Anyone Else Been Noticing A Lot Of Spammers Lately?


The Cerebral Assassin
I post a lot of threads in the non-spam wrestling sections, and I read a lot of other ones as well, and I've been noticing that alot of newer members haven't been reading the rules very well, and seem to be posting a lot of general comments that are about a sentence or two long that don't really make much of a point.

Now I think the staff does a very good job, so by no means am I putting any blame on them. I just feel as though a lot of new members are spamming these threads. Now, I know this will always happen, but I feel like it's happening a bit more.

Has anyone else been noticing this at a higher frequency, or is it just me?

P.S. This isn't a complaint or anything, just an observation that I'm wondering if anyone else has seen as well.
It's WM season, we typically pick up a bunch of new & returning posters this time of year, many of which either don't understand or don't give a shit about the spam rules.

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