Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

What types of powers does he have?

Agelessness, teleportation, shape-shifting cape that contains a dimensional portal, immense power that he channels into physical combat, level-headedness in most every situation, incredible intelligence and knowledge of the worlds he travels to, healing blood-sucking [he is a vampire after all], and an impeccable fashion sense.
I had a feeling you might say that; unfortunately you're wrong for two reasons.

1) Sailor Moon is the protagonist of an anime dedicated to the art of stretching for time. The idea that she out and out kills someone unprovoked who is making no move to attack her is daft enough, but the idea that she does it without gobbing off for several laborious hours first is preposterous.

2) Marik does not actually have to challenge her in person. I refer you to episode two of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime where Pegasus draws Yugi's soul into the shadow realm via a video tape. Also the early episodes of season two where Marik frequently initiated shadow games via proxy using people under his control. Marik simply has to wait in the shadow realm until he can draw Sailor Moon in to face him. Given that he is a skilled strategist at the head of an army and capable of possessing whoever he wants pretty much at will, and that Sailor Moon has undiagnosed learning difficulties, Marik wins.

Face it; you made a critical error with this exercise, which was picking a character who fucking sucks at card games.

I'm not using the anime here, I'm using the manga. In the manga her attacks are not only instant, but she has killed without mercy several times. There is no "gobbing off" as you put it.

So Malik can just open a portal around her without her noticing? And even if that is true you do realize that she has the power to transform herself into anything, and use any skill she wants right? You say she sucks at card games, not if she uses the transformation pen she doesn't.
Agelessness, teleportation, shape-shifting cape that contains a dimensional portal, immense power that he channels into physical combat, level-headedness in most every situation, incredible intelligence and knowledge of the worlds he travels to, healing blood-sucking [he is a vampire after all], and an impeccable fashion sense.

Can he use teleporation whenever he wants? And is he at least a planet buster, or can he warp reality at a planetary level?

Sailor Pluto has complete mastery over opening and closing dimensional portals, as seens here,


As well as time manipulation, and Super Sailor Moon is considered to be more powerful than she is since she shares her energy.
Actually she is, do you recall those scans I showed you? They depict an enemy flying out of earths orbit past to the moon, and Super Sailor Moon immediately flying up to intercept her. The distance from the moon to the earth is 238,900 miles, and she covered the distance within a second; it was nearly instantaneous. That makes her at least as fast as the speed of light.

And this is why people with no understanding of physics shouldn't write Sci-Fi, or anything of the sort. If Sailor Moon travels that fast her weight increases to infinity and she crushes herself. If she reaches lightspeed she divides by zero. If she exceeds it, she pretty much breaks the universe.

In theory, Ren could block Moon's attempt to dodge by rearranging the clouds for the attack into a sphere, blocking off her escape. There's also OS: SOT's ability to create powerful magnetic fields which could theoretically do fucktons of damage either through induction or screwing with her bioelectrics.

After cross referncing, SSM first awoke when all the Sailor Soldiers gave their energy to her including Sailor Pluto, who was more powerful than Sailor Moon First Form when she first appeared. This allowed Super Sailor Moon to surpass her previous limitations as Sailor Moon.

And what was her previous limitation as Sailor Moon?


You should guess again.

Ren Tao has tanked a supernova. I'm sticking with him until there's no more hope.

Question, what is Super Sailor Moon's best durability feat?
Point me out some issues where she randomly nukes total strangers for no reason and I'll concede the point.

There is no portal; the person's physical form is left dormant whilst their soul is transported instantaneously into the shadow realm. See: episode 2 or 13 for details. The only established way to block the transportation is with a millennium item. I'm going to stop you right there before you say that Sailor Moon could use the deus-ex-machina pen of lazy writing to create her own millennium item, since episode 86 makes it very clear what happens to anyone who tries using a fake millennium item, and it isn't terribly pretty.

What exactly is she going to transform into that enables her to be better at cards; and more to the point, if she is capable of correcting her room temperature intelligence at will then why is she still so fucking stupid all of the time?
Question, what is Super Sailor Moon's best durability feat?

As Super Sailor Moon I'd imagine she could tank an exploding planet, but I'd give him the advantage. Show me a scan or video of Tao Ren destroying either a planet or tanking the supernova and I'll give you the match.
Can he use teleporation whenever he wants? And is he at least a planet buster, or can he warp reality at a planetary level?

He can teleport in and out of this plane of reality whenever he wants. In actual gameplay, this is shown by his run causing him to fade in and out of the screen, and it allows him to dodge any attack.

He's been shown to be one of the most powerful characters in the Guilty Gear universe. Considering this is a universe with characters like Justice and Sol Badguy, characters with planet-destroying powers and magic, this is quite a feat.
Batman Beyond (Terry) vs Super Sailor Moon.

You have to considering the following:

1) If Terry gets in close then Sailor Moon is incapable of fighting hand-to-hand combat with Batman. She wouldn't be able to call on the power of her Spiral Heart Moon Rod to attack Batman with taking away her capability of defeating him with one fell swoop attack.

2) Well how is Batman going to get in close range on Sailor Moon? Isn't it obvious? He has the stealth suit. Sailor Moon only used her Moon Spiral Heart Attack on one occasion when she couldn't really pinpoint her opponent, and that was against the Daimohns; there's no reason to think she would use this in one-on-one combat vs Terry in stealth mode. Without knowing where Terry is, Sailor Moon cannot figure out where to aim her attacks. She's simply not smart enough to figure out where he may be at any given moment until Terry has started his barrage of attacks.

3) Considering Terry isn't super human, how will he avoid the emotional prowess of Sailor Moon you ask? I refer to Terry vs the Sound Masters where Terry simply blocked out all sound by blocking out his auditory systems.

4) We have to assume due to Terry's capability to contact Bruce via headset will come into play at some point here. Two super intelligent beings vs an inept Super Sailor Moon? The two of them playing strategics together would be capable of coming up with a relatively easy plan to get up close against Sailor Moon. Once he's close she's not winning in hand-to-hand combat vs Bruce; he'll be capable of incapacitating her toys as if he were candy from a baby.

He may be a mere "human;" however, he has superhuman qualities in his intelligence, sensory neurons, and the technology to be capable of defeating Super Sailor Moon.
As Super Sailor Moon I'd imagine she could tank an exploding planet, but I'd give him the advantage. Show me a scan or video of Tao Ren destroying either a planet or tanking the supernova and I'll give you the match.




There's more from the last page, but it's pretty much just the other main characters going "peh, you thought THAT would defeat us? LOL no!" Also, they're irrelevant to the argument.

For a moment I thought I was going to have to use one of Ren's close range blitz attacks. For reference, how well does Sailor Moon take getting stabbed multiple times?
Point me out some issues where she randomly nukes total strangers for no reason and I'll concede the point.

Can Malik mask his evil aura from total strangers? That be only reason as to why she'd attack someone she'd never met before.

There is no portal; the person's physical form is left dormant whilst their soul is transported instantaneously into the shadow realm. See: episode 2 or 13 for details. The only established way to block the transportation is with a millennium item. I'm going to stop you right there before you say that Sailor Moon could use the deus-ex-machina pen of lazy writing to create her own millennium item, since episode 86 makes it very clear what happens to anyone who tries using a fake millennium item, and it isn't terribly pretty.

Transporting the soul is interesting, but even if she were to lose the shadow game, she wouldn't lose her soul. She would just be reincarnated again through the Galaxy Cauldron because her soul is connected to it.

If you're trying to suggest that Malik could incapaciate Sailor Moon by stealing her soul, its not going to work.

What exactly is she going to transform into that enables her to be better at cards; and more to the point, if she is capable of correcting her room temperature intelligence at will then why is she still so fucking stupid all of the time?

Not sure why you think Sailor Moon is unintelligent; passionate and headstrong, sure, but unintelligent? No.
Transporting the soul is interesting, but even if she were to lose the shadow game, she wouldn't lose her soul. She would just be reincarnated again through the Galaxy Cauldron because her soul is connected to it.

IIRC, the soul doesn't need to go anywhere. It gets bound to something. Pagasus trapped Seto and Mokuba Kaiba's inside cards. I can't see how her soul can get recycled if it is still in existence, just like it can't while she's still alive.
That'll be my second attempt:


SSJ4 Goku has even worse feats than SSJ Goku from the Freiza saga. Fucking hell, Super Great Ape Baby Vegeta, who was said to have dwarfed Gohan Buu in power couldn't even destroy a planet, while the latter was destroying the universe.

And that's why I'm not using anime Sailor Moon for my feats.

Please try again.
IIRC, the soul doesn't need to go anywhere. It gets bound to something. Pagasus trapped Seto and Mokuba Kaiba's inside cards. I can't see how her soul can get recycled if it is still in existence, just like it can't while she's still alive.

Thought Gelgarin said she'd die if she lost the Shadow Game.
He can teleport in and out of this plane of reality whenever he wants. In actual gameplay, this is shown by his run causing him to fade in and out of the screen, and it allows him to dodge any attack.

He's been shown to be one of the most powerful characters in the Guilty Gear universe. Considering this is a universe with characters like Justice and Sol Badguy, characters with planet-destroying powers and magic, this is quite a feat.

It'll take it. What prize do you want?




There's more from the last page, but it's pretty much just the other main characters going "peh, you thought THAT would defeat us? LOL no!" Also, they're irrelevant to the argument.

For a moment I thought I was going to have to use one of Ren's close range blitz attacks. For reference, how well does Sailor Moon take getting stabbed multiple times?

I'll take it, what prize do you want?

Though Gelgarin said she'd die if she lost the Shadow Game.

Eh, it's up to the winner (which would be Marik) to decide. For example, Mai was trapped inside her own mind and tortured by flesh eating insects slowly devouring her.

And for my prize, I'll take feedback on my previous RP.
Final Form Cell. Can instantly teleport, go back in time to replant himself and has immense power. Not to mention that he has killed thousands without batting an eye and has shown that. He has the power to destroy a planet with a single blast.

Someone who can literally escape any attack with his instant teleportation and by definition of resurrection can never truly be killed.
Batman Beyond (Terry) vs Super Sailor Moon.

You have to considering the following:

1) If Terry gets in close then Sailor Moon is incapable of fighting hand-to-hand combat with Batman. She wouldn't be able to call on the power of her Spiral Heart Moon Rod to attack Batman with taking away her capability of defeating him with one fell swoop attack.

2) Well how is Batman going to get in close range on Sailor Moon? Isn't it obvious? He has the stealth suit. Sailor Moon only used her Moon Spiral Heart Attack on one occasion when she couldn't really pinpoint her opponent, and that was against the Daimohns; there's no reason to think she would use this in one-on-one combat vs Terry in stealth mode. Without knowing where Terry is, Sailor Moon cannot figure out where to aim her attacks. She's simply not smart enough to figure out where he may be at any given moment until Terry has started his barrage of attacks.

3) Considering Terry isn't super human, how will he avoid the emotional prowess of Sailor Moon you ask? I refer to Terry vs the Sound Masters where Terry simply blocked out all sound by blocking out his auditory systems.

4) We have to assume due to Terry's capability to contact Bruce via headset will come into play at some point here. Two super intelligent beings vs an inept Super Sailor Moon? The two of them playing strategics together would be capable of coming up with a relatively easy plan to get up close against Sailor Moon. Once he's close she's not winning in hand-to-hand combat vs Bruce; he'll be capable of incapacitating her toys as if he were candy from a baby.

He may be a mere "human;" however, he has superhuman qualities in his intelligence, sensory neurons, and the technology to be capable of defeating Super Sailor Moon.

Super Sailor Moon can move at the speed of light, Batman isn't going to get close. And even if he was able to use stealth, he doesn't have any weapons on him that could kill her before getting blown away by a city busting attack.
Would Sailor Moon blow up a city to kill one person though? Is that in in character action for her?

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