Who Will Become The Next First-Time World Champion In The WWE?

I'm a fan of Cody's I-C title run out lastting Honky Tonks on thing Cody has done is make the I-C belt important again when his I-C title runs it's course put the WWE title on him he's earned it. At Royal Rumble he proved he can work at a main eventers level...

Nothing against Cody but how has he made the Title important again when its defended almost the same as the Tag titles not very often the I-C title hasn't been defended since December when Honky Tonk was champion he defended it alot more.
It will be the Heavyweight Championship that Daniel Bryan is currently holding now, but I honestly don't see it being either Kofi or Ryder, they have mid-card for life stamped all over them and it would be a waste, another throwaway championship that diminishes the belts. Barrett is starting to look like he will need a world title run simply to get over, he isn't connecting as well as the company would like so I would propose him in this scenario.

Bryan defeats Sheamus at Wrestlemania, Bryan's obnoxious character is just starting to take off, they shouldn't nip that in the bud just to give the crowds a happy Sheamus moment. I would have Sheamus continue to chase Bryan until the summer, by that stage the crowd will be baying for Bryan to lose the title when Sheamus takes it off him. The very next Smackdown I'd have Barrett gode Sheamus into a title defence, even have Bryan work on Sheamus' leg in the match before to give him an out. Barrett takes advantage and cleanly defeats Sheamus, starting a new feud to take us to Summerslam and onwards
It will be the Heavyweight Championship that Daniel Bryan is currently holding now, but I honestly don't see it being either Kofi or Ryder, they have mid-card for life stamped all over them and it would be a waste, another throwaway championship that diminishes the belts. Barrett is starting to look like he will need a world title run simply to get over, he isn't connecting as well as the company would like so I would propose him in this scenario.

Bryan defeats Sheamus at Wrestlemania, Bryan's obnoxious character is just starting to take off, they shouldn't nip that in the bud just to give the crowds a happy Sheamus moment. I would have Sheamus continue to chase Bryan until the summer, by that stage the crowd will be baying for Bryan to lose the title when Sheamus takes it off him. The very next Smackdown I'd have Barrett gode Sheamus into a title defence, even have Bryan work on Sheamus' leg in the match before to give him an out. Barrett takes advantage and cleanly defeats Sheamus, starting a new feud to take us to Summerslam and onwards

The only issue with that is they said Wade's going to be out A LONG TIME! They're talking up to 4 months because the damage was worse then they originally thought. He and DB are the only reason I tune into SD. I can't wait for a Wade run.
Kofi Kingston's mic skills need to be improvement about 500% from where they are now in order for him to become champion. Even more than that his character needs more identity and he needs at least one real strong feud with someone above him to lift him up a little more.

If they give Kofi the belt too quickly, they'll just get impatient with bad ratings and strip it right off him again.

Cody Rhodes is infinitely more ready to be champion that Kofi Kingston.

Barrett will be champion when he returns, it's just a matter of time. The guy is the complete package and honestly MUCH more entertaining right now than Sheamus or Orton.

Zack Ryder? C'mon now...
I would have said Dolph Ziggler as well just a month or two ago, but it feels like he's taken a step back and that could be backstage stuff. I think if he drops Vickie in the near future, and we can see what he can do on his own, then we'll see if he's going to be a champ.

Therefore, I'm going with Wade Barrett. He seems the favorite to win MITB and I think he'll cash it in right after that to make that next step in his career.
I really REALLY want Dolph ziggler to move back to the blue team, win the title 1-3 times depending on length, and save the SS sinking SD. Seriously their chamber this year included khali, wade, and satino for crying out loud! Yeah he tech was a WHC but does anyone really count that. . . Besides hes won every other title in the company, he needs the title almost as much as it needs him.

My second pick after that would be Rhodes. Seems like their going to have him drop the IC title to Show at Mania and given the state of things you would think that puts him in line for world title push. Really they guy`s been there for almost 5 years, he`s done literally everything he can do in the midcard, its time he moved on already.

Lots of Wade love on here but I don`t understand why. Dude is very new to wrestling as a whole, not even going into how little time he`s been apart of the WWE`s main roster. He could easily become boring very soon(he already is for me) and in any case dude can only grow and benefit from another year or two in the midcard. Think about it, the dude has only ever held one title in the WWE which was all n all really a bad reign. Lots for him to do still. Put him in some bad ass tag team, give him another go at the Ic belt or the US belt. Dude is 6`7`` and 265 pounds. The overgrown bloke can do this well into his fourties, give it time.
As far as in the long run, I think Zack Ryder is going to definitely get a reign. But since he's going to be gone for awhile I'll put my money on Kofi Kingston. He shows dedication, he's a good role model, great wrestler, and doesn't get much credit. I think he should be getting a world title sometime soon.
Definitely Cody Rhodes - I think he is one of the most underrated wrestlers on the WWE roster and he's ready to take a deeper role with the WWE. I think he's also more ready than Kofi.

Wade Barrett is another guy who crosses my mind - it's a shame he has to miss Wrestlemania after elbow surgery. Get well soon, Wade!
Zack Ryder or Kofi Kingston?



Ryder is a midcarder at best. Kingston is never going to reach that elite peak as world champion until he has a change in attitude or gimmick. That, plus his mic skills need some serious work. I would have said Wade Barrett would be the next champion as evidenced by the WWE's decision to make him win the upcoming MITB ladder match, but due to his injury that's now up in the air. Cody Rhodes is doing a great job restoring the IC title to relevance and needs to continue to do so for another year IMO. I think Barrett will get the world title upon his return in one way or another.
I would put Rhodes at the top of my list, Barrett second, and Kofi somewhere in the middle. I love Kofi's in ring ability but I just don't think he'd be a very good champion. I think Rhodes would be as entertaining as any champion, and he most certainly has the in ring skills to back it up. Maybe if Kofi turned heel with a completely gimmick, I could see him as a future champion, but not any time soon. But I could see Rhodes losing his title at Wrestlemania, then go into a feud with Sheamus, who will most likely defeat Brian, I think that would be a pretty entertaining storyline.
Has to be Barrett he's just being built for it ever since his feud with Orton you just know when he's back from injury he's going to get the title. He was a monster in the elimination chamber match and its just a matter of time before barrett steps into the spotlight
What about Mark Henry? hes been given a Monster push in the last few months. Hes someone who has payed his dues and has an initimidating look and presence. He took out Kane and the Big Show and has a lot of momentum going right now. I could see him challenging Orton once he regains the title.

I just wanted to congratulate this guy, who posted this the last time this thread was done (I believe in July?). That thread was blatantly obvious, with ADR and DBD both holding Money in the Bank briefcases - both of them became the next first-time World Champions... This time things are a bit more interesting, with no un-cashed Money in the Bank cases floating around and with both World title pictures at WrestleMania filled with World Champions and former World Champions.

Wade Barrett is the most obvious choice, but everyone was calling for it last year as well. Hell, everyone was calling it the year before when he was hot off leading the Nexus and dominating the WWE landscape for months at a time. None of that ever came to fruition, and with his most recent injury setting him back several months I'm not so sure he's as "safe" a pick as everyone usually thinks he is.

Cody Rhodes isn't a smart pick at all, in my opinion. He's a fantastic mid-card champion and one that has been growing on me a little bit every single week since winning the belt. In fact, I actually hope he DOESN'T win the World title for a very long time. WWE could benefit from the slow and steady approach, instead of shotgunning all of their good talent into a premature title run.

R-Truth and Dolph Ziggler seem like sound choices right now. We're not going to have a first-time World champ for at least a few months, in my observations. Sheamus likely wins the title at WrestleMania, but either way that's a feud that probably will carry on for awhile. Any logical choice to face either of them (since Barrett is injured) has already held the title in the past. Punk and Jericho will likely feud for awhile as well, and I don't see the WWE Championship being dropped off either of them too soon. This will likely be a period of 3-6 months of building up the mid-card and getting them ready to step up. Ziggler has been ready, but as you can obvious see is in a downward period. Post-Mania he'll spring back and be given more of an opportunity, I would bet money on that. R-Truth is just one more high profile feud away from being "there", and as we saw last year they tend to give out shots to guys like him during the Capitol Punishment, Over the Limit filler months.

I wouldn't be surprised by either of them winning, nor Barrett coming back from injury later this year and doing the same.
I'm not sure why so many people think that Ryder being a world champion is such a strange concept?

Let's break it down a little. Ryder is 26. In wrestling terms that means he is still very young. Barrett is 31 and Kofi is 30 which means Ryder has at least 4 years on them in order to hone his skills, refine his gimmick and become a better all round wrestler. Cody is also 26 and at this stage is obviously much further than Ryder, but does that mean that Ryder is suddenly discounted?

Plenty can happen is just a few months. He could turn heel, and turn on all the fans he's built up, getting some massive heat. Or, he could come back and continue the program with Eve, add a more serious edge to his gimmick and possibly feud with someone she is aligned to. Then win that feud and gain even more support from his fans. What I'm saying is that only a small adjustment to his gimmick is what is required to push Ryder towards the top. He has all the tools that are required, including the physique. All he needs to do is improve.

I'm not saying that Ryder is going to be the next world champion, in fact all these guys have a better chance of getting there first. Nobody would doubt that Rhodes (who still has a long way to go in my opinion) and Barrett will probably grab the gold eventually, though it's more of a doubt with Kofi. However, it's not preposterous to suggest Ryder could main event and win world title sometime in the future. Lot's can change in pro wrestling.

For the record. My bet is Wade Barrett, despite the injury. He's been booked strongly for a while and they can now plot a steady route for him to come back and win the world title. It may not come as soon as you might think though.
I honestly see the next first time champion coming out of the WWE to be Cody Rhodes. I got a feeling he will go over Big Show at Wrestlemania and that will catapult him into title contention.
I would have to go with Barrett. He was hurt what, 2 weeks ago and is out for 3-4 months? That means he would have been out almost 6 weeks when WM rolls around. Have him stay off TV another month (to let any potential new talent debuts occur after WM) and come back, early-mid May. That has him out 10-12 weeks and if he isn't quite ready, have his first few weeks back revolve around promo's and maybe a sneak attack or two on whoever the champion is at the time.
This is a great thread because there are so many good guys that fall into this category right now.

It is obvious that Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler have the chops. It is quite possible for someone like Kofi Kingston to get there one day as well. R-Truth seems to be up and down and it would be tough to give him a run. Drew Mcintyre and Zeke both fall in this category as well. I would be absolutely SHOCKED to see (as some others have mentioned) Zack Ryder or Santino Marella win the title, but crazier things have happened.

So, if I was a betting man, I would go with Wade Barrett (just slightly over Rhodes). These guys have the best chance because they are on Smackdown! and not having to battle with Cena and Punk over the title. Barrett is still out a while, so Rhodes could sneak in the mix, but I see him carrying the IC for a while.

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