumble is not the prototypical ppv where every match that has to happen will happen. But now Punk at the moment has nothing. People have said that maybe it will be Punk/Edge at NWO, but I don't see this happening, mainly because Punk already tried his revenge and quite frankly got squashed. The only thing I see is that Punk gets involved further with his feud with La Familia up to WM, then shortly afterwards is drafted to raw.

I totally agree with you... Chavo Guerrero is not a world champion. He has really disappointed me in the last few weeks on ECW. He jst isnt that good in the ring. But having a heel ECW champ is bad coz like you said... there are soo many heels on ECW but hardly any faces.

CM Punk was a good champion and he had plenty of challengers but I dont think he got squashed by Edge. Think about it Edge is the world champion... of course he shuld beat Punk and he took over 11 minutes to beat him. I dont think Punk got squashed because Edge had a hard time putting Punk away I thought.

Im hoping Chavo will have a very short reign as ECW champ and hopefully Punk will win it back in a few weeks time.
I easily see Punk taking the title back.

Now, here's some wishful thinking (which would give ECW some ratings). Shelton gets pushed all the way up to the title. Once he's champ, Jeff Hardy gets thrown over to Tuesday night and put into a feud with Shelton. IMO, it's a good move. The two have a history and have put together some entertaining matches. Plus Hardy will be out of the RAW championship picture, giving way to HHH, HBK, and Y2J.

Even more wishful thinking. With J. Hardy as the champ, WWE can bring Raven in to feud with him. Which would also IMO be a good ratings move. And those two also have a good past with each other (TNA).
So its unanimous that Chavo should not have the ECW title and that it what I believe too. At most he shouldve been going for the US title. CM Punk is credible as the ECW champ and if he doesnt win the title sooner rather than later, the already fading credibility of the belt and of CM Punk will be gone.

Ive said it before that Kane should go to ECW and win the title, as he is over with the fans and it would only elevate the title. But then again, Kane has done a lot of jobbing, but it would help him and the belt. But Chavo as champ is a big no no.

Just a thought.
The ECW title has lost any form of respect it had since Chavo won it, and for the most part, it's not his fault. WHile it's almost unanimous around here that Chavo isn't championship material, WWE has done NOTHING to make him resemble a champion. To begin with, Punk beats him twice, then with edge's help, chavo wins the title. Then he gets put in the rumble, which if he'd won what does he get? A shjot at himself? Now they don't have him on his own show after he beats punk clean, only to have him show up and lose clean to a guy with one arm while he's about to be gone for 6 months. Can you imagine this happening to orton or edge? I certainly can't.
I am really hoping to see some major changes with ECW with the upcoming draft...they said that there will be some big shae ups and hopefully this includes ECW. I think Chavoas the champ really isn't working. Kind of sad to because IMO i think ECW has really improved more in the last 4 months than in the last 2 years. I like the feel they are getting with more of a set roster and i like watching who is there(morrison, miz, kofi, punk).

Both SD and Raw have some players that are at the point where they are above mi card but not quite all out maineventers. I would like to see some of these get drafted to ECW to really make it more interesting by giving them a run with the 3rd world title. If Ecw can get a couple more established, credible stars i like thought of where it may be going.
though I am a punk fan...I think KANE becoming the ECW champ is a great shot in the arm that brand needed. I would like to see Punk cash in his MIB with MVP and FINALLY get that belt away from him. I think SD fans would be ecstatic.
Kane as ECW champ opens up soooo much right now. You got Edge feuding with Taker on SD! and Chavo will probably remain the number one contender since Big Daddy V is out for now. It's like a little war breaking out. The Brothers Of Destruction versus the Rated R Entourage. I'm really interested to find out how and if they decide to keep Chavo in the running because of this. I mean it has a lot of potential to send ECW and SD! into either an all out war or it will basically end any brand split thats left between SD! and ECW. Kane is in an excellent spot to make WWE magic actually happen again. The question is will WWE exploit it and allow it to happen...
Kane as ECW champion is great for a couple of reasons:

1. Credibility-Kane's name alone brings instant credibility to the ECW Title, it had become known as the title used to push somebody to the next level, First Lashley, then Morrison, then Punk. Then Chavo got it, which made sense whatsoever, that was the low point of the ECW Title, it looked grim, but Kane winning was a great play by the WWE. He is a dominant champion and people love him, maybe even add a couple more viewers just to see Kane.

2. Brothers of Destruction-Having Kane and Undertaker be champions at the same time is a great idea, you can use them together in various fueds. Right now that is all the makes me happy that Chavo is still going for the title, I like the idea of Brothers of Destrucion vs. Rated R Faction, it has a good flow to it and offers some intrigue.

3. Its about damn time-Kane has been deserving a title run for quite some time, he has done so many things, to only receive 1 twenty four hour run was rediculous. I know that he had turn down chances in the past, but the ECW Title was perfect for him. He has given so much to the business, its nice to see that WWE is finally giving something to him.

All in all, I am happy Kane is the ECW Champion, hopefully it will last for several months, I see fueds with Shelton and Elijah in the future, probably Big Daddy V, and hopefully a couple challengers will come over in the draft. Good to see Kane get is deserved title run.
Meh havent posted in these ones in a while

As ive said before, I absolutely LOVE Kane as champion of ECW. It gives all the young heel talent there a chance to feud with an experienced monster-cred face, and adds more credibility to the title itself. i also love it because Kane is finally getting a long overdue respectable title run. I hope it lasts for quite a while personally, and hopefully someone like Burke or Shelton will receive the Payoff of going over Kane for the Belt.

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