"D-Men" - D-Man's Mentor/Mentee Thread


I'm not so sure is as good a thread as I wanted it to be. But it's a point I want to get through besides the fact that MITB isn't a good idea for 'Mania anymore.

I might as well ask. I know and go by the whole Quality over Quantity thing. But what exactly dictates that "Quality"?

That's kind of a loaded question.

The best way I can answer is by echoing my initial request post. All of the characteristics that I asked of you guys in this "unique" thread topic signifies a quality post. There is no room for rambling, you should be able to provide good information on the topic (as well as your opinion; and a clear line between the two) and it should follow forum rules.

Think of it like this... if we were all standing in a room, you were at the front behind a podium, and you were speaking to all of us, what would you say to keep us interested, intrigued, and informed?
Think of it like this... if we were all standing in a room, you were at the front behind a podium, and you were speaking to all of us, what would you say to keep us interested, intrigued, and informed?

Hey assholes think about this?
Oh and quality is more just having your opinion with an original thought on it, being clear, and not being a douche.
Just wandered upon this today (I ignored it originally because there were so many of these threads split between the GSD and the Bar Room). Just wondering if the "I'll mentor anyone" philosophy is still in tact. I'm approaching the 1,000 post mark, and I'd really like to say that by the time I got there I truly accomplished something as a poster. I know I've already improved, but I also see a lot more room for improvement, and out of all the people offering their wisdom up, I respect your opinions the most.

So, if you're still willing to take a late application, consider this mine. I can submit character references if necessary. I also have a half box of Ande's Mints that I can offer up as a bribe...

Just in case you need a bit more convincing, I went ahead and created what I thought was a unique thread in my current favorite section, the GWD. Click this picture of an incredibly sad looking puppy to see my thread....

[Heel] Green Ranger;3659108 said:
Just wandered upon this today (I ignored it originally because there were so many of these threads split between the GSD and the Bar Room). Just wondering if the "I'll mentor anyone" philosophy is still in tact. I'm approaching the 1,000 post mark, and I'd really like to say that by the time I got there I truly accomplished something as a poster. I know I've already improved, but I also see a lot more room for improvement, and out of all the people offering their wisdom up, I respect your opinions the most.

So, if you're still willing to take a late application, consider this mine. I can submit character references if necessary. I also have a half box of Ande's Mints that I can offer up as a bribe...

I'm always up for helping new members. But what do you have that puts you on the same level as posters like Killjoy, JWG, Dragon Saga, and Paperghost? I had to screen all of them coming in. What do you have that sets you apart?

Just in case you need a bit more convincing, I went ahead and created what I thought was a unique thread in my current favorite section, the GWD. Click this picture of an incredibly sad looking puppy to see my thread....



D-Man Tip #1: To make the best threads that draw the most traffic, make sure you don't choose a topic that's been done before.
I'm always up for helping new members. But what do you have that puts you on the same level as posters like Killjoy, JWG, Dragon Saga, and Paperghost? I had to screen all of them coming in. What do you have that sets you apart?
I don't think I could claim to be better than any of the posters you just listed - and no offense meant to the others, but especially not Killjoy. But I think with a bit of training I could at least be on par with them. I post in almost every section, and I do my best to offer quality over quantity when I do so. I leave a lot of threads untouched because I honestly have nothing but a generic response to offer. Nobody wants to hear "I respect John Cena for his work ethic, but..." for the 2,000th time this month. And sometimes I will go in and leave a provocative response or create a thread that may be "against the grain" just to promote discussion.

I also have been around for long enough to know the forums, to know who is a good poster and who to avoid, and to have a general understanding for the way things work. I don't receive infractions hardly ever (and if I do it's because I over-looked something small, and it's only happened 4 times for different things, all by different mods). I've been working on hanging out in the spam sections, because I think most of the intelligent conversation and relationship are being fostered there. Overall I see myself as a competent poster that puts out good work when I try, and that has a lot of room for improvement that you can offer.

D-Man Tip #1: To make the best threads that draw the most traffic, make sure you don't choose a topic that's been done before.
At least part of the assignment was to create a thread that could appeal to any and all posters. As fans we've all had that emotion response to a moment in wrestling history before. To that extent, I met the requirements. Looking back, I'm sure it is a topic that has been done before at some point. I guess I thought it was more original that it actually ended up being...

Personally, I was more interested in people's responses to this than "the IC title and US title both deserve to be defended at Mania". No knock against Killjoy, because the topic is definitely sound and somewhat interesting. I just don't think you're going to end up with a medley of responses that merits actual discussion for longer than a day. If anybody disagrees, and I don't think many will, it'll likely be because of the MITB match and wanting somebody like Rhodes or another decent midcard star to be in it. Maybe I'm wrong, I just don't see much discussion generated from it.

I was just trying to put something out there that everyone could potentially have a unique response to. Also, I linked it with an adorable puppy... The Andy's mints are still on the table as well. I also have Swedish Fish, but I only use them for extreme cases.
Real good list of mentees here even though I would say that two out of the four do not need any real guidance. D-Man also seems to be an active mentor. Keep up the good work.
That's up to you. I'm mainly here for guidance and to answer all of your questions as well as support all of your posts and threads.

But here's some homework to get you all started...

I'd really like for you guys to come up with an original idea for a non-spam wrestling thread. Whether it's in the WWE, TNA, or GWD section, think up an original and interesting topic that hasn't been done before. Really dig in your brains for it... past, present, future... all up for discussion. The goal is to find a topic that you think many posters (veteran and noob) will relate to and can draw them to post their views. Keep in mind that your format should ensure that all forum rules are followed while creating an entertaining discussion. Make sure that your opening post really sets the tone for the thread without being too short, too long, too drawn out... I think you get the picture.

Post links to them here. I'd love to see what you guys come up with.

Sounds like a plan Man, I'm goin to Disneyland today but I think I should have something good up today.

Just look around the non-spam sections... the guy is a very solid poster and our 2011 ROTY. Not to sound arrogant but he really reminds me of myself when I first started. This guy will be a mod by 2013... mark my words.

Thank you sir, I appriciate the confidence! Also I was serious, Gunslinger and D-Man for Mentor-Mentee pair, guarantee that one of us and D-Man gets that honor for sure.
Real good list of mentees here even though I would say that two out of the four do not need any real guidance. D-Man also seems to be an active mentor. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, kind sir.

Sounds like a plan Man, I'm goin to Disneyland today but I think I should have something good up today.

Thank you sir, I appriciate the confidence! Also I was serious, Gunslinger and D-Man for Mentor-Mentee pair, guarantee that one of us and D-Man gets that honor for sure.

No doubt about that!
[Heel] Green Ranger;3660802 said:
I'm going to assume that rep was a "yes".

Teach me, oh fearless master. My fate is in your capable hands.

Go back and do the homework assignment I gave to the others.
There is no need to be nervous. Whatever happens is going to happen. But don't hold your breath, either. Stay positive, brosef.
Go back and do the homework assignment I gave to the others.

HERE is a thread I started today. I don't often start new threads, because it really is a challenge to come up with a unique discussion that doesn't revolve around something that happened THAT day. Any tips on coming up with good threads?

I love threads like this. So inaccurate, utter spam traps and it makes me feel so superior when I respond.

Damnit Killjoy! You know I thrive on being a douchebag to morons that make threads like this! Why would you take this moment from me?

In retrospect, I decided NOT to go for it, because for once I didn't want to be the dick that crushed some poor kid's soul. The "what does TNA need to do to compete with WWE" thread is so over-done, but it's hilarious when it's done like THIS. At least when people bring up legitimate strategies like getting in with a bigger network, advertising in specific locations and times to reach certain demographics, or doing traveling shows to give them a bigger feel...at least when that happens I can actually discuss the possibility.

Threads like this only encourage recovering rage-aholics like me to lash out...

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