I was in Pathmark while I was living at college. My roommate was with me. We had a few items on the belt and an indian woman and her overweight son was in front of us. One of the items I had was a pack of low-fat cupcakes. Well, Curry Man's chubby nephew wanted to see what other goodies I had. I was standing in front of the groceries, so the kid had to squeeze past me in order to check out what I was buying. He proceeded to touch and pick up a bunch of my items to see what I had. Dissatisifed, he went to go back to his mother, who was apologizing to me and telling him to cme back.
WEEEELLLLLLLL...tubby tried to squeeze past me again, and had his hands on me trying to get through. Fortunately my back was to me and not my front, but I wasn't fond of the 10-year old's grubby sausage fingers on my ass. So without missing a beat, I looked back at him and, in front of his mother, my roomate, and the check out clerk, I firmly said - "Fat kid, stop touching me."
Needless to say he and I did not interact again for the remainder of the transaction.