ECW Champion Discussion Thread



CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.

Morrisons time as champ was done. I'm looking forward to this title run. Hopefully Punk starts getting the responses he was 9 months ago. I'm actually looking forward to a Punk/Cor Von feud. As a wrestler Cor Von sucks. But in gimmick matches he excells. That feud will be brilliant. I really want Punk to get a long title reign, and I dont see why he shouldn't.


CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.

For not getting the belt at Vengeance it should have been done at SS it wasn't like Morrison was going anywhere with the lack of faces.

I look forward to Punk as Champion and see him feuding with Miz/Burke soon. Burke is most likely going to be first. Should be a very good feud if it happens. Hopefully Punk/Burke matches deliever better than Morrison/Punk both are damn good in the ring take away some terrible finishes and the Punk/Morrison matches weren't all that bad but The feud was getting old and it was time for a change, Punk should get a lenghthy reign and should lead to some alright looking feuds hopefully no Big Daddy V.
i loved this also and hope that punk gets a long reign, finally the most over and talented guy on the roster gets his shot, i didnt mind the morrison/punk feud but it really wasnt that good, both are great in ring, but they just couldnt really pull off a good match, like ive said b4

now i hope a burke/punk feud really does happen, their little feud b4 was awsome, i loved their matches, one of them a remember giving a 5 star =D, and now a feud for the belt im hoping will be even better, ECW is really gonna start picking up since now WWE has a real champ! hell yeah im really excited about this, i hope their last match was good

though i feel like maybe they are only gonna feed punk to big daddy V... b4 punk was getting a huge push, but then for some reason WWE thought morrison had a better future o_O... and now im guessing WWE thinks big daddy V has a better future since they love monsters, god i hope punk doesnt become a paper champ, IMO he is THE guy right now to bring some meaning to that belt...
Punk vs. Morrison tonight was world's better than at summerslam. anyone else agree?

indeed it was, in fact it's probably the best match that these two have had, I've been frustrated to hell with the fact that two guys this talented havn't been able to put on the great match that they have to potential to put on, SummerSlam had to be the let down of the night as far as match quality goes, I'm glad to see Punk has the gold, and hope he keeps it for awhile, I also hope that this is the end of the Punk/Morrison feud, it's just getting old
I also hope that this is the end of the Punk/Morrison feud, it's just getting old

Morrison is more than likely on the "List".

Very good match tonight IMO the best of the 4. The 15 minutes of fame match was good as well but this one was not as botchy and more exciting with the multiple near-falls. The other matches were not as great as I figured they would be but tonight they didn't let down and put on a SS worthy match. Look forward to Punk's run. It'll be interesting to see where WWE decides to go with the next feud.
indeed it was, in fact it's probably the best match that these two have had

I definately have to agree. I somehow wondered if they'd go out with a bang & this match should've been how each of their p.p.v. matches went. I can't believe it to a degree, cause the crowd was completely into it the whole way.. but at the same time, I'm glad they're finally done feuding for now.

It reminds me of a Rock/HHH or Undertaker/Kane type feud.. it seems to have went on forever, way longer than it should've.

The only thing I hate.. is Punk cut some stupid promo about not needing luck, or some crap. (I didn't see it, I heard the announcer's talking about it) Fact is.. Punk won the Championship tonight, DUE TO LUCK. Sure, he may of been set to win it in time.. maybe even Unforgiven.. but he only won it tonight, because of Morrison being on that stupid list. So for Punk to say that.. is similar to David Arquette trying to claim he won the W.C.W. Championship because he had talent.

Don't get me wrong.. I'm happy for Punk, & he's the main person on the roster right now that probably deserves a run with the Championship.. but that not-withstanding, he still did a promo that was complete bullshit.
Morrison is more than likely on the "List".

Yup he sure is

Very good match tonight IMO the best of the 4. The 15 minutes of fame match was good as well but this one was not as botchy and more exciting with the multiple near-falls. The other matches were not as great as I figured they would be but tonight they didn't let down and put on a SS worthy match. Look forward to Punk's run. It'll be interesting to see where WWE decides to go with the next feud.
I agree 110% with you< I'm thinking they'll probably give someone like Thorn or Miz the next title shot, and then somewhere down the road I see BDV getting a shot as well, they are building him up to much not to give him a shot, though I wouldn't mind seeing a short Dreamer/Punk feud though, Dreamer deserves a push, I sure he won't be getting it but imo he deserves it
The ECW main event last night was probably the best match I've seen on any of WWE's weekly shows in a very long time. I loved all the near falls and the two of them seemingly giving each other every move they had. I'm not sure if it was what he was going for, but I thought Punk started to set up for the Pepsi Plunge but got reversed. It was a great match and the crowd reaction when Punk won came off as incredible on TV.

Now I hope they put him in a meaningful feud instead of one with Fat Daddy or Miz.
Seriously, its about time the ECW Championship changed hands, and it seems like the only one they would let contend for the title was CM Punk. Morrison is one of my favorites, but these matches with these guys was getting annoying, and I knew Punk would get the title eventually. But now, there isn't that much good talent of ECW to actually win the championship from Punk, at least, not now.
Last nights ECWs main event was a great match! You usually dont see a good match like this on regular TV. This goes to show Punk, Morrison, Burke, and Cor Von are the future. I think this leaves the opportunity open for Burke to feud with Punk for the title! Im sure you all knew I was going to say that. But now that Morrison is suspended, and Burke is not involved in any storyline, it is time for Burke to step up and get the push he deserves.


CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.

I am glad to see punk as a champion. IMO he is the best wrestler on the ECW brand. That match he had with Morrison was a good match on a regular TV show. That was the best match out of them all. I was just kind of mad though because that match was scraped together because of the steroid scandal. I want to see where creative goes with this because i think Punk could feud with any of them and put on a decent match, way better than Morrison could. the match last night though was entertaining and the near pin falls were good, it looks like each competitor gave each other their best performance. I see a long title run until either Burke or COr Von can move to main event status on ECW. But i still see Morrison in the hunt with Cor Von, Big V, and Burke, or even the Miz but i find that highly unlikely.
The ECW main event last night was probably the best match I've seen on any of WWE's weekly shows in a very long time. I loved all the near falls and the two of them seemingly giving each other every move they had. I'm not sure if it was what he was going for, but I thought Punk started to set up for the Pepsi Plunge but got reversed. It was a great match and the crowd reaction when Punk won came off as incredible on TV.

Thats what I was thinking, And really, thats what has been missing from WWE shows and matches, The crowd (Back in the attitude era) used to be crazy into everything, and since then has really died down alot.

Last nights reaction was awesome, those near pin falls were great, good suspense even though we all knew punk had won.

Overall, my favorite CM Punk match since he joined up with WWE.

On ANOTHER note. too all you people saying punk isnt good on the mic. check his OVW stuff, when they just let him be himself (Which I think the comfort of being the champ will allow) he is great on the mic.
Punk finally winning was long overdue. I mean they let his undefeated streak end to f'n Hardcore Holly of all people and he'd been fed to Morrison over the past cpl months including the horrible typical heel finish at Summerslam. Honestly I've grown to like Nitro/Morrison since he jumped to Raw (though seeing him lose to Cena like 20 times got boring) but him and Jeff had some of the best matches. I do however have a huge problem with them giving him the belt that would have been Benoit's. I feel that another talent long overdue for a belt like Kane should have been given that spot. Nitro still has a long time left and years in his prime to go so he'll be around and his character can only grow. Now back to Punk, ever since I heard of him I reseached a bit and watched videos and well pure and simply he's got raw talent from every angle IMO (too bad HHH won't let the Pepsi Plunge happen). I think he's going to make a great champ and hopefully we'll stay champ for a long time. I think Burke would make a great challenger and we could see some easy 4 star matches there. Of course Cor Von could come back and be effective as well. Boogeyman while a limited wrestler in many regards has raw power that can make some moves devastating when given the chance. I'd honestly turn him into a heel the fans enjoy seeing (kinda like heel Undertaker) still cheered but booed to a degree. Big Daddy V I'd say could be a contender only if they change there mind about him rehashing an Undertaker feud. I pray the Miz is never given a real shot as I hate the reality bs from which he was born and quite honestley screw that motherfu... well you get the point. I hate him almost as much as Matt Striker. I miss the days of Shane Douglas now there was a prick you could hate and love at the same time as champ or challenger.

Now I have one thing to add, I think alot of TNA talent will jump soon ie like maybe Alex Shelley (though I hope he doesn't as the Motor City Machineguns are a fun team) and could be brought in to fued with Punk. Alot of the TNA guys are fast paced and could make for some great matches same as Burke. With ECW basically being the proving grounds for alot of guys Burke, Cor Von, Punk himself it could be a very interesting year with TNA guys getting disgruntled over things like Pacman & former WWE guys taking there spots.
Why are people still calling him Nitro? Thats smart.. I think im going to start doing the same. Maybe I will call Edge, Sexton Hardcastle. I will call Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Anderson.. and Triple H has to be called Hunter Hearst Helmsley. His name is John Morrison. Try to keep up

To the point.. Punk and Morrison had an amazing feud going. I did feel the title should have changed hands before it did, maybe add a few more men into the title fight such as Burke.. but other than those minor problems, I enjoyed every match.

Both men are obviously very young and make rookie mistakes. You can see the talent though.. talent that is rare in this day in age of wrestling. Punk is going to make one of, if not the best ECW champion to date in my opinion
well as for the feud i dont think it went on too long, the problem was that there was no real story behind the feud, it was just punk chasing the belt, if they had made an interesting storyline behind it i wouldnt mind this ''long'' feud

anyway, as for the match, i just watched ECW and damn that match was incredible, one of the best ive seen latley in WWE and easily their best match! the 15 min of fame comes in second, but this one was great for 3 reasons

1) both did some amazing moves! and still had some they didnt show off, imagine if the match was longer

2) the crow was way into it! it was awsome, by the end of the match EVERY1 was at their feet just crazy, and the reaction after he won from the crowd was just awsome, this just goes to show how a crowd can make a match much better

3) it wasnt as botchy as the other ones, sure there were some mistakes but less then the other matches, this one was more ''smooth'' lol, and the near falls were great

now finally punk has the belt, IMO is the best ECW champ of the new ecw, and should stay on top for a while! then go to SD! and compete for the us there, man that would be awsome too...


CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.
The Punk Era has finally begun. It certainly took enough shots, but Punk finally is the ECW champion. What will happen now? I can definatly see him having a long run with the title. Some of his opponents that I can see him facing are Viscera, Burke, and Cor Von. All of which could be good feuds... Yes Viscera included... That is if WWE plays the cards right
I just read a rumor saying they'll have Punk drop the belt to Nitro/Morrison as soon as he's off suspension. Well if they do then I f'n hope Punk leaves and goes back to ROH where he was respected for the athlete he is. Morrison should get the same treatment as RVD did when he got suspended for drug use. Sure RVD came back into the title picture for a bit but never got the belt so now were gonna reward Morrison? As far as it goes in an effort to show they mean it hell keep ALL the suspended wrestlers in midcard for say 3 - 6 months to prove to them you can't do this anymore. Giving Morrison back the belt is insulting especially to Punk who more than anyone in WWECW has the skill to carry that and even go cross brand with it. I think a Kennedy (after suspension) vs Punk feud would be fun. Either way I won't rant anymore but suffice to say I'm pro Punk. Oh and ideal fantasy match at this point Punk vs Morrison vs Jeff Hardy. Think about the spots in that one.
I've been waiting for Punk to finally win the title. Now, I think that Punk should face either Elijah Burke or Dreamer in a fued for the title. Both have some charisma and deserve a good push. Maybe even a Triple threat at either Unforgiven or Cyber Sunday.
I think that Morrison can be the future, but for right now Punk needs to be champ.He's a better wrestler and with all the steroid and drug allegations againist the wwe they need a guy like CM Punk to be champ.Contenders for the title:Burke,Morrison,Cor Von
Morrison shouldn't get another chance for a while. Let Punk face of against someone new. Maybe not Cor Von as he hasn't really done anything towards contention. I would like to see a feud in which the championship changes hand every 2-3 shows, and there are about 3 superstars after the title.

Lets face facts people. The reaction this man got to winning the ECW title was insane. Punk is probably the 1st real face the WWE has pushed in the last 3 years. Look at this list:

Lashley, Cena, Batista, Orton.

All of these men at one point or another have been criticized for some reason or another for being a champion. I'm not gonna list the reasons, hopefully you already know them.
But I don't think Punk will fall into this category. The man is a good wrestler, good on the mic, and actually lives his life the same as his gimmic on the show. I feel if used properly now, he could be the new MEGA star of WWE.

AKA close to the level Cena is on, but liked by the fans lol
personally myself I know ecw is being used as a traing place for future wwe stars. but i would like to see better matches now that we have punk as our champ. i mean the same old same old why not push up some wrestlers from owi that are redy to be in wwe i mean how many times do we wanna see thorn beat up people and dreamer job for people and lordy big daddy v's man boobs. i think that if wwe actually gets its head outta that hole vince sons storyline"s ass and focuses more on ecw that it would be one hell of a branch in wwe i mean please wwe bring over some different tallent to ecw i mean boogy man punk morrison daddy v burke dreamer the mizz and thorn and balls are all we see basically
Well now with C.M Punk as the new ECW champ it looks like there will be a C.M Punk Vs. sadly...Big Boob V match at Unforgiven. This match will end in a DQ to continue this terrible feud. ECW has really gone to hell with their feuds.
I definitely would love to see Punk as the champ for a good while. He's a great athlete, and I think everyone and their grandmother on this forum has said that. As far as feuds go I don't really mind Morrison.. I think the Jim Morrison angle is pretty lame, but that doesn't change my opinion about his abilities. I'm ready to see Burke, Cor Von, and even Stevie Richards, I've always loved big stevie.
Well now that there are rumors about C.M Punk only holding onto the title until Morrison returns, I'm pretty pissed off. I mean don't get me wrong Morrison is an amazing athlete, but he got no reaction during his reign. Now that I thought they were actually gonna give a push to Punk, I find out that he's only holding onto to the title for roughly 30 days. It's weird how all the druggies get major pushes (i.e Batista, Randy Orton, John Morrison etc.), but the hard workers rarely get anything. As someone said before he should return to ROH where he would actually be used properly.

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