Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

Yes, that's very nice. Now give me a scan which indicates that Eternal Sailor Moon walks (or flies) around at lightspeed on the streets of Tokyo.

If you can't or don't provide proof for that claim I am discounting it and work at the conclusion that ESM moves fast when not aiming to travel insane distances but not absurdly so.

Give me a moment for that if you don't like the one's I just posted.
If I was feeling charitable I might accept that Sailor Moon can travel at the speed of light because she has magical powers.

Inanimate objects such as doors do not have magical powers. You try opening one at an approximation of the speed of light and things get really interesting really fast. If Sailor Moon likes her cities inhabited then she would literally have to slow down in order to interact with any physical object.
I'm going to go ahead and reject that Ech. It has been made abundantly clear to me that the mangaka is a fucking moron when it comes to distances and speeds beyond their every day understanding. This is why Sailor Moon travels faster than light visiting the moon, despite it being impossible and the dire consequences it would have.

One of the perils of using the real world as your setting is that you must contend with the physics of the real world.
If I was feeling charitable I might accept that Sailor Moon can travel at the speed of light because she has magical powers.

Inanimate objects such as doors do not have magical powers. You try opening one at an approximation of the speed of light and things get really interesting really fast. If Sailor Moon likes her cities inhabited then she would literally have to slow down in order to interact with any physical object.

I wouldn't count those castles as physical objects, but as physical manifestations of the power of the guardian within the sailor crystals. In the Sailor Moon verse every living thing's soul is that of a crystal, but only sailor crystals have power. The castles are like representations of that power, and wouldn't be affected by the laws of physics.

Unless you saw her open a door that I didn't see.
I'm going to go ahead and reject that Ech. It has been made abundantly clear to me that the mangaka is a fucking moron when it comes to distances and speeds beyond their every day understanding. This is why Sailor Moon travels faster than light visiting the moon, despite it being impossible and the dire consequences it would have.

One of the perils of using the real world as your setting is that you must contend with the physics of the real world.

You can reject it, but its there. I've shown you two examples now.
You can reject it, but its there. I've shown you two examples now.

Examples of things I wasn't asking for examples of. I asked for Sailor Moon travelling between two locations that can be found on a map of the earth. I hold no stock in travelling to Uranus at the speed of plot.
I wouldn't count those castles as physical objects, but as physical manifestations of the power of the guardian within the sailor crystals. In the Sailor Moon verse every living thing's soul is that of a crystal, but only sailor crystals have power. The castles are like representations of that power, and wouldn't be affected by the laws of physics.

Unless you saw her open a door that I didn't see.

Castles? What the hell are you talking about (rhetorical)?

My question is simply; if SSM moves at light speed as her default state, does that make her unable to negotiate her way past a closed door? From your current statements the answer would appear to be yes, which bodes well.
Examples of things I wasn't asking for examples of. I asked for Sailor Moon travelling between two locations that can be found on a map of the earth. I hold no stock in travelling to Uranus at the speed of plot.

I'll look for more of those feats you were asking, but I'm not going to post them tonight; I'll PM them to you if I find them before, and we'll save it. And I may take some time to get caught up with some of the prizes that I owe and restart either Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning depending on my schedule.

But I will say that she does have one more feat for next round that may break both yours and Gelg's plans. I may save that for your arguments as my ace; you both seem confident, and I've given you both A LOT to work with already.

I'll leave this round open for about 10 more minutes.
Castles? What the hell are you talking about (rhetorical)?

My question is simply; if SSM moves at light speed as her default state, does that make her unable to negotiate her way past a closed door? From your current statements the answer would appear to be yes, which bodes well.

Sorry, thought you were referring to the scans I posted. I imagined that she opened those at max speed, but like I said the castles are mystical and immune to such destruction.

Any unwanted destruction she does cause she can just repair with her staff.
So SSM typically wipes entire cities and all their inhabitants off the map and just repairs/resurrects them once she's done?
So SSM typically wipes entire cities and all their inhabitants off the map and just repairs/resurrects them once she's done?

That, or if an enemy does it



She even took out part of the city in process. Ramming the enemy through a bunch of buildings.




I was actually responding to the post before.

We've reached the point where it is seriously being argued that SSM slaughters a million people every time she goes through a door and then brings them back to life once she's done.
I was actually responding to the post before.

We've reached the point where it is seriously being argued that SSM slaughters a million people every time she goes through a door and then brings them back to life once she's done.

It's tangible, as she's shown that she can do it, but unlikely unless she forced to fight in area where there's bound to be causalities. All of humanity is bound to the Cauldron anyway; as long as it's there they'd all be reborn.
The Winners of the Second Round. Congratulations to everyone.

Ultimate Dynamite – Superman Prime – green rep
Doctor – Slayer – WZCW feedback [All Stars Erin Toyota]
Kotre Ibushimix – Ren Tao – WZCW feedback
Gelgarin – Malik Ishtar – WZCW feedback
Killjoy – Apocalymon – WZCW feedback
Awesome_Miz – Neo Queen Serenity – WZCW feedback
Nightmare – Thor – green rep
The Mission – Darkseid – green rep

This has turned out better than I hoped with the debates; although, Sailor Moon will likely turn into the threads anime/manga version of John Cena once this is done. Seriously though, I'm hoping for some good debates next round.

On a side note i'll be taking some time off to finish the prizes, and some other forum stuff. The 3rd Round is likely to commence Tuesday morning US time.
I'm just curious. I never read the manga and my memory is pretty fuzzy about the anime. How good a combatant would you rank Sailor Moon in any of her forms? She can be as strong and fast as she wants, but that doesn't mean a person with enough experience and needed tools couldn't fight his/her way around her abilities. You can put her in a fight with say WarGreymon and she'd be in a massive disadvantage if the fight gets too physical if she can't handle a fist fight or be quick on her feet.

Now that I think about it.... Fuck I should've vouched for a Digimon in the tourney.
I'm just curious. I never read the manga and my memory is pretty fuzzy about the anime. How good a combatant would you rank Sailor Moon in any of her forms? She can be as strong and fast as she wants, but that doesn't mean a person with enough experience and needed tools couldn't fight his/her way around her abilities. You can put her in a fight with say WarGreymon and she'd be in a massive disadvantage if the fight gets too physical if she can't handle a fist fight or be quick on her feet.

Now that I think about it.... Fuck I should've vouched for a Digimon in the tourney.

She'd be upper tier at her strongest, but I could still name about 15 to 20 digimon stronger than her. I'd imagine she could hold up against both Alphamon or Omegamon in their normal forms. Somewhere in that range.
I'm going to get started on this early. Again, I'm going to use Tao Ren. and I am going to make one thing perfectly fucking clear before I do.

Eternal Sailor Moon is not moving at any speed within 6 orders of magnitude of the speed of light. To explain this, it's time for maths, boys and girls.

Mass is not constant. You may think it is, but it's not. The only reason that it seems that way is because nothing you can do can affect it in any meaningful way (other than dieting, which isn't what I'm talking about). No, in fact your mass increases the faster you travel. This happens because space and time is a whole lot more complicated than most people can fathom. You might be wondering why that doesn't affect you day to day. The reason is because you're not travelling fast enough. How fast do you have to travel? Well, let me show you the equation:

M = m0/sqrt(1 - (v^2/c^2))

This means that your relativistic mass is equal to your rest mass (which for Moon is estimated at 110 lbs, or 50 kg) divided by the square root of 1 minus your current speed (v) divided by the square of speed of light (c, roughly 300,000,000 meters per second).

At any given moment we (and Sailor Moon, assuming she's on earth) are travelling at 30,000 meters per second. That's only 0.0001% of the speed of light.

But to plug it into the formula:

M = 50/sqrt(1 - (900,000,000/90,000,000,000,000,000))
M = 50/sqrt(1 - (9/900,000,000))

By cancelling out the zeros, you can see that Moon's relativistic mass is equal to 50 kg divided by root 1 minus a fraction so small that it can be ignored. The square root of 1 is 1. Therefore her relativistic mass at earthlike speeds is equal to 50 kgs. However, Sailor Moon can travel far faster than the earth. What happens then? Well that's simple. Here's a picture.


What that shows is something called an asymptote, and what you can see happening as x approaches 0 (i.e. increasing towards infinity) is what happens to sailor moon's mass. As the figures for v and c get closer, the figure for v^2/c^2 gets closer to 1 (just like 3/4 is closer to 1 than 1/4) and thus the square root of 1 minus the fraction gets closer to 0. This means that the rest mass gets divided by a smaller number and thus increases (just like 1/0.5 is bigger than 1/5). You've probably noticed that they never actually reach 0 though. That's because dividing by zero is something you just don't do. Maths fucks up when you divide by 0.

But that's OK, because it's impossible to make her speed equal to the speed of light because the mass as shown, mass rapidly increases the closer you get to the speed of light. When she's travelling at 90% of the speed of light, she weighs ~100 kg, at 97% that's doubled again to ~ 200 kg. At 99.9% of the speed of light she's at over 1,000 kg.

And here's where it becomes impossible for Sailor Moon to travel faster than the speed of light. There isn't enough energy in the universe for an object with mass to reach lightspeed. As the mass increases the energy required to accelerate it has to increase as well. As mass approaches infinity, so does the energy required to move a nigh infinite mass. According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It follows therefore that Sailor Moon cannot generate the infinite amount of energy required to travel at or above lightspeed. If the laws of Thermodynamics and relativity didn't apply in Sailor Moon's world, the universe would be fundamentally different, which it isn't beyond having magical girls in it.

I'm not, however Tastycles so I'm not even going to try to get into how fucked up spacetime gets when travelling that fast beyond "you get heavy enough to crush yourself with your own weight". I've probably made a few errors in my explanation too (this shit's complicated) but it's right in the essentials.

I am not accepting the speed of plot, so speed feats requiring travel between locations that cannot be easily found on a map of Japan (or if I'm feeling generous, an atlas) can fuck right off. Any objections?
Imagine if every thread in the Battlezone Tournament were like this.

God, I hope not. That would be a disaster.

And if the likes of Darkseid and Thor can defeat SSM despite not being anywhere near as powerful or as fast, then a confirmed solar-system destroyer and a potential universe/dimension threatener like Buu should be able to as well.

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