Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes


For the record, the Solar System translation is backed up here

Even if we make Cell a solar system buster there's no evidence for anyone at SSJ3 level or stronger being above that. In the Sailor Moon manga there are feats of her destroying a planet, it suggests she can destroy a star, and Eternal Sailor Moon was ripping a nebula apart before she cancelled her attack.

And actually I don't think she she did cancel it, I think Guardian Cosmos did; as she's the one that restored reality to the way things were.
Meh, I'm just looking forward to arguing that a Tao Ren I am intentionally weakening can beat ESM via strategy rather than raw power.

I have two questions about Princess Serenity in her previous life: how does she compare to ESM in terms of power (if she has no relevant feats, let me know), and how did she commit suicide?
Барбоса;4099779 said:
There is plenty of evidence for virtually every major fighter in DBZ being a planet buster. Master Roshi destroyed the moon during his final match with Goku in DB and he has been surpassed by every Z fighter by the beginning of DBZ. Freiza can destroy planets at a whim in his weakest form and Super Saiyans make him child like in comparison.

I'm still not convinced, how is he going to counter her speed? I'm still waiting for something other than IT or IM, which Gohan Buu has neither, which demonstrates DBZ characters moving at light speed.
I'm still not convinced, how is he going to counter her speed? I'm still waiting for something other than IT or IM, which Gohan Buu has neither, which demonstrates DBZ characters moving at light speed.

I doubt that Buu in any form is that fast. However, I would point out his quite frankly ridiculous durability on top of his power to destroy and kill, which is exponentially greater than a solar system buster like Super Perfect Cell or SSJ2 Gohan, and his willingness to do so, something which has been questioned about Sailor Moon, make him extremely dangerous.
Барбоса;4099821 said:
I doubt that Buu in any form is that fast. However, I would point out his quite frankly ridiculous durability on top of his power to destroy and kill, which is exponentially greater than a solar system buster like Super Perfect Cell or SSJ2 Gohan, and his willingness to do so, something which has been questioned about Sailor Moon, make him extremely dangerous.

The only advantage that I will Gohan Buu is his haxed durability, but he's not as fast as Super Sailor Moon. The best I can do on this is a stalemate.

You may have to make another choice.
Super Buu realises the stalemate and uses his haxed absorption powers to consume SSM. Your move, Ech.
How is he going to absorb something that he can't catch? And lets not forget that Vegito let himself be absorbed when he could have dodged.

Same way he caught Gohan, by surprise. If you consider that GohanBuu vs SSM is a stalemate then she's got to be fighting at her fullest capacity. She's liable to overlook a small blob of chewing gum while fighting full on. While she's not looking, she can get grabbed and assimilated by the blob.

Or to try a different tack, as established by Majin Buu vs Kid Buu, Buu can make multiple clones of himself. If SSM blasts him once he can make a dozen more clones and dozens more after that. While she's busy fighting an ever growing army she's not going to notice a small blob. Eventually, her guard will be lowered for long enough for her to get assimilated.
Same way he caught Gohan, by surprise. If you consider that GohanBuu vs SSM is a stalemate then she's got to be fighting at her fullest capacity. She's liable to overlook a small blob of chewing gum while fighting full on. While she's not looking, she can get grabbed and assimilated by the blob.

I consider it to be a stalemate because she's faster but he's more durable. If you add in power feats she has the advantage since it's suggested that she can star bust, while it's still not been proven that he can survive such an attack.

And he caught Gohan by surprise only because he lowered his guard. Even when they were fighting one one one Gohan still didn't lower his guard until Gotenks stepped up to battle. Super Sailor Moon would have a clear speed advantage, and would have no reason to lower her guard.
Thor. He can materialize anywhere across the universe, so the speed is there. With the use of Mjolnir- He can unleash Godforce attacks from the hammer or Thermo-blasts(can destroy a planet). Once she stops, she gets hit. He can even throw the hammer at light speed after her if he wants to.

Or since Mjolnir can absorb limitless amounts of energy.... He once absorbed a Null Bomb that could have blown up the galaxy and turned it into cosmic energy to re-ignite a dead sun. SM's oncoming attack energy (no matter how strong),can be blasted blast back at her. Ouch.

Or for shits and giggles, he would create a Mystical Vortex (Avengers Annual. #16 or was it 17, im not sure) containing her blast or SM herself. Thor can also rip a hole in the fabric of the universe to banish her to limbo or the Sea of Eternal Night to be frozen forever like he did with Surtur & Yimir (Thor 425)

So Thor with his hammer, whoops Sailor Moon.
I consider it to be a stalemate because she's faster but he's more durable. If you add in power feats she has the advantage since it's suggested that she can star bust, while it's still not been proven that he can survive such an attack.

And he caught Gohan by surprise only because he lowered his guard. Even when they were fighting one one one Gohan still didn't lower his guard until Gotenks stepped up to battle. Super Sailor Moon would have a clear speed advantage, and would have no reason to lower her guard.

She doesn't have eyes on the back of her head. If she's fighting an army of Gohan Buus even at her ludicrous speeds she's going to have her hands full enough to neglect puddles of goo. How is she going to know about absorption? There's also the possibility of her getting Buu goo on her from blasting the guy. A speck gets on her and it's GG.
Thor. He can materialize anywhere across the universe, so the speed is there. With the use of Mjolnir- He can unleash Godforce attacks from the hammer or Thermo-blasts(can destroy a planet). Once she stops, she gets hit. He can even throw the hammer at light speed after her if he wants to.

Or since Mjolnir can absorb limitless amounts of energy.... He once absorbed a Null Bomb that could have blown up the galaxy and turned it into cosmic energy to re-ignite a dead sun. SM's oncoming attack energy (no matter how strong),can be blasted blast back at her. Ouch.

Or for shits and giggles, he would create a Mystical Vortex (Avengers Annual. #16 or was it 17, im not sure) containing her blast or SM herself. Thor can also rip a hole in the fabric of the universe to banish her to limbo or the Sea of Eternal Night to be frozen forever like he did with Surtur & Yimir (Thor 425)

So Thor with his hammer, whoops Sailor Moon.

Sure, I'll take that. The only problem with comic books characters is the continuation, so just be clear which version you're using.

which prize would you like?

Since Im not in a place that an RP would help or be needed.....

Ill take the Green. Or a ride in the DeLorean with Doc Brown. Which ever is easier.
She doesn't have eyes on the back of her head. If she's fighting an army of Gohan Buus even at her ludicrous speeds she's going to have her hands full enough to neglect puddles of goo. How is she going to know about absorption? There's also the possibility of her getting Buu goo on her from blasting the guy. A speck gets on her and it's GG.

That argument doesn't hold water for a number of reasons. First, Vegito was never absorbed mid battle despite blasting Buu to pieces numerous times, and dealing with his kamikaze ghost spams. Second, Gohan Buu is going to be on defense the whole fight. He's slower and likely to weaker than she is; and against Vegito he had no time to activate the absorption while on defense. Third, Vegito was toying with Buu; he wasn't he trying to kill him. Sailor Moon willing be trying to kill him, and she shows no mercy to her enemies.
That argument doesn't hold water for a number of reasons. First, Vegito was never absorbed mid battle despite blasting Buu to pieces numerous times, and dealing with his kamikaze ghost spams. Second, Gohan Buu is going to be on defense the whole fight. He's slower and likely to weaker than she is; and against Vegito he had no time to activate the absorption while on defense. Third, Vegito was toying with Buu; he wasn't he trying to kill him. Sailor Moon willing be trying to kill him, and she shows no mercy to her enemies.

And again, in short time she could be dealing with a veritable army of Buus. One Buu she can manage easily. A dozen? Piece of cake. A thousand or more, spamming ghosts and beams? It'd be somewhat more of a challenge. Buu can create clones of himself.
Can I give my choice for the next round today just for fun? I dont need a prize.

I choose Jesus Christ. He turns the water in her body into wine and she becomes drunk. It screws with her judgement and motor skills. Then he hits her over the head with a fish. Forgives her for all her sins and destruction, then she becomes a nun and devotes her life to peace. The end.

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