Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

There's no feats for a younger Sarotobi performing it though. He may have known how to use it, but he never did.

Besides, he's not even close to her level of speed, even if you take off the faster than light hax. He'd never be able to catch her.

That doesn't negate the fact that he can still do it from a younger age,

It's not about having to catch her, people such as DeathStroke have been smart enough to set up people like Flash who are leagues faster than them and still beat them battle. All Sarutobi has to do is distract her, get that mystical third hand in her stomach and pull.
Why does she survive an explosion but not an axe? Both are exertions of force on her cells causing them to separate in exactly the same way. Where is the distinction? Because the only one I can think of is that the explosions she encountered before were magical.
Why does she survive an explosion but not an axe? Both are exertions of force on her cells causing them to separate in exactly the same way. Where is the distinction? Because the only one I can think of is that the explosions she encountered before were magical.

Possible. Even the sword she killed herself with was a mystical one; it had the power to cut a diamond in two with ease.
Ok so she can't survive an internal explosion. So, what if Squirrel Girl simply sends out two squirrels to confront Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon dosen't take them seriously because they are not a legitimate threat to her life they are simply just two squirrels. The squirrels simply walk up to Sailor Moon and climb on her. Again Sailor Moon just thinks they are kind loving squirrels. Suddenly one of them on her shoulder hops straight into her mouth and is rigged with explosives which then goes off killing Sailor Moon.
That doesn't negate the fact that he can still do it from a younger age,

It's not about having to catch her, people such as DeathStroke have been smart enough to set up people like Flash who are leagues faster than them and still beat them battle. All Sarutobi has to do is distract her, get that mystical third hand in her stomach and pull.

For the jutsu to work, it is all about catching her. The second he were to grab her, he'd get obliterated by one of her attacks. Why? Because the speed of the Reaper Death Seal jutsu isn't faster than her attacks.

Even Minato couldn't perform the jutsu faster than she performs attacks at the level of Eternal Sailor Moon.
Ok so she can't survive an internal explosion. So, what if Squirrel Girl simply sends out two squirrels to confront Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon dosen't take them seriously because they are not a legitimate threat to her life they are simply just two squirrels. The squirrels simply walk up to Sailor Moon and climb on her. Again Sailor Moon just thinks they are kind loving squirrels. Suddenly one of them on her shoulder hops straight into her mouth and is rigged with explosives which then goes off killing Sailor Moon.

Wouldn't that still count as an external explosion? The squirrel wouldn't be inside of her body.
It wouldn't have to. If an internal explosion works then so does an external one by nature of them being exactly the same. Glad you got where I was going with my question line anyway; suicide squirrels win the day.
It wouldn't have to. If an internal explosion works then so does an external one by nature of them being exactly the same. Glad you got where I was going with my question line anyway; suicide squirrels win the day.

I was actually thinking of something a lot like that, but also a lot different. It involved all the squirrels in the world being armed with a giant swords and completely covering Squirrel Girl. Then I remembered Sailor Moon still has ranged attacks.
Wouldn't a mystical explosion carry the same properties though? Still did the same damage.

No. A normal explosion works through kinetic energy which obeys fundamental physical laws. A magical explosion works by magic, which does not.
It would have to be some quick working explosions. What's to say she doesn't just take the squirrel out of her mouth and throw it before the explosions detonate?

Ok, so it's in her mouth and as soon as it's in her mouth it explodes. Even if only half of it is inside of her it's still inside of her and it's still an explosion.

Never in my life did i think I'd be explaining a suicide squirrel jumping into someones mouth.
No. A normal explosion works through kinetic energy which obeys fundamental physical laws. A magical explosion works by magic, which does not.

Okay; but there isn't anything the manga that suggests that she couldn't use her her powers to defend against an explosion, if that's what you're getting at.

We'll leave the ingested explosion up in the air, if it's something reasonable. I also know that she is immune to poisons and diseases, if that was also a future question.
For the jutsu to work, it is all about catching her. The second he were to grab her, he'd get obliterated by one of her attacks. Why? Because the speed of the Reaper Death Seal jutsu isn't faster than her attacks.

Even Minato couldn't perform the jutsu faster than she performs attacks at the level of Eternal Sailor Moon.

Sarutobi was able to seal two of the hokages with Shadow Clones, he himself doesn't need to get up close and personal with her. Genjutsu, clones, summonings, all things that I'm sure would allow him to yank her soul out.
Okay; but there isn't anything the manga that suggests that she couldn't use her her powers to defend against an explosion, if that's what you're getting at.

We'll leave the ingested explosion up in the air, if it's something reasonable. I also know that she is immune to poisons and diseases, if that was also a future question.

I'm making you explain it because it's a fallacy; squirrel's with explosives tied to them just don't detonate at convenience. The only way that would be feasible is if they were remote controlled; but that's giving Squirrel Girl some unfair prep time wouldn't you think?

If this was a true one on one fight like the BZT, would Squirrel girl even have access to explosives?
I'm quite happy for her to use her shields and whatnot the instant she becomes aware of the explosion.

My Example:

Harry the jihadi squirrel crawls up the back of Sailor Moon's leg and comes to sit on the top of her head. Sailor Moon does not react with hostility because she's a Japanese teenager and it's a fucking squirrel. Harry the jihadi squirrel then detonates his explosive device.

But Gelgarin, I hear you type, Sailor Moon can just use her shields to block the explosion. Unfortunately she can't by merit of being unable to see the back of her own head. She can't see the explosion happen, she will only become aware of it when she hears the noise.

Sailor Moon is immune to physics, but everything else is not. Sound only travels at ~340m/s, whilst the force of an explosion can travel at well over 1500m/s. As such, Sailor Moon's head will have been reduced to dust long before the sound reaches the place where her ears used to be.

She can react at the speed of plot, but she needs something to react to. Kamikaze squirrel wins.
I'm making you explain it because it's a fallacy; squirrel's with explosives tied to them just don't detonate at convenience. The only way that would be feasible is if they were remote controlled; but that's giving Squirrel Girl some unfair prep time wouldn't you think?

If this was a true one on one fight like the BZT, would Squirrel girl even have access to explosives?

She has her nut sacks which she could easily store explosives in. Yes, I did say nut sacks. Also, who says they can't be timed? All she has to do is tell the squirrel in exactly three minutes jump in that girls mouth or we could go with what Gelgarin said.
Sarutobi was able to seal two of the hokages with Shadow Clones, he himself doesn't need to get up close and personal with her. Genjutsu, clones, summonings, all things that I'm sure would allow him to yank her soul out.

Let's be serious here; he only reasons why he sealed them successfully was because Orochimaru was completely controlling them, and he didn't have a clue what the Reaper Death Seal was. If he had known I'd bet top dollar he would have recalled them immediately.

It took an effort just for Minato to seal half of the Nine Tails with the jutsu, and Sailor Moon is much stronger than the Fox. Based on that it would take Saurobi some time and effort to rip her soul out, and not enough time before she counterattacks and obliterates him.
She has her nut sacks which she could easily store explosives in. Yes, I did say nut sacks. Also, who says they can't be timed? All she has to do is tell the squirrel in exactly three minutes jump in that girls mouth or we could go with what Gelgarin said.

Not accepting the external explosion, even with Gelgarin's explanation, as both times she survived thanks to her shield activating on it's own accord instantly.

I'll accept the theory of an internal explosion, maybe not a squirrel in the throat but maybe an ingested walnut that just happens to be a bomb, because there's no evidence to say that it wouldn't work.

Congrats, you've won the third round. What prize would you like?


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