Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

Stars are stars; like the Sun. Sailor Moon has planet level durability when she's not trying to defend herself, and at least star level when she is.

Can Superman Prime survive a galaxy exploding? You mentioned him surviving an explosion equivalent to a million supernova's, but I'm sure that an exploding galaxy would be more than that.

Can he do anything that can prevent regeneration from an opponent that has star level durability?

I don't really see why a galaxy exploding is any harder to survive than a star exploding.

This, they both have incredible regeneration, and you can't argue one is better than the other because it doesn't matter because they're both going to heal. I just have a hard time believing Eternal Sailor moon is anymore difficult to beat when Superman Prime has already clobbered the other two versions with ease.
Would you rather be alive or dead? Kakyu, obviously wants to continue living, hence her desire to be reborn. If Sailor Moon could have healed the wound, Kakyu would have wanted her to.

Why would she want to live without her loved one's? That makes no sense.

Apart from the fact that she would, you know, be dead. She's taken a spear that has peieced her gut, ruptured her stomach, bisected her liver, perforated her lungs, cut her jugular and lobotomised her. Combine that with Ren making the already considerable hole even bigger and she's already dead before she can say "oh poopsie"

Also, in Shaman King, an Oversoul can be maintained indefinitely as long as it isn't damaged. Ren can simply stand still and wait for Moon to bleed to death. If she tried to heal before Ren despelled the oversoul, she'd just get the wound reopened and continue to die.

Oh, not a problem. Instantly appearing spears + oversoul cutting blade = lethal wound. And that's another piece of evidence for stabbing > Sailor Moon.

You are aware that when Sailor Moon uses her regenerative power she basically reverses time right? That's how she's going to be healing herself. Can Oversoul negate the affects of time?

I actually asked how Princess Senenity killed herself a while ago. I assumed she slit her wrists or something.

She stabbed herself with the desire to die. Neo Queen Serenity has an impenetrable defense which protects her from any kind of attack indefinitely. If she stabbed herself with the intent to kill herself, she'd die too.
What does that even mean? She winds the entire universe back to before she got stabbed whilst divided into multiple peaces?
I just have a hard time believing Eternal Sailor moon is anymore difficult to beat when Superman Prime has already clobbered the other two versions with ease.

Because she's much stronger than the other two versions based on feats :shrug:

Based on what you've shown me their speed is par, and their durability is par. What is Superman Prime best strength feat, has destroyed anything larger than a star?

I thought he could time travel, how does that work? She still has her regenerative powers, how is he going to combat that?
What does that even mean? She winds the entire universe back to before she got stabbed whilst divided into multiple peaces?

Hasn't she shown that ability before on a larger scale? If restoring an entire city that was flattened, and bringing it's people who were killed back to life isn't an issue, I'm sure negating the affects of a magical sword wouldn't be a problem.
Because she's much stronger than the other two versions based on feats :shrug:

Based on what you've shown me their speed is par, and their durability is par. What is Superman Prime best strength feat, has destroyed anything larger than a star?

I thought he could time travel, how does that work? She still has her regenerative powers, how is he going to combat that?

He's destroyed multiple planets by flying through them at ridiculous speeds.

He can travel through time but I honestly think using that is a just a cope out when you know they're too evenly matched.

What can Eternal do to put down Supes healing factor?
How did she defeat him? And if it was using squirrels what kind of strategy did she use?

She defeated them with squirrels and the power of squirrels. In all honesty it's very rarely shown in comics. All that is shown is that she's about to face some completely overpowered super villian and she takes them out with relative ease with not a scratch on her. Such as here.

and here.
Why would she want to live without her loved one's? That makes no sense.

... Seriously Ech? You are saying that someone whose last words amounted to (I want to live again" doesn't want to be alive anymore? And you can't possibly think of a reason to be alive any more once people you love aren't around? She's human (in so far as she has emotions) and humans are capable of forming emotional connections with other humans. She wanted to live, Sailor Moon was either unable, unwilling, or too much of a callous bitch to let her.

You are aware that when Sailor Moon uses her regenerative power she basically reverses time right? That's how she's going to be healing herself. Can Oversoul negate the affects of time?

So you're saying that Sailor Moon can rewrite the universe whenever she loses? Why didn't she do that to stop Kakyu getting stabbed? Or to change the outcome of a fight she lost?

If indeed she can do that so casually, that puts her beyond the level of omnipotent beings in the Shaman King universe. You specifically banned Omnipotents in the rules. By that ruling, you should be against Moon changing the universe so selfishly in this contest.

She stabbed herself with the desire to die. Neo Queen Serenity has an impenetrable defense which protects her from any kind of attack indefinitely. If she stabbed herself with the intent to kill herself, she'd die too.

ESM isn't the Neo Queen, she has no impenetrable defence. Stab wounds, desirable or not are still lethal.
What can Eternal do to put down Supes healing factor?

How does his healing factor work? Is it like normal Superman who gets stronger with a yellow sun, and weaker with a red sun? Eternal Sailor Moon's healing factor works by reversing time around her wounds, or whatever it is she's trying to heal.
The thing is, Darkseid typically uses his superintelligence and strength to battler his opponents. He only really uses his Omega Beams to teleport his opponents to the place of his choosing. He has destroyed the base of the Legion of Doom and a few superhuman people, but beyond that, I can't say.

He typically uses his speed, where he can react to, and evade, an attack within nanoseconds. He also uses his telepathy and telekinesis to predict and evade attacks and can create psionic avatars as scapegoats.

Not really, save his superstrength and superintelligence.

In case it was overlooked.
Can he survive a star busting attack or stronger? Eternal Sailor Moon's best feat was ripping a Nebula apart with her energy.

A nebula is a giant collection of dust. If space wasn't a vacuum, a desk fan could rip apart a nebula.

Holding a mini black hole is impressive, but could he survive being thrown into a large one? Eternal Sailor Moon can; that was the major feat I was holding back for this round.

It's a good thing that you didn't mention it. Because it makes absolutely no fucking sense. A mini black hole is a less than a milimeter (or 1/245 inch) across and weighs as much as the moon. It also warps time and space.

This is one of those "the mangaka is a fucking idiot" moments which I discount on principle. The only way that Sailor Moon could do that is by breaking the laws of her own universe (which has the same rules as ours), which makes the Mangaka a terrible writer.

Sailor Moon wouldn't underestimate her; she was trapped and nearly killed by a fodder opponent when that happened. Any threat against her or her loved one's lives she takes seriously.

How does Sailor Moon not have a panic attack whenever she sees a squirrel then? Squirrel Girl makes it clear that these are threatening creatures, but Sailor Moon has not wiped them out to protect herself or her friends. She will underrate Squirrel Girl because she doesn't fear rodents.

Fine. She survived being thrown into a place that was like a black hole;

A black hole isn't actually fucking hole. For fuck's sake. It is an object which is so massive and dense that it warps space time. It appears black because it is so dense and massive (and warps space time) that light cannot escape it.

If Sailor Moon escaped a black hole... well again the Mangaka is a moron.

it was claimed to have an near infinite amount of energy, more than the life force of the galaxy itself.

Infinite energy doesn't exist, and it is impossible for something to be "nearly infinite". Infinity/2 = infinity. Infinite energy breaks the laws of thermodynamics.

Mangaka, moron, discounting. You know the drill.
... Seriously Ech? You are saying that someone whose last words amounted to (I want to live again" doesn't want to be alive anymore? And you can't possibly think of a reason to be alive any more once people you love aren't around? She's human (in so far as she has emotions) and humans are capable of forming emotional connections with other humans. She wanted to live, Sailor Moon was either unable, unwilling, or too much of a callous bitch to let her.

*Yawn* You should really read the series. She's referring to her Star Seed being reborn through the Galaxy Cauldron.

So you're saying that Sailor Moon can rewrite the universe whenever she loses? Why didn't she do that to stop Kakyu getting stabbed? Or to change the outcome of a fight she lost?

This is exactly what Sailor Cosmos tried to do :shrug:

If indeed she can do that so casually, that puts her beyond the level of omnipotent beings in the Shaman King universe. You specifically banned Omnipotents in the rules. By that ruling, you should be against Moon changing the universe so selfishly in this contest.

If Oversoul could negate the effects of time, there wouldn't be a problem now would there? I'm still leaning towards stalemate as neither one of us has something that the other agrees would grant a clear victory.
How does his healing factor work? Is it like normal Superman who gets stronger with a yellow sun, and weaker with a red sun? Eternal Sailor Moon's healing factor works by reversing time around her wounds, or whatever it is she's trying to heal.

Pretty much, here's a list of all the powers of Supes I've just found.

Super Strength: Superman's strength was increased to the point where he could move entire planets.

Flight: The character gained the power of true flight.

Super Speed: Superman's speed increased to the point where he could travel faster than light. Several stories depict him traversing great distances through space to other solar systems and distant galaxies and even other universes. He could cross our own solar system in minutes. He could also use this power to travel through time, as shown in his boyhood visits to the 30th century as a member of the Legion of Superheroes. Superman can also swim at speeds approaching Aquaman's speed as well as run at speeds similar to that of the Flash. Superman is unable to beat Flash in a race.

Invulnerability: By the 1970s, Superman became able to withstand an atomic explosion and even fly through the core of a star. He was also immune to non-Kryptonian diseases and all radiation except for that of a red sun or Kryptonite.

Vision: In addition to X-ray vision and heat vision, Superman was also given telescopic and microscopic vision. The character could see across interstellar distances and observe events that occurred on a microscopic and even atomic level. He could also see across the full electromagnetic spectrum, including infra-red and ultraviolet light.
Hearing: Superman could hear sound at almost any wavelength and at great distances.

Super Breath: Superman's breath was capable of freezing objects and generating hurricane-force winds. He could also hold his breath indefinitely, allowing him to travel underwater or in space without breathing apparatus.
Mental Powers: Superman possessed genius-level intelligence and an eidetic memory. These enhanced mental capabilities were a direct result of his exposure to a yellow sun, as evidenced by the depiction of Superman's dog, Krypto. While under a yellow sun, Krypto's intelligence was boosted to that of a typical human. Superman also possessed the mental ability to screen out the enormous amount of information received by his enhanced senses, and to focus on a single detail, such as a particular voice or location. As well, his speed reading abilities were much like that of the Flash. He was able to absorb large amounts of information quickly; whether it entered his short term or long term memory is hazy.

Super Ventriloquism: Superman could throw his voice across great distances. This power was used to confuse enemies or protect his secret identity by tricking others into believing that he (or Clark Kent) was in a different location.

Super Hypnotism: This power enabled Superman to hypnotize anyone. He could make people forget incidents or obey his commands. This power was often used to safeguard his identity.

Stamina: Superman could survive indefinitely without food, water, or rest due to the yellow sun's radiation sustaining him.

Healing factor: Superman could regenerate physical damage to his body at an accelerated rate. He was able to regenerate when Wonder Woman slit his throat with her tiara in Wonder Woman #219. In the series Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Superman regenerates his body after being reduced to near a skeleton by a special nuke that was designed to blot out sun light and disrupt energy. Superman's healing rate has been inconsistently portrayed, however. In the first issue of the "Superman/Batman" comic, Alfred is able to remove a Kryptonite bullet from Superman's body without fear of the wound closing (probably because the Kryptonite was affecting his ability to heal).

Other Powers: Writers of Superman would occasionally experiment with new powers for the character. In general, the abilities that proved popular and useful became part of his regular repertoire, while others would be discarded after a single use. In addition to his other super senses, Superman was occasionally shown as having highly-enhanced senses of touch and smell.
She didn't bring that city back by winding back time; otherwise whatever destroyed it would have been brought back as well. All she did was create a replica of what was destroyed. She can't do that in the case of her being impaled, on account of whatever is impaling her being in the way.

You still haven't shown how she could regenerate from having a sword stuck in her.
*Yawn* You should really read the series. She's referring to her Star Seed being reborn through the Galaxy Cauldron.

This thread has already provided enough reasons for me not to want to do so.

This is exactly what Sailor Cosmos tried to do :shrug:

Actually, Cosmos refused to fight and ran like a little bitch. But that's something for tomorrow's debate. :thumbsup:

If Oversoul could negate the effects of time, there wouldn't be a problem now would there? I'm still leaning towards stalemate as neither one of us has something that the other agrees would grant a clear victory.

And if Sailor Moon was written by someone who doesn't casually break the rules of the universe it wouldn't be necessary...

But I can actually argue that oversouls can negate the effects of time to a degree. Tao En maintained an oversoul for over 14 years. It did not age, it suffered no ill effects before the main characters started damaging it with their own oversouls. Time doesn't affect oversouls, only furyoku, either the shaman's own or through contact with another shaman's oversoul. Sailor Moon fucking with time shouldn't affect Ren's oversoul, or the spears of Tougen Kyou as long as she doesn't literally reverse the flow of time and rewrite the universe to one where she doesn't get stabbed.

In fact, I'm going to use the rules of the BZT here, since I assume that you are OK with them.

Matches can end in death or incapacitation
You don't need to put your opponent's head on a spike in order to claim victory. So guys like Batman, Spider-Man, and other do-gooders stand a chance, the fight can end in either death or incapacitation. For all intents and purposes, incapacitation should be defined as being unable to continue the fight for an extended period of time, arguably enough for the opponent to be able to walk away from the fight without "retreating." As an example, if Spider-Man completely tied his opponent up in webbing and his opponent is unable to break out of it, that would qualify as incapacitation.

If reversing time is the only way that Moon can continue the fight then she counts as being incapacitated. Reversing is the opposite of extending (in this context). If time goes forwards (i.e. extends), Moon dies. If it goes backwards (i.e. reverses), she lives.

Ren wins.
She didn't bring that city back by winding back time; otherwise whatever destroyed it would have been brought back as well. All she did was create a replica of what was destroyed. She can't do that in the case of her being impaled, on account of whatever is impaling her being in the way.

Wrong; what destroyed it was trapped in an alternate dimension at the time.

You still haven't shown how she could regenerate from having a sword stuck in her.

Can the sword be removed magically?
This thread has already provided enough reasons for me not to want to do so.


It's funny because it's true. I came into this thread knowing that Sailor Moon was a fecal waterside, but even I've been surprised.
Actually, Cosmos refused to fight and ran like a little bitch. But that's something for tomorrow's debate. :thumbsup:

Wrong, she lost the will to fight and ran. She also didn't mind destroying all life in the galaxy just to kill one person.

Sailor Moon fucking with time shouldn't affect Ren's oversoul, or the spears of Tougen Kyou as long as she doesn't literally reverse the flow of time and rewrite the universe to one where she doesn't get stabbed.

She's not reversing time so that she doesn't get stabbed; she reversing the time on the most lethal of her wounds.
Which would affect matters how?

There was a lock put on the dimension to prevent the enemy from escaping, because he had this nasty habit of being able to tear open dimensional portals.

By who? Sailor Moon is dead on account of being cut in half.

And the sword touches her how? What are the properties of the sword?

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