Santa #IC25

And Monkey, can't forget my long lost brother: I'd get him a matching set of Batman and Heath Ledger Joker chibi dolls.

For being long lost brothers we know each other so well. I'd get you all of kane's masks. In a nice commemorative box, the bottom would be in oak with a red felt top. Surrounded in glass. Fuck yeah bitches, I love my brother.
Rick is a republican, right? Not up to par with anything in the government this year. Gotta break out the voters card soon though. I just figured if you were thinking about him, you might be a republican.
Rick is a republican, right? Not up to par with anything in the government this year. Gotta break out the voters card soon though. I just figured if you were thinking about him, you might be a republican.

The fact you mentioned Rick Perry most likely

Look at the things I grouped him with, they were not positive. The whole point of that post was to show that just because something is thought of, it doesn't mean that it is in a positive way. I can not believe that I am having to explain this to multiple people.
Also, I'd get the following people these items.

IC25 - A loss to the Lions to secure a playoff spot in case we lose to San Diego. Oh yeah, and then beating the Packers once again in the playoffs. Count on it!

D-Man - A big box of porn, and tickets to the next porn convention. Oh, and lots oh sanitizer.

NorCal - Iron, so he can pump it.

Theo - A custom tailored suit from versace, with a lovely bow tie of his choice. It will be Legend...wait for it...Dary!

Coco - D-Man's head on a stick. Like Jose, but way funnier. Sorry, D-Man.

Ricky - A spark, so we can reignite Ricky_Mania. Only the most dominant tag team and budding bromance on the forums. Do you remember Ricky? I do...I do.

Milenko - A god damn brain.
Look at the things I grouped him with, they were not positive. The whole point of that post was to show that just because something is thought of, it doesn't mean that it is in a positive way. I can not believe that I am having to explain this to multiple people.

Sorry, I haven't kept up with anything political in a while. What's wrong with Perry?
I would give Mr.Santo an extremely large Russian pride shrine.

I would also give Brohan one more match.

Finally I would give awesome_miz an hour alone in a bedroom with Kim kardashian.
Ryan86 - CM Punk T-shirt.
awesome_miz - hammer (useful for breaking computers).
Captain Morgan's Rum - Captain Morgan's Rum
Sully - The ability to undo one mistake
Everybody else - Cheap chocolates and toiletries from the nearest pound-stretcher.
Ryan86 - CM Punk T-shirt.
awesome_miz - hammer (useful for breaking computers).
Captain Morgan's Rum - Captain Morgan's Rum
Sully - The ability to undo one mistake
Everybody else - Cheap chocolates and toiletries from the nearest pound-stretcher.

We got them all the same gifts... aawwwkward!!
Ty - Some nice cognac or a bottle of whiskey. Or I'll have you try Kraken Rum. Though you aren't a fan of rum if I recall.

Monkey - Sawed off Shotgun for the zombie apocalypse.
This will be lame, but whatever.

IC25: To make him a Vikings fan for a day so he can feel my pain.

D-Man: One way ticket to the fountain of youth

J-Goose: A giant piece of fish

JGlass: Nothing. All kidding aside, Id get him a ride into PA to hangout with yours truly.

Charlie: See JGlass

Monkey: An endless supply of jager and beer. Plus two shot glasses and beer glasses. One for him and one for me.

Dewey: Rolling Rock

Norcal: Anything he wants cause he could kill me

SNS: Burritos and Blue Moon

Phatso: The greatest collection of music assembled

CH David: His own radio station

Ricky: A time machine so he could go back in time and attend Survivor Series with us.
So far all I've gotten is a regifted olive branch, store credit to wherever awesome_miz shopped, a kick in the ass, 1st place in an Evan Bourne lookalike contest, and 8 dreidels. The DVD is really the only gift I want.

Here's how you give gifts...

IC- The number of someone who actually looks like Santa.
D-Man- I could go a lot of different directions here, but I'm going with several Affliction shirts. No, not because you supposedly love them so much, but so that you finally have enough that it warrants the jokes made around here about it.
NorCal- A Marvin Gaye CD, so when he's romancing women this doesn't come on...

J-Goose- Real cigarettes
Everyone named below or not named at all- My permission to ignore all the NJexus in-jokes, and the fact that I acknowledge that we're extremely obnoxious about it.
Doc- A better microphone for all of your online exploits
Coco- The olive branch you gave me. You can keep it, I'm about to get one of my own anyway from...
Lee- The number of a good proctologist. Just kidding of course, I couldn't help myself. I'm going to get you a framed copy of the box art of MarioKart 64.
Crock- A one way ticket out of Utah. Seriously, we have more posters from fucking Puerto Rico than we do from Utah.
Killjoy- A coupon redeemable for one full week of me acknowledging that you are from Puerto Rico and you don't work at Taco Bell.
Charlie- Pot smoking expertise
Xfear- A ticket to Massachusetts to make Charles an expert pot smoker.
Nate- Oh, I get it, you're giving me dreidels because it's a symbol of my holiday. Well I'm giving you 12 Christmas trees. Good luck with finding a place for all of that shit, asshole.
KB- Someone to read all of your reviews.
Phatso- A program with spellcheck.
Theo- A DVD copy of the movie I'm making about you.
CH David- A worthy co-host.
LSN- A restraining order for Dave.
Dave- A trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to violate that restraining order.
Sam- A Jewfro.
Milenko- A brain
Slyfox- A heart
Brohan- Courage (to be yourself)
Justin- A prostitute that dresses like comicbook babes.
Stormtrooper- A week of optimism for the Jets.
Sam- A crumpled up Rey Mysterio mask sent in a soaking wet box for him to open dramatically to remind him of who his REAL favorite wrestler is.
Coco- I guess I didn't give you a real gift yet. How about a look into the boardroom to see whether anyone is talking about your or not.
Ty Burna- A reverse-Michael Jackson skin coloration thing.
Harthan- A reality check. Cleveland sucks.
FunKay- A ticket to see WrestleMania 30 at MSG with the Triad. I'm sending it now, but I didn't feel like buying another canoe, so I'm just sending via message in a bottle.
Blue Chipper- An acknowledgement that he won.
Naitch- An Erin Andrews' style photoshoot of Tara.
Barbosa- A time machine so he can go back in time and see how right he is... or if he's crazy wrong which would be awesome in it's own right.
Gelgarin- The ability to not pop a vein over the fact that I used it's instead of its in that Barbosa's gift (it was intentional, I swear).
Me- Something better to do than make all these shitty jokes. For fuck's sake...

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