Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

The Red Dragon! Much like his undead relative the Zombie Dragon from back at the Castle Of Ordeals, he is not an official boss, but he comes close enough to count as one for me. He guards the Flame Armor at the Gurgu Volcano and is the first major battle after getting the prestige classes for the heroes.

Touched up my sig banner a bit. The Breath Of The Wild edition of the Heart Container got added alongside the Stamina Vessel. Cleared out some of the black squares behind 8 bit Link too.
Lynx is a unique character, though I wonder what his potential shelf life might be? He’s still a new character, so there’s still plenty of opportunity for you to add some new dimensions to him. I noticed that after RP’ing against him that ‘time’ seems to be an easy theme to target. Kind of like how Celeste’s opponents used to always target her gender. He’s a tough one to RP against, that’s for sure.

Yeah I'm not sure what his potential shelf life is either. I've said it before that he's a temporary character. He's easier to write than Theron in one aspect, that I'm able to goof off a lot more with him. I'm open to brainstorming with you or anyone else though.
The Blue Dragon! He guards the warp point that you need to use at the Mirage Tower in order to get to the Sky Castle.

What do you use to post images? I'm lost since Photobucket turned heel.

Tinypic. I had one absolutely bizarre issue with it once. There was an image of an Arcanine and a Ninetails fighting against two Houndooms that I needed for my RP when Theron and Chris KO were in a tag team match against Cerberus. Chris saw a wolf and a fox fighting off two coyotes, while Theron saw four mythical canines which the pokemon were the image reps for. Anyway, due to some odd glitch that I never could figure out there was a brief moment when the image coding changed to where it displayed some girl taking a picture of herself in front of a mirror. I double checked the coding and it was accurate to the picture on tinypic, but in RP's and PM's it showed the girl. I had a chat with Yaz and Killjoy about it so they knew what the image was supposed to be. Then the glitch fixed itself in time for the RP to be read properly. Other than that little mishap, tinypic has worked extremely well for me for over 2 years.
Tinypic. I had one absolutely bizarre issue with it once. There was an image of an Arcanine and a Ninetails fighting against two Houndooms that I needed for my RP when Theron and Chris KO were in a tag team match against Cerberus. Chris saw a wolf and a fox fighting off two coyotes, while Theron saw four mythical canines which the pokemon were the image reps for. Anyway, due to some odd glitch that I never could figure out there was a brief moment when the image coding changed to where it displayed some girl taking a picture of herself in front of a mirror. I double checked the coding and it was accurate to the picture on tinypic, but in RP's and PM's it showed the girl. I had a chat with Yaz and Killjoy about it so they knew what the image was supposed to be. Then the glitch fixed itself in time for the RP to be read properly. Other than that little mishap, tinypic has worked extremely well for me for over 2 years.

Right on. Here's the Shark Mouth Plant in Final Fantasy 15, always a tough enemy in every version of FF Games...

Lol that's just what I've always called them. Don't know the actual name they're called.

Malboro is their official name. Other than in FF6 their name has always been Malboro or some kind of abbreviation. They have been around since 1988 in the NES version of FF2.


Most people likely encountered the creature for the first time in either the Sylvan Cave in FF4 as the Molbol or in FF6 as the Evil Oscar.


Always have a Ribbon when you fight them, if possible.
Second RP finished...i'm probably still going to take the first fall unless I somehow managed to blow everyone away, but at least this time I used my own characters.
Second RP finished...i'm probably still going to take the first fall unless I somehow managed to blow everyone away, but at least this time I used my own characters.

Just now seeing this. Some solid advice at this point would be to read the rules. Next time don't kill Jeff, and don't use other people's characters without asking.
Yeah...I didn't think it would go that well.

I'm thinking of just dropping War Zone all together and starting over.

The character concept could still work. The Rambo idea they had for you in the other thread could be cool. Just no violence and no using other people's characters without asking. You've been strongly suggested to read the rules again so do that before doing anything else. Then give it another go.
I know we've discussed the final fantasy games, but thoughts on 12? Just got the ps4 remaster and they made some nice strategic changes to it, with fresh reorchestrated audio.

Now their are 12 classes and you can assign 2 per character.

Foebreaker (axes/debuffs)
Shikari(daggers/tiny bit of white mag)
Knight (swords/damage sponge)
Bushi (katanas/high dps)
Machinist (guns/support)
Archer (bows/break techs)
Monk (fist/sword/high dps)
Black mage (rods n off mag)
White mage (staffs n def/curative)
Red battlemage (swords/off n def mag)
Time battlemage (crossbows/status mag)
I know we've discussed the final fantasy games, but thoughts on 12? Just got the ps4 remaster and they made some nice strategic changes to it, with fresh reorchestrated audio.

Now their are 12 classes and you can assign 2 per character.

Foebreaker (axes/debuffs)
Shikari(daggers/tiny bit of white mag)
Knight (swords/damage sponge)
Bushi (katanas/high dps)
Machinist (guns/support)
Archer (bows/break techs)
Monk (fist/sword/high dps)
Black mage (rods n off mag)
White mage (staffs n def/curative)
Red battlemage (swords/off n def mag)
Time battlemage (crossbows/status mag)

Not a fan of 12 at all to be honest. I've been meaning to give it another chance but my walkthrough projects, Breath Of The Wild, and Dragon Quest 8 take the top priority right now. Speaking of which, have you checked out the FF5 topic yet? I'm going to wrap it up soon and launch FF1 on the NES next. Planning to also do a re-do of FF4 using the new style I started in the FF6 thread last year.
So I'm flipping through the Zelda art book that I just got. One thing really stuck out amongst all the nostalgia. On some pages it lists out graphics depicting the items from a specific title. For the page dedicated in this fashion to the items from A Link To The Past, there is an item in there that I have never seen before. In the lower left corner of the page (image below) you will find the medallion items. Those who played the game may remember Bombos, Ether, and Quake. However, if you take look you will see a fourth one. What? Have we stumbled upon an item originally intended to be in the game but got cut? I've never seen its artwork before and never heard about a fourth medallion getting cut during development. Hmmmm.... I wonder what it would have done in the game had it made it as an item.

Name your top 10 Zelda bosses of all time.

I had predicted it would end up being mostly either Link To The Past or Ocarina Of Time names at the top, but as I was narrowing it down most of the Ocarina Of Time ones got cut. Many from those two titles were still in the list when it was a top 25. A lot of Twilight Princess names made it pretty far also. Ironically enough, the 4 headed version of Gleeok made it to #4. That legit was not planned.... lol

1. Twinrova (Ocarina Of Time)
2. Trinexx (Link To The Past)
3. Aghanim (Link To The Past)
4. 4 Headed Gleeok (Zelda 1)
5. Jalhalla (Wind Waker)
6. Blind (Link To The Past)
7. Vitreous (Link To The Past)
8. Kholdstare (Link To The Past)
9. Stallord (Twilight Princess)
10. Manhandla (Oracle Of Seasons)

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